2020 Ignatius Park College Magazine

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College Mission Statement

Ignatius Park College is a reflective community that encourages its members to seek truth through the spirit of Edmund Rice by nurturing right relationships and respecting the dignity of each person. In partnership with families and the wider community, we strive to promote a learning community that actively encourages excellence in teaching and learning within an inclusive curriculum framework based on Gospel values.

COLLEGE EREA 2 Bishop’s Message 2 College Board Message 3 Principal’s Message 4 Deputy Principal 8 Deputy Principal - Identity and Mission 9 Deputy Principal - Community and Staff Development 10 Deputy Principal Operations and Data Analysis 11 Deputy Principal - Pastoral 12 Staff Directory 13 Staff Photographs 15 Vale Marilyn Parsons 17 STUDENTS Captain’s Report 18 Goodbye From Year 12 19 School Leaders 20 Academic Awards 21 Baillie 30 Carew 38 Nolan 46 Putney 54 Reid 62 Rice 70 Treacy 78 STUDIES Digital and Design Technologies 83 Drama 84 English 85 Film, Television and New Media 86 Hospitality 87 Humanities 88 Inclusive Education 89 Industrial Design and Technologies 90 Languages 91 Library 92 Mathematics 93 Music 94 Physical Education 95 Religious Education 96 Science 97 Visual Arts 98 Vocational Education and Training and Industry Placement 99 Industry Placement Employers 100

SPORTS Athletics 101 Basketball 102 Cricket 105 Cross Country 106 Football 107 Hockey 108 Mountain Biking 108 Netball 109 Rowing 110 Rugby League 111 Rugby Union 119 Swimming 125 Touch Football 126 Water Polo 126 Volleyball 127 North Queensland and Queensland School Representatives 128 COMMUNITY AND CULTURE ANZAC Day 129 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Programs 130 Battle of the Bands 131 Careers 132 Counselling 133 Debating 134 Defence 136 Edmund Rice Day 137 Ensemble Music 138 EREBB 139 Faith in Action 140 Handball Championship 141 Homeless Project 142 India Immersion 143 Instrumental Music 144 Live @ Lunch 145 Outdoor Education and Camps 146 Peer Mentors 149 Production 150 Sustainability and Reef Guardians 151 Townsville Community Learning Centre 152 Townsville to Cairns Charity Bike Ride 152 World's Greatest Shave 153 Year 10 Exchange Program 154 The Year That Was 155 Seniors 157 Graduation Liturgy 172 Senior Poem and Senior Song 176

Ignatius Park College 2020






Bishop’s Message My Dear Friends, It is a privilege to contribute these words for your Yearbook of 2020.

In the light of the COVID crisis, much has been said of the uniqueness and challenges of this year. The challenges have been enormous and there has never been a more difficult or disrupted school year. During this time of great difficulty, your school community has been a beacon of hope for all. I have never been so proud of our schools as this year, when the care and compassion that we espouse in our stated mission, has been so visibly enacted in our school communities. Be very proud of your resilience, your care and compassion, your dedication to what is important. In the face of great challenge, your school has truly been an ornament to the vision of Edmund Rice and the priorities of our Gospel. We are particularly proud of our final year students, whose valedictory year has been greatly compromised. Despite the challenges of off-site learning and restrictions within society, our students have found a way to lead, to learn and to celebrate. This augurs so well for their future success. Our staff have been magnificent! In the face of great pressure and challenge, we must celebrate the extraordinary dedication and creativity of our staff. We are so proud of you and our profession is so much richer for the contribution that you have made. Many of our families have undergone great hardship this year. Thank you for staying with us and please know that we are with you in good times and in times of adversity. Your faith in Edmund Rice education is what sustains us and drives your school to be the best that it can be. Finally, in my final time of offering these words, I am grateful for and rejoice in the vision that unites us all and challenges us to become more complete human beings through a Catholic education based on compassion, liberation and inclusion. With much gratitude, Wayne Tinsey | Executive Director Edmund Rice Education Australia

Dear Members of the Ignatius Park College Family, It is always a pleasant experience visiting the College as I have done once again this year. Our Foundation Mass and presentation was of the highest standard and I enjoyed celebrating with you. Without question, the year just gone has been unique, certainly in my lifetime. I did not see COVID-19 coming or its consequences. We will never be the same again. Many adjustments to our lives are probably here to stay. Whilst here in North Queensland we have not experienced the same intensity as other parts of Queensland, or Australia, or in other countries (such as USA with over 210,000 deaths), we have not been completely immune. It wouldn’t take much to ‘tip the scales’ if we were not to remain vigilant. Life must go on, of course, but until there is a vaccine to combat this virus, I suspect social distancing and other measures will remain. In all this, in all the challenges that come our way, Christians or ‘disciples’ walk by faith, knowing that God in Jesus Christ is the reason for our very existence. ‘Social distancing’, something we are all continuing to practice in this sense, does keep us apart and appears to be in opposition to our call to live together as brothers and sisters. When our Church doors were closed, we also seemed to be sending the wrong message. But closing the doors was necessary to immediately respond to the crisis. The truth is though, long term, those who profess the Christian faith are called to break down barriers and embrace each other with compassion, respect and love. Our responsibility not only through COVID-19, but beyond is to become the ‘face’ of Christ in our community, by living according to his teachings. In this way, we live up to the Edmund Ignatius Rice tradition, a tradition that underpins Ignatius Park College. I pray for all of you as we prepare to celebrate the Christmas Season and to embrace a New Year. What will the New Year bring? That’s unknown, but through faith, we do know Christmas will bring the Christ child into our midst – the one who always makes our darkness bright – our Saviour and our Lord. With every best wish and blessing,

Most Rev Timothy Harris | Bishop of Townsville


Ignatius Park College 2020

2020 saw new and unique challenges emerge for Ignatius Park College as well as the Board as a result of COVID-19 (the Pandemic). Additionally, matters which regularly take the focus of the Board continued to be dealt with. These matters included: The Pandemic When the Pandemic first struck the broader Australian community in March 2020 it remained a ‘business as usual’ approach for schools. This raised concerns around the safety and well being of staff, students and their families. Shaun shouldered the burden of determining, in conjunction with EREA and appropriate government agencies, how IPC should respond. The preparedness of staff to continue to put students and their learning first during these early weeks was outstanding. It required sacrifice and a willingness to potentially put themselves at risk of infection in so doing so. On behalf of the entire parent body, I thank our staff for the positive and resilient manner in which they approached these early, uncertain weeks of the Pandemic. The Board listened to Shaun’s concerns and supported him through these early weeks. There was a hiatus in Term 2 during which it was not possible to have students at school and lessons were undertaken via a remote electronic platform. Our staff once again worked selflessly to have lessons ready and in a format whereby remote learning was possible. Students and families also embraced this new mode of delivery of lessons. By and large, learning proceeded in a positive manner and moving forward it is possible that elements of remote learning or students learning at their own pace may be incorporated into the curriculum. By the commencement of Term 3 all students and staff were back, physically, at IPC and in that sense lessons resumed a level of normality. The disruption to academic, sporting and cultural activities however has been and continues to be very significant. Limitations upon numbers that can gather and how/ where gathering can occur continue to challenge everyone in our communities. I want to particularly acknowledge our Year 12 men who have, perhaps, suffered the most with these disruptions. Significant events that you would, normally, have enjoyed as well as your opportunity to lead the College in the way you all would have hoped to do at the start of the year have fallen short of what any reasonable expectation would have been. We feel for you whilst congratulating you upon the manner that you have continued to ‘turn up’ with a positive attitude towards your studies and activities at the College. It has been commendable. Our earnest hope is that as 2021 nears life at IPC as well as within our wider community will return to normal levels as we have known it. Master Plan/Plans for Learning Resource Centre The College applied for, but was unsuccessful in securing, funding from the Building Grant Authority (BGA) to build the proposed Learning Resource Centre on the site of the former Brothers' house at the College. Shaun is continuing to investigate alternative financing options so that this initiative can proceed.

The Board looks forward to continuing discussions to make this project a much needed reality in the not too distant future. International Women’s Day Breakfast (IWDB) Pre-Pandemic, IPC had the privilege of hosting the IWDB within the Hall. It was a sell-out and sent such a strong, positive message, not only throughout the College, but also to the wider community as to the importance that IPC attaches to women within our society. Pru Goward addressed the Breakfast well but it was the testimonies of the young people who attended and spoke from schools including St Margaret Mary’s, St Pat’s, Ryan College and IPC who drew the greatest applause including a standing ovation for Harrison Keir’s touching tribute to his Mum. With emerging young people of the calibre who spoke that morning, we have every reason to be optimistic for the future and all it holds in this space. ATAR In addition to the challenges of the Pandemic, our Year 12s who hope to go onto University in 2021 will also be the first cohort to complete their education under the new Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking (ATAR) System. There is, understandably, some uncertainty as to how IPC will fare and it will no doubt be an ongoing learning curve for all. We extend our best wishes to those students contemplating tertiary studies. We also thank the Board’s Education Sub-Committee who have liaised with Alison Elcoate and others to ‘de-mystify’ and shed light where possible upon the ATAR System and ready IPC as much as possible in this regard. Finance IPC remains in a strong financial position thanks to the ongoing stewardship of Paul Fanning and others including Glenn Seri and members of the Board’s Finance Sub-Committee. On behalf of the Board, I thank Glenn for his work in this area. We also farewelled Paul Fanning this year and record the indebtedness of IPC to him for his care and concern as Business Manager for so many years. Finally, we wish his replacement, Vilton Crasto, well moving forward. New Board Members Three new members were appointed to the Board in 2020. They are: a. Lee-Ann Barton; b. Kieran Keyes; and c. Jeff Doyle. Each are parents of current students at the College and bring great expertise to the Board. We thank them for their contributions throughout 2020 and look forward to their ongoing contributions in future years. 2020 sees the conclusion of my second and final term as Board Chair. I thank Shaun Clarke for his preparedness to work closely with the Board throughout my tenure and I thank each and every Board Member for their ongoing support and the very significant contributions that each make. IPC is so very fortunate to have a Board with a calibre and competency which is second to none. I know that IPC is in good hands moving forward and earnestly hope, as we all do, that the College continues over the years ahead to be an institution renowned for turning adolescent boys into good young men as they leave its gates – ready to make their contribution to society in whatever role they so choose. Peter Duffy | Board Chair

Ignatius Park College 2020



College Board Message


Principal’s Message adults in the world to receive a much-needed education. In the words of Nelson Mandela; “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Education is the key to liberation, to reducing intergenerational poverty and inequality, to creating a sustainable planet, to preventing needless deaths and illness, and to fostering peace. It is education, specialized knowledge and understanding that has been foundational to guiding Australia through this pandemic thus far.

The term ‘normal’ this year has been redefined as has the notion of ‘community gathering and celebration’. Today we gather for the Awards Day Ceremony, an Iggy Park tradition, absent of the physical presence of those we love and hold dear but, with the aid of technology, and the use of live streaming in spirit we are one, in celebration and gratitude for the achievements of our community and students. This is providing us with an occasion to stop and reflect upon the outstanding successes and endeavours of our boys, irrespective of the numerous barriers and limitations we have had to overcome this year, to remain a community focused on and inspired by the charism of Blessed Edmund Rice and the hope this manifests for us all. Dr. Wayne Tinsey, Executive Director of EREA, who finishes his role this year after fourteen years in the position, stated: “Whenever we gather to celebrate together as people inspired by Blessed Edmund Rice, we are reminded that our inherited charism is one which continues to draw people from all walks of life into a mission of inclusivity, compassion, justice, love and liberation. As part of the broader Church community, our mission response is situated within a diverse and often messy social and cultural context. Our charism’s genius, particularly through our educational endeavour, is our capacity to present a visionary and hopefilled view of the future to our young people and all those marginalised by our society.” 2020 will be a year that we will never forget. The COVID 19 Pandemic has created the most significant disruption to education systems in the history of the world, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 190 countries and continents. Closures of schools and other learning spaces have impacted 94 per cent of the world’s student population. Last month, only four of the seventeen countries around the world that have EREA schools had schools fully open, not including Australia. This crisis is also exacerbating pre-existing disparities education by reducing the opportunities for many of the most vulnerable children, youth and


Ignatius Park College 2020

Here in Australia, we have been fortunate to experience lower rates of infection than what has been experienced globally. It has not been since the Spanish Flu in 1919 that we have seen borders closed and within each jurisdiction restrictions on the freedom to travel, the ability to meet with family, the need for self – isolation, closure of schools and the new vernacular called “social distancing.” The normality that we took for granted has changed and this “new norm” has challenged our society and our College community in remaining connected in ways we have never experienced before. This disruption to our global community has brought with its loss of life and livelihood, separation of families, restrictions on travel and an added strain on people’s wellbeing. Whilst it is easy to focus on the ways the disruption has impacted negatively, it is of critical importance at such times to stay open to the opportunities, to see the light within the darkness, to practice daily gratitude for what we have been gifted; to remain connected and united and to look beyond ourselves to the other. As an Edmund Rice school, our focus has always been to be a hope-filled community. Hope is important for both our spiritual and emotional wellbeing. St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians states that there are “three things that last: faith, hope and love.” These are identified as unique gifts from God that serve as the structuring elements of a spiritual life. The pandemic has presented for our College community at times significant levels of uncertainty, anxiety and apprehension, as we attempted to vision the year ahead, but what this year has taught us is there is nothing we cannot overcome when we work together and how precious we are to each other in times of adversity. Faith is foundational to our Touchstones and calls us to have courage in ourselves and others, to leap beyond reason to put our trust in a compassionate God who provides support in the good and bad times and promises us everlasting life. It is this promise that provides for all Christians the virtue of hope. Through hope we can overcome the suffering, tragedy, conflict and injustice of our world, a world that has a future and endless possibilities. The final virtue of love can often be trivialized. For many in our community it may be seen as being a “nice guy” or “being a gentleman.” However, love is not about being friendly and getting along: true love is about recognising what is best for another person and then concretely doing something about it. This love calls us to be people of action and advocates of justice and peace; to ensure we stand up for the marginalised, ensuring their voice is heard. This is a

challenge as a College community we committed to in 2020.

skills has been our engagement in Mental Health Awareness Week and the ‘Are you OK?’ initiative.

For our students, school life this year has been challenging but I have been touched by their continued sense of optimism, hope and ability to be solution-focused and think outside the square. With remote learning and restrictions, we had to become very creative in the way we continued to nurture our strong sense of community and celebrate our faith and achievements. Thus, turning to a virtual platform as a means of gathering and celebrating our achievements, such as the Edmund Rice Mass, Anzac Day, pastoral care and assemblies. The feedback on these activities has been very positive and highlights the importance of these digital celebrations in maintaining the relational nature of the College. It is a sign for us all that our community is far more than its physical presence, it is a spirit of love and hope that will endure for eternity. It is a powerful and comforting realization for us all, ‘that the spirit of Iggy Park, like the phoenix out of the ashes will rise.’

Despite the changes this year, what has remained constant is our focus on learning, whether this was remote learning or face to face in the classroom. Learning brings hope. At Iggy Park we see learning as a journey of endless possibilities, where students are energized to seek meaning and explore questions about the world around them, in partnership with parents and the Church. COVID 19 called us to a new partnership in education that required many teachers, parents and students to rapidly adjust to new modes of learning. In a matter of weeks, we had to find and implement viable alternatives to the traditional model of teaching in a physical classroom. With remote learning came a number of challenges such as reduced one-to-one engagement with teachers, determining engagement levels of students, monitoring of individual students, supporting the students with learning needs and increased level of oversight required from families. A sincere thank you to all our parents and carers who embraced these changes. Your partnership and support in the education of our young men was vital during this time.

In the future we will remember 2020 as the Pandemic Year. Despite its disruptions, it has taught us the lesson that we still can be connected while we are physically distanced. This was reinforced this year with our Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders program, where our students had many opportunities through Zoom, to connect with our Edmund Rice family globally, with students sharing stories and gaining important understandings of the impact that COVID 19 around the world. We learned that, some Year 12 students in the Northern Hemisphere, would not experience the opportunity to graduate with their peers. This connection globally within this time of adversity has manifested a wonderful sense of compassion and solidarity within our Edmund Rice Network, promoting for all a deep spirit of hope, a hope that assures all and calls us to be there for the other in times of adversity. We are reminded of the need to reach out and ensure the wellbeing of every student and to renew our commitment to “brotherhood” in these times of uncertainty, social isolation and separation from mates and friends. Being brothers to each other signifies a desire to build community together; it is being hospitable to each other, working through conflicts in a restorative manner and living the Gospel values. Brotherhood is far from easy to practice in daily life. It is not just a term used in the College throughout the year but an expectation as to how students behave and treat each other with dignity and respect – the same kind of respect Edmund Rice had for his students over two hundred years ago. In this pandemic year we have asked students to be brothers, to open their hearts to each other, to focus not on the differences but on the similarities. It is wonderful to hear that during our remote learning this brotherhood was alive, with many students connecting and monitoring the wellbeing of each other with compassionate hearts to those in need in our community. COVID 19 has taught us the importance of being an inclusive community, by providing student workshops on mental health and developing strategies which support us at times of uncertainty and anxiety. Further developing these

There were questions to be asked: primarily did we leave the classroom or did the classroom evolve? I believe the classroom evolved. The pandemic has provided us with a gift we could never have imagined, and these positive changes will have lasting effects on our schools and students. Sun Tzu, a Chinese Philosopher who lived from 544 – 496 BC stated, “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” Through the challenges of this year we have renewed our partnership with our parents, the first educators of their sons. We have focused on blended learning, reassessing the role of technology in schools to promote greater levels of engagement, independence and inclusion. We have been prompted to move outside our comfort zone and be a learner amongst learners, exploring teaching and learning beyond the classroom and the role technology can play in a future that continues to vision excellence and equity in education. It is a future that is calling our students to be independent learners who embrace digital technologies to connect globally, to build new literacies, dispositions, cultural awareness and deep levels of understanding as we openly embrace the stewardship of our earth. We are guests, not masters on this planet. We need to value and care for our own lives, the fragility of our earth and the relationships we have for others. We are at a threshold moment; we have the opportunity to allow our new knowings to shape the new “normal” and begin to create a new future. In 2013 Pope Francis stated: “Young people call us to renewed and expansive hope, for they represent new directions for humanity and open us up to the future.” The staff of Ignatius Park are highly professional,

Ignatius Park College 2020



Principal’s Message


Principal’s Message gifting our community with a generosity of spirit and a deep commitment to those they serve. They willingly move beyond their comfort zones to embrace ways of knowing and understanding, to meet the needs of our students, remaining solutions-focused they wade their way through one barrier to another, working collaboratively to resolve problems, ensuring at all times learning and pastoral care of our boys was never compromised. It is said that ‘out of adversity wisdom is born and opportunities presented’ but only if we have the capacity to remain open and hope filled. In embracing this new paradigm in education, a new way of being, of facilitating learning, of ensuring our boys would continue to receive an education reflective of our touchstones, the staff at Iggy Park have been inspirational and I am truly indebted to lead such a dedicated group. This year our College Board was also affected by the pandemic, with most of our meetings occurring by Zoom. In reflecting on the year that has been and what we have collectively achieved, I would like to thank our College Board under the leadership of Peter Duffy. Your diligence and wisdom in the governance of the College is deeply appreciated by us all. Your support and advice have been invaluable and importantly the level of personal support you have afforded me is held with a deep sense of gratitude. In acknowledging the Board, I wish to especially acknowledge the leadership and contribution of Peter Duffy, our Board Chair for the past six years. Peter will step down from the Board at the end of the year and I would like to publicly acknowledge his outstanding contribution to our College community. Hope is being open to new possibilities, new relationships and new challenges. It has been a year of full of challenges, but equally of joy and celebration, all of which have been embraced, managed and led by our highly professional College Leadership Team and I wish to thank


Ignatius Park College 2020

Brendan Stewart, John Doolan, Allison Elcoate, Marg Hodgson, Johanna Smith and Matthew Holland for their commitment and energy to a shared vision of Ignatius Park that is centered on those we serve. To Brendan Stewart, who has been appointed as Principal at St. Mary’s College, Toowoomba after 27 years at the College; Allison Elcoate, who has been appointed as Deputy Principal in Brisbane after 5 years’ service to the College and Matthew Holland who moves to Iona College, I thank you for your commitment to the Leadership Team and in bringing to life our shared vision of an inclusive educational community with a learning and pastoral culture that always allows every student to be the best learner they can be. I would also like to acknowledge the following staff who finished this year at Ignatius Park College: Paul Fanning after 14 years as Business Manager, Brendan Logan who was a member of staff for 20 years, Craig Brown who is moving to Nudgee College, and Roger Torrington, Sandra Hughes and Simon Di Giacomo who departed throughout the year. Your gift of service to the College has not gone unnoticed and we miss, and will continue to miss, your presence and service within our community as through your service to our young men and their families you lived the charism and spirit of Blessed Edmund Rice. This year we lost Marilyn Parsons, our Guidance Counsellor, who over her twenty-five years at the College touched so many hearts and transformed the lives of so many people. As a College we have been gifted by this beautiful woman, a woman whose presence touched all people she met. Her love was endless, and she lived the heart of Christ. She was Edmund Rice in our College community and will always be remembered. At the heart of our community here at Ignatius Park College are our boys. I am grateful for the affirmation, joy and the youthful exuberance they bring to the College each day. These are young

men who work, play, take risks, learn from their mistakes, challenge us and repay us tenfold in the growth we share with them. This is a wonderful gift that makes this College such a special place of learning. Our 2020 College Captain, Jared Mitchell, has been inspirational as our leader, characterizing his leadership through qualities such as integrity, passion, deep spirit and teamwork, role modelling for his peers what it means to be a young man from Iggy Park. I would also like to thank the student leadership team comprising of Harrison Keir, Kai Simmons, Mebin Martin, Aiden Simkin and Ethan Moody Humphrey for their support, innovation and vision throughout the year. These are fine young men and leaders of whom we are exceptionally proud. We thank them for their service to our community. To the current Year 12 students, some special words of encouragement for you, our newest Old Boys. This year has been challenging to you all, significantly disrupting your final year assessment, traditional rites of passage and the celebrations that occur after graduation. As a year group, you have shown unbelievable resilience during this pandemic year. I am sure for all of us as one chapter ends, another begins. There may be moments of trepidation, but I encourage you to embrace the future with a sense of excitement as you are now entering into a whole new world where you will make your mark, follow your dreams and become whatever you want to be. I have every confidence in each of you as men of great potential. You just have to take advantage of the gifts you have and the support, opportunities, brotherhood and sense of responsibility your Edmund Rice education has given you. Be men with a keen sense of social justice who are ready to contribute to society and become leaders of the future. At the beginning of the year you chose the theme: Past, Present, Future. This is now the future. You are well equipped to step out into the real world – make of most of it, gentlemen.

I wish you all the best in your final assessment and may you continue to live the values of being an “Iggy Boy” beyond our school. Thank you to all the families and carers who guided and supported their sons on an educational journey in partnership with the College from the young innocence of students in Year 7 to the dignity of manhood in Year 12. Finally, I would like to thank all members of our College community who gift our students with a deep sense of belief and confidence in themselves to embrace life, to walk outside their comfort zones and maintain a thirst and courage to learn and experience new learning every day in a spirit of hope. Michelle Obama once stated “You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.” My prayer of hope is that, as we come out of the pandemic that we are currently experiencing, we continue to value the small things we do today, the connectedness we make with each other, that will build a better future where our students live their dreams without limitations and truly believe nothing is impossible. God Bless Live Jesus in our Hearts. Forever

Shaun Clarke | Principal

Ignatius Park College 2020



Principal’s Message


Deputy Principal 2020 was a significant year in the Compliance and Policy space at Ignatius Park College. This was the first year in which we were fully able to implement training and projects to support the compliance work at IPC. In brief, the work this year involved embedding the processes begun in 2019. COVID-19 COVID 19 was clearly a disruption for everyone in the IPC community and beyond. It was pleasing to see the way that the College “pulled together” in a very difficult time for many families and students. In regards to staffing, our Principal Shaun Clarke produced a teaching staff roster that was used to regulate which staff came into and out of the College campus during the period. One any one day, about 20 teaching staff (out of about 90 total) were onsite to supervise students who were children of emergency workers as defined by the State Government. Most other teaching staff were at home and expected to be working from home during this period. The Principal and other Deputy Principals were onsite each day during the period at IPC. A teaching and learning platform called STILE provided the school with the opportunity to create high quality lessons, resources and learning experiences in an efficient manner delivered to students. The feedback mechanism provided by STILE was also easy to use for both students and staff. It was pleasing to see the response of students during this time, as they benefited from the regular feedback provided by our teaching and support staff on STILE. I want to take the opportunity to thank our support staff for their work, especially during this time. It was especially challenging for our support staff, who were unsure at times about their employment status because of the work disruption. However, each and every employee continued to provide quality work. They did this without complaint. A special recognition to our Property and Services Manager, Trevor Rethamel, and our cleaning team for the College. Together they worked tirelessly to provide a clean and safe environment for the IPC community day after day. Their work changed almost on a daily basis during this period and each member of the team stepped up to provide care for our students and staff. To me, this is a wonderful reflection of the positive culture at IPC. CompliSpace During 2020, the training and work in CompliSpace continued. CompliSpace is the main interface between IPC employees and volunteers and the risk management and compliance area of the IPC Community. Training continued this year online, which was especially helpful during the disruptions caused by COVID. The training involved


Ignatius Park College 2020

repeating some modules and units from 2019 and attempting new units in the Child Safeguarding Framework supported by EREA. COVID-19 gave us the opportunity to ramp up the training required to be compliant with EREA requirements during 2020. OnGuard Safety Training As part of our priority to improve safety and compliance in the community, we encouraged all departments that had a significant concerns around safety to complete OnGuard safety training. OnGuard is an online platform that contains small safety modules for use by students but also staff if required. For most departments, OnGuard was used to help students to understand the importance of safety in their chosen subject area. Faculties such as Physical Education, Industrial Technology, Hospitality and Science used the software and training to help students and staff from all year levels at the College. One of my main concerns as a person who works in this space is that it is important to change to a safe working culture at IPC. Completing the training is good, but changing our practices so that we appreciate the safety of all in the community is more important. Our work with OnGuard is a part of this journey. Academic and Wellbeing Advisory Group (AWAG) The AWAG group was formed by the College Principal with an attempt to bring the different arms of the school together regularly on some strategic thinking and planning. The group involved the myself as EREA Deputy Principal, John Doolan as DP Pastoral, Allison Elcoate as DP Curriculum, Shane Dove as Dean of Teaching and Learning and Craig Brown as Dean of Wellbeing. Our agenda comprised of the significant strategic agenda items for the year to be considered. These included items such as a new Teaching and Learning Framework, College Wellbeing Framework, Academic Data and the new Pastoral Care approach being considered by the Pastoral team. And finally… I would like to thank the support and teaching staff in my time at Ignatius Park College. Most importantly, to Kayleen and Kim in the Edmund Rice Room, your continued assistance to me and to the College community is an inspiration to me and my work – a sincere thank you. Kayleen and I worked very closely on replacing sick and absent staff this year and I am happy to share that Kayleen did most of the work! Kayleen is committed to her role and provides a high level of support to the College Leadership Team at all times in her work with relief staff and the operational aspects of the College timetable. I wish all students, families and friends of the College a happy and holy festive season and I thank you for your support of me during my time at Ignatius Park College. Brendan Stewart | Deputy Principal

Ignatius Park College is not a private school. We are a Catholic school. Being a Catholic School means we deliver more than a values-based education. A Catholic education means the decisions we make are Christ-centred. It means we attempt to form your sons to be good citizens of the world, loving God and our neighbours, making the world a better place. It also means we emphasise that everyone is made in the image of God and therefore deserves the inalienable dignity of the human person. We hope your sons understand what it means to be made in the image of the Creator. Another emphasis is that we are a school community, in communitas with each other and with our God. This encourages quality relationships that allow for difficulties and celebrate successes. Another way we demonstrate our Catholicity is by clearly articulating our Catholic worldview throughout our curriculum. And finally, the staff of our College should be known for their authentic witness to the Gospel.

Gospel Spirituality In what ways do newcomers or visitors to Ignatius Park College tangibly recognise our relationships and actions as being Gospel-inspired? What opportunities exist here for people to explore more deeply their understanding of and commitment to a Gospel spirituality? In what ways does IPC utilise its gifts to witness to the Gospel practices of inclusivity, forgiveness and compassion?

A further gift to the community is our charism. Charism is a gift from God for the Church and the world, given as different ways of living the Gospel. The charism of Blessed Edmund Rice is practical, liberating and gives preferential option to the poor. In all Edmund Rice Education Australia schools, including Ignatius Park, we express the charism as Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community and Justice & Solidarity. These Touchstones should be living and auditable in our school community.

In a difficult year, it has been a blessing to have an opportunity to reflect, and to give time to being of service to our school community. We have the opportunity to be stronger as a community, but I pray that we keep those who are still overwhelmed by this pandemic at the forefront of our minds.

How successful have we been in living our charism? Ask yourself: Liberating Education How are the vision and hope for a better world for all expressed and celebrated at Ignatius Park? What experiences most awaken our students to the need for liberation in their own lives? What knowledge and skills do we equip the young men with so that they are able to discern the liberation needs of others? Who amplifies the voices of those most in need of liberation within the College community? How is that voice received?

Inclusive Community How does our College open its doors, not only to welcome and support all who come, but also to go out and meet those who don’t, constantly seeking ways of inviting everyone to the table? What opportunities does Ignatius Park have to ensure its mode of operation meets the diversity of needs of those it openly welcomes? What challenges does our school community face in aiming to be ‘open to all’? Justice & Solidarity What are the benefits and challenges of committing to justice and peace for all? How do we develop our educational mission through a spirituality that reflects upon needs and actions? In what ways are we asked to stand with those who are afflicted and marginalised? How are we asked to defend our wounded planet?

Creator God, may we who have been merely inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake. May we who have no risk factors remember those most vulnerable. May we who have the luxury of working as we choose, remember those who much choose between preserving their health or making their rent. May we who have to cancel our trips remember those who have no safe place to go. May we who are losing our savings remember those who have no margin at all. May we who were quarantined at home remember those who have no home. When we are afraid, let us choose love. During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other, help us find ways to be Your loving embrace to our neighbours. AMEN Johanna Smith | Deputy Principal - Identity and Mission

Ignatius Park College 2020



Deputy Principal - Identity and Mission


Deputy Principal - Community and Staff Development After the craziness that was our 50 year celebrations in 2019, we ran into the wall that is COVID in 2020! What a year! To keep things interesting, this portfolio is responsible for a range of areas in the College. We started the year with staff inductions and welcoming our new students and families. Open Day was a huge success...thank heavens we slid in with the nick of time as, the following week, the world shut down! It was wonderful to see all the families who came to check out the amazing place that is Ignatius Park College. Our boys represented their school exceptionally well and all of our visitors commented on our students, referencing their courtesy and the pride they demonstrated in their school. Moving online meant a complete rethink in how we did things. We assisted in making resources available to students and parents via the College Website. This was also the platform used for our subject preferencing process, with information provided in the form of videos, as well as the traditional handbook, to assist in the selection process. Our community continued to build, but mostly in the online world, due to COVID. We tried to ensure our Facebook page continued to act as a link for our community. We sincerely appreciate the engagement that so many of our parents, staff, friends, students and Old Boys, have with our social media platforms. We have just launched a ‘new look’ website and are excited to launch the new Iggy Park app for use in 2021. Newsletters are also generated within our Department and it is a pleasure to celebrate the success of our students in all areas of endeavour. This year, we were also responsible for the Assemblies and it was fantastic to see the Seniors host the fortnightly Assemblies. It has been a pleasure to showcase the many achievements of our students and, this year, our Arts Department


Ignatius Park College 2020

have regularly shared their talents. It was great to have the Junior Prefects step up to present the Assembly when the Seniors were busy with exams. Staff Development has also looked a bit different this year. As it is imperative for our staff to be given the time and space to continue their journey of lifelong learning, many of us are now involved in Zoom Presentations, Webinars and Online Conferences. Our staff have also made great use of the Student Free Days to enhance their skills and knowledge. Marketing also falls under our banner and, whilst we haven’t graced the back of any buses this year, we have taken the opportunity to address a range of topics in magazines such as Duo and PakMag. The Townsville Bulletin as well as WIN News and 7 News have also been very generous in their coverage of events at our College. Not only have our varied sports been highlighted, many other programs and activities have also achieved significant airtime, such as the Best Foot Forward Initiative, our Sleepout to highlight the issue of homelessness, anti-bullying and our response to learning in a COVID world. It was lovely to finalise the bricks around the Edmund Rice statue on our front lawn - the last project for our 50 year celebrations. The addition of Edmund Rice roses makes wandering down the path a lovely opportunity to reconnect with our memories of those who have gone before us, as well as our current staff, students and families. We are proud of the work that we have done to promote the College. Our aim is to ensure the publications, advertising and marketing of the school is professional in appearance and we certainly enjoy our outreach to the community. As a College, we are very blessed to have a professional team in this area and I sincerely thank Mrs Madonna Simmons and Mrs Kim Steele for their creativity and amazing capacity to generate ideas which are then brought to fruition. Marg Hodgson | Deputy Principal Community and Staff Development

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. Henry Ford This has certainly been an eventful year with many expected and unexpected obstacles for us all to navigate. The primary focus of curriculum this year has been around quality planning and targeted goals. This has also been the focus of our Academic Mentoring sessions, with goal setting occurring in all grades, along with the Academic Interviews continuing in Year 11. We are seeing improvement in the academic performance of those students who are engaging with the goal setting, particularly in Year 8 and 9. One of our many successes this year has been our Year 10 Transition Curriculum, which included the SET planning and Careers Days. Last year we implementation a modified the structure of the Year 10 programs and utilised the new subject names from the senior years to help our students and their families to make more informed decisions concerning subjects as they move into Year 11. The progression of our current Year 11s in the new QCE system has been very positive with consistent improvement for the majority of students. Many of these young men link their success to their Year 10 classes and the improved SET Planning process in 2019. We continued to build upon this in 2020, despite COVID, Mr Phillip Dembowski was able to engage James Cook University and Central Queensland University to speak with the boys, along with the career, VET and SET Planning workshops run by the College. Our current Year 10 students have made some sound choices for 2021, which will be vital for them on their journey through the senior years.

2020 saw our first group of Year 12s progress through the new QCE system. The ATAR has been difficult for the students and their families to get used to, but this new curriculum meant significant change for all students undertaking the QCE. The Applied subjects were more stringent, and the content rigour increased compared to the previous OP system. VET requirements were Government monitored carefully and funding goal posts were changed every term. A new curriculum and COVID disruptions have better prepared this cohort of seniors for resilience as they enter in the workforce in 2021. The 2020 ATAR students will receive their ranks and first round university offers on the 19 December 2020. Despite writing this article prior to this time, I am certain that IPC will place well. Our focus with the students has been around their goals. Iggy Park has never been about the best scores possible to make the College look good – it is always about knowing what our young men are dreaming of and striving for and helping them to achieve it. Even in October, I believe that we have been able to do so this again in 2020 for the majority of our students. We have a large number of students who were given early placement offers in September to study at James Cook University (JCU), Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Central Queensland University (CQU) and Australian National University (ANU) next year. Some men have already been approved for scholarships and bursaries and are ready to commence their tertiary studies. This past year, the College, students, families and our community have faced many obstacles. We could not be more proud of our students who have navigated everything thrown at them this year by keeping their eyes fixed on their goals. Allison Elcoate | Deputy Principal Operations and Data Analysis

If there is one key lesson that I believe every Iggy Park man will take from 2020, it will be improved resilience. The period of online learning, despite being unexpected, was surprisingly a much needed shake up that schools throughout Australia needed. It required teachers to engage in better use of ICT to support learning, students were able to experience tertiary-style teaching and be more self-directed. Not all students flourished during the time of online learning, but this helped us to understand where barriers to learning might be. In the classroom, sometimes these barriers can be overlooked or masked by physical behaviour and interactions with other students. At the College, we saw a marked improvement in teacher use of IT, engagement with student educational data, increased checking for understanding and reengagement of some students who had begun to withdraw emotionally from schooling. There is a lesson or skill that every person in our community can all take away from this time, because experience is what you get, when you don’t get what you want.

