East Texas Review Newspaper in Education

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Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. (Luke 2:11, NIV)

C O M M U N I T Y, Vol. 29

E D U C A T I O N ,

B U S I N E S S ,




Complimentary Copy

N E W S December 3, 2018


Page 9-10

Putting Together A Gift Page 10



Back to Front: Mary Marjason, Alyssa Fadal, Carolina Fadal, Payton Powers and Allie Stone

Contd. on Page 9, 10

The Gift of Giving Page 11

Fund Raiser Empower students

JL Everhart Twirlers brought Holiday Cheers to the First Longview Christmas Tree Lighting

Dr. Jay and wife Ellen Gordon

Page 3

Fake Fire Fighters on the prowl Page 3

Holiday Exhibits

Lindsay Loy and Lynn Bryson

Officer LaDarian D. Brown Page 7

Full story on page 15

Donna Sharp sporting a Tech Gloves from Morgan Abbigail Noah White Boutique See Page 15 and Zara Belo

Former President H.W. Bush succumbs at 94

See Page 10

Story on page 5

Pastor H.C. Rockmore celebrates 31 years of ministry



December 3, 2018

Downtown Longview:

Alive with Christmas L

ongview recently lighted its first Christmas tree. This tree is twenty-three and half feet tall. People came from the surrounding cities including Hallsville and Gilmer came to partake of the festivities before the lighting of the tree. First, the Junk Drawer band belted out familiar Christmas songs. With Matt Tooker on the drums, …. the band kept the melodies coming. In addition, horse carriages were on hand giving rides to the delight of children. When Santaflavious finally arrived, he took center stage, relieving the Junk Drawer band. Santaflavious is no ordinary Santa. He sang with his elf and danced like no other Santa this writer has seen in recent years. We can safely and accurately say Santa was jamming. And the children were center and front stage. They were thrilled to see Santaflavious. Furthermore, there was hot cocoa from the food trucks for anyone who wanted to stave of the cold. Speaking of food trucks, there were quite a few with local delicacies and flavors for dinner. Finally, Santa signaled the crowd to count down with him for the lighting of this giant Christmas tree. Five, four, three, two and one up came up the lights which the kids welcomed with joy. Santa took his rightful seat and started hearing the wishes of children who have come with a list of Christmas items they would like to see under their Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is a gift to the community from Hundred Acres of Heritage, a non-profit organization. The City of Longview Main Street program works with Hundred Acres of Heritage. Lighting of the Christmas tree is a new event thanks to Melida Heien, Mainstreet Coordinator who wanted to get a Christmas tree for the city. The Christmas tree lighting officially kicks off the holiday season for Longview. The Christmas parade is slated for December 6 with Christmas live concert and food trucks. The annual Longview Christmas Parade will pass through Downtown Longview at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, December 6. Beginning at the intersection of Whaley Street and Green Street, the parade will travel west on Whaley Street, turn south onto Horaney Street, turn east onto Methvin Street passing in front of the beautifully decorated Gregg County Courthouse before ending back at Third Street. Spectators are encouraged to bring their own food and beverages, but food trucks will be strategically located throughout the downtown area. Over 115 entries make this year’s parade one of Longview’s biggest so far. Santa will make his yearly parade appearance at the end of the parade. Please do not walk or drive across the parade route until the parade is complete and barricades have been removed by officials. Several downtown streets will be closed to vehicle traffic beginning at 5:00 p.m. on the day of the parade. Barricades will be placed around an approximate eight-block staging area east of the Gregg County Court House and the 300 block of E. Methvin Street. Access to the outdoor drive-through locations of Texas Bank and Trust will be permitted until 6 p.m. Drivers should use extra caution when driving near the parade route and staging area. Streets will reopen later in the evening. There is more. On December 7, is Christmas live from 5pm to 8pm. Then on December 8, the Gregg County Courthouse is hosting a Christmas fanfare at the courthouse. And of course, it is all for the community. The event will start from 5pm and end at 8pm. There will be food trucks and more. Come one come all.

December 3, 2018

3 COMMUNITY NEWS Fund-raiser empowers students

The Gift of Agreement By Kimberly Fish


e are bombarded by messages that Americans are divided, angry, and intolerant. I’ve wondered if those posts are true, maybe you have also, but then something huge happens and the rage Kimberly Fish feels tempered by a better emotion—hope. There are countless examples of Americans coming together to help each other in a moment of calamity, disaster, or sadness. But in Longview last month, we did something good that speaks to our collective hope for the future—we voted for a bond package that promises to touch every part of our city—from streets to parks to civic spaces— and we did it with an overwhelming margin of registered voters. My takeaway from those stunning outcomes was that the people of Longview gave their vote of confidence to the research and elbow grease of the Longview Comprehensive Plan and said—in a clear voice—get it done. It may take some time to see the new fire training facility built away from Stamper Park, but it’s going to happen. The smart road system designed for Mobberly Avenue will not be created overnight, but the folks needing sidewalks and bike lanes to navigate their way to the city center will, one day, have a safe path. Neighbors will be seeing and meeting neighbors again in parks because there will be reasons to be outdoors and away from those blue screens we’re addicted to holding. The thing that inspires me the most about this vote of confidence for these elements of the Comprehensive Plan is that the we’re supporting moving Longview forward. We’re in agreement— and that’s a gift that will never lose its shine. Kimberly Fish is an author and community activist

By Joycelyne Fadojutimi

The African Children Education and Resource Foundation (ACERF) has put on its yearly fund raiser. The venue was First Methodist Church in downtown Longview. Gregg County Assistant District Attorney Pamela and husband Chuck Ibeh (who serves as ACERF executive director) hosted this event made savory with pizza, chicken, cookies, cakes and many more delectable food for those in attendance. Originally from Nigeria, the Ibehs also presented traditional Nigerian dishes. Many native East Texans were delighted to try out these exotic, delightful fares. The food lead-up to an evening of fun, games and vital appeal Chuck Ibeh presented guests with a slide show demonstrating how their support has already made a positive difference in his hometown of Ezihe, Isila-Mbano in the Nigerian state of Imo. His personal crusade for this cause started during a vacation to Nigeria in the spring of 2015 when desperate schoolchildren walked all the way across their school’s soccer field and a busy highway to Ibeh’s vacation home in search of clean drinking water. After giving them water, he asked why their school had Rev. Jay Jackson, senior pastor at FUMC.

no portable water of its own. He later met with school officials who told him of how their school had no playgrounds for the pupils, no sanitary facilities, no meals or water for the children. There was not even a way to mow the campus’ grass. Few students had anything to eat or drink throughout the school day. Furthermore, he learned how that when students graduated from the school and its crumbling buildings, they had no way to finance higher education. In response he founded ACERF, and the positive results came quickly. The children now have a science lab, three lawn mowers, running water for two schools, improved sanitation, one school; has a new playground with soccer and volleyballs, and made available academic scholarships to four students, who are now in college. Ibeh points out that ACERF is a strictly volunteer organization and has no administrative expenses or paid staff. This means most of donated funds go to fund project implementation. He expressed his extreme gratitude to ACERF’s donors and contributors and anticipates a long history of assisting poverty-stricken families.

