Birouri din Romania, volumul 3

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Monolit Square

Sediul UniCredit }iriac Bank

Willbrook Platinum Business & Convention Center

LSG Head Office Building


Imobil birouri Poligrafiei

CSDA Siriului



The Office

igloobest l birouri din românia 3

Two years after the issue of the last igloobest volume dedicated to office buildings, this book brings to the architectural attention of the nation a series of 14 new buildings. Quite different, both in footprint and dimensions, particularly in architectural approach, the selection of the present book offers quite a wide reflection on the phenomenon. Although we are talking about a relatively simple program, with efficiency as the key word, the architecture finds itself well represented, a sign that not only the two concepts are not opposed, but also go well together. It is important to state that each project and each building is backed by a solid concept, centred either on economic or energetic efficiency, or rather on the building’s power of representation.


din România

Dup` doi ani de la publicarea ultimului volum din colec]ia igloobest dedicat cl`dirilor de birouri, cartea de fa]` propune aten]iei arhitecturale a na]iunii un num`r de 14 noi cl`diri. Foarte diferite, atât ca suprafe]e [i dimensiuni, dar mai ales ca abordare arhitectural`, selec]ia ofer` o oglind` destul de ampl` a fenomenului. De[i e vorba de un program relativ simplu, pentru care eficien]a este cuvântul de ordine, arhitectura se g`se[te bine reprezentat`, semn c` cele dou` no]iuni nu numai c` nu se resping, dar pot face cas` bun` împreun`. E important de remarcat c` fiecare proiect, fiecare cl`dire are în spate un concept solid, fie el centrat pe eficien]a economic` sau energetic`, fie mai degrab` pe for]a de reprezentare a cl`dirii.

Nusco Tower

Liberty Technology Park Cluj


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Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a României Birouri din România / texte: Viorica Buic` (coord.), Oana T`nase, Andreea Petra Brezan ; trad.: Samuel W. F. Onn ; concept grafic: Corina Gabriela Duma = Office buildings in Romania. – Bucure[ti : Igloo, 2008vol. ISBN 978-973-88404-3-0 Vol. 3 / pref.: Bruno Andre[oiu ; text.: Reka }ugui, Ioana Diaconu, Anca Rotar, Catrinel Negru ; trad.: Ioana Diaconu. 2014. - ISBN 978-606-8026-35-0 I. Andre[oiu, Bruno (pref.) II. }ugui, Reka (text.) III. Diaconu, Ioana (text.) IV. Rotar, Anca (text.) V. Negru, Catrinel (text.) VI. Diaconu, Ioana (trad.) 72.05(084) 728(498)(084)

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BIROURI din Rom창nia Office Buildings in Romania


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Sumar l Birouri din Rom창nia 3 l igloo best l 05_05

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l Bruno Andre[oiu l Birouri din Rom책nia al 3-lea l prefa]`


