Ignatius Park College Journey2Jobs 2018 Annual Report

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Journey 2 Jobs Annual Report First year of operation 2018


Introduction The objective of this report is to provide a detailed insight into the first period of operation for the Journey to Jobs (J2J) Program running at Ignatius Park College (IPC) in Townsville. The report provides details of the meetings, consultations and opportunities provided to all relevant and interested parties involved in the program.

Background In 2017, the Indigenous Support unit at Ignatius Park College was contacted by representatives of Ganbina proposing the collaborative approach to establishing a program at the College that would focus on improving the post-schooling pathways and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. After a period of correspondence, co-ordinating appropriate and relevant logisitcal details, the Journey to Jobs (J2J) Program was born. J2J commenced operation in April 2018 and was launched on Friday July 27, 2018 in the Edmund Rice Hall at Ignatius Park College.

Context The context behind establishing this program was influenced by the concerns and uncertainty of employment options within Townsville, and its surrounding areas, for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander school leavers. By being registered in this program, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at Ignatius Park College will be able to gain a plethora of skills to ensure they have every opportunity to succeed throughout their schooling and post-schooling journey. Regardless of students’ desired fields of employment, the J2J program will be able to offer the relevant advice and pathways for its participants.


Stakeholders Philanthropic funding has been offered by The Morris Family Foundation to support the program over an initial three year period. Components of Ganbina’s Jobs4U2 program has been used as a template to initially guide the establishment and development of the program at IPC.

Components of the Journey 2 Jobs Program at Ignatius Park College While based on the Ganbina Jobs4U2 program, J2J focuses on the following elements when delivering to students of the College: Education Support with maximising learning opportunities in the classroom and at school. Accelerated Learning Opportunity to access additional academic support through the use of external tutors. Employment Advice and support to pathways for students’ desired field of employment. Driving Support to attain the necessary requirements to become qualified for driving.

Journey to Jobs Staff Journey to Jobs Project Manager | Andrew Kirkpatrick Andrew is currently a staff member at Ignatius Park College as the Indigenous Programs Leader; as well as a classroom teacher. The position of J2J Project Manager overlooks and manages the program as well as maintaining correspendence with Ganbina.

Journey to Jobs Project Officer | Tristan Nelliman-Adams Tristan liases with Andrew and students on a daily basis coordinating the advice, support and general pathways for the participants. A number of inviduals and organisations have shown considerable support for the Journey to Jobs program in its initial stages and it is hoped that the database of community based organisations that support the program will continue to increase as the program grows and further develops.


Testimonials During 2018, the following testimonials were provided by various individuals and organisations to endorse the J2J program: The Morris Family Foundation and The Ville Resort Casino are proud to support the J2J program in association with Ganbina and Ignatius Park College. Assisting young Indigenous students to develop the skills to assist in gaining meaningful employment is a project the Morris Family are passionate about. It is our hope The Ville Resort Casino can play an active role in providing hands on work experience and possibly a career for those students who are interested in pursuing a future in hospitality. Michael Jones | CEO, The Ville Ganbina, sharing in the same values as Ignatius Park College, aims is to empower Indigenous youth to achieve true social and economic equality with other Australians. Our common vision is to work with young Indigenous people to gain an education, earn meaningful employment, financial independence, personal fulfilment and a desire to help others in their communities as role models for the future. Anthony Cavanagh | CEO, Ganbina Our EREA Touchstones calls us, at Ignatius Park College, to strive for excellence and equity, to promote the educational achievement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students within the College and across our broader community in Townsville. Our Journey 2 Jobs program provides equal focus to the pathways available for students, both the academic and the Vocational Education and Training pathways. This program is focused on working in partnership with parents and caregivers to strengthen and work collectively together to support students to successfully gain employment or tertiary qualifications and address those practices which currently hinder the success and retention of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait students in our College. Blessed Edmund Rice, the founder of the Christian Brothers once stated that; “Have courage; the good seed will grow up in the children’s hearts later on.” The Journey 2 Jobs program provides that seed, it allows our students to be nourished, to realise their wonderful unleashed potential, to set clear pathways and goals, to have dreams for their future and to be proud of their culture and heritage. Shaun Clarke | Principal, Ignatius Park College It is a privilege to be involved with the Journey 2 Jobs program which encourages young indigenous men to aspire to great things for themselves and their communities. Through building capability and self-belief, the program shows these young men that their dreams can be realised. Dean Tuckey | Dean Tuckey Consultancy Ignatius Park College continues to support the youth of Townsville through providing first class programs to ensure these young men are equipped with the skills and confidence to face the world. Journey2 Jobs is an excellent initiative which allows students to have direct access and conversations with leading employers in the Townsville region and National companies with a presence in Townsville. The Indigenous Education and Research Centre at James Cook University looks forward to another successful year participating in this program and look forward to meeting more aspiration young men that are looking to peruse a professional career after their High School education. Mikaela Smith | Indigenous Student Recruitment Specialist Indigenous Education and Research Centre JCU The partnership between Graduate School of Motoring and Ignatius Park College’s Journey 2 Jobs Program will assist the students involved in obtaining the necessary skills to achieve independence with driving. As a part of their training, they will learn safe driving skills, respect for other road users, and Independence. Having a licence will give them an advantage when applying for jobs in today’s competitive market. We look forward to assisting everyone in this partnership and creating safer drivers on our roads. Heath Ward, Director | Graduate School of Motoring Journey 2 Jobs has already allowed me to start focusing on my main career goal of being an electrician. I have been offered work experience with Ergon after talking with Ergon staff at the J2J Deadly Destinations Career Expo and was lucky enough to be presented with the first J2J Ergon Award. I am hoping the money from Ergon will help me pay for a TAFE course next year in Electrotechnology. I am looking forward to continuing to work with the J2J staff in Year 12. Ethan Kelvin | Current Ignatius Park College student and J2J participant


