English Handout PIP

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English Handout “Would you want any of these animals as a pet?” Teacher’s name: ​ María Ignacia Aguilar Haase

Grade: ​ 6th grade

Student’s name:


Handout’s Objective: Students will be able to practice the vocabulary they have already learnt, as well as activate previous knowledge about animals. Class’ Objective: Listen to and Identify specific information, related to different kind of animals, and also retell information, in order to complete a task​ . 1.­ You are going to watch a video about some animals that might not be “good pets” One of them is the following, can you name it?

2.­ Can you guess which other animals are going to appear in the video? Give some examples. 3.­ Write the names of the animals that you saw on the video. a.










4.­ Watch the video again and answer the following questions. Which of these animals has a tendency to attack if threatened? a. wolves b. leeches c. bat. ​ Pythons are the most dangerous kind of snake. a. True b. False c. The video doesn’t say Which of the creatures below is not poisonous? a. leech b. scorpion c. poison dart frog

Which of the creatures below is not a reptile? a. komodo dragon b. python c. cassowary Which of these animals emits a nasty smell if threatened? a. tarantule b. wolf c. skunk 5.­ Ask the person next to you the questions below, and discuss your answers. a. Which animal would you say is the most dangerous? Which one is the least dangerous? b. Which animal do you think would be the worst to keep as a pet? why? c. Would you keep any of these animals a pet? Why/why not? d. Do you think people should be allowed to keep wild animals as pets? Why/why not? e. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind of pet or pets do you have? Take notes of your classmate’s answers, to share them with the rest of the class. Example: Good Morning/Afternoon: His/her name is __________ and he/she says that the most dangerous animal is_____________ and the least dangerous is_________________ He/she thinks that the worst animal to keep as a pet is__________ because___________ etc.

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