Restaurante din Romania

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12_19 l Corvin Cristian l La Bonne Bouche, Bucure[ti l restaurante din românia l igloo best l

La Bonne Bouche Bucure[ti Bistro fran]uzesc clasic cu o nuan]` contemporan`, La Bonne Bouche s-a remarcat de la inaugurare prin imaginea sa echilibrat`, elegant` [i puternic`, f`r` lament`ri paseiste [i cu o corect` [i creativ` \n]elegere a necesit`]ii \mbin`rii dintre nou [i vechi. Spa]iul de pe strada Francez` unde se g`se[te restaurantul se afla \ntr-o stare avansat` de degradare, de aceea amenajarea a \nceput prin cur`]irea \ntregului spa]iu [i eliminarea finisajelor neadecvate; s-au p`strat \n schimb, ba chiar au fost f`cute vizibile, bol]ile de c`r`mid`, un stâlp din „piatr` de Paris” [i stâlpii metalici cu nituri, amplasa]i spre strad` [i descoperi]i dup` ce a fost înl`turat` o structur` improvizat` din gipscarton. Tâmpl`ria fa]adei – cartea de vizit` a restaurantului – a fost complet ref`cut` din lemn dup` modelul celor pariziene, îns` într-o culoare ce aminte[te mai degrab` de sudul Fran]ei. De asemenea, la interior, pentru pardoseal` au fost folosite pl`ci de ciment cu motive florale, un material tipic pentru Parisul anilor 1900. Amenajarea mizeaz` pe elementele clasice de bistro precum mesele cu picior de font`, bancheta, dalele cu motive florale, rafturile cu vinuri, dar le completeaz` inspirat cu accente contemporane, precum aplicele create de Tom Dixon sau lustra Taraxacum de la Flos, sau vintage: fereastra cu cercevele metalice dinspre buc`t`rie provine de la o fabric` din anii ’20 [i a fost adaptat`, cu nimime modific`ri, la arcada din interiorul restaurantului. Toate aceste elemente [i detalii prind via]` printr-o utilizare inteligent` [I diversificat` a luminii, \ntr-o scenografie cu adev`rat special`. Spre exemplu, în camera principal` exist` aproximativ 40 de surse de iluminat: unele lumineaz` mâncarea [i vesela, altele diverse texturi care altfel s-ar fi pierdut în umbr`, iar altele sunt strict decorative [i dau lumin` de umplere.


arhitect/architect: Corvin Cristian CO-AUTORI / CO-AUTHORS

Denisa Leonte, Claudiu Leonte FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2010

A traditional French bistro with a contemporary touch, La Bonne Bouche stood out from the moment of its inauguration through its balanced, elegant and strong visual identity. Far from being the expression of a lamentation for the past, the place shows a good and original take on the need of combining old and new influences. The building on Strada Francez` where the restaurant is located was lying in an advance state of decay. This is why the project began by cleaning up the entire space and eliminating the inadequate finishing materials. Nevertheless, the architect kept - and even emphasized - the brick arches, a “Paris stone” pillar and several metallic clincher pillars facing the street, which were only uncovered after the elimination of an improvised plasterboard structure. The woodwork on the façade - the restaurant's trademark - is a full reconstruction of a Parisian restaurant façade, but in a colour that is more reminiscent of the French south. Similarly, the floral motif ceramic floor tiles inside are typical of Belle Epoque Paris. The design focuses on classic bistro elements, such as cast-iron-footed tables, benches, floral tiles and wine shelves, combining them with contemporary elements, such as the Tom Dixon wall lights or the Flos Taraxacum ceiling light. There are also some vintage elements: the metallic window frame near the kitchen comes from a 1920's factory and was adapted, with minimum changes, to the arcade inside the restaurant. All of these elements and details come to life through an intelligent and innovative use of light, creating a truly special atmosphere. For instance, the main room contains around 40 light sources. Some illuminate the food and dishes, others bring forth certain textures that would have gone unnoticed in the shadow, while others have a strictly decorative function.