Eleanor Kirk

Rev. Mary Collier digs into delicious Nigerian food

Cedelia Nelson and Rev. D.J. Nelson

LFD warns of fraudulent fundraising attempt


n November 30, 2018 the Longview Fire Department was notified by a concerned citizen about a fraudulent attempt to solicit donations on behalf of the Longview Fire Firefighter’s Association. The person identified himself as “John” and had called from the phone number 903-8293059. Neither the Longview Fire Department nor the Longview Firefighter’s Association would use this type of fundraising platform to solicit donations of any kind. If you have concerns about any attempt to solicit donations on behalf of the Longview Fire Department or the Longview Firefighter’s Association, please contact the Longview Fire Administration Office at 903-237-1210

Always Best? (Part 1 of 2) When You 6Need It The Most GOSPEL SPOTLIGHT STATE/NATIONAL By Carey Kinsolving



December 3, 2018

Marijuana Legalization Immigration Coming to America’s Heartland

Pro-legalization politicians and ballot initiatives won big in red, blue, and purple states across the heartland. That shouldn’t be surprising. By Paul Armentano

is in focus for

rural America By Brian Depew



arijuana legalization was among the big winners in this year’s elections. In Michigan, voters approved Proposal 1, legalizing the adult use, cultivation, and retail marketing of marijuana. Michigan is the first Midwestern state to legalize adult marijuana use and sales, and it is the tenth state to do so overall. Marijuana also won big in Missouri and Utah. In both states, voters approved ballot initiatives legalizing medical cannabis access. They are the 32nd and 33rd states to do so. These victories could be a harbinger of things to come in America’s heartland. Public support for ending marijuana prohibition is strong in the Middle America. In addition to these ballot measures, several incoming governors in Midwestern states campaigned on platforms that included legalizing or decriminalizing cannabis possession offenses. For example, Illinois Governorelect J.B. Pritzker has pledged to move forward with legalization legislation during his first days in office. “In the name of criminal justice reform, consumer safety, and increased state revenue, Illinois needs a governor who is ready to legalize marijuana,” says Pritzker. His constituents agree. According to a 2018 poll by the Paul Simon Institute at Southern Illinois University, 66 percent of voters support “the legalization of recreational marijuana if it is taxed and regulated like alcohol.” In Minnesota, Governor-elect Tim Walz made similar campaign promises to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana sales. “We have an opportunity in Minnesota to replace the current failed policy with one that creates tax revenue, grows jobs, builds opportunities for Minnesotans, protects Minnesota kids, and trusts adults to make personal decisions based on their personal

freedoms,” he said. Following Walz’s election, incoming Minnesota House Speaker Melissa Hortman acknowledged that “voters want us to take a look at” legalization. She’s right. According to a statewide Survey USA poll conducted in October, 56 percent of Minnesotans support legalizing the recreational use of marijuana by adults. In Wisconsin, voters in sixteen separate counties — including Milwaukee County — approved resolutions expressing support for the legalization of cannabis for either medical purposes or for adult use. The results could be a prelude to future statewide reforms. Incoming Governor Tony Evers previously floated the idea of putting the legalization question to a statewide vote, stating, “I would love to have a statewide referendum on this.” Such a proposal would likely win big in the Badger State, where recent polls show that 64 percent of registered voters say that marijuana should be “legalized for use by adults” and “taxed and regulated like alcohol.” Even in Texas, long the nation’s leader in marijuana arrests, there are signs of change. Lawmakers in recent days have pre-filed numerous bills to amend the state’s draconian marijuana laws. Among them are measures to facilitate medical cannabis access and to decriminalize adult marijuana possession offenses — the latter of which was recently endorsed by Governor Greg Abbott. The growing support for marijuana policy reform among the public and politicians alike is further evidence that legalization is no longer strictly a “blue” or “red” issue. Majorities of voters from all ideological persuasions now support ending criminal marijuana prohibition. The incoming changes to cannabis policy in America’s heartland are a reflection of this new political and cultural reality. www.otherwords.org

raid in north central Nebraska put a spotlight on immigration in rural America. It targeted alleged labor exploitation by a local employment agency. It swept up more than 100 community members and employees of local businesses. The raid highlighted how deeply immigration is reshaping rural America. When we consider immigration, we often think of midsize communities with large meatpackers. Few of us think of communities with 100 residents in a county of 800 residents. That is increasingly the reality. In conversation with rural people, I often hear a refrain about immigration. I’ll paraphrase it as, “I don’t mind new immigrants moving here, I just wish they would do it legally.” Unfortunately, there is no legal pathway for the vast majority of immigrants. Consider, there are three primary ways to immigrate legally to the U.S. This includes employer-based immigration, family reunification, and humanitarian protection. Employer-based immigration is limited, and unavailable for most immigrants. For individuals who have a legal pathway, resulting wait times can stretch to 20 years. This is untenable. That is why the Center for Rural Affairs first called on Congress to enact comprehensive immigration reform in 2013. We called for creating an opportunity for undocumented immigrants to fulfill requirements and become citizens, a more robust process for legal immigration, a new commission to determine a practical number of workers allowed to immigrate annually, and enforcement of wage and labor laws to prevent employers from misclassifying workers. The reality is that new immigrants have become an important part of our communities. They are homeowners, entrepreneurs, leaders, parents, and employees. It is not our new neighbors who have failed to keep up. It is our own immigration law that has not kept up with our communities and the people who live there—new immigrants and long-time residents alike. The need to enact immigration law change is as critical and urgent as it was in 2013. Established in 1973, the Center for Rural Affairs is a private, non-profit organization working to strengthen small businesses, family farms and ranches, and rural communities through action oriented programs addressing social, economic, and environmental issues.

December 3, 2018

Forces Driving State Spending By Michael A. Guido, D.D.