General Details of the Journey to Jobs Program Steering Committee A Journey to Jobs Steering Committee was established for the purpose of ensuring regular communication between The Morris Family Foundation, Ganbina and J2J staff from Ignatius Park College is maintained. Members of this committee include Michael Jones (CEO The Ville), Karin Hunter (HR Manager – The Ville. Karin attends if Michael is unavailable), Tracy Bevan (Relations Manager – Ganbina), Andrew Kirkpatrick (J2J Project Manager / Indigenous Program Leader - IPC) and Shaun Clarke (Principal – Ignatius Park College. Shaun attends when available). The venue for these meetings will vary between The Ville and IPC. An agenda is prepared for each meeting and follow up notes in the form of minutes are distributed afterwards. Throughout 2018, minutes took place on the following dates: • Friday, 10 August (The Ville) • Thursday, 18 October (The Ville) • Friday, 23 November (The Ville) The minutes for each of these Steering Committee Meetings can be found in the Appendices.

Funding / Financial Acquittals Ignatius Park College produces quarterly financial reports detailing expenditure in relation to the Journey to Jobs Program. These financial reports are submitted to Ganbina for review every quarter. Once approved, the College invoices Ganbina for the following quarter. Financial Reports can be located can be found in the Appendices.

Progress Reports Keeping in line with the release of funds from Ganbina on a quarterly basis, the J2J Project Manager compiles and presents a quarterly Progress Report to the Relations Manager of Ganbina. The Progress Report provides an up to date breakdown of the relevant activities conducted throughout the quarter being reported on. The three Progress Reports for 2018 can be found in the Appendices.

J2J Activities and Reviews In 2018, the J2J team completed reviews on the following activities that were conducted by staff and/ or students registered in the program. These reviews provide interested parties with feedback of each activity, including ways to progress in the future. The activities conducted in 2018 are outlined below: • Journey to Jobs Parent Information and Registration Session • Journey 2 Jobs Launch • Cairns Career and Cultural Tour • Deadly Destinations Career Expo • James Cook University Indigenous Education Excursion • Ergon Energy (Retail) J2J Presentation • Year 12 Work Ready Session • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Career Education Conference The reviews of each of these activities can be found in the Appendices

Goals for 2019 A considerable amount of time in 2018 has been dedicated to the initial establishment of the program and the systems required to ensure students are receiving the benefits that the program offers. This, at times, slightly jeopardised the amount of activities we could coordinate in the time available. The objectives of the program in 2019 will add to what was established in 2018 taking into consideration a clearer vision of how we want to take the program forward. The key additional activities that will be at the forefront of the Journey to Jobs Program (2019) will be the inclusion of the Accelerated Learning Component. This will allow registered students to receive the benefits of extra academic support in the form of having external tutors visit the College and provide sessions. Initially the focus area will be Mathematics and then progress to include English. These two subject areas form the nucleus of education for many students and will assist with a more positive transitioning opportunity into the workforce. A J2J specific newsletter will also be created and distributed to students, families, community members and supporting organisations on a quarterly basis (at the conclusion of each school term).


Media In 2018, media outlets were used by the program in a range of formats with the following examples: • • •

Townsville Bulletin - Story on the program titled ‘Employment Goals’ featured on Tuesday, 4 December WIN News - Story regarding the Journey to Jobs Program aired on Tuesday, 27 November. Ignatius Park College Newsletter - a number of stories relating to the J2J Program were featured including the launch, the Cairns Career tour and the Deadly Destinations Career Expo. All of these examples provide positive exposure of the program and the relevant stakeholders involved.

The J2J Logo The Journey to Jobs logo was created by Robert Paul Designs and the meaning is outlined below: The meeting place symbol on the left represents the Boys coming together to be a part of this school program “Journey 2 Jobs”. The lines through the number 2 and both letter J’s represent the transition from school to jobs. Jobs being the other meeting place symbol on the right. The flag colours of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait were used to represent Indigenous students.

Acknowledgements All affiliated members of the Journey to Jobs Program respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, past, present and emerging, of the various Countries in which we work, live and visit.