Ignatius Park College 2020



Deputy Principal - Operations and Data Analysis


Deputy Principal - Pastoral Many will know that after five years, I will be moving into a new position in the College in 2021. In my time in the pastoral position, I have come to know many members of the IPC community. The overwhelming sense that I get back from our community is a justifiable pride in the school and a deep connection with their place in its life. It would be a feeling that I have grown to share with everyone. This year has been another period of continuing to develop the pastoral dimension of the College. Specifically, it has been focused on re-writing the behaviour management processes for students. The existing plan has been in place since the introduction of the House system in 2000. Most people would be familiar with its dominant idea of the traffic light system. In considering the options and having conducted research and surveys of staff, students and


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parents, the pastoral team has been developing a system that is more contemporary and makes more space for the positive side of our work with students. To that end, by the time you are reading this article, we will have rolled out the draft of the re-badged program in Term 4 for implementation in 2021. It will be known as the Student Development and Engagement Framework. In my final acknowledgements, I would like to pass on my thanks to the Pastoral Team members who have made my job possible over these last five years. I wish Johanna Smith all the best in the role in 2021. I have every confidence that she will take things forward in a refreshing and dynamic way. I would particularly like to thank Craig Brown, who is stepping down as Dean of Wellbeing to pursue his career in Brisbane. We wish him all the best. While we will miss his depth of understanding and knowledge of students, I know that I speak for the community when I say that we are lucky to have a replacement of the calibre of John Deer to take his place. All the best to all members of the community and looking forward to a big year in 2021. John Doolan | Deputy Principal - Pastoral

Principal Mr S Clarke

BA, Dip Ed. Rtc

Deputy Principal Mr B Stewart (Terms 1-3) MEd, BEd, BBus (Acc) Mr J Doolan (Term 4) MEd Leadership, MBA, BEd, Cert. of Catholic Education Deputy Principal – Identity and Mission Mrs J Smith (Terms 1-3) MEd Leadership, BAppSc (HMS-Ed) Mr M Holmes (Term 4) MEd Leadership, GCert Theology, BEd Sec (Human Movement) Deputy Principal – Pastoral Mr J Doolan (Terms 1-3) MEd Leadership, MBA, BEd, Cert. of Catholic Education Mrs J Smith (Term 4) MEd Leadership, BAppSc (HMS-Ed) Deputy Principal – Curriculum and Data Mrs A Elcoate MEd Leadership & Religious Education, BEd (Primary/Secondary) Deputy Principal – Community and Staff Development Mrs Marg Hodgson MEd Leadership, BA; Grad Dip Ed; / Grad Dip Arts (Lib & Info Sci.), Dip HRM Business Manager Mr P Fanning Mr M Holland (Acting) Mr V Crasto

CA, BCom BBus (Accounting and Finance) CPA, MBA,MPA,BCom

School Chaplain Father Rod Ward

MB, BS (Qld), FAMA, BTheol (BCT), Grad Dip Min (BCT)

Pastoral (House) Leaders Baillie House Mrs J Roberts, M Ed, B Ed, G Dip Management, G Cert Ed Leadership, Cert IV Training & Assessment Carew House Mr P Bruce, BInfTech, BEd, Cert IV Training and Assessment Nolan House Mr M Mitchell, BEXSc, BTeachSE Putney House Mr J Fuller, BEc, BEd Reid House Mr C Rigano, BEd, BInfTech, GCertEd Leadership, Cert IV Fitness, Cert IV Training and Assessment Rice House Mr M Groves, BEd (Human Movement) Treacy House Mr J Deer, BEd Faculty Leaders English Mrs A Tarttelin, BEd, MEd Leadership Health and Physical Education Mr M Johnson, BEd, MSp Coach, MBus (Sports Management), MEXSc (Strength and Conditioning) Hospitality Mrs J Head, BEd Technologies, Cert II Hospitality Kitchen Operations, Cert II Hospitality Food & Beverage Cert IV Training & Assessment (Terms 3 and 4) Mrs L Shucksmith, BBus and Grad Dip Ed. (Terms 1 and 2) Humanities Mr T Lindeberg, BEd Digital and Design Technologies Mr B Denny, BEd Industrial Technology and Design/Graphics Mr L Farren, BEd, Diploma of Teaching TAFE, Diploma Management, Certificate IV Training & Assessment, Certificate in App Science (CAD), Certificate in Boilermaking Mathematics Ms R Ebelt, BSc/BEd (Sec) Religious Education Mr M Holmes, MEd Leadership, GCert Theology, BEd Sec (Human Movement) Science Mrs A Deer, BBiomed Sc, BEd The Arts Ms K Tillack, BEd (Sec) Program Leaders Head of Sport Mr J Alloway, MEd, BHMS (Ed) Indigenous and Multi-Cultural Coordinator Mr A Kirkpatrick, BEd Inclusive Education Ms N Putscher, BVA, BEd, Masters – National Award for SEN (Special Needs)

Vocational Education and Training (VET) Cultural Coordinator

Mr G Rossiter, MEd - Leadership, GDip - Teach, B App Sci - Physics Mr Gian Guerra, BEd

Teacher-in-Charge Languages

Ms R Irvine, BLM (Japanese)

Identity and Mission Coordinator (Faith in Service)

Mr P McMahon, BA, GDipEd, GCertEd Leadership

Identity & Mission Coordinator (Liturgies and Retreats) Leadership Identity & Mission Coordinator (Liberating Education)

Ms B Barbagallo, BA, BEd, GCertEd

Mr G Christ, BEd

Dean of Teaching and Learning Mr S Dove, BEd (Sec), BA (Hons), Dip Vocational Education and Training, Dip. Training Design and Development Dean of Student Wellbeing Mr C Brown, BEd, Cert in Business Studies Learning Resource Coordinator Mrs P Timbs, BEd Instrumental Music Coordinator Ms T Higgins Inclusive Education Student Diversity Support Officer

Ms S Walton, First and Second Staatsexamen for Teaching Special Education (Germany) Transition Support Officer Mrs Nadine Burnett, BA Ed (Sec)

Academic Staff Mr W Ahern, MEd Leadership, BEd Mr S Anderson, BSocSc, PGCE, MBA Miss T Apenis, BEd, Dip in Performing Arts with WAAPA, Cert in Creative Writing Mr C Baily, B.Ed, Cert IV TAE Ms B Barbagallo, BA, BEd Dr A Bowman , BSc (Sust. Env.), GDipEd, BSc (Hons), PhD (Biology) Mr M Burnett, BEd (Sec) Ms K Busby, BEd (Sec) Mr J Collier, BEd (Sec), Cert III in CAD Drawing Mr G Cook, BEd Mr S Cribb, BEd Mr B Deneen, BVisual Art, BEd Mr S Di Giacomo, BEd (Sec), Grad Cert DataSc M L Dunne, BEd Mr B Geaney, Dip T, Cert IV Training & Assessment Ms T Gibson, MEd and Leadership, GDip TechEd, Cert IV Workplace Training & Assessment, Dip Cookery, Dip Project Management Ms K Guazzo, BEd, BJ, MEd - Leadership Br J Hansen cfc, Dip T Mr B Hawke, BEd Mr A Hodgson, BVisual Art, BEd Mr L Hogan, BEd Mr G Hughes, B App Sc (HMS), GDipEd Mrs S Hughes, BEd (Sec) Mr F Iemma, Dip T, BEd Mr J Jackson, BEd (Term 4) Mr A Keane, BEd (Hons) Mrs M Kenyon, B. App. Sc., GDipEd, DipCounselling Mr M Laguna, BEd Mr S Lansley, BEd (Sec) Dr R Lloyd, PhD (History), BEd (Sec), BA (Hons) Ms A Loechel, B Biomed Sc, BEd Mr T Lucas, BAppSc, GDipEd, Dip Bus, Dip Mgt Mr M Lunn, Dip T, Cert IV Training and Assessment, Cert I Construction, Cert III Motor Cycle and Similar Machines Mr P Marano, BEd (Secondary Vocational), Cert III Engineering Tradesperson, Cert IV Training & Assessment Ms M Martinez, BBus, BJ and GDipEd (Sec) Ms B McLean, GDipSecEd, BSc, LLB Ms S Meyer-Seri, BA (Photography), Cert Irish Literature, Culture, Politics & Economics, MA Art Ed, Cert in Art Ed, Diploma Hospitality (Sem 1) Mr M Moxon, BMgt, BEd Ms M Oakley-Cogan, BTeach/Arts, Dip Music Industry

Ignatius Park College 2020



Staff Directory


Staff Directory Mrs S O’Melia, BEd, Cert IV Teaching English to Students of Other Languages, Dip Edu Supp Mr C Quabba, BEd Sec (Human Movement), Cert IV Training and Assessment Mr C Raeside, BA/BTeach (Sec), BA(hons), MPICT Mr S Robertson, BJ, Grad BEd Mrs A Rossi, BEd Mr M Rowan, BEd (Human Movement), Cert IV in Training an Assessment Mr K Spencer, BSc, BEd Mr D Spina, GDipEd (Secondary), B Pharmacy Ms G Stayte, BEd Miss M Taylor, BEd Mr C Thiele, BEd, Cert IV Training & Assessment Mr M Thiele, BEd, BMus Mr D Thompson, B New Media Arts, GDipEd (Secondary) Mr R Torrington, PGCE/QTA (UK) Sec Teaching – Design & Technology, PgD – Offshore Engineering, BSc (Hons) – Electronic and Electrical Engineering Ms C Ventic, BScEd, GradCertREED Mr B Williams BEd (Human Movement) Student Counsellors Mrs M Parsons, BA, BSW (Hons), Grad Cert Mental Health (Children & Youth), MAASW Mrs D Charge, BPsych, Assoc MAPS Mrs V Derwent, MSW, AASW, QGCA Careers Adviser Mr P Dembowski, B/Learning Management (Sec VET), Dip Training & Assessment Systems, Cert IV TAE Vocational Trainer, Cert IV Career Development, Cert III Fitter & Turner IT Manager Mr C Lauren, Graduate Electronic Engineering (Sweden) Outdoor Education Consultant Mr S Coleman, Dip T, Cert IV Outdoor Recreation Property and Services Manager Mr T Rethamel, Cert IV Engineering (Mech Fitting), Trade Cert III Engineering (Mech Fitting), Dip Bus, Dip OHS, Dip Logistics, Cert IV Transport and Logistics Promotions and Marketing Consultant Mrs M Simmons Administrative Staff Mrs K Browning, Executive Assistant to the Principal, Cert III Office Administration, Cert IV Assessment and Workplace Training Miss B Ellis, CLT Assistant - Term 1 and 2 Mrs M Fensom, CLT Assistant Mrs K Foster, CLT Assistant Ms S King, CLT Assistant, Dip Local Government Administration, Cert IV Business Administration Mrs V Moloney, Office Reception Mrs L Moule, Uniform Shop, BEd (Arts), Cert IV Workplace Training and Assessment, Cert II, III, IV in Business Admin, JP QLD Qualified Mrs J Owen, Assistant to Program Leader – VET/CLT Assistant Mrs K Rogers, CLT Assistant, Cert IV Front Line Management Mrs L Ryder, Student Reception (Term 1 and 2) Mrs J Vignale, Admissions Assistant Mrs M Shepperd, Uniform Shop/Hospitality Mrs D Skalecki – Faculty Leader Assistant, Cert III Business Administration Mr M Stark, Strength and Conditioning Coach BSpExSci, Grad Dip ExPhys (Clin), MExerSc (Strength and Conditioning). Mrs K Steele, Publications, BA/BBus (Communications and Marketing) Mr S Stringini, School Officer, BSc Breakfast Room Mrs K Allan Canteen Mrs K O’Connor (Convenor) Mrs C Beckham Mrs M Sheppard Mrs R Robertson Mrs J Sherwood Defence Mrs C Drummond, Defence School Mentor, BA (English/ Drama), GDipEd (Sec) Hall Coordinator Mr T Lennon Hall Canteen Manager Sue McCombes


Ignatius Park College 2020

Finance Staff Mrs F Hall, Senior Finance Officer Mr M Holland, Assistant Accountant, BBus (Accounting and Finance) Mrs K Crespan, Finance Officer Mrs P Holland, Finance Reception Mrs J Ellis, Accounts Receivable (Term 1 and 2) Mrs C Cullum, Accounts Receivable (Term 3 and 4) IT Support Mr N Giemsa, IT Support, Diploma of IT (Networking), CompTIA Network +, CompTIA Security + Mr M Scharfe, IT Support Mr I Wilson, IT Support, BEng-Computer Systems Engineering Journey2Jobs Mr T Nelliman-Adams – Journey2Jobs Laboratory Assistants Ms J Gioffre, Assistant Laboratory Aide, Cert III in Lab Skills, Bsc (Marine Biology, Sheetmetal Working (DK Qual) Mrs A Gregory, Laboratory Assistant, Dip of Laboratory Technology, Cert IV Laboratory Techniques (Education), Cert III Laboratory Skills, Cert III Education Support – Science Laboratory Library Staff Mrs L Fryer Mrs M Goddard, Cert III in Library & Information Services Mrs L Brown Mrs L Simpson-Helman, Cert III Library and Information Services, Cert IV Education Support, Cert III Meetings and Events Property and Services Staff Mr D Hodgson, Trade Cert Welding Mr W Jervis Mr W Phelan Mr G Pecchair Mr O Power Mrs M Mitchell Ms A Di Legge Mrs W Greig Teacher Aides Mr D Anau, Teacher Aide – Indigenous Support, Cert III in Education Support Mr T Booth – Techer Aide – Inclusive Education (Term 3) Mrs D Crespan, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education, Cert III in Education Support – Learning Support Mrs F Hawkins, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education, Dip. of Teaching Ms B Helander, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education, Bachelor OCC THY – Learning Enrichment Mrs S Jackson, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education, Cert III Learning Support – Learning Enrichment Mrs D Knowles, Teacher Aide - Inclusive Education, Adv Dip Remedial Therapies Ms M Kolb, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education, Cert III in Learning Support Mrs J Long, Teacher Aide - Hospitality Mr B Mitchell, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education Mr T Mitchell, Teacher Aide - Inclusive Education Mr D O’Connor, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education, BA (English) Mr M Parker, Teacher Aide - Inclusive Education Mrs S Pilcher, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education, Cert III in Education Support, Cert IV in Telecommunications Mr O Power, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education and Indigenous Support, Dip of Youth Work Ms D Price, Teacher Aide - Hospitality and Art Mrs A Sciuto, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education, D Ed Supp, Cert III in Learning Support Mrs L Shucksmith, Teacher Aide - Hospitality Mr G Sim, Teacher Aide - Industrial Arts Mr J Spriggs, Teacher Aide – HPE/Indigenous Support Mr M Stanford, Teacher Aide – Industrial Arts Mr S Woodford, Teacher Aide - Industrial Arts

Bill Ahern

John Alloway

Danny Anau

Simon Anderson

Tamara Apenis

Christopher Baily

Bianca Barbagallo

Carly Beckham

Tim Booth

Alexandra Bowman Craig Brown

Laural Brown

Kirrilee Browning

Paul Bruce

Matthew Burnett

Nadine Burnett

Kym Busby

Debbie Butterworth

Dannielle Charge

Greg Christ

Shaun Clarke

Steve Coleman

Jerome Collier

Gary Cook

Vilton Crasto

Debra Crespan

Karen Crespan

Sam Cribb

Charmayne Cullum

Alyssa Deer

John Deer

Phill Dembowski

Brett Deneen

Bruce Denny

Valarie Derwent

Anna Di Legge

Simon Digiacomo

John Doolan

Shane Dove

Carolyne Drummond

Liam Dunne

Rebecca Ebelt

Allison Elcoate

Bonnie Ellis

Jaime Ellis

Paul Fanning

Leonard Farren

Marie Fensom

Kayleen Foster

Laura Fryer

John Fuller

Brian Geaney

Tina Gibson

Nicholas Giemsa

Jane Gioffre

Marta Goddard

Annette Gregory

Wendy Grieg

Matthew Groves

Katrina Guazzo

Gian Guerra

Fiona Hall

Brian Hawke

Frances Hawkins

Judy Head

Bianca Helander

Tess Higgins

Andrew Hodgson

David Hodgson

Marg Hodgson

Leo Hogan

Matthew Holland

Piera Holland

Mark Holmes

Gary Hughes

Sandra Hughes

Rebecca Irvine

Jake Jackson

Sharon Jackson

William Jervis

Matthew Johnson

Andrew Keane

Michelle Kenyon

Andrew Kirkpatrick

Tracy Klaassen

Donna Knowles

Monica Kolb

Mark Laguna

Sheena King

Ignatius Park College 2020



Staff Photographs


Staff Photographs

Steven Lansley

Chris Lauren

Tom Lennon

Timothy Lindeberg

Rohan Lloyd

Amanda Loechel

Brendan Logan

Joanne Long

Tom Lucas

Michael Lunn

Paul Marano

Marita Martinez

Bernadette Mclean

Patrick McMahon

Bill Mitchell

Margaret Mitchell

Matthew Mitchell

Thomas Mitchell

Vicki Moloney

Larissa Moule

Mark Moxon

Tristan Nelliman-Adams

Marie OakleyCogan

Kay O’Connor

Daniel O’Connor

Sandy O’Melia

Julie Owen

Michael Parker

Harrison Parks

Greg Pecchair

Will Phelan

Susan Pilcher

Oral Power

Debbie Price

Nicole Putscher

Tracy Quabba

Christian Quabba

Casey Raeside

Trevor Rethamel

Christopher Rigano

Jodie Roberts

David Roberts

Rebecca Robertson

Stephen Robertson

Kim Rogers

Adriana Rossi

Grant Rossiter

Matthew Rowan

Lisa Ryder

Matthew Scharfe

Anne Sciuto

Sophie Seaden

Stacey Seri

Melissa Sheppard

Julie Sherwood

Leonie Shucksmith

Grant Sim

Madonna Simmons

Laura SimpsonHelman

Deborah Skalecki

Johanna Smith

Keith Spencer

Darren Spina

Jye Spriggs

Mark Stanford

Matthew Stark

Georgia Stayte

Kim Steele

Brendan Stewart

Sean Stringini

Andrea Tarttelin

Mackenzie Taylor

Christopher Thiele

Matthew Thiele

Drew Thompson

Kylie Tillack

Pudy Timbs

Roger Torrington

Catherine Ventic

Jennifer Vignale

Sandra Walton

Fr Rod Ward

Ben Williams

Itti Wilson

Stephen Woodford


Ignatius Park College 2020

Marilyn Parsons - 1953 - 2020 Marilyn Parsons commenced at Ignatius Park College in 1995. Her care and compassion for her students and the staff over these 25 years was immeasurable. Her generous heart touched so many people, always taking time to listen and be present for all. Marilyn always walked alongside others in need. Marilyn’s contribution to the school community was vast. She was a fierce advocate for social justice, and student protection (to name a few). Her legacy as the first school counsellor here at the College will live on. She will be missed and never forgotten. Dannielle Charge | School Counsellor

“Marilyn was a person that we were fortunate to have met. Her patience,empathy and that laugh were attributes that made Marilyn special. During a time of grief when we lost an Uncle and brother she was always willing to listen and support that we cherish and we are sure she has many secrets the boys shared.” Mary Cram | Parent My most enduring memory of Marilyn is of a person who made sure that no one, staff or student, slipped through the cracks. Everyone was known and valued. There were many occasions where Marilyn would see me to make sure that someone was being looked after and often it involved a situation that no one else knew about or had checked on. She had an uncanny ability to see people in their reality with all their troubles and concerns and a genuine commitment to make sure that they were cared for. That is what I will remember most about Marilyn. John Doolan | Deputy Principal - Pastoral Mrs Parsons as a Guidance Counsellor managed to be there for me when I needed support the most. This was purely based around the fact that she didn’t worry about necessarily saving lives in the whole physical matter, however just taking the time out of her own day to make sure someone such as myself felt okay. Such acts like this were something Mrs Parsons would portray to everyone she was around. One of the many ways she had helped myself out was she offered assistance and guidance and most the time just listened to me rant/ vent about whatever was on my mind. From my experience with her, I can say from first-hand that just by her little actions by listening to me talk, I became less stressed and more relieved. At the end of the day I believe throughout her battle with cancer she never once was unmotivated. The moral of Mrs Parsons' legacy is that she found it no challenge to let someone know you care about

them and their mental wellbeing. Mrs Parsons portrayed this perfectly by her sweet and caring manner and the many characteristics she so gracefully upheld. Keane Stone | Year 11 Baillie Apart from her instrumental role as a College counsellor, Marilyn played an integral role in the development of the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander programs. Marilyn worked with a number of staff members and parents to ensure these programs were part of the strategic direction and the everyday at IPC. Marilyn worked on ensuring that multicultural students had a voice in our community and were provided with opportunities to demonstrate these in various programs including the old ASSPA committee, ATSIAP, Harmony Days, Reconciliation and NAIDOC weeks and accessing multiple guest speakers and members of the community in to IPC to speak and share experiences with our boys. In the early 2000s, these programs were then acknowledged and celebrated at an end of year event that would become the Iggy Park Deadlys, one of the most important occasions on the IPC calendar. Marilyn was one of the most proactive ambassadors and trailblazers of reconciliation in our College and it was fitting that at the end of 2019, she attended a Reconciliation Action Plan Committee meeting and is listed on our Reconciliation Action Plan as a contributing community member. As part of our Reconciliation Journey at IPC, an action we have identified is to establish an award who recognises both a student and a staff member that have demonstrated a strong sense of reconciliation in our community. It makes sense that this award is to be named after Marilyn for the tireless efforts she contributed to this area of IPC. The inaugural award will be presented at the 2021 Deadlys. Andrew Kirkpatrick | Program Leader - Indigenous and Multicultural

Ignatius Park College 2020



Vale Marilyn Parsons


Captain’s Report With another year coming to the end, we reflect on a year that one of us were anticipating. 2020 will play its role in history at Ignatius Park for its 51st year of being founded. With COVID-19 interrupting and changing traditions for our Seniors, we reflect on this year and instead of being negative, realise that this can be best described as a year of learning. In 2020, Ignatius Park College was able to reach new heights and have success through many accomplishments and achievements at all year levels of the College. As we celebrate the accomplishments and achievements of the College this year, we still must acknowledge those students who missed out on their success story due to stoppages of certain co-curricular activities. These students also deserve their accolades as no one was prepared for our world to be flipped upside down so abruptly. 2020 has redefined success for us and this is why Ignatius Park College is admired by many. The success of our students both in a sporting arena and in the books studying hard does not define the culture we have created at Ignatius Park. The successes are a testimony to our culture and brotherhood we all share. With our brothers standing side by side, pushing us to achieve greatness, students at Ignatius Park


Ignatius Park College 2020

College thrive, continuing the success of the College. Our culture and history of the Park' is built upon the foundations of brotherhood and the valued foundations of Edmund Rice. The culture that has been created allows us young men to dare to dream and also have the courage to achieve those dreams. Ignatius Park College allows young men to become role models and leaders of the future. We are all dream seekers and world beaters. Iggy has allowed us to have a voice in standing up for what is right and wrong. The culture has been embedded into our DNA, and will continue now we are ‘Old Boys’. The last day we walked out of the school grounds, all students felt a sense of confidence and belief that this College has developed and taught the young men of the future to be successful brothers, partners, fathers and leaders. The legacy of the College is what makes us motivated every day to be better, the motivation to ensure the year levels below us are exposed to tremendous role models for their future endeavours at the Park. A special legacy that we leave behind is the unity between the Seniors and Juniors of the College. The bond between the students is unbreakable. To me, this is what it means to be an Ignatius Park College student. Past, present and future, all students who wear the badge will forever be a part of a band of brothers. 2020 has been a year of learning. I have been honoured to wear the badge upon my heart for the past six years. Ignatius Park College, forever and always. Jared Mitchell | College Captain

Ignatius Park College 2020



Goodbye From Year 12


School Leaders

College Captains and Prefects FRONT ROW: Aiden Simkin, Ethan Moody Humphrey, Mebin Martin SECOND ROW: Harrison Keir, Jared Mitchell, Kai Simmons

House Captains and Vice Captains FRONT ROW:

Jayvan Scarff, Keenan Whitwam, Jamie Humphreys, Evan Corradini, Hunter Finlay, Ethan Woods, Maverick Pegoraro SECOND ROW: Luke Forster, Kurtis Brink, Zack Lowe, Zachary Judge, Jordan Davies, Brocklan Bryant, Ethan Pemmelaar


Ignatius Park College 2020


Academic Awards

Promixe Accessit of Year 7 Ashley Hudson

Dux of Year 7 Joseph Holland

Promixe Accessit of Year 8 Nathan Dolan

Dux of Year 8 Nikolas Collocott

Promixe Accessit of Year 9 Vaughn Tully

Dux of Year 9 Daniel Mosch

Promixe Accessit of Year 10 Riley Snell

Frank D’Ilario Memorial Shield for Dux of Year 10 Riley Innes

Vocational Education and Training Year 11 Billy Gifford

Promixe Accessit of Year 11 Rory Hawke

Dux of Year 11 Keegan Gedling

At the time of printing, Year 12 Awards have not been finalised. The 2020 Year 12 Prize Winners will appear in the 2021 College Magazine..

Ignatius Park College 2020



Academic Awards YEAR 7 Certificate of Diligence Harry Ballinger Nicholas Barr Harrison Biggin Ethan Cavanagh Seth Chun Tie Dane Craperi Thomas Dodds Bentley Duncanson Zanda Fogarty Nicholas Franklin Riley Girgenti

Jackson Hatchard Carter Isaac Winston Joseph Indygo Keir Scott Kelly Kobe Kenworthy Lachlan Kiehne Haydan King Maddyx Mancuso Bibin Martin Beau McCarron Ryan McCarthy Ethan Morgan Owen Myers

Tyler Pannach Max Reeves Ronan Richter Euan Roberts Azhagan Slingsby Isaac Wood Blake Arnold Ethan Catt Oliver Catt Elliot Gilmore Joseph Holland Ashley Hudson Joshua Symons Cooper

Christiansen Nicholas Cripps Tyson Downey David Holmes Vinh Luong Tom Revell Cooper Riley Conor Towers Certificates of Academic Excellence Bronze Seth Chun Tie

Dane Craperi Rory Foyle Beau McCarron Ryan McCarthy Owen Myers Trey Paul Luke Swain

Gold Euan Roberts Ashley Hudson Joseph Holland PROXIME ACCESSIT YEAR 7 Ashley Hudson

Silver Nicholas Barr Jackson Hatchard DUX OF YEAR 7 Tyler Pannach Joseph Holland George Paske

YEAR 8 Certificate of Diligence Oscar Beattie Jake Bryan Ethan Clarke Ryan Connolly Jai Duxbury Tate Hastie Benjamin Hatchard Wesley Kerr Lucas Lazzaroni Evan Msonga Michael Salvador Darcy Schafer Adam Sievers Charlie Barringhaus

Thomas Bartels Harley Caspani Rhys Clarke Alexander Demopoulos Nathan Dolan Darcy Fredericks Reuben Hilbourne Reagan Knowles Joshua Morton Michael Paine Lucas Partridge Connor Sadler Jaxon Sciuto Jacob Sexton Jay-Dee Barwick

Christian Healey Johnathan Hewson Max Nicholls-Ward Thomas NichollsWard David Scott Calam Sinclair Certificates of Academic Excellence Bronze Oscar Beattie Ethan Clarke Ryan Connolly

Alexander Demopoulos Nathan Dolan Jai Duxbury Wesley Kerr Luke Madsen Evan Msonga Lucas Partridge Kynan Purdy

Gold Benjamin Hatchard Lucas Lazzaroni Connor Sadler Adam Sievers

Silver Nikolas Collocott David Scott Calam Sinclair Sean Weir

DUX OF YEAR 8 Nikolas Collocott


YEAR 9 Certificate of Diligence Matthew Ament Nathaniel Barton Marcus Cervellin Luke Craperi Sam Daniel Parker Duncanson Marcus Farrands Aidan Fitzpatrick Jude Foyle Jack Fredericks Aiden Knowles Spencer Leslie Lachlan McCarthy Vincent Micale Daniel Mosch

Keanau O'CallaghanFletcher Matthew Parker Nate Rasink Drew Roberts Nicholas Rowan William Sheppard Kye Stallan Ryan Sutton Vaughn Tully Mitchel Waldon Joseph Wood Joshua Eggins Liam Sutton

Certificates of Academic Excellence Bronze Daniel Jacob Drew Roberts Joshua Eggins Jude Foyle Nate Rasink Nicholas Rowan Liam Sutton Joseph Wood

Kyle Reddicliffe Lachlan Tapp

Silver Keegan Elrick Kyle Reddicliffe Brydon Schafer

Gold Nathaniel Barton Daniel Mosch Vaughn Tully PROXIME ACCESSIT YEAR 9 Vaughn Tully DUX OF YEAR 9 Daniel Mosch

Silver Sam Daniel Parker Duncanson Scott Swain

YEAR 10 Certificate of Diligence Keegan Elrick Emil Jomon Riley Snell Harry Coleman Declan Hart Riley Innes Brydon Schafer Liam Whiting Keil Duxbury Reece Foley Oliver Oh Brayden Pemmelaar Jacob Pugh


Certificates of Academic Excellence Bronze Harry Bowman Cody Brown Tenzin Daly Emil Jomon Patrick O'Connor Brayden Pemmelaar Liam Whiting

Ignatius Park College 2020

Gold Harry Coleman Reece Foley Harry Gallagher-Smith Riley Innes Oliver Oh Riley Snell


YEAR 11 CERTIFICATE OF DILIGENCE Atticus D'Mello Keegan Gedling Eden Hess Braedan Kennedy Lloyd Kennedy Lachlan Parker James Potter Brodie Powell Don Raju Ardrijan Shahinper Joel Webb Jordan Whiteside Nicolas Benedetti Clancy Blacklock Tremaine Body Zac Brunetto Josh Clarke Harrison Delgado Thomas Duffy Lucas Dummett Billy Gifford Matthew Gilboy Rory Hawke Lleyton Jackson Joshua Marquez Ryan McCarron James Paul Joel Tully Travis White Reilly Williams YEAR 11 SUBJECT AWARDS Accounting Biology Chemistry Design Digital Solutions Economics Engineering English Film, TV and New Media General Mathematics Geography Japanese Legal Studies Mathematical Methods Modern History Music Physical Education

Ardrijan Shahinper Lleyton Jackson Lloyd Kennedy Cohen Shucksmith Atticus D'Mello Keegan Gedling Thomas Duffy Keegan Gedling Ryan Paine Cody Sadler Rory Hawke James Clarke Keegan Gedling Keegan Gedling Keegan Gedling Samuel Salvador Lachlan Parker

Physics Joel Tully Psychology Ardrijan Shahinper Specialist Mathematics Alex Katsaros Study of Religion Lleyton Jackson Visual Art Don Raju Certificate I in Construction Lachlan Lerch Certificate II in Engineering Pathways Wade Jonsson Certificate II in Resource, Infrastructure & Work Preparation Billy Gifford Certificate III in Fitness Wayne Owens Certificate III in Fitness James Potter Certificate III in Sport and Recreation Luca Yates Essential English Joshua Eckford Essential Mathematics Cathane Hill Hospitality Practices Ethan Scharkie Industrial Technology Skills Jarrod Chaillon Sport and Recreation Lloyd Kennedy Religion and Ethics Nicolas Benedetti Science in Practice Jayden McMinn CERTIFICATES OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Vocational Education Bronze Cathane Hill Alastair Mills Vocational Education Silver Jack Dwyer James Potter Vocational Education Gold Billy Gifford ATAR Bronze Thomas Duffy James Clarke Silver Tremaine Body Gold Zac Brunetto Keegan Gedling Rory Hawke Lleyton Jackson Lloyd Kennedy VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING YEAR 11 Billy Gifford PROXIME ACCESSIT YEAR 11 Rory Hawke DUX OF YEAR 11 Keegan Gedling

YEAR 12 Certificate of Diligence Antony Hockin Edwin Jomon Daniel Kratzmann Lachlan McDermid Adam Mitchell Lachlan Moore Ethan Woods William Bennett Brocklan Bryant Taran Burkhardt Alexander Dietrich Ieuan Harker Angus Hawkins

Humphrey Moody Lopez Saldana Kieran Truett Matthew Wilmen Rishabh Bawa Brocklan Bryant Taran Burkhardt Julian Collins Harrison David Connor Depold Alexander Dietrich Colby Finlay Aiden Freeman Julian Fusco-Wright

Ieuan Harker Antony Hockin Harrison Keir Declan Keyes-West Mebin Martin Lachlan McDermid Adam Mitchell Ethan Moody Humphrey Lachlan Moore Maverick Pegoraro James Rowan Cooper Wilkins

Ignatius Park College 2020



Academic Awards


Cultural Awards Debating Aiden Simkin Hunter Finlay Mitchell Parker Angus Hawkins Mebin Martin Fionn O'Seighin Liam Coffey Daniel Mosch Tate Hastie Benjamin Hatchard Oliver Carr-Pauline Nathaniel Barton Domenick Osborne

Instrumental and Ensemble Samuel Salvador James Clarke Cohan Russell Calam Sinclair Matthew Wilmen Connor Kenyon Brock Tompsett

The Br. R. O Grundy Artistic Achievement Award Maximillian Sosnowski

IPC Musician of the Year Hayden Dunlop

The Excellence in Theatre Award William Bennett

This award, instituted in 1999, recognises outstanding all round participation within the Music Department.

This award was instituted by the Art Department in 1997 to recognise a work of outstanding merit. It is named in honour of Br. R. O. Grundy, College Principal 1995-1997.

shown outstanding dedication to the art of Musical Performance and Creative Industry.

Matthew Gow Memorial Trophy Declan Keyes-West

Matthew Gow was a student at the College from 1987-1991. This trophy is awarded to a student who has consistently represented the College in interschool Debating.

This award, instituted in 2012, is presented to the student who has

Sporting Awards Athletics - Field Events 12 years Kye Connell 13 years Jacob Sexton 14 years Joshua Eggins 15 years Jamal Shibasaki 16 years Elijah Joe 17 years Thomas Duffy Open Brendan Eaton

15 years Tekelu Mene 16 years Tremaine Body 17 years Lucas Dummett Open Harrison Keir Cross Country 12 years Carter Koitka 13 years Jacob Sexton 14 years Jai Duxbury 15 years Max Gough Athletics - Track 16 years Zai RobinsonEvents Calliste 12 years Lincoln Baker 17 years Isaac Mayo 13 years Jacob Sexton Open Ethan Woods 14 years Nathaniel Kimber


Swimming 12 years Riley Kerr 12 years Carter Koitka 13 years Lincoln Burrowes 14 years Joshua Eggins 15 years Kym Nuth 16 years Jacob Fowler 17 years Brandon Pearce Open Caleb Cheeseman Sportsmen of the Year 12 years Carter Koitka 13 years Jacob Sexton 14 years Joshua Eggins 15 years Reece Foley

16 years Ryan McCarron 17 years Jarrod Edmondson Open Jamie Humphreys Edmund Rice Dash Zachary Judge

This Trophy was first presented in 1997 as part of the College’s Annual Edmund Rice Day in honour of our founder.

Age Champions - Athletics (Track Events)

Age Champions - Cross Country

Age Champions - Swimming

Age Champions - Athletics (Field Events)

Ignatius Park College 2020

Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Awards (Sponsored by the Australian Defence Force) Year 10 Riley Innes Year 12 Dante Calliste Edmund Rice Christian Leadership Awards Year 7 Bibin Martin Year 8 Jay-Dee Barwick Year 9 Samuel Keir Year 10 Riley Innes Year 11 Don Raju Year 12 Mebin Martin Deus Caritas Est Award Edwin Jomon

The Catholic Education Office instituted this Award in each of the Diocese Catholic Colleges. It recognises a Year 12 student who demonstrates a commitment to Christian living in how they interact with and treat others.

The Religious Education Award Taran Burkhardt

This award, instituted in 2012, goes to a Year 12 student who has shown a consistent commitment to the study of Religious Education and demonstrated an ability to incorporate this study within his life. It is sponsored by Fr. Rod Ward.

The Russel Brown Memorial Award displayed persistence and diligence in his studies. It is anticipated that he continue Taran Burkhardt Russel Brown was a student at the College from 1995-1997. This Award recognises students who overcome adversity to realise their full potential as Christian gentlemen.

The Mark Mewburn Bursary Keegan Elrick

Mark Mewburn was a member of the College staff from 2011-2015. This bursary is awarded to a Year 10 student who would benefit from support to help him “Get the Life you LOVE!”

The Angus L. McPherson Trophy Atticus D'Mello

This trophy is in honour of Angus McPherson who saved the life of a past student of the Christian Brothers in Townsville. The Award recognises participation in various charitable activities in the service of the community.

his education and would benefit from this bursary.

The Christian Brothers Old Boys’ Shield Harrison Keir

This shield has been donated by the Christian Brothers Old Boys’ Association in recognition of service to the school community by a Senior student.

The Frank D’Ilario Memorial Shield Riley Innes

Frank D’Ilario was a student at the College from 1988-1992 and was Dux of Year 10 in 1990. The Shield is awarded to the Year 10 student who has shown academic excellence as Dux of Year 10.

The Caltex Best All Rounder Maverick Pegoraro

James Cook University Rising Star Award Edwin Jomon

The Commerce Award Joshua Martin

James Cook University Awards Year 12 Mebin Martin Year 11 Rory Hawke Year 10 Keil Duxbury Year 9 Nathaniel Barton

Ignatius Park College uses this award to recognise a student who has participated well in a wide range of school activities and who is in his final year of schooling.

This Award is awarded to the student who has excelled in the area of Commerce in Year 12. It is sponsored by the Hansen family.

Edmund Rice Service Award James Hoffensetz The Brother Lacey Memorial Shield Joseph Gregory Aiden Simkin The Lochlan Kennedy ‘Deadly Bala’ Jared Mitchell Brother Lacey, a former Principal of our Award Lady’s Mount, is remembered in this award Br Jon Hansen Spirit Shield Gary Tom which is given to the student who has As a Year 10 student in 2009, Lochlan suffered displayed qualities of excellent leadership Rice House a serious spinal injury resulting in him becoming a quadriplegic. The Deadly Bala Award recognises a Year 11 or 12 Indigenous student who inspires others to achieve the best of their abilities.

within the school community.

The Christian Brothers Old Boys’ Bursary Lachlan McDermid

Paddy Carew Shield Rice House

This is awarded to a Senior student who has

James Cook University Award Winners Keil Duxbury, Rory Hawke , Nathaniel Barton, Mebin Martin

Ignatius Park College 2020



Other Awards


Awards Ceremony

The Lochlan Kennedy ‘Deadly Bala Gary Tom

Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Awards Dante Calliste and Riley Innes

The Brother Lacey Memorial Shield Jared Mitchell

The Mark Mewburn Bursary Keegan Elrick


The Br. R. O Grundy Artistic Achievement Award Maximillian Sosnowski

Deus Caritas Est Award Edwin Jomon

Edmund Rice Service Award James Hoffensetz

Paddy Carew Shield Rice House

The Angus L. McPherson Trophy Atticus D'Mello

Ignatius Park College 2020

Edmund Rice Service Award Aiden Simkin

Edmund Rice Service Award Joseph Gregory

The Religious Education Award Taran Burkhardt

Edmund Rice Dash Zachary Judge

The Caltex Best All Rounder Maverick Pegoraro


Year 7


Adam Parker, James Brice, Harrison Purt, Rory Foyle, Carter Koitka, Oliver Catt, Toby Watson, Tom Revell SECOND ROW: Harrison Rowe, Ethan Vaughan, Ethan Catt, Cooper Christiansen, Koby Burnett, Rylan Coleman, Tyson Downey THIRD ROW: Jayce Humphreys, Caius Arnold, Brock Tompsett, George Paske, Oscar Smith, Luke Swain, Owen Nelson FOURTH ROW: Blake Arnold, Cooper Riley, Tyler Pearce, Mark Collins, Cruz McGhie, Vinh Luong TEACHERS: Mr J. Jackson, Mr C. Raeside

Year 8


Trey Horan, Annan Dobbie, Alex Owens, Cooper Umstad, Joseph Martini, Lucas Lazzaroni, Geoffrey Lui, Jamahl Stone, Corey Ashby SECOND ROW: Cooper Barwick, Blake Koitka, Connor Kenyon, Sean Weir, Clay Bell, Samuel Hawes, Logan Maggenti, Andrew Gatis THIRD ROW: Mason Saltner, Aiden Morris, Hugh Cafferky, Ethan Conrad, Connor Sadler, Jay Webber, Zack Hannah TEACHERS: Ms M. Taylor, Ms R. Ebelt

Ignatius Park College 2020



Year 9


Jayden Robshaw, Jude Foyle, Marley Scarff, Kye Stallan, Khiem Luong, Lachlan Moody, Ty Foley, Aidan Phelan, Michael Whittering SECOND ROW: Mark Hennell, Jackson Ross, Mitchell Bloxsom, Tarquinn Forster, Nate Rasink, Hayden Downey, Benjamin Moody, Scott Swain, Ned Bonassi THIRD ROW: Orlando Parker, Joshua Eggins, Domenick Osborne, Daniel Mosch, Aidan Skinner, Anthony Iorangi, Sonny Crawford, Charlie Rattray ABSENT: Lennox Metcalfe TEACHERS: Ms B. Barbagallo, Ms M. Oakley-Cogan

Year 10


William Costigan, Bailey Wenta, Cohan Russell, Luke Ashby, Zac Bennett, Joel Prescott, Kian Jenkinson, Lleyton Ward, Jack Revell, Riley Snell SECOND ROW: Jahn Wregg, Ethan Hunter, Jacob Pugh, Damon Christiansen, Kyle Reddicliffe, Joshua Pierce, Sebastian Stone, Brodie Dinneen, Jonathan Gatis THIRD ROW: Max Gough, Aiden Coleman, Lane Bell, Joshua Corcoran, Matthew Wheeler, Cody Brown, Reece Foley, Blake Irving TEACHERS: Dr A. Bowman, Ms G. Stayte


Ignatius Park College 2020


Year 11


Bailey Umstad, Trinidy Parker, Koby Wood-Lynch, Gabe Taylor, Ashton Waddington, Jake Barwick, Billy Gifford, James Yardley, Atticus D’Mello SECOND ROW: Daniel Weir, Jake Earea, Alex Bombardieri, Jakeb Vailalo, Mitchell Davey, Keane Stone, Ethan Coleman, Henry Laws THIRD ROW: Angus Gorrie, Kobe Owens, Wayne Owens, Joe Brosnan, Rory Hawke, Cody Sadler, Lleyton Jackson ABSENT: Barret Deaner TEACHER: Mrs B. McLean

Year 12


Nicholas Harders, Brayden Ross, Kynan Wregg, Bailey Waddington, Connor Romano, Christopher Kirk, Jayvan Scarff, Timothy Sharman, Braithe Galea SECOND ROW: Dean Gillham, Jack Sevior, Jazz Spry, Lachlan Halvorsen-Lehnert, Sawyer Faulks, Joshua Swain, Charlton Bird, Samuel Williams, Luke Forster THIRD ROW: Jett McGhie, Isaiah Vailalo, Anthony O’Hagan, Matthew Kirkpatrick, Cash Foster, Lachlan McDermid, Jack Kirkpatrick, Andrew Brunello TEACHER: Mr M. Holmes

Ignatius Park College 2020



Baillie Report Early in the year, the Baillie Seniors made it our mission to continue to build upon the foundations already laid, but also form our own legacy as we guided this House to a successful future. While we did encounter some unexpected turbulence along the way, I think it is safe to say we have reached our goal. Right from the get-go the other Houses made it known that the mighty Bears were the ones to beat. However, with a target on our back, we had trust that our motto ‘RIP INTO IT!’ was going to get us through. The beginning of the year was jam-packed with events, one of which was the assignment of the Baillie buddies. This was very successful for the year with buddy groups having events such as sharing morning tea and competing against each other on a Monday morning in House Assembly. I hope these boys realise that they have started a potential lifelong relationship. Heading into the early weeks of Term 1, the all-important Swimming Carnival! Dressed as ‘Dads’, I am proud to say that we found big success, narrowly defeating the hard fighting Rice House. The other Houses set out to win, with their chants and cries, but all they ended up with was tears in their eyes. Unfortunately, despite the boys coming out of the blocks flying, nothing was going to prepare us for the tsunami in the form of a global pandemic, COVID-19. Competitiveness, pride and persistence is what this House is built upon, so when the biggest challenge any of us had ever faced collectively dawned upon us, our only option was to ‘Rip into it!’. Luckily, a blessing in the late stages of the Term 3 rose, with a modified Athletics Carnival. The theme of pyjamas was a hit, as was a socially distanced war cry - yes that’s a thing now! Arguably the highlight of the day was Jack ‘the gazelle’ Kirkpatrick being crowned the fastest man at the Park'. As the day drew to a close, a few last efforts from the boys in the relay put us in good stead to compete for that first place, a position very familiar to the House.