We are all grateful for our “first responders.” They save lives, bind wounds, bring food, give clothing, provide shelter and restore power. They have become our “rescuers.” And, indeed, they fulfill a critical role. But as Christians, when we face a time of trial or tragedy, we have One who has been waiting for us to call upon Him when we need help. He is always waiting for an opportunity to prove His power whenever we face a difficult situation. One morning, about four o’clock, Peter was in serious trouble. He and a few of his friends were in a small n far a special edition Fiscal Notes, boat from shore when aof fierce storm arose out of nowhere. Fearing for their lives examines they becamethe even the Comptroller’s office more frightened when they saw what they thought forces driving costs in state spendingwas a ghost. They screamed in terror. And over the howling — costs that lawmakers will grapple wind came a stern voice that said, “Stop being afraid.” with when return 86th It was Jesusthey assuring themfor thatthe there wasTexas no reason for them to fear for their lives because He was there to Legislature in January. save them of when needed Him the most. “Most thethey state’s spending — nearly “If it is really you,” said Peter, “tell me to come to 90 percent of it — goes to support just You – let me walk on the water!” “Certainly,” said Jesus, three things: education, care “come on. You’ve nothing tohealth fear!” He got and out of the transportation,” Texas Comptroller Glenn boat, felt the wind and the waves, lost His faith and began tosaid. sink. He shouted, Lord,” and He did. Hegar “We hope“Save thisme, detailed look at It isbudget never thedrivers eloquence or length ofa our prayer that Texas provides valuable counts, but our simplicity and sincerity. It is never a foroverview of these issues before lawmakers mula but our faith. He will always come to our rescue if prepare the next budget we call on Him in a state faith that believesinin2019.” Him. In this special Comptroller’s Prayer: Lord, weedition, do indeedthe believe in Your power and Your office also promises. details: Increase our faith whenever we doubt. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. • the tension between state and local Scripture for this week: Psalm 12:1 Help, LORD, education spending andthose thewho way for no one is faithful anymore; arerising loyal have Texas property values have shifted the vanished from the human race.


burden toward property owners; • higher education costs and the rapid increase in tuition and fees at public universities; • how healthcare spending, including Medicaid, has grown as a share of total spending; and • recent increases in state transportation funding. This is the second in a series of special editions of Fiscal Notes that examine issues the Texas Legislature will face in January. Fiscal Notes is available online and can be received by subscribing via the Comptroller’s website. Fiscal Notes furthers the Comptroller’s constitutional responsibility to monitor the state’s economy and estimate state government revenues. It has been published since 1975, featuring in-depth analysis concerning state finances and original research by subject-matter experts in the Comptroller’s office. Visit https://comptroller.texas.gov/ economy/fiscal-notes/ and get all the details.

Psalm 23 speaks of the Lord leading his people in paths of righteousness. A “When you have a baby August promises 2, 2018 biblical proverb sister, and sometimes you that the Lord will direct trick her, then God will not the paths of those who aclike that,” says Victoria, 8. knowledge him in all their Baby sisters seem to ways (Proverbs 3:6). have radar for discovering Doing good or evil begins they’ve been duped — at with the decisions we make. least my baby sister did. Paths, the directions we (Austin)—A recent Parents also possess this travel in life, same radar, as Katelyn, 8, in is Discipline” discipline is likewise are helpful instart with pathsurvey of district trends ways in the brain. Whatevcan testify: “I was a faking word that is pregnant with meaning. training people to be superintendents’ salaries er we fix our minds on will sick, and I got grounded for pregnant with There are a variety of autonomous, and influence our selfbrain’s paththreebenefits weeks. I was got inreleased troumeaning. We can practices which might restrained members ways and our life’s paths. by of ble the withTexas my dad,Association and that’s The results of a 17-year use the expression be termed “disciplines,” of society, but many bad.” Boards School (TASB) and study in the journal Science Katelyn, your“being life will disciplined” to such as fasting, praying, of us have forgotten Texas Association ofbeSchool reported that 5.7 percent of much more peaceful and one shows mean that and obedience, which how to dowho these Administrators (TASA). youths watched less fun if you do the right thing. self-restraint and has deepen our spiritual things, which than one hourisofwhy television For thefrom 2018–19 Take a tip Keeleigh, a daya committed aggresregulated his or her lives and help us having spiritual 11: “If you do right all the school year, 70 percent sive acts against others in time, you won’t get in troulife in such a way that develop the proper mentor or guide of responding Texas subsequent years. That figble, you won’t get fussed at, there is order and that self-restraint in the is important. Over districts provided a base ure jumped to 22.5 percent and you will have more fun. one’s life is productive. spiritual realm. Selfthe coming weeks, for those who watched one salary increase to make their That means you will • Thirty percent • Superintendents in Too much television time for children: Good or bad? We can also talk of restraint is such an we examine towill three hours a aday and God happy and have a betcontinuing superintendent. of returning rural districts, which 28.8 percent for those who “being disciplined” to important character variety of spiritual real life, the “fun” ended few it’ll be grief/ To the law ter relationship with Him.” The average pay increase superintendents (185) comprise 41 percent of watched more than did three when Bonnie Parker and a relief/ But it’s death for Doing the right thing mean that one is being trait that without it disciplines, including in for continuing hours aaday. not receive pay increase. survey respondents, Clyde Barrow drove into Bonnie and Clyde.” and2018–19 having fun may sound punished3.1 by external life becomes chaotic. meditation, fasting, Think about this: You superintendents You don’t have to Eighty-six be a firedaby contradictory, but thewas Bible a hail of bullets percent of received 3.0 percent forces or agents. Parents People who cannot praying, and study, are what you think. Parents bank robber knowrespondents that in ambush calls this Up fun state percent. from“blessa 2.9 lawmen waiting (616)television had a a average pay raise. Majorto find who consider discipline their children restrain themselves as well as simplicity, ed.” Manyincrease people think fun along a tree-lined Louisiana the Bible says, “The wages percent in 2017–18, returning benignsuperintendent babysitter should road. of gave sin addicted is death.” to We’ve all comes when they in anbreak attempt to helpurban districts themselves service and pay raises have hovered at think again. Children are for 2018-19. their superintendents a before herdrugs, death, earned those wages. rules. Many movies themdepict developShortly that selfincarcerated, andMany submission. Reflect vulnerable to the strang3lawless percent for the past five the part of a poemaverage people having all Bonnie Parker percent paysecond Superintendent experience restraint or discipline1.1gave withouttimes, the material on ers areas ofinvade your own who your home that scripture is not quotto her mother, which proved the fun. years. Pay increase amounts increase. The 2018-19 survey which is necessary for resources to sustain life where you need to through television.also Doing ed: “but the gift of God is to be prophetic. Here’s how Remember the movie vary by district size and • In districts with fewer right begins by thinking reveals them to function well. their lives. be that moreresponding disciplined. eternal life The in Christ Jesus the poem ends: “They don’town “Bonnie and Clyde”? Robcommunity type.like so think they’rethan right. students, the(Romanssuperintendents or desourdisciplines Lord” 6:23). –If Christopher bing banks looked have held In a spiritual context, tough500 religious Simon Memorize this truth: “For The perate./ They know thesuperintendent law Bonnie had known the the secmuch funTASB/TASA in the movie. Insurvey average position in their current They’ve ond up half, she might have as he thinks in his heart, so conducted annually by always wins./ salary isbeen $97,270, district for an(Proverbs average23:7). of is he” avoided a lifeloves of crime.knowledge, shot at before/ But they do TASB HR Services is the“Whoever loves discipline from $96,119 last year. Ask this question: If you and have seven “Doing what is four right years is not ignore/ That death is first in a series of three thebut feedof onexperience a diet of television districts account hates correction isonce stupid.” total years always best because wageswhoever ofThese sin. violence, what are you surveys that is the most “Somedayforthey’ll one-quarter dosurvey it the first time, go youof —Proverbs 12:1 NIV as ayou superintendent in any down together/ And they’ll almost can’t stop doing it,” prone to do? definitive study of school