Meeting Minutes Friday, 10 August 2018

Location: The Ville (Boardroom) Attendees: A. Kirkpatrick, Shaun Clarke (IPC), Michael Jones (Morris Family rep), Tracy Bevan (Ganbina – via phone link) Apologies: Nil Meeting commenced: 9:05am Minutes taken by: Andrew Kirkpatrick

Agenda Item Review of Launch

Feedback of progress so far


Discussion Discussion based on thoughts of the launch and possible suggestions. Tracy – Anthony and herself were very positive. Impressed with turnout and runsheet. Shaun - Acknowledged the attendance of guests and highlighted Br Paul Oakley’s attendance and how significant that was to the cause of the program. Michael – Very positive, was unsure of what to expect with turn out and set-up. Suggested that perhaps there was 1 speech too many, as students slowly became disengaged. Andrew seconded this after feedback was provided by students as well as other guests. Andrew also had to strategically use behaviour management tools at one point to remind students of expectations. Perhaps breaking up the speeches with a dance performance could have benefited the engagement of the students. Andrew brought up the topic of the media not attending and the disappointment this caused. Shaun - Madonna Simmons (Marketing – IPC) had coordinated and organised a media statement and all seemed to be on track. Other events in the community may have taken precedence. Mentioned ABC who were at IPC the following week and informed that they would have been there had they known. Andrew – Has the contact details of the journalist from ABC (Dwayne Wyles) who is an Indigenous man and would love to be informed of other events at the College including the J2J. Andrew – Considering the problematic timeslot of 1:30, the attendance of parents was good. Andrew – Was great to invite all students due to the fact not all of them attended the original parent information night and may not have known much about the program as a result. Michael / Shaun – Both agreed that Tristan’s speech was very positive and relatable for the students. Andrew mentioned the value Tristan will bring as a role model and has very positive influences in the community. Andrew – Venue was good also. Thank you for the feedback. ACTIONS: • Andrew to forward photos from launch to Ganbina / The Ville. • Andrew to chase up possibility of another media opportunity for the program in consultation with The Ville. All seemed to think the orientation phase of the program has been pretty good. Andrew – mentioned that the majority of term 2 (which was the start of the program) was used to coordinate a lot of the logistics including the recruitment phase, coordinating contract details, organising and attending orientation at Ganbina in Shepparton and staging a parent information session. Therefore, a lot of the practical hands on benefits for students were not really touched during this period. May have implications for use of funding later and with the strategic goals for 2018. Tracy – mentioned that there have been issues with the IT from Ganbina’s end and that the

Meeting Minutes

Realistic expectations for the remainder of 2018

Flexibility of budgeting

Resman Support & mentoring

server has been offline due to a change currently taking place. This may have influenced the difficulty of utilising Resman from IPC’s end. Tracy stated that the structure of Resman will be a little different also as a result. Apologised for the inconvenience this may have caused to IPC. Michael – asked how many students are currently enrolled out of how many. Andrew replied with 46 out of a possible 98. Which is a manageable number at this stage. All agreed. IPC will want to finalise names and data entry of participants ASAP. Discussed suggestion of Project Officer compiling a monthly newsletter to report to Steering Committee outlining programs / stories / affirmations / photos etc. ACTIONS: • Andrew to consult with Tristan regarding numbers and names of participants and to ensure systems are in place with recording. Due to first period of the program designated to initial orientation, the goals and expectations for the remainder of 2018 have been adjusted slightly accordingly compared to the contract arrangements. Andrew compiled and presented document outlining a 2018 Strategic Direction (attached to the minutes). This document was read through by the committee and all were happy with the expectations. Michael requested that the monthly newsletter report to be added to KPI’s as progressive report. Goals can be revisited at future steering committee meetings to follow up and discuss. ACTIONS: • Andrew to discuss with Tristan the concept of a monthly feedback newsletter. Tristan to coordinate with Tara. • Andrew to amend KPI’s to include the newsletter Discussion regarding the contractual flexibility in regards to finances involved with the J2J program. Andrew started off by questioning this concept so future planning can be coordinated. It was requested by the IPC finance staff that this topic was raised. The example used was the fact that $6000 was originally allocated in the budget to assist in the acquisition of birth certificates. IPC is concerned that this allocation is far too generous due to a high number of students already possessing this document. Therefore, the suggestion was made that the school could use excess funds for other J2J related costs. The example mentioned was the promotional material that has already been coordinated (pull up banners, shirts, stickers for individual folders and logo design. Michael & Tracy agreed that this should be fine as long as appropriate correspondence is made and agreed upon by all parties. Michael suggested an email to both Tracy and Michael who can discuss and sign off if agreed and Andrew will file this correspondence. ACTION: • Andrew to email Michael / Tracy regarding funds already used. • Andrew to inform Paul Fanning / Matthew Holland regarding this. • Tracy to follow up from a contract point of view to ensure this is ok with Ganbina Raised due to the questions IPC have over the use of Resman. Andrew mentioned to Michael & Shaun that this is the program designed to track data for the program and that Ganbina have been using this for a long time. It is a pretty full on and Andrew & Tristan were concerned it was not suitable for a modified version of


Meeting Minutes Ganbina’s program. Also very time consuming for one project officer. Tracy was apologetic on behalf of Ganbina explaining that a new IT server was being installed and IPC were not informed of this. Tracy was understanding of the issues IPC have with Resman and therefore will ensure a greater role can be played with the mentoring of the use of the program through greater correspondence. ACTIONS: • Tracy to remind Tristan of the support available. • Tracy to chase IT support team from Ganbina to ensure clarity is available with Resman.