Unfortunately, we were pipped at the post but gracious in defeat, we moved onto the next event: the Cross Country. Down on troops, we fought hard again. Special mention to the high number of age champions and all the boys who really gave it their all. Without going unnoticed, I give thanks to all the boys who took part in charity events and community service activities. You boys have something special to give to this college and this house. Lastly, to all the Baillie men who gave their all to their studies keep at it; hard work brings rewards in the end. To Mr Holmes, on behalf of the Senior boys, we want to thank you for your constant guidance and caring nature that you provided for us daily for the past two years. No matter what happened, you were an anchor point for all of us and have filled our high school years with fun, enjoyment, motivation and direction. We have nothing but positive words for you, so cheers, Holmsey. You have shaped all of us into fine young men. Special mention to all of our past Homeroom teachers for playing a key role in our development. Thank you dearly, especially Mr Moneypenny and Ms Foley for getting us started on our journey at the Park. Lastly, thank you to Mrs Roberts and Mrs Timbs. The dedication from you both has been outstanding and something that is very valuable to the Seniors. Without your care and support, we would not be the young Baillie men we are today. Thank you very much from all of us. To my Senior brothers: our time at the Park has come to a close. Look how far we have come. Feels like only yesterday we were in Year 7. We do not know what the future holds. However, one thing is certain, we will always have each other to get through times of need. So, on behalf of Luke and myself, I would like to thank you for being the best group of boys. We are all grateful to Ignatius Park College and the Baillie House. Both are a part of who we are: Baillie boys for life! Jayvan Scarff | House Captain

Brother Baillie Recipients

Vinh Luong Year 7


Logan Maggenti Year 8

Ignatius Park College 2020

Koby Wood-Lynch Year 11

BAILLIE Ignatius Park College 2020



Ignatius Park College 2020

BAILLIE Ignatius Park College 2020



Ignatius Park College 2020


Year 7


Timothy Knewstub, Liam Jones, Adam Konidis, Coen Jones, Cooper Humphries, Gabriel Friskie, Xaviah Simonsen, Jake Jones SECOND ROW: Declan Josey-Clancy, Jett Cluff, Riley Morrison, Samuel Thomas, Zakary Donnelly, Bentley Duncanson, Caleb Allan THIRD ROW: Oliver Nguyen, Orlando Lochowicz, Samuel Gracie, Brodie McDonough, Jacob Davison-Allen, Sebastian Wyke FOURTH ROW: Trey Paul, Ethan Armstrong, Kester Girling, Maddyx Mancuso, Isaac Wood, Frank Donovan ABSENT: Hezekiah Nona TEACHERS: Mr B. Deneen, Mr G. Christ

Year 8


Joshua Morton, Thomas Beasley, Duke Flemming, Billy Harrold, Samuel Rains, Jarrah Kemp, Nathan Dolan, Matthew Jones SECOND ROW: Ronald Rowe, Alexander Abrahams, Darcy Schafer, David Scott, Ethan Grieve, Thomas Gillman, Jackson Smith, Cooper Covatich THIRD ROW: Jethro Young, Jai Duxbury, Ashley Onslow, Tyler Butler, Nathaniel Kimber, Jay-Dee Barwick, Cooper Slaven ABSENT: William Huynh TEACHERS: Mr T. Lindeberg, Miss T. Apenis

Ignatius Park College 2020



Year 9


Ethan Stout, Joseph Wood, Caleb Keir, William Bowman, Sam Daniel, Connor Browning, Julian Blacklock, Jack Kemp, Ishmail Gabori SECOND ROW: Owen Davies, Thomas Keir, Charlie Adams, Dylan Thomson, William Buttigieg, Christopher Heagney, Tony Anderson, Cody Christiansen, Parker Duncanson THIRD ROW: Samuel Cozzitorto, Hamish Mitchell, Daniel Norman, Nicholas Divljak, Joe Murphy, Joseph Dixon, Zak Paul, Cody Nowlan TEACHERS: Mrs A. Rossi, Mr J. Collier

Year 10


Justin Knewstub, Jacob Fowler, Jayden Sanderson, Cobi Connolly, Brydon Schafer, Luke Kinsey, Hayden Vignale, Manuifua Nona SECOND ROW: Jack Ford, Mackenzie Luxford, Kai Harvey-Hall, Daniel Scott, Keil Duxbury, Ethan Fletcher, Caylis Whyte, Keegan Elrick THIRD ROW: Zai Calliste (Robinson-Calliste), Brody Ah Kit, Finn Kearns, Noah Lau, Flynn Mintern, Ross Long, Zak Merida-Johnston TEACHER: Mr C. Thiele, Ms P. Timbs (absent)


Ignatius Park College 2020


Year 11


Javan Ah Kit, Maximillian Sosnowski, Ethan Giacobone, Jeremy Morton, Elijah Iorangi, Eden Hess, Joshua Eckford, William Fitzsimmons, Jake Buzzi SECOND ROW: Hamish Salter, Nicolas Benedetti, Zachary Cozzitorto, Brian Gabori, Phoenix Lochowicz, Jared Kaufline, Luke Jack, Lachlan Lerch, Mitchell Doyle THIRD ROW: Clancy Blacklock, Joel Basso, Ethan Burkhardt, Corey Stevenson, Harrison Delgado, Jackson Moline, Lachlan Sheppard, Zachary Lee TEACHER: Mr B. Hawke

Year 12


Benjamin White, Nathan Ford, Connor Depold, Angus Gibb, Riley Birmingham, Jai Hill, Jaidan Penny, William Thomas, Lachlan Moss, Daniel Kratzmann SECOND ROW: Taran Burkhardt, Joshua Kinsey, Jeremy Howell, Jordaan Denley-Hay, Will Buchanan, Andrew Harris, Aiden Freeman, Kurtis Brink, Malachi Ware THIRD ROW: Levai Young, Jacob Vitale, Dante Calliste, Julian Sewell, Lachlan Ryan, Caleb Gunn, Ryan Booth, Keenan Whitwam TEACHER: Mr M. Moxon

Ignatius Park College 2020



Carew Report Wow! This year was so different, where do I even begin? The Carew House celebrated another successful year, with countless accolades in all areas. We had the privilege to lead the Carew House as House and Vice-Captains. As the Senior’s final year, it was bound to be an eventful and exciting one. The Carew House motto is Effort Every Time, and I can easily say the boys executed this where they needed to this year. Like past years, the first annual event for the College was the Swimming Carnival. The Carew House came in heavy numbers supporting the theme of 'Islander and Hawaiian', where we gathered under the mango tree, paid our respects and had a minute’s silence in memory of the passing of Mr Mewburn. The House then completed a war cry which raised adrenaline levels. Moving in a large eager group towards the Pool, the boys were ready to take on any challenge thrown at them. After a slow start in the Pool, the House were sitting low on the leader-board at the end of morning tea, but this did not stop the Carew House’s spirit. Special mention to Lachlan Ryan for launching kids out of the Pool after their races. Another special mention of the Captains for handing out lollies to the juniors after their race. Shout out to Jacob Fowler for taking on the opens Butterfly race and winning!! True champion, brother! As the day progressed, our place on the leader-board was significantly improving. It was not the boys’ efforts in the water that amazed me though, it was the cheering and war cries from the edge of the pool that showed true Carew spirit. After giving our all, the Carew House jumped ahead of the Putney House and finished on a steady 4th place. Special mentions to these top five age group swimmers: Jai Duxbury, Noah Law, Maddyx Mancuso, Hayden Vignale, and Aiden Freeman. Congratulations to Jacob Fowler on making the College Swim Team. Super stoked with your efforts, lads! We had much yet to prove with the running events still to come throughout the year. However, the unexpected had reached Townsville. Towards the end of Term 1 COVID-19 had reached us. While some raised a glass, the Seniors had their heads down. Less time with the blokes they love was a detriment to them. Being powerless of what was yet to come sent blues throughout the Carew House Seniors. The boys just had to sit and wait… With everyone being in isolation, the Park had launched their online work on Stile. Props to the teachers who put in the hard yards in order to help the boys get on top of their work while being stuck in their rooms. Technology being technology, of course the website crashed about two to three times a week. The boys cheered all day and night. With the launch of Stile, this really tested everyone to get on board with their online work or to slack off. The whole COVID-19 scenario really changed the Senior’s final year. They had to wait until Week 4 to get back into school grounds. The Park was quiet with just Seniors being in the College, that


Ignatius Park College 2020

is until Week 6 when the little gremlins came back! COVID changed everything at the Park. Lunch tables were moved 1.5m apart, no-one was happy with that situation, but unfortunately, that was the COVID-safe plan the College had to stick to. However, we all had more pressing questions with this new normal. Would there be an Eddie Rice Day? Will there be an Athletics Carnival this year? The questions were not able to be answered until late in Term 2, where the House Captains and Mr Brown worked out the best possible outcome given the restrictions. Unfortunately, this meant that instead of two days of the Athletics Carnival like we usually had, we had to combine the two days into one day. Again, we headed towards the mango tree for the 2020 Seniors long awaited final Athletics Carnival. After painting ourselves purple and yellow to support the Cure Starts Now, the boys had gained a new mascot for the day and will be staying for a while, 'Pooh the Cure Starts Now Bear', with Kurtis Brink was wearing. Walking as one group, the Carew House approached the Oval with the other six Houses. Carew made a great entrance with a big boom box carried by Kurtis Brink...that Mr Doolan was quick to turn off. The tents were spread out all over the Oval creating an isolated and COVID safe environment for all Houses. The day was very busy and the Captains had to step up and find which age group was at which event and race and what Oval and what area. Special mentions to Ms Timbs and Ms Rossi for looking after the boys at the tents, we really appreciate it! Nonetheless, the boys did well to get everyone to their event on time every time and it was not easy at all. Sadly, the rule was to not have war cries due to needing social distancing, but this didn’t stop the Carew House spirit as we silently chanted our war cries for the very last time. It brought a smile to the Captain’s faces when they saw kids who usually don’t have a crack having a go and those who volunteered for races that they have never competed in. Awesome work blokes, really proud of all of you. Effort Every Time truly came into play after lunchtime where Carew caught up to Putney from 200 points behind. One last push from the relay teams was made to push Carew to fourth of the leader-board. The Cudas got up 100 points above Putney and only a short 85 points behind third place - take that Putney! Congratulations to the following boys who killed the field events: Tyler Butler 2nd for 13 years, Zai Robinson-Calliste 3rd for 16 years, and Angus Gibb 3rd for opens. Special mentions to these lads who blitzed kids on the track: Nathaniel Kimber 1st for 14 years, Lachlan Lerch 3rd for 16 years, and Aiden Freeman 2nd for 17 years. Well done blokes absolutely killed it! In Academics, the Carew house excelled above and beyond with several boys achieving Diligence Awards at the conclusion of Term 1. In addition to these awards, our Carew ‘Cudas also received Bronze, Silver and Gold awards- a commendable effort from everyone involved. I would like to personally congratulate each recipient for their efforts in the classroom. Furthermore, there were also many students from the Year 11 and 12 VET program who achieved work placement awards for excellent feedback from their employers.

Moving around the grounds of Ignatius Park, the House spirit was further continued through various events with each grade competing in a lunchtime competition of Basketball, Cricket or Softball. With each game adding points to the Paddy Carew Shield tally, the boys fought hard and had fun doing so. Other activities that the Carew Cudas partook in included TCLC visits, Drop-in Centre visits, House morning teas, Homeroom visits between grades, House barbecue afternoons, Homeless Sleepout and the Year 7 and 12 Friday Morning Milos for buddy bonding time. In mid Semester 1, some of our Carew boys and staff participated in the World’s Greatest Shave where they shaved their heads down to the skin to raise money and awareness to beat blood cancer. Because of the virus, the leaders were limited to doing specific activities with group involvement and we apologise for the unexpected and wish we could have done all of our ideas because there were some top ones in there. Cross Country finally made its appearance at the College and let me tell you that all the boys were delighted when they heard this news. The day started off with a House Assembly where Keenan and Kurtis broke the news that Carew has no match in this event, so have a crack and have fun. A sharp play was made by the Captains - the incentive to give pizza lunches to anyone who got top 10. I don’t know how, but it managed to work! Carew House came a whopping second place. That is the best the House has ever done in history! The Captains couldn’t get words out of their mouth when they found out they were no longer bottom 3 in Cross Country. Boys, we are proud of every single one of your efforts. Well done to these boys who got top 10. I hope you all enjoyed your free pizza, cheers Brucey! With the Seniors having 18 different Homeroom teachers, they were in awe that Mr Moxon had the guts to pull up and stick with us for this year, especially after all those detentions he had given us in previous years. Cheers sir, it means a lot to the boys, we also thank you for helping us lead the House. We wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.

now. Especially a big thank you to Mr Moxon and Mr Bruce. Mr Moxon stepped up to the challenge of being our Homeroom teacher and has played a key role for myself and Kurtis this year, helping us when we needed it. Mr Bruce has always helped and supported us this year in the decisions and ideas we have come forward with. My role as the House Captain would mean nothing without all the boys. I am so proud of what we have accomplished, and I have absolute confidence in the young men I see in front of me on a Monday morning, that they will continue to make this House the treasure that it is. Personally, I would like to thank all the Carew teachers, teacher aides and other Carew boys, past and present, in the House over the last six years. This journey through Ignatius Park has been a blessing, and on behalf of all the Carew Seniors of 2020, I can easily say we have been humbled to serve as the Leaders of the Carew House. The memories made and friendships with these young men will not be forgotten. Thank you for making me your Vice Captain of 2020 and entrusting me to help lead the House. Once graduating from the Park and becoming an Old Boy, I can rest easy knowing that the Carew House has been placed in good hands with next year’s Seniors. I will miss the family we have created. Thank you for the junior burgers that always put a smile on my face. Enjoy your time at the Park boys, as it will go by in a flash. All the best for the future gentlemen, and don’t forget; Respect, Compassion, Determination, Integrity and most importantly, Effort Every Time. Blokes keep that Carew spirit running forever, lead by example — Up the Mighty’ Cudas, you will be missed. Keenan Whitwam & Kurtis Brink | House Captains

Over the past six years, I have been on the absolute ride of my life and it's finally coming to an end. This isn’t the fairy tale ending that we were after, but it is the end and I am so thankful for all the teachers who have helped me get to where I am

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Carew Report


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CAREW Ignatius Park College 2020



Ignatius Park College 2020


Year 7


Nicholas Cripps, Harrison Bow, Cooper Cornish, Preston Northrop, Taylor Livock, Ryan Thompson, Kai Balderson, Koby Mescis SECOND ROW: Kai Sinclair, Hudson Cornish, Darius Thorsby, Nayte Essery, Dylan Babbage, Carter Isaac, Blake Pearce THIRD ROW: Max Reeves, Jayden Ah Chee, Koen Tengvall, Ashton Nicholls, Tonuia Tonuia, Max Jackson FOURTH ROW: Cooper Brook, Rydah Whittred, Toma Apete, Kobe Kenworthy, Robbie Girvan, Sitiveni Afu |TEACHERS: Mr G. Rossiter, Ms T. Gibson

Year 8

FRONT ROW: Brayden Lewis, Chad Mrzyglocki, Lance Paine, Xander Thorsby, Toby Martin-Wojtacha, Jude O'Shea, Shaiel Waller, Owen Hess, Calam Sinclair SECOND ROW: Gideon Lafoga, Jaxon Sciuto, Quintin Eldridge, Robbie Price, Max Daldy, Brock Kyle, Cooper Hemphill, Rafael Pyers THIRD ROW: Caleb Mahoney, Thomas Bartels, Lucas Partridge, Zachary Jenkins, Nicholas Irving, Logan Collins, Alexander Demopoulos TEACHERS: Mr B. Denny, Mr S. Cribb

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Year 9


Tylamani Lafoga, Dylan Hill, Mason McWha, Cranston Hill, Jack Fredericks, Rhys Yardley, Nicholas Gho, Luke Quincey SECOND ROW: Monty Curran, Jedd Herschfield, Cody Jackson, Matthew Lynch, Harrison Law, Tyler Flanders, Brohdie Gibson, Karmichael Wright THIRD ROW: Joshua Randall, Marcus Cervellin, Hayden Moore, Matthew Ament, Adam Waugh, Kenta Muirhead, Ateli-Patrick Iosefo TEACHERS: Ms A. Loechel, Mr M. Laguna

Year 10

FRONT ROW: Emil Jomon, Zac Rolfe, Kym Nuth, Oliver Oh, Lachlan Holmes, Tayte Rasmussen, Brayden Harding SECOND ROW: Haley Pearson, Finn Cook, Jakob Collinson, Jared McPherson, Tekelu Mene, Jackson Hocking, Ayden McKenzie THIRD ROW: Hayden Lucas, Benjamin Male, Dean Jones, Matthew Evans, Patrick O'Connor, Daniel Bell ABSENT: Rodney Elijah Joe TEACHERS: Mr K. Spencer, Mr S. Di Giacomo


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Year 11


Vatsal Goyal, Lachlan Bourke, Isaac Pyers, Moana Woods, Matthew Dyer, Travis White, Cameron Carter, Liam Cashmere SECOND ROW: Louis Billingsley, Kaleb Lewis, Tremaine Body, Brandon Pearce, Dallenger Field, Jacob Angus, Connor McColl THIRD ROW: Kynan Hollingsworth-Sorbello, Wade Jonsson, Jack Dwyer, Tyler Boyce, Elijah Hughes, Orlando Sartori TEACHER: Mr R. Lloyd

Year 12


Dominic Godbold, Kobe Gallagher, Edwin Jomon, Zeph Tengvall, Samuel Marczak, Jeb Eastaughffe, Lachlan Moore SECOND ROW: Harrison David, Ethan Woods, Micheal Bell, Jack Morton, Raheem Rolfe, Callum Wilshere, Julian Collins THIRD ROW: Trey Valentine, Taylen Reasons, James Stephan, Thomas McIntosh, Brocklan Bryant, Jack Rasmussen ABSENT: Jayden David TEACHER: Mrs K. Tillack

Ignatius Park College 2020



Nolan Report As 2020 comes to a close, Nolan members can reflect upon this disruptive year with pride. We kicked off the year with our annual Swimming Carnival where, despite the exceptional efforts of various members within the house such as Brandon Pearce (11), Kym Nuth (10) and Matthew Lynch (9), Nolan sadly fell short of a podium finish. Despite the result, the carnival was a success accrediting to the avid participation and House spirit displayed throughout the course of the carnival. It was great to see so many boys stepping out of their comfort zones across all age groups and upholding the Nolan tradition and truly Unleashing the Fury. A special mention must also go out to the vast number of Year 11 boys who stepped up to the plate on the day, assuming responsibility - displaying positive fundamental attributes in an effort to uphold the 2020 Seniors legacy and truly embodying the values of the Nolan house. The Athletics Carnival this year was a major success. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, the two-day event was reduced to just one. The theme for the day was HAZMAT/quarantine and the boys got into it with so many outstanding costumes on display. There was strong sense of spirit present throughout the day. A couple of boys stood out with individual successes. In the field events, Tekelu Mene placed 2nd in 15 years, Orlando Satori also placed 2nd in 16 years and Elijah Joe showed his dominance placing 1st in 16 years. Within the track events, the House again was seen to have podium finishes with Ateli-Patrick Iosefo placing 2nd in 14 years, Ethan Woods placing 2nd in 18 years and lastly Tekelu Mene in 15 years and Tremaine Body in 16 years both placing 1st for their age group. The House as whole placed 6th but showed no weakness winning spirit points. Overall, it was an unforgettable day. Following the Athletics Carnival was the legendary Cross Country event where the boys gave it their


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all, despite the blistering winds and scorching heat. Although the conditions on the day were suboptimal, the Nolan boys were exemplary in participation and I am proud of the levels of enthusiasm they displayed. Congratulations to Harrison Bow who placed 3rd in 12 years and Ethan Woods who place 1st in 18 years. Earlier in the year, the annual Theatre Sports Competition was held, and each House nominated a junior and senior team. Despite their monumental efforts, the senior team was knocked out in the first round. This left the junior team to carry the weight of the House and they found themselves in the grand finale having to produce a “space jump” scene on the spot. They conducted themselves with pure talent, showing outstanding teamwork and successfully taking the win. Soon after, the Seniors were tasked with producing a spirit video to compete against the other Houses. In doing so, we coordinated the entire House around the school with each grade enacting different activities showcasing House spirit. James Stephan in Year 12 was the lead actor and Lachlan Moore, the cameraman and editor who successfully filmed the video in one take. A special mention to Jayden David (12) whose solo dance in the intro had everyone psyched up. Nolan successfully took out first place in the competition, proving that Nolan spirit was stronger than ever. Over the past six years our Homeroom has been lucky enough to experience incredible, well-rounded Homeroom teachers. Starting Year 7 with the ultimate combo, Mr Gaston and Mr Guerra successfully integrated us within the College and the culture which surrounds it. Over our first three years, whether it was getting our ankles broken on the Touch field, or getting taught to throw spears and makes fire with nothing but sticks, these two men made such a strong impact on us - one that we will not forget. The next year we had Ms Hans and Mr Iemma. Though we only had them for a brief period, their presence was always positive. Finally, we were gifted with Mrs Tillack who carried us across the line through Year 11 and

12. Mrs Tillack continuously offered endless support and went well above the role of a Homeroom teacher. A perfect example of this was where, every month, without fail Miss would bring in cake to celebrate everyone’s birthdays. Her kind-hearted spirit will never be forgotten as she has made an enormous impact within our Homeroom. To all our Homeroom teachers throughout the years, thank you, for you have shaped us into the men we are today. Mr Mitchell, your constant support of all members within the Nolan House is always appreciated. Your inclusive community emphasis within Nolan and the wider schooling community is a key attribute of your character that the student body admires. Your dedication to the wellbeing of students highlights your caring and compassionate nature and is a standard which students will strive to replicate throughout their continued development. Your methods of positive reinforcement through countless pizza parties, Nolan spirit acknowledgment in House Assemblies, the end of year activities and Cokes on a Friday afternoon exemplify your giving nature and selfless character. Your exceptional leadership skills were not only portrayed during the school terms, but also highlighted during the lock-down period. A key aspect of a good leader is adaptability, which is exactly the feature you depicted throughout this time by your introduction of the Nolan Lego competitions and online House Assemblies to maintain the positive relationships

with students in the House during this time of uneasiness. Although we Seniors have only had the opportunity to learn from your character teachings for the past three years, your instilment of positive thoughts and actions as a key role-model within our lives is something very dear to the Senior cohort that will never be forgotten. I’d just like to say on behalf of the Nolan Seniors of 2020, thank you for your continued support and commitment towards the House. You are an avid representation of Nolan spirit and you inspire others to follow in your footsteps daily. No amount of words can express how thankful we are. To the Nolan men graduating, it has been an amazing journey with you all at the Park and I cannot believe it has come to an end. We have been together for the past six years and I have loved every second. We have made so many memories together and I thank you all for that. The future is ours to conquer and I hope we all make the most of it. Good luck to your years to come and cherish the Nolan insignia with pride. The Nolan Seniors of 2020 would like to end this report with a some key words of advice to all the up and coming Nolan men: embrace every opportunity that the College provides, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and, finally, take the Seniors’ advice seriously. They have walked and lived the road you're taking now. Ethan Woods & Brocklan Bryant | House Captains

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Nolan Report


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Ignatius Park College 2020


Year 7


Scott Kelly, Jack Fay, Benjamin Hore, Kai Burchell, Ryan Fletcher, Marley Hinsbey, Alexander Waszkiewicz, Harrison Ward SECOND ROW: Aiden Finlay, Angus Wheeler, Azhagan Slingsby, Brodie Quigley, Riley Girgenti, Billy Curley, Hans Ila THIRD ROW: Aiden Masatto, Lincoln Healey, Alapati Taulaga, Thomas Geeves, Beau McCarron, Mason Lord FOURTH ROW: Reece McMillan, Ethan Cavanagh, Jy Gasa, Ben Nystrom, Luke Atkins, Cooper Currin TEACHERS: Mr G. Hughes, Mr A. Hodgson

Year 8


Tyron Bethune, Jack Coleman, Jake Sullivan, Jordan Stonestreet, Jordan Moffat, Christian Healey, Lincoln Burrowes, Charlie Barringhaus, Meky Turnock SECOND ROW: Max Nicholls-Ward, Cameron Braby, Alex Kerr, Ciaran Glasheen, Lincoln Turner, Brian Wiegmann, Ethan McDonough, Thomas Nicholls-Ward THIRD ROW: Evan Msonga, Cameron Pain, Fletcher Ferres, Jacob Horan, Andre Corradini, Thomas Denham, Sebastiaan Arends TEACHERS: Mr M. Johnson, Ms D. Weightman

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Year 9

FRONT ROW: Kodi Douglass-Crooks, George Billsborough, Zachary Hounsell, Jarel Hemmings, Liam Sinn, Thomas Woolcock, Angus Nicholls-Ward, Joshua Roubicek, Joshua Williams SECOND ROW: Kasey Julien, Jake Masatto, Jake Hartwell, Jalen Anderson, Joseph Kelemete, Cade Murray, Iowani Cavuilati, Matthew Parker THIRD ROW: Jack Prior, Kile Kratzmann, Nathan O'Neill, Nicholas Rowan, Jim Finger, Koen Hutana, Nathaniel Barton ABSENT: Orlando Nawarie, Bronson Wilmen-Latham TEACHERS: Ms C. Gould-Stasse, Mrs A. Deer

Year 10

FRONT ROW: Miles Brown, Cooper Leonard, Jay McPherson, Harry Gallagher-Smith, Owan Scott, Diesel Jacobsson-Rhodes, Jack Wood SECOND ROW: William Sloan, Cormac Eakin, Gerard Di Bartolo, Jett Bates, Declan Davidson, Benjamin Thompson, Thierry de Largie D'Alton THIRD ROW: Tenzin Daly, Harrison Geeves, Zachary McKergow, Riley Masters, Brady Horan, Riley Innes ABSENT: George Mait TEACHERS: Mr D. Thompson, Mr S. Lansley


Ignatius Park College 2020


Year 11


Jairus Butalid, Cody Fraser, Seamus Williams, James Potter, Ryan Lee, Keegan Gedling, Kyran Lyddiard, Isaac Mayo SECOND ROW: Kuresa Fota Pio, Casey Murray, James Paul, Jakson Hughes, Danyon McDougall, Oliver Betcher, Sean Bourke, Padraic Glasheen THIRD ROW: Alexander Roubicek, Ryan McCarron, Lachlan Parker, Marshall Wilson, Kaden Partland, Zachary Skipp, Justin Hamill TEACHER: Mr L. Farren (Absent)

Year 12


Joel Stevens, James Rowan, Joshua Farrington, Joseph Di Bartolo, Cooper Wilkins, Kyle Robinson, Gary Tom, Aiden Scott SECOND ROW: Ashley Cusack, Zachary Judge, Chevy Corbett, Evan Corradini, Nicholas Pearce, Bailey Stagg, Hayden Dunlop THIRD ROW: Lachlan Hillery, Joshua Donlon, Thomas Carey, Adam Mitchell, Benjamin Crosbie, Antony Hockin, Daniel Moman TEACHER: Mr S. Robertson

Ignatius Park College 2020



Putney Report PUTNEY HOUSE – BUILT ON PATIENCE…PRESENCE… PASSION Well, what a year 2020 turned out to be. The untimely arrival of a global pandemic commonly referred to as COVID-19 turned everything on its head for a while. As the world scrambled to fight off this modern-day bug, Ignatius Park College played its part by closing its doors for several weeks in Term 2. For the first time in College history, students and staff engaged in online teaching and learning from home. A massive thank you to all staff and parents for the role they played in ensuring that the ongoing education of our young men remained steadfast and true. Congratulations also to our student body, including those in the mighty Putney House for buying into this transition and coming out stronger and more resilient on the other side. Surely our House namesake, Bishop Michael Putney, was looking over us all, keeping us safe and out of harm’s way. Our 2015 Year 7s who first walked through the gates six years ago graduated recently, leaving the College formally for the last time. They now become immersed in the history of the College, adding their names to the perpetual list of IPC Old Boys. Congratulations to you all. There were also several students from this year level who would have graduated in 2020 at IPC. However, for a variety of reasons they had moved on before finishing their Senior year. These students included Jude Mitchell, Tom Kelly, Liam Barber, Ethan Cameron, Alex Colley, Reegan Gileppa, Xavier Hooper, Tom Huxley, Riley Musumeci, Ethan Ramsbotham, Cooper Adair, Boaden GuicaSegal, Jin Torrington, Jack McInnes, Fred Nawarie, Japheth Mundraby and Quintus Smit. The Putney House inducted its Senior leaders in 2020 with Evan Corradini (Putney House Captain) and Zachary Judge (Putney House Vice Captain) being presented with their leadership badges at the opening Mass by College Principal, Mr Shaun Clarke. Congratulations to you both and thank you for your hard work and support throughout the year. The pre-COVID era saw the IPC Swimming Carnival go ahead as per normal. Our free-spirited “Hippy” theme brought plenty of colour to the day and for the first time in history, the Putney House stood proudly on the podium finishing in 3rd place overall behind Baillie and Rice. A special mention must go to our Open Medley relay team who claimed their 6th victory in six years, remaining undefeated in this event throughout their time at the College. Congratulations to Tom Carey, Joel Stevens, Kyle Robinson and Nicholas Pearce on this outstanding achievement. The Athletics Carnival was held in early Term 3 with a slightly adjusted program to accommodate the new post-COVID vernacular – “social distancing.” The Putney House embraced a “beach” theme this year and a fun day was had by all. No podium finish, but a gutsy performance from the House in


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what was a massive day for all. The Cross Country was also held in Term 3. Another glowing endorsement of the work that goes into securing a holistic education for the students at IPC. Post-COVID, it would have been easy for Mr Alloway and his team to put this event (and the Athletics Carnival, mind you) into the “too hard” basket. However, risk assessments were adjusted, COVID-safe protocols were implemented and we were good to go. As a result, we all got to experience another great spectacle at IPC this year. Congratulations to Isaac Mayo on winning the 16 years race. In the middle school, it was Lincoln Burrowes (3rd) and Aiden Masatto (4th) who were the shining lights for the House. For the record, it was a 5th place finish for the Putney House in 2020. Last year we also recognised and announced the winner of the 2019 Putney House “Young Silverback of the Year” Award. This prestigious award went to Riley Innes (Year 9 at the time) and was presented by Father Rod Ward. Riley now enters the senior school in 2021. He continues to set a wonderful example to the House in terms of his respect, humility and passion for the College. At the time of print, the 2020 recipient had not been announced. On behalf of the Putney Silverbacks, I would also like to acknowledge the ongoing contribution and extend a special thank you to the following Putney Homeroom staff for their efforts in 2020: Mr Gary Hughes, Mr Andrew Hodgson, Ms Katrina Guazzo, Mr Matthew Johnson, Mrs Alyssa Deer, Ms Rebecca Irvine, Ms Carolynne Gould-Stasse, Ms Denise Weightman, Mr Drew Thompson, Mr Steve Lansley, Mr Len Farren and Mr Stephen Robertson. Thank you all for your support and professionalism throughout the year. I would also like to acknowledge and thank all parents and guardians for their support throughout 2020. To all Putney students, you are the custodians of a House and culture that will continue to grow and prosper long after you have left the College for the final time. Be a part of it now and set positive standards for those younger to follow. I say this every year because I am passionate about the collective legacy you will all leave if you stay the course and trust us in what we do here. Enjoy your holidays and take the time to give your parents or significant other a big hug and a thank you for the many opportunities they have afforded you this year. See you all back on deck in 2021. John Fuller | Pastoral Leader - Putney

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Putney Report


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PUTNEY Ignatius Park College 2020



Ignatius Park College 2020


Year 7


Chase Reading, Ethan Morgan, Byron Morris, Zanda Fogarty, Brodie Pritchard, Bibin Martin, Kalan Melvin, Raphael Seage SECOND ROW: Ryan McCarthy, Joshua Symons, Bryce Micola Von Furstenrecht, Harry Ballinger, Lindsay Kirk, Riley Talbot, Jacob Kinsella THIRD ROW: Seth Chun Tie, Conor Towers, Lachlan Kiehne, Winston Joseph, Jayden Wetherell, Cai Banfield FOURTH ROW: Nicholas Barr, Fazili Kandanda, Owen Myers, Thomas Dodds, Anthony Roveglia, Cooper Lloyd TEACHERS: Mr M. Thiele, Mrs S. Walton

Year 8


Mason Bailey, Jewelius Seage-Evans, Jackson Thomson, Harley Caspani, Ryan Connolly, Jaron Lakin, Kyhnaan Kennedy, Khaid Wixon SECOND ROW: Johnathan Hewson, Bradley Vines, Joe Briskey, Jayden Chilby, Jacob Carroll, Darcy Firmin, Maddix Hampton, Kevin Morris THIRD ROW: Ethan Clarke, Harrison Rush, Callum Cavanagh, Michael Paine, Tristan Banfield, Rhys Clarke, Noah Dawson TEACHERS: Mr C. Baily, Mr M. Rowan

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Year 9


Keanau O'Callaghan-Fletcher, Samuel Norris, Jordan Allan, Lachlan McCarthy, Vincent Micale, Aidan Fitzpatrick, Sherriff Dury, Casey Jeffree, Patrick Beams SECOND ROW: Alvine Njau, John McLean, Chase Wixon-Sorbello, Lachlan Hutchings, Jaxon Curtis, Ryan Warren, Angus Ogilvie, Max Beckham THIRD ROW: Cooper Clarke-Drier, Spencer Leslie, Blair Williamson, Vaughn Tully, Isaac Seri, Jordan Noakes, Lleyton Dooley TEACHERS: Mr L. Dunne, Ms K. Busby

Year 10


Liam Whiting, Tyler Andersen, Will Tarlington, Harvey Arboit, Norman Stanbrook, Daniel Gregory, Lachlan Webb, Timothy Doyle SECOND ROW: Ben Tolcher, Feruzi Kandanda, Stuart Carter, Cameron Annesley, Connor Jeffery, Bradley Greer, Dylan Talbot THIRD ROW: Fletcher Ryder, Ashden Curtis, Kelvyn Kaigey, Taj Petersen, Patrick Clifford, Jaak Braddick TEACHERS: Mr P. McMahon, Mr W. Ahern


Ignatius Park College 2020


Year 11


Cianan Cuthbert-Botha, Braedan Kennedy, Ryan Paine, Benjamin McLean, Euan Cram, John Beams, Ethan Dawson, Jack Connolly SECOND ROW: Joseph Sale, Alex Katsaros, Ethan Scharkie, Corey Baker, Chase Briskey, Connor Wilkins, Joel Tully THIRD ROW: Jarrod Chaillon, Josh Clarke, Angus Myers, Alastair Mills, James Clarke, Joel Webb, Curamis Majok ABSENT: Ethan Hannay TEACHER: Mrs N. Burnett

Year 12

FRONT ROW: Mebin Martin, Lachlan Nugent, Daniel Knowles, Hunter Paull, Luke Saldana Lopez, Hayden Tarlington, Corey Garner, Jack Holt, Kmani Levi SECOND ROW: Ethan Moody Humphrey, James Laird, Joseba Kelly, Jarrod Edmondson, Harrison Buswell, Zack Lowe, Liam Coffey, Benjamin Ihle THIRD ROW: Joseph Gregory, James Hoffensetz, Jamie Humphreys, Nathan Wright, Finn Andreassen, Matthew Blanchard, Braithen Knox TEACHER: Mr L. Hogan

Ignatius Park College 2020



Reid Report As 2019 drew to an end, it was finally that time to hand over the red banner to the newly appointed Senior group of 2020. Twelve months later and what a year it has been!

introduction of the ‘Reid Stampede’ in 2016. It is a huge credit to all members of the House for getting amongst it and getting the most out of what the sporting carnivals have to offer. After digging in all day to hold our position, the boys stuck together to secure a 4th place finish. Well done men!

Coming into the year it seemed as though we had everything figured out – having our Captains and Prefects already elected and moving breezily through our first year under the new ATAR system. Everything was looking onwards and upwards moving into what is arguably the best year of our young lives, and regardless of few ‘minor hiccups’, I think it's fair to say that it lived up to its expectations. Other than a global pandemic that pretty much changed most people's plans for 2020, I believe that overall, we have adapted as best we could and made this year the best it could be given the unique circumstances. Consistently over the year, each Reid man contributed to the House in their own unique way and carried on the House theme of Doing the Little Things Right which inevitably fuelled the House’s eagerness to be competitive in all that we did.

Following on from the Swimming Carnival, next up was the Athletics Carnival early in Term 3, and although the day was delayed and tweaked to suit COVID-19 restrictions, it certainly did not disappoint. An 'Op-Shop' theme was selected with a $10 limit being encouraged, and the boys were ready to get stuck in! On a sweltering hot day, the boys showed up and gave it their all. Moving into the group events after the main lunch break, things were looking positive for the men in red. Fresh off a Reid Stampede returning from the break and thanks to the belting out of a classic Waltzing Matilda, the boys quickly snapped out of their kicked back attitude and were ready to give one last effort in the final group of events. The 18 year old boys kick it off with a convincing win in the 4x100m relay, but unfortunately the boys couldn’t hold on and secured a 7th place finish.