5 5

Statewide Superintendent Salary Survey Released

participants. In the largest district. bury them side by side./ To says Cecile, 10. district compensation and Texas districts—those Most superintendents benefits practices in Texas. with more than 50,000 (62 percent) have served in Policymakers at both the students—average base only one school district. Of local and state levels use pay is $321,253, up from the 99 districts (14 percent) the information to make $320,532. with a new superintendent ANSWERETH decisions about educators’ • Analyzing for 2018-19, 62 districts DELIVER pay. BelowDESPISETH are key findings superintendent salaries hired a superintendent with DESTROYETH about responding districts: DWELL by community type, no previous experience in EXALTETH • The average average base pay in rural the position. FINDETH GATHERETH salary superintendent districts is $102,711, up TASB is a nonprofit GOETH in Texas INCREASETH for 2018-19 is from $101,227 last year. association established in LABOURETH $148,854. LEAVETH There has been TEA classifies 458 of 1949 to serve local public LOVETH a steady increase in base the 1,022 public school school boards. School board MAKETH PERCEIVE 1.9 percent salaries, rising districts in Texas as rural. members are the largest PRESERVE in 2018-19 and 2.8 percent PURSUETH Superintendent salaries group of publicly elected RECEIVE in 2017-18. Half of average $314,670 among officials in the state. The REFUSETH REJOICETH reportedREWARDETH superintendent the 10 major urban districts they represent salaries inSEEMETH Texas are less districts—similar to serve more than 5.3 million | 903-758-9532 6 E. Pittman St. Longview, TX 75602 TRUST last year. public school than $128,000 TURNETH(median). Sunday School 9:45a.m. Sunday Worship students. 11:00a.m.

Longview Full Gospel Holy Temple


Pastor Jerry Stanmore

306 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Longview, TX 75602 • 903-753-1774 Sunday School 9:00a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30a.m.

Former President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush

George H.W. Bush, the 41st U.S. president and head of a family political dynasty, died Friday. He was 94. Bush, a World WarLuther II naval King pilot and TexasLongview, oil tycoon, had 2717 S. Martin Jr. Blvd TXmedical 75602 |issues 903-757-6440 dealt with numerous in his later years, including Sunday School 9:45a.m. a Pastor Parkinson’s-like disease that forced himSunday to useWorship a wheelchair. H.C. Rockmore 11:00a.m. His death was announced by his son, former President George W. Bush. He was preceded in death by his wife of 73 years, Barbara, who died in April. Bush, who served two terms as vice president under 2101 W. Marshall Ave., Longview President903-759-1401 Ronald Reagan| before winning a lone term as www.highridgelv.com president in 1989, also served as CIA director inService: the 1970s. First 9:30 am Pastor Tim Ingram 2nd Service: 11:00and am He is survived by his five children, 17 grandchildren eight great-grandchildren.

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Always Best? (Part 1 of 2) When 66You gospel spotlight GOSPEL SPOTLIGHT Need It The Most By Carey Kinsolving

Psalm 23 speaks of the Lord leading his people in pathsDecember of righteousness. A “When you have a baby August 3, 2, 2018 2018 biblical proverb promises sister, and sometimes you that the Lord will direct trick her, then God will not the paths of those who aclike that,” says Victoria, 8. faith, knowledge him God in all is their Baby sisters seem to ways (Proverbs 3:6). with them. have radar for discovering Doing Just good as or evil begins they’ve been duped — at with with the decisions we make. least my baby sister did. Biblical Paths, the directions we Parents also possess this characters in life, same radar, as Katelyn, 8, Discipline” is discipline is likewise aretravel helpful instart with pathways in the brain. Whatevand alltopeople can testify: “I was a faking word that is pregnant with meaning. training people be er we fix our minds since, Godon will sick, and I got grounded for pregnant with There are a variety of autonomous, selfinfluence our brain’s paththree weeks. that I got they in trouthe plight were facing in goes before meaning. We can practices which might restrained members ways and our life’s paths. ble with my dad, andand that’s public disgrace certain small town us, stands The results of a 17-year use the expression be termed “disciplines,” of society, but many bad.” spiritual shunning. But instead of by us, will study in the journal Science Katelyn, your“being life will disciplined” be to such as fasting, praying, of us have forgotten reportedcome that 5.7in percent of worrying theand public perception, and much more about peaceful mean that one shows and obedience, which how to dowho these youths watched less fun if you and do theMary right thing. Joseph decided to trust cleanisup after self-restraint and has deepen our spiritual things, which than one hour ofwhy television Take a tip promise. from Keeleigh, in God’s Would it be far us when a daya committed regulated lives and help us having spiritual aggres11: “If you do right all the his or her fetched to believe that they did so due andin sive acts against others time, you won’t life get in introusuch a way that develop the proper mentor ornecessary guide to the greatest promise, “God with subsequent years. That figwill perform ble, you won’t get fussed there is at, order and that self-restraint in the is important. Over ure jumped to 22.5 percent us!” marvelous works through us. God can and you will have more fun. one’s life is productive. spiritual realm. Selfthefor coming weeks, those who watched one ThatThe means you willChristmas make Biblical story reminds us work through people today to bring joy to much for children: Good oran bad? We can alsoTootalk oftelevision time restraint is such wetowill examine three hours a aday and God haveonly a betthathappy God and is not with us but God seeks those who are experiencing anxiety. 28.8 percent for those who disciplined” to “fun” important character variety of spiritual be grief/ To the law real life, the ended few it’ll ter relationship “being with Him.” toDoing save us. Aren’t we still in need of God’s The Promise of Jesus has echoed for three watched more than whenisBonnie andthat a relief/ But it it’s death for the right meanthing that one being Parker trait without disciplines, including hours a day. redemption? During this season we call centuries us in the Great Commission “I Clyde Barrow drove Bonnie and Clyde.” and having fun punished may sound by external lifeinto becomes chaotic. meditation, fasting, Think about this: You Youwith don’tyou havealways, to be a to the a aware hail of of bullets fired by am contradictory, the are Biblenot Christmas, but if we God’s very end of the forces or agents. Parents People who cannot praying, and study, are what you think. Parents robber to know28:20) that Though he may lawmen waiting in ambush bank calls this fun state “blesspresence and our human predicament, age.” (Matthew who consider television a discipline restrainthe themselves findwages as well as simplicity, Bible says, “The along children a tree-lined Louisiana ed.” Many people think fun their we inevitably find ourselves lost. We are have is ascended into service heaven shortly aftershould benignand babysitter road. of sin addicted death.” to We’ve all comes when they in anbreak attempt to help themselves at times lost in our grief over deceased think again. Children this statement, His spirit and HisReflect presenceare before herdrugs, death, earned those wages. Many rules. Many movies themdepict developShortly that selfincarcerated, and submission. vulnerable to the strangloved ones, or broken remain. whenever we the second Therefore, part of Parker gave a poem times, lawless people financial having allstruggles restraint orBonnie discipline withouttruly the material on ers areas ofinvade youryour own who home scripture is the not quotto her which the fun. relationships. If we seek to mother, find joy andproved that serve food to hungry, visityou the afflicted which is necessary for resources to sustain life where need to through television. Doing “but the gift of God is to be Here’s how ed: Remember the movie peace in material goods, weprophetic. may even or incarcerated, comfort thebegins bereaved or right by thinking them to function well. their own lives. The be more disciplined. “Bonnie and Clyde”? Rob- the poem ends: “They don’t eternal life in Christ Jesus feel lost the consumer mentality of the share the good 6:23). news–Ifof Jesus, we revisit right. they’re tough or des- our Lord” (Romans bing banksinlooked so think In alike spiritual context, religious disciplines Christopher Simon Memorize “For season Our world today seems and more fully the realize with this us. truth: When They knowto the law Bonnie had known sec- God much funitself. in the movie. In perate./ as he thinks in his heart, alwaysnarcissism wins./ They’ve been ond half, she might have struggle with unparalleled and we serve and love others, it is as if God so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). avoided lifeloves oflove crime. shot at before/ But they do self-absorption. Our anxieties may loves reach discipline servesaand through us. God with us “Whoever knowledge, Ask this question: If you “Doing what is right is not ignore/ That death is new heights within us if we are focused on is more than what God does us,ofbut feed on for a diet television hates correction stupid.” always best becauseisonce thebut wageswhoever of sin. anything other than “God with us.” Both violence, what aredoes you instead it is a completion of what God the first time, you “Someday they’ll go you do it —Proverbs 12:1 NIV prone to do? Joseph and Mary were down able together/ to hear the through And they’ll almost can’tus. stopPerhaps, doing it,” our anxiety is less