Proposed outline for 2019

Suggested by all present that the 2019 program will be discussed at the end of year steering committee meeting. ACTIONS: • Andrew to compile a proposed outline before the end of the year and present it to the committee.

Collection & reporting of data

Clarification required for the data required by Ganbina to ensure sustainability of the J2J program. The monthly newsletter, finance reports outlining expenditure and reports of statistics and data to assist. This was also discussed earlier on the agenda (Resman)

Careers Event

As part of the agreement with Ganbina, IPC are to host an event to promote careers for students. Andrew provided some insight to the proposed event suggesting that the school will trial the event before the annual Deadlys on Wed October 17. Andrew explained to Michael and Shaun the purpose of the Deadlys and a brief history of it. Michael offered to host the event at the Ville, and while appreciative Shaun and Andrew agreed that attendance is likely to be greater at IPC, however would monitor the event in 2018 and see how it goes; therefore not ruling out future events at the venue. Andrew mentioned that the school have met to discuss the logistics of the event and still discussing and coordinating the best option. Also raised the point that he has made contact with all students in years 10-12 as well as parents to make enquiries as to which career pathways students were interested in. Focus would then be to ensure representatives from these pathways were present if possible. Michael agreed that was a good suggestion. Michael confirmed that The Ville would definitely be available to assist and will have representatives attend the event to promote various career opportunities. Karin Hunter to assist with this project. Shaun mentioned that Marg Hodgson (IPC Community Engagement) should also be utilized in a support role. ACTIONS: • Andrew to coordinate logistics of event with support from Tristan and Kathy Jarrett and keep Michael (& Karin) as well as Tracy in the loop. • Andrew to maintain correspondence with Karin through Michael at The Ville. • Michael to maintain communication with Karin regarding event including establishing a possible fields of employment list.

Meeting Minutes Frequency & method of future correspondence

Future meetings

From previous discussion, the concept of the monthly newsletter would be a good way to maintain evidence-based contact with progress. Michael said the current email system was fine. Tracy reminded that fortnightly contact with Tristan will be maintained to ensure regular correspondence. Andrew asked the question to Michael about potential work experience & employment opportunities for students and how communication could be made regarding this. Michael suggested an email with names of students expressing an interest in a particular field of work. ACTIONS: • Michael to provide a list of potential work experience opportunities and casual work to IPC for dissemination amongst Tristan and students. • Andrew to inform Tristan of these details so it can be incorporated into discussions with students. • Friday October 12 (9am) Venue: TBC • Friday November 23 (9am) Venue: TBC

Meeting closed at 10:15am


Meeting Minutes Thursday, 18 October 2018 (Steering Committee Meeting 2)

Location: The Ville Attendees: A. Kirkpatrick (IPC), Michael Jones (Morris Family rep), Tracy Bevan (Ganbina) Meeting commenced: 7:20am Minutes taken by: Andrew Kirkpatrick (IPC) Agenda Item Review of minutes & Actions

Progress – numbers etc. Deadly Destinations Career event

Discussion Discussion raised regarding the financing and amendment to include start up package. Tracy confirmed a process has been put in place. Andrew informed that every 3 months the following will be provided by IPC to Ganbina: Progress Report, Financial Report and newsletter. All actions completed apart from the following: • Andrew to seek media coverage for the program in consultation with The Ville. • Andrew to compile a proposed outline before the end of the year for 2019. • Michael to provide a list of potential work experiences opportunities for IPC students. Andrew to forward on to VET department as well as Project Officer. •

Discussion was based about the event that took place the previous afternoon (Wed Oct 17) at IPC. Tracy travelled up from Melbourne for the event. Included 12 stall holders. Program for the event was: stallholders were welcome to set up from 4pm, start at 4:30, students to wander around for first half hr, Tristan to make some announcements and then invite stallholders to introduce their business / industry, final half hr to encourage further discussion between students/families and stall holders. For the first attempt, it was a success. Concerns – slow influx of students (possibly due to plans of families to come to deadlys at the normal time?), Tristan had issues with the microphone and sound, guest speaker pulled on the day, students lack of knowledge regarding approachability / communication with stall holders. Positives – Stall holders reached out to students to encourage discussion, venue and set up, food and drinks available for stall holders, Tristan’s method of engaging with everyone, framed certificates for stall holders. Andrew informed that the team will be conducting a review in the near future regarding the event and look to include the perspectives of all stakeholders. Discussion about The Ville hosting the event. Michael was open to looking into logistics and would welcome correspondence. Discussion also included the options of charging a small fee as a donation to the program, the time of the year and other venue options (oval). ACTIONS: • •


Andrew provided updated list of student numbers compiled by Tristan. This included registration numbers, student reimbursements, workplace support, Careers expo details, JCU visit, Yr 12 readiness program, driver’s component.

Andrew to coordinate review with Tristan and Kathy and forward feedback to Tracy and Michael. Tracy to email some notes regarding the event from a Ganbina perspective.

Meeting Minutes Deadlys / Ergon award

Melbourne Visit

Amendment to contract (staff PD)

Collection and reporting of data

Future Budgeting (2019)

Future Meetings

Andrew provided a review of the event – held straight after the Deadly Destinations in the IPC Hall. Event recognizes programs throughout the year. This included photos and announcements regarding Journey 2 Jobs. Andrew mentioned a new partnership with Ergon who offered a $250 bursary to a student as part of the J2J program. ‘Ergon Energy Career Aspiration Award’. Andrew with assistance from Tristan/Kathy compiled some criteria for the award which was decided to recognize a current year 11 student who would benefit from some further support in year 12 to assist with the transition into the workforce. Staff were invited to nominate a student and Ethan Kelvin was the recipient. Ergon were very supportive and accommodating to this criterion and were present throughout the evening and presented the award to Ethan. ACTIONS: • Andrew to coordinate photos for Ganbina / newsletter etc. Andrew travelled to Melbourne recently for an EREA RAP committee meeting and extended the stay to include a visit to Anthony & Tracy at Ganbina’s Melbourne office. Andrew provided a summary of the visit to both Tracy and Michael (attached to minutes). IPC staff were informed of a conference in Cairns ‘Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education & Transitions’. Seen as an excellent opportunity for Andrew / Tristan to attend. This would assist with understanding of current challenges and movements in this area as well as provide networking opportunities. Andrew suggested to Tracy / Anthony and it was proposed that Andrew write a letter to Ganbina asking for an amendment to the contract to include staff PD opportunities ($2000 per annum). Tracy suggested that the PD could be shared between J2J team members each year in consultation with the school as well as Ganbina. (Letter attached to minutes) ACTION: • Andrew and Tracy to confirm letter of amendment details and have it forwarded to Anthony. Discussion based around Resman and the continued challenges it is presenting to IPC (in particular Tristan). Mainly due to the external VPN connection. Tracy is going to bring up at the AGM on Monday. Tracy feels this is a Ganbina problem that should have been take care of by now and is frustrating with the issues being caused. Concern raised about the ability to maintain data and evidence for future sustainability of the program beyond the initial contract. Andrew mentioned that the system is different for IPC compared to Shepparton however Resman doesn’t reflect this. Tracy mentioned that Resman is an excellent tool which provides good updates on the students, however agreed that it need to change for IPC. ACTIONS: • Tracy to mention at AGM • Tracy to follow up Ganbina IT staff (Josh) Discussion on planning and budgeting for 2019. ACTIONS: • Andrew to compile a 2019 Proposal / Calendar of events and distribute and present for discussion before next Steering Committee meeting. Friday November 23 (9am) Venue: The Ville

Meeting closed at 8:25am


Meeting Minutes Friday, 23rd November 2018 (Steering Committee Meeting 3)

Location: The Ville Attendees: A. Kirkpatrick (IPC), Karin Hunter (Morris Family rep), Tracy Bevan (Ganbina tele-link up) Apologies: Michael Jones (meeting) Meeting commenced: 9:05am Minutes taken by: A. Kirkpatrick (IPC) Speaker

Review of minutes & Actions

Discussion Discussion commenced around Deadly Destination event and the feedback received. Andrew created a template for reviews of activities for records and explained that Tristan had completed a review of the DD event. This will be forwarded through to committee members. Karin shared her thoughts on the event as a stall holder and was supportive of the event with positive feedback Andrew has commenced progress on a media opportunity and looking to confirm before the end of the year. Tracy confirmed the amendment to contract to allow for the inclusion of PD allowance in the budget. This was utilized by Tristan recently when attended a conference in Cairns. Tracy confirmed correspondence with relevant people regarding the recording of data and has forwarded through amended spreadsheets to use to support Resman. Communication with Andrew & Tristan has taken place. Michael made correspondence regarding career opportunities and this will be followed up. All actions commenced / completed, with further work required for: • Andrew to continue following up media with Madonna Simmons • Andrew to forward reviews of activities through to committee members


Recent Professional Development opportunities (Cairns / Shepparton)

Tristan with approval from Ganbina and IPC travelled to Cairns for an Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education and Transitions conference (brochure / agenda to be emailed). Positive feedback and contacts made which will provide J2J with advice and opportunities moving forward. Tristan also recently visited the Ganbina office in Shepparton and attended the annual Ganbina Awards evening. Terrific opportunity to witness the Jobs4U2 model again and how this program is recognized. Tristan also utilized the chance to network with Ganbina staff who were interested in the progress of J2J. ACTIONS: • Andrew to forward on completed review on Cairns PD and Shepparton visit. • Andrew to forward agenda and details from Cairns PD

JCU Indigenous Support Unit visit

IPC students visited the Indigenous support unit at JCU recently. The objective was to engage students with the staff, facilities and support networks available for students. Hopefully encouraging / reassuring students who are or may be interested in this tertiary education option. Six senior students and 1 year 10 student attended. Extremely positive experience. ACTIONS: • Andrew to forward JCU Visit review to committee members