48_57 l {erban Sturza l Restaurant Negresco, Bucure[ti l restaurante din românia l igloo best l

Restaurant Negresco Bucure[ti Amplasat pe strada Stavropoleos din centrul vechi al capitalei, Restaurantul Negresco a fost amenajat pe dou` dintre nivelurile unei cl`diri construite \n anul 1882. Lucr`rile coordonate de arhitectul {erban Sturdza au avut \n vedere restaurarea fa]adelor [i reamenajarea spa]iilor interioare. Decora]ia parterului, de[i reprezint` o pasti[` a celei din Carul cu Bere a fost p`strat` cu scopul de a marca o etap` important` \n istoria casei. S-a \ncercat \n acela[i timp l`rgirea spa]iului interior prin introducerea unui [ir de oglinzi cu dimensiuni impresionante. Amenajarea subsolului a pornit \n schimb de la punerea \n eviden]` a interven]iilor preliminare de consolidare. Astfel, betonul aparent al pere]ilor constituie un fundal masiv pentru stålpii \mbr`ca]i \n delicatul strat suport de fresc`. Mai mult, pentru a evita imaginea \ntunecoas` [i ap`s`toare a subsolurilor boltite cu care neam obi[nuit \n \ntreg centrul vechi, echipa a optat pentru coborårea nivelului de c`lcare, pentru l`rgirea gurilor de aerisire [i pentru cre[terea gradului de iluminare prin crearea unor luminatoare suplimentare. Nodul de leg`tur` \ntre parterul care [i-a impus personalitatea prin decora]ia existent` [i spa]iul de la subsol s-a conturat pe parcurs, prin contribu]ia numero[ilor arti[ti rezultånd un traseu pre]ios [i str`lucitor. Scara \mbr`cat` \n sclipitorul mozaic auriu [i barul de zinc cu formele sale fluide, conduc vizitatorul c`tre inima restaurantului: vinoteca, un spa]iu p`zit precum o comoar`, cu o u[` metalic`, lucrat` de Fabien Monestier, compagnon ferronnier din Fran]a, \mpreun` cu elevii din }ib`ne[ti.


arhitect/architect: {erban Sturdza, Alexandra Culescu, Andreea Hangiu, Ioana Rusu, Raluca Mihalache, Mihai Cazan FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2011

Located on Stavropoleos Street in the historical centre of Bucharest, the Negresco restaurant takes up two levels of a building dating from 1882. Coordinated by architect {erban Sturdza, the works focused on restoring the façades and redesigning the interiors. The decoration on the ground floor, although a pastiche of the one in the Carul cu Bere restaurant, was kept, in order to mark an important stage in the building's history. At the same time, the architects aimed to enlarge the space through the introduction of a row of generously sized mirrors. On the other hand, the basement design aimed to emphasize the preliminary consolidation works. Thus, the exposed concrete walls make up a massive background for the pillars, which are coated in delicate frescoes. Furthermore, in order to avoid the dark and heavy atmosphere typical of Bucharest's historical centre, the team chose to lower the walking level, enlarge the air-shafts and bring in more light by introducing additional skylights. The circulation node between the ground floor, with its existing strong identity, and the basement space, took shape gradually, through the contribution of many artists, the resulting trajectory boasting a shining, precious look. The staircase, coated in a glittering golden mosaic, and the zinc bar, with its fluid shape, lead the visitor into the heart of the restaurant: the wine cellar, a highly treasured and protected space with a metallic door, made by Fabien Monestier, a French compagnon ferronnier, in collaboration with the students from }ib`ne[ti.

108_117 l Arhimus Sibiu l Casa Max, Sibiu l restaurante din rom창nia l igloo best l

Casa Max Sibiu Cu o mare pasiune pentru cl`diri istorice, elve]ianul Max Schweizer [i-a propus \n 2006, atunci c책nd a cump`rat casa cu num`rul 22 de pe strada Ocnei din Sibiu, s` deschid` un restaurant \n care clientul s` simt` c` a f`cut o scurt` c`l`torie \n timp. O c`l`torie pentru care toate elementele originale de valoare au fost p`strate, restaurate [i puse \n valoare: tencuieli de epoc`, por]iuni de fresc`, plan[ee pictate. Noua func]iune a impus deasemenea refunc]ionalizarea spa]iului interior al casei alc`tuite din mai multe corpuri de cl`dire alipite \n decursul a [apte secole. Acest proces de adaptare a unor spa]ii atipice la o func]iune modern` a implicat, pe de o parte, unificarea interiorului prin redeschiderea unor goluri de u[i existente blocate [i, pe de alt` parte, rezolvarea provoc`rilor ridicate de cele dou` spa]ii prin excelen]` contemporane: buc`t`ria [i grupul sanitar. Pentru inserarea buc`t`riei, spre exemplu, a fost nevoie de sacrificarea unor spa]ii, \n timp ce grupul sanitar [i-a g`sit locul \ntr-o \nc`pere boltit` cu penetra]ii, sub forma unor cabine rectangulare de joas` \n`l]ime, distan]ate fa]` de pere]i, pentru a nu interfera negativ cu textura deosebit` a bol]ilor de c`r`mid`. Amenajarea interioar` a casei Max, cu toate detaliile elementelor de t책mpl`rie, cu discretele corpuri de iluminat care puncteaz` bol]ile ori tavanele traversate de grinzi [i cu \ntreg mobilierul de mare rafinament completeaz` cu succes substan]a istoric` a cl`dirii, recuperat` cu at책ta grij`.