December 3, 2018

God is with us By Michael A. Guido, D.D.

We are all grateful for our “first responders.” They save lives, bind wounds, bring food, give clothing, provide shelter and restore power. They have become our “rescuers.” And, indeed, they fulfill a critical role. But as Christians, when we face a time of trial or tragB edy, y Dwe r .have G aOne r y who H i lhas l i been a r dwaiting for us to call upon Him when we need help. He is always waiting for an opportunity to prove we face a od is with His us!power It is whenever comforting difficult situation. to consider the powerful and One morning, about four o’clock, Peter was in seripeaceful presence of God in our ous trouble. He and a few of his friends were in a small world, our lives, especially boat far from shore and whenin a fierce storm arose out of innowhere. view allFearing that isforbroken in our The their lives they world. became even more frightened when they saw what they thought was occasion of Christmas is filled with joy, but a ghost. They screamed in terror. And over the howling also anxiety, and in the midst of both God wind came a stern voice that said, “Stop being afraid.” isItwith us. assuring them that there was no reason was Jesus In the Christmas story wethere to for them toBiblical fear for their lives because He was save about them when they Him the and most. read how anneeded unmarried “If itMary is really you,” saida Peter, “tell message me to come to virgin receives hopeful You – let me walk on the water!” “Certainly,” said Jesus, of“come salvation from God via the Angel on. You’ve nothing to fear!” He got out of the Gabriel. In delivering the message, boat, felt the wind and the waves, lost His faith and beGabriel acknowledges herme, human fear gan to sink. He shouted, “Save Lord,” and Hebut did. It is neverher the eloquence length ofHe our explains prayer that proclaims heavenlyorfavor. counts, but our simplicity sincerity. never a forhow Mary, who was and likely just Ita isteenager, mula but our faith. He will always come to our rescue if will become the Holy Spirit we call on Himpregnant in a faith thatby believes in Him. andPrayer: give birth son. SheinisYour toldpower to Lord, to we God’s do indeed believe and Your Increase our means faith whenever name the promises. child Jesus, which God we doubt. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. saves. Furthermore, she is made privy Scripture for this week: Psalm 12:1 Help, LORD, tofor the fact that Jesus, the Son of God, will no one is faithful anymore; those who are loyal have reign over thethehouse Jacob forever. vanished from humanof race.

GOES before us, stands by us


(Luke 1:26-35) Understandably, she must have been rejoicing but also anxious. In similar fashion, Joseph, who had pledged to be married to Mary was approached by an angel with a message from God. The angel communicates with Joseph through a dream and exclaims the Good News concerning Jesus. Prior to the angel’s intervention, Joseph had learned of Mary’s pregnancy and was planning to end the relationship quietly so as to avoid disgracing Mary publicly. Who could blame him for after all, he knew that the child she was carrying was not his. Just as with Mary, the angel’s message included the revelation of a conception by the Holy Spirit and the promise of Jesus who would be the savior of the world. (Matthew 1:1823) Perhaps, Joseph was fill with joy and apprehension. Imagine Joseph’s and Mary’s plight and how the community might have already been gossiping concerning the indiscretions of the young couple, or at least the young unmarried Mary. Oh, how people love to gossip. Can you imagine the talk around town in Nazareth? I suppose that Joseph and Mary needed some good news for

10. increased when our priority is bury them by side./ message of God and receive theside peace of To says andCecile, our joy God by acknowledging that no matter how on “God with us.” What if this Christmas difficult the task ahead, “God with us.” you looked for ways to experience the The Biblical Christmas story exhibits promise of Immanuel by exercising what God can do through us. Immanuel what is really meant by “God with Us.” is a perfectANSWERETH description of the incarnation. Joseph and Mary received the promise of DELIVER God became flesh and dwelt among us. Immanuel, but I don’t believe this promise DESPISETH DESTROYETH But did God merely come to earth in order was fully realized by them until they DWELL to point usEXALTETH to salvation in heaven or for decided “God is with us.” And when this FINDETH redemption of human condition? This promise became reality, the world was GATHERETH GOETH motif of “God with us” is not unique to transformed. INCREASETH the GospelLABOURETH accounts of the incarnation Merry Christmas! LEAVETH in fulfillment of prophecy in Isaiah 7:14. Dr. Cary Hilliard is Vice President, LOVETH MAKETH Throughout the Old Testament we see Poverty Solutions, House of Disciples. PERCEIVE PRESERVE God’s people such PURSUETH as AbrahamRECEIVE and REFUSETH Sarah, Moses, REJOICETH REWARDETH Gideon, Deborah, SEEMETH 6 E. Pittman St. Longview, TX 75602 | 903-758-9532 Ruth, David,TRUST TURNETH Sunday School 9:45a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00a.m. Jeremiah, UNDERSTAND Haggai, WALKETH etc., are reminded Pastor Jerry Stanmore that as they proceed through life by

Longview Full Gospel Holy Temple

306 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Longview, TX 75602 • 903-753-1774 Sunday School 9:00a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30a.m.

2717 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Longview, TX 75602 | 903-757-6440

Pastor H.C. Rockmore

Sunday School 9:45a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00a.m.