l igloo architecture, Oro Design l Monolit Square


l Hoffman & Janz ZT GmbH, Baumarc Proiect l SkyTower


l Westfourth Architecture l Sediul UniCredit }iriac Bank


l DE3 grup l Birouri Mapcom


l Andreescu & Gaivoronschi l Incuboxx


l Urban Office l LSG Head Office Building


l DD Design Studio l Imobil birouri Poligrafiei


l Chapman Taylor, Arhimar l Liberty Technology Park Cluj


l Zebra 3 & Point Zero l CSDA Siriului


l West Group Architecture l Global City Business Park


l Arhimar l Aggressione


l Westfourth Architecture l Nusco Tower


l Andreescu & Gaivoronschi l The Office


l Alpha Studio, Grapthech l Willbrook Platinum


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Birouri din Romånia al 3-lea Office Buildings in Romania the 3rd Gata, inevitabilul s-a produs: colec]ia igloobest î[i trece în palmaresul cartonat [i al treilea volum dedicat cl`dirilor de birouri na]ionale. Era, dup` cum au spus majoritatea criticilor, [i cazul. Literatura de specialitate trebuia musai s` reflecte realitatea câmpului de lupt` (arhitectural`), iar cine altcineva o putea face mai bine, mai profesionist, mai solid [i în acela[i timp mai delicat (cei care nu suport` lauda de sine sunt ruga]i s` coboare din vagoane), dac` nu igloobest? C`ci da, dup` atâ]ia ani de ]inut banii la [oseta paradisurilor fiscale (asta e desigur o r`utate f`r` acoperire, deci cer scuze, dar nu retractez, c` sun` bine), investitorii par s`-[i fi reg`sit aplombul [i gustul de a construi. O fi efectul stabilit`]ii politice, al conflictului din Crimeea, al spleen-ului generat de cash-ul ]inut prea îndelung în banc`…? Eu, unul, m-a[ bucura s` aflu c` de fapt e vorba de o revenire a tendin]elor s`n`toase de cre[tere economic`. De fapt, nu [tim, dar constat`m cu satisfac]ie c` lucrurile încep s` se mi[te din nou, iar asta trebuie musai documentat de o editur` serioas` [i vigilent`. Intermezzo: m-am întrebat întotdeauna dac` cite[te cineva prefa]a la o astfel de carte. Neg`sind un r`spuns satisf`c`tor, m-am gândit s` fac un test. Deci, cine va citi aceste rânduri [i va trimite un e-mail la adresa cu textul „am citit prefa]a” va primi un Porsche Cayenne sau un BMW X6, nu [tiu sigur. Sau un tort? Nici de la cine sau când va primi nu [tiu, dar oricum va avea o mare bucurie. Iar noi vom [ti cine [i cât cite[te. Revenind acum, cartea de fa]` propune aten]iei arhitecturale a na]iunii un num`r de 14 cl`diri de birouri (office buildings, cum se zice în jargonul de specialitate) care se înal]` seme]e spre cerul schimb`tor al patriei. Foarte diferite, atât ca suprafe]e [i dimensiuni (avem cl`diri între 950 [i 104 000 de metri p`tra]i [i între P+1 [i P+37), dar mai ales ca abordare arhitectural`, selec]ia c`r]ii de fa]` ofer` o oglind` destul de ampl` a fenomenului. „Metalul [i sticla”, atât de blamate (categorial [i inept) de publicul u[or retard al frustra]ilor antiprogres, stau aici al`turi de materiale mai pu]in blamate, ca plac`rile din lemn sau recuperarea înnoitoare a unor construc]ii vechi, din c`r`mid` aparent`. Paleta materialelor [i a formelor folosite de arhitec]i e deci larg`, m`sur` a unei s`n`toase dinamici a modului de abordare a arhitecturii cl`dirilor de birouri. De[i e vorba de un program relativ simplu, pentru care eficien]a este cuvântul de ordine, arhitectura se g`se[te bine reprezentat`, semn c` cele

Well, the unavoidable occurred: igloobest welcomes into its hardcover track record the third volume dedicated to nationwide office buildings. It was, as stated by most critics, about time it happened. The scientific literature needed by all means to reflect the reality of the (architectural) battleground, and who else could do it better, more professional, more reliable, yet more delicate (those who cannot stand self-praise please leave this train), but igloobest? Because indeed, after so many years of keeping their money in the sock of fiscal paradise (this is definitely a groundless malice, so I apologize, but I don’t take it back, as it sounds good), the investors seem to have regained their composure and the taste for building. Be it the result of political stability, of the conflict in Crimea, of the spleen generated by all that cash kept for so long in the bank…? I for one would be happy to find out this is actually all about the re-emergence of healthy directions in economic development. In fact, we don’t know, but we do note with satisfaction that things are starting to get moving once again, and this needs by all means to be documented by a reliable and vigorous publisher. Intermezzo: I always wondered if anyone reads the foreword to this kind of books. In the absence of a satisfactory answer, I thought I’d make a test. Therefore, whoever reads these lines and sends an email to with “I read the foreword”, will win a Porsche Cayenne or a BMW X6, I’m not sure. Or be it a cake? I don’t know who will bake it or when, either, but anyway, it will be a joy. And we will find out who reads and how much. Going back to the subject, this book brings to the architectural attention of the nation a series of 14 office buildings that daringly rise towards the changing skies of the motherland. Quite different, both in footprint and dimensions (we have buildings ranging from 950 to 104 000 square meters and from 2 to 37 floors), and particularly in architectural approach, the selection of the present book offers quite a wide reflection on the phenomenon. ‘The metal and glass’, so widely accused (categorically and foolishly) by the slightly retarded public of anti progress hung-ups, sit here among less blamed materials, such as wood cladding or the renovating recovery of old constructions with apparent bricks. Thus the range of materials and shapes is broad, the extent of a healthy