Meeting Minutes Year 12 Interview Skills session

Ergon Energy Conference

Resman Update / Collection Data

An interview skills session was conducted with year 12 students. This was held at the College and run by Dean Tuckey Consultancy with assistance from Tristan. Main topics of the session included effective communication techniques in interviews ad answering phones as well as general advice for post-schooling. The session was sharp and ran for 45 minutes which was a good duration considering the commitments of year 12 students in year 12. 9 students attended. Positive feedback. Afternoon tea as well as transport home was offered and provided. ACTIONS: • Andrew to forward Yr 12 Interview Skills Session review to committee members The J2J team were invited to attend an Ergon Retail PD conference in the function space at the Brewery. The committee were reminded that Ergon have come on board in terms of supporting the program in the way of sponsoring a Career Aspiration Award for a Year 11 student registered in the J2J program. The community support team wanted to share these details with colleagues and therefore Andrew, Tristan and Ethan Kelvin (Award recipient for 2018) attended this event. Andrew outlined background of program, Tristan shared his story and Ethan outlined his goals. Extremely positive event. Andrew shared review with Karin. ACTIONS: • Andrew to forward criteria used for Ergon Aspiration Award to committee. • Andrew to forward Ergon review to committee members. Andrew informed that Anthony contacted IPC about the possibility of modifying Resman to suit the J2J program. Tracy sent through some spreadsheets for Tristan to complete. This will assist with the data collection process for Ganbina. Andrew agreed the spreadsheet should assist. Tracy mentioned that Tristan is to compile all Year 12 students reports ASAP for data collection. ACTIONS: • Tracy to contact Tristan regarding spreadsheets • Andrew to inform Tristan of reports • Tristan to follow up and collect reports

2018 Graduates

Andrew explained that there are 15 students in year 12 who are graduating in 2018. Regardless of their registration in the J2J program, the team have been modifying their transitioning and will support them in coming weeks. It was also suggested that the J2J team keep records of post-schooling journeys future evaluation. ACTIONS: • Tristan to ensure a system is in place to track transitions of graduating students

Reports for 2018

Tracy suggested the reporting periods for 2019 are January, April, July, October. Andrew will provide Progress and Finance Reports at these times and the subsequent invoice will be released. ACTIONS: • Tracy to confirm dates • Andrew to complete progress report before completion of school. • Tristan & Matt Holland to complete Finance report and submit towards end of year.

Funding Dates for 2019

Discussion regarding funding was covered in previous point.


Meeting Minutes Andrew has compiled a draft outline of significant J2J events for 2019. This includes two main activities for each term. Committee members happy with dates, however the outline needs to be emailed to Tracy and any changes need to be forwarded on. Still a little uncertainty of some dates and venues and this will be chased up ASAP. Andrew mentioned the busy calendar at IPC and the difficulty at times of scheduling events as a result. Karin confirmed. Andrew mentioned the concept of an industry tour excursion for younger students and Karin suggested The Ville as a possible destination. ACTIONS: • Andrew to forward on draft outline of 2019 events. • Andrew to include registration cut off date to be added. 2019 – Relationship Andrew raised discussion about having a more open relationship with The Ville in between The Ville & 2019. Meaning more opportunities to build the relationship through work IPC. experience, visits, speakers etc. All agreed this would be healthy. 2019 Outline of events (includes budgeting & Registration details).

Future meetings

Friday 8th February (9am) Venue TBC

Meeting closed at 10:10am


NOTE 2.3.1


$ 32,500.00

Ganbina Funding - April to June 2018 Start -Up Costs 2018


GL Code


Design of Logo Identity Journey to Jobs





Logo Design - Journey 2 Jobs







Salary Journey 2 Jobs Officer 2018

April ‐ June 2018


Wages - T Nelliman-Adams 0010040



Superannuation @ 10%



Workers Compensation @ .85%



Total Salary Expenses



A Kirkpatrick - Hours Committed to Journey 2 Jobs Program Wages - A Kirkpatrick







Superannuation @ 10%



Workers Compensation @ .85%



Total Salary Expenses



Administration Expenses Journey2jobs supplies


GL Code



Amount $


Indigenous Info night - Journey2jobs - Pizza





Cairns Cultural Trip - cash advance







Total Expenses

$ 14,669.69 Funds Allocated

April ‐ June 2018 a. Allocated

$ 32,500.00

b. Spent

$ 14,669.69

c. Variation

$ 17,830.31


NOTE 2.3.1


$ 32,500.00

Ganbina Funding - July to September 2018

Start -Up Costs 2018



J2J polo shirts x 27


00-1441-00-00 $


Pen to Paper - Cupboard, Filing Cabinet, Whiteboard, hard drive


00-1441-00-00 $




Salary Journey 2 Jobs Officer 2018

July ‐ Sept 2018


Wages - T Nelliman-Adams 0010040

$ 15,783.30

Superannuation @ 10%



Workers Compensation @ .85%



Total Salary Expenses

$ 17,495.79

A Kirkpatrick - Hours Committed to Journey 2 Jobs Program Wages - A Kirkpatrick







Superannuation @ 10%



Workers Compensation @ .85%



Total Salary Expenses



Administration Expenses - 00-1441-00-00 Office P/Cash @ 17/07/2018 Softdrinks for parent info night