2101 W. Marshall Ave., Longview 903-759-1401 | www.highridgelv.com

Pastor Tim Ingram

First Service: 9:30 am 2nd Service: 11:00 am

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Name of Officer: LaDarian D. Brown Education: Longview High School ‘11 Kilgore College Police Academy. Home town: Silsbee, Texas Prior job experience if any: Gregg County Sheriff’s Office. How do you feel when you put on your uniform each day? This has been a life-long dream to become a police officer. With that I am Thankful! I thank God daily that he has afforded me with such an opportunity. I have a feeling of trust. I trust God that no matter what I may face throughout my shift I trust deep within my heart that God is going to bring me home. People don’t often understand how hard police officers work to keep citizens safe. What inspired, you to become a protector of the community and can you tell us of any daily risks you’ve seen or experienced? To answer the first part of this question: I’m a South Longview Native, for I grew up in the 800 block of Sylvan Drive. Growing up, I would attend crime watch meetings with my greatgrandmother, Mrs. Clara Crayton. I could see the difference they were making as a community, and I knew I wanted to be a part of that. While in school many of my classmates would talk about how much they hated police officers. I wanted to wear the uniform, join this profession to change the way young people especially in the African American community view the police. To answer the second part of this question: every call I go to is a risk. There are so many unknowns in this job that I couldn’t begin to tell you. I often tell people you really don’t know until you walk in a police officer’s shoes. And that’s on and off duty. What is a misconception you have seen that the public have about the police officers? The biggest misconception is that all police officers do is shoot people. As a cop, that is the last thing on my mind in many cases. Most officers make a whole 20-year career and never have to use their weapon. Which I pray at the end of my career I will be able to say. I didn’t sign up for this profession to be life taker, but a protector of life. As a police officer, what do you want your legacy to be? I know the day is coming when I will no longer wear this uniform. I know the day is coming when badge number 497 will never be seen again. It’s my dearest hope, and my noblest dream that when that day comes; in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. no one will sit around talking about the few awards that I may have won. No will speak of the number of tickets I wrote, calls I answered, or crashes I worked. That someone will say that at some point in time, I did something or said something that helped them, or someone they know. All the awards don’t matter to me, it’s the life changing moments that matter the most. “If I can help somebody as I pass along, if I can cheer somebody with a well song, if I can show somebody he’s traveling wrong, then my living will not be in vain.” What was one of your toughest days on the job. Dealing with death is challenging for anyone. As an officer I’ve had to see love ones, high school classmates, and children in that state. Those are the calls that make your days tough. Those are the calls that make me lose sleep. How does your family feel about you being a police officer? They were not pleased at first. However, they pray for me and keep me lifted. My family knows that I’ll be fine. We are Christians and firmly believe in the covering power of Jesus Christ. Police officers work long hours and the work is very stressful, how do you like to relax? Traveling, time with my family, music, and Lobo football

If you could go back in time and tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? Work out! You have to have a good amount of discipline towards your health in this profession. In a time when pop culture encourages not co-operating with police officers, can you expand on the dangers this causes? If we as a profession don’t want rappers to say these type of things in their songs, then we as a profession need to stop giving them ammunition. If we want the public to view us differently, then we must also change. Now please don’t misunderstand, most of us are doing what we need to do. With that being said, I feel we as parents play a part in this as well. Parents must teach their children how to handle being stopped, being addressed by an officer. If we as parents do our jobs, then the craziness in music will be just that craziness. But, since so many have allowed music, social media, video games, and television to be the only influence in their children lives Officer involved shootings are going to increase. Assault to a peace officer charges are going to increase. As a protector of LaDarian D. Brown the community and symbol of justice how can we as a community better support the Police? The community of Longview is very supportive of us. One thing we can say is LPD is very “lucky” to have a community like this. I can’t count the times I’m standing in line at a gas station and multiple people will say thank you for your service. Or sitting at a restaurant attempting to eat someone will say thank you. Or even sitting at a red light I’ll be told thank you. I’ve even written citations and was told thank you for what you do. Mayor Mack gave the PD a large pay raise, and this community supported that effort. This community has support for us covered very well. Do police officers really like donuts? I personally love donuts. Always have as a kid, however I refuse to eat them while in uniform! Do you think the Cowboys have a shot at the Super Bowl this year and why? How did you know I was a Cowboy fan. I always stand on the hopes of my grandfather, and my dad that we will not just go to the Super Bowl but also win it! I wouldn’t mind making a trip to Atlanta for that one!

7 7

December 3, 2018

December 3 , 2018

‘TIS THE SEASON By Joycelyne Fadojutimi

During the Holiday Season more than ever Our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our service to the community possible It is in this spirit, that we sincerely and humbly say THANK YOU, GRACIAS, MERCI, GRAZIE We look forward to many years of service

From all of us at East Texas Review Newspaper

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.


ike during all holiday seasons, this year many East Texans will savor hearty Yuletide offerings of food and varied delectable through the selfless giving of others. Thanksgiving and Christmas are traditional for feasting, and one of the groups making this possible for less-fortunate locals are the students of the Trinity School of Texas. With an emphasis on Thanksgiving, these blessed holiday warriors bring in more for the underprivileged every year. In 2017, they collected a whopping 15,337 canned food goods. This year, they brought in 18,172 for the Longview Thanksgiving Food Drive in just more than a week. The group’s high school seniors alone collected more than 5000. This school has a tradition of hosting a yearly Thanksgiving Canned Food Service at Trinity Episcopal Church.

Sam Childress, Christopher Olivias, Jordan Stebbins, Alex Ing and Jon Marc Gorges Peyton Powers and Macy Newland

Continued on page 10

Trinity Frake

Aiden Fite hard at work

Anna Bussey

Macy Cobb and Abbie Sharp

Jon Marc Gorges

We have just enough time before...

Newspaper Fun! December 3, 2018


Think About Fruit

Fruit is one of the healthy food groups. We define fruit as the sweet, fleshy part of a plant that has the seed or seeds of the plant. It may be sweet or sour and is usually edible in its raw state. Eating fruit helps keep our hearts healthy. A healthy heart pumps blood through the body effectively. Healthy foods The priest blesses the such as fruits also lower the risk of disease, such as cancer and diabetes.