dou` no]iuni nu numai c` nu se resping, dar pot face cas` bun` împreun`. E, deci, important de remarcat c` fiecare proiect, fiecare cl`dire are în spate un concept solid, fie el centrat pe eficien]a economic` sau energetic`, fie mai degrab` pe for]a de reprezentare a cl`dirii, incluzând \n aceasta [i raportarea la cadrul construit învecinat sau preexistent. Probabil cu un plus pentru a doua abordare, arhitectura are totu[i de câ[tigat în ambele situa]ii. Spuneam, într-o prefa]` a unui volum anterior, c` num`rul cl`dirilor de birouri construite reprezint` un fel de barometru al st`rii economice a unui teritoriu. M-a[ repeta pu]in, cu certitudinea c` lucurile adev`rate nu stric` s` fie spuse de mai multe ori. Conectate, mai mult decât orice alt tip de construc]ie, la motoarele [i parametrii dezvolt`rii economice, birourile ofer` indicii, prin num`rul, dimensiunile [i calitatea lor, privind dinamica economic`. Ca de obicei, Bucure[tiul ]ine capul de afi[ prin num`rul de cl`diri publicate, dar este bine [i s`n`tos contrabalansat de realiz`ri remarcabile din alte ora[e – Cluj, Timi[oara, Târgu Mure[. E desigur un semn c` dezvoltarea României este neomogen`, capitala adunând un procent mai mare decât ar fi probabil bine al investi]iilor importante, dar dimensiunea [i calitatea proiectelor ce apar în provincie îmi par un semn de bun augur. A[ spune, în final, c` e limpede c` cl`dirile de birouri [i-au g`sit [i în România un num`r de arhitec]i speciali[ti, numele birourilor de proiectare care le realizeaz` pe majoritatea sunt îndeob[te cunoscute [i prezente [i în celelalte volume ale colec]iei, dar avem [i new entries, semn c` domeniul nu este totu[i închis. Fiind un program extrem de riguros economic, investitorii prefer` s`-[i asume riscuri cât mai mici, ca atare apeleaz` la arhitec]i consacra]i. Din fericire, mai apar birouri mai pu]in rutinate [i cu mai mult chef pentru experiment [i inova]ie, ceea ce face ca lucrurile s` nu ri[te a c`dea în monotonie. Nu a[ intra îns` mai tare în detalii, c`ci v-a[ r`pi bucuria parcurgerii fiec`rui text înso]itor. Enjoy!

dynamic in the approach towards office building architecture. Although we are talking about a relatively simple program, with efficiency as the key word, the architecture finds itself well represented, a sign that not only the two concepts are not opposed, but also go well together. It is, after all, important to state that each project and each building is backed by a solid concept, centred either on economic or energetic efficiency, or rather on the building’s power of representation, including the reference to the neighbouring or pre-existing built framework. Probably with an edge in the second approach, the architecture has nonetheless a win in both cases. I was saying, in the foreword to a previous volume, that the number of office buildings that are being constructed is a kind of barometer of the economical health of a territory. I’d repeat myself for an instant, certain that there’s no harm in stating the truth several times. Linked, more than any other type of building, to the engines and parameters of economic development, the office buildings offer clues, through their number, dimensions and quality, to the economic dynamics. As usual, Bucharest holds the spotlight with the number of published buildings, but it is well and healthily balanced by remarkable accomplishments in other cities – Cluj, Timi[oara, Tårgu Mure[. It is of course a sign that Romania’s development is uneven, with the capital bringing in a higher percentage of investment than it probably should, but the size and quality of projects that emerge in the province seem to me a good omen. I would say, in the end, that it is clear that office buildings found in Romania a number of specialized architects, since the name of the design offices that made most of them are usually well known and mentioned in other volumes of the collection, although we also have new entries, a sign that the field is not closed after all. Having an extremely rigorous economic plan, the investors prefer to take risks as low as possible, and as such they turn to established architects. Fortunately, from time to time emerge offices with less of a routine and more of a spree for experiment and innovation, making things less prone to fall into monotony. But I wouldn’t go into more details, as I’d be depriving you of the pleasure of reading each accompanying text. Enjoy!

Bruno Andre[oiu l prefa]` l Birouri din România 3 l igloo best l 06_07

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igloo architecture, Oro Design l Monolit Square l Birouri din România 3 l igloo best l 08_17

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Monolit Square Monolit Square Monolit este identitatea investitorului exprimat` printr-un bloc de granit negru, omogen [i trainic, cu trimiteri misterioase c`tre artefacte ale civiliza]iilor \ndep`rtate \n timp sau spa]iu. Aparent brutal, volumul este \n fapt rezultatul unei atente negocieri \ntre concluzii urbanistice, vecin`tatea parcului [i constrângeri func]ionale. Urm`rind tocmai integrarea, racordarea, legarea contextului arhitectural [i vegetal, construc]ia se articuleaz` din linii frânte orizontale [i verticale \ntr-o compozi]ie \nchis` \n care prim-planul se deta[eaz` de fundalul neutru. Astfel, volumul major este un perete cortin` ce \nglobeaz` lumin` [i priveli[te prin configurarea sa, f`r` panouri opace [i f`r` elemente orizontale pe \n`l]imea nivelului, iar prim-planul este al prismei negre, plastica [i for]a static` ale acesteia reflectând identitatea [i aspira]iile companiei-client. Mineralul natural ce „\ngroap`” lumina este fisurat pe alocuri de liniile dinamice ale ferestrelor atent amplasate \n raport cu spa]iul interior, astfel \ncât peisajul s` se decupeze [i s` devin` vizibil fie din pozi]a de lucru la birou, fie din pozi]ia \n picioare. De[i straniu la prima vedere, acest monolit nu a fost dizlocat, ci se na[te chiar din acest loc, c`ci rampele de acces se decupeaz` dintr-o dal` masiv` de granit negru, vegetalul str`punge pe alocuri, iar echipamente de instala]ii sunt mascate \n chip de sp`rturi de roc`. Decupajul zonei de acces este singurul marcat pe fa]ad` printr-un portal din Corian alb ce \mbrac` cele dou` deschideri vitrate – justificate de orientarea c`tre dou` str`zi [i devine pretext pentru reluarea formal` a liniilor din logo-ul companiei. PROIECT ANVELOPANT~ / BUILDING ENVELOPE PROJECT

igloo architecture, arhitec]i/architects: Bruno Andre[oiu, Adrian Cioc`zanu, Ana Dinu]`, George Barbu, Andrei Creang` PROIECTANT GENERAL / GENERAL PROJECT