Date 17-07-18

GL Code


00-1441-00-00 $


Nelliman-Adams Tristian-Bal of


00-1441-00-00 -$


Cultural Dance Performance 2018 - Mr Ashley Saltner


00-1441-00-00 $


Drycleaning & stain removal - Daisy Fresh Dry Cleaning


00-1441-00-00 $


C/Card - June 2018 - A Kirkpatrick car hire - Ganbina visit


00-1441-00-00 $


C/Card - June 2018 - rental car tolls - Ganbina visit


00-1441-00-00 $


P Plates - Big W


00-1441-00-00 $


L Plates - Big W


00-1441-00-00 $


L Plates - Big W


00-1441-00-00 $


P Plates - Big W


00-1441-00-00 $


Reimbursement of Drivers Lic fees - T Winship


00-1441-00-00 $


Learners test/ driverslicence - Hill


00-1441-00-00 $




Total Expenses

$ 26,564.49 Funds Allocated

July ‐ Sept 2018


GL Code

a. Allocated

$ 32,500.00

b. Spent

$ 26,564.49

c. Variation

$ 5,935.51

NOTE 2.3.1


Salary Journey 2 Jobs Officer 2018

Oct ‐ Dec 2018


Wages - T Nelliman-Adams 0010040

$ 17,252.37

Superannuation @ 10%



Workers Compensation @ .85%



Total Salary Expenses

$ 19,124.25

A Kirkpatrick - Hours Committed to Journey 2 Jobs Program Wages - A Kirkpatrick







Superannuation @ 10%



Workers Compensation @ .85%



Total Salary Expenses



Administration Expenses - 00-1441-00-00


GL Code


5 X Driving lessons - Ezekiel Iorangi





Meals and taxi's for J2J





J2J Launch 27/07/18 - platters of mini quiche, s/rolls, cakes & slices





Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Edu & Transitions-Conference ticket





DH A4 Black 5 pack x 4





J2J Learner Driver fees - Anthonly O'Hagan





Learners drivers licence - Jason Broome





catering for Deadly Destinations Career Expo Wed 17/10/18





Greenwall panels
















20 x Manual driving lessons




Travel to CNS




Travel to Melb & CNS



79.46 $

Total Expenses


$ 28,426.91

Funds Allocated

Oct ‐ Dec 2018

a. Allocated b. Spent c. Variation

$ ‐ $ 28,426.91 ‐$ 28,426.91


Meeting Minutes

Realistic expectations for the remainder of 2018

Flexibility of budgeting

Resman Support & mentoring


server has been offline due to a change currently taking place. This may have influenced the difficulty of utilising Resman from IPC’s end. Tracy stated that the structure of Resman will be a little different also as a result. Apologised for the inconvenience this may have caused to IPC. Michael – asked how many students are currently enrolled out of how many. Andrew replied with 46 out of a possible 98. Which is a manageable number at this stage. All agreed. IPC will want to finalise names and data entry of participants ASAP. Discussed suggestion of Project Officer compiling a monthly newsletter to report to Steering Committee outlining programs / stories / affirmations / photos etc. ACTIONS: • Andrew to consult with Tristan regarding numbers and names of participants and to ensure systems are in place with recording. Due to first period of the program designated to initial orientation, the goals and expectations for the remainder of 2018 have been adjusted slightly accordingly compared to the contract arrangements. Andrew compiled and presented document outlining a 2018 Strategic Direction (attached to the minutes). This document was read through by the committee and all were happy with the expectations. Michael requested that the monthly newsletter report to be added to KPI’s as progressive report. Goals can be revisited at future steering committee meetings to follow up and discuss. ACTIONS: • Andrew to discuss with Tristan the concept of a monthly feedback newsletter. Tristan to coordinate with Tara. • Andrew to amend KPI’s to include the newsletter Discussion regarding the contractual flexibility in regards to finances involved with the J2J program. Andrew started off by questioning this concept so future planning can be coordinated. It was requested by the IPC finance staff that this topic was raised. The example used was the fact that $6000 was originally allocated in the budget to assist in the acquisition of birth certificates. IPC is concerned that this allocation is far too generous due to a high number of students already possessing this document. Therefore, the suggestion was made that the school could use excess funds for other J2J related costs. The example mentioned was the promotional material that has already been coordinated (pull up banners, shirts, stickers for individual folders and logo design. Michael & Tracy agreed that this should be fine as long as appropriate correspondence is made and agreed upon by all parties. Michael suggested an email to both Tracy and Michael who can discuss and sign off if agreed and Andrew will file this correspondence. ACTION: • Andrew to email Michael / Tracy regarding funds already used. • Andrew to inform Paul Fanning / Matthew Holland regarding this. • Tracy to follow up from a contract point of view to ensure this is ok with Ganbina Raised due to the questions IPC have over the use of Resman. Andrew mentioned to Michael & Shaun that this is the program designed to track data for the program and that Ganbina have been using this for a long time. It is a pretty full on and Andrew & Tristan were concerned it was not suitable for a modified version of
