Our first show of Reid spirit was at the highly anticipated Swimming Carnival held in Term 1. Coming off a 3rd place finish in 2019, the boys were eager to get around it and push for another podium finish in 2020. With the theme of ‘Firefighters' selected by the Senior group to raise awareness and funds for the NSW Bushfires that were occurring at the time, it was guaranteed to not disappoint. In hunt for the newly introduced ‘Brother Jon Hansen Spirit Shield’, Mr Rigano made a few calls and pulled a few strings to make sure that on the morning of the Carnival, the Reid House had their very own fire-truck to put the other Houses spirit to shame (or so we thought). For years now, the House has been renowned for their spirit at such carnivals, particularly since the


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Overall, it was still a great day regardless of the result and praise must be given to all members of the House on how well everyone conducted themselves over the course of the day. It was another great example of Reid Spirit, with the boys getting stuck in right up until the last event. The Seniors and the House couldn’t have been more proud. Great stuff lads! Special mentions go to Cai Banfield who was 3rd Age Champion for Field. Finishing off the carnival agenda was the dreaded Cross Country. On another hot day, the boys made their way over to Cranbrook Park to endure on the gruelling path around the river. The Open and U17s boys kicked it off, starting on their 6km trek, followed by the younger age groups who endured the 3km and 4km distances. It was a good afternoon and the participation from the Reid boys was yet again

something to be acknowledged. A big shout-out to the sizeable portion of blokes who managed to collect a top 10 finish: Luke Saldana Lopez (Opens) 2nd place, Ethan Moody-Humphrey (Opens) 10th place, Ethan Hannay – 4th 17s, Braeden Kennedy – 5th 17s, Daniel Gregory – 10th 15s, Blair Williamson – 4th 14s, Lachlan McCarthy – 9th 14s and Nicholas Barr – 10th 13s. That concluded the yearly events at IPC for 2020 and what a year it was! No matter what problem faced us – big or small, we were able to persevere and get through it as a House. It was certainly not the most conventional year, but I can honestly say that 2020 was the best year of my life and one that will definitely not be forgotten. I’d firstly like to thank Mr Rigano, our Pastoral Leader, who has stuck with us in times of both good and bad through our whole high school journey. Without his commitment to not only the House, but each individual in it, as well as the time and effort he has put into making the House what it is today, it is hard to even imagine how things would look in Reid House. I think all the boys would agree with me when I say that he has done all that he can to shape us into the best young men we can be. He has provided us with the knowledge and life lessons we will all cherish in the real world as Iggy Old Boys. Next to the Iggy staff, who have all been there in a way throughout our journey and made school tolerable. Without them, and their commitment to the College, it would have made it very hard to enjoy our Senior year. In particular, thank you to Mr Hogan. Although we may not have been perfect at the best of times, he always stuck with us and

pulled us into line when it was needed. Thank you for teaching us what the true meaning of being an Iggy boy is and for instilling in us life lessons that will certainly not be forgotten. To the Year 12 cohort, you boys are unreal. As mentioned earlier, it hasn’t always been smooth sailing and we’ve had our fair share of ups and downs, but I can honestly say that every single one of you will always hold a special place in my heart. Each one of us have contributed to the House in a different way, and at the end of the day, it has contributed to the success of the House. The way we have conducted ourselves over the past six years is a reflection of each individual coming together as one group. A massive thank you to each and every one of you for making 2020 the best year of my life, and I’m sure the future will old great things for you all. Finally, to the Reid men of the future: you hear it every year, but please do make the most of your time at the Park and my message this year isn’t any different. This place is something special, boys and take it from me, if you hold off and don’t make the most of each opportunity presented to you, you will regret it. I have no doubt that you can all continue on the legacy of the wolves and build something special for the future. It has been an absolute honour to lead you boys through the year of 2020, and I can't thank you all enough for having the faith in me to do the right thing by the House, which I hope I have lived up to. Be your best men. UP THE WOLVES! Jamie Humphreys | Reid House Captain

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Reid Report


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Year 7


Rookie McMinn, Nicholas Franklin, Dane Craperi, Tashaun Benjamin, Nicholas Ellis, Kye Lange, Benjamin Turner, Samuel Trbusic-Smith SECOND ROW: Tyler Batley, Ashton Deer, Haydan King, Jesse Bowker, Jackson Hatchard, Indygo Keir, Tyler Pannach THIRD ROW: Kye Connell, Morgan Payne, David Holmes, Myles Rosemond, Lincoln Baker, Koby Baban, Cooper Reinders FOURTH ROW: Langston O'Rourke, Jordan Daniels, Cooper Eastlake, Harrison Biggin, Riley Kerr, Mitchell Hardy TEACHERS: Mr T. Lucas, Mr P. Dembowski

Year 8


Rory McDonald, Jake Strazzeri, Oliver Pascoe, Tate Hastie, Michael Salvador, Connor Sexton, Flynn Maguire, Bryce Parry SECOND ROW: Michael Hay, Charlie Hawkins, Timothy Chappell, Cody Amos, Oliver Minns, Jacob Sexton, Wesley Kerr, Charles Glover THIRD ROW: Bailey George-Shaw, Oscar Beattie, Luke Madsen, Benjamin Hatchard, Luke Guilfoyle, Nikolas Collocott, Coen Ross TEACHERS: Mr M. Burnett, Mr S. Anderson

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Year 9


Izach Campbell, Hayde Munro, Ethan Sampson, Bailey Westhorp, Marshall Scott, Mitchel Waldon, Archie Allen, Jake Brewer, Rami Peltonen SECOND ROW: Jake Reinders, Ryan Sutton, Jackson Lemmon, Jaikyn O'Connor-Poore, Ben Walker, Benjamin McDougall, Brody Lejarraga, Samuel Keir THIRD ROW: Liam Sutton, Luke Craperi, Benjamin Donlon, Jack Bragg, William Fuller, Marcus Bell, Flynn Scott TEACHERS: Mr P. Marano, Mr G. Cook (Absent)

Year 10


Sean Young, Lachlan Hardy, Howard Keyes, Allen Wharton, Harry Bowman, Riley Gibson, Finn Anderson, Brayden Pemmelaar SECOND ROW: Liam McDonald, Jackson Waldon, Jesse Blake, Christian Payne, Harry Coleman, Lachlan Hawkins, Zachary Bannister THIRD ROW: Mitchell Brown, Declan Hart, George Abednego, Joshua Gill, Jamal Shibasaki, Luke Fenton TEACHERS: Mrs M. Kenyon, Mr J. Alloway (Absent)


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Year 11


Matthew Gilboy, Ashley Mayocchi, Lewis Roberts, Zac Brunetto, Emmon Davis, Darcy Keir, Jake Scherff, Jayden McMinn SECOND ROW: Benjamin Dixon, Cooper Chislett, Damon Marshall, Jordan Batley, Levi Buchanan, Nathan Weis, Braydon Bin Doraho, Lucas Dummett THIRD ROW: Lachlan Symss, Samuel Salvador, Louis Jackson, Harrison Fuller, Orlando Clark, Thomas Duffy, Jaidyn Wilkins TEACHER: Mrs S. O'Melia

Year 12

FRONT ROW: Angus Hawkins, Julian Fusco-Wright, Harrison Keir, Liam Dickson, Rishabh Bawa, Ethan Pemmelaar, Maverick Pegoraro SECOND ROW: Benjamin Herrero, Diego Urdanivia, Edward Hampson, Alexander Dietrich, Isaac Truett, Kai Simmons, Kaleb Parrish THIRD ROW: Yanni Collocott, Lachlan Whereat, Lewis Minns, Cooper Scott, Fionn O'Seighin, Kieran Truett TEACHER: Mr C. Brown

Ignatius Park College 2020



Rice Report Following in the footsteps of past Seniors, we knew the exact type of men we wanted to become in order to be role models for the younger boys. Our biggest goal was to teach the younger Rice boys about what it really means to be a part of the Rice House following traditions and setting clear expectations. As the year began, the mighty Rice House welcomed some new faces with the addition of the Year 7s and a couple of new boys scattered through the older grades. High school can be a frightening transition or even attending a brand-new school and we hope that we made their transition into the College an easy one. Coming out of our Leadership Camp, we knew that we wanted to continue the traditions that are unique to the Rice House, yet also create a few of our own. As a result, new war-cries were started and old classics like Rum-Stick-a-Bubble were belted out with passion. The creation of the Viking Clap followed on from the Rice House Battle Horn which was introduced by the 2019 Seniors. The Viking Clap is a loud, triumphant war-cry which brought all the boys together as one. We hope this will continue for years to come. Our Swimming Carnival as Seniors finally arrived and we were absolutely pumped to lead our first carnival. We told the boys our vision and expectations within the House and they responded by putting in a massive effort on the day. As a House, we wanted to build upon the tremendous culture that our previous leaders had established by showing determination, having a dig and giving it our all. Although we aimed to achieve to the best of our abilities, our main goal was to have fun and ensure everyone participated and gave it a crack. A lasting memory for the entire House on this day was being crowned the inaugural ‘Brother Jon Hansen Spirit Shield’ winners. Second place overall was an afterthought to the unbelievable energy,


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passion, and camaraderie that we displayed on this day. Although us boys had big plans this for this year, the spread of Coronavirus dared to stop us in our tracks. While being thrown into the new world of online learning, us Rice men did our best to stay connected through the wonders of technology. House Assemblies turned into pre-recorded podcasts, thanks to Mr Groves. He managed to organise interviews to help us stay connected while the Captains created talent videos to show off our new skills learned in isolation. Once back at school, the boys reconnected quickly and are grateful for all the support we have received. Against all odds, the Iggy Park Athletics Carnival went ahead despite COVID-19 fears. However, a redesigned carnival allowed us to all be socially distant - a first for an Iggy Park Carnival! Even though we were spread across the field, this didn’t stop our Rice House spirit. Being a College of tradition, we decided to continue the pink theme for the carnival. In support of breast cancer research, we once again donated $5 each towards this very worthy cause. In a dominant display, the Rice House secured eight of a possible fourteen age championships and was crowned 2020 Overall Athletics Champions. Finally, to top off ‘carnival’ season, we picked up another first placing in the Interhouse Cross Country event at the end of Term 3. To finish, we would like to pass on a few things we have learned over the past six years… What does it mean to be a Rice man? Being in this House is not about being a person who sees themselves in the limelight, it’s not about being the best player on the handball court, not about being the funniest kid and it’s certainly not about being the smartest. To the boys still at the College: you may not have the answer yet either. But, it’s something that will come in time, I promise you. For us, as the Senior group, to be a part of something that is so special like the Rice House, we can at least truly give some crucial advice before

we depart and we want all the boys to read this. The only thing we want from the future, men, is to listen. This is not listening to the sounds you may be hearing right now. What we are talking about here is to listen to the people you have in your life and when you’re at this College and in this House – there will always be people to guide you. Our former Homeroom Teacher, Miss McLaughlin, deserves a mention for being not only a role model for us boys, but also a ‘mother’ figure none of us thought would be possible. For those of you who do not know Miss McLaughlin, she had been our Homeroom teacher since Year 8 and took us by her side every morning. From listening to Benny Herrero’s acoustics to having a deep, one-on-one conversation with a brother who was struggling and watching on as Dicko tried to figure out which tool belonged where, she always knew ‘how’ to

listen. Miss McLaughlin had an opportunity to move on at the end of 2019 and we have had to figure out this ‘how’ for ourselves. It was hard and tears were shed. But, we had all realised something, which was to understand this Rice Homeroom had been the culture Mr Groves, Mr Logan and Mr Brown had been hinting to us about through all these years. It was this final year when us boys took a step back to appreciate every single moment we have spent together. Nothing was wasted. We as Captains love the Rice House, and we hope 2020 has instilled this love into the future young men as well. Winning both the Br Jon Hansen Spirit Shield and the Paddy Carew Shield is an achievement that the Seniors of 2020 will look back on with great pride in years to come. Up the Crocs! Maverick Pegoraro | Rice House Captain

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Rice Report


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Year 7


Tobi Duggin, Koby Kyle-Little, Joseph Holland, McCallum Kennedy, Travis Church, Brady Campbell, Cooper Cheyne, Malique Lewis-Grant SECOND ROW: Angus Knowles, Ryan Nguyen, Cody Chanthagoon, Logyn-John Webster, Cooper Crooks, Cayden Balnaves, Euan Roberts, Jobi Jackson THIRD ROW: Ethan Jeffery, Jasper Flintoff, Gordon Richards, Wiki Kelemete, Jake Newman, Andre Johnson, Ashley Hudson FOURTH ROW: Jack Montgomery, Leslie Trimmer, Kallen Wallace-Carr, Ronan Richter, Isaac Whelan, Elliot Gilmore TEACHERS: Mr A. Keane, Mrs L. Shucksmith

Year 8


Oliver Carr-Pauline, Brody Fredericks, Darcy Fredericks, Campbell Bryan, Corey Lambert, Kayne Rennie, Edward Cox, Thomas Reeves, Adam Sievers SECOND ROW: Reuben Hilbourne, Elliot Hoskins, Keelin Hookey, Carter Cole, Kynan Purdy, Pio Kelemete, Kaleb Norton-Bern, Baxter Woosnam THIRD ROW: Drew Gilmore, Reagan Knowles, Logan Robertson, Kynan McMahon, Lachlan Williams, Harrison Barrett, Hamish Keyes-West, Steven Tom ABSENT: Jayden Ryan TEACHERS: Mrs S. Hughes, Mr M. Lunn

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Year 9


Lucas Anderson, Hunter Hovell, Trent Grant, Blake Newman, Drew Roberts, Cyrill Hold, Lucas Petrie, Tyson Bickley, Brady Rankin SECOND ROW: William Sheppard, Logan Clam, Daniel Jacob, Arinze Nzeakor, Zy Gall, Zachariah Abdul-Rahman, Finn Knowles, Ryan Langfeldt THIRD ROW: Jet Smalley, Dallyn Powell, Thomas Holland, Aiden Knowles, Angus Bamford, Nelson Kennedy, Brock Delforce ABSENT: Declan Murray TEACHERS: Mr D. Spina, Mr A. Kirkpatrick

Year 10


Austin Keane, Matthew Hunter, Hayden Lunn, Luke Wilmen, Myles Hoskins, Ethan Buchanan, James Sheppard SECOND ROW: Dominic Taylor, Caleb Searles, Edward Ober, Hayden McIntosh, Lachlan Tapp, Dane Smedley THIRD ROW: Liam Marr, Owen Church, Kody Rogers, Ethan Craig, Connor Harris, Jay-Jay Bennett ABSENT: Cade Lyons, Finn Lyons TEACHERS: Ms C. Ventic, Mr B. Geaney


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Year 11


Don Raju, Frank Backo, Darcy Cussen, Kieran Godfrey, Reilly Williams, Lachlan Gode, Joshua Marquez SECOND ROW: Vincent Trimmer, Andrew Edmonds, Renyn Eisel, Brodie Powell, Gus Rees, Cathane Hill, Cohen Shucksmith THIRD ROW: Axel Lincoln, Jake McAuliffe-Fickling, Luca Yates, Lachlan Larsen, Ardrijan Shahinper, Lloyd Kennedy ABSENT: Jaylen Perry, Stanford Scott, Jordan Whiteside TEACHER: Mrs A. Tarttelin

Year 12


Corey Blair, Hudson Murray, Joshua Martin, Lachlan Mitchell, Mitchell Parker, Aiden Simkin, Will Arnell, Ieuan Harker, Bailey Craig, Brigaire Neza SECOND ROW: Tai-Reece Hill, William Bennett, Ethan Gasa, Trent Laffin, Matthew Wilmen, Declan Keyes-West, Jordan Davies, Sebastian Lynch, Joshua Holcroft THIRD ROW: Caleb Cheeseman, Brendan Eaton, Hunter Finlay, Colby Finlay, Jared Mitchell, Brandon Mackay, Sebastian Petrie, Lachlan Scott TEACHER: Mr C. Quabba

Ignatius Park College 2020



Treacy Report The Treacy House is a House like no other and the foundation of our success lies upon years of persistence, resilience and an unbeatable 'can do' attitude. The Treacy Seniors for 2020 set out on their leadership endeavour with a sparkle in their eyes and one goal sitting above all others: to leave a legacy for the boys who will follow us. Now, despite the countless meetings and discussions had in Homeroom about how to innovate and make this year unforgettable, we could not foresee the potential setbacks, such as a global pandemic. However, in true Tiger spirit, we refused to let that slow us down. As restrictions increased and classes closed, the boys kept tracking along, improvising, adapting and overcoming any problems that came their way. Virtual Homerooms, online House Assemblies and stay-at-home challenges kept the young blokes’ morale up as the Seniors used quarantine as a chance to get on top of their studies. The first major event on the IPC calendar was the infamous Swimming Carnival. Snorkels and shark fins rolled through the gates as the Treacy theme of Off to the Reef was set and well received by the entire House. Although it is a well-known fact that cats and water don’t mix well, the tigers took to the blocks with the mindset of champions. Some flew up the pool while others nearly sank, but regardless, the effort could not be questioned and the spirit remained unmatched. As the day passed by and the sun switched sides in the sky, it was evident that the old saying wasn't wrong. The House rallied well , but at the end of the day, unfortunately, we fell just shy of our ‘top 4’ goal, landing in 5th place. However, no heads were hung low at the end of the day as it was announced we placed as runner up for the Brother Jon Hansen Spirit Award- a true testimony to the pride within the House. With COVID-19 concerns clouding the College, a compromise had to be made surrounding the annual Athletics Carnival. The carnival was to


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be reduced to one day rather than two and no war-cries were to be allowed, with respect of the restrictions in place. This news was undoubtedly disheartening to many, but the House collected itself and charged into battle. On this occasion, the Tigers swarmed into the Park as rock stars, covered in paint and matching attire. From the get-go, the day proved to be a handful for the leaders. Some crucial support from our Year 11 students and staff members ensured the day ran as smoothly as possible and for that I cannot thank them enough. The boys showed they were better suited to the land as they carved up the track and field, giving 100% in every event. This effort evidently paid off as the House secured an impressive third place finish to tie up an eventful day. It truly was incredible to see how well the boys adjusted to the change, specifically our younger students who showed some real promise over a wide variety of events. One message I really wanted to push this year with the House was the idea of getting out of your ‘comfort zone’ and giving everything a go. Mr Deer started the term telling us to “let our light shine” and create an atmosphere of encouragement of others as they showed their skills. This message appeared to have sunk in by time the Cross Country came around. An event that is won based on participation and effort, I felt confident in our House’s ability. I was filled with an overwhelming sense of pride on the day as I saw Tigers of all ages line up and push themselves to achieve the best result possible. It is days like these that make or break a House. When faced with a task such as Cross Country, some Houses begin to crumble. It was a humbling experience to be able to say I could lead a House which took on such a challenge so appropriately. The boys ran with all they had and secured a strong third place finish once again. Although the three sporting carnivals were pivotal in the Houses' success, it wasn’t just our athletes who shone brightly for the House this year. The Treacy House consistently finds itself receiving a new batch of gifted artists and creators with every year that comes through. This year, these boys had an opportunity to show off their wide variety

of skills through the means of the school musical, Battle of the Bands, Theatre Sports and various lunch time and Assembly performances. To say these performances were captivating would be a drastic understatement, as I wholeheartedly believe that there are a few special talents within this House who could really find their place as an artist out in the real world. The support of the house was incredible for these boys and I am sure they are beyond thankful for the opportunity to show off their talents on such a stage. The theme of the House respect all, fear none proved to be one to live by in 2020. Regardless of their grade, age or situation, every Tiger in the House faced one form of adversity or another as the year progressed. There were countless times where the boys could have chosen to give up but refused to let themselves fall. This is mostly due to the brotherhood formed within the House. This brotherhood has only gotten stronger as a result of this difficult year. It is something that must be protected at all costs. The boys must continue to be there to lean on in times of need, and I trust they will be. Despite this year being far from conventional, I have been incredibly blessed to be able to hold the role of House Captain. I have learned so much about the boys in blue as well as growing significantly as a person throughout the year. My Vice-Captain, Jordan Davies, has been a tremendous help in maintaining the spirit within the House and did an

incredible job at leading from the front. However, it was not just the boys with an extra badge leading the House this year. The entire Senior group sacrificed their time, studies and other commitments for the House this year. They truly showed what incredible men they are and, more importantly, the quality of men they will continue to be in the future, and for this, I thank them. The staff within the House also played a crucial role in the Tigers’ success this year. Consistently, they supported any initiatives put forward and did everything in their power to keep every boy on track. Specifically, I would like to thank our Pastoral Leader, Mr Deer, not just for his efforts and support this year, but for the past six years. The lessons he has taught us are ones that shall never leave us and for that, he cannot be thanked enough. As I entered the College in 2015 as one of the first group of Year 7s, never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined my Senior year panning out like this. I would like to think that the Treacy Seniors of 2020 achieved their goal to leave a legacy. The House had an incredible year and showed some true promise for future years to come. I feel safe knowing that the House will also be handed over to a group of fine young men, ready and fired up to take on the task of leadership. Respect all, fear none. Once a tiger, always a Tiger. The Treacy house legacy lives on for another year. Hunter Finlay | Treacy Captain

Ignatius Park College 2020



Treacy Report


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TREACY Ignatius Park College 2020



Ignatius Park College 2020

Digital Solutions prepares students for a range of careers in a variety of digital contexts. It develops thinking skills that are relevant for digital and nondigital real world challenges. It prepares students to be successful in a wide range of careers and provides them with skills to engage in and improve the society in which we work and play.

Coding is today’s language of creativity. It is code that powers the digital world that we live in and computer coders are the architects and builders of our digital future. There are many who argue that Australia’s future prosperity relies on digital technologies, and computer programmers are essential to this end.

You can add Computer Science (CS) to just about anything. Adding CS to your ‘X’ prepares you for a future where we do not even know what jobs will look like:

At Ignatius Park College, we teach coding from Year 8 to Year 12. Students start their coding in a drag and drop environment and progress to writing their own programs using hundreds of lines of code. In Digital Technologies, we do not simply teach students how to program computers, we teach them how to use computational thinking skills - skills that will be vital for tomorrow’s workforce. They are taught skills that are an essential problemsolving tool-set in our knowledge-based society.

CS + Art = Graphic Design CS + Medicine = Remote Healthcare CS + Sports = Better Athlete Performance CS + Music = Streaming Apps CS + Maths = 3D Animation These are just a few of the areas where Computer Science can be added to increase career opportunities. As careers change, gaining skills in Computer Science has never been more important. It is a field bursting with creative and economic potential. In a future characterised by rapid technological change, it is people with tech skills and the ability to move rapidly across different areas who will take on and create the jobs of the future. With the constant changes occurring in the world of technology, there has never been a better time to learn how to code. As Steve Jobs (Entrepreneur and co-founder of Apple) states: Everyone should learn how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.

In Design and Technologies, students have been learning how to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure that, individually and collaboratively, they develop confidence as critical users of technologies and designers and producers of designed solutions. Some of the challenges that they worked on this year have included designing their own products using Autodesk Fusion 360, creating and programming robots using Arduino microcontrollers, learning how to create 3D models using Blender, an open source 3D creation application and designing environments using Unity 3D. Despite the challenges 2020 has provided, there are exciting times ahead and we look forward to the challenges these new opportunities offer. Bruce Denny | Faculty Leader - Digital Technologies

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Digital and Design Technologies


Drama As we reflect on the year that was, we see there has been a lot of variety in the Drama department in 2020. The students have been exposed to numerous teaching styles and ways of learning as we embraced online learning due to COVID-19. Teachers worked tirelessly to provide innovative ways to continue being creative and the students are richer for the experience. We welcomed Ms Tamara Apenis this year. With her wealth of experience and enthusiasm, she has been a wonderful asset to Drama. Sadly, she is returning home to Western Australia to be with her family. We wish her every success in her journey and are thankful for her contributions this year. Although many opportunities to grow and develop skills, including the Production of Grease did not go ahead, the Drama students, across all year levels, rose to the challenge of creating relevant Drama works for performance assessments. The Year 10 students devised physical theatre pieces that took risks in a safe space, experimenting with movement, sound and dialogue. Year 8 and 9 students explored Melodramatic Superheroes and comedy respectively, showing a wide range of acting skills to communicate their messages and find their voices. The Year 7 boys delved into the


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world of storytelling, transforming fables and fairy-tales into contemporary settings. Our first Year 12 ATAR students performed, directed and analysed their way through their studies to again prove their skills in a challenging but rewarding discipline of the Arts. They again took the lead in demonstrating their amazing abilities through their self-devised scripted performance of Runaway Minds, making their mark, demonstrating an exceptional of understanding performing for an audience. All around, some enthusiastic and entertaining performances have been delivered, with the boys learning the importance of group work and rehearsal techniques to perform within expected structures relevant to the audience and meeting deadlines. Drama enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. While this year has not been easy, we have done our best to find our way and get lost in the creativity on the stage. Looking forward to sharing our stories with you again in 2021! Kylie Tillack | Faculty Leader - The Arts

It’s been an amazing year for all of us in the English Department. The unprecedented changes of implementing a new system and a global pandemic have presented some incredible challenges and amazing opportunities, both of which our staff and students have embraced. We’ve proudly watched the boys develop and display their talents for writing, speaking, creating and even listening. With such a diverse range of tasks and texts, students have been challenged to achieve their potential and develop a better understanding of the world around them. The introduction of the ATAR system has seen our students experience external exams for the first time. This is a challenge they proved to be more than ready for and they should be very proud of their efforts. A focus this year has been on reviewing our programs and making sure that our students are exposed to the types of genres and texts they will encounter in the future. The Year 7 students have explored blogs and multimodal presentations, the

Year 8s have learned how to compose emails and analytical essays, while the Year 9s have shown their skill at writing short stories. The Year 10s immersed themselves in their study of Romeo and Juliet and the Senior students have displayed their skills at manipulating and analysing aesthetic features and stylistic devices. I’m sure all of the boys would join me in thanking their teachers for such wonderful support and dedication throughout the year. The English department is very fortunate to have such a wonderful group of teachers who always strive to ensure their students have every opportunity for success. Always remember that, as Canadian author Margaret Atwood said, “A word after a word after a word is power.” We hope that this understanding will help our students to be active, engaged learners throughout their lives. Andrea Tarttelin | Faculty Leader - English

Ignatius Park College 2020





Film, Television and New Media From photography to foreign films, from horror to music videos, our Film, Television and New Media students have studied traditional and emerging media, creating some of the best productions we have seen at the College. This year, our aspiring filmmakers have enjoyed being both behind and in front of the camera creating media art in a range of genres and for various platforms. They have spent hundreds of painstaking hours sketching storyboards and bringing to life characters and ideas that previously lay hidden in the depths of their imagination. Our Year 10 students re-framed the world around us via their photography portfolios. Students experimented with a range of compositional elements including symmetry, pattern, rule of thirds, rule of odds, leading lines, and positive and negative space. They also learnt about different lighting techniques in photography, with contre-jour being a favourite among the boys. We were all on the edge of our seats when the Year

11 students designed and produced short horror films. Inspired by the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, the filmmakers brought nightmarish fears to the screen, engaging and shocking viewers with stories of predators who lurk in both the real and virtual worlds. Our Senior students’ studies culminated in the production of short experimental films that were inspired by two of the most influential film movements in cinema history: German Expressionism and French New Wave. Each film was a celebration of students’ talent, creativity and dedication, with the budding filmmakers creating humorous, surprising, and thought-provoking pieces that challenged traditional Hollywood film-making practices and enthralled audiences. We look forward to seeing more of the creative work our students will produce both in and out of Ignatius Park College. Katrina Guazzo | Teacher

Will Sloan

Declan Hart

Miles Brown


Ignatius Park College 2020

Lachlan Holmes

This has been a year of innovation through necessity in the Hospitality Department. We have met the challenges of COVID-19, continuing our programs and enabling practical lessons even through the lock-down of Semester 1. The Department came together during the beginning of the year and prepared an alternative program for all courses in the Hospitality Department. Teachers became video stars and movie editors, so that students could watch a demonstration online and cook their recipe at home. The Senior Hospitality Practices classes prepared a breakfast celebrating International Women’s Day, in the College Hall. The Year 7 Parents' Morning Tea went ahead as planned in Week 7 of Term 1. Unfortunately, these were the only functions to happen before the shut-downs. Semester 2 saw a few functions happen with strict COVID-19 protocols in place. The Year 7 Parents' Morning Tea was reduced to one parent only per student with social distancing in place.

Every parent was understanding and happy to co-operate within the restrictions. The Years 8, 9 and 10 functions in Term 4 went ahead as planned. Year 8 held a multicultural food fair, Year 9 held a healthy snack food stall and Year 10 invited residents from the Brooklea Retirement Village over for a High Tea function. I returned to work after completing cancer treatment in late May this year and I would like to thank Mrs Leonie Shucksmith who managed the department in my absence. She has done an amazing job, especially since she had to prepare for online learning during the shut-down. I would like to thank my department, who helped through an eventful year: Mrs Michelle Kenyon, Ms Tina Gibson and Ms Jo Long. I welcome Mrs Mel Sheppard to the department this year too. We look forward to next year, negotiating new Hospitality practice in an uncertain COVID era. Whatever 2021 holds, the Hospitality Department will meet the challenge with innovation and adaptation. Jude Head | Faculty Leader - Hospitality

Ignatius Park College 2020





Humanities The Humanities Faculty continues to evolve and thrive. On a daily basis the boys engage in activities that give them the transferable skills that will make them incredibly employable in the future. I would like to commend our teachers who have become very proficient in the creation of engaging lessons in the classroom and on STILE. This new learning platform was thrust upon them at the end of Term 1 when the school shut-down became a reality. Teaching and learning from home became a challenge that most of us accepted and took on. There were some hiccups along the way but I think, as a Faculty, we have come out the other side with more positives than negatives.

Geography students the opportunity to collect, manipulate, map and analyse trends across the world using GIS programs. But, at the end of the day, all of our students and staff are to be congratulated on surviving the interruptions we have experienced this year.

COVID-19 for many in 2020 is a nasty term that we do not want to hear or mention ever again. In the Humanities Faculty we like to take the positives out of what became a very difficult year for many of us. Covid 19 has given our Year 8 History students the opportunity to live in a pandemic while studying the weird and wonderful ways the world attempted to survive the Black Plague of the 1300’s and 1600’s. The financial fallout has enabled our Economics and Business classes from Years 9 – 12 to sift through the countless amounts of stimulus that has crippled local, national and international markets. And the ever-changing data has granted

If our best-educated citizens have no idea how to answer these basic questions, we will struggle to build a democracy that can solve the problems we face, whether they are what to do about climate change, the world’s poor, the problems of Australia’s Indigenous people, or the prospect of a future in which we can genetically modify our offspring. An education in the humanities is as valuable today as it was in Plato’s time. Peter Singer (Australian Philosopher), Ethics in the Real World


Ignatius Park College 2020

Also to be congratulated are the students in our first ATAR graduating classes. The resilience of these boys as all Queensland schools transitioned from the OP System to the new ATAR system has been outstanding. We have had some terrific results and I look forward to seeing our boys achieve the ATAR results they deserve.

Tim Lindeberg | Faculty Leader - Humanities

Ignatius Park College is committed to ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all children and young people in its care. This commitment extends to inclusion of all students and support of students with disability and others who may require significant educational adjustments. At Ignatius Park College, we identify students with disabilities through the Education Adjustment Program (EAP). The EAP is a process for identifying and responding to the educational needs of students with disability who require significant education adjustments related to the specific impairment areas of Autism Spectrum Disorder, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, social emotional disorder, and speech language impairment. Adjustments are actions taken to enable a student with disability to access and participate in education on the same platform as other students. Adjustments reflect the assessed individual needs of the student. They can be made at the whole-school level, in the classroom and at an individual student level. As the new Program Leader for Inclusion this year, I was able to continue to develop a specialised team to support our students. I brought with me a wealth of knowledge and experience from my time spent in London as a Leader of Special Education Needs. This international experience has enabled me to strive for a dynamic inclusive program for Ignatius Park College. This year the College dedicated two new positions under the Inclusive Education umbrella: Sandra Walton joined the team as a new staff member in the role of Diversity Support Officer, bringing many years of experience as a Special Education teacher. Collaboratively, she co-planned and teamtaught to break down barriers in the classroom and beyond. Nadine Burnett showcased her expertise to the team as the Transition Officer.

Nadine oversees the wellbeing of our transition students. In preparation for 2021, Nadine has already established relationships with verified and non-verified students from our feeder schools. We continued to build our team of Inclusive Education Teacher Aides to work with subject teachers, support students' self-help strategies, assist with the planning and modification of tasks and monitor students progress. This year we welcomed Bill Mitchell, Frances Hawkins, Laura Simpson-Helman, and Larissa Moule. We continued to implement support programs for individuals and in targeted groups, such as Year 7 - Language and Literacy and MacqLit. These programs are extensive and highly-targeted intervention programs to enable success for those boys with complex difficulties in reading. This year we implemented a program called Abilities Based Learning and Education Support (ABLES) with our more complex students with disabilities. ABLES allows teachers to assess the learning readiness of students with disabilities and additional needs, generates reports for individualised learning planning and provides guidance and strategies to enhance the learning framework for the individual student. The NCCD is an annual collection of information from all Australian schools on the numbers of students with disability and the adjustments they receive. This year we collected evidence on 112 students ranging in needs from Quality Differentiated Learning through to Extensive Support. Congratulations to all students with disabilities who showed resilience through the COVID period of learning online. Nicole Putscher | Program Leader - Inclusive Education

Ignatius Park College 2020



Inclusive Education


Industrial Design and Technologies Like other schools this year, we have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and it has had a major influence on our program. The hardest hit area for Industrial Technology has been Years 7 – 10. This cohort of students had five weeks isolation at home trying to manage school work through online educational programs. Although there was definitely enough work to be covered, it was challenging for students to 'make' projects at home using materials/resources readily available in the home. Not every home has pieces of timber and paint to make a name plate for their bedroom as an example. Most of these students are to be congratulated for continuing their learning in this manner and we also acknowledge that this style of learning is not suited to every student. A huge positive that came out of this delivery mode was it has now developed into a valuable resource that our teachers can utilise in years to come. 2020 saw the 'changing of the guard' as far as staffing is concerned. Very experienced teachers Mark West and Michael Lazzaroni retired, and it is always a huge void to fill when teachers of this calibre leave. Ignatius Park College has now employed two new staff – one teacher and one teacher aide. Chris Baily (Teacher) and Mark Stanford (Teacher Aide) have joined our team and bring with them a multitude of skills, experiences, qualifications and enthusiasm. Due to the successful submission of Capital Expenditure budget for this year, we were able to


Ignatius Park College 2020

purchase a much-needed new guillotine and a further two centre lathes. This enables cutting of all sheet metal and other metal components utilised by nearly all level students. This year, each year level had to have their projects reviewed due to the shortened terms. The following lists are the practical projects each year level completed: Year 7 – Timber Tool Rack Year 8 – Mozzie Coil Holder & Pencil Case Year 9 – Garden Fork, Foot Stool, Carry-All and CO2 Dragster Year 10 – Toolbox, Desktop Tidy, Coffee Table and Sliding Bevel Square Year 11 – Mosaic Top Table and Toolbox Year 12 – Timber Chair and Plum Bob These are quite an array of worthwhile projects that can be used around the home Together with all the VET courses (Construction, Engineering and Resources Infrastructure Work Preparation), our department has been very busy preparing and delivering these programs. The future looks very encouraging with full classes across all levels for next year with an additional new program (Manufacturing Technology) commencing for Year 10. Len Farren | Faculty Leader - Industrial Design and Technologies

In 2020, our Japanese students enjoyed many interesting cultural and learning experiences. This year is the first in which Year 8 students were able to choose to study Japanese for the entire year. The Year 8 program allowed for many cultural as well as language experiences. As a part of our food unit, we went into the kitchen as cooked up some okonomiyaki (Japanese pancakes). We all enjoyed eating our delicious savoury pancakes, washed down with some ramune (Japanese soft drink). Several of our Senior students participated in the JCU Holiday Language Program in the June/ July holidays. This one week intensive course was

moved online this year and was an enjoyable way for our students to revise their grammar and vocabulary. Our Senior students also practiced their Kanji writing skills with some traditional Japanese Calligraphy. Several students participated in the EP MLTAQ Speaking Competition online this year. These students competed against students throughout Australia and did an excellent job! Rebecca Irvine Language

| Acting Teacher in Charge –

Ignatius Park College 2020





Library While there is debate whether public figures like entrepreneur Bill Gates and virologist expert Robert Webster were on the money when predicting the COVID outbreak back in 2015, what is not up for parley is the vital role that our College Library had during this pandemic year. Considered as one of the “essential” elements of our school during this difficult and testing year, our library has functioned as a space to help develop a better perspective of our global experience and understand the power of connection. We may not have been able to enjoy our usual Reader’s Cup Competition, or celebrate Book Week in our usual fashion. But we continued to remain a hub of learning, sharing and enjoyment in one another’s company. So what then, were our highlights? This year we continued to celebrate important community initiatives like Science Week, Mother’s Day and Child Protection week to name a few. The fabulous displays collectively designed by the innovative Library team, consisting of Laurel Brown, Laura Fryer, Marta Goddard and Laura Simpson, were always a welcomed visual sign post in our humble space. We also continued to provide a safe and engaging community during the lunchtimes for all students,


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with competitions like Chess and Jenga being favourite pastimes which the boys participated in. Of course, our newly formed Friday 'Maker Space' activities further allowed boys to show case their Stop Motion expertise, and talented they were! Coupled with the various puzzle challenges set up in 'The Swamp', lunchtimes in the Library continued to be a hive of activity all year round. And let's not forget all the fun enjoyed during Book Week! Apart from being a very important community area at lunch, our Library ensures that we subscribe to the latest research databases. Improving literacy skills and building on the boys' love of reading also continued to be one of our challenges this year, and it was this goal which drove the inclusion of many new reading books into our collection. Once again, our Library Monitors ensured that the frenetic pace of the library was manageable with their assistance before school and during lunch times. A huge thanks to the boys who selflessly volunteered their own personal time to help out this giving spirit does not go unnoticed. We now look to the future of where our Library is heading…watch this space for some exciting announcements in 2021! Pudy Timbs | Learning Resource Coordinator

The most important lesson Mathematics teaches us is the will to never give up as every problem has a solution. Through a busy and unpredictable year, the Mathematics Faculty has emerged from the cocoon of 2020 with a strong focus on right relationships, quality planning and individualized education. Our Faculty lives the Touchstone of liberating education as we work to encourage students to achieve to their full potential. Our students and our teachers adapted to a new chapter in education as we moved online during lock-down. Since returning to face-to-face learning, we have blended our learning styles as we acknowledge the new learning environment and making Mathematics accessible at all hours for our students. This year we celebrate the first cohort to graduate with the new QCE in the subjects of Mathematical Methods, General Mathematics, Essential Mathematics and Specialist Mathematics Our senior students have demonstrated resilience and adaptability to the rigours of the new curriculum and external examinations. Congratulations to all senior mathematics students on a fantastic year and we pass on our best wishes for all of your future endeavours.

The incoming seniors of 2021 have been outstanding in their approach to their learning in 2020 as they adjusted to the rigours of the new Senior syllabus. Our Year 10 students embraced their choice of subjects as they prepare for their senior studies, whilst our Year 9 students consolidated their knowledge in alignment with the Australian Curriculum. Our Year 7 and Year 8 students engaged in our teaching and learning model, Mathematics Pathways. For the first time, we were able to gain a full data picture of every student’s prior learning and provide an individualised education for each student. Our younger students have developed a growth mindset and a sense of responsibility for their own learning. All of our Mathematics students have shown courage, patience and elastic thinking throughout 2020. This year has truly shown us that every problem has a solution, and we look forward to a bright mathematical journey in 2021.

Rebecca Ebelt | Faculty Leader - Mathematics

Ignatius Park College 2020





Music 2020 was a year like no other. Students and staff in The Arts started the year with the expectation and the excitement of presenting live performances, attending concerts and showcasing the College’s Music program. Many of these events were unable to take place, however, our boys found new and innovative ways to display their musical talents. From delivering lessons and rehearsing online to live streaming performances, students adapted and excelled during this challenging and disruptive time. There were some outstanding individual as well as group performances this year from our elective students in Years 8 – 12. Many of our Year 8 and 9 boys had not performed in front of an audience and, even though they were extremely nervous, their determination and support from their classmates delivered many memorable moments. Special mention for this must go to the Year 8 music class and their film music performances. Several rock bands were formed this year, performing in year level ensembles and at the annual interhouse band competition. Hopefully, these groups will stay together and keep rocking well into 2021. Year 8 Music students explored the world of music that surrounds them by focusing on music in the media. Whether it is through advertising or film, radio or gaming, the boys were amazed by how important the role of music is in selling an idea to a target audience. Year 9 students focused on Australian music and the diverse range of styles


Ignatius Park College 2020

and genres it incorporates. From Aussie folk to Indigenous music, the boys had plenty of songs to choose from for their performances. Both year levels finished the year by writing and recording their own pieces of music. Whether in a rock group or as a solo acoustic artist, this challenging task produced some fantastic results some of which we hope to hear on the radio in the not too distant future. Year 10 students began the year by looking at popular trends in music and the impact of the global music industry. Students explored music from other countries and discovered the important role it plays in many cultures. To understand that music is not only a form of entertainment, but the one true universal language gave the boys a sense that they were a part of something special. In the Senior year, students, especially in Year 11, spent most of their time developing their own unique styles and personalities which formed the foundation of their performances and compositional works. Finally, congratulations to the Senior Music class: Hayden Dunlop, Matthew Wilmen and Benjamin Herrero. These boys have not only survived a very disrupted year but have also navigated successfully the new ATAR Senior Music program. These boys have worked tirelessly over the past two years and should be commended for their efforts. Best of luck for the future, boys! Matthew Thiele | Teacher

Junior Health and Physical Education Health and Physical Education has continued its focus this year on students engaging, developing and advocating for their own and others' health. The Junior students have been encouraged to take positive action to protect and enhance their own and others’ health, wellbeing and safety through the design and development of nutritional health plans, personal fitness programs, emergency response scenarios, assertive relationships and alcohol and drug action plans. This was also demonstrated through the emphasis on regular movement-based learning experiences to understand and appreciate the significance to personal, social, cultural, environmental and health practices and outcomes. In 2020 we introduced workbooks for Year 7, an initiative that has seen greater levels of engagement and learning taking place. We look forward to the continued use of these resources in 2021. VET - Certificate III in Fitness and Certificate III in Sport and Recreation 2020 saw the continued popularity of the Certificate III in Sport and Recreation and Certificate III in Fitness courses, which we run in conjunction with our partner Binnacle. The interest in these courses was immense, with two Fitness classes and one Sport and Recreation class being filled to

capacity. The students engaged in many learning activities to work towards successful completion of the course and gain the valuable Certificate III qualification, which will aid the students in gaining employment in these industries post school. Senior Physical Education Curriculum 2020 saw the continuation of the new Senior Physical Education and Sport and Recreation courses. One exciting addition to the Faculty this year was the upgrade to the School Gymnasium, with nearly $30,000 worth of new equipment being installed and more scheduled for 2021. This year will mark the first cohort of students to graduate under the ATAR system. Students in both senior courses had a very disrupted year with the COVID-19 interruptions causing assessment items to be removed and online learning taking place. Despite these challenges, the students adjusted well and worked extremely hard to prepare themselves for the external exams. These highstakes exams accounted for 25% of a student’s final grade and required the students to demonstrate high levels of knowledge, analysis, evaluation and justification skills. Matthew Johnson | Faculty Leader – Health and Physical Education

Ignatius Park College 2020



Physical Education


Religious Education It has been a big year of Religious Education at Ignatius Park College. Our Faculty aims to provide students with a solid grounding in the Catholic Faith through targeted, engaging topics entrenched in our four Touchstones that enhance their personal and spiritual growth as they journey through secondary school. During our staff meetings, we have been exploring the National Catholic Education Commission’s – Shape Paper on Religious Education, which overtly sums up our aims and desires for students at IPC: Children and young people benefit from Religious Education, the learning area at the heart of the Catholic School. They develop knowledge, skills and understanding leading to positive dispositions about Christianity and other World Religions. As a result, they become informed and active contributors to a faith community as well as a global religious citizen. Every effort is made at Ignatius Park College to ensure that all who seek to share and celebrate our Catholic Christian Brothers heritage through the curriculum engage in religion classes, class mass celebrations and in opportunities to expand their knowledge of and commitment to their own faith traditions in service learning. Next year sees the implementation of Certificate II in Active Volunteering embedded into Senior Religion and


Ignatius Park College 2020

Ethics. This ‘course within a course’ will deliver students with four extra QCE points as well as an invaluable qualification will look great on their resumes upon exiting school. It has been a year of change with the concept of blended learning introduced forcibly upon us in the form of COVID-19. The RE Faculty worked tremendously well as a collaborative unit to deliver a seamless transition to online learning in our department. All 36 teachers of Religious Education (who again I cannot thank enough for their tireless dedication and hard work in the subject), as well as those responsible for leadership in Religious Education in the College, constantly seek to incorporate these core perspectives into each and every lesson, utilising the flexibility of their own personal experience and wisdom in Religious Education classes to ensure that an inclusive spirit pervades all learning experiences and class mass celebrations. I look forward to 2021 whereby we continue to consolidate our programs and work hard together in continual reflection and renewal, bringing ever-fresh approaches to Religious Education in all year levels. Mark Holmes | Faculty Leader – Religious Education

Science ‘in Corona STILE’ 2020 The 2020 successes of the IPC Science Faculty are very different - unusually different to previous years. Our success was reliant on two dedicated lab technicians, Annette Gregory and Jane Gioffre and included a phenomenal adjustment to the world COVID-19 viral crisis. New and enthusiastic staff members were welcomed: Dr Alexandra Bowman, Bernadette McLean and Kym Busby. A year that involved development of new and innovative online teaching and learning experiences by long-standing staff: Greg Christ, Liam Dunne, Simon Di Giacomo, Allison Elcoate, Gian Guerra, Michelle Kenyon, Amanda Loechel, Thomas Lucas, Grant Rossiter, Keith Spencer, Darren Spina, Georgia Stayte and Catherine Ventic.