Oro Design, arhitec]i/architects: Oana R`dulescu, Gilda Ciobot`ra[u, R`zvan Salomia SUPRAFA}A TOTAL~ / GROSS AREA 3.600 mp FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2012

Monolit reflects the investor’s identity through a black block of granite, smooth and enduring, with mysterious references to artifacts from faraway cultures, both in place and in time. Seemingly brutal, the volume is actually the result of a careful negotiation between planning solutions, the close vicinity of the park and functional constraints. Looking precisely to integrate, wire and connect the architectural framework to the natural one, the construction is articulated through broken horizontal and vertical lines in a confined composition, whith the forefront standing out on the neutral background. Thus, the major volume is a curtain wall that encapsulates light and scenery through its configuration, without any opaque panels or horizontal elements at height level. The black prism is in the foreground, its sculptural form and rooted force reflecting the identity and aspirations of the client company. The natural mineral that ‘buries’ the light is fractured from place to place by the dynamic lines of the windows, carefully placed in respect to the interior, so the cropped view is visible either from the desk or from a standing position. Although strange at first sight, this monolith has not been dislodged, but actually emerges from this very spot, as the access platforms are carved out of a massive tile of black granite, pierced by vegetation here and there, while the installation equipment is masked as a crevice in the rock. The carving of the access area is the only mark on the façade, a white Corian portal which covers the two glazed openings – justified by the orientation towards two streets, and sets an excuse for the reiteration of the company logo’s lines.

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Westfourth Architecture l Sediul UniCredit }iriac Bank l Birouri din România 3 l igloo best l 28_37

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Sediul UniCredit }iriac Bank UniCredit }iriac Bank Headquarters Ca sediu principal al unei institu]ii financiare de prestigiu, cl`direa trebuia s` ilustreze atât prezen]a \n ora[ a acesteia printr-un obiect de arhitectur` cu o identitate puternic`, cât [i rolul s`u \n societate. Prin urmare, traducerea \n limbaj arhitectural a aspira]iilor privind identitatea corporatist` a constituit principala provocare a acestui proiect, care a \ncercat s` dep`[easc` simplitatea unui gest formal purtând sigla companiei [i s` se adreseze unui demers mai profund. Amplasat` pe Bulevardul Expozi]iei, \n apropiere de Pia]a Presei Libere, cl`direa UniCredit rela]ioneaz` la nivel vizual cu cele dou` turnuri ce alc`tuiesc complexul City Gate. Orientarea spre nord, intrarea \n ora[ [i prezen]a Pavilionului Expozi]iei au influen]at, de asemenea, deciziile privind configura]ia cl`dirii. |n timp ce compozi]ia City Gate este definit` de dualitate [i axialitate, pozi]ionarea excentric` a sediului UniCredit fa]` de axele majore ale accesului \n capital` au determinat folosirea translat`rii, torsion`rii [i deplas`rii ca unelte de alc`tuire a volumului noii cl`diri. |n urma acestui proces au rezultat spa]ii dinamice atât \n interior, respectiv \n atrium, cât [i \n pia]eta acoperit` ce reprezint` accesul principal. Dac` \n cazul turnurilor, dualitatea volumelor a facilitat atât crearea unor spa]ii urbane dinamice, cât [i iluzia mi[c`rii sugerate de rela]ia volumetric` a celor dou` cl`diri, aici acelea[i deziderate au fost realizate prin conformarea unui singur corp de cl`dire. Astfel, discursul despre axialitate [i excentricitate, \nceput odat` cu City Gate, este continuat \n acest proiect folosind un alt tip de argumente arhitecturale. PROIECT / PROJECT

Westfourth Architecture, arhitec]i/architects: Vlad Arsene, C`lin Negoescu, Onar Gerelioglu, Silviu Chi]u, Karoly Markos STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING



As the headquarters of a prestigious financial institution, the building was meant to illustrate both the company’s presence in the city, through an architectural object with a strong identity, and its role in society. Consequently, this project’s main challenge was to translate into architectural language the aspirations regarding corporate identity, trying to overcome the simplicity of a formal gesture by merely wearing the company logo and to resort to a more profound approach. Placed on Expozi]iei Boulevard, near Presei Libere Square, the UniCredit building visually relates to the two towers forming the City Gate complex. Its northern orientation, the city entrance and the presence of the Exhibition Pavilion all influenced the decisions regarding the building configuration. While the City Gate structure is defined by duality and axiality, the eccentric positioning of the UniCredit headquarters in relation to the capital’s major access paths led to the use of translation, torsion and dislocation as means of composition for the building’s new volume. This process resulted in the emergence of dynamic spaces both on the interior, namely the atrium, and in the covered piazza that represents the main access. If in the towers’ case the duality of the volumes facilitated both the creation of dynamic urban spaces and the illusion of motion suggested by the volumetric relation of the two buildings, here the same desideration has been achieved through the conformity of a single volume. Thus, the discourse on axiality and eccentricity, which began with City Gate, is continued in this project through the use of an altogether different type of architectural argument.