Arhimus Sibiu, arhitec]i/architects: Mihai }uc`, Teodora Capot`, Alexandra Popa FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2009

A great lover of historical buildings, Swiss-born Max Schweitzer bought the building at 22, Strada Ocnei in Sibiu back in 2006, aiming to open a restaurant where clients would feel as if they'd stepped back in time. This is why all of the valuable original elements were kept, restored and emphasized: the original coating, the frescoes and painted slabs. The new function also required a new layout for the interior, which is itself made up of several interconnected volumes gathered together along seven centuries. This process of adapting atypical spaces to a modern function involved, on one side, the unification of the interior through the re-opening of several existing door embrasures that had been shut and, on the other side, the solving of several problems raised by two explicitly contemporary spaces: the kitchen and the toilets. For instance, in order to insert the kitchen, several spaces had to be sacrificed. The toilets were placed inside an arched room with a punctured wall, taking the form of several low rectangular cabins, separated from the walls in order not to interfere with the unique texture of the brick arches. The interior design of the Max House restaurant, with all the woodwork elements, the discreet lighting bodies puncturing the arches or the beamed roofs and the refined furniture, successfully completes the building's painstakingly restored history.

156_165 l Nuca Studio l Club Phill, Bucure[ti l restaurante din românia l igloo best l

Club Phill Bucure[ti Str`juit de un vesel elefant, Club Phill îmbin` „interesele” mai multor categorii de vârst` [i propune un restaurant gourmet, o cafenea, un loc generos de joac` [i mai multe spa[ii multifunc]ionale destinate copiilor, toate sub umbrela unui design dezinhibat, colorat [i dinamic. Spa]iul este ordonat în principal de împ`r]irea pe cele dou` grupe de activit`]i specifice, îns` distribu]ia pe dou` nivele a cl`dirii, curtea situat` pe partea opus` accesului [i o serie de deschideri atent pozi]ionate creeaz` un permanent dialog vizual, ce induce ideea de intimitate [i securitate pentru ambele „tabere”. Dincolo de concept [i de structur`, ceea ce individualizeaz` cu adev`rat acest restaurant este designul vesel, organic, inspirat de benzi desenate, anima]ie [i de juc`riile-vinil: arhitec]ii au avut curajul s` propun` un imaginar inedit, cu figuri animaliere stilizate [I culori puternice, \ndr`zne]e. Pentru a ajunge la geometria complex`a ansamblului a fost nevoie de numeroase elemente personalizate, proiectate [i executate pe m`sur` pentru acest spa]iu, de la ramele deschiderilor circulare la profilele de trecere între tapetul de vinil cu patern Studio Job pe zonele de perete plan [i curb pe o singur` direc]ie [i tratamentul peretelui pe zonele cu curburi hiperbolice. Ar mai fi de men]ionat subtilitatea cu care în spa]iile comune se adun` [i/sau se suprapun semne ale mai multor genera]ii, cum se întâmpl` în cazul elefantului care ascult` lini[tit muzic` la un mp3 player.


Nuca Studio, arhitec]i/architects: Robert Marin, Andrei Rotariu, Mihnea Vieru, Mircea Adrian Mihai FINALIZAT / DELIVERED 2012

Guarded by a cheerful elephant, Club Phill combines the “interests” of several age groups, presenting itself as a gourmet restaurant, a café, a generous playground along with other multifunctional spaces aimed at children, all of them united by an exuberant, colourful and dynamic design. The space layout consists mainly in the division of the two main activity zones, but the two levels of the building, along with the courtyard that opposes the access way, and the several carefully placed openings all serve to create a constant visual dialogue, suggesting intimacy and security for all “camps”. Beyond the concept and structure, what really makes this restaurant unique is the exuberant, organic design, inspired by comic books, animation and vintage toys. The architects were brave enough to suggest an innovative design, with stylized animal motifs and bright, bold colours. In order to achieve the complex geometry of the ensemble, the architects had to introduce several unique elements, designed and executed especially for this space, such as the frames of the circular openings, and also the frames separating the vinyl Studio Job pattern wallpaper on the plane one-direction wall from the hyperbolic wall patterns on the other side. Also worthy of mention is the subtle union between the marks of several generations, such as the elephant peacefully listening to music on an mp3 player.

Madame Pogany

Restaurant Noir

Lacrimi [i Sfin]i

Restaurant Negresco

Via Cluj


Casa Max

Maison 13


Club Phill

igloobest l restaurante din rom창nia

La Bonne Bouche



din Rom창nia


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