Year 10 Science classes designing artistic tattoos and polymer creations. A year of creative and wild thoughts. Year 8 and 11 Science classes presenting innovative models and rockets. A year of the edible and uniquely engineered. Year 7 and 9 Science classes fiddling with forces and transferring energy. A year of egg-full force and electrical dimensions. A year of organs were dissected, meal worms were prodded and rock specimens licked. It was a year of investigation. A year of all things living, dead and non-living. The Year 10 Science and Engineering team embarked on a journey of problem-solving. It was an interschool competition.

It was healthy competitive environment that boys thrive in.

There were bridge constructions and future power models.

‘Into the Deep Blue’ theme many interested students fell into in recognition of National Science Week.

It was a challenge.

It was an innovative celebration of ocean awareness, participation and positive attitude. And the new environmentally aware students – chanting ‘no popper microplastics at IPC.’ Year 12 Science classes being ‘mocked’ with ATAR preparation - no time for ‘mocking around’ they said.

A year of young innovation and academic achievement. A year of 21st Century creative and critical thinking skills. For an all-in practical experience. Alyssa Deer | Faculty Leader – Science

Ignatius Park College 2020





Visual Arts 2020 has been a strong and stable year within the Visual Art Department. Mr Brett Deneen, Mr Andrew Hodgson and myself have continued to bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Department which is beneficial to the students who choose this subject. Students in Years 7 and 8 Art have explored the elements and principles of Art and have been introduced to the basics of Art history. While this is a compulsory term for all Year 7 Art students, it forms the basis of Art learning throughout their formative years. Year 9 Art has focused on a range of tasks that included an advanced drawing unit, soapstone animal sculpture, pottery and Japanese woodblock printing. The boys in Year 10 incorporated their art history research into a practical task by creating an acrylic on canvas painting that emulated one of the many styles found in the Modern Art period. They also tried their hand at multi-colour lino printing and a range of contemporary street art styles and techniques. Senior Arts in Practise students started off the course by brushing up on their figure drawing and figure sculpting skills, using a live model


Ignatius Park College 2020

as a reference. This flowed over into a mixed media figure sculpture that explored a range of media and styles. Unfortunately, COVID-19 prevented the boys from completing this unit, but the experimental work undertaken was a good learning experience. As a means of leaving their "mark on the Park" students completed a large-scale mural that reflects the values of the College, and their opinions of what it means to be an Iggy man. This year had both Year 11 and 12 students completing ATAR Visual Arts subjects. Unfortunately for our Year 12s, COVID-19 had an impact on their units, with one practical piece removed. As this is a practical subject, this was disappointing as our students missed the opportunity to demonstrate their creative skill. The Year 11s took their first steps on their creative journey. They completed two units: Art as Lens and Art as Code which challenged them in a variety of ways. They settled into the new expectations well and are now creating thought-provoking and aesthetically pleasing experimental artworks. Craig Brown | Dean of Wellbeing

Once again, we have had a great year in the VET Department with 2020 looking like one of our best years. We are proud to be offering flexible learning pathways with structured work placements as part of the Gateway to Industry – Advanced Manufacturing program as it is essential for our students to gain a wide range of skills and the work placements provide the opportunities to better prepare them for the world of work and to secure future apprenticeships.

industry placement, future employment prospects, as well as high academic results in core areas.

We continued to offer Certificate II Information, Design & Technology and Certificate II in Resource Infrastructure & Work Practices under our own RTO (Registered Training Organisation). Also, through external providers such as Bluedog Training and Binnacle Training we were able to offer Certificate I in Construction, Certificate II in Engineering Pathways, Certificate III in Fitness, and Certificate III in Sport and Recreation.

Riley Birmingham (12C) A-Lect Auto Electrical

A few of our Year 12 students were able to attend the TAFE in Schools Program to complete courses that would not otherwise be available. These courses allow the boys to pursue their preferred career path as part of their senior studies and significantly enhance their employability post-graduation. We have developed closer links with TAFE this year and are looking at more opportunities for 2021 and beyond. Congratulations to the students below on their participation of 'TAFE in Schools' qualifications.

As always, industry placement has facilitated opportunities for many students to attain school-based apprenticeships and full time work post-graduation. We would like to congratulate the following students on securing their futures with school-based apprenticeships and thank the employers for offering them this opportunity. Ben Herrero (12ER)

Liberte Hair

Kynan Wregg (12B)

Nigel Benton Builder

Lachlan Moss (12C)

BWN Services

Jaidan Penny (12C)

SPD Group

Caleb Cheeseman (12T) CIR Electrical Jazz Spry (12B)

Hutchinson Builders

Timothy Sharman (12B) WF Electrical Raheem Rolfe (12N)

Gough Plastics

Cash Foster (12B)

FNQ Mechanical & Fabrication

Jared Mitchell (12T)

JB & Sons Builders

Mitchell Doyle (11C)

Mendi Group

Samuel Marczak (12N)

Bips Auto Service Centre

Evan Corradini (12P)

Sureline Solar & Electrical

Sebastian Petrie (12T)

TEi Services

Kmani Levi (12R)

Brilliant Touch Up Painting

Benjamin McLean (11R) AJ McLean Constructions Jai Hill (12C)

Norfab (Qld) Pty Ltd

Vincent Trimmer (11T)

Tacoma Plumbing (Nth Qld) P/L

Callum Wilshere

Certificate II Automotive Vocational Preparation

Liam Dickson (12ER)

MBD Pty Ltd

Dean Gillham

Certificate II in Plumbing

Alastair Mills (11R)

Jam Corner

Taylen Reason

Certificate II in Plumbing

Jarrod Chaillon (11R)

Quick Start Auto Electrical

Damon Marshall (11ER)

The Ville

Ryan Booth (12C)


An integral component of the IPC VET program is industry placement. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, students were unable to attend their usual Term 2 placement week. Fortunately, we were able to add an additional week in Term 4 in order for our Seniors to maximise their chances of securing apprenticeships or just to add another positive placement report to their resumes. Our Year 11s were able to complete three weeks of placement for the year. Industry placement provides students with the opportunity to try different trades and make informed decisions on their career pathways. It provides the boys with invaluable on-the-job experience and assists them in making industry contacts. We would like to thank our industry placement providers for the support they have given the students and the College throughout the year. Their support is imperative to the success of the program and we truly appreciate them. Our Year 12 VET Student of the Year for 2020 will not be finalised until after the external exams and will be presented in January 2021 at the Awards Day ceremony. We would like to thank A. Gabrielli Construction Pty Ltd for their generous donation of two tool kits that will be awarded as prizes. The Year 11 VET Student of Year goes to Billy Gifford. The criteria for these awards are related to the quality of practical work produced, being up-to-date with all theory, quality reports from

Lachlan Sheppard (11C) Millair Climate Control

This year has also seen the planning, training and paperwork completed to enhance our VET offerings at the College. We have investigated third party agreements with TAFE as well as being prepared to add Certificate II in Active Volunteering and Certificate I in Hospitality to our scope for 2021. Plans are also in place to extend our offerings to Certificate II in Manufacturing, Certificate II in Hospitality and Certificate III in Engineering Technology for 2022. I would personally like to thank the VET teachers for their hard work and commitment to ensuring our young men leave the College with excellent skills in their areas. It would also be remiss of me not to thank VET Assistant, Mrs Julie Owen, for her patience, dedication and organisational talents that enable the ongoing administrative to occur efficiently, as well as the placement of 140 boys into the workforce to occur seamlessly. We wish all our graduating VET students the best of luck in their chosen trades/professions. Grant Rossiter | VET Program Leader

Ignatius Park College 2020



Vocational Education and Training and Industry Placement


Industry Placement Employers 5 Star Fitness A. Gabrielli Construction Pty Ltd Aitkenvale Auto & Dyno AJ McLean Constructions A-Lec Electrics Pty Ltd Alliance Electrical Townsville Auto-Lek NQ Automotive Repair Centre Baker & Co Landscape Construction Belcher Diesel Service Bellmarc Constructions Qld Pty Ltd Bill & Ben The Cabinetmen Billabong Sanctuary Bips Auto Service Centre Bob Parkes Automotive Bonlec Pty Ltd Brilliant Touch Up Painting Briskey Concreting Services Britrac (Aust) Pty Ltd Broadspectrum Defence Maintenance & Support Services Brothers Leagues Club Townsville Brown and Hurley Group Carmichael Ford Casa Engineering (Tsv) Cato Constructions CD Projects CIR Electrical Clark Equipment CLR Electrical & Refrigeration Coastal Gasfitting & Plumbing Combined Metal Fabrication Pty Ltd Coops Automotive Core Developments Cowboys House

Craig McGill Carpenter Cranbrook State School Cummins Townsville CW & GS Blaik Electrical David Rose Carpentry David Taylor Spraypainting & Panel Beating DN Electrical Contractor Pty Ltd DNA Carpentry Downing Plumbing and Earthworks Dynolink Automotive Excellence Ede's Plumbing Electricians Downunder Electrotek Qld Pty Ltd EMA Electrics Ergon Energy Fabbro Diesel Services FNQ Mechanical & Fabrication Food Relief NQ Forks 4 U Fortifire Four Seasons AirConditioning & Refrigeration Franzmann Constructions Franzmann Plumbing Pty Ltd Fulton Hogan Girringun Aboriginal Corporation Glen Carroll Painting Glenn Sexton Pty Ltd GNL Plumbing Goodsell Earthmoving Gough Plastics Grady Homes Greg Thomas Electrical Gymnastics Townsville Hilditch Plumbing Horace Constructions Horan & Bird Hurst Auto Electrical Hutchinson Builders iChippy

Ignatius Park College Canteen Ignatius Park College Property & Services iMalekky Intersport Townsville Jam Corner Jason Miekus Plumbing & Drainage Pty Ltd Jaxx Projects JB & Sons Builders JEG Electrical Pty Ltd Jim Chaillon Auto Service John Lendich Carpenter Kaltec Services Pty Ltd Kassulke Building Projects Ken Fox Homes Kenny's Auto Electrical Kev Smith Electrical Keypower Systems Pty Ltd Kickstart Fitness Centre Townsville Kolby's Electrical KP Walsh Electrics Lancini Homes Landmark Ayr Larsen Fencing Larsen Fencing Lazzaroni Electrical Legit Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Len Dowd & Co Lex Electrix Locke Electrical & Airconditioning Pty Ltd Lollo & Allan Electrical Magnetic Steel Works Manufacturing Design Engineering Pty Ltd Mark Graham Electrical Mark Hudson Engineering & Welding Marteene Painting Services Mazlin Electrical Services MB Automotive

MBD Pty Ltd McCann's Airconditioning & Refrigeration Services Pty Ltd McGovern Agencies Mendi Group Merritt Plumbing and Gas Millair Climate Control Mineforce Australia Pty Ltd Minelec Pty Ltd MNB Constructions Morello Electrical Pty Ltd MPL Refrigeration MVO Airconditioning Pty Ltd NEM Group Pty Ltd Norfab (Qld) Pty Ltd North Regional Gas NPS Corporate NQ Electrical NQ Hydraulic Solutions One Million Strong Pacific Marine Group Parry NQ Pickerings Auto Group Plumbing Professionals NQ Precision Engineering & Welding Professional Pump Services & Irrigation Quality Steel Fabrications & Engineering Quick Start Auto Electrical R & K Bennett Fencing Rapid Plumbing NQ Reef Coast Constructions Reldas Constructions Pty Ltd Rhyscapes Rolly's Electrical Ross Joinery Pty Ltd Rowanair

Simon Bell Constructions Skilled Trees Services Pty Ltd Smith Marine Services SPD Group Suncity Harley-Davidson Sureline Solar and Electrical Synergy Health Centre T & R Electrical & Airconditioning Tacoma Plumbing (Nth Qld) Pty Ltd TCC - Fleet Services TCC - Maintenance Services TEi Services The Ville The Ville - Property Services Tony Ireland Holden (Car Workshop) Top to Bottom Plumbing Townsville CBD Electrical Townsville Electronics Service Centre Townsville Signs & Pegasus Installation Townsville Transport Services Tyrepower Townsville URT Ultimate Results Training Van Eerde Air Conditioning & Refrigeration W & F Constructions Pty Ltd Waltlec Industries WF Electrical Woodward Plumbing Woolworths Fairfield Central Wulguru Group

School Based Apprentices and- Trainees FRONT ROW: Kynan Wregg, Samuel Marczak, Vincent Trimmer, Jaidan Penny, Riley Birmingham, Benjamin McLean, Lachlan Moss, Timothy Sharman SECOND ROW: Raheem Rolfe, Jazz Spry, Jai Hill, Cash Foster, Jared Mitchell, Evan Corradini, Sebastian Petrie ABSENT: Benjamin Herrero, Caleb Cheeseman, Mitchell Doyle, Kmani Levi, Liam Dickson, Lachlan Sheppard, Alastair Mills, Jarrod Chaillon, Damon Marshall, Ryan Booth


Ignatius Park College 2020

In July, we celebrated a modified Athletics Carnival. Given the restrictions that have been put in place with COVID-19 this year, the students revelled in the opportunity to gather in House groups and compete in sporting events. Congratulations to Rice House for winning the IPC Athletics Carnival, ahead of Baillie in 2nd and Treacy in 3rd. The overall results were as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Rice Baillie Treacy Carew

5. 6. 7.

Putney Nolan Reid

Congratulations to the following Age Champions Track Age Champions: Age




12 years:

Lincoln Baker

Koby KyeLittle,

Carter Koitka

13 years:

Jacob Sexton

Blake Koitka

Lucas Lazzaroni

14 years:

1st – Nathaniel Ben Hatchard Kimber and Patrick Iosefo

15 years:

Tekelu Mene

Max Gough

Zac Bennett

16 years:

Tremaine Body

Damon Marshall

Lachlan Lerch

17 years:

Lucas Dummett

Aiden Freeman

Cathane Hill


Harrison Keir

Ethan Woods

Bailey Waddington

Field Age Champions: Age



Third Cai Banfield

12 years:

Kye Connell

Carter Koitka

13 years:

Jacob Sexton

Tyler Butler and Blake Koitka

14 years:

Josh Eggins

15 years: 16 years:

Jamal Shibasaki Elijah Joe

17 years:

Tom Duffy


Brendan Eaton

Mason Saltner Baxter Woosnam and Kynan Purdy Tekelu Mene Anthony Iorangi Orlando Zai RobinsonSartori, Calliste Andrew Nicholas Brunello Pearce and Jarrod Edmondson Matthew Angus Gibb Kirkpatrick

Jye Spriggs | HPE Assistant

Ignatius Park College 2020





Basketball What a crazy year? Thank you to the parents, staff and most of all the students who contributed to another successful year for the College’s Basketball Program. With COVID-19 and all the basketball packed into the second half of the year, it was great to enter numerous teams in the Townsville School Sport Competitions. The Year 7 and Year 8 teams were both competitive. With the Junior Champion School of Queensland tournament launching in 2020, our U15 team entered the local senior competition with excellent results. Our second U15 experienced mixed results. The Senior Social Competitions, led by Captain, Brendan Eaton, proved to be very popular again. Thank you to all the coaching staff who contributed to the success of the Basketball program throughout the year – Rebecca Ebelt, Annette Gregory, Brian Hawke, Leo Hogan, Rohan Lloyd, Amanda Loechel and Charlton Offermans. North Queensland representatives Open Northern IPC Players Selected (did not play due to COVID-19): Charlton Bird, Joe Brosnan, Jake McAuliffe-Fickling, Kobe Owens, Marshall Wilson and Trinidy Parker (Reserve). U15 Northern IPC Players (8th Place): Matthew Ament, Cody Brown, Matt Evans, Kynan McMahon and Lleyton Ward. Senior Champion Basketball School of Queensland It was great to participate in the CBSQ, with COVID-19 almost forcing the school to withdraw. Captain Rory Hawke was well supported in leading the team by Hunter and Colby Finlay to a very respectful fifth place overall. Kobe Owens, Charlton Bird and Trinidy Parker did a fantastic job in controlling the tempo of games. Big man, Luca Yates, was an ever-present force at both ends of the floor. The versatility of Tom Carey and Marshall Wilson was important to the team’s success. Late


Ignatius Park College 2020

call up, Joe Brosnan, also provided important minutes off the bench. A big thank you to Keenan Whitwam, who provided his vocal support from the sidelines, despite ACL injury ruling him out of the carnival. Thanks to Charlton Offerman’s for giving up his time to ensure the team was well prepared and played some excellent basketball throughout the tournament. Results IPC 74 drew with Toowoomba Grammar School 74 IPC 86 defeated Marsden State High School 70 IPC 64 lost to Anglican Church Grammar School 101 IPC 117 defeated Matthew Flinders College 66 IPC 82 lost to The Southport School 97 (Quarter Final) IPC 78 defeated Villanova College 65 IPC 84 defeated Brisbane Boy’s College 70 Australian School Championships 2019 After winning the 2019 CBSQ, the team qualified for the ASC in Melbourne at the end of last year. Finishing fifth in Australia was a strong result, although the boys were unlucky to be pipped out of a major semi-final position, with percentage working against us after a three-way tie for second place in the pool games. The team consisted of: Boston Mazlin (Captain), Matt Drew, Hunter Finlay, Rory Hawke, Callaway Parker, Lachlan Parker, Trinidy Parker, Ryan Pickering, Keenan Whitwam, Luca Yates, Liam Dunne (Manager) and Gary Hughes (Coach). Results: IPC 76 lost to Sydney Boys High School 98 IPC 65 lost to Box Hill Senior College 120 IPC 92 defeated Willetton State High School 68 IPC 96 defeated Westfield Sports School 89 IPC 83 defeated Willetton State High School 71 Gary Hughes | Teacher

Basketball - Year 7 Zakary Donnelly, Sebastian Wyke, Ashton Nicholls, Riley Morrison, Jobi Jackson, Benjamin Turner ABSENT: Mr B. Hawke, Ashton Deer, Nicholas Franklin, Ryan Nguyen, Morgan Payne

Basketball - Year 8 FRONT ROW: Geoffrey Lui, Logan Robertson, Bailey George-Shaw, Brock Kyle, Jordan Moffat SECOND ROW: Ms A. Loechel, Kynan McMahon, Harrison Barrett, Logan Maggenti ABSENT: Callum Cavanagh, Maddix Hampton, Lance Paine

Basketball - Year 8/9/10 FRONT ROW: James Sheppard, Harvey Arboit, Jacob Fowler, Logan Maggenti, Jayden Robshaw SECOND ROW: Ms R. Ebelt, Felusi Kandanda, Fletcher Ryder, Logan Robertson, Nathaniel Barton

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Basketball - CBSQ Junior Team FRONT ROW: Kye Stallan, Cody Brown, Kynan McMahon, Roman Smirnov, Blair Williamson, Lleyton Ward SECOND ROW: Ms A. Loechel, Kelvyn Kaigey, Joshua Corcoran, Matthew Evans, Matthew Ament

Basketball - Senior Social FRONT ROW: Joshua Martin, Will Arnell, Sebastian Lynch, Joshua Swain, Trent Laffin, Ieuan Harker SECOND ROW: Mr R. Lloyd (Coach and Manager), Brendan Eaton, Ryan Booth, Jamie Humphreys, Lachlan Scott ABSENT: Jordan Davies, Julian Sewell

Basketball - Senior FRONT ROW: Kobe Owens, Thomas Carey, Hunter Finlay, Colby Finlay, Keenan Whitwam, Charlton Bird, Trinidy Parker SECOND ROW: Mr G. Hughes (Manager), Lachlan Parker, Rory Hawke, Luca Yates, Harrison Delgado, Marshall Wilson ABSENT: Mr C. Offermans (Coach), Joe Brosnan


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In March, the U19 NQ Cricket team played in the state championships held in Bundaberg at Kendall Flats and Salter Oval. The NQ team only played two matches over the three days, as the third match was washed out due to rain. Unfortunately the NQ side lost both games, but played some really good cricket. The Iggy Park boys representing this team were Paddy Glasheen, Cody Sadler, Ryan McCarron, Brendan Eaton, Jarrod Edmondson, Jamie Humphries and Ieuan Harker. Mr Farren filled the team manager’s position for this year. All the Iggy Park men conducted themselves both on and off

the field in true Iggy Park fashion and showed very good sportsmanship. Special mention to Jarrod Edmondson who was selected in the Queensland team that would have been playing two games against a NSW team in April at Newcastle. Unfortunately, as with all sporting activities of this nature at the moment, these games did not go ahead due to the COVID-19 situation. Well done men you performed admirably. Leonard Farren | Faculty Leader - Industrial Design and Technologies

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Cross Country With the Townsville Secondary School Sport Cross Country being cancelled this year, a virtual cross country was held for the Northern Region. Students were given the opportunity to run the distance they would normally run for their age group at home, and submit their time with a screen shot of their GPS data, through the use of either a smart watch or phone.

12 years: 1st – Carter Koitka, 2nd – Koby Kye-Little, 3rd – Harrison Bow

Eleven boys from IPC participated in the virtual Cross Country at home. Congratulations to Carter Koitka, Luke Saldana Lopez, Jacob Sexton, Blake Koitka, Zac Bennett, Daniel Mosch, Charlie Rattray, Koby Kye-Little, Ryan Fletcher, Cooper Cheyne, and Josh Marquez. Special mention to Daniel Mosch (1st 15 years), Zac Bennett (2nd 15 years), Blake Koitka (2nd 13 years) and Josh Marquez (2nd 16 years) who placed in their categories.

15 years: 1st – Max Gough, 2nd – Daniel Mosch, 3rd – Zac Bennett

The IPC Interhouse Cross Country was held in Week 8 of Term 3. Congratulations to the Rice House winning narrowly over Carew, with the Baillie House in 3rd. The Individual Age Champions were:


Ignatius Park College 2020

13 years: 1st – Jacob Sexton, 2nd – Blake Koitka, 3rd – Lincoln Burrowes 14 years: 1st – Jai Duxbury, 2nd – Ben Hatchard, 3rd – Charlie Rattray

16 years: 1st – Zai Calliste, 2nd – Rory Hawke, 3rd – Josh Marquez 17 years: 1st – Isaac Mayo, 2nd – Zachary Judge, 3rd – Aiden Freeman 18 years: 1st – Ethan Woods, 2nd – Luke Saldana Lopez, 3rd – Daniel Kratzman Jye Spriggs | HPE Assistant

Like many other sports around the world, Football took a break during COVID-19, even at grassroots and school levels, so we missed out on participating in the Bill Turner Cup, U15 and Open Interschool Football this year. The boys who were eligible to play their last year of the Bill Turner Cup in 2020 were unable to have one last dig and get themselves further than last year’s NQ-FNQ area final, and are understandably disappointed they won’t participate in this great competition again. The U15 interschool competition which runs at the same time as Bill Turner was also a casualty of COVID-19 restrictions. The Open competition in Term 3 coincided with the restart of local club Football, and as such, we didn’t get enough interest in a team with the young men too focused on studies, their club Football or both to be able to spend more time playing school Football. Term 4, however, was a different matter. Restrictions on interschool competition had eased, and we had a great turnout of over 35 boys interested in playing Football, so two even teams were entered into the local interschool competition. A large number of Year 7 boys make up the teams, and all were excited to pull on the blue and white to

represent the Park for the first time. Mr Paul Bruce and Mr Bill Mitchell both coached a team, assisted by Mrs Gregory as manager and administration. The games got off to a rough start with the draw being changed a few times due to other schools withdrawing from the competition, but at the time of writing, both teams had a win in their first game. Looking to 2021, the Football program is hoping to run with a number of new initiatives: • Partner with Brisbane Roar Academy to have skills sessions run once a term at school • Participate in the EREA annual Football carnival at St Joseph’s Nudgee in the Easter holidays • Participate in strength and conditioning sessions in the IPC gym one or two mornings a week • Year 11 and 12 boys tour of New Zealand in the June/July holidays playing against other Edmund Rice schools, and partnering with Wellington Phoenix for a skills session Here’s hoping that in 2021 we get back to a Bill Turner Competition and all the other usual interschool Football competitions we usually participate in. Paul Bruce | Pastoral Leader - Carew House

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Hockey After winning the local school competition for the last few years unfortunately block sport did not go ahead in Term 2 due to COVID-19, meaning school hockey was cancelled for 2020. However the North Queensland trials were still held in Term 1 with Iggy once again having a strong representation at the trials. Congratulations to Sawyer Faulks, Daniel Scott, Sebastian Petrie, and Joseph Dixon who were selected in the Northern U19 Schoolboys team,

and Charlie Rattray who was named as a shadow player. After originally being cancelled, the State Championships have now been rescheduled to go ahead in Rockhampton in September. Hopefully the boys will be able to represent IPC again in the local competition in 2021. Jye Spriggs | Coach

Hockey FRONT ROW: Brayden Lewis, Joseph Dixon, Kaleb Lewis, Charlie Rattray, Harrison Law SECOND ROW: Mr J. Spriggs, Caleb Gunn, Julian Sewell, Sawyer Faulks ABSENT: Dylan Hill, Sebastian Petrie, James Potter, Daniel Scott, Riley Snell, Bradley Vines

Mountain Biking

Mountain Biking FRONT ROW: Scott Kelly, Cai Banfield, Ethan Sampson, Drew Roberts, Julian Blacklock, Lindsay Kirk SECOND ROW: Mr K. Spencer, Cooper Cheyne, Cohen Shucksmith, Mitchell Bloxsom, Mr S. Di Giacomo


Ignatius Park College 2020

Our Year 12 Seniors, being the ever-resilient group they are, proposed and initiated a netball game against the powerhouse that is St Margaret Mary’s College. As a number of their other events were cancelled due to COVID, they felt this was a way to show their sporting dominance in a sport they had never played before in their lives! How wrong they were. Trials were held and the best 19 IPC Netball players were selected. Training commenced (a whole two sessions) and they thought they were ready to take on SMMC. The first game was an interesting one. The umpires took pity on the boys. There was more stepping and travelling calls than seen at Flight Centre (well maybe not in 2020). The boys were rotated in and out each quarter by the coach and somehow managed to keep up with them. Some superb shooting from Jamie Humphreys and an immediate impact off the bench from Thomas Carey saw the boys’ claw back a deficit and the scores were tied at the end of the game. Extra time was played. Cool heads prevailed and the IPC boys walked away victors in the first game 30 to 27. The ladies from SMMC were not happy and expressed their desire for revenge, even doing so on the College’s social media pages. The second game rolled around quickly, and you could tell by the look the SMMC players eyes that they were ready for a battle. The umpires this game were far less forgiving on the boys. They had to learn quickly and adapt. Some did that better than others. Keenan Whitwam made his longawaited debut in defence and did not disappoint. His aerial skills took the girls by surprise on many occasions. The Finlay twins provided an excellent defence pairing in the game. And Finn Andreassen attempted to match the skills of his very talented twin sister who starred for the St Margaret Mary’s team. Once again, it was tied at the end of the game and extra time was played. However, the

tactical skills and fitness of the girls got them over the line. One win apiece set the scene for the final game. A packed crowd filled the Hall at SMMC. Plenty of support was provided by the Seniors and Phunder made an appearance. The boys decided to reduce the numbers of the team down to the ‘Top 10’. As the girls from SMMC took their first steps onto the court, you could tell they were ready to teach the boys a Netball lesson. The boys also took the court confident that they had learned a lot and were ready. The girls used every trick in the book and, at times, the boys were surprised by their physicality and game knowledge. They got called for a lot of infringements. They would argue unfairly, however…according to the rules, it was correct. It was a see-sawing game with many highlights. Cooper Scott shot a near perfect game in goals. Zack Lowe made his debut in Wing Defence and made an impact. Charlton Bird provided a great link between the midcourt and goal circle. The chant of ‘C-Bird’ rang across the Hall loudly. Harrison Keir put his body on the line and below out his ankle in the process proving how much he loves the Park. As the game progressed, the girls increased their lead. By the fourth quarter, it was looking ominous for the IPC First VII. However, in true Iggy Spirit, they dug deep and gave the last quarter a really good try and they significantly reduced the margin. However, time was not their friend and they finished the game with a loss. To show their gratitude for the series, they presented the SMMC netball team with an embroidered Netball carrier for their equipment. They are hoping that the game will become a tradition for years to come and can hold their head high as the inaugural participants in the game. Craig Brown | Dean of Wellbeing and Coach of the Netball First VII

Netball FRONT ROW: Ieuan Harker, Aiden Freeman, Harrison Keir, James Laird, Zack Lowe, Corey Garner, Aiden Scott SECOND ROW: Mr C. Brown, Keenan Whitwam, Jamie Humphreys, Jared Mitchell, Hunter Finlay, Charlton Bird THIRD ROW: Finn Andreassen, Lewis Minns, Matthew Kirkpatrick, Colby Finlay, Cooper Scott, Thomas Carey

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Rowing In 2020, our Rowing season was condensed into a single term due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite this, our Rowing squad had a highly entertaining and competitive local season in which we competed in four regattas as well as the inaugural Townsville Indoor Rowing competition. Our squad of twenty-eight boys was led successfully by the captaincy of senior Zachary Judge. In 2021, we are hoping to continue to develop the squad and increase our numbers. This season, we have seen large improvements from our Junior Rowers and some outstanding performances and results have been had by all at all regattas and at the Head of the River. As we anticipate 2021, and reflect on what has been an interesting 2020, we say farewell to four Senior Rowers in Zachary Judge, Joshua Holcroft, Isaac


Truett, and Andrew Harris. All of these young men have contributed plenty to the program and have been excellent role models to our junior rowers throughout their time in Rowing. We thank them for all they have given and hope that they will reflect on their Rowing memories with fondness for years to come. We wish them all the best for their future pursuits and wish them every success. We also farewell long-time Coach and Captain of Boats, Patrick Boniface. Pat has been with the program both as a Rower and a Coach since 2011. We can’t thank him enough for all he has contributed and we wish him all the best, he will be sorely missed. In 2021, we aim to achieve even greater things within the Rowing community and encourage any student to consider joining our Rowing team. Harrison Parks | Rowing Coordinator

Taylor Livock, Ethan Sampson, Tyler Flanders, Thomas Bartels, Joseph Dixon, Benjamin McDougall, Sebastiaan Arends, Sam Daniel, Atticus D'Mello SECOND ROW: Miss H. Neilsen-Burke, Mr D. O'Connor, Mr C. Stocks, Kenta Muirhead, Zachary Judge, Sonny Crawford, Reilly Williams, Mr P. Cudmore, Mr H. Parks THIRD ROW: Joe Murphy, Andrew Harris, Zachary Skipp, James Clarke, Lachlan Larsen, Noah Lau, Isaac Truett, Daniel Weir


Ignatius Park College 2020

Juniors In 2020, Ignatius Park College fielded a full complement of Rugby League teams to participate in the Townsville Secondary School Rugby League Block Sport competition. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the season was dramatically reduced with only two rounds being played. All players represented their school with pride and displayed a high level of commitment and skill in the Ignatius Park jersey. The way the boys started the season and committed to their training sessions and early games was outstanding and a real credit to all players and coaches involved. All players should be congratulated on the level of commitment to their school that they displayed and the high standard

of Rugby League that they produced. The school looks forward to seeing all boys back next year in what promises to be a full Term 1 of Rugby League. Ignatius Park College would like to acknowledge and thank all the businesses for their Sponsorship and support during the 2020 season. In a year where business was so heavily affected, we thank you for your generosity and continued support of the Rugby League program. Without you, we simply could no offer the boys the wonderful opportunities that we are able to. Please consider spending your hard-earned money with these local businesses as a token of our appreciation. Steven Lansley | Rugby League Coordinator

Rugby League - Year 7 Blue FRONT ROW: Declan Josey-Clancy, Jett Cluff, Bryce Micola Von Furstenrecht, Euan Roberts, Indygo Keir, Tashaun Benjamin, Cooper Humphries SECOND ROW: Mrs B. McLean, Cooper Crooks, Brady Campbell, Mason Lord, Trey Paul, Orlando Lochowicz THIRD ROW: Cai Banfield, Myles Rosemond, Toma Apete, Ben Nystrom, Cooper Riley, Nayte Essery ABSENT: Mr G. Christ

Rugby League - Year 7 White FRONT ROW: Scott Kelly, Ryan Fletcher, Brodie Pritchard, Aiden Finlay, Anthony Roveglia, Jacob Davison-Allen, Harrison Rowe, Zanda Fogarty, Raphael Seage SECOND ROW: Mr F. Iemma, Brock Tompsett, Frank Donovan, Ronan Richter, Luke Atkins, Owen Myers, Sitiveni Afu, Cooper Brook, Mr D. Spina

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Rugby League


Rugby League

Rugby League - Year 7 Red FRONT ROW: Ethan Morgan, Coen Jones, Hezekiah Nona, Tyler Batley, Nicholas Barr, Koby Burnett, Marley Hinsbey, Harrison Ward, Rookie McMinn SECOND ROW: Lincoln Baker, Leslie Trimmer, Kobe Kenworthy, Jy Gasa, Cooper Eastlake, Lincoln Healey, Cooper Reinders, Oliver Nguyen ABSENT: Mr L. Dunne (Coach)

Rugby League - Year 8 Blue FRONT ROW: Jaron Lakin, Billy Harrold, Baxter Woosnam, Jacob Sexton, Joe Briskey, Andrew Gatis, Jewelius Seage-Evans, Corey Ashby SECOND ROW: Mr J. Jackson, Sean Weir, Luke Madsen, Connor Sadler, Steven Tom, Jayden Ryan, Zack Hannah

Rugby League - Year 8 White FRONT ROW: Samuel Rains, Connor Sexton, Gideon Lafoga, Keelin Hookey, Samuel Hawes, Shaiel Waller, Kyhnaan Kennedy SECOND ROW: Mr M. Laguna, Mason Saltner, Kynan Purdy, Zachary Jenkins, Reagan Knowles, Lincoln Turner, Mr D. Thompson ABSENT: Fletcher Ferres, Cooper Hemphill, Owen Hess, Alex Kerr, Joshua Morton, Chad Mrzyglocki, Michael Paine, Jay Webber


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Rugby League - Year 9 Blue FRONT ROW: Hayde Munro, Jack Prior, Jake Reinders, Scott Swain, Iowani Cavuilati, Ateli-Patrick Iosefo, Cranston Hill SECOND ROW: Mr T. Abdul-Rahman (Coach), Jaikyn O'Connor-Poore, Zy Gall, Koen Hutana, Zachariah AbdulRahman, Mr R. Lloyd (Manager) THIRD ROW: Marcus Bell, Nicholas Divljak, Benjamin Donlon, Nelson Kennedy, Jim Finger, Anthony Iorangi ABSENT: Ty Foley

Rugby League - Year 9 White FRONT ROW: Tylamani Lafoga, George Billsborough, Marshall Scott, Alvine Njau, Brohdie Gibson, Cyrill Hold, Izach Campbell SECOND ROW: Mr D. Anau (Coach), Ryan Langfeldt, Jackson Lemmon, Joshua Randall, Jet Smalley, Jake Hartwell, Mr O. Power (Coach/Manager) ABSENT: Ishmail Gabori, Mason McWha, Orlando Nawarie, Dallyn Powell

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Rugby League


Rugby League

Rugby League - Cowboys Challenge FRONT ROW: Haley Pearson, Oliver Oh, Dominic Taylor, Hayden Lunn, Liam McDonald, Jay McPherson, Jack Prior, Matthew Hunter, Jack Wood, Diesel Jacobsson-Rhodes SECOND ROW: Mr T. Nelliman-Adams (Assistant Coach), Rodney Elijah Joe, Brodie Dinneen, Zy Gall, Riley Innes, Reece Foley, Jonathan Gatis, Caleb Searles, Harvey Arboit, Mr M. Holmes (Coach) THIRD ROW: Ethan Fletcher, Mitchell Brown, Jayden Henaway, Jamaine Stanley, Jamal Shibasaki, George Abednego, Brody Ah Kit, Tekelu Mene ABSENT: Mr Rob Innes (Strength and Conditioning Coach)

Year 10 Cowboys Challenge Champions 2020 Following in the footsteps of last year’s results, the Cowboys Challenge team finished as champions of the North after an incredible undefeated season. The Cowboys Challenge is the elite Year 10 Rugby League competition, where schools across North Queensland compete for the shield each year. Despite the restrictions of COVID-19 at the beginning of the season, the boys could not have been keener when the news was released that the season would commence. The season was kicked off against St Brendan’s College where the boys travelled to Mackay for what was to be a physical start to the competition. After some gritty defence by prop, Jamaine Stanley, and well executed attack by the backs, our boys were able to secure a 22-6 first victory. The following week saw us back in Mackay to go up against The Cathedral College in a once again physical match. With an early try through the middle by lock, Dom Taylor, the momentum created at the beginning of the match couldn’t be stopped by the TCC defence, rewarding our boys with a 24-6 win. Round three brought Mackay State High School to Ignatius Park grounds where the boys put on a show for the blue and white crowd. The close 10-6 score at half-time was soon extended to 32-6 by the end of the match with Iggy achieving their third win in a row. Leaving Townsville on a high, the boys arrived back in Mackay for the last time to match up against Mercy College, in which was to be one of the toughest and closest games yet. Despite missing multiple key players, everyone stepped up to come back home with a 20-12 victory.


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Our final round game of the season took place at Townsville Junior Rugby League grounds against none other than Kirwan State High School. It was safe to say that over the last six months, this game was sitting in the back of our minds, with players keen to put on a jersey against their opposing colours. It was through a top performance by co-captain, Jamal Shibasaki, scoring a hat trick, that led the boys to a 22-8 victory over the rivals. The Grand Final of the Cowboys Challenge was played against Mercy College at TDJRL in front of a restricted number of family and friends due to the pandemic situation. However, this did not stop the boys from undertaking one of their most important and impressive performances as it was the last time putting on a jersey for the year. The big dance kicked off with a rough start as Iggy trailed behind 4-0 on the scoreboard. The boys stayed composed, with utility Jack Wood going over for a double, one in which resulted from a brilliant 70m break by Dom Taylor. Both tries were complemented nicely with successful conversions from Elijah Joe and Brodie Dinneen. Later, Ignatius Park five-eighth and Man of the Match recipient, Reece Foley, put the icing on the cake with an exceptional try assist to Diesel Jacobsson-Rhodes in the corner. It was through this marvellous team performance, combined with the pure aggression and desire to win, that allowed co-captains, Riley Innes and Jamal Shibasaki, to hold up the Cowboys Challenge Shield by the end of the day. Winning a grand final doesn’t happen every day, let alone completing an entire Rugby League season undefeated and it is definitely a huge reflection on not only the players, but also the coaches and staff involved that generate our success. A huge congratulations must be given to Head Coach Mr Holmes, Assistant Coach Mr Nelliman-Adams and

Strength and Conditioning Coach, Mr Innes, for developing our squad to becoming not only better players, but better men. The squad should be commended on their consistent commitment to early morning trainings, lunchtime gym sessions and after school opposed sessions, where this sacrifice of time contributed to our success on the field. Congratulations to everyone involved on a very successful year and an amazing level

of commitment to Ignatius Park College Rugby League. Player of the Year: Jamal Shibasaki Players Player: Elijah Joe Best Forward: Dom Taylor Best Back: Reece Foley Steven Lansley | Rugby League Coordinator

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Rugby League


Rugby League First XIII Aaron Payne Cup The First XIII were Aaron Payne Cup Grand Finalists for the 2020 season. Below is a recap of the First XIII’s Aaron Payne Cup campaign. Round 1 First XIII V St Brendan’s in Mackay The First XIII opened their Aaron Payne Cup campaign with a tough win to arch rivals St Brendan’s School 24 to 12. After falling behind 10 nil, we clawed our way back with strong defence and great yardage running. We were able to put on 24 points in the second half compared to St Brendans 2. Final score 24 to 12. (IPC 24 – Tries: Cathane Hill, Eddie Hampson, Tremaine Body, Jordan Davies. Goals: Thomas Duffy (4/4) defeated St Brendan’s 12) Round 2 First XIII V The Cathedral College, Rockhampton in Mackay It was a case of one arch-rival down and onto the next when the First XIII were drawn to play TCC in the second round of the Aaron Payne Cup. This was a vital encounter to ensure the boys continued the strong momentum built up in last week’s second half. In a dominant performance in the first half we went to halftime 8 nil up. The second half was a complete contrast and we were dominated by TCC 26 to nil in the second half. We eventually lost the game 26 to 8. (IPC 8 – Tries: Jordan Davies, Cathane Hill, defeated by TCC 26) Round 3 First XIII V Mackay State High at IPC Field 1 A tough encounter against Mackay State High was next on the agenda. The First XIII started slowly and trailed 10-8 at the halftime break. After mounting a strong second half comeback, Raheem Rolphe opened the flood gates in the second half. Luke Jack and Trey Valentine got through a mountain of work defensively and Maverick Pegoraro controlled the ruck creating space for Isaiah Vailalo. Eddie Hampson ran strong and terrorised the edge defence of Mackay State High. (IPC 42 – Tries: Maverick Pegoraro, Raheem Ralphe, Braithen Knox, Isaiah Vailalo, Sean Bourke, Eddie Hampson (2). Goals: Thomas Duffy (7/7) defeated MSHS 8)


Ignatius Park College 2020

Round 4 First XIII V St Patricks College, Mackay at Mackay It was on the road again for the First XIII, this time off to Mackay to take on St Pats Mackay. After flying out of the blocks, the Iggy Park boys soon lead 10 – 0 after two early tries. The boys managed to keep applying the pressure and dominated both halves. Our centres played strong both scoring doubles. Tom Duffy kicked well and Braithen Knox was looking for opportunities all game. (IPC 30 – Tries: Eddie Hampson (2), Jake McAulliffe (2), Braithen Knox, Cathane Hill. Goals: Thomas Duffy (3/6) defeated St Pat’s 12) Round 5 First XIII V Kirwan State High School at TDJRL After a match on the road, the First XIII were excited to have a home game as their next challenge in the Aaron Payne Cup. The Ignatius Park College boys were never troubled in this contest, dominating Kirwan in the middle third. Our halves did a great job controlling possession and Tom Duffy kicked well. Luke Jack worked tirelessly as did all core forwards. Tries to Maverick Pegoraro, Jake McAulliffe, Sean Bourke, Braithen Knox lead to a comprehensive First XIII victory. (IPC 24 – Tries: Maverick Pegoraro, Jake McAulliffe, Sean Bourke, Braithen Knox. Goals: Thomas Duffy (4/4) defeated KSHS 8) Semi Final First XIII V The Cathedral College, Rockhampton in Mackay It was all or nothing for the First XIII in a Semi-final contest in Mackay against The Cathedral College, Rockhampton. The equation was simple: win and book a place in the Aaron Payne Cup Grand Final, or lose and have the season ended. The First XIII come out of the gates strongly early to establish a 12 to 4 half time lead with tries to Maverick Pegoraro and Braithen Knox. TCC found another gear in the second half, producing a strong display of attacking Rugby League. A much-needed try by Luke Jack sealed a tough win. It was an impressive and gritty display, sending the crowd into hysterics and the Ignatius Park boys into the Aaron Payne Cup Grand Final. (IPC 18 – Tries: Maverick Pegoraro, Braithen Knox, Luke Jack. Goals: Thomas Duffy (3/3) defeated TCC 10)

Grand Final First XIII V Kirwan State High School at TDJRL In front of a good crowd, the First XIII ran onto TDJRL with their parents watching. A string of penalties and mistakes saw the Ignatius park boys forced to continually defend their line and that they did for the opening half. In a good defensive display, the First XIII turned away raids but weight of possession was too much and Kirwan ran in three tries close together. Iggy drew first blood after the break and clawed back the margin trailing 20 to 4. In true Ignatius Park spirit the boys kept turning up for each other and once again started to claw their way back into the contest. With the clock ticking down, Kirwan wore us down with more possession and ran in some late tries. Unfortunately, in the end the final score was 38 – 10 earning Kirwan the number 1 ranking in NQ. (IPC 10 – Tries: Eddie Hampson, Braithen Knox Goals: Thomas Duffy (1/2) defeated by KSHS 38) Throughout this article I have purposely tried to only name the try scorers in the major games. The reason for this is there were far too many great

efforts to single out individual players. Aaron Payne Cup campaigns are not contested on the back of an individual effort, an individual play or even an individual moment. To the Ignatius Park College First XIII, you are an amazing group of young men of whom your coaches, families, friends and school community are extremely proud. On behalf of the group I would like to thank Principal, Mr Shaun Clarke, his leadership team and entire staff for their continued support. I would also like to recognise Fr Rod Ward, Mr Gary Cook, Mr Bill Ahern, Mr Frank Iemma, Mr Tristan NellimanAdams, Mr Matthew Stark, Mr Liam Jameson and Ms Kayleen Foster for the hours and hours of work you have put in with the boys every single day for the past 10 months. The coaching staff as a whole did a fantastic job in ensuring that the boys were physically and mentally prepared and, for that, I cannot thank them enough. Fr Ward Best & Fairest: Maverick Pegoraro Players Player of the Year: Braithen Knox Best Forward: Adam Mitchell Best Back: Eddie Hampson. Steven Lansley | Teacher

Rugby League - First XIII FRONT ROW: James Yardley, Benjamin McLean, Luke Jack, Isaiah Vailalo, Maverick Pegoraro, Raheem Rolfe, Tai-Reece Hill, Lachlan Lerch, Lucas Dummett SECOND ROW: Mr G. Cook, Mr S. Lansley, Jordan Davies, Will Buchanan, Damon Marshall, Keegan Elrick, Mr R. Ward, Mr W. Ahern, Ms K. Foster THIRD ROW: Tremaine Body, Cathane Hill, Thomas Duffy, Braithen Knox, Andrew Brunello, Trey Valentine, Sean Bourke, Jazz Spry FOURTH ROW: Wade Jonsson, Justin Hamill, Edward Hampson, Adam Mitchell, Jake McAuliffe-Fickling, Thomas McIntosh, Jakeb Vailalo

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Rugby League


Rugby League Cathane Hill Cathane was safe at the back for the First XIII this year. In his first campaign, he led from the front and was a real go to man and focal point of the attack. Cathane is a damaging runner of the football. He is a class act.

Jakeb Vailalo Jakeb was a real find in the 2020 season. After starting the year as a bench player, his performances simply could not be ignored. A very strong runner who was always breaking tackles around the ruck. An outstanding season.

Raheem Rolfe Raheem is a great athlete who is good on his feet and carries the ball strongly into contact Raheem is a talented Rugby League player and will certainly continue to improve in the future.

Sean Bourke Sean started the year as one of our youngest players. A big, strong forward with the skills of a half, Sean was the aggressor in the First XIII’s pack when given his chance to play. Sean has the Rugby League world at his feet. I look forward to working with him in 2021.

Edward Hampson A strong athlete who is big, strong, powerful and fast. Eddie is a natural athlete who is strong with the ball in hand and continually caused the opposite headaches on the edge throughout the year.

Damon Marshall Damon certainly leads by his actions on the field. A willing defender with the ability to hit hard, Damon also possesses late footwork and speed at the line when carrying the ball. Damon is someone the boys were glad they played with and not against. Damon has the Rugby League world at his feet.

Jake McAuliffe-Fickling Jake went from strength to strength for the First XIII this year. As a new member of the squad, Jake quickly proved his worth among the boys and made the Left centre position his own. A big, tall athlete, he was a constant threat on the left-hand side of the field. I look forward to watching Jake thrive in the future.

Benjamin McLean A Year 11 student who came into our Ignatius Park First XIII in 2020, Ben quickly bought into the IPC culture. A real team man who was comfortable playing hooker in the middle and in the halves, Ben simply got better and better as the year went on.

Andrew Brunello Andrew was a real find of the 2020 season. He began the year as the team’s utility before quickly finding a permanent home on the left wing. A quiet achiever, Andrew lets his actions speak louder than words and constantly accumulated the numbers as he got through plenty of work game after game. A real team player.

Jazz Spry Jazz bought plenty of positive energy to IPC league program. Jazz has plenty of ability on the Rugby League field and certainly takes some stopping when in full flight. He worked hard on his game over the two years. We wish him well for his future career.

Braithen Knox A strong runner of the football, Braithen is the type of player who never lets anyone down. He was an integral member of the squad who produced strong games in the final series. An impressive athlete and impressive young man.

Justin Hamill A talented Rugby League player who gives his all every time he steps onto the Field. Unfortunately, injury cruelly cut Justin’s year shorter. His effort for Ignatius Park at the NQ trial was outstanding with effort after effort and try saving tackles. A typical Justin performance.

Thomas Duffy In his first year of being in the First XIII, Tom really took his game to a new level in 2020. As the team's on field general, he ran the show and more often than not came up with the correct decision. Tom is a very skilful player who will look to develop a potent running game in 2021. I look forward to watching his career grow.

Tremaine Body Tremaine has excellent footwork and the ability to find the try line. He continually worked hard throughout the year waiting for his opportunity and when it arrived, he took it with both hands. Tremaine has the ability to break a game open. He is one to watch in for the First XIII in 2021.

Trey Valentine A tough and uncompromising forward with speed at the line, Trey has the ability to get the First XIII on the front foot through an aggressive carry and quick play the ball. Trey was an excellent defender and was a dedicated trainer and we look forward to watching his career develop in the years to come.

Will Buchanan Will is a real hard worker who has a strong appetite and understanding of Rugby League. Will was going to be an integral part of our team until injury stopped his season short.

Maverick Pegoraro Tough in every sense of the word, Maverick has the maturity, work ethic and persistence that very few young men possess. He brought the tough edge to the First XIII’s pack in 2020. Mav is the ultimate team man who always puts the team first and was a real cornerstone of the team’s success.

Jordan Davies Jordan is a real thinker who has a strong appetite and understanding of Rugby League. Jordan has a deep understanding of his role as a half and is held in very high regard both on and off the field. Jordan was a good team man who was dedicated all season.

Wade Jonsson Wade has had an outstanding 2020, continually leading the way on the left edge. All this as a younger member of the squad. Wade is tough with good foot work, putting the opposition on the back foot. I look forward to watching Wade thrive in 2021 as he becomes a leader of the First XIII.

Kmani Levi Another senior player who will be missed for the First XIII in 2021. Tough in every sense of the word. He had an uncanny ability to make metres after contact and often found a quick play the ball when the team needed it. Once again injury cut his season short.

Adam Mitchell Adam is a hard-running backrower who continually puts his body on the line for the benefit of the team. He is one of the best young runners of the football in the state. He led from the front and provided real leadership throughout the year. Adam ran some wonderful lines this year on the right edge for the First XIII.

Tai-Reece Hill A class player. Unfortunately, a hamstring and shoulder injury limited his 2020 campaign after an excellent 2019. Tai-Reece possesses natural speed and evasion with a great set of hands and slick pass he was missed in our APC season.

Isaiah Vailalo Isaiah is a very talented Rugby League player who runs harder than any other prop in the state. Isaiah’s work ethic and competitiveness sets him apart from other players. Isaiah is the ultimate team man who continually rolled up his sleeves for the First XIII.

James Yardley A great young talent in the halves, James trained well and developed his game in 2020. James is a smart half with a strong kicking game. James has good game awareness and will be a real asset in 2021.

Luke Jack Tough as nails, Luke is the type of player that just gets the job done no matter what the occasion. He has an uncanny ability of finding post contact metres when carrying the football and putting the defending players on the back foot. Luke is the type of no non-sense player that every team needs in their forward pack. A class act.

Lucas Dummett A great team man who has talent to burn, Lucus is one player who lifts the standard of the squad. Quick strong and fearless defender. A real player to watch in 2021

Lachlan Lerch Another one of the squads’ young players in 2020, an outstanding talent in the hooker halves or fullback position. Lachie has the ability to keep the opposition guessing with the ball in hand and possesses a strong kicking game. A key player off the bench for the First XIII in 2020.


Ignatius Park College 2020

Unlike every other year, 2020 started in similar fashion to other Rugby years but soon became embroiled in the COVID-19 pandemic and all the disruption that came with it. While in Townsville we were very lucky with regards to the pandemic, social distancing and health precautions cancelled out most Rugby at the College for 2020. Having said this, the 1st XV and the U15’s participated in the annual Rockhampton Tournament in Term 1, the U14s and 1st XV Development squads trained in Term 3, 1st XV finished the year off with a final game against the Cathedral School in Term 3 and the 2021 1st XV Development Squad travelled to Cairns in Term 4. All in all, it was a very disrupted year but we were able to salvage some meaningful games and development. 1ST XV RUGBY UNION Fresh off the UK Tour in 2019 the 1st XV squad, along with several younger newcomers who did not tour, were shaping up to be a real threat to any team they played in 2020. Having a good balance across the field 2020 was looking like a very good year. Unfortunately, after the Rockhampton tournament, COVID-19 struck and the season morphed into the Rocky tournament and only one other game against The Cathedral School to end the 1st XV season and the Rugby tenure of several Year 12’s, men who had supported the program exceptionally well over time and who have left it in a strong position to forge ahead. ROCKHAMPTON GRAMMAR TOURNAMENT Game 1 – IPC versus Rockhampton Grammar

School – Saturday 7 March Loss - IPC 5 to RGHS 12 Having trained for the past few weeks it was finally time for the 1st XV to put it altogether on the field. Drawing Rocky Grammar first up was always going to be a tough encounter, but the boys were eager and ready to go. Starting strongly IPC came out of the blocks well and managed to string phases together and put pressure on RGS across the field. This became the norm for the first half with both teams trading blows in what was an extremely tough arm wrestle. Unfortunately, IPC could not convert this pressure into points and found themselves coming away from Rocky’s red zone without scoring. With Rocky pushing up quickly in defence they finally capitalised on a flat ball form IPC and ran away with an intercept try against the run of play. This was followed by another try just before half time when IPC was found short on the edges and Rocky went in for another try in the corner – going into the break 12 to 0 up. The second half saw more of the same where IPC failed to capitalise on the space created in behind and finally fell victim to a number of small mistakes and poor game management. However, their effort could not be questioned trying all the way to the end and finally coming away with a try and a final scoreline of 12 to 5 down. Try: Jayvan Scarf MVP: Harrison Keir (3) – Ethan Woods (2) – Euan Cram (1)

Ignatius Park College 2020



Rugby Union


Rugby Union

Rugby Union U14 FRONT ROW: Joshua Morton, Connor Sexton, Archie Allen, Cranston Hill, Mitchel Waldon, Hayde Munro, Tylamani Lafoga SECOND ROW: Mr J. Collier, Mason Saltner, Alvine Njau, Tristan Banfield, Samuel Keir, Marshall Scott, Jayden Chilby THIRD ROW: Jaikyn O'Connor-Poore, Luke Guilfoyle, Ateli-Patrick Iosefo, Marcus Bell, Zachariah Abdul-Rahman, Nathaniel Kimber ABSENT: Mr B. Morgan (Coach), Mrs D. Knowles (Manager), Max Beckham, Lleyton Dooley, Jim Finger, Zachary Jenkins, Caleb Keir, Reagan Knowles, Luke Madsen, Domenick Osborne, Connor Sadler

Rugby Union U16 FRONT ROW: Jake Brewer, Dominic Taylor, Howard Keyes, Harvey Arboit, Connor McColl, Max Gough, Benjamin Dixon, Jeremy Morton, Sherriff Dury SECOND ROW: Mr C. Bailey, Mr M. Mitchell, Jett Bates, Ethan Buchanan, Nathan O'Neill, Joshua Pierce, Mrs D. Knowles, Mr J. Collier THIRD ROW: Jack Bragg, Nelson Kennedy, Aiden Knowles, Nicholas Rowan, Ethan Craig, Angus Bamford, Hayden Moore ABSENT: Harry Coleman, Jayden McMinn, Marley Scarff


Ignatius Park College 2020

Game 2 – IPC versus Saint Brendan’s Yeppoon – Saturday 7 March Draw - IPC 17 to Saint Brendan’s 17 Backing up after their initial game the boys were faced with another challenge when they took the field against Saint Brendan’s. Once again Iggy started very well and applied the blow torch to Brendan’s in the early stages of the game, only to once again on the receiving end of two opportune tries from IPC's mistakes. Being down early spurred the boys on and they began to build once again and came away with two tries of their own before half time – half time score 12 all. The second half was very similar to the first though IPC could not capitalise on the opportunities created again and found themselves under the pump on several occasions due to poor exits from their danger zone. Finally, neither side could convert opportunities created and the end score ended up 17 all. Tries: Bailey Stagg, Matthew Kirkpatrick and Lachlan Ryan Conversion: Jared Michell MVP: Jayvan Scarf (3) – Ethan Woods (2) – Malachi Ware (1) Game 3 – IPC versus Marist College Emerald – Sunday 8 March Win - IPC 12 to Marists College 7 Having fallen just short in both games on Saturday

the boys were keen to chalk up their first win in 2020. Tired and carrying several niggles IPC was slow to start and found themselves once again having to dig deep to get into the game. Learning from previous games, IPC set early and began to play field position. This resulted in IPC pressuring Marist’s line and, after some excellent work across the back, a short kick into the corner from Jayvan Scarf saw Jack Kirkpatrick open the account. With the half coming to an end, Dean Gilham barged off for a good forward's try before Marist answered with one of their own – half time score IPC up 10 to 7. The second half saw more of the same with IPC tiring and therefore giving up several post-contact metres which allowed Marist to get on the front foot on a number of occasions. However, IPC were not to be denied and stuck to their structure and finally came away with another good try in the corner to Jack Kirkpatrick and a win for the boys – 15 to 7. Tries: Jack Kirkpatrick (2), Dean Gilham MVP: Euan Cram (3) – Nic Pearce (2) – Matthew Dyer (1) In all a fantastic outing for the lads whose behaviour on and off the field was extremely good. As their first hit out for the year it was very pleasing to see that they have the ability to match it with other very good teams and have a fruitful year. Thanks to Rocky Grammar for their hospitality and to all staff involved who gave up their time so the boys could have this opportunity.

Mark Moxon | Rugby Union Coordinator

Ignatius Park College 2020



Rugby Union


Rugby Union 1ST XV LOCAL COMPETITION 2020 1st XV Ignatius Park College versus The Cathedral School – 18 August 2020 With several quality training sessions under their belt, IPC were ready to take on TCS and show their wares in what would be the final rugby/sport outing for several Year 12 students at the College. Coming up against an undermanned TCS team made the boys think strongly about their discipline so they could go out, stick to their structures and processes in order to not only win but feel good about their ability to play quality, disciplined running rugby. Starting off in what was a physical encounter IPC soon got down to the job at hand and found themselves creating space across the field and

breaking the TCS line. Capitalising on this, IPC scored six tries in the first half and added another six in the second half. In all it was a dominant performance by IPC and one that all squad members were able to enjoy and show humility and appreciation to TCS in these challenging times. Tries: Ethan Woods (2), Nicholas Pearce (2), Matthew Kirkpatrick (1), Jack Kirkpatrick (1), Jared Mitchell (1), Cody Sadler (1), Jayvan Scarff (1), Harrison Keir (1), Aiden Scott (1), Jaiden Penny (1) Conversions: Jayvan Scarff (4), Nicholas Pearce (1) MVP: 3 – Jayvan Scarff 2 – Matthew Kirkpartick 1 – Ethan Woods

Mark Moxon | Rugby Union Coordinator

Rugby Union First XV FRONT ROW: Darcy Keir, Aiden Scott, Jaidan Penny, Nicholas Pearce, Alex Bombardieri, Harrison Keir, Jayvan Scarff, Kobe Gallagher, Euan Cram SECOND ROW: Mr B. Denny (Manager), Mr J. Alloway (Trainer), Matthew Dyer, Lloyd Kennedy, Cody Sadler, Elijah Iorangi, Mr M. Parker (Co-Coach), Mr M. Moxon (Co-Coach) THIRD ROW: Jack Kirkpatrick, Finn Andreassen, Thomas Carey, Lachlan Ryan, Matthew Kirkpatrick, Ryan Booth, Jared Mitchell ABSENT: Zachary Cozzitorto, Dean Gillham, Bailey Stagg, Malachi Ware


Ignatius Park College 2020

Ignatius Park College 2020



Rugby Union










Ignatius Park College 2020

The IPC Swimming program continues to help develop our young men into competent and confident swimmers in the Pool. The Health and Physical Education staff have mastered programs within our curriculum that challenge and encourage every level of swimmer to improve their technique and swimming capacity in the Pool. Students are engaged and continue to enjoy the opportunities offered at Ignatius Park College. We are very lucky to have the facilities that we have and the staff who manage and maintain it to an exceptional standard. Age

13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years Open:

Champion Carter Koitka and Riley Kerr Lincoln Burrowes Joshua Eggins Kym Nuth Jacob Fowler Brandon Pearce Caleb Cheeseman

House Placings: 1st: 2nd: 3rd: 4th: 5th: 6th: 7th:

Baillie Rice Putney Carew Treacy Nolan Reid

12 years

Prior to COVID-19 restrictions, IPC once again went into battle in the heavily contested Townsville Secondary Schools Swimming Carnival in March this year. We were keen for the challenge of retaining the Championship title. The usual breakfast was offered to the boys, along with a prayer and inspiring words of Sportsmaster, John Alloway. After this, we boarded the bus and were on the way to Long Tan Pool, Heatley. As usual, the boys should be congratulated for their efforts and performance both in the pool, but also for representing themselves and the College with pride. John Alloway | Head of Sport

Swimming FRONT ROW:

Carter Koitka, Jackson Hatchard, Nicholas Barr, Hayden Vignale, Jacob Fowler, Owen Myers, Drew Roberts, Euan Roberts, Carter Isaac SECOND ROW: Mr J. Spriggs, Jayvan Scarff, Stuart Carter, Brandon Pearce, Aiden Freeman, Kym Nuth, Zac Bennett, Caleb Cheeseman, Mr J. Alloway THIRD ROW: Joshua Eggins, Benjamin Hatchard, Nicholas Pearce, Noah Lau, Isaac Truett, Matthew Lynch, Max Gough ABSENT: Mr J. Jackson, Mr A. Keane, Corey Baker, William Bennett, Lincoln Burrowes, Darcy Cussen, Reece Foley, Jy Gasa, Kasey Julien, Riley Kerr, Blake Koitka, Vincent Micale, Hayde Munro, Fionn O'Seighin, James Stephan, Kieran Truett

Ignatius Park College 2020





Touch Football What a year for Touch Footy here at Ignatius Park College! All IPC Touch Football teams went through the year undefeated… more on that later! 2020 was meant to be so much more for those involved with Touch here at IPC: • 2020 was the year that our Opens team would have defended their 2019 Queensland title at the revived World All Schools Tournament • 2020 was also to be the year that the Opens team would defend the World All Schools after its last incarnation 15 years after we last won it in 2005 • 2020 was to be the year where our U13s and U15s improved upon their Semi-final finishes at the All Schools event • 2020 was going to be the year where we could continue to develop and shape the Touch Football players of the future with our usual high standard of training and development pathways • 2020 was the year that our Year 12 students could have represented the College in the sport they loved one last time… 2020 was none of these things to anyone. Unfortunately, COVID-19 reared its head and severely impacted upon the quantity and quality of Touch that our boys were able to participate in. The year did start off well with our boys making up 16 of 26 players selected across the two divisions for the Northern teams. A huge congratulations to the below players for their selection. NORTHERN REGION 15 YEARS AND UNDER Aidan Fitzpatrick Anthony Iorangi Jacob Pugh Marcus Bell Scott Swain

NORTHERN REGION OPENS Maverick Pegararo Levi Buchanan Sean Bourke Jake Scherff Jordon Davies Jamie Humphreys Cathane Hill Alex Dietrich Ryan McCarron Matthew Hunter Elijah Joe In news that many were expecting but also dreading, the Queensland State Secondary Titles were cancelled, and the above Iggy Park champions weren’t able to test their skill against the other regions. They can however be very proud to have been named and it is my hope for them that they continue to push themselves and to seek further honours in Touch Football in the future. IPC Touch appreciates the efforts of IPC staff members with Mr Brown, Ms Stayte, Mr Jackson and Mr Thompson for their efforts helping to coach the Block Sport teams. Our U13s and U15s teams were able to get a few games in each during the year against local schools. In great news these were the games that counted in regard to remaining undefeated in 2020. I genuinely believe that our IPC teams would have been challenging for top spot in each division if the All Schools tournament went ahead without the interruption and uncertainty of 2020. A modified tournament did go ahead but our teams were not able to participate for many reasons. This is the first year since 2000 that we have been unable to field teams in all Boys' divisions at the tournament. Expectations are high for 2021 in general but very high for those young men that will don the Blue and White and ensure Touch Football at IPC remains as strong as ever. That’s a wrap! Gian Guerra | Cultural Coordinator

Water Polo Due to COVID-19, the Water Polo season was cut very short this year. In Term 1, the boys competed in the Open Interschool Water Polo Team over a four week period against teams from Cathedral and Annandale Christian College. IPC were victorious in all games and were strongly led by Isaac Truett (Year 12). Outstanding players for IPC were Jacob Fowler, Josh Donlon and Hayden Vignale. A Northern School Sport team was selected to travel in 2020, however, due to COVID-19 restrictions, travel for this team was cancelled. Congratulations to selected team members Nathan Weis, Jacob Fowler, Hayden Vignale, Zac Bennett and Myles Hosking, Shadow player Drew Roberts. Sandy O'Melia | Teacher


Water Polo Jacob Fowler, Max Gough, Nathan Wies, Zac Bennett, Hayden Vignale Mr John Alloway, Josh Donlon, Isaac Truett, Kym Nuth

Ignatius Park College 2020

On 19-20 September, our Under 15s Boys Volleyball Team competed in the Townsville Mixed Volleyball Competition – B Division. The team consisted of Harrison Law, Adam Waugh, Monty Curran, Hayden Moore, Luke Quincey, Vaughn Tully, Dylan Hill and Nicholas Gho. The boys played nine games in total, won three games and got knocked out in the semi-finals. As the boys were playing in an Open competition, they were matched up against competitors with varying ability levels and age and demonstrated outstanding determination, courage and resilience throughout the weekend. As a team, these young men were exceptional in representing the College and EREA values.

motivation and a high level of skill throughout training and the competition. One of the most pleasing elements was seeing the boys work together and apply themselves to improving their skill level over the weekend. I look forward to working with these fine young men as they continue to develop throughout our block sport competition in Term 4.. A special thank you to all the parents and carers who have helped ensure the boys were well prepared and present over the two days. Lastly, I’d like to thank our sponsor Snap-On Tools who covered entry and uniform fees. Jake Jackson | Teacher

The players of the competition were Hayden Moore and Nicholas Gho who consistently demonstrated leadership,

Volleyball - Year 11 This year, Ignatius Park entered a Year 11 team into the Open Volleyball Competition held at Heatley High School in Term 1 over two afternoons of competition. Initially the boys started slowly, but soon gained an understanding of the fast scoring, how to block at the net and using the dig / set / spike tactic. The boys were very keen and competitive, winning three games, drawing one and just losing two. Their raw talents and natural abilities ensured close games and even with the limited training, the standard of play and the results were encouraging for 2021. The lads enjoyed the competition and they certainly improved their skills over the two afternoons. Grant Rossiter | Program Leader Vocational Education and Training

Volleyball - Year 11 FRONT ROW: Lachlan Bourke, Orlando Sartori, Brandon Pearce, Benjamin McLean SECOND ROW: Mr G. Rossiter, Sean Bourke, Luca Yates, Ardrijan Shahinper, Cathane Hill ABSENT: Marshall Wilson

Ignatius Park College 2020



Volleyball - Under 15

North Queensland Sports Representatives Congratulations to all Ignatius Park College students who represented their school at a North Queensland level. FRONT ROW: Carter Koitka, Joshua Marquez, Jack Wood, Jacob Fowler, Maverick Pegoraro, Matthew Hunter, Zac Bennett, Scott Swain, Elijah Joe, Jayvan Scarff, Isaac Mayo, Aidan Fitzpatrick, Hayden Vignale, Euan Roberts SECOND ROW: Marcus Bell, Bailey Waddington, Luke Jack, Joseph Dixon, Trent Laffin, Jarrod Edmondson, Aiden Freeman, Kaleb Lewis, Tekelu Mene, Jordan Davies, Reece Foley THIRD ROW: Jamie Humphreys, Brodie Powell, Ieuan Harker, Sawyer Faulks, Isaiah Vailalo, Alexander Dietrich, Samuel Williams, Charlton Bird, Cathane Hill, Yanni Collocott FOURTH ROW: Sean Bourke, Braithen Knox, Jamal Shibasaki, Adam Mitchell, Ryan McCarron, Jared Mitchell, Jacob Pugh ABSENT: Cody Sadler, Brendan Eaton, Padraic Glasheen, Benjamin Hatchard, Joshua Eggins, Kym Nuth, Nathan Weis, Aiden Hawkins, Joshua Donlon, Cody Knight, Joshua Eckford, Gerard Di Bartolo, Jackson Hocking, Ashton Waddington, Daniel Kratzman, Joseph Di Bartolo, Anthony Iorangi, Levi Buchanan, Jake Scherff, Kobe Owens, Jake McAuliffe, Marshall Wilson, Joe Brosnan, Cody Brown, Matthew Evans, Kynan McMahon, Matthew Ament, Lleyton Ward, Casey Jeffree, Sebastian Wyke, Dominic Taylor, Daniel Scott, Sebastian Petrie, Tom Geeves, Tyler Boyce, Jacob Vitale Queensland Sports Representatives Carter Koitka – Year 7 – Queensland Representative for Aquathon Jarrod Edmondson – Year 12 – Queensland Representative for Cricket


North Queensland and Queensland School Representatives


Ignatius Park College 2020

ANZAC Day 2020 certainly looked different Nationwide this year due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The College embraced many of the elements of a traditional ANZAC Day, but in a much different format. The College held a small wreath laying ceremony with our just our Principal, Defence Mentor and our College Captain laying a wreath at the entrance of the College. This was both special and significant given the circumstances this year with our Senior Cadet representative raising the flags to half-mast to honour the fallen. Whilst students and school representatives couldn’t attend a Dawn Service this year or march along The Strand, the College community welcomed the 'Light Up The Dawn' service. Students and their families stepped onto to their driveways at dawn to observe a minute’s silence, holding a candle and reflecting, remembering, and honouring those

who fought for the freedom of our country. What we witnessed this year was heartfelt and moving. Students and their families felt a real sense of connection as we were together in spirit. This year, we also saw the introduction of a new creative competition – The Spirit of the ANZAC Award. Students were asked to reflect on the spirit of the ANZAC history through creative writing, art or music. We had a number of amazing entries with the winner being announced on ANZAC Day. Ben Hatchard of Year 8 produced a deeply moving painting that we proudly displayed outside the College over the ANZAC weekend. He received a plaque and voucher as the winning entry. Lest We Forget. Carolyne Drummond | Defence School Mentor

Ignatius Park College 2020





Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Programs The College worked hard in 2020 to ensure programs highlighting the importance of building understanding of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander culture were maintained. Like many other programs and schools around the country, IPC had its fair share of challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic and our Cultural Programs were unfortunately, also impacted. We were unable to travel to various locations across the city, state and country to showcase our cultural dancing talent. While for the first time since 2012, Year 12 students were denied an opportunity to participate in the annual Close the Gap excursion to St Michael’s school on Palm Island. Despite these challenges, there were still positive in-roads for the College in this area. The Ignatius Park College Reconciliation Action Plan was completed and this was a huge achievement for the College and its vision of Reconciliation moving forward. This document will provide a road map to how we intend to ensure reconciliation is maintained as a critical part of the College’s fabric. The RAP outlines a number of Actions that the College has identified and outlines the methodology of achieving these actions.

The journey of Reconciliation was also boosted visibly by the placing of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander themed crosses in each classroom of the College and the placing of a Journey to Reconciliation sign in the quadrangle. These crosses and sign were designed by students with the support of Robert Paul Designs and are a welcome addition to the learning spaces and physical environment of the College. Finally, the Journey 2 Jobs program continued to flourish with 86 students registering with the program. These students were provided with transitional support to positive post-schooling pathways through the four elements of the program. These being Education, Employment, Accelerated Learning and Driving. The College would like to acknowledge The Morris Family Group, The Ville and Ganbina for the continued support of this important program. Andrew Kirkpatrick | Program Leader – Indigenous and Multicultural

Reconciliation Action Plan 2020


Ignatius Park College 2020

Congratulations to Rice House - 2020 Winners!

Ignatius Park College 2020



Battle of the Bands


Careers This is my fourth year at the College working in the Careers role and it has been a valuable experience working with students and parents. Career Development is a lifelong process that is unique for every person. The Careers Office is available to assist students with their career decision making and work experience placements for both ATAR and Year 10 students. At the start of Term 1, Year 10 students utilised our Career Tools website to work through career quizzes and then investigate careers and the subjects that are required for occupations that they aspire to undertake after senior schooling. The SET Plan process implemented by the College assisted students with subject choices to match their pathways. Students have been advised to undertake work experience or to speak with employers to get as much information about the role, subjects needed, and qualifications required. As we all know with the current situation, this has limited the opportunities for work placement. TAFE gave the Year 10 students an opportunity to attend two sessions with Try a Trade where they experienced Carpentry, Refrigeration & Airconditioning, Plumbing, Cabinet Making, Painting and Block Laying. The boys loved this opportunity and it helped them with their pathway choices for Year 11 and 12. The College held subject Information sessions for students at the end of Term 2 with Faculty Leaders


Ignatius Park College 2020

and teachers available to answer questions from students. Also, information sessions were organised with TAFE North, Central Queensland University and James Cook University. We are indebted to these organisations for providing our community with the opportunity to obtain information in an efficient and effective manner. Year 12 students considering university attended a Zoom session from QTAC during their ACAD lesson on how to apply to university, putting in their course preferences and ATAR registration. It is an important time for the Year 12 students as they endeavour to make informed choices for their possible futures. James Cook University offered the students an Early Offer application which the students took on board and this was incredibly successful with students applying for the degrees of their choice. CQUniversity had a similar arrangement where they could apply through a Principal's recommendation letter. Several students took this opportunity to apply for courses that were not on offer with JCU. Our VET Pathway provides opportunities for students to enter the workforce to experience various occupations first-hand. Students should always remember that learning is lifelong process and, at times, decisions will be made that are not always perfect but learning from mistakes is also an important part of the process! Phillip Dembowski | Careers Advisor

2020 in the Counselling space saw significant changes and challenges. Mrs Marilyn Parsons who had been a Student Counsellor at the College for the past 25 years, passed away after a brief illness. This rocked the IPC community. Given the significant contribution of Mrs Marilyn Parsons within the College community, a memorial page in this Magazine has been dedicated to her. We welcomed Mrs Val Derwent to the Student Counsellor role from the middle of Term 1. Ms Dannielle Charge and Mrs Val Derwent have provided counselling support to students, parents and staff throughout the year. In Term 1, the Student Counsellors supported the Peer Mentors in transitioning the new students to our college. As COVID-19 emerged, so did the move to online learning. Term 2 was a challenge for students, staff and parents. The school counsellors provided mental health and wellbeing tips for the school community, strategies to manage in this space, monitored students through Pastoral Care lessons and maintained connections with students. The counselling team are usually involved in activities such as Hit the Hill and Healthy Minds, which were cancelled for the year due to COVID-19, however, we are looking forward to these initiatives in 2021. The evidence-based program DRUMBEAT was again provided to Year 7 and 8 students at Ignatius Park College. The name DRUMBEAT is an acronym for helping participants in Discovering Relationships Using Music, Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes and Thoughts. They should be very proud of their performance at Assembly in Term 3. Child Protection Week in 2020 was in Week 9 of Term 3. It was a busy week with home room quizzes,

guess the teachers baby photo competition, and selling of popcorn and soft drinks (which was generously donated by old boy Stephen Lazzaroni from Poparazzi Kettle Popcorn). Due to this fundraising activity, along with the donations from the students for wearing red, we were able to donate $1,000 to the Daniel Morcombe Foundation. This will continue to assist this foundation in educating children and young people about how to stay safe in physical and online environments and to support young victims of crime. We also had our Adopt-a-Cops Tracey Baker and her colleagues visit for our Day for Daniel. Support for parents for Child Protection Week included Susan McLean from Cyber Safety Solutions presenting a webinar to our parents called Growing Up Online. Earlier in the year, personal safety talks were presented to all Year 7s by Mrs Timbs in her role as the Student Protection Contact. In Homeroom and House Assemblies during Child Protection Week. Students also had PowerPoint presentations and discussions about how to keep themselves safe and who to access for support. Mental Health Week was in the first week of Term 4. The focus for this year was a continuation of the Year 12 students’ theme of You are not invisible. A paper plane making and flying competition which is the symbol of the campaign was held, the Chalk it or Talk It activity was also held during lunch time which focused on messages of hope and courage. Daily 'spin and wins' were held with students receiving LIVIN and Headspace merchandise as prizes to continue the discussion regarding accessing support for their mental health. Dannielle Charge and Val Derwent Student Counsellors

Ignatius Park College 2020





Debating The Townsville Interschool Debating Competition, like most things, ran a little differently this year. The new guidelines and restrictions meant fresh ideas were required to keep our students debating in the current environment. The competition ran as usual for Round 1 which unfortunately meant only our Senior teams could compete. The new restrictions also meant that the rest of the debates, planned for our Junior and Year 7/8 teams, couldn’t go ahead. However, a solution was devised, and Round 2 went ahead as a non-competitive draw with no spectators. Teams were provided with topics on the day of the debate and were given two hours to prepare with no internet research or coach input. Both our Junior and Year 7/8 teams took part in the new-look debating round and enjoyed the challenge of thinking on their feet. In other exciting news, we had our very first international debate via Zoom with another EREA school - St Kevin’s College in New Zealand, where our Senior IPC 1 team had another chance to develop their debating skills. The debate was so close it was deemed a draw. There are plans to debate against another EREA school in Uruguay next year!

Thank you to the coaches and students who make debating possible and we look forward to getting some more debating in next year. Teams Year 7/8: Tate Hastie, Benjamin Hatchard and Oliver Pauline-Carr (coached by Adriana Rossi) Junior: Nathaniel Barton, Daniel Mosch and Domenic Osbourne (coached by Bianca Barbagallo) Senior IPC 1: Hunter Finlay, Declan Keyes-West, Mitchell Parker and Aiden Simkin (coached by Andrea Tarttelin) Senior IPC 2: Liam Coffey, Angus Hawkins, Mebin Martin, Fionn O’Seighin (coached by Marita Martinez) Senior IPC 3: Thomas Duffy, Lachlan Parker and Alexander Roubicek (coached by Andrea Tarttelin) Marita Martinez | Debating Coordinator

We were also invited to collaborate with Townsville Grammar School on the Discourse Club, which provides a space for young people to discuss contentious issues in society and provide different viewpoints and contribute to intelligent discussions. Several of our senior students took part and found the experience to be worthwhile. Round 1 Topic: Politicians should be paid the Australian median full-time wage Team




Senior IPC 1


Defeated by Kirwan

A close debate where both teams impressed the adjudicator resulting in a onepoint difference!

Senior IPC 2


Defeated by St Margaret Mary’s

This team had some solid arguments but needed stronger rebuttals to take on the team from SMMC.

Senior IPC 3


Defeated by Cathedral

In their first ever debate, this team did their best, but experience won out in the end.

Round 2 – Unseen Topics (no internet or coach input) Topic 7/8: Books are better than movies Junior: Imagination is more important than knowledge Team




Year 7/8


Defeated by Grammar

This team worked hard on preparing a case but the rebuttals from the other team were just too strong.



Defeated by Pimlico

Another one-point difference for this team who came up with some excellent ideas and arguments.

International Round Topic: Shakespeare is still relevant in contemporary culture Team




Senior IPC 1


Draw with St Kevin’s College

Iggy Park’s first ever International debate via Zoom was exciting for all involved. Both teams presented relevant and logical arguments and enjoyed the new debating experience.


Ignatius Park College 2020

Debating - Years 7 and 8 Ms A. Rossi, Oliver Carr-Pauline, Benjamin Hatchard, Tate Hastie, Ms M. Martinez

Debating -Years 9 and 10 Ms B. Barbagallo, Nathaniel Barton, Daniel Mosch, Domenick Osborne

Debating - Senior FRONT ROW: Angus Hawkins, Mitchell Parker, Liam Coffey, Declan Keyes-West, Aiden Simkin, Mebin Martin SECOND ROW: Ms M. Martinez, Lachlan Parker, Fionn O'Seighin, Hunter Finlay, Tremaine Body ABSENT: Thomas Duffy, Alexander Roubicek, Mrs A. Tarttelin

Ignatius Park College 2020





Defence This year has seen many new students from ADF families commence at the College. New students arrived from all corners of the world - from Canberra, to Darwin, even as far as East Timor. Many students said goodbye to family members who posted away from Townsville or left on deployment and extended exercise training. We also witnessed an increase in border protection with ADF parents heading to the borders to help the fight against COVID-19. In support of our ADF students the boys enjoyed the weekly Milo Club where they had a chance to catch up over a Milo and a biscuit. Boys were always encouraged to bring along a non-defence student to embrace the inclusive aspects of the College. The attendance numbers at the regular catch up have gone from strength to strength. We often


Ignatius Park College 2020

spoke to the group about building resilience and using good Habits of Mind to make better choices. The ADF Diligence Award introduced this year has given the students a real sense of pride and determination. Each 10 day cycle a student has been awarded with a small prize and certificate to congratulate them on their hard-work and commitment to their studies. All boys should be commended on their effort. The introduction of the ADF Student Mentor position for 2021 will also help support the younger ADF students. Keep an eye out for the brand new group program Lego Masters which will be launched in 2021! Carolyne Drummond | Defence School Mentor

Every year, under normal circumstances, the College celebrates Edmund Rice Day in May. We see our community come together in a variety of ways to recognise and pay respect to the efforts of Blessed Edmund Rice. This celebration of his life and service is usually done in two ways Mass and activities. This year, like so many other events, the celebration did look very different. However, we took the time to remember and celebrate the wonderful legacy this incredible man has gifted us. In this year, 2020, when all the world is affected by COVID-19, we celebrated the life of Edmund Ignatius Rice with the theme: Looking Out My Window. Edmund’s Christ-centred vision and life’s work were seeds that have grown into the many communities of education, ministry and brotherhood throughout the world. We, as Edmund People, are called, just as he was, to look outside our window in this time of isolation and lockdown: to look for those who most need support. We are also challenged, as Edmund People, to look for and be signs of hope in this world through our words and actions. Edmund encountered personal suffering through the death of his beloved wife. In this tragedy he experienced

pain, grief and heartache. The joyous, secure and comfortable world he had once known was now visibly shaken. In his words, he described feeling as if half of his own soul was gone. He was left feeling alone, dislocated and vulnerable. In the wake of this event, Edmund searched for new meaning. Prayerful reflection and daily Eucharist supported him in this time of uncertainty. But above all, it was his baby daughter, growing and developing, that awakened him to new possibilities for expressing love, tenderness and care. Perhaps, it was this experience, born out of crisis, that opened his eyes and heart to see beauty and possibility in the faces of those who were so often forgotten and ignored by the community around him. It certainly offered him a new perspective from which to act! But like most of us, Edmund needed a purposeful nudge to get him to take that final step into action. When sharing his thoughts about potentially leaving Waterford to join a secluded monastery, a valued woman friend led him to the window, threw back the curtains and, pointing to the streets of unruly young boys below, declared “Can you see, Mr Rice – there is your Monastery in the streets.” From that moment, Edmund’s view from his window motivated his work to bring hope to the lives of those young boys. This year the students were able to watch a Liturgy online to celebrate the Feast Day of Edmund Rice. Although we didn’t have the opportunity to congregate together as a whole College community, the Liturgy allowed us to reflect on how we will continue to carry the legacy as Edmund’s people. Shaun Clarke | Principal

Ignatius Park College 2020



Edmund Rice Day


Ensemble Music The Music Department is alive and pumping in 2020. This year we have launched an exciting new Ensemble program at Ignatius Park, and despite the unexpected twists and turns due to Covid-19, our staff and students have managed to create a safe and enjoyable music world at the school. We have gone from strength to strength in the creative arts, supporting and showcasing our talented young stars. Students have had the opportunity to join a band and develop their skills every week. With Tess Higgins joining the music staff this year, we have formed a Junior Band (Years 7 and 8), a Middle Band (Years 9 and 10) and a Senior Band (Years 11 and 12), as well as a Vocal Ensemble (all years from 7 to 12). These fun and engaging initiatives allows the students to have hands-on experience with music equipment and technology, learn a variety of repertoire and progress on their chosen instrument. The boys have learned and performed contemporary styles, such as hip hop, pop, punk, rock, jazz and funk.

This program gives the students the chance to develop ensemble awareness skills. It contributes not only to their musical progress, but to their personal development as well. Musically, they develop skills in texture, timbre, dynamics, arrangements and harmony. Personally, they build on skills such as time management, punctuality, responsibility, being a member of a team, cooperating, listening and following instructions, dedication and perseverance. Students also build social skills and have forged new friendships across year levels. The boys had the opportunity to share their talents at our music showcase night Live at the Park and performed like true professionals, with positive attitudes, and sharp dress. It was a very successful night and an exciting sign of more great things to come. All students are invited to join an ensemble and we highly recommend it! Kylie Tillack | Faculty Leader Creative Arts

Band and Vocal Ensemble FRONT ROW: Calam Sinclair, Connor Kenyon, Hamish Mitchell, Samuel Salvador, Lachlan Symss, Kian Jenkinson, Cohan Russell, Brock Tompsett SECOND ROW: Miss T. Higgins, Declan Keyes-West, Finn Kearns, Matthew Wilmen, Dante Calliste, James Clarke, Hayden Dunlop ABSENT: John Beams, Cameron Carter, Axel Lincoln, Maddyx Mancuso, Joshua Morton, Domenick Osborne, Harrison Rush, Josh Clarke, Chad Portacha, Jackson Hatchard


Ignatius Park College 2020

Ignatius Park College is committed to developing global links with schools across the world and learning from, with and about each other, focused on a spirituality of justice and solidarity.

Baillie – St Edmunds School, Shillong, India

In the diverse and challenging year of 2020 we have:

Putney – Mt Sion CBC, Waterford, Ireland

• Hosted EREBB Zoom calls focused on COVID19 lockdown, curriculum and co-curricular with 12 EREA Australia schools and our 7 international EREBB partner schools from all corners of the globe. • Conducted the Year 10 Exchange program with our nearest Edmund Rice school – St Brendan’s College, Yeppoon. Eight students accompanied by teacher Mr Drew Thompson and teacher aide Mr Michael Parker from 11-17 October. The intent of the school exchange is to give Year 10 students an experience of the perspective of ‘the other’. It is a realistic, beginning-level exchange that explicitly builds confidence to enable students to engage in other immersive experiences. It allows for the sharing ideas between schools and further builds the understanding of the larger Edmund Rice Network. Ignatius Park College boys attended St Brendan’s College, Yeppoon to take part in regular classes, boarded at St Brendan’s College and participated in tours of the local area with their host brothers and staff. In exchange, they hosted a student from SBC when they completed the return leg of the exchange at IPC. • Year 7 EREBB email buddy program – All of our Year 7 boys, aided by their Homeroom teachers, have reached out and made contact with their buddy as part of our Pastoral House groups with Edmund Rice schools internationally as follows;

Carew – Stella Maris, Montevideo, Uruguay Nolan – Palma School, California, USA Rice – Veritas College, Springs, South Africa Reid – St Kevin’s, Oamaru, New Zealand Treacy – St Ambrose College, Manchester, England We are keen to consolidate and continue a close working relationship with these schools in the future. In particular, we are wanting our students and staff to share: How IPC lives the ER Touchstones and how we can share our story with our EREBB partner schools.

1. Establish connections between our Year 7

students and your students (preferably same age) as ‘email buddies’ and encourage each of our students to write and make contact at least 4 times per year.

2. Look at the possibility of student / staff exchanges or immersions in 2021 and beyond.

3. Sharing curriculum and resources to broaden

the educational experience for our students across key learning areas. This has been done with great success via ZOOM calls in 2020.

Thanks to all of the IPC staff and over 200 students who have been open to the EREBB initiatives in 2020 and we look forward to building our connections and programs in the future. Greg Christ | Identity and Mission Coordinator Liberating Education

Ignatius Park College 2020





Faith in Action 2020 brought many challenges to Ignatius Park College. And with it came changes to the Faith in Action (FIA) program. At the start of the year we were able to run our regular programs such as the Holy Spirit reading club, Aitkenvale breakfast club, Brooklea visits, and Toast room volunteers. However, with social distancing and restrictions on visitors, we had to re-imagine the FIA program. During lock-down, the Faith in Action program moved onto Stile through EIR (Edmund Ignatius Rice at Home - “This is not what we teach at school, this is what we breathe.”). Woke Wednesday’s served as a reminder on how our actions can impact the other. It covered topics such as composting, bird watching and identifying, star gazing and astronomy, sustainably podcasts, growing food at home from scraps, and reconciliation. After lock-down, our focus for FIA turned inward as we recognised sustainability at IPC as a way for us to still engage in our responsibility to continue to make the world a better place. No longer were we able to visit places outside the school, so we continued to improve what we did at IPC. This saw the re-emergence of the Social Justice league (a student driven justice initiative) which came up with the idea of an IPC herb and vegetable

garden. And the reshaping of the toast room so that it is predominately run by the students, with each house captain given a week to be in charge of operations. We also ramped up our Container for Change collections with the specially made ‘basketball’ container bin being utilized, as well as volunteers collecting containers during their lunch breaks. Through Containers for Change we have stopped thousands of bottles, cans, milk cartons, and poppers from heading to landfill while also raising funds for various charities, including putting money back into IPC through sustainability initiatives. We also had a very successful campaign to raise awareness around homelessness in Term 3 which saw the Year 12 students volunteer their time at the Townsville Drop in Centre, Year 10 students experience some of the hardship of homelessness through a homeless sleep out and our successful charity drive which raised over $1,500 as well as many goods for the Townsville Drop in Centre. While 2020 has been a challenging year, the men of IPC have risen to the challenge and continued to be men of integrity, pride, and commitment. Patrick McMahon | Identity Coordinator - Faith in Service



Faith in Action FRONT ROW: Oliver Catt, Bibin Martin, Joshua Symons, Rami Peltonen, Ethan Catt, Jordan Moffat, Max NichollsWard, Atticus D'Mello, Emil Jomon, Ryan McCarthy, Kai Burchell, Joshua Morton SECOND ROW: Mr J. Jackson, Mrs J. Sherwood, Mr P. McMahon, Nicholas Harders, Jack Fredericks, Edwin Jomon, Connor Kenyon, Mebin Martin, Adam Parker, Mr M. Holmes, Miss M. Taylor THIRD ROW: Lincoln Turner, Daniel Gregory, Liam Sutton, Flynn Scott, Zak Merida-Johnston, Domenick Osborne, Kaleb Lewis, Stuart Carter, Ryan Sutton, Lachlan Webb FOURTH ROW: Luke Saldana Lopez, Rishabh Bawa, Ethan Moody Humphrey, Matthew Blanchard, Dante Calliste, Brocklan Bryant, Hunter Paull, Kyle Robinson, James Rowan


Ignatius Park College 2020

Handball is a game that has been played all over the Ignatius Park College, for generations. In 2020, Ignatius Park College held the first full school handball competition. Every student in the school competed in this inaugural event, which will now take place in Term 3 each year. The competition was held over a series of rounds to find Homeroom champions, which then played one another to find a House champion. Congratulations to the eight students who were quarter finalists: Zachary Cozzitorto, (Carew), Reece Foley (Baillie), Beau McCarron (Putney), Ethan Woods (Nolan), Jackson Waldon (Rice), Orlando Sartori (Wildcard Nolan), Taj Peterson (Reid) and Cohen Shucksmith (Treacy). After many hotly contested matches, the two Grand Final competitors were Reece “The Handyman” Foley and Taj “K-9” Petersen. In an

incredible match, played in front of hundreds of spectators, Reece Foley was victorious with the score being 3 sets to 2. In doing so, Reece took out the title of IPC Handball Champion for 2020, and had his name emblazoned on the court. The spirit with which the whole event was played by all students was incredible and there was a definite buzz around the school throughout the term. When the whole school did the Ya-Ya following the final, that spine-tingling spirit was clearly evident. Thanks to all students and staff who supported the competition with such enthusiasm, because that is how culture is formed. I have seen a lot of young men in training for the 2021 tournament. Can Foley defend his title? Time will tell. John Deer | Pastoral Leader - Treacy

Ignatius Park College 2020



Handball Championship


Homeless Project Year 10 Homeless Sleepout Experience

Year 12 Drop-In Centre Experience

Despite COVID-19 restrictions, the Year 10 Homeless Sleepout continued this year. The aim of this night is for students to have an experience of what it means to be homeless.

Once again, the Year 12 students were invited to attend the Townsville Drop In Centre to help cook a hot breakfast for those who have been Townsville homeless. This is an opportunity for our students to live the Touchstones meaningfully, and for our school to offer the students a chance to be compassionate within the community. We hope that by attending the Drop In Centre visits, our students will be inspired to be Edmund Rice People, and to make a difference in their sphere of influence as they move beyond the gates of Ignatius Park College.

The boys found the Sleepout a valuable experience, providing a greater understanding of the challenges associated with homelessness. The boys were involved in activities most of the night and generally 'slept rough' for the evening, with exhaustion hitting them the next day at school. Thank you to all who volunteered to assist on the night.


Ignatius Park College 2020

Patrick McMahon | Identity and Mission Coordinator - Faith in Service

The Indian immersion of 2019 was an eye-opening experience which allowed a group students and staff to travel to a country with an astounding diversity of religions, languages and unique cultures. The society of this incredible country, varied and complex in its rich heritage, is among the oldest in the world. The group of students were lucky enough to visit three diverse cities: the capital of India, New Delhi; Varanasi which is regarded as the spiritual capital of India; and the old capital of India, Kolkata. The trip started in New Delhi. This is where we visited charities, schools and did a slum walk. The charities we met with focused on the empowerment of women, the education of children and giving teenagers a voice to advocate themselves and others. We did what we could to help including going to a protest, helping children in classrooms and by listening to what they had to say. Our visits allowed us to make connections with Edmund Rice schools and develop solidarity with our friends who live ‘beyond borders.’ The cities of India were home to some of the kindest and happiest people I’ve ever seen. While in these

cities we were able to visit some amazing people and charities. Although the standard of living is poor, the people were very proud, welcoming and grateful. This was very shocking to see as people in Townsville have a better standard of living but the way we treat our neighbours and those in need is sometimes poor. Apart from going to India just to help in charities and schools, we able lucky enough to indulge ourselves in the incredible places of this beautiful country, including the Taj Mahal and Siddartha, the birthplace of Buddhism.. We were able to learn about several religions including Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism. As Mark Twain said, “India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition.” It was an amazing experience for all of us to learn more about this incredible place and its people and it has definitely changed all of our lives. Howard Keyes | Year 10

Ignatius Park College 2020



India Immersion


Instrumental Music Ignatius Park has continued this year to provide high quality tuition in music. Friendly and professional music experts have guided and trained our boys to progress in a variety of instruments, including guitar, bass, drums, piano, vocals, and saxophone. We have an outstanding group of instructors who are committed and passionate about teaching at Ignatius Park: Dave Roberts, Nic Mitchell, Sara Ferguson, Bo Taylor Hodgson and myself. All tutors have many years of experience, not only as teachers but as musicians. Their wealth of knowledge is authentic and current, and they always bring a positive, encouraging energy to the music room. The highlight this year was when a selection


Ignatius Park College 2020

of students from our instrumental program performed at our Music Showcase night in August, “Live at the Park”. Students and Tutors were able to present some of the songs and skills they had been working on and it was a wonderful, intimate night with family and friends. Learning a musical instrument has been proven time and time again to be beneficial to a young person’s development: mentally, academically, physically, emotionally and socially. We are very lucky at Ignatius Park to have such a high standard of music tuition and we highly recommend music lessons to one and all! Tess Higgins | Instrumental Music Coordinator

This year, the Arts Faculty launched a lunch series to celebrate the wonderful work of our creative students. Each fortnight in Term 3 focused on an individual subject area to share with other students and staff. In Week 2, Year 12 Drama presented Runaway Minds, a dramatic play devised, created, and performed by them. Congratulations to Miss Tamara Apenis and Year 12 Drama students for their amazing work as they explored the dual nature of creation and how human beings aren’t purely good or evil, as we all contain elements of both. The Music students entertained us in Week 4 with their musical talents. Shout out to Hayden Dunlop, Ben Herrero and Matthew Wilmen on fantastic performances that left the audience wanting more. Supporting and coordinating in the background were teachers Mr Matthew Thiele and Ms Tess Higgins. The Film, Television and New Media students took us on a European journey in Week 6, with

the Year 12 students designing and producing short films inspired by the two popular foreign film movements: French New Wave and German Expressionism. From unrequited love to bullying, first romance loss, these short films were outstanding and highlighted the amazing talents of the Year 12 FTVNM students led by their teacher Ms Katrina Guazzo. Our final session, Art Walk, opened the doors to the Visual Art rooms. From soapstone sculptures to large-scale murals, 3D art pieces to lino printing, it is always amazing to see the work the boys produce throughout the year. Thank you for Mr Brett Deneen, Mr Andrew Hodgson and Mr Craig Brown for drawing out the creativity inside your students. Live @ Lunch was a great way to share and celebrate with the wider school community our talented performers, film makers, musicians, and visual artists here at Ignatius Park College. Kylie Tillack | Faculty Leader - The Arts

Ignatius Park College 2020



Live @ Lunch


Outdoor Education and Camps Construction of the Gedling Flying Fox




I thank, most sincerely, on behalf of the College the following:

Since the beginning of construction of the high ropes course in 2009, the addition of a flying fox to the Gamp Gedling student facilities has always been a logical objective.

Burton Power for their supply of time and considerable materials to install pole stays.

Completion of the multi-function activity tower in 2018, provided the perfect take-off point and construction of the flying fox began in late 2019. Dry conditions over the Christmas break were perfect to bring the years of ideas and planning to fruition, with installation poles, stays and the first test line in early 2020. Now, with multiple test runs complete, suppliers are on standby for the final stage, that of forming the landing mound, installing safety braking systems and creating guidelines for safe operation, we look forward to project completion. Like many previous College projects associated with Camp Gedling, there are members of the wider College community who have generously given their own time, energy and material in support of the education and wellbeing of our students.


Ignatius Park College 2020

Steve Whitmore, Project Adventure Australia, for professional support and technical advice in the planning stage. Jason Brown, rigging contractor and professional stunt rigger, for the many extra hours of test runs and adjustments to tensioning to achieve optimal braking. Lee-Ann and Peter Fryer, Hervey Range landowners and long-standing College supporters, for their generous offer of fill for forming up the landing mound. We are looking forward to the completion of this exciting addition to the pastoral development and outdoor education of the boys and their ever-supportive College community. Steve Coleman | Outdoor Education Consultant

In Term 4, all Year 8 students attended a camp at our lovely venue on Hervey Range, Camp Gedling. They were scheduled to attend earlier int eh year, however, due to the COVID disruption, this was held over. They were very fortunate to be able to get to complete a variety of team-building activities unlike several other year levels. The first group saw Putney, Rice and Treacy venture up the range to complete a variety of activities. In the second half of the week, Baillie, Carew, Nolan, and Reid made their way to complete the same activities.

The next day they completed some good oldfashioned physical challenges, learned some bush tricks and some indigenous hunting skills. The ever-popular obstacle course greeted them on their second morning and as a group, they had to complete it as fast as possible using teamwork. They then learned some skills around leather work from some special presenters. Finally, they were fortunate to have some of our indigenous community members teach them how to throw a spear.

First, and most importantly, the boys were briefed and trained on snake bite first aide. Thankfully, this skill was not needed this year! Houses and smaller groups completed some team problem solving activities with their Pastoral Leaders and Homeroom teachers which further consolidation their relationships. They navigated a special course throughout the campsite using their orientation skills to solve a puzzle.

That night, they had a special House Activity and the evening concluded with a special Camp Concert. Using the phrase ‘entertainment’ would not exactly describe what occurred that night!

Reflection time was provided to allow them an opportunity to connect with nature and get them to start gaining a better understanding of who they are as a person. Going from some personal time to a group activity, they completed an African Drumming Circle session where they had to get in time with each other. A rhythmic beat echoed over the range that night!

By Day 3, they were well and truly tired and ready for home. Before that, they held the Obstacle Course Grand Final. A few quick games of T-Ball and a clean up of Camp Gelding and packing their tents away followed. By the time they got back to the College, there were some tired and weary Year 8 students! A very big thank you to the Year 8 Homeroom Teachers who attended. The Pastoral Leaders who led many of the activities and the Year 10 boys who helped on the camp. Craig Brown | Dean of Wellbeing

Ignatius Park College 2020



Outdoor Education - Year 8 Camp


Outdoor Education - Year 11 Leadership Camp Burn Bright was the theme for the Year 11 Leadership Camp. Despite many things being interrupted by Covid-19, the camp managed to go ahead with some modifications. We returned to our mystical camping site, Camp Gedling. From the start, the Year 11 students did indeed…burn bright. The camp started with ‘The Why and the White’. It was explained to them the purpose behind the camp. They were also given white bandanas which represented the white shirts they have the privilege of wearing next year as Seniors. From the get-go, the Year 11 boys took on the responsibility willingly. Without asking, they sorted their own sleeping arrangements and set up our communal meeting space. With an open mind and an open heart, they participated in a variety of activities designed to challenge them, get them to reflect and prepare them for next year. Working together, be it in pairs, small groups or as a whole cohort was the theme of the day. Some highlights were each House crammed together on a 1m2 piece of tarpaulin. The boys now know how close they should be! Balancing a container full of water whilst on their backs and having to remove shoes and socks replicated the delicate act of handling a variety of commitments and responsibilities, they will have next year. As dusk approached, they ventured on a very long hike. Along the way, they had to collect a stick to take back. However, due to fading sunlight, they had to turn around a mere 200 meters from their finishing point. That gave them something to ponder in terms of failure. There was a small group of injured boys who were not able to do the hike. Instead they had cooked up some very tasty burgers for the whole group, proving that regardless of circumstance, everyone


Ignatius Park College 2020

can contribute. After dinner, Mr. Deer shared some hard to hear truths that put life into perspective. The night concluded with the sticks collected from the hike being used in a bonfire. This illustrated the point that regardless of how large the stick, it contributed to the fire so it could ‘burn bright’. As they had previously experienced on numerous camps, some rain started to fall. By the sound of people running to their tents, it was if they had experienced rain for the first time. Excited chatter ran over Camp Gelding and torches flicked on and off like a strobe light for a while as they settled. Finally, the day caught up with them and the place went dark and silent. The next morning some early risers helped with setting up breakfast and we were on our way. We revisited a very popular activity from their younger years and they completed the obstacle course… but with a twist. The group completed some very valuable planning for 2021. They narrowed down their Year 12 and College Theme. They worked on their House culture and goals and completed a ‘slingshot on steroids’ activity that gave them the perfect opportunity to reflect on mob mentality. After lunch, they listened to the wise words of Shannon Seabolm, Coach of the Townsville Fire who had to overcome some very big obstacles in his career. The day, and camp, concluded with taking their white bandanas and completing an activity together to symbolise the group dynamic needed moving forward. They proved that they were well and truly ready to take over as Seniors of 2021. Craig Brown | Dean of Wellbeing

The Peer Mentor program here at Ignatius Park College is in its seventh year and is going strong. Our wonderful cohort of Peer Mentors have again provided their valuable time to support the Year 7s in their transition to high school. Like previous years, they assisted them in the first day and weeks of school, and attended Homerooms regularly. As everyone knows, 2020 has been anything but normal and so during our online learning phase the Year 11 Peer Mentors produced a welcome back video to show the younger grades and support them back to our College. Child Protection Week was again the focus for the Peer Mentors during the year with the annual Child Protection video featuring Atticus D’Mello, directed by Kaleb Lewis and produced by Don Raju. Big effort gentlemen! It was shown at Assembly with the theme for this year being Putting Children First. Along with gold coin donations for wearing red, they also sold an amazing amount of popcorn and soft drink with $1,000 being able to be donated to the Daniel Morcombe Foundation supporting Day for Daniel.

Year 12 Peer Mentors – Sincere thanks to our departing Peer Mentors who have been supporting the current Year 8 students over the last two years. Lachlan McDermid, Luke Forster, Caleb Gunn, Dante Calliste, Edwin Jomon, Brayden Ross, Mebin Martin, Matthew Blanchard, Fionn O’Seighin, Isaac Truett, Brandon Mackay, Elijah Weeks, Zachary Judge, James Rowan. Year 11 Peer Mentors – Bailey Umstad, Atticus D’Mello, Clancy Blacklock, Zachary Lee, Kaleb Lewis, Lachlan Bourke, John Beams, Alastair Mills, Tom Duffy, Zac Brunetto, Jordan Whiteside, Don Raju, Alexander Roubicek, Lachlan Parker. Peer Skills Facilitators – Dannielle Charge, Val Derwent, Patrick Mc Mahon, Katrina Guazzo, Marita Martinez, Rohan Lloyd, Nadine Burnett. Dannielle Charge & Valarie Derwent | Student Counsellors

Peer Mentors FRONT ROW:

Atticus D'Mello, Jordan Whiteside, Kaleb Lewis, Thomas Duffy, Lachlan Parker, Clancy Blacklock, Don Raju, John Beams SECOND ROW: Ms D. Charge, Mrs V. Derwent, Mebin Martin, James Rowan, Edwin Jomon, Ms K. Guazzo, Ms M. Martinez, Mrs N. Burnett THIRD ROW: Dr R. Lloyd, Luke Forster, Matthew Blanchard, Alastair Mills, Caleb Gunn, Zachary Judge, Mr P. McMahon ABSENT: Lachlan Bourke, Zac Brunetto, Dante Calliste, Zachary Lee, Brandon Mackay, Lachlan McDermid, Fionn O'Seighin, Brayden Ross, Alexander Roubicek, Isaac Truett, Bailey Umstad

Ignatius Park College 2020



Peer Mentors

Grease was the word at the start of this year. We commenced rehearsals in February with over 100 students from Ignatius Park College, St Margaret Mary’s College and St Patrick’s College to bring the 1950’s musical to the Townsville Civic Theatre in June 2020. Similar to the Grease storyline, friendships were formed, singing romance was in the air and adventures of high school teenagers in the 1950s started to come to life. It was wonderful to see the students stepping out of their comfort zone to twist, swing and croon away. Unfortunately, COVID-19 hit, and we had to hang up the leather jackets.

devastated not to be able to bring Grease to the stage. A massive thank you to all the teachers who supported with auditions, rehearsals and administration. Special mention to Ms Tamara Apenis, Mr Matt Thiele, Mr Leo Hogan and from St Margaret Mary’s College, Mr Chris Davis, for creating the dynamic Greased Lightin’ dance routine. Lastly, a huge thank you to the amazing cast who started this journey but did not get the accolades for their performance and dedication. We didn’t get to rule the stage this year but looking forward to future productions. Kylie Tillack | Faculty Leader - The Arts

The Combined School’s Musical is an important part of the arts calendar each year and we were

Koby Mescis, Harry Ballinger, Blake Koitka, Jordan Whiteside, Ryan Sutton, Kian Jenkinson, Cohan Russell, Cyrill Hold, Connor Kenyon, Chad Mrzyglocki SECOND ROW: Mr M. Thiele, Mrs K. Tillack, Liam Sutton, Reece Foley, Domenick Osborne, Max Gough, Lachlan Tapp, Christopher Heagney, Mr L. Hogan, Miss T. Apenis THIRD ROW: Mitchell Parker, Ethan Moody Humphrey, Ethan Woods, Taran Burkhardt, Daniel Knowles, Matthew Wilmen, Declan Keyes-West, William Bennett, Hunter Paull FOURTH ROW: Hayden Dunlop, Matthew Blanchard, Axel Lincoln, Lachlan McDermid, Dante Calliste, James Clarke, Fionn O'Seighin, Liam Coffey ABSENT: Nathaniel Barton, Jay-Jay Bennett, Ethan Burkhardt, Zachary Cozzitorto, Darcy Fredericks, Austin Keane, Riley Masters, Hayden McIntosh


Ignatius Park College 2020



Production FRONT ROW:





Book, Music and Lyrics By JIM JACOBS and WARREN CASEY BY ARRANGEMENT WITH ORiGiN™ THEATRICAL www.origintheatrical.com.au








Iggy Reef Guardians 2020 was quite lucky to have had their opportunity to still do sustainability projects this year despite the interruption of COVID-19. Several staff members and students were still able to attend in the Clean Up Australia Day weekend at Aplin’s Weir in March. Our Principal, Mr Shaun Clarke, has always been helpful in assisting staff and students on the day despite his busy schedule having to attend the Bishop’s Mass right after the clean up. The plan for next year is to do Step Up and Clean Up Australia Day at School. This will be Dr Lloyd’s brain child plan to carry out for 2021. Deep into COVID-19, GBRMPA initiated Zoom meetings with other Reef Guardian Schools and Iggy Reef Guardians was well represented by Atticus D’Mello, Mebin Martin, Kaleb Lewis and Dante Calliste. Discussions were mainly focused on protocols when visiting the reef. Not to be outdone, Greg Christ, the mover and shaker of EREBB, managed to entice St Kevin’s College (a New Zealand brother school) and Edmund Rice College from Wollongong, to discuss with Iggy Reef Guardians, their sustainability projects around the College, through Zoom meeting discussions. It was a surprise discovery that students from Edmund Rice College and IPC,

both struggle with students finding it difficult to clean up after morning tea and lunch breaks when their seating areas have rubbish bins situated almost a metre from their seats! Students from St Kevin's, on the other hand, didn’t have any issues with plastic rubbish at all as their schools have banned single use plastics and their students can not leave the cafeteria if they haven’t washed their cutleries. Sustainability guru, Patrick McMahon had been busy rejuvenating the original no dig garden near Brother’s house rainforest with some green thumb recruits this year. They have started cultivating some herbs to kick-start this year’s green thumb club. The sustainability group had their recruits collecting tins for the 10 cent exchange and they are laughing themselves on the way to the bank with their collection along with the count of tins collected from the hoop shooting corner at the Quadrangle. A big thank you to staff and students who have participated in the Reef Guardians and Sustainability efforts this year despite the COVID interference. Catherine Ventic | Teacher

Reef Guardians and Sustainability FRONT ROW: Connor Kenyon, Daniel Gregory, Mebin Martin, Declan Keyes-West, Mitchell Parker, Atticus D'Mello, Emil Jomon SECOND ROW: Ms. C. Ventic, Ms B. McLean, Kaleb Lewis, Jacob Pugh, Dr R. Lloyd, Mr P. McMahon ABSENT: Dante Calliste

Ignatius Park College 2020



Sustainability and Reef Guardians


Townsville Community Learning Centre


Lachlan Bourke, Lachlan Lerch, Thomas Duffy, Cohen Shucksmith, Benjamin McLean, Lucas Dummett SECOND ROW: Br J. Hansen, Andrew Edmonds, Alastair Mills, Brodie Powell, Clancy Blacklock ABSENT: Rishabh Bawa, Joel Basso, Zac Brunetto, Sean Bourke, Jarrod Chaillon, Mitchell Doyle, Renyn Eisel, Matthew Gilboy, Ashley Mayocchi, James Potter, Ronan Spiridonov, Lachlan Symss, Jordan Whiteside

Townsville to Cairns Charity Bike Ride Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride was cancelled for 2020. This ride raises much needed funds for cancer research with

students, staff and volunteers riding nearly 350km for the cause. Brian Geaney | Teacher

Townsville to Cairns Charity Bike Ride FRONT ROW: Rafael Pyers, Zac Bennett, Andrew Edmonds, Ardrijan Shahinper, Samuel Salvador, Drew Roberts SECOND ROW: Mr B. Geaney, Julian Fusco-Wright, Dante Calliste, Isaac Truett, Cohen Shucksmith, Mrs J. Roberts ABSENT: Mr P. Bruce, Darcy Cussen, Cormac Eakin, Kieran Truett


Ignatius Park College 2020

Ignatius Park College students had their heads shorn in March to raise funds for cancer research as part of World’s Greatest Shave. Around 60 students signed up for the shave, with some staff also brave enough to shave in front of an eager audience. The ‘Shave’ encourages people of all ages to shave, colour, or wax the hair on their head, chest or face – supported all the way by proud family, friends, colleagues and classmates. The World’s Greatest Shave is more than just a fun way for the boys to engage with fundraising for a great cause. Many of our students and staff have been personally affected by cancer. The shave allows our students to do something positive to ‘fight back’ against cancer. This year, we raised over $18,300.

Today, blood cancer is one of the top four most frequently diagnosed cancers and is one of the leading causes of death in Australia. More than 110,000 Aussies are living with the disease right now. The money raised by the World Greatest Shave goes directly to the Leukemia Foundation whose mission is to stand with every Australian to cure and conquer every type of blood cancer. The World’s Greatest Shave began in 1998 as a fun way to raise much needed funds for the Leukaemia Foundation. Now in its 22nd year, over 2 million Australians have taken part, with an estimated 37,500 kilograms of hair removed! The Shave set a new goal this year - Zero Lives Lost to Blood Cancer by 2035. Gian Guerra | Cultural Coordinator

Ignatius Park College 2020



World's Greatest Shave


Year 10 Exchange Program As part of the EREBB (Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders) initiative, Year 10 boys were invited to connect and share with EREA brother schools. Due to COVID-19 limitations, we are only able to exchange with St Brendan’s College Yeppoon this year.

Flynn Mintern – Carew Jacob Fowler – Carew Daniel Gregory – Reid Taj Petersen – Reid Riley Masters – Putney

The intent of the school exchange is to give Year 10 students an experience of the perspective of ‘the other’. It is a realistic, beginning-level exchange that explicitly builds confidence to enable students to engage in other immersive experiences. It allows for the sharing ideas between schools and further builds the understanding of the larger Edmund Rice Network.

We thank these boys for being outstanding role models for the college, along with teacher Drew Thompson and Michael Parker for accompanying the boys. We are also very grateful to St Brendans College for hosting and taking us on tours of the local area with their host brothers and staff. The exchange culminated with the group going together to Magnetic Island to do the Forts Walk together and share a day of activities in our island paradise.

Ignatius Park College boys involved were: Reece Foley – Baillie Max Gough – Baillie


Ignatius Park College 2020

Greg Christ | Identity and Mission Coordinator Liberating Education

Ignatius Park College 2020



The Year That Was


The Year That Was


Ignatius Park College 2020

Ignatius Park College 2020



Seniors of 2020





Rishabh BAWA

Nickname: Finn Achievements: Rugby Union UK tour, Rugby First XV, IPC Netball team, School and Reid House mascot, 1/10 on Chemistry. Interests: Rugby, kicking back with the lads, camping, crosswords. Ambitions: Live to 100 so I can get a letter from the Queen. Wisdom: If you follow the rules, you won’t have fun.

Nickname: Spatula Achievements: 2nd V Basketball 2020, 2017 NQ Indoor Cricket Interests: Cricket, Basketball, NFL, 2K. Ambitions: Finish university with a degree and travel to the US. Wisdom: “Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about the destination” - Drake

Nickname: Rishkabomb Achievements: Owned an Audi at 17 and Queensland Chess. Interests: Chess and Working at Night Owl. Ambitions: Own a Taxi. Wisdom: Never lower your head. Always hold it high. Look the world right in the eye.

William BENNETT Nickname: Hapnin Achievements: Short Film Festival, Addams Family Interests: Film-making, reading, drawing. Ambitions: To find a story I need to tell. Wisdom: Life is all about the struggle.

Matthew BLANCHARD Nickname: Matt Achievements: Didn’t drop out of Specialist Math, Peer Mentor, Musical. Interests: Technology, video games and Physics. Ambitions: Acquire a Bachelor of Engineering degree and make a successful career out of it. Wisdom: Always remember that you are completing high school, not your parents.


Charlton BIRD Nickname: C Bird Achievements: QLD representative for Basketball, Silver and Bronze Awards, Voluntary service for the community Interests: Camping, fishing and hanging out with my mates Ambitions: Become an all rounder who’s a good bloke to everyone. Wisdom: “Bad habits are easier to abandon today than tomorrow” - Walter White

Riley BIRMINGHAM Nickname: Birmo Achievements: Apprenticeship Interests: Fishing, camping and being outdoors. Ambitions: Have a happy family. Wisdom: Don’t wait for other people to take your opportunities!

Micheal BELL Nickname: Mic Achievements: Nothing fancy. Interests: Camping and fishing. Ambitions: Own my own cattle station. Wisdom: They say money can’t buy happiness, and maybe so, but it can by me a boat.

Corey BLAIR Nickname: Shardy Ambitions: Fishing. Wisdom: “First game of pool, sunk the 8 ball.”


Kurtis BRINK


Nickname: Boothy, CoolBossRyan Achievements: Fullback of the first U12’s NQ team to beat Met West (scored match winning try on the buzzer). Interests: Rugby League, Cricket, Steve Smith 2019 Ashes highlights, singing Toby Keith with Jazz Spry. Ambitions: Be my own boss, start a family, party with legends.

Nickname: Brinky Achievements: Carew Vice Captain, Football in UK. Interests: Sports and watching mates fish. Ambitions: Have fun and live life.

Nickname: Bruno Achievements: Playing for the First 13 Interests: Footy, fishing, camping and hanging with family and friends. Ambitions: Getting a Chippy apprenticeship and owning my own business one day. Wisdom: Everything happens for a reason.

Ignatius Park College 2020

Brocklan BRYANT Nickname: Brock Achievements: Nolan ViceCaptain and Gold, Silver and Bronze Academic Awards and Top 10 in Cross country, Senior year. Interests: Tennis, Running, Swimming, Coaching, Cars Ambitions: Complete my Medicine degree, specialise as a Paediatrician and be successful and happy in life. Wisdom: Success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success.

Will BUCHANAN Nickname: Will Achievements: First XIII Rugby League, Confraternity Champions 2019. Interests: Footy, spending time with mates. Ambitions: Keep playing footy, work as a plumber. Wisdom: You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


Thomas CAREY

Nickname: Dank Achievements: Diligence awards every year, multiple co-curricular awards within school and out of school. Interests: Martial arts and combat sports, gridiron, mountain and road biking. Ambitions: Serve in the Defence Force and join the Special Forces. Wisdom: A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.

Nickname: Tom, TC, Tommy Achievements: First V, First VII Netball. Interests: Hanging with mates, playing Footy and watching sport. Ambitions: Move to Brisbane and become Crosby’s boxing coach. Wisdom: Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.

Julian COLLINS Nickname: Jules Achievements: Silver Academic Award, Diligence Awards and trying my best at school. Interests: Skiing, video games and fishing. Ambitions: To learn and become smart. Wisdom: I’d be lying if I said things are going according to my plan...but beggars can’t be choosers?-Madara

Yanni COLLOCOTT Nickname: Yann Achievements: UK Tour 2019, First XI Captain, Rice House Mascot. Interests: Sport, Travis Scott, Kendamas. Ambitions: Be a well respected person and live a happy and successful life with my family. Wisdom: You live and you learn.


Harrison BUSWELL

Nickname: Tazza, Tiger-shark Achievements: Production Cast Member, Communion Certificate Interests: Animé, Baseball, Drama, Japanese, Gaming. Ambitions: To teach Japanese in Australia or teach English in Japan. To be the best I can possibly be. Wisdom: Life is like baseball. No matter how many times you swing and miss, you keep swinging.

Nickname: Buzzy Achievements: Didn’t go a year without a broken bone. Interests: Boating, camping and fishing with the boys. Ambitions: Go a year without a surgery, grow into a supportive bloke. Wisdom: If it’s impossible, don’t do it.

Caleb CHEESEMAN Nickname: Cheeso Achievements: Many sporting teams, medals and surviving school. Interests: Using my hands and getting dirty. Ambitions: Make money and have fun doing it.

Liam COFFEY Nickname: Coffee Achievements: Drama performances & debating, growing as a person and meeting the friends I have. Interests: Music, acting, forensics & enjoying life as it comes Ambitions: Leave a legacy in everything I do, make as much money as I can, and live as long as possible. Wisdom: Don’t live to die, find a passion. Take every chance you get to achieve & leave a lasting legacy.



Nickname: Chev Achievements: Completing Year 12. Interests: Hanging with mates. Ambitions: To move out into the mines for a diesel fitting job. Wisdom: Be a good bloke

Nickname: Ev Achievements: House Captain, made some great mates, school-based apprenticeship Interests: Buffing fun, Rugby, work, mates and family. Ambitions: To work hard now so I can retire early, also after 13 years of schooling learn the ‘write’ way to spell ‘right.’