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DE3 grup l Birouri Mapcom l Birouri din România 3 l igloo best l 38_47

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Birouri Mapcom Mapcom Office Building Amplasat \ntr-o incint` industrial` dezvoltat` haotic, proiectul imobilului Mapcom a preluat o structur` existent` [i a reinterpretat-o \ntr-o cheie contemporan`, reprezentånd o prim` [i important` etap` \n reorganizarea \ntregului fond construit al parcelei. Pornind de la un schelet care nu promitea mult din perspectiv` arhitectural`, \nf`]i[area actual` a cl`dirii, rezultat al unui efort constructiv [i financiar asumat de beneficiar, are rol de semnal prin pozi]ionarea la strad` [i, totodat`, impune un standard ridicat pentru dezvoltarea ulterioar` a ansamblului. Proiectul Mapcom \nglobeaz` structura existent`, cu un regim de \n`l]ime P+2E, [i \i adaug` un etaj par]ial, care se deschide c`tre o teras` generoas`, precum [i un nod de circula]ie vertical`. Anvelopanta avansat` din punct de vedere tehnologic, realizat` din perete cortin` cu geamuri termo [i fonoizolante, asigur` un nivel crescut de eficien]` energetic`, oferind astfel utilizatorilor un climat optim. De[i \n`l]imea este destul de joas`, s-a acordat o aten]ie deosebit` circula]iilor verticale, cl`direa fiind prev`zut` cu un lift panoramic, cu \nchideri transparente autoportante pe toate cele 4 niveluri ale sale. Organizarea intern` a spa]iilor exploateaz` contextul parcelei, ansamblul fiind situat \n imediata vecin`tate a unei zone de loisir [i cu dot`ri sportive. |nc`peri deschise [i aerisite, prev`zute cu largi suprafe]e vitrate care permit un aport generos de lumin` natural`, compartiment`ri transparente, finisaje neutre, animate pe alocuri de prezen]a unor piese de mobilier intens colorate, toate sunt dovezi pentru preocuparea beneficiarului [i arhitectului fa]` de calitatea interiorului. PROIECT / PROJECT

DE3 grup, arhitec]i/architects: Oliver Nemes, Adrian Ro[ca, Radu Rusu CLIENT / CLIENT Construct Mapcom SUPRAFA}A TOTAL~ / GROSS AREA 610 mp FINALIZAT/ DELIVERED 2011

Set in a chaotically developed industrial site, the MAPCOM building project took over an existing structure and reinterpreted it in a contemporary key, a first and essential step in the reorganizing of the whole built area of the lot. Starting from a frame lacking in much architectural perspective, the building’s current look, the result of a financial and construction effort taken on by the beneficiary, emerges as a beacon in close vicinity of the street, setting a benchmark for the future development of the complex. The Mapcom project integrates the existing structure, a height regime of GF+2F with an additional partial floor that hosts a generous terrace and a vertical circulation nod. The technologically advanced envelope, comprised of a curtain wall made of thermal and sound insulating glass, provides an increased level of energy efficiency, offering the end user an optimal climate. Although not very tall, the vertical circulation benefitted from special attention, the building being equipped with a panoramic elevator with self-supporting transparent closures on all four levels. The spatial layout makes the best out of the surroundings, with the building situated in close vicinity to a leisure and sports area. Open and ventilated rooms, fitted with large glazed areas that allow for a generous intake of daylight, transparent partitions, neutral finishing materials animated here and there by brightly colored furnishing, are all a living proof of the beneficiary’s and the architect’s concern for the quality of the interiors.

