The Queer Guardian - issue n.1

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t hequeerguar di an Thi si swhoweare

Onbehal fofI GLYO,COC andt heYout h Coal i t i on, hel l o and wel come t o Amst erdam! !

t hJ Mo nda y , 2 0 ul y2 0 0 9-Ams t e r da m

Snapshotoft heday

ref eel i ng wel lrest ed and Wehopeyou' readyf oranexci t i ngandf ul f i l l i ngweek. Thi sf i rstday' s goi ng t o be al labout get t i ngt oknow eachot herandf ormi ng a pi ct ure of t he si t uat i on f or LGBTQ young peopl e worl dwi de. We' re so l ooki ng f orward t o heari ng whatyou havet oshare.

t hequeerguardi ani nvi t esyout ovoi ceyouropi ni onandshar e i twi t ht her estoft hepar t i ci pant sont hi spage. . . Tel luswhatyout hi nkaboutt he conf er ence. . . t hepr ogr amme,pr ep-t eam, l ogi st i calt eam,communi cat i on t eam. . . . anyt hi ngt hatcomest omi nd. . . pl easedoshar ewi t hus Shar ei nt er est i ngj okes f r om yourcount r ywi t h t hepar t i ci pant sby post i ngt hem i nt he J OKEBOXandl ookout f ort hi sspacef oraf ew smi l es.

Feel i ng i nspi r at i onal ? . . . .

shar eyourt hought swi t ht he par t i ci pant soft heconf er enceby post i ngt hem i nt he I nspi r at i onalBox

Haveawonderf ulday! warmestgreet i ngsf rom yourprept eam: Angel , August as, Cl ai re, George, Ri cardoandSara

Dai l yProgramme Monday,20th J ul y2009

Sessi on1-09. 00–10. 30-So,whyare we al l here? An i nt roduct i on t ot he conf erenceandeachot her Cof f eeBreak Sessi on211. 15–13. 00-Expl ori ngour hopes,f ears&expect at i ons Lunch Sessi on3-14. 30-16: 00-I t ’ sl i ket hi s i s my regi on i dent i f yi ng barri ers and resources Cof f eeBreak Sessi on 4 -16. 30 -18: 00 -I dent i f yi ng barri ersandresources Eveni ngHomegroups&Di nner@ host el

WorkshoponI nt ernat i onalDi al ogue

Messagesf rom t he Logi st i calTeam •Mugs–youonl ygetonemug,pl easet ake car eofi tandwr i t eyournameoni tanddon' t l osei t . •Beont i me! ngi nsi det hebui l di ngi snotal l owed. •Smoki •Need hel p -f i nd someone wi t h a gr een badge. •Cl ean af t er your sel f – par t i cul ar l y af t er cof f eebr eaks,l unchanddi nner . •Take car e ofyourst uf f ,and keep your val uabl eswi t hyou. dencl osesat23. 00. •Gar •Phot os–pl easer espectot her s,donott ake phot osi nsi det heCOCbui l di ng.Onl ypeopl e wi t hbl uebadgesar eal l owedt ot akephot os. •Remembert ot ake of fyourshoesi nt he Si l enceRoom. evat or–useonl yt heel evat ori fyour eal l y •El needi t .

Spot l i ghtonEur ope

byKei t hBenni e

Favouri t eI GLYO memory:“ The momentt hatmade a l ast i ng i mpressi onwi t hmewasataconf erencei nGot henbergwherea manbat t l i ngHI V/AI DSeducat edt hegroupont hei ssues.There wewereyoungki dshavi ngf un,andhi sst orywaspowerf ul . ”

Reuni onEveni ng Sat urday18th J ul y2009

I nt ergenerat i onalDi al ogue Workshop Sunday19th J ul y2009

J ames Chapman i s ori gi nal l yf rom t heUK whereherepresent ed t he Not t i ng Hi l l Lesbi an and Gay Yout hGroup.Hewas i nvol vedi nI GLYO was f rom 1986 – 1992 whereheservedasa Bureau Member f or si xyears.

Favouri t eI GLYO i ni t i at i ve:“ ThePenpalProj ectst art edi n1988 because I GLYO kept recei vi ng l et t ers f rom i sol at ed LGBTQ yout h.Wecoul dn’ twri t ebackt oeachi ndi vi dualcase,butwe coul dn’ ti gnoret hel et t ersei t her.Icameup wi t ht hei dea t o creat et hepenpalschemet ogi veyoungpeopl et heopport uni t y t owri t et ooneanot her.Att hatt i mei twascommonf oryout h t of eell i ket heyweret heonl ygayorl esbi anpersoni nt heworl d –t hepenpalproj ecthopedt ochanget hat . ”

WhatType ofAct i vi sm DoesYourGroup Do:“ Ourgroup operat eson bot ht henat i onaland i nt ernat i onall evelwi t h sexualandreproduct i veheal t h,humanri ght s,andcapaci t y bui l di ngi nt heSout h.Theact i vi t i eswedevot emostofour energyt oarel obbyi ng,t rai ni ng,andf ocusi ngont heri ght s ofyoungpeopl e. ” Annel i es Mesman and Whatdoyouhopet ogai nt hi sweek:“ Wehopet ol earnabout LGBTQ i ssuesand t o net work wi t h pot ent i ali nt ernat i onal part ners.Ourhopei st hatwecanreportbackt oourgroup wi t h st rat egi es f or communi cat i on and i mprovi ng t he proj ect swehavegoi ng. ”

Mi chi el Andeweg are f rom t he Net herl ands andarerepresent i ngt he group Choi ce f or Yout h and Sexual i t y. Thi s i s t hei r f i rst I GLYO conf erence.

WhenIt hi nkofI GLYO,i magest hatcomet omi ndof t hos e of hi ghl ycommi t t ed,cr eat i ve,openmi nded peopl e,whoal wayss eekt ol ear nmor e,t ochal l enge t hems el vesandt oques t i onhow t heyvi ew ot her sand t hewor l d.Ourt hankst oal lt hos eofyouwhohave o v e r t h e y e a r s p o s i t i v e l y c h a l l e n ged us and been Evel ynePar adi swor ks s u c h a w o n d e r f u l s o u r c e o f l e a r n i ng…. and al lt he wi t hI LGA-Eur opeasa bes tt oI GLYO f ort henext25year s ! Pol i cyDi r ect or .

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