Ignatius Park College 2020






Bailey CRAIG



Harrison DAVID

Nickname: BC Achievements: Following my dreams and getting my early acceptance letter into my desired university. Interests: Mad skidz, cars and photography. Ambitions: Become a famous car photographer and videographer. Wisdom: You can live in a car but you can’t race a house.

Nickname: Crossbow Achievements: Nothing yet Interests: MMA, boxing, fishing, hunting, camping, hanging with Mates. Ambitions: Attend and graduate from ADFA. Wisdom: Sacrifice comes before success, even in the dictionary.

Nickname: Ash Achievements: Getting my early offer. Interests: Reading, gaming, music, sports, food. Ambitions: Becoming a Radiographer. Wisdom: “Wisdom is the offspring of Suffering and Time.”

Nickname: HD Achievements: Suicide Prevention Walk, Shave for a Cure, Diligence Award, Battle of the Bands. Interests: Philosophy, Shakespeare, music, power lifting Ambitions: To become the best person I can be and help others. Wisdom: “Life is to short too care what others think of you, live life to what you think is best for you.”

Jayden DAVID


Nickname: Jaydo Achievements: Completed Year 12 education during the Coronavirus pandemic. Interests: Music and movies and games. Ambitions: To be able to own a successful business in the future. Wisdom: “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

Nickname: Mugga Achievements: Getting dropped from First Xlll Interests: Sunday evenings. Ambitions: Getting up big on the ponies. Wisdom: Never let your food go cold while watching someone else eat.

Jordaan DENLEY-HAY Nickname: Jordy Ambitions: To cure Parkinson’s disease.

Connor DEPOLD Nickname: Connor Achievements: Legal Studies Dux Year 11. Interests: Rain, cold nights, solitude, cheese. Ambitions: Travel and make a name for myself. Wisdom: Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing.



Alexander DIETRICH


Nickname: Joey Achievements: All of them. Interests: Earning money, sport and cars. Ambitions: Finish university and get a job I enjoy.

Nickname: DICKO Achievements: Getting my QCE after making it harder for myself than what it should have been. Interests: Fishing, camping, spearing, working on the tools with my old boy. Ambitions: To work along side my old boy as a builder and eventually start my own building company. Wisdom: Don't leave things too late and work your arse off.

Nickname: Dietch Achievements: Multiple sporting achievements. Academic achievements throughout high school. Interests: Long walks on the beach. Ambitions: Get to the microwaves first. Wisdom: “I’ll try next term” - Josh Kinsey

Nickname: JD, Tray-D Achievements: IPC water polo, NQ school Water Polo team Interests: Sports, fishing, camping. Ambitions: To have a stable job and be surrounded by good people. Wisdom: The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.


Ignatius Park College 2020

Hayden DUNLOP Nickname: Don't have one Achievements: Developing strong connections as a musician Interests: Music, tinkering with electronics and my car. Ambitions: To develop a strong career as a musician. Wisdom: If you had started doing anything two weeks ago, by today you would have been two weeks better at it. John Mayer

Joshua FARRINGTON Nickname: Josh, Fazz, Fazza Achievements: Prize for Informational Digital Media and Technology for Years 11 and 12, prize for Essential English for Year 11, Played the drums twice in Putney’s band. Interests: Playing Games, learning about Science and Technology. Ambitions: Become a Game Designer or IT Professional. Wisdom: To be a student of IPC you need to: get good grades, have fun, learn to be yourself, and enjoy every second.

Jeb EASTAUGHFFE Nickname: Jebby Achievements: Completing my Cert II in Engineering & Cert. I in Construction. Interests: Camping, 4 wheel driving, trophy truck racing. Ambitions: I would love to become part of a trophy truck racing team one day. Wisdom: It’s trust and character I want around me. Who you choose to be around lets you know who you are.

Sawyer FAULKS Nickname: Soy Sauce Achievements: Always being a brother to my brothers Interests: Sports and fixing up cars. Ambitions: To be someone I idolised growing up. Wisdom: Commit to being the bigger man, even if it sacrifices your dignity.

Nathan FORD


Nickname: Fordy Achievements: Coming top 8 in Cross Country with a head start. Interests: Rugby League and making memories with mates. Ambitions: For Covid to end so I can travel and have a happy ending. Wisdom: Treat today as your last - make the most of it.

Nickname: Forster Achievements: I am the Baillie Vice-House Captain. Interests: Working on cars/ utes, building computers, programming. Ambitions: Study I.T. at JCU next year then work for safety culture once my degree is finished. Wisdom: Don’t waste your time, because every second you’ve got is borrowed.

Brendan EATON


Nickname: Eato Achievements: 2018 T20 Cricket State Champion, 2nd V Basketball 2020. Interests: Hanging with the boys, 2k, cricket, Ms Oakley’s English Class. Ambitions: Travel the world with the boys. Wisdom: “It’s concerning that I’m more worried about this than you” - Ms. Rossi

Nickname: Eddo Achievements: Queensland Schoolboys for Cricket. Interests: Cricket, fishing. Ambitions: Become a Carpenter. Wisdom: Life is short, make the most of it.



Nickname: C-Fin, FINLAY, Better Brother Achievements: IPC First V Basketball 2020, Shave for a Cure x 3 ($2000+ raised in total). Interests: Basketball, being around the boys. Ambitions: To go to uni and study the course I want. Live my dream job daily. Wisdom: The moment you give up, is the moment you let someone else win.

Nickname: Papi Finlay, H FIN, Big Cat Achievements: Treacy House Captain, First V basketball, Open Netball, surviving ATAR Interests: Basketball, staying fit and having a good time with my mates. Ambitions: Meet a bunch of people, make a bunch of money and live a happy life. Wisdom: Make the most of every opportunity.

Cash FOSTER Nickname: Money Achievements: Graduating school Interests: Video games, technology. Ambitions: To find a way I can turn the things I enjoy most into a living. Wisdom: Don’t take things too seriously; learn to laugh at yourself and take one day at a time

Aiden FREEMAN Nickname: Freemo Achievements: Athletics x3 Track Age Champ, Cross Country x3 Age Champ, Sportsman of the Year Interests: Love a fish, 4WD, camping, basketball and golf with the boys. Ambitions: Surf Snapper Rocks or Shipstern Bluff. Wisdom: “Freeman, that’s the most rubbish I have heard someone talk within 50 min in my entire life” - Quabba

Ignatius Park College 2020






Julian FUSCO-WRIGHT Nickname: Jules Achievements: Townsville to Cairns bike ride - 4 years and Gold Academic Awards. Interests: Extreme sports, music, technology, business. Ambitions: Become a cyber security architect, entrepreneurship, travel the world. Wisdom: If your dreams do not scare you, then they are not big enough.

Ethan GASA Nickname: Evo Achievements: Flew a plane before driving a car. Interests: Aviation, travelling, dirt bikes and camping. Ambitions: Have an exciting job in the air force. Wisdom: It’ betta to be on the ground wishing you were in the air, than in the air wishing you were on the ground.

Joseph GREGORY Nickname: Joe/Joey Achievements: None Interests: Soccer and motorsports. Ambitions: Do something with soccer or planes. Wisdom: To dare is to do.


Braithe GALEA Nickname: Chungus/Popeye/ Tarzan Achievements: Overcame brain cancer. Interests: Gym. Ambitions: To be happy. Wisdom: Everyone is busy living their own life, stay true and do what makes you happy.

Angus GIBB Nickname: Gibby Achievements: Playing Rugby in the UK Interest: Spearfishing, fishing, camping 4WD and working Ambitions: : I aspire to become successful, not just in a financial stance but just a good quality of life. Wisdom: Just go out there and work hard doing what you love while having fun.

Caleb GUNN Nickname: Gunny Achievements: Various Academic Awards, UK Soccer Trip Interests: Sports, STEM and having a good time with the boys Ambitions: To achieve wealth, a good reputation and to never half send it. Wisdom: “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.”

Ignatius Park College 2020

Kobe GALLAGHER Nickname: Kobes Achievements: Made the UK team and travelled there for 3 weeks. Interests: Love the outdoors and just having as good time. Ambitions: Go full time as an apprentice fitter and turner. Wisdom: Lessons in life will be repeated until they are learned.

Dean GILLHAM Nickname: Deano Achievements: UK Rugby Tour 2019. Interests: Quality time with the boys. Ambitions: Get an apprenticeship.

Lachlan HALVORSENLEHNERT Nickname: Halvoo Achievements: Passing Specialist Math Interests: Spending money Ambitions: Win the lottery. Wisdom: Built different.

Corey GARNER Nickname: Cozza Achievements: Open Netball team. Interests: Having a good one with the boys. Ambitions: Continue to have a good one with the boys. Wisdom: Your legacy is being written by yourself, make the right decisions.

Dominic GODBOLD Nickname: Domlet Achievements: Made School Sport Teams and Passed Math Methods and Survived Grade 12 during COVID-19. Interests: Fishing, sport and camping. Ambitions: To be successful in my future jobs and live a purposeful life helping to preserve the earth’s reef. Wisdom: Winners are not those who never fail but those who never quit.

Edward HAMPSON Nickname: Eddie Achievements: First XIII Interests: Golf with the boys and footy Ambitions: To get my Learners. Wisdom: Get your license on your 16th and tell your parents you love them.

Nicholas HARDERS




Nickname: Nick Achievements: Getting the Mark Mewburn award. Interests: Becoming an actor. Ambitions: Buying a house one day. Wisdom: “To be the best, you must be able to handle the worst.”

Nickname: Ieuan Achievements: Dux of Vet, Industrial, Infrastructure and Resources. Winning the Queensland T20 Competition in 2017. Interests: Cricket, golf, music, hanging out with the boys Ambitions: Finish my Electrical Apprenticeship in Townsville, and then move to Brisbane and travel the world. Wisdom: The secret of life is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”

Nickname: Andy Achievements: Representing the school two years in a row for Rowing. Interests: Music, sports Ambitions: To become an engineer. Wisdom: The scariest moment is always just before you start.

Nickname: Gus Achievements: Survived Specialist Mathematics. Interests: Motocross, mountain biking and gym. Ambitions: To become a successful Tax Lawyer. Wisdom: Don’t choose Specialist Mathematics.

Benjamin HERRERO Nickname: Hero Achievements: School based apprenticeship, being a good friend, theatre and music performances, finishing school. Interests: Martial arts, music, socialising with new people, travel, adventure. Ambitions: To have new experiences and pursue those who and what I love. Wisdom: Always love and fight for love.


Tai-Reece HILL


Nickname: Hilly Achievements: Successfully obtaining a school based apprenticeship. Interests: Cars, music, sport, kicking back with the lads. Ambitions: My ambitions are to own a business, pay my mortgage off, travel the world and start a family. Wisdom: Don’t worry about those who talk behind your back, they’re behind you for a reason.

Nickname: Tai Achievements: First 13, Confro champs 2019, QATSIF award 2019 Interests: Enjoy time with the boys, connecting with culture Ambitions: Live my life to the fullest. Wisdom: “If you’re absent during my struggle don’t expect to be present during my success.”

Nickname: Locky Achievements: Getting an early offer. Interests: Gaming, watching sports, drawing, cooking, gym, music. Ambitions: Becoming a nurse. Wisdom: There is a fine line between consideration and hesitation. The former is wisdom, the latter is fear.




Nickname: Tony Achievements: Origami Master Interests: Technology and video games. Ambitions: Get a Bachelor of Information Technology. Wisdom: Dream, not of what you are, but of what want to be.

Nickname: Hoffo Achievements: Starting my own business. Interests: Videography, photography, cars, business stock trading. Ambitions: Run my own successful, self-sustaining business. Wisdom: The easiest road doesn’t necessarily lead to wealth.

Nickname: Holcroft Achievements: Competed at National Championships for rowing. Rowing Vice Captain. Went to TCLC to help out. Interests: 4 wheel driving, camping, fishing and car mods Ambitions: My ambitions are to have a full time job and starting a family. Wisdom: Enjoy the good times before they are gone.

Jack HOLT Nickname: Holty Achievements: Made mates and connections that I’ll never lose. Ambitions: To have my own electrical business.

Ignatius Park College 2020









Zachary JUDGE

Nickname: Howelly Achievements: Year 7 and 8 school Soccer. Year 8 Diligence Award. Passed a Unit of Specialist Mathematics. and Interests: Soccer and spending time with the boys Ambitions: Work out what I want to do. Wisdom: “True story” - Uncle Daz

Nickname: Humps Achievements: First VII Netball, Townsville Yard Maintenance ‘Most Valued Employee’, Reid House Captain Ambitions: To make a difference and impact the world in a positive way. Wisdom: Chase your losses.

Nickname: Jomonster Achievements: Dux of Year 11, Deus Caritas Est. Award Recipient, Survived 2020, topped Ethan W in everything. Interests: Chemistry of all kinds, tennis, astronomy, religion. Ambitions: Become a Chemical Engineer, give back to IPC. Wisdom: Stop, Look and Listen.

Nickname: Judgey Achievements: IPC Rowing Captain, Putney Vice House Captain, Peer Mentor, Eddie Rice Dash 1st Place Interests: Rowing, Hockey, Having fun with family and friends Ambitions: Have a happy life close to friends and family and make a positive difference in the lives of others Wisdom: If you're not confused, you're not paying attention.

Harrison KEIR

Joseba KELLY



Nickname: Haz, Harri or Disco Achievements: College ViceCaptain, 1st XV Captain, 1st VII Player, UK Rugby Union Tour, Open Track Champion and Interests: Camping, Rugby Union, water sports, cutting the rug with Mocco, spending time with family & friends Ambitions: Play 100 tests for the Wallabies, complete my electrical apprenticeship. Wisdom: “A strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others.”- Ben from Barnyard

Nickname: Seb Achievements: 2019 Silver Academic Recipient, 2019 Dux of Engineering recipient Interests: Spending Money, Physics and Architecture Ambitions: Travel overseas frequently. Wisdom: Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not.

Nickname: Keyesie Achievements: Having Mr. Spina for three years in a row. Interests: Musical Theatre, singing, crossfit Ambitions: To help those in need. Wisdom: Never settle for less and always strive for more.

Nickname: Kinsey Achievements: Would’ve made All Schools if it wasn’t cancelled. Also passed a unit of Specialist Mathematics. Interests: Astronomy, fishing and hanging with the boys. Ambitions: Look better in every other photo. Get over my fear of wild pigs. Own a car younger than I am. Wisdom: “Global Warming is fake” - Uncle Daz and If you don’t think Mr. Groves is funny, you don’t understand humour.




Christopher KIRK Nickname: Kirky Achievements: Successful day trader Interests: Cars and financial markets. and Ambitions: Life and family. Wisdom: Turn your wounds into wisdom.


Nickname: Kirky Achievements: First XV and Rugby Union UK squad Interests: Sports and games Ambitions: Do things that I enjoy. Wisdom: Google some.

Ignatius Park College 2020

Nickname: Matthew Interests: Football, finding the meaning of life and the derivative of lnx Ambitions: and Finish university, make my parents proud. Wisdom: and I’m only laughing to make you feel better.

Achievements: Completing school, getting a job, having a solid group of friends Interests: Fishing, boating, acting, hanging out with mates Ambitions: To be a happy successful person. Wisdom: Aim for the stars because even if you fail, you will land somewhere on the moon.

Braithen KNOX




Nickname: Brizzle Achievements: First XIII, Confraternity Shield 2019, Townsville Blackhawks Interests: Rugby League, gym, hanging with the balas, physical education. Ambitions: Rugby League, diesel mechanic, family, health. Wisdom: We got dreams, and we got the right to chase ‘em

Nickname: Kratzy Achievements: Made numerous representative football teams, gained multiple academic and behaviour rewards. Interests: Sports, Soccer, Basketball, Economics, Music Ambitions: To become successful in my future career and achieve happiness. Wisdom: “Limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.” - Michael Jordan

Nickname: Laffo Achievements: Senior Social Basketball, NQ Football team Interests: Soccer, Economics, Business Ambitions: Become a Business Manager. Wisdom: Give everything a try and never give up no matter how dire the situation.

Nickname: Lairdy Achievements: Employed by Bunnings and participated in handball competition. Interests: Gym, Camping and making good memories. Ambitions: Study Paramedicine. Wisdom: Do what’s best for YOU.

Kmani LEVI Nickname: Mani Achievements: Apprenticeship Interests: Rugby League. Ambitions: I wanna be better than I was yesterday. Wisdom: “I can accept FAILURE; everyone fails at something, but what I can’t accept is NOT TRYING.”

Zack LOWE Nickname: Lowie Achievements: Vice House Captain. Interests: Rugby League and mowing lawns. Ambitions: To take Townsville Yard Maintenance to the next level. Wisdom: One man’s fault is another man’s lesson.

Sebastian LYNCH Nickname: Seb Achievements: Switching Maths before I lost a QCE point Interests: Basketball, Video games and trying to earn money for my future. Ambitions: To study and finish a law degree at university. Wisdom: School isn’t the issue; your mindset is. Fix it.

Brandon MACKAY Nickname: Brandog Interests: Technology, Law Ambitions: I want to study Engineering. Wisdom: Let the world change you and you can change the world.





Nickname: Sam Achievements: Getting a school based apprenticeship. Interests: Camping, four wheel driving and working on cars. Ambitions: My goal is to get my qualifications as a mechanic and an auto electrician. Wisdom: Live life to the fullest as you only live once.

Nickname: JMart Achievements: Where do I start? Interests: 2k, the boys, music. Ambitions: Finish uni with a degree. Wisdom: “You can pay for school but you can’t buy class.” – Jay-Z

Nickname: Mebsy, Mebster Achievements: Prefect, Proxime Accessit, Christian Leadership, Long Tan Youth Leadership, Short Film Festival. Interests: Film-making and cricket. Ambitions: Always seek new experiences. Wisdom: Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.

Nickname: Micky Dees Achievements: Ensemble member for Addams Family musical 2019 and Cast as a lead in the unperformed Grease 2020. Interests: Writing short stories, creating short films, acting and storytelling. Ambitions: To be an actor or a film writer. Wisdom: “You’re only given one little spark of madness, you mustn’t lose it.” - Robin Williams

Ignatius Park College 2020










Nickname: Jetty Spaghetti Achievements: Spending 52560 hours of my life for a piece of paper and a handshake. Interests: Pretending to think hard when the teacher’s looking at me. Ambitions: Give my parents back everything that they have given to me. Wisdom: Value happiness over money.

Nickname: Llama Achievements: First XIII, U18 Blackhawks. Interests: Footy, Fishing, Hunting and spending time with the Boys Ambitions: To be happy in life. Wisdom: No regrets.

Nickname: Minnsy, Spriggsy, Mr. TYM, Lewbacca Achievements: Top Math mark Term 2 2015. Did pretty well in U12 NQ AFL trials. Lots of other stuff. Interests: Music and Mowing Lawns with my hard working mates and Achromatic Leaf Painting and The Great Outdoors Wisdom: “I ain’t felt like this in a long time” - Playboi Carti

Nickname: Don’t have one Achievements: Getting a contract with the Brisbane Broncos. Playing first Xlll. Interests: Camping, fishing, hunting, 4WD and rugby league Ambitions: To become a successful electrician and enjoy life. Wisdom: Be true to yourself and follow your dreams.

Daniel MOMAN


Jared MITCHELL Nickname: JMITCH Achievements: College captain, First XV, Open netball, open football, State Champs 2018, apprentice. Interests: Mucking around with the boys and exploring the outdoors. Ambitions: Meet myself a beautiful lady and have an amazing family. Wisdom: Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

Lachlan MOORE Nickname: Moore / Lachie Achievements: Proxime Accessit of Year 10, Dux of Digital Solutions & Design Year 11, Survived 2020. Interests: All things computers and coding, astronomy, physics, rowing. Ambitions: Getting accepted into QUT, acquiring a Bachelor of Computer Science, growing a family. Wisdom: Always take the chance to better yourself.


Lachlan MITCHELL Nickname: Mitchy Achievements: Playing rugby. TCLC attendance. Interests: Fishing, 4wd driving, camping. Ambitions: To be able to successfully finish my apprenticeship and move away. Wisdom: The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room. Right here, right now.”

Jack MORTON Nickname: Morto Interests: Politics, music, video games. Ambitions: I want to be a good person. Wisdom: “Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.”

Ignatius Park College 2020

Nickname: Moey Achievements: Gaining an apprenticeship Interests: Fishing and outdoors and rc hobbies. Ambitions: Get an aircraft licence. Wisdom: Study hard to achieve great things.

Lachlan MOSS Nickname: Mossy Achievements: Represented Iggy in the UK for Rugby Union Interests: Love camping and four wheel driving. Ambitions: To become a pipe welder in the mines and make my family proud. Wisdom: “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” and - George Bernard Shaw

Nickname: Moody Achievements: Becoming a Prefect and walking the Kokoda Track. Interests: Experiencing new things and getting out of my comfort zone. Ambitions: To be successful in the life I choose, see the world, and experience life first hand. Wisdom: Life can be hard but it’s a lot harder if you dwell on it.

Hudson MURRAY Nickname: Murr Interests: Oztag Ambitions: Go to uni. Wisdom: I can smell everything.

Brigaire NEZA Nickname: Brigzzy Achievements: Finishing high school “LET’S GOOOOO!” Interests: Spending time with family and friends and playing sports. Ambitions: You will find me traveling and accomplishing big things in life cause I’m built like that. Wisdom: Nothing lasts forever but at least we’ve made unforgettable memories. and Love is the key -Brigzzy 2015

Mitchell PARKER Nickname: Mitchyp Interests: Travelling, spending time with the boys, music and chess. Ambitions: I want to be happy. Wisdom: Everyone ends up downriver . . . eventually.

Maverick PEGORARO Nickname: Mav, Peg, Pego Achievements: 2nd place recipient on many occasions, House Skip with a Paddy Carew Shield. Interests: Family first, camping and any sporting trip. Ambitions: To travel & secure a position in University. Wisdom: 2020 wasn’t it.

Lachlan NUGENT Nickname: Nuggo Achievements: Became the man, Blackhawks Ballboy U10-14 Interests: Footy and Touch footy Ambitions: Be happy and be the best man I can be. Wisdom: You’re your only competition.

Anthony O’HAGAN (MYERS) Nickname: Big Tony Achievements: Being able to come to Iggy. Interests: I like music, sports, cooking, reading and watching films. Ambitions: To get a job and stay positive. Wisdom: “Every exit is a entry somewhere else.”

Fionn O’SEIGHIN Nickname: FINI Achievements: Represented Iggy for Mulkadee & other notable drama performances, diligence, being the best mate. Interests: League, acting, MMA & all round happy moments. Ambitions: To spread love. Be a great man, friend, husband, son, brother & father. To live life like I was dying. Wisdom: Do not fear what you don’t understand, learn to understand cause then there’s nothing to fear.


Hunter PAULL

Nicholas PEARCE

Nickname: KP Achievements: Learning what I hold closest to my heart. Interests: Getting rowdy and having a laugh with the boys. Ambitions: Owning and running my own Fitness Centre/Gym. Wisdom: You will get nowhere from sitting and thinking. Start to walk and you will know when you must turn.

Nickname: Hunju Achievements: Lifelong friends and relationships, essential education. Interests: Science, technology Ambitions: Dream job (whatever that may be), fulfilling life, to give back. Wisdom: Build people up, don’t bring them down - as taught by Mr. Hogan.

Nickname: Pearcey Achievements: First XV, Rugby UK Tour, Interschool Athletics and Swimming every year. Interests: Rugby, sports, hanging out with the boys Ambitions: To enjoy life to the fullest. Wisdom: If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it, then how bad a decision can it be?

Ethan PEMMELAAR Nickname: Pemm Achievements: Rice House Vice Captain...that’s about it. Interests: Sport, music, driving hatchbacks. Ambitions: To gain meaningful employment and to be remembered for what I am best known for... Wisdom: Pick the right path from the start.

Jaidan PENNY Nickname: Penny Achievements: School Based Apprenticeship, First XV and receiving a Blue Dog hat. Interests: Rugby and the boys. Wisdom: Dig in and have a go.

Sebastian PETRIE Nickname: Swifty Achievements: Getting my P’s Interests: Cars and mates Ambitions: Turbo the swift.

Ignatius Park College 2020






Jack RASMUSSEN Nickname: Rassy Achievements: Received the Phoenix Award in 2018 and a Modern History Academic Award the same year. Interests: Exercise sciences Ambitions: Stay alive and enjoy life.

Connor ROMANO Years at IPC: 2015-2020

Luke SALDANA LOPEZ Nickname: Pommy Achievements: Oztag, football and running. Interests: Jesus, business, politics, cats and hanging out with mates. Ambitions: Work for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade & make bank. Wisdom: LiVe, lAuGH & LoVe.


Taylen REASONS Nickname: Reaso Achievements: Finally being successful in my studies. Interests: Basketball, mates Ambitions: Refrigeration business, property investor. Wisdom: Be the king, or walk around like you don’t care who the king is.


Raheem ROLFE

Nickname: Kyle Achievements: Currently beating Wilko. Interests: Albanian Immigration Policy Ambitions: Beat Wilko. Wisdom: Apple > Samsung

Nickname: Heemy Achievements: Getting an apprenticeship. Interests: Playing sports, seeing family and friends and spearfishing. Ambitions: Play NRL or to finish my apprenticeship and go to the mines. Wisdom: Whenever you feel like giving up, think of all the people who would love to see you fail.

Brayden ROSS


Lachlan RYAN

Nickname: B.Ross Achievements: Making it through senior schooling, visiting the homeless shelter, helping out at the Toast Room. Interests: Boxing, Muay Thai, Basketball and spending quality time with the boys. Ambitions: Become a boxing trainer. Wisdom: Every next level of your life will demand a better you.

Nickname: Da Jimborghini, Jimmy Achievements: CQU Distinction in Psych, Aus. Futsal, Professional U18 Rebels bench-warmer, got into ANU, Blue Wall. Interests: Reading, Psychology, the Broncos not getting another wooden spoon, Sport, Kanye becoming president. Ambitions: Get my PhD in Psychology, then become a professor at ANU. Not get fat again. Find lifelong happiness. Wisdom: Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Nickname: Lochy Achievements: Making the Rugby Union UK team, QLD team, NQ team. Interests: Fishing, camping, 4wdriving. Ambitions: My goal in life is to make the best of my time, being traveling and just having fun with the people I love. Wisdom: Make the best of all the opportunities you get.

Jayvan SCARFF Nickname: J/ Scarffy Achievements: Baillie House Captain, winning Swimming Carnival 5 times, First XV Vice Captain & NQ Rugby Union. Interests: Rugby Union, Oztag, gym, family & friends Ambitions: Fulfil my dreams, be in a job I love & give back to my parents. Wisdom: Do today what others won’t so tomorrow you can do what others can’t.

Ignatius Park College 2020

Aiden SCOTT Nickname: Scotty Achievements: 2019 European Rugby Tour, First XV Rugby Union, First Seven Netball, befriending Josh Donlon. Interests: Footy, hanging with the boys Ambitions: To be happy. Wisdom: People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday.

Cooper SCOTT Nickname: Scoop Achievements: Rice House Handball Semi-Finalist and Second String Rice Hypeman. Interests: All the smoke. Ambitions: Play for the First 15. Wisdom: If you try to fail, but succeed, which one have you done?

Lachlan SCOTT Nickname: Scottie Achievements: Making 6 years worth of life long memories with some amazing blokes. Interests: Footy, Basketball, Music and shenanigans with the boys. Ambitions: Go to uni and study engineering. But, if that doesn’t work, I’m bloody good in the KFC drive thru. Wisdom: “The scumbag persona is just for shock value” - Daniel Hernendez

Aiden SIMKIN Nickname: Simmo Achievements: Confraternity Champion 2019, College Prefect. Interests: Weightlifting and reading the Touchstone Awards on Assembly. Ambitions: Compete at world champs for weightlifting, take the Courier off-road. Wisdom: “I don’t know what to right. I mean wright”- Evan

James STEPHAN Nickname: Stephan Achievements: 2018 Cross Country winner. Interests: Crossfit and Rugby League. Ambitions: Joining the Australian Defence Force. Wisdom: Get involved because school only happens once.

Jack SEVIOR Nickname: Sev Wisdom: Pike in the last

Kai SIMMONS Nickname: Simmo (the real one) Achievements: Rode to Cairns 3 times for charity, School Prefect and almost made the school Netball team. Interests: Playing unwanted guitar to the boys and driving Daddy’s cruiser. Ambitions: Be successful, happy and find out why I did ATAR. Wisdom: Hang out with the boys every opportunity you get.

Joel STEVENS Nickname: Stevo Achievements: Too many to list. Interests: Rugby League, Oztag, wasting time, among many others. Ambitions: Maintain homoeostatic equilibrium. Wisdom: “Don’t do what I did” - Me

Julian SEWELL Nickname: Sewellzy, Leroy Jr. Achievements: Year 12 Social Basketball Team Interests: Cricket, hanging with mates. Ambitions: Live the best life.

Jazz SPRY Nickname: Spryzee Achievements: Buying my first car by myself. Interests: Singing Toby Keith. with Ryan Booth to our heart’s content. Fishing, hunting, camping. Ambitions: Play professional Rugby League or build my own house. Wisdom: Bring back the biff

Joshua SWAIN Nickname: Swainy Achievements: The Proxime Accessit of Year 11. Year 11 Dux of Biology and Chemistry. Interests: Restoration and maintenance of vintage/classic cars. Ambitions: Become a worldrenowned and respected physician within the medical field. Wisdom: “How can the sky be the limit when there’s footprints on the moon?” ~ Young Sinatra

Timothy SHARMAN Nickname: Chickenjoe Achievements: Obtaining an apprenticeship. Completing Grade 12. Winning the mini jackpot. Interests: Family and outdoors Ambitions: To start up my own electrical business. Wisdom: Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.

Bailey STAGG Nickname: Staggy Achievements: Got a traineeship with the Girrugun rangers. Interests: Playing sport, eating food, connecting with the boys Ambitions: Want to make it to a higher place with the Girrugun Rangers and become a better version of myself. Wisdom: Make your idols your rivals, live life as a risk.

Hayden TARLINGTON Nickname: Tarlo Achievements: Buying my first car. Interests: Four wheel driving, camping, soccer Ambitions: To gain an Electrical Apprenticeship. Wisdom: You’ll never walk alone.

Ignatius Park College 2020







William THOMAS

Gary TOM

Nickname: Zephyr Achievements: Meeting decent and awesome people while being here. Getting to Year 12. Interests: Hanging with friends, meeting new people, video games, living a life I want to live. Ambitions: Living how I want and not how people want me to live. Wisdom: Live how you want and make sure you enjoy your life. A life without fun is not a life at all.

Nickname: Willyt Achievements: Boxing for 3 years and had a fight. Gained muscle mass. Interests: Weightlifting and hanging with mates Ambitions: Work in childcare. Wisdom: Follow your dreams.

Nickname: Bala Gazza Achievements: Playing footy during the past years. Recovering from surgery. Interests: Play Rugby, gym, food, golf, hanging out with my balas Ambitions: My ambition is to work with my dad and be a better me. Wisdom: “Never stop learning because life never stop teaching.”

Isaac TRUETT Nickname: Truey Achievements: 4xTCBR, State rower. Interests: Design, rowing, triathlons. Ambitions: Travel the world and become an Engineer. Wisdom: Hours expire, but memories last a lifetime.





Nickname: Kezz Achievements: Townsville to Cairns bike ride and 4 years Sergeant in the Air Force Cadets. Interests: Aviation, music & triathlon Ambitions: ADF Pilot. Wisdom: Great things never come from comfort zones.

Nickname: Diego Achievements: I had the opportunity to play for the Under 14’s Queensland soccer team. Interests: Sport, reading and fishing. Ambitions: To provide not only for myself, but for my family. Wisdom: “Every moment is a fresh beginning” - T.S Eliot

Nickname: V Achievements: A’s in Essential Maths and English, finishing a Family Box in under 10 minutes. Interests: Rugby league, gym, food, Xbox, spending time with the boys Ambitions: Rugby League, being the best version of myself. Wisdom: They laugh at me because I am different; I laugh at them because they are all the same.

Nickname: Trey-way Achievements: Signed a contract with North Queensland Cowboys. Interests: Footy and fishing Ambitions: To play in the NRL. Wisdom: Don’t limit your challenges, limit your challenges.

Jacob VITALE Nickname: Turbo Achievements: Snapped 2nd once. Interests: Carwash, skids, cruises, monster energy. Ambitions: Add a Nagasaki spooli boi to my car. Wisdom: You can live in a car, but you can’t race a house.


Bailey WADDINGTON Nickname: Kermit Achievements: Opened my third eye. Interests: BCF and motorbiking Ambitions: Explore the world. Wisdom: Stupid is knowing the truth, seeing the truth but still believing the lies. Don’t be stupid.

Ignatius Park College 2020

Malachi WARE Nickname: SPACEMARN Achievements: Participating in the Cultural Tour - Long Walk and the Deadly Awards. Interests: Keeping connected with my mates and staying strong in culture. Ambitions: Be a good provider for my family, spend time on country and support other Indigenous kids anyway I can. Wisdom: Ask for help along the way and put your head down because school will go quick as.

Lachlan WHEREAT Nickname: Whez Achievements: Plays the best music in homeroom. Built the chicken Taj Mahal. Interests: Sporting, outdoors, Post Malone Ambitions: Travel the world, experience new cultures. Wisdom: Focus on becoming the best possible figure for those that look up to you.

Benjamin WHITE



Nickname: Ben Interests: Rocket Ambitions: Earn lots of money. Wisdom: “A bad day fishin’ is better than a good day workin’ “ Matthew Blanchard 2020

Nickname: Whitty Achievements: Carew House Captain, Original First V. Interests: AFL, camping, fishing, cashies. Ambitions: Work for Townsville Yard Maintenance. Wisdom: Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.

Nickname: Wilko Achievements: Saved up money and bought my first car. Interests: maths, gaming, music, gym, driving. Ambitions: Become an engineer. Wisdom: Sent to email.

Matthew WILMEN



Nickname: Matt Achievements: Achieving and performing as a main role in both the 2019 Addams Family and 2020 Grease Productions. Interests: I am mostly interested in areas of creativity and expression such as Theatre, Animation and Music. Ambitions: Become a professional in the creative industry (actor/voice actor, musician, etc.). Wisdom: Time is an illusion; it won’t feel worth spending until you no longer can.

Nickname: Wilshere Achievements: My greatest achievement is the people around me. Interests: Cars, cars and also cars Ambitions: To become the best version of myself.

Nickname: Woodsy Achievements: First in Open Cross Country. Interests: Rugby Union Ambition: Squeeze every bit out of life. Wisdom: Life flashes by, so much sure you're watching.



Nickname: Wrighty Interests: Spending quality time with the boys. Ambitions: To jam on. Wisdom: Find a job at end of Year 10 while you can.

Nickname: 10 FF Achievements: My greatest investment: Johnathan. Interests: Sightseeing Ambitions: For Covid to be gone and to travel. Wisdom: Do all the dumb stuff now while you’re still at school.

Samuel WILLIAMS Nickname: Camel Achievements: Lungs of steel Interests: Motorbike riding, boating and camping. Ambitions: To live a happy and stable lifestyle in the future. Wisdom: Go hard or go home.

Kynan WREGG Nickname: Wreggy Achievements: Gaining an apprenticeship. Interests: Four wheel driving, camping, fishing, outdoors. Ambitions: Qualified tradesperson. Wisdom: If in doubt, power out.

Ignatius Park College 2020





Graduation Liturgy


Ignatius Park College 2020

Ignatius Park College 2020



Graduation Liturgy


Graduation Liturgy


Ignatius Park College 2020

Ignatius Park College 2020



Graduation Liturgy


Senior Poem and Senior Song By Zachary Judge

I’ll tell you now a story of a boy with his life ahead He sat at home with a world of thoughts, crowded in his head. An endless number of questions came of this, that and the other. Who better to get an answer from – none other than his brother? “What’s it like at Iggy?” “Your first day will be crazy, With lots to see and do, But really, it’s no biggy.” Unimpressed by such an answer, this boy knew he would just have to wait and see. So, came the day in hat and shorts to match his brother in blue, Out of the car he hopped, pulling on his freshly shined shoes. Looking like an Iggy boy with his shirt in and socks up, He embarked on his long journey to become a grown-up. In the Hall, this boy was told to sit down by a giant, Nervous and apprehensive, he was more than compliant. This giant promised that his time at Iggy would be great, But the only thing he could think was where he’d find a mate. At first the Park was filled with fear, Our days of blue and white were here. Seek truth, work hard and nurture our relationships with one another, We learned these priceless words from Kearney, Conn, and Brother. Ever since we started here, we have been a trial run, But that never stopped us from having our own fun. Sometimes, if we carried on too much for our own good,

We’d spend some time here after school, until we understood. We were the first Year 7s, our place in history clear, This blessed place has given us more confidence than fear. Standing now I feel proud to wear this uniform and this crest, As my heart beats with pride, beneath it, here in my chest. The legend of becoming an old boy seemed far away, But now we leave as part of that legacy here today. A lot has changed at this great college, And a few things I should acknowledge, Mr Clarke became our new Principal, Gone are the days of Gaelic Football. Boys came and went from the roll of our Homeroom, But perhaps most devastating of all, Nutella is gone from the Toast Room. Despite such incredible change, Our love of this place could not estrange. For some we will part and go our own way, But the memory of the boys will stay. I’m glad to say we got amongst it, had a dig and made some memories long the way. So, after my time here, was my brother right? He was. Iggy is a crazy place with a whole lot to take in, But it’s also a place of brotherhood as strong as kin. Thank you Iggy for the giving me a family 1200 strong, And for teaching me what is right from wrong. To the boys in front of me, you will hold a place in my heart, Don’t ever let our futures keep us apart.

I Lived - Carrollton I hope that you take that jump And you don't fear the fall I hope when the water rises You built a wall And I hope the crowd screams out Screaming your name I hope if everybody runs You choose to stay And I hope that you fall in love And it hurts so bad The only way you can know Is give it all you have And I hope that you don't suffer But take the pain I hope when the moment comes you'll say I, I did it all And I, I did it all I owned every second That this world could give I saw so many places


The things that I did With every broken bone I swear I lived


I hope that you spend your days And they all add up And when the sun goes down I hope you raise your cup And I wish that I could witness All your joy and all your pain But until my moment comes I'll say

With every broken bone I swear I, I did it all And I, I did it all I owned every second That this world could give I saw so many places The things that I did With every broken bone I swear

I, I did it all And I, I did it all I owned every second That this world could give I saw so many places The things that I did With every broken bone I swear I lived

Ignatius Park College 2020

Every broken bone

With every broken bone I swear With every broken bone I swear I lived.

AUTOGRAPHS Ignatius Park College 2020





Ignatius Park College





Telephone: (07) 4796 0222 Fax: (07) 4796 0200 Email: info@ipc.qld.edu.au Web: www.ipc.qld.edu.au


384 Ross River Road, Cranbrook 4814 P.O. Box 121, Aitkenvale, Queensland, 4814


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Articles inside


pages 157-171

Graduation Liturgy

pages 172-175

Senior Poem and Senior Song

pages 176-180

Year 10 Exchange Program

page 154

The Year That Was

pages 155-156

World's Greatest Shave

page 153

Sustainability and Reef Guardians

page 151


page 150

Live @ Lunch

page 145

Outdoor Education and Camps

pages 146-148

Peer Mentors

page 149

Instrumental Music

page 144

India Immersion

page 143

Homeless Project

page 142

Faith in Action

page 140

Handball Championship

page 141

Edmund Rice Day

page 137

Ensemble Music

page 138


page 139


pages 134-135


page 132

Battle of the Bands

page 131

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Programs

page 130


page 129

School Representatives

page 128

Volleyball North Queensland and Queensland

page 127

Rugby Union

pages 119-124


page 110

Rugby League

pages 111-118


page 109


page 107

Cross Country

page 106


page 105


pages 102-104


page 101

Industry Placement Employers

page 100

Vocational Education and Training and Industry Placement

page 99

Visual Arts

page 98


page 97

Religious Education

page 96

Physical Education

page 95


page 94


page 93


page 91


page 92

Inclusive Education

page 89

Industrial Design and Technologies

page 90


page 88


page 87

Film, Television and New Media

page 86


page 85


pages 78-82


pages 70-77


pages 62-69


pages 46-53

Academic Awards

pages 21-29


pages 30-37


pages 54-61


pages 38-45

School Leaders

page 20

Goodbye From Year 12

page 19

College Board Message

page 3

Staff Photographs

pages 15-16

Deputy Principal - Pastoral

page 12

Deputy Principal

page 8

Deputy Principal - Operations and Data Analysis

page 11


page 10

Principal’s Message

pages 4-7

Staff Directory

pages 13-14
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