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Urban Office l LSG Head Office Building l Birouri din România 3 l igloo best l 56_63

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LSG Head Office Building LSG Head Office Building Atunci cånd o echip` de arhitec]i creativ` [i decis` colaboreaz` cu un proiectant de rezisten]` curajos [i cu o firm` de instala]ii de ultim` genera]ie care este, \n acela[i timp, beneficiar, apare un imobil de birouri capabil s` scoat` din letargie frontul de blocuri comuniste din care face parte. Volumul const` \ntr-un parter liber, patru niveluri care respect` corni[a impus` de regulamente [i dou` etaje retrase, astfel \ncåt propor]ia predominant vertical` este adus` la un raport apropiat de p`trat. Cl`direa, situat` \n apropierea unei intersec]ii, este compus` din dou` volume – cel negru, spre strada de acces, iar cel alb, spre Bulevardul Ion Mihalache, principalul punct de percep]ie. Corpul negru este aliniat la fa]ada blocului vecin, \n timp ce corpul alb proeminent devine element-semnal. Ambele volume se prelungesc c`tre cele dou` str`zi prin loggii cubice \n consol`. Noaptea, loggiile devin corpuri de iluminat urbane, a c`ror culoare este dictat` de sistemul BMS al cl`dirii. Rolul LSG ca proiectant de instala]ii [i-a spus cuvåntul \n alegerea sistemelor performante energetic – panouri fotovoltaice pe \nvelitoare, imperceptibile de la nivelul str`zii, iluminatul cu LED, termoizolarea supradimensionat`. Suprafa]a de nivel este judicios zonificat` – scara \n dou` rampe amplasat` excentric este \nconjurat` pe trei laturi de birouri iluminate natural, iar la calcan, de spa]ii tehnice. Birourile beneficiaz` de mici terase acoperite, orientate c`tre toate cele trei fa]ade libere ale cl`dirii. PROIECT / PROJECT

Urban Office, arhitec]i/architects: Lilian Captari, Iana Captari STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

Incona, inginer/engineer: Mircea Neac[u INSTALA}II / INSTALLATIONS

LSG, inginer/engineer: Gerhard Lipcovich SUPRAFA}A TOTAL~ / GROSS AREA 2.200 mp FINALIZAT/ DELIVERED 2013

Whenever a creative and determined party of architects teams up with a daring structural engineer and a next generation installations company, which also happens to be the beneficiary, the result is an office building able to revive the surrounding line of communist blocks. The volume consists of an open ground floor, four levels respecting the cornice set by the regulations and two additional floors, more retreated, which take the prevailingly vertical proportion to a more square like ratio. The building, erected near an intersection, encompasses two volumes – one black, facing the access street , and another one white, oriented towards the Ion Mihalache Boulevard, the main point of perception. The black body is in line with the façade of the neighboring building, while the prominent white body becomes a signal element. Both volumes are reaching towards the street through cantilevered cubic loggias. At nighttime, these become urban lighting elements, whose color is dictated by the building’s BMS system. LSG’s expertise in installation engineering had its say in the implementation of the energy efficient systems – photovoltaic panels on the cover, invisible from the street level, a LED system and an oversized thermal insulation. The surface level is well balanced – the eccentrically placed two-rack stairway is enclosed on three sides by naturally lit offices and on the blind wall, by technical spaces. The offices benefit from small covered terraces, facing the three clear facades of the building.

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Arhimar l Aggressione l Birouri din România 3 l igloo best l 98_105

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Aggressione Aggressione Situat la marginea municipiului Cluj-Napoca, ansamblul Aggressione este format din dou` volume principale – un imobil de birouri P+1E, cu amenaj`rile peisagistice [i de spa]ii publice aferente, [i o hal` de produc]ie [i depozitare cu o suprafa]` de 3 505 mp. Departe de a „comite” un act de agresiune, autorii proiectului [i-au propus s` creeze un obiect de arhitectur` sensibil, atent studiat [i mult mai con[tient fa]` de \mprejurimile sale decât halele care \l \nconjoar`. Vecin`tatea Muzeului Etnografic al Transilvaniei, precum [i apropierea P`durii Hoia au prilejuit un gest de elegant compromis \ntre industrial [i natural, o „cutie” \ntre alte cutii, ce reflect` atât func]iile administrative desf`[urate \n interiorul s`u, cât [i peisajul \nconjur`tor. Asertivitatea sugerat` de numele companiei este enun]at` prin fermitatea riguroas` a liniilor fa]adei, puternic individualizat` prin prezen]a cadrului de lemn, material inedit având \n vedere programul de arhitectur`, dar care, aici, devine elementul principal. Acesta \nr`meaz` o structur` din materiale moderne – tabl` de cupru oxidat, sticl` verzuie cu tente ar`mii [i fa]ade-cortin` cu jaluzelele metalice exterioare – creând un amestec dinamic \ntre rece [i cald, familiaritate [i inova]ie, practic [i peren. PROIECT / PROJECT

Arhimar, arhitec]i/architects: Cristian B`nu], Claudiu Botea, Valentin Moldovan, Mihai Dr`gan, Horea Rusu (stud.) STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING




Located on the outskirts of Cluj-Napoca, the Aggresione ensemble consists of two main volumes – a two storey office building with corresponding landscape and public spaces, along with a production and storage hall with a surface of 3 505 sqm. Far from “committing” an act of aggression, the project’s authors set forth to create a sensitive architectural object, carefully studied and far more considerate of its surroundings than the neighbouring warehouses. The vicinity of the Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania, as well as the adjacency of the Hoia Woods, availed a gesture of elegant compromise between the industrial and the natural, a “box” amongst other boxes that reflects both the inner executive operations and the surrounding landscape. The assertiveness suggested by the company name is restated in the stringency of the facade lines, strongly individualised by the wood framing, a surprising material in the context of the architectural agenda, one that nonetheless becomes the main element. This encases a structure of modern materials – rusty copper sheet, viridescent glass with copper tints and curtain facades with exterior metallic shades – creating a dynamic mix between the cold and the warm, the familiar and the innovative, the practical and the ageless.