donations before everyone at Here is a list of different fruits. Did you know there were theDirections: school pitch in to load the so many? Check the boxes of all the fruits you have eaten. Circle three food onyou a would trucklike fortodelivery fruits try. to Maude Cobb for the yearly Thanksgiving Food Drive. Fruits The Trinity School of Texas in Texas is nLongview, apples n figs n papayas a two-year-old through high n apricots n grapefruit n passion fruit school n senior college prep bananas n grapes n peaches school.n blackberries n guava n pears •Early n Childhood Division is blueberries n honeydew n persimmon Teacher Manetta two-year-old through preRichard Joos, Liebengood MD Teacher Amanda Tilley join n breadfruit n huckleberries n pineapples joins students in loading Truck kindergarten Pediatrician students in loading the Truck n cantaloupe n kiwi fruit n plums •Lower School Division is n cherimoya n kumquat n pomegranate kindergarten through 5th Place of n cherries n lemons n quince grade employment: I work nSchool clementines n limes n raisins •Middle Division is at Wellness Point on n coconut n loquat n raspberries 6th through 8th grades Marshall Avenue. Colin Sigmon cranberries n strawberries •UppernSchool Division is 9th n mangoes n 12th Crenshaw melon n nectarines n tangerines through grades Education: I dragon fruit n oforanges One the Trinity School’s n watermelon Then school currently graduated from Wagner teachers, Amanda Tilley, has 319 students who are College and attended Challenge: Choose onehead of the fruits you an interest trying. Do some research to find out hashave also taughtin in public making a promising Medical School at State more about this healthy food. Add your information to your “New Healthy Foods” page (page 82) in schools, and goes further in start on college and career University of New York. your journal. her description of Trinity’s and doing so in a joyful What do you do environment. Erica Fisher of mission and its results. everyday on your “What I like about Trinity Trinity Schools describes how © Teacher Created Resources 13 #3990 Healthy Habits for Healthy Kids job? When I get to is teaching students, starting graduates “attain academic work, I like to get a excellence, embrace diversity, from a young age, the art heads up of what is and joy of giving and serving demonstrate intellectual going on that helps me curiosity, appreciate the arts, others,” she said. “This is to know what is going one of the core principles value physical well-being, on,canned then Ifood. plan my day that I like and admire about serve their community, and School loading truck with and course of action. I exemplify Christian living.” Trinity --serving others.” see from new-borns up

to 18 years-old young adults. I have fun on my job making sure things are fine. For example, I check to see if they are growing the way they should. I answer parents’ questions on nutrition, toilet training, and all other questions they may have about their children.

have been employed and self-employed. This time, I wanted to work with people with the most needs. This is my way of giving back to the community.

What do you like best about your chosen field? I get to

work with the people who need help the most- parents who do not have much but want to see their children grow up healthy. I like serving them as a pediatrician. I would like to see their little ones grow up and be healthy.

join t h e m o n e y p r o j e c t ! for a fun way to learn about budgeting and the economy! these lessons are ideal for kids who are cool!


brought to you by your friends at texas bank and trust and “digitz” the dollar dog


TBT News Ed Money Project.indd 1









S P __ R K L __ S



Kinds of Gifts







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5 coloring

I make wrapping paper by decorating paper bags!

Vol. 10 No. 10





8 frames




calendar I’m making all of my gifts by hand.

I’m going to paint, glue and make a big, fun mess on the kitchen table!


pen glue ruler string pencils photos scissors

Some people just don’t want or need any more stuff. So, think about giving them a gift in “name only.” You can let them know about the gift with a card! This list will get you thinking. Can you match up my ideas? 2

4 6


Bathder Pow


No More Stuff! Gifts in Name Only!

Hey Chatter, how about this idea?




6. decorate any plain paper to create writing paper or ______ 7. make your own pictures for each month (or find printable forms on your computer) to make a yearly ______ 8. create _______ by decorating paper or cardboard strips with cartoons, stickers or poetry so friends can track their reading 9. write your family’s favorites on index cards, put in a small box or bind together to form a ______ file or book 10. draw “outline” pictures to make a ______ book for a younger brother or sister; add markers or crayons to this gift

Gifts show joy and caring. It takes time to think about gifts and to make, buy and wrap them. A present tells people that they are important to you. It also makes you feel good when the people receiving your gifts smile as they open or enjoy them! 1 helping

P __ P__ R





B __ T T __ N S

C __ L __ R __ D

Gifts to make - by computer or by hand: The Bird 1. if you have photos or postcards from a in the Tree trip, you can make a travel ______ 2. think of a theme (like ‘winter fun’), make a crossword or word search ______; roll it up and tie it with a ribbon 3. make ______ for photos or drawings 4. tie together pieces of cardboard or buy a ______ in which to put photos, school papers 5. write tales and make drawings, print them out and make them into a book of ______

Not everyone likes to make gifts. Sometimes we just run out of time or our budgets are small. Here are gifts that you can “put together.” Think about items that go well together – for example, a movie rental coupon and popcorn – then buy or gather them together. Next, find a box, bag, basket, tin or other container to hold your gift. Add a bow or card.









R __ B B __ N S

Put-Together Gifts the money project!


Y __ R N

S T __ C K __ R S

1. ask a new classmate to an event 5 2. offer to sew, repair items or to shovel walks ship 3. tell jokes, amusing friend tales, share comics 4. listen, talk, put groceries 8 away, have tea 5. sing or play an instrument music 6. water plants, help with pets 7. thoughtful items that people need 8. lets someone choose his own gift


Fill in the missing vowels to name items that you can use to decorate or make your gifts:

Gifts You Can Make

There are many kinds of gifts! Read the clues to fill the puzzle:

the money project!

The Gift of Giving

Chatter and I are teaming up to make all of our holiday gifts this year. I’m using my computer to help. I will write stories and recipes, draw pictures and then print out my work. Next, Chatter will decorate the pages and bind them into books or make other fun items. We can’t wait to start!

October 2017

Why did you choose this profession? I Noah White and Zara Belo

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One deas I n e z Do

1. to be planted in a schoolyard or park 2. money for kids to go to A. money for research school or college and health care 3. to pantries or soup kitchens B. food or groceries 4. to families in need in other countries to C. cows, chicks, goats feed themselves or start businesses D. tree, bush, flowers 5. donation to keep people E. heating oil warm F. scholarship or fund 6. to children’s hospitals Dear Peak, Look! y e n A o do na tio n has been m made in your nam e. A duck has been gi caring ven to Nice! a family starting a farm.

1. coloring or puzzle books; crayons or pencils 2. tea bags, coffee, cookies 3. jar of jelly, cheese, crackers 4. car wash, polish, sponge or mitt, bucket 5. pine cone bird feeders, bird seed 6. ink pads, rubber stamps, paper 7. golf balls, tees, score cards 8. hot chocolate packets, marshmallows 9. soaps, bath powder, wash cloth 10. pears, apples, oranges, grapes 11. model cars, planes, trains; paints and brushes 12. nuts, spicy snacks, chili mixes



Sp Coffee Blend

y da oli a H e T

This newspaper belongs to:

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Newspaper Fun! Created by Annimills LLC © 2017


Kids: color stuff in!

So you me item mig ht n s eed :

December 3, 2018

...the holidays to make our presents.


Newspaper Fun!

I’ve got it...errr... almost!

The holidays are full of excitement. People often share their joy with others by decorating their yards, homes and hearths. Colored lights shine from tree branches. Garlands and wreaths grace doors. Plants and flowers are brought inside to brighten and beautify rooms. Delicious 5 smells of baking cookies and breads from the kitchen are created by spices taken from plants and trees. Plants are an important part of holiday time celebrations!




Inside and Outside the House

wintergreen peppermint cinnamon chestnuts chocolate 9

wheat plums anise sugar sage 10


In the Kitchen





Holiday Symbols! Read the clues below to fill in the crossword with symbols of Christmas!

