Ignatius Park College Fee Collection Policy 2024

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Fee Collection Policy B ackground The College is reliant on both government funding and fees charged to parents to provide high quality education and facilities for our students. Fees charged to parents include costs associated with Tuition, subject levies, excursions, co-curricular activities, and other school activities.

S c op e This policy applies to all the Parents and Guardians of students enrolled in Ignatius Park College.

Policy St at e m e n t The College Advisory Council, upon the recommendation of the Finance, Risk and Infrastructure Committee, propose the level of fees to the EREA Colleges Ltd Board each year. The method of billing fees and options for payment of fees is determined by the College Leadership Team. Parents/caregivers are expected to pay all fees and charges in a timely manner as communicated by the College. Parents/caregivers will be advised as early as possible of any future increases in fees. Acceptance of student participation in voluntary extracurricular activities organised by the College, which involve additional cost, is subject to the agreed College tuition fees having been paid up to date. Students cannot enrol in voluntary extracurricular activities organised by the College (which involve additional costs) unless fee commitments have been met. Parents/caregivers who have unpaid school fees can expect their account to be referred to a debt collection agency if they have not made any alternative feasible payment arrangements with the College.

Fees The Tuition Fee is a compulsory annual fee, divided into four equal amounts, and is charged per student on a per-term basis. The optional levies are an annual levy, divided into four equal amounts and is charged per family on a per-term basis. All families are encouraged to contribute to the EREA Special Projects and Non-compulsory Building Fund.

Pa ym en t o f F e e s Fees are invoiced to parents/guardians per term and are issued at the commencement of each term or just before, except for Term 1 fees which are issued as soon as practicable after the commencement of Term 1. The due date for payment of fees is always noted on the invoice/statement of accounts. All fees are to be paid and families may elect to pay on a periodical basis either weekly, fortnightly, monthly, per term or on an annual basis. Where parents/guardians choose to make periodic payments, they must contact the finance team and discuss the available options to do so.



Tours & E xcu r s i o n s From time-to-time students may be given the opportunity to participate in co-curricular tours, clinics or excursions. These tours could be interstate or overseas and therefore attract significant costs. All parents and guardians who wish for their son/student to participate in any co-curricular tours or excursions, must ensure that all tuition fees are paid in full prior to the actual tour or excursion commencing. The College reserves the right to request a meeting with families to discuss their son(s) participation in these events. In normal circumstances, deposits paid for tours cannot be refunded when the tours have been booked.

Eds ta rt Ignatius Park College has partnered with Edstart to help you manage school fee payments. You can pay weekly, fortnightly, or monthly by choosing a plan that fits around your budget. One of the main motivations for the school partnering with Edstart is to assist families with a sustainable and affordable plan for them to pay off their school fees and all arrears, if any. Edstart works with thousands of families across the country to make this possible with services called Edstart Plus and Edstart Extend. Edstart can be used to fund school tuition fees, including overdue balances and other education-related expenses like uniforms and extracurricular activities. Conditional on the acceptance of your application, you will have the ability to: • • • •

Pay weekly, fortnightly, or monthly by selecting the schedule that works best for you. Choose your preferred day for when payments are made. Spread your outstanding school fee repayments up to 5 years after your children finish school. Adjust your payment plan at any time for changes in circumstances.

To submit an application, visit http://www.edstart.com.au/ipc to calculate a payment plan for your fees and set up your account. On your acceptance, Edstart will then pay your school fees and your overdue balance on your behalf. From there, they will activate your regular repayments as part of your payment plan. There are fees associated with Edstart Extend that will be made clear throughout the application process.

P roced u r e f o r D e b t C o lle c t i o n If the College has not received payment of the full term’s fees, and a periodic payment arrangement is not in place, the College will send reminders via email and SMS to parents/guardians advising that fees are due. If fees or periodic payments are not received within the due date or one (1) week of the College sending the email or text message, and no other contact has been received, notice will be given by the College that recovery or legal action may be taken to recover the outstanding fees. Should the parent(s)/guardian(s) fail to respond to the notice and not make contact with the College for a payment arrangement, the account will be referred to a debt collection agency to recover the outstanding fees. There will be legal fees and administration fees which will be charged to the account and the parent/guardian will be responsible for paying. At the discretion of the Principal, the student may not be re-enrolled in the next term if the parent(s)/guardian(s) continue to ignore their financial obligation.



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