Case din România 5

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Only a year after the issue of the last igloobest book dedicated to individual housing, pleasantly impressed with the diversity and creativity of recent architectural efforts, we decided to present a new selection of interesting projects built in Romania. If, in the past, we have emphasised the normalization and maturation of the market and the relationship between architects and their clients, discernible in the visual coherence of the houses and the quality of the spaces and finishes, we are now glad to observe a penchant for conceptual architecture and innovative responses to problematic or unique sites and briefs, and even, we might say, a penchant for experiment.

igloobest l case din românia 5

La numai un an dup` apari]ia ultimului album igloobest dedicat locuin]elor individuale, ne-am hot`rât s` prezent`m un nou calup de proiecte interesante realizate \n România, pl`cut impresiona]i de diversitatea [i creativitatea abord`rilor arhitecturale recente. Dac` pân` acum am subliniat mai ales normalizarea [i maturizarea unei pie]e, dar [i a rela]iei dintre client [i arhitect, vizibile \n coeren]a vizual` a caselor [i \n calitatea spa]iilor [i a finisajelor, acum constat`m, cu bucurie, o aplecare mai mare c`tre concept, c`tre rezolvarea inovativ` a unor situri [i teme dificile/speciale, ba chiar c`tre experiment.


din România




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Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a României Case din România / pref.: Viorica Buic` ; texte: Viorica Buic`, Catrinel Negru; trad.: Anca Rotar. - Bucure[ti : Igloo, 2013 ISBN 978-606-8026-27-5 I. Buic`, Viorica (pref., text) II. Negru, Catrinel (text) III. Rotar, Anca 728(498)(084)

Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Ele sunt protejate de legile în vigoare privitoare la dreptul de autor. Orice reproducere total` sau în detaliu, prin orice fel de mijloace de copiere sau transmisie, este interzis` f`r` acordul editurii Igloo Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of Igloo Media. Bucure[ti, © igloomedia, 2013



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CASE din Rom창nia Houses from Romania




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Sumar l Case din Rom창nia 5 l igloo best l 05_05


l Viorica Buic` l Casele care ne plac l prefa]`


l STARH l Casa Turn


l ahaa l La curte


l Radu Teac` l Casa din cupru


l igloo architecture l Casa din p`dure


l Graphic Studio l Casa B.


l SYAA l Casa O.


l Prodid l Casa Gr`din`


l Vlad Gaivoronschi l Casa AB


l Parasite Studio l Casa Black on White


l Horia Reit l Casa Z.


l Andrei Mih`ilescu l Casa Dantela


l M창nadelucru l Casa V.


l A-prim Arhitectura l Casa D.


l Vlad Gaivoronschi l Casa cu lumini colorate


l Abrupt Arhitectura l Casa din garaje prefabricate


l Ene + Ene Arhitectura l Casa C.


l Drago[ Epure l Casa BF


l Parteneri




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Casele care ne plac Houses we like La numai un an dup` apari]ia ultimului album igloobest dedicat locuin]elor individuale, ne-am hot`rât s` prezent`m un nou calup de proiecte interesante realizate \n România, pl`cut surprin[i de diversitatea [i creativitatea abord`rilor arhitecturale recente. Dac` pân` acum am subliniat mai ales normalizarea [i maturizarea unei pie]e, dar [i a rela]iei dintre client [i arhitect, vizibile \n coeren]a vizual` a caselor [i \n calitatea spa]iilor [i a finisajelor, acum constat`m, cu bucurie, o aplecare mai mare c`tre concept, c`tre rezolvarea inovativ` a unor situri [i teme dificile/speciale, ba chiar c`tre experiment. Albumul se deschide cu o cas` realizat` de echipa Starh pe un teren restrâns din Bucure[ti, un proiect ce poate fi considerat un manifest al detaliilor personalizate. Cu pasiune [i minu]iozitate, arhitec]ii au creat un spa]iu-spectacol, care surprinde prin sute de am`nunte. Tot \n capital`, Prodid semneaz` o locuin]` modern`, \ndr`zne] \mbr`cat` \n Corten, ce exprim` \n acela[i timp o leg`tur` profund` cu trecutul, nu doar prin p`strarea amprentei casei interbelice, ci [i prin apelul la materiale [i tehnici tradi]ionale; \n timp ce SYAA, inspira]i de volumele puternice ale culelor oltene[ti, au conceput o locuin]` urban` special` nu doar prin distribu]ia spa]iilor, ci [i prin mixul de func]iuni. La Gala]i, echipa ahaa – premiat` la Anuala de Arhitectur` Bucure[ti 2013 – a regândit spa]ial, \ntr-o cheie ironic`, o cas` veche de tip vagon, \mbr`când-o \n tabl` zincat`. Finisajul exterior atipic locuirii atrage aten]ia [i \n cazul casei din Sibiu realizate de arhitectul Radu Teac`. G`sim rezolv`ri [i structuri inovative [i \n afara contextului urban: igloo architecture au gândit o cas` ce reia a[ezarea aleatorie a trei vreascuri c`zute unul peste altul pe covorul de frunze, asumându-[i cu putere amplasamentul, Abrupt Arhitectura au transformat, cu sinceritate [i curaj, cinci module de garaje prefabricate din beton \ntr-un „original” acas`, iar arhitectul Drago[ Epure a transpus esen]a arhitecturii tradi]ionale \ntr-o locuin]` desf`[urat` pe un singur nivel [i organizat` pavilionar, \ntr-o rela]ie puternic` cu gr`dina ce o \nconjoar`. Neputând s` cuprindem \n aceast` mic` introducere toate proiectele selectate, v` invit`m s` le descoperi]i, pe rând, cu pove[tile proprii.