Ooooh, these cinnamon sticks smell wonderful! 11. root with a spicy taste; used for breads, cookies 12. used for scent and taste in stuffing and with meats 13. from the red-brown bark of a tree; ground into powder for drinks, cookies 14. reddish-purple fruits from tree; used in cakes, pudding 15. from the bean of cacao tree

1. gift bringer 2. heavenly messengers 3. large burning chunk of wood 4. town where Christ was born 5. ring in Christmas with these 6. kind of tree decorated at Christmas

vanilla nutmeg ginger almonds cloves

Whew. The last holiday chore on my list is to decorate my nest. Can you help me find the evergreen branch, then the holly with berries? After that, go to my nest. No backtracking, please!


7. carried the Kings everg reen 8. people kiss under this 13 9. three of them brought gifts 16 bells 10. tree decorations 11. lighted to show warmth and joy 15 12. ring of greens 13. marked the place in the sky em 14. birthday of Jesus Christ hleh t What Plant is This? e B 15. songs of the season Use these letters 16. written holiday greetings to spell the name. 17. plant that brightens holidays t a n o e


s a Clau


yule lo





8 candle carol





14 17 This plant used to brighten the holidays is native to Mexico. The “flowers” are actually leaves! __ p __ __ i __ __ s __ t__ __ __ i __


Can you fill in the names of the instruments that are missing from the lines of these Christmas songs?



Hark! The Herald Angels Sing...


Is it #3 6 and #7? Huh? Huh? Is it #6 and #8? Is it...

Hmmm... which way do I go? cards

11 12


Can you help Starlight, the elf, stuff the cookie into the stocking?

I want to find two matching wreaths to decorate my doors. Can you find and circle two identical wreaths for me? 3

Christmas is Coming!

Stuffing the Stocking!

Two Just Alike! 2

Annimills LLC © 2017 V14-48

ornam Christmas is coming! Every ents wreath s a tm s i r h day there is something to C e 1 do to get ready for the mistleto an gels camel holidays. I just finished s making Christmas cards 2 with photos on them for my family and 5 6 friends. Right now I am hanging this 4 wreath I made on the barn door. Symbols of the holidays are all ia poinsett around us – candles show light and warmth, and bells joyously peal. 10


Someone in India W R __ __ T H decorated this banana tree for the holidays! M I __ T L E __ O E 1 Match the clues below to the plants! Then, fill in the blanks to spell the names. 1. a large one is cut and blessed; it is lighted and kept burning 5 2. blooms at Christmas; S T R __ __ T __ E E can be red, pink or white 3. green leaves, white berries; custom says people kiss under this P __ I N S E __ __ I A 8 4. round, made from evergreen branches; decorated with red bows, pine cones 5. decorated with lights, ornaments, star 6. placed as bedding in a manger or made into ornaments for the tree Y __ L E L O __





Plants at Christmas Time!

1. nuts from trees, used in making marzipan candy – a sweet paste that is shaped and colored to look like fruits, vegetables and toys 2. licorice gets its flavoring from this plant 3. buds from a bush; have a spicy taste and scent; hang an orange from a ribbon and push these into it for a nicely scented decoration 4. from a bean in a pod on a vine; used in puddings 5. has a “cool” taste; used in candies; grows in U.S. and Canada 6. ground into flour; used for cookies, cakes, gravies 7. used in candy canes, tea; thought to help settle the stomach 8. comes from cane; used for icing, lollipops 9. in pods hanging on trees; in some places, street vendors roast and sell these to eat while still warm 10. hard little seeds ground into powder - shake on eggnog

Color in everything.


Fill in this puzzle about the parts of plants that we use in our kitchens!



Annimills LLC © 2017 V14-47

Many voices and musical instruments are used to create all the beautiful carols that we hear everywhere.

1. I played my __________ for Him pa rum pum pum pum I played my best for Him pa rum pum pum pum 2. With little tin __________ and little toy __________, Rooty-toot-toots and rummy-tum-tums, Santa Claus is coming to town.

3. It came upon a midnight clear, that glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth, to touch their __________ of gold; 4. Jingle __________, jingle _________, jingle all the way!

Decorating for the Holidays ‘Naturally!’

Newspaper Fun! Created by Annimills LLC © 2017

Do you know where the spices we use come from? How about the nuts and oils?

Kids: color stuff in!

December 3, 2018

Study the shapes and shadows of these Christmas symbols and decorations. How many can you name? 2

Christmas Shapes and Shadows


5 3





12 4

7 11

Newspaper Fun! Created by Annimills LLC © 2017


Newspaper Fun!

Kids: color stuff in!

December 3, 2018

...hope to hear jingling on the rooftop!

Christmas is almost here and we...

...eggnog and to use peppermint in cocoa.

We like to grate nutmeg on top of our...


It’s a great time for new beginnings.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Newspaper Fun!

Kids: color stuff in!

December 3, 2018


Annimills LLC © 2017 V14-49

Happy New Year!

Now list 2 things you think will be important next year. 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________


Follow this color key to find out! Y = Yellow (or gold) B = Blue



can mean a fresh...












Christmas at the Historical Museum, check it out!!



Karen Wright putting out the goodies




Checkout this blouse from Morgan Abbigail Boutique

ar calend




10. people getting together to have a good time 11. to honor or praise something 12. instrument, makes a loud noise 13. condition of your body and mind 14. twelve o’clock at night 15. first month of the year


visits horns

A New Year...







Babette Tomberlain

Checkout the Train at the Historical Museum

Rhonda Bullard

If you missed the Living History Christmas on December 1st, no worries, the Museum has more for the holidays. The Loblolly Model Train and Holiday Village Exhibit is slated from December 4 through the 22nd. The Museum is opened Tuesday to Friday from 10:00am to 4:00pm. On Saturdays from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Adults are $5.00 Senior Citizens $2.00 and Children $1.00. For more information, visit them at www.gregghistorical.org.

Everyone’s having fun! Can

you find and circle the “New Year” words below in the puzzle?

12 11 1 2 10 3 9 8 4 7 6 5



New Year’s Search

It’s New Year’s Eve! Help Star find her way to the clock and then to the fireworks!






Read the clues to fill in the crossword: 1. hollow, metal objects that ring when struck 2. beginning, for the first time 3. pleasing sounds made by voices or instruments 4. to call on or stay with someone 5. present, something given 6. chart of the months, weeks and days of the year 7. promise or decision 8. raise glasses to drink in honor of a person or thing 9. aged, time gone by

Midnight Fun!










future cheers










memories firecrackers

parade first day











TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS, NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS We thank you for your support this past year. You’ve delivered us nothing but kindness, and we hope we’ve done the same for you.

Father Time Baby New Year





















Newspaper Fun! Created by Annimills LLC © 2017

1. _______________________ 2. _______________________


ra celeb

New Year's Day is a wonderful time. This first day of January and of the new year is a time to remember the past, to celebrate, and to hