Reconciliation Action Plan

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Reconciliation Action

Plan 2022

Acknowledgement of Country

The Ignatius Park College community would like to humbly acknowledge the Wulgurukaba people, on whose land our College is located, as well as the Bindal people, on whose land many students live and travel across daily. We respectfully thank the Elders of these traditional lands both past and present for guiding us through the journey of time to where we are today. This spiritual and cultural journey is signifi cant in allowing the freedoms our society has today. As a College, we reflect on the histories of Australia and its First Nations peoples and respectfully ask all Elders to guide us to a promising and enriching future. As a community, we need to ensure that we continue to develop our minds to be respectful and learn from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples, alongside all people who make up this country of Australia.


The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause.

PRIDE A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own Aachievements.feelingofdeep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements.

About the artwork

The Mural is divided into three sections, (Integrity, Pride and Commitment).

ROBERT PAUL Townsville Indigenous artist

INTEGRITY Being dependable and following through on commitments - Being open & honest when communicating with others.

Focusing on some of the meanings to these three words, the Mural was designed to depict the following:

The artwork was designed by Robert Paul, an Indigenous artist in Townsville who is a Juru descendent of the Bowen region.

The U shape symbols represent people, and the pattern symbol represent the Students and what they have achieved within themselves throughout their schooling. The placement of the U shape figures, show the Student communicating openly & honestly with others.Thedotted circles represent the teachers, family and eders, supporting the students. The white dotted lines represent the Students, while the light blue & dark blue dotted background represents the college. This section shows the Student being dependable and following through to achieve something he has started.


PRIDE This “I” shape symbol represents a person and their feelings within Therethemselves.isahuge feeling of Pride for themselves and their fellow students,when accomplishing something they have been striving Thefor. largest circle of Blue Dots in the background represents all Students of the college. The dotted circle symbols shows the support that is always there for them throughout their school years.

This section shows the Student has committed himself to completing his school years at Ignatius Park College. The Purple lines over the black background, represent the years of schooling completed by the Student, while the white dots represent other Students. The light blue circles surrounded by the dark blue dots represent Family, Friends and Teachers coming together to celebrate their commitment to completing their school years. The Student symbol is shown large in this section as he is leaving the College full of INTEGRITY, PRIDE & COMMITMENT within himself.


Vision for Reconciliation

As a proud Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition, Ignatius Park College aspires to be an inclusive community that provides a holistic education which enables our students to become young men who have the skill and desire to create a better world for all. The College is committed to the Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) Touchstones Philosophy of offering Liberating Education, based on a Gospel Spirituality, within an Inclusive Community committed to andJusticeSolidarity. As such, Torres Strait islander students as well as non-Indigenous students have equal and equitable opportunities to succeed, and in which the values of respect, empathy, solidarity and compassion shape our daily practices. We aim to achieve this by celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families within out school community, alongside their cultures, histories, connections to Country, spirituality, stories, traditions and continuing contributions. We recognise how much we must learn from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, so we aim to provide a community where all members enter relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with open minds and hearts. THE GOAL OF IGNATIUS PARK COLLEGE IN ESTABLISHING A RECONCILIATION ACTION PLAN IS TO FORMALISE, CONFIRM AND BUILD ON THE WORK AND PROGRAMS THAT HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE APPROACH TO RECONCILIATION FOR OUR COLLEGE COMMUNITY.

We open hearts and minds, through quality teaching and learning experiences so that, through critical reflection and engagement, each person is hope-filled and free to build a better world for all.

JUSTICE AND SOLIDARITY We are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and refl ection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised, and with the Earth itself.

Inclusive education at Ignatius Park College is about our students learning, growing and flourishing together, accepting the unique gift of each individual. Inclusive education at our college reflects our EREA Touchstones where every student is created in the image of God and has the right, without exception, to be included in our College educational setting. As a College community we are all called to adapt our environment and teaching approaches to ensure genuine and valued full participation of all students. Ignatius Park community embraces human diversity and welcomes every student as equal members of our educational community.

INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY Our community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and is committed to the common good.



Inclusive Education

We invite all people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice and peace a living reality within our community.

EREA Touchstones

From Principalthe


Ignatius Park College is proudly a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition. As a College community we are committed to influence and lead a consciousness within and outside our school where equality and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is enacted through our touchstones of Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community, Liberating Education and Justice and Solidarity. It is through our touchstones that we have carefully thought and reflected upon shaping our College Reconciliation Action Plan, that has brought in the wisdom of many voices within our community and more importantly the wider Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. As we take this next step in our reconciliation journey, Ignatius Park College is committed to learn more, understand more, and to do more to ensure that Australia’s First Peoples are respected and empowered in their country. In developing our College Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), we aim to be a united community. A community that is committed to delivering a strong sense of relationships, respect and opportunities for all people. Reconciliation requires the forming and maintaining of trusted, respectful relationships. Ignatius Park College is committed to forging partnerships and working collaboratively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to create a future where disadvantage no longer exists, and equality is a feature of our lives (Mparntwe Education Declaration 2019). As an Edmund Rice school, we are called to Christ’s invitation to serve humanity and create an inclusive, just and connected world for Australia’s First Peoples.

towardSteps Reconciliation 01 RELATIONSHIPS 02 RESPECT 03 OPPORTUNITIES

6. Build relationships with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community that are founded on mutual respect, trust and inclusiveness.

5.Celebrate National Reconciliation Week (NRW) from 27 May to 3 June each year.

1.EnhanceACTIONSteaching and learning activities by engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from within the school community.

2. Provide opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and children to engage in activities that celebrate their cultural heritage and identities.



7. Establish a dedicated space for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, children, families and community members within the school.

4. Co-ordinate a Welcome to Country for significant events.


3. Provide opportunities for staff to build and extend knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

3. Develop understanding of what it means to acknowledge Country, and provide everyone the opportunity to do so at meetings and events throughout the year.


7.Hold a special event to launch the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

concept, history and progress of reconciliation in Australia.



4. Physically and visibly demonstrate respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions around the school.

8.Raise awareness of, teach about, and take positive action against racism. . STEPS TOWARD RECONCILIATION . STEPS TOWARD RECONCILIATION . STEPS TOWARD


2. Raise awareness of current affairs and issues in the public domain that are of particular significance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the process of reconciliation.

6. Display a physical, durable Acknowledgement of Country such as an Acknowledgement plaque or mural.

5. Fly or display the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags all year round to demonstrate pride and respect for Australia’s First Peoples.

4. Establish avenues for acknowledging children, students, staff and community members that embody the spirit of reconciliation throughout the year.

5. Develop and implement an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment and retention strategy for teaching and non-teaching staff.

2. Ensure policies are inclusive of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and aim to increase knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.

1.ACTIONSEnsureAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures are incorporated in curriculum planning, development and evaluation processes.





6. Celebrate RAP progress in the school and throughout the community.

3. Encourage staff to be involved in the ongoing development and implementation of the RAP through staff development opportunities.


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