Only a year after the issue of the last igloobest book dedicated to individual housing, pleasantly surprised with the diversity and creativity of recent architectural efforts, we decided to present a new selection of interesting projects built in Romania. If, in the past, we have emphasised the normalization and maturation of the market and the relationship between architects and their clients, discernible in the visual coherence of the houses and the quality of the spaces and finishes, we are now glad to observe a penchant for conceptual architecture and innovative responses to problematic or unique sites and briefs, and even, we might say, a penchant for experiment. The book opens with a house designed by the architects of Starh on a narrow lot in Bucharest, a project that may be considered a manifesto of customised detailing. With great passion and care, the architects created a spectacular space, with hundreds of surprising details. Also in the Capital, Prodid designed a daringly modern house, coated in Corten, nevertheless expressing a profound connection to the past, not just through the decision to keep the imprint of the original interwar house, but also through the choice of traditional materials and techniques. Inspired by the strong volumes of the traditional Olt-area kule, SYAA created a city house with a unique spatial layout and mix of functions. In Gala]i, the ahaa studio – one of the winners of the 2013 Bucharest Architecture Annual – used a good dose of irony in the redesign of an old row-house, covering it in zinc-coated sheet. The house in Sibiu designed by architect Radu Teac` also stands out through its unusual exterior finish. Nevertheless, innovative solutions and structures are not limited to the urban environment: the house designed by igloo architecture was inspired by the random disposal of three branches fallen on top of each other on a dried leaves carpet; assertively responding to the location, Abrupt Arhitectura has shown a lot of honesty and courage in transforming five prefabricated garage modules into an original home, and architect Drago[ Epure transcribed the essence of traditional architecture into a one-level house, organised as a series of pavilions and strongly connected to the surrounding garden. Unable to mention all of the projects featured inside the book in this small introduction, we invite you to discover them and their stories on your own, one at a time.

Viorica Buic` l prefa]` l Case din România 5 l igloo best l 07_07


STARH l Casa Turn, Bucure[ti l Case din România 5 l igloo best l 08_21

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Casa Turn The Tower House Proiectul desf`[urat pe un teren de dimensiuni mici, alipit la cele dou` calcane laterale [i cu o suprafa]` construit` pe nivel de numai 65 mp, a pornit de la o rezolvare planimetric` rectangular` [i eficient` pentru a se transforma apoi, în momentul constat`rii c` parcela este un paralelogram, într-un manifest conceptual spectaculos. Anvelopanta continu`, cu goluri p`trate aleatorii, disimuleaz` cu abilitate rezolvarea spa]ial` a interiorului – o linie diagonal` de-a lungul c`reia sunt dispuse sc`rile, diferite de la un nivel la altul atât prin pozi]ie, cât [i prin planimetrie, împarte nivelul curent în dou` zone inegale, ceea ce permite înc`perilor s` câ[tige în l`]ime pe una dintre laturi. La subsol sunt amplasate spa]iile de serviciu, la parter – curtea de acces, garajul, vestibulul, buc`t`ria [i terasa cu pergol`, la etajul întâi livingul, iar la urm`toarele, decalate pe vertical`, se g`sesc o bibliotec`, dou` dormitoare, cu spa]ii adiacente gândite pentru cele dou` beneficiare tinere, [i o teras`. Dintre sutele de detalii studiate [i realizate cu pasiune [i minu]iozitate se disting sc`rile [i parape]ii dintr-un singur plan de tabl` pliat`, galeriile din bare sub]iri de o]el-beton, pere]ii [i plafoanele din beton aparent, grinzile din lemn [i pardoselile dormitoarelor, placarea u[ii de la dining, precum [i piesele de mobilier proiectate special pentru acest loc. Îmbin`rile betonului aparent cu celelalte finisaje impresioneaz` prin elegan]` [i ingeniozitate – nuturile care ]in loc de plint`, convectoarele de pardoseal` încastrate, totemurile pentru prize [i întrerup`toare.


STARH, arhitec]i/architects: Florian Stanciu, Iulia Stanciu STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING





Built on a small-sized lot, this house connects to the two lateral blind walls and has a built surface per level of only 65 sqm. Initially, the project consisted in a rectangular, efficient building, and was later changed when it was discovered that the site, was, in fact, shaped like a parallelogram, thus creating a spectacular conceptual manifesto. The continuous envelope, with random square-shaped hollows, skilfully dissimulates the spatial layout of the interior – a diagonal line around which the stairs are laid out, differing in positioning and geometry from one level to the other. This line separates the levels into two unequal areas, which allows the rooms to gain additional width on one side. The underground level houses the technical areas, the ground floor – the access courtyard, garage, lobby, kitchen and pergola-covered terrace and the first floor – the living room, while the remaining levels, staggered on the vertical, house a library, two bedrooms, with several other spaces designed especially for the two young clients, as well as a terrace. Among the hundreds of details, carefully planned and painstakingly, but lovingly executed, those which stand out are the stairs and parapets, the latter made from a single folded metal sheet, the barrows made from thin reinforcing bars, the exposed concrete walls and ceilings, the wooden beams and floors of the bedrooms, the coating of the dining room door, as well as the custom-made furniture pieces. The way the exposed concrete is joined with the other finishes is impressive through its elegance and novelty – the coulisses act as fasciae, the floor convectors are encased and the sockets and switches are marked by totem-like objects.

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Radu Teac` l Casa din cupru, Sibiu l Case din România 5 l igloo best l 28_35

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Casa din cupru The Copper House Într-un context \n care pasiunea de colec]ionar a beneficiarului ar fi sugerat o solu]ie de factur` clasic`, arhitectul a optat pentru un gest extrem: casa a fost transformat` \n muzeu, combinånd propor]ia plin/gol a fa]adei, de inspira]ie tradi]ional`, cu materiale pre]ioase [i forme curate. Finisajul din tabl` de cupru reia tema \nvelitorii tradi]ionale, \ns` se transform` pe vertical` \n fa]ad` high-tech. Volumul cubic este divizat \n dou` corpuri zvelte printr-o zon` median` complet vitrat` – fa]ad` [i luminator – care aduce lumina de zi \n cele dou` sec]iuni ale casei, dezvoltate \n jurul unul hol central pe toat` \n`l]imea [i decalate cu jum`tate de nivel. Iluminarea zenital` inverseaz` raportul uzual \ntre umbr` [i lumin`: centrul casei este mult mai luminos decåt zona din apropierea fa]adelor. Holul, \nconjurat de niveluri deschise, serve[te ca spa]iu de expunere, iar sc`rile metalice transparente impun un parcurs muzeal de la un etaj la altul. Materialele naturale – singurele care pot c`p`ta patin` – men]in o rigoare formal` potrivit` cu ambian]a general`, \ns` departe de orice stereotip: placajul de piatr` al demisolului se transform` \n jardiniere terasate, ferestrele \n benzi verticale respect` ritmul få[iilor din tabl` \mbinate cu fal]uri, structura metalic` a supantei placate cu sticl` aduce un aer contemporan acoperirii \n pant`. Suprafe]ele interioare sunt predominant albe, servind drept fundal colec]iei de art`. Singurul accent cromatic – parchetul Jatoba puternic vibrat – reia la interior nuan]a plac`rii din cupru [i unific` la nivel vizual imaginea de ansamblu a casei.


arhitec]i/architects: Radu Teac`, Peter Marx, Raluca Velescu STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING




In a context where the owner’s hobby of collecting works of art could have suggested a more classical solution, the architect opted for an extreme gesture: the house was transformed into a museum, combining the traditionally-inspired hollow/full proportions of the façade with precious materials and clear lines. The copper sheet finish alludes to traditional house cladding, but transforms vertically into a high-tech façade. The cubic volume is divided into two slender sub-volumes by a fully-glazed median area – façade and light well – that brings daylight to the two sections of the house, developed around a central, full-height lobby and staggered by a halflevel. The zenithal lighting inverts the usual ratio between shadow and light: the central area of the house is better lit than the areas near the façades. Surrounded by open levels, the lobby doubles as exhibition space, while the metallic, transparent stairs impose a museum-like trajectory from one floor to the other. The natural materials – the only ones that can develop a patina – maintain a formal rigor befitting the general mood, but far from any stereotypes: the stone cladding of the semi-basement transforms into terraced window boxes, the vertical strip windows keep the rhythm of the rabbet jointed metal sheet strips, the metallic structure of the glass-coated split level brings a contemporary air to the slanted roof. The interiors are mostly white, serving as a background to the art collection. The only colour accent – the vibrant Jatoba parquet – takes up the shade of the copper coating and visually unifies the overall image of the house.

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igloo architecture l Casa din p`dure, Corbeanca l Case din România 5 l igloo best l 36_43

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Casa din p`dure A House in a Forest Influen]at` genetic de amplasament, forma casei reia a[ezarea aleatorie a trei vreascuri c`zute unul peste altul pe covorul de frunze. Copacul, creanga, lemnul sunt elemente generatoare în tot ceea ce exprim` locuin]a formal [i tactil. Decupat din teren prin ziduri de sprijin, volumul se deta[eaz` de sol [i, asemenea coroanei arborelui ce se înal]` c`tre soare, î[i deschide progresiv nivelurile, în terase tot mai expuse c`tre lumin`, îndep`rtând astfel spa]iile principale de locuit de nivelul terenului, inevitabil umbrit. Func]ional, grup`ri de spa]ii u[or identificabile volumetric se aga]` întotdeauna de trunchi – golul vertical pe în`l]ime, de trei etaje, în care e suspendat` scara interioar`. Aceasta devine elementul central în jurul c`ruia zonele se grupeaz` pe jum`tatea în`l]imii lor [i, totodat`, elementul ce dicteaz` diagonalele fa]adei. În volumul a[ezat pe sol sunt cuprinse spa]iile tehnice [i o garsonier` destinat` personalului de între]inere, volumul intermediar con]ine trei zone distincte: zona principal` de zi, cea a dormitorului de oaspe]i, precum [i un studio, iar în cel superior reg`sim dou` spa]ii, decalate [i ele de scar`: dormitorul copilului [i cel matrimonial. Anvelopanta, în zona spa]iilor de zi, este o imagine 2D a p`durii surprins` într-un cadru de la mijloc în jos: alternan]` de plinuri placate cu lemn – trunchiurile – [i panouri de sticl` care le îndep`rteaz` unul de altul. Terasele [i balcoanele profit` de copertina vie format` de coroanele arborilor [i se las` subordonate acesteia material [i cromatic, prin folosirea lemnului [i travertinului în tonuri de frunze uscate, precum [i volumetric, prin închiderea cu balustrade de sticl` insesizabile. PROIECT / PROJECT