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Westfourth Architecture l Nusco Tower l Birouri din România 3 l igloo best l 106_115

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Nusco Tower Nusco Tower Amplasat \n apropierea Pasajului Pipera, Nusco Tower se afl` acum \n compania unor centre de afaceri [i comerciale precum Sky Tower, Promenada Mall, Skanska [i Bucharest One, \ns` la vremea demar`rii proiectului, contextul construit era definit de o construc]ie cu 6 etaje proiectat` la începutul anilor ‘90, un showroom de autovehicule [i o sp`l`torie cu o pozi]ie destul de inoportun` \n cadrul intersec]iei. |n aceste condi]ii, setarea con]inutului [i parametrilor viitorului imobil a presupus [i un efort de anticipare a sc`rii [i naturii dezvolt`rilor ulterioare. Astfel, Nusco Tower nu este o simpl` cl`dire de birouri, ci cuprinde [i un mic centru comercial situat la parter [i primul etaj, ce ocup` aproximativ 3 000 din cei 24 000 mp supraterani ai imobilului. Al]i 12 000 mp reprezint` suprafa]a a trei subsoluri ocupate de un parcaj pentru 320 de ma[ini. Dup` terminarea celor 18 etaje ale turnului, beneficiarul a solicitat extinderea sa printr-un spa]iu duplex pentru o func]iune special`, prin care cl`direa a atins \n`l]imea de 84 m. Cele dou` volume principale, articulate de traseul a trei dintre cele [ase lifturi panoramice, au fost concepute ca r`spuns la vecin`t`]ile lotului. Astfel, primul dintre acestea, orientat c`tre zona lacurilor din nord, este vitrat \n \ntregime, iar cel de-al doilea este opac, cu ferestre izolate, asigurând intimitatea \n raport cu construc]iile situate la sud. Scara mare a proiectului nu exclude aten]ia fa]` de detalii, eviden]iat` prin diafragmele triangulate din beton armat [i o]el, sc`rile arhitecturale care leag` cele dou` niveluri ale spa]iului comercial sau etajul tehnic cu utilajele suprapuse pe dou` rânduri [i ascunse în spatele unui ecran din lamele de aluminiu. PROIECT / PROJECT

Westfourth Architecture, arhitec]i/architects: C`lin Negoescu, Cristian Craioveanu STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

Inginerie Structural` SUPRAFA}A TOTAL~ / GROSS AREA 36.000 FINALIZAT/ DELIVERED 2009


Placed in the vicinity of Pipera Passage, Nusco Tower is now in the company of business and commercial centres such as Sky Tower, Promenada Mall, Skanska and Bucharest One, but in its initial stages, the built environment relied only on a 6 storey building designed in the early 90s, a car showroom and a car wash with quite an inconvenient positioning at the crossroads. Given the circumstances, adjusting the content and the parameters of the future building required an extra effort to anticipate the scale and nature of future developments. Thus, Nusco Tower is more than an office building, as it also accommodates a small commercial centre at the ground floor and first floor, occupying approximately 3 000 sqm of the 24 000 sqm of over ground construction. Further 12 000 sqm account for the extent of three underground levels occupied by a parking space for 320 cars. After the completion of the tower’s 18 floors, the beneficiary requested an extension for a duplex with a special function, bringing the building to a height of 84 m. The two main volumes, articulated by the tracks of three out of six panoramic elevators, were devised in response to the site’s surroundings. Thus the first one, oriented towards the northern lake area, is fully glazed, while the second one is opaque, with insular windows, ensuring privacy towards the southern constructions. The project’s scale does not rule out the attention to detail, highlighted through the triangulated membranes of reinforced concrete and steel, the architectural stairs linking the two levels of the commercial space or the technical level with its equipment overlapped on two lines and hidden behind a screen of aluminium blades.