J2J Activity Review Details: Activity Organiser / Facilitator / Staff involved Location Date Purpose of activity Students involved

Ergon Energy Staff PD – J2J Presentation Andrew Kirkpatrick, Tristan Nelliman-Adams (IPC), Martin Seri (Ergon) Conference room at The Brewery (Townsville) Wed 14th November To inform Ergon staff of the J2J Program and continue to build partnerships and networks Ethan Kelvin (Winner of Ergon Energy Career Aspirations Award)

Review / Feedback of Activity: Stakeholder Organiser / Facilitator / Staff involved



What went well (positives) Everything was fluent and positive. All speakers were able to engage participants and provide positive outline of program and new partnership with Ergon. Ethan was impressed and proud of the delivery of his speech.

Areas for improvement Perhaps a booklet or some form of documentation providing an outline of the objectives of the program would have assisted.

Other details / suggestions Nil






Moving Forward: Goal is to now continue building the relationship with Ergon. Ethan has been offered an opportunity to conduct work experience there in 2019, which he has accepted. IPC are to invoice Ergon the sponsorship money early in 2019 to gain access to funds. Will then meet with Ethan and his family to discuss opportunities. Ethan to maintain correspondence with Ergon in 2019 with updates on progress. Andrew to contact Neville regarding further advice and correspondence.


J2J Activity Review Photos


J2J Activity Review Details: Activity Organiser / Facilitator / Staff involved

Location Date Purpose of activity

Students involved

Journey 2 Jobs Official Launch Andrew Kirkpatrick, Tristan Nelliman-Adams, Kathy Jarrett, Shaun Clarke (IPC) Anthony Cavanagh, Tracy Bevan (Ganbina) Michael Jones (The Ville) IPC Hall Friday July 27, 2018. The event commenced at 1:30pm (periods 5 & 6) To launch the program with students, stakeholders, parents and community members. This also provided relevant information about the program and the latest developments and progress of J2J. All Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students were invited to attend.

Review / Feedback of Activity: Stakeholder

What went well (positives)

Areas for improvement

Organiser / Facilitator / Staff involved

Informative and engaging. Performances were entertaining. Presence of key stakeholders. Presence of Br Paul Oakley (EREA Board) IPC Board members also. Community members were well represented. Tristan’s speech. Students appreciated being invited and therefore involved. They became a little disengaged towards

Numbers of family’s present was limited due to timing (weekday etc). Media commitments fell through. Perhaps one speech too many.



Other details / suggestions

Nil provided

J2J Activity Review Parents

the end. Good feedback. Enjoyed the event.

Timing was raised but were still understandable of the difficulties in pleasing all.

Nil provided

Moving Forward: Ganbina and The Morris Family Group have requested that a follow up for media be established before the end of the year due to the no-show at the Launch. IPC view is to do that towards the end of the year, so the program has a few runs on the board. Launch was in the IPC newsletter as well as the EREA news. PHOTOS




J2J Activity Review Details: Activity Organiser / Facilitator / Staff involved

J2J Parent Information Night Andrew Kirkpatrick / Tristan Nelliman-Adams (IPC) Tracy Bevan, Adrian Appo (Ganbina) IPC – Room 707 Wednesday June 13, 2018 To inform students and parents of the new Journey 2 Jobs program. To introduce Tristan and Ganbina staff. To have the opportunity for families to register for 2018. Various (across year levels)

Location Date Purpose of activity

Students involved

Review / Feedback of Activity: Stakeholder

What went well (positives)

Areas for improvement

Organiser / Facilitator / Staff involved

26 families represented (which is about 25% of Indigenous students). Comfortable environment for both students & parents to ask questions. Detailed PPt. Food and drinks were appreciated. Liked the concept of the program. Excited for opportunities (especially driving program). Happy with food.

Possible push for more families to attend. Some presentations went for a little longer than originally planned.

Speaker went a little long.


Appreciated the ppt presentation breaking down the components of the program. Excited for the employment opportunities. One parent even offered to have his business get involved in the future.

Some parents could not make the event due to other commitments.




Moving Forward:

Other details / suggestions Nil

Overall, this event went well and achieved its objectives. Timing and the consideration of other events and commitments of families is always problematic. However, the turnout of families considering the unknown of the program was satisfactory and the relevant stakeholders were happy. This event will not need to be repeated, however a night providing an opportunity for all families to re-register in 2019 will be available. This will comprise of information being presented once again, however in an abbreviated way. Food and drinks will be available as an incentive to re-register.


J2J Activity Review Photos




Ignatius Park College 384 Ross River Road, Cranbrook 4814 P.O. Box 121, Aitkenvale, Queensland, 4814 Telephone: (07) 4796 0222 Fax: (07) 4796 0200 Email: info@ipc.qld.edu.au Web: www.ipc.qld.edu.au


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