Igloo Architecture, arhitec]i/architects: Bruno Andre[oiu, Ana Dinu]`, Catrinel Negru, Mircea Stroescu, Dana Tigan STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

Igloo architecture, ingineri/engineers: Paul Sandu, Florentina Sandu PERIOADA DE EXECU}IE/ BUILDING PERIOD 2010-2013 SUPRAFA}A TERENULUI / SITE AREA 3282 mp SUPRAFA}A CONSTRUIT~ / BUILT AREA 550 mp

Organically generated by the location, the shape of this house was inspired by the random positioning of three dried branches fallen one on top of the other on the autumn leaves carpet. The tree, the branch, the wood are all generative elements for the shape and feel of the house. Cut out from the ground through the use of supporting walls, the volume detaches itself from it and, like the crown of a tree rising towards the sun, it progressively opens its levels in terraces that are gradually more exposed to the sun, thus placing the main living spaces as far as possible from the ground, which is inevitably shaded. Functionally, the spatial groupings, easily identified volumetrically, constantly cling to the tree trunk – the vertical three-level hollow space where the interior staircase is suspended. This space becomes the central element around which the areas are grouped mid-height and, at the same time, the element that dictates the diagonals of the façade.The volume placed on the ground contains the technical spaces and a studio meant for the maintenance staff. The intermediary volume contains three distinct areas: the main living area, the guest bedroom, as well as an artist’s studio, while the upper level houses two spaces, separated by the staircase: the child’s bedroom and the marital bedroom. The cladding corresponding to the daytime areas is a 2D image of the forest, framed “from the middle downwards”: an alternation of full wood-coated shapes – the tree trunks and the glass panels that separate them. The terraces and balconies take full advantage of the living canopy made up of the crowns of the trees and allow themselves to submit to it from a material and chromatic point of view, through the use of wood and travertine in the shades of dried leaves, as well as from a volumetric point of view, through the invisible glass rail enclosure.

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Graphic Studio l Casa B., Bucure[ti l Case din România 5 l igloo best l 44_53



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Casa B. B. House Pe un teren încadrat de dou` calcane, cu deschiderea la strad` de doar 9 metri, fapt ce a condus la apari]ia unei cur]i interioare intime, arhitec]ii au reu[it s` exprime volumetric a[tept`rile beneficiarilor (o familie tân`r`, cu doi copii mici) de la „acas`”: spa]ii generoase, luminoase, contemporane. Locuin]a este compus` din dou` volume de în`l]imi diferite (S+P+2 etaje în fa]` [i S+P+1 etaj în spate), articulate de un corp aproape complet vitrat ce ad`poste[te circula]ia orizontal` [i pe cea vertical`. Privit` din strad`, casa pare c` î[i folose[te „membrana” exterioar` pentru a delimita spa]ii ferite de ochii trec`torilor: parterul este retras, balconul se transform` în logie, parape]ii sunt plini, suprafe]ele vitrate mai mici [i mai pu]ine. Senza]ia este \ns` cu totul alta dac` ajungi în curtea interioar` sau în cea din spate: vitrajele acoper` zone mai mari, parape]ii sunt realiza]i din sticl`, terasele nu mai sunt acoperite. |n plus, spa]iile centrale ale casei – livingul, zona pentru luat masa, dormitorul matrimonial [i buc`t`ria – comunic` direct cu aceast` zon` deschis`, ceea ce face ca volumul de ansamblu s` nu fie perceput ca unul lung [i \ngust. Spre strad` se g`sesc un birou cu grup sanitar la parter, dormitoarele copiilor cu baie [i logie la primul etaj, iar la etajul al doilea un alt dormitor, cu baie [i ie[ire spre teras`. |n ceea ce prive[te finisajele, la exterior s-a optat pentru materiale cu aspect cât mai natural (terasele sunt acoperite cu deck, curtea intermediar` este pavat` cu piatr`, iar cea din spate acoperit` cu gazon), iar \n spa]iile interioare atmosfera general` de luminozitate [i confort este sus]inut` printr-o serie de detalii elegante.