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Andreescu & Gaivoronschi l The Office l Birouri din România 3 l igloo best l 116_125

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The Office The Office Situat \n apropiere de centrul Clujului, pe Bulevardul 21 Decembrie, cl`direa The Office se \nal]` ca un mic „ora[ \n ora[”, volumul fiind penetrat de str`zi acoperite, o reinterpretare a tipologiei specifice ora[ului vechi. Complexul rezultat se caracterizeaz` prin continuitatea fronturilor pe trei laturi (sud, est [i nord) [i prin ritmare c`tre vest, solu]ia „în pieptene” adoptat` aici oferind un nivel mai generos de iluminare. Caracterul public, deschis al parterului se reg`se[te [i la ultimul nivel retras, proiectat pentru a g`zdui o teras` [i o zon` de restaurant, de unde se poate admira fermec`torul peisaj al centrului istoric. Din punct de vedere structural, s-a optat pentru o arhitectur` „atectonic`”, \n care fa]adele cortin` \nvelesc stratificat osatura. Logiile, m`rginite de jaluzele fixe din ceramic` de culoare crem, \mpreun` cu lamelele din sticl` serigrafiat` [i por]iunile de sticl` colorat` de pe zonele cu fa]ad` dubl` dinspre sud [i vest ofer` dinamism \ntregului exterior al ansamblului. |n plus, membrana interioar` a fa]adelor duble este transparent`, iar cortinele de sticl` orientate \nspre est, nord [i cur]ile interioare sunt amprentate grafic. Pentru finisajele spa]iilor publice s-au folosit materiale naturale – piatr`, lemn, vegeta]ie [i pelicule de ap`, iar str`zile interioare care ritmeaz` dinamica spa]ial` beneficiaz` de o grafic` unitar`. Cele dou` subsoluri asigur` spa]iile tehnice [i locurile de parcare, parterul este destinat func]iunilor de servicii [i comer] – magazine, cafenele, restaurante, s`li de fitness, cabinete medicale, \n timp ce nivelurile superioare ad`postesc spa]iile pentru birouri. PROIECT / PROJECT Andreescu

& Gaivoronschi, arhitect/architect: Vlad Gaivoronschi


arhitec]i/architects: Szabo Andrea Katalin, Dan Damian, Alexandru M`l`escu, Mihai Ungur, Dan M. Munteanu, Alina Georgescu, Bogdan Ra] STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING



Placed in the vicinity of the town center, on Boulevard 21 Decembrie in Cluj, The Office building stands out as a small ‘city in a city’, with a volume pierced by covered streets, a reinterpretation of the old town typology. The resulting complex stands out through the continuity of its fronts on three sides (south, west and north) and rhythmicity on the west side, the ‘comb’ solution adopted herein offering a more generous lighting. The open, public nature of the ground floor is reflected by the retreated top level, designed to accommodate a terrace and a restaurant area, with a view over the charming cityscape of the old town. From a structural point of view, the choice went for an ‘a-tectonic’ architecture, whith the curtain facades wrapped around the frame. The loggias, bordered by fixed shutters made from creamcolored ceramics, along with the screen printed glass blades and the areas of colored glass on the double facade of the southern and western sides, lend the exterior a dynamic aspect. Furthermore, the interior membrane of this double facade is transparent, while the glass curtains facing east, north and the interior yard are graphically imprinted. The finishing materials used for the public spaces are all natural – rock, wood, vegetation and water films, while the interior streets that provide rhythm to the spatial dynamics benefit from a holistic graphical approach. The two basements provide the technical spaces and parking lots, the ground floor is designed for service and retail functions – shops, cafeterias, restaurants, gym and medical practices, while the upper levels host the office spaces.

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Caroiaj scoarta Birouri 3_Layout 1 25/07/14 10:22 Page 1

Monolit Square

Sediul UniCredit }iriac Bank

Willbrook Platinum Business & Convention Center

LSG Head Office Building


Imobil birouri Poligrafiei

CSDA Siriului



The Office

igloobest l birouri din românia 3

Two years after the issue of the last igloobest volume dedicated to office buildings, this book brings to the architectural attention of the nation a series of 14 new buildings. Quite different, both in footprint and dimensions, particularly in architectural approach, the selection of the present book offers quite a wide reflection on the phenomenon. Although we are talking about a relatively simple program, with efficiency as the key word, the architecture finds itself well represented, a sign that not only the two concepts are not opposed, but also go well together. It is important to state that each project and each building is backed by a solid concept, centred either on economic or energetic efficiency, or rather on the building’s power of representation.


din România

Dup` doi ani de la publicarea ultimului volum din colec]ia igloobest dedicat cl`dirilor de birouri, cartea de fa]` propune aten]iei arhitecturale a na]iunii un num`r de 14 noi cl`diri. Foarte diferite, atât ca suprafe]e [i dimensiuni, dar mai ales ca abordare arhitectural`, selec]ia ofer` o oglind` destul de ampl` a fenomenului. De[i e vorba de un program relativ simplu, pentru care eficien]a este cuvântul de ordine, arhitectura se g`se[te bine reprezentat`, semn c` cele dou` no]iuni nu numai c` nu se resping, dar pot face cas` bun` împreun`. E important de remarcat c` fiecare proiect, fiecare cl`dire are în spate un concept solid, fie el centrat pe eficien]a economic` sau energetic`, fie mai degrab` pe for]a de reprezentare a cl`dirii.

Nusco Tower

Liberty Technology Park Cluj


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