Graphic Studio, arhitec]i/architects: Crina Popescu, Drago[ Perju, Anca Toma, Karoly Nemes, Remus Hâr[an STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING


On a lot flanked by two blind walls, with only a 9 m opening to the street, which has led to the design of a cosy interior courtyard, the architects managed to meet the expectations of the owners (a young family with two small children) regarding what “home” means: a series of generous, modern, well-lit spaces. The building is made up of two different-height volumes (basement + ground floor + two upper floors for the front volume and basement + ground floor + one upper floor for the back volume), connected by a third volume, almost entirely glazed, which houses the horizontal and vertical circulation corridors. Viewed from the street, the house appears to use its outer “membrane” to mark those spaces that are to be kept away from the eyes of passers-by: the ground floor is retreated, the balcony is turned into a loggia, the parapets are full, and the glazed surfaces are fewer and further between. However, the interior and back yard reveal a completely different mood: the glazed areas are larger, the parapets are in glass, and the terraces are no longer covered. Furthermore, the central spaces of the house – the living room, dining room, marital bedroom and kitchen – communicate directly with this open area, altering the perception of the overall building, which no longer appears long and narrow. Located towards the street are an office with its own bathroom on the ground floor, the children’s bedrooms with their bathroom and loggia on the first floor and an additional bedroom, with a bathroom and an exit towards the terrace on the second floor. As for the finishes, for the exteriors the architects chose natural-looking materials (the terraces have wood decking, the interior courtyard is paved with stone and the back yard is covered with turf). Inside, the general feel of light and comfort is emphasised through several elegant details.



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SYAA l Casa O., Bucure[ti l Case din România 5 l igloo best l 54_63

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Casa O. O. House Pe un teren foarte mic, \ntr-o zon` frumoas` din centrul Bucure[tiului, doi prieteni [i-au propus s` realizeze o locuin]` comun` – un mix de dou` apartamente urbane, fiecare cu câte o anex`-spa]iu profesional (respectiv un wine bar [i un studio de \nregistr`ri). Aceste func]iuni speciale, precum [i amprenta redus` a casei i-au determinat pe arhitec]i s` gândeasc` o dezvoltare [i \mp`r]ire pe vertical` a spa]iilor: wine barul [i duplexul unuia dintre beneficiari au ocupat subsolul, parterul [i etajul 1, având [i o curte mic`, iar studioul de \nregistr`ri [i cel`lalt duplex au ocupat mansarda cu teras` [i etajele 2 [i 3. A rezultat astfel o construc]ie cu 5 nivele [i 4 unit`]i func]ionale, iar apoi, \n`l]imea mai pu]in comun` pentru o locuin]`, precum [i stilul de via]` [i exigen]ele proprietarilor au condus c`tre 4 accese separate [i o scar` exterioar` semi-deschis`, inclus` \n anvelopa casei. Wine barul, aflat la subsol [i deschis publicului, comunic` direct cu strada printr-un spa]iu tampon al parterului. Volumul casei, inspirat de culele tradi]ionale, este unul compact, robust [i puternic, care doar las` s` se \ntrevad` distribu]ia special` a spa]iilor interioare prin jocul de plin [i gol al fa]adei. Acestea se desf`[oar` pe dou` niveluri [i au deschideri mari c`tre strad`, ceea ce imprim` o fluiditate aparte locuin]ei. Chiar dac` scara cl`dirii este atipic` (ca [i amestecul de func]iuni), proiectul p`streaz` [i aduce \n contemporan elementele caracteristice ]esutului urban \n care este inserat: curtea cu gr`din`, accesul intim, individual [i direct din exterior, acoperi[ul \n [arpant`, mansardat.


SYAA, arhitec]i/architects: Adrian Soare, Elena Dragu, Sebastian Lupea, Eliza Yokina STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

inginer/engineer: Simona Paraschiv PERIOADA DE EXECU}IE/ BUILDING PERIOD 2011-2012 SUPRAFA}A TERENULUI / SITE AREA 116




On a very small lot, in a beautiful central area of Bucharest, two friends set out to build a house where they could both live – a mix of two urban apartments, each with its own appendix functioning as a professional space (a wine bar and a recording studio). These special additions, along with the reduced imprint of the house, dictated a vertical spatial layout: the wine bar and duplex belonging to one of the clients were placed on the underground floor, ground floor and first floor, thus also enjoying the presence of a small courtyard, whereas the recording studio and the other duplex were placed on the terraced attic and the second and third floors. The result was a five-level building with four functional units. The height – unusual for a house – as well as the owners’ lifestyle and requests led to the design of four different access ways and a semi-open exterior staircase, integrated in the building’s envelope. The wine bar, located on the underground level and open to the public, communicates directly with the street through a buffer space on the ground floor. The volume of the house, inspired by traditional kule, is compact, robust and strong, only allowing a glimpse of the unique interior layout through the play on full/hollow on the façade. The interiors are developed over two levels and enjoy large openings into the street, which turns the house into a charmingly fluid space. Although the staircase is an atypical one (as is the mix of functions), the project brings and keeps into the present those elements that are typical of the urban tissue where the house is inserted: the courtyard with its garden, the intimate way it is accessed – individually and directly from the outside, as well as the ridged roof with its attic.

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Vlad Gaivoronschi l Casa AB, Timi[oara l Case din România 5 l igloo best l 72_79

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Casa AB AB House Aceast` locuin]` din Timi[oara ofer` un r`spuns natural cerin]ei de a adapta proiectul pentru dou` vârste, familia matur` [i tân`rul independent. Pentru a diferen]ia zonele de interes, arhitec]ii au apelat la metafore tactile [i spa]iale: parterul a[ezat, extins pe orizontal`, apar]ine p`rin]ilor [i „st` la baza“ etajului întâi – un volum puternic [i vertical locuit de fiul lor, în timp ce texturile – piatr` \n zona parterului, ca funda]ie solid`, pe care se construie[te structura din lemn a etajului, simbol al evolu]iei [i al cre[terii – subliniaz` înc` o dat` rela]ia dintre genera]ii. Punctul central al casei este curtea interioar` de tip patio deschis` pe o latur` spre gr`din` [i delimitat` pe celelalte trei laturi de principalele spa]ii de la parter – livingul [i dormitorul matrimonial. Curtea se continu` cu o teras` acoperit`, zon` de luat masa pe timpul verii, în rela]ie direct` cu buc`t`ria [i gr`dina. Alegerea materialelor exclusiv din gama natural` genereaz` o atmosfer` elegant`, dar nu lipsit` de dinamism, privirea cercetând în permanen]` culorile [i texturile expuse în suprafe]e de mari dimensiuni, cu riflaje, profunzimi [i umbre într-o continu` vibra]ie. Cu o structur` de grosime neverosimil de redus`, sus]inut` de cabluri [i inundat` de lumin`, scara conduce spre salonul de la jum`tatea nivelului, iar apoi spre apartamentul de la etaj. Acesta, asemenea unui post de observa]ie, se retrage în spatele unui riflaj din lamele de lemn [i se deschide spre exterior printr-un balcon de mici dimensiuni, într-o consol` îndr`znea]`, precum [i printr-o fant` vertical` orientat` pentru a observa r`s`ritul soarelui.


Andreescu & Gaivoronschi, arhitec]i/architects: Vlad Gaivoronschi, Alexandru M`l`escu, Dan Damian, Andreea Simici STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

inginer/engineer: Mic[a Gherasim PERIOADA DE EXECU}IE/ BUILDING PERIOD 2008-2013 SUPRAFA}A TERENULUI / SITE AREA 1690

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This house in Timi[oara offers a natural answer to the request of adapting the project for two different generations, the mature family and the independent young man. In order to separate the interest areas, the architects resorted to several tactile and spatial metaphors: the demure ground floor, extended on the horizontal, belongs to the parents and constitutes the foundation of the first floor – a bold vertical volume inhabited by their son, while the textures – stone for the ground floor area, as a solid foundation upon which rises the wooden structure of the first floor, a symbol of evolution and growth – further emphasises the connection between the two generations. The central spot of the house is the patio-style interior courtyard open on one side towards the garden and demarcated on the other three sides by the main areas on the ground floor – the living room and marital bedroom. The courtyard continues with a covered terrace which serves as a dining area in summertime and is directly connected to the kitchen and garden. The choice of using only natural materials generates an elegant, yet dynamic atmosphere, allowing the eye to constantly enjoy the colours and textures exposed on large-scale surfaces, with their corrugations, depths and shadows generating a continuous vibration. With an unbelievably light structure, sustained by cables and flooded with light, the staircase leads into the drawing room situated at half-level, and then into the apartment on the first floor. Similarly to an observation post, the latter retreats behind a corrugated wood surface and opens towards the exterior through a small but bold cantilevered balcony, as well as through a vertical slot meant for observing the sunrise.

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Parasite Studio l Casa Black on White, Timi[oara l Case din România 5 l igloo best l 80_87

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Casa Black on White Black on White House |n contrast cu atitudinea pro-construire, pro-spa]ii închise, de obicei mult prea mari în raport cu nevoile reale ale unei familii, arhitec]ii au analizat cu aten]ie profilul utilizatorilor acestei case [i au propus un plan adaptat cerin]elor lor specifice. Spa]iile de dimensiuni optime, perfect rela]ionate unele cu altele [i în raport cu exteriorul, se înscriu în conceptul general de arhitectur` – un corp de culoare închis` dezvoltat pe orizontal`, sus]inut la nivelul parterului de o serie de pere]i albi, independen]i. Parterul cuprinde buc`t`ria, diningul, zona de zi [i scara deschis` de acces la etaj, precum [i câteva spa]ii secundare. Prin compartimentarea etajului au rezultat o bibliotec` deschis`, iluminat` pe dou` laturi, dou` dormitoare, o baie [i un spa]iu de depozitare. Punctul forte al proiectului este seria de cinci gr`dini/ terase, cu caracteristici [i ambian]` diferite. Primul spa]iu exterior este curtea de acces, pavat` în totalitate, destinat` parc`rii auto. Dincolo de planul semitransparent al împrejmuirii la strad` se afl` al doilea spa]iu, „gr`dina de fa]ad`”, continuat` cu spa]iul liniar din lateralul parcelei, care conduce spre intrarea principal`. Cel de-al treilea este chiar terasa acoperit`, dar deschis` din dreptul livingului, care face leg`tura cu livada de mari dimensiuni din spatele parcelei – cea de-a patra gr`din` a locuin]ei. Ultimul spa]iu se dezvolt` pe latura opus` intr`rii [i este amenajat ca teras` plantat` a diningului. Amenajarea interioar` atent rezolvat` anuleaz` prezen]a tramei structurale [i a instala]iilor [i men]ine volumele la nivelul conceptual inten]ionat de autori.


Parasite Studio, arhitec]i/architects: Attila Wenczel, Claudiu Toma, Maja Baldea STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

Lbs Planconstruct, inginer/engineer: Cristian Lannert PERIOADA DE EXECU}IE/ BUILDING PERIOD 2009-2012 SUPRAFA}A TERENULUI / SITE AREA 880 mp SUPRAFA}A CONSTRUIT~ / BUILT AREA 230 mp

In opposition to the pro-building, pro-enclosed spaces attitude (the latter usually being much too large in proportion to the real needs of a family), the architects closely analysed the profile of the users of this house and proposed a plan adapted to their specific needs. The optimum-size spaces, perfectly connected to each other and to the exterior, are inscribed in the overall architecture concept – a dark volume developed on the horizontal and sustained on the ground level by several selfstanding white walls. The ground floor contains the kitchen, dining area, living area and the open staircase that leads to the first floor, as well as a few additional spaces. The first floor layout includes an open library, lit on two sides, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a storage area. The cornerstone of the project is the series of five gardens/terraces, each with its own distinct features and moods. The first exterior space is the access courtyard, fully paved, meant for automobile parking. Beyond the semi-transparent plan of the fence lies the second space, called “the façade garden”, which is continued through the linear side space that leads to the main entrance. The third space is the covered terrace, accessed from the living room area, which provides the connection to the large orchard at the back of the lot – the fourth garden. The last space is developed on the side opposite the entrance and is designed as a green terrace corresponding to the dining area. The carefully designed interiors obliterate the presence of the structural netting and the installations and maintain the volumes at the conceptual level intended by the authors.

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Vlad Gaivoronschi l Casa cu lumini colorate, Timi[oara l Case din România 5 l igloo best l 120_127

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Casa cu lumini colorate The House with Coloured Lights Amplasat` pe o parcel` dezvoltat` \n adâncime, \ntr-o zon` reziden]ial` din sudul Timi[oarei, locuin]a se aliniaz` la strad`, urmând, cu modestie, exemplul cl`dirilor din jur. Liniile exterioare simple [i curate ale casei las` \ns` loc pentru o via]` privat` bogat`, \n rela]ie cu elementele naturii, [i \nveselit` de lumini colorate. |ntregul spa]iu a fost imaginat ca un „instrument muzical”, în care camera de zi, dezvoltat` pe dubl` în`l]ime, este un loc viu, animat prin intermediul pâlniilor c`tre sud, ce amplific` lumina natural` care p`trunde la interior prin sticla colorat` diferit. Aici este totodat` integrat` „o promenad` arhitectural`”, generat` de un dispozitiv de niveluri decalate, cu direc]ii de vedere oblic`. Fasciculele de lumin` colorat` se reg`sesc [i c`tre est [i vest, în dormitorul matrimonial de la cota cea mai de sus [i \n dormitorul de la cota intermediar`, precum [i în b`ile aferente, generând atmosfera special` care este caracteristica cea mai important` a locuin]ei. Luminozitatea spa]iilor de la parter este asigurat` [i printr-o rela]ie direct` cu exteriorul – zona de zi [i buc`t`ria se prelungesc cu o teras` deschis` spre gr`dina din spate, dominat` de un nuc. Aceasta devine un fel de camer` \n aer liber, unde calcanul cl`dirii vecine, zugr`vit în alb, reflect` lumina de la r`s`rit [i apus [i ofer` intimitate. La interior, exist` câteva elemente care amintesc de regulile tectonicii acestei case, \n special grinda din lemn lamelar l`sat` vizibil`, sus]inând planurile acoperi[ului. Finisajele [i mobilierul, care stabilesc un contrast cromatic, contribuie la echilibrul [i calmul ce definesc, vizual, \ntreaga locuin]`. PROIECT / PROJECT

Andreescu & Gaivoronschi, arhitec]i/architects: Vlad Gaivoronschi, Mihai Ungur STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

inginer/engineer: Gherasim Mic[a PERIOADA DE EXECU}IE/ BUILDING PERIOD 2012-2013 SUPRAFA}A TERENULUI / SITE AREA 700




Located on a lot with a pronounced depth, in a residential area in the South of Timi[oara, the house adheres to the street front, modestly following the example of the nearby buildings. The façade lines are simple and clear, leaving room for a rich inner life, connected to the natural elements and enlivened by coloured lights. The entire space was designed as a “musical instrument”, where the double-height living room is a lively place, animated by the cone-like openings oriented towards the South, which amplify the sunlight that enters the house through the manycoloured glass. At the same time, the space contains an “architectural promenade”, generated by a system of staggered levels, with oblique viewing points. The coloured light beams are also present in the Eastern and Western parts of the house, inside the marital bedroom, located at the topmost level and inside the mid-level bedroom, as well as in the adjoining bathrooms, generating the special mood that makes up the trademark of the project. The rooms on the ground floor are also well-lit due to their direct connection to the exterior – the living area and kitchen are continued with a terrace that opens into the back garden, dominated by the presence of a walnut tree. The latter becomes a sort of outdoor room, where the blind wall of the neighbouring building, painted white, reflects the sunlight from the East and the West and offers privacy. Inside, a few of the elements are reminiscent of the tectonics of the house, especially the exposed laminated wood beam that sustains the roof. The finishes and furniture, which establish a colour contrast, contribute to the feeling of balance and calm that defines the overall aesthetics of the house.

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Drago[ Epure l Casa BF, Crevedia l Case din România 5 l igloo best l 140_149

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Casa BF BF House Corelând amplasamentul \ntr-un sat din apropierea Bucure[tiului cu dorin]a beneficiarilor – o familie \n vârst` – de a avea o locuin]` cât mai confortabil` [i simplu de utilizat, arhitec]ii au \ndr`znit s` se gândeasc` la o cas`-altfel: desf`[urat` pe un singur nivel, alc`tuit` din trei volume interconectate prin „pun]i” de sticl` [i cu o structur` \n totalitate din lemn. Chiar dac` la prima vedere casa pare un obiect inedit \n peisajul suburban, divizat [i incoerent, ea dovede[te conceptual [i prin detalii o apropiere de esen]a arhitecturii tradi]ionale. Masa construit` este redus`, l`sând loc unei cur]i ce poate fi folosit` [i pentru relaxare, dar [i pentru gr`din`rit, liniile curate ale volumelor se inspir` din hambarele ]`r`ne[ti, iar distribu]ia acestora pe teren este una pavilionar`, fiecare g`zduind func]iuni distincte. Dac` exterioarele sunt \mbr`cate \n cea mai mare parte cu tabl`, de culoare gri \nchis, la interior [arpanta [i lemnul sunt l`sate la vedere; se creeaz` astfel un ritm al spa]iului, dar [i o atmosfer` cald`, luminoas`, sus]inut` [i amplificat` prin geamurile mari, pân` \n pardoseal`. Contrastul de texturi [i finisaje este vizibil [i \n zona buc`t`riei, unde suprafe]ele de Corian alb intr` \n dialog cu lemnul recuperat. |ntreaga zon` de zi comunic` direct cu curtea semideschis`, m`rginit` perimetral de cele trei volume [i care se transform` \ntr-un loc de joac` protejat atunci când vin \n vizit` nepo]ii. De altfel, rela]ia puternic` cu exteriorul, gândit ca o prelungire a locuin]ei, este definitorie pentru acest proiect, chiar [i dormitoarele deschizându-se c`tre o zon` mai retras`.


Metropolis, arhitec]i/architects: Drago[ Epure, Vladimir M\ndru STRUCTURA DE REZISTEN}~ / STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING


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Correlating the location, a village near Bucharest, to the wish of the owners – an aging family – to have a comfortable, straight-forward home, the architects dared to think of a different kind of house: developed on one level, made up of three volumes connected by glass “bridges” and with a full wood structure. Although, at first sight, the house may appear like an atypical, segmented and incoherent object in the suburban landscape, it manages to prove, through its concept and details, its connection to the essence of traditional architecture. The building itself is rather small, leaving room for a courtyard that can be used for relaxation, as well as for gardening. The clear lines of the volumes are inspired by traditional barns and are also reminiscent of exhibition pavilions, as each one hosts a different function. The exteriors are mostly clad in dark grey metal sheets, while inside the framework and wood are exposed, which generates spatial rhythm, as well as a warm, sunlit environment, sustained and amplified by the large windows that descend to the floor. The textures and finishes establish a contrast that is kept up in the kitchen area, where white Corian surfaces are used alongside recycled wood. The entire daytime area communicates directly with the semi-open courtyard, flanked by the three volumes and able to be turned into a private playground when the owners’ grandchildren are visiting. In fact, the strong connection to the exterior, designed as an extension of the house, is what defines this project, where even the bedrooms are open towards a more private exterior area.

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Only a year after the issue of the last igloobest book dedicated to individual housing, pleasantly impressed with the diversity and creativity of recent architectural efforts, we decided to present a new selection of interesting projects built in Romania. If, in the past, we have emphasised the normalization and maturation of the market and the relationship between architects and their clients, discernible in the visual coherence of the houses and the quality of the spaces and finishes, we are now glad to observe a penchant for conceptual architecture and innovative responses to problematic or unique sites and briefs, and even, we might say, a penchant for experiment.

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La numai un an dup` apari]ia ultimului album igloobest dedicat locuin]elor individuale, ne-am hot`rât s` prezent`m un nou calup de proiecte interesante realizate \n România, pl`cut impresiona]i de diversitatea [i creativitatea abord`rilor arhitecturale recente. Dac` pân` acum am subliniat mai ales normalizarea [i maturizarea unei pie]e, dar [i a rela]iei dintre client [i arhitect, vizibile \n coeren]a vizual` a caselor [i \n calitatea spa]iilor [i a finisajelor, acum constat`m, cu bucurie, o aplecare mai mare c`tre concept, c`tre rezolvarea inovativ` a unor situri [i teme dificile/speciale, ba chiar c`tre experiment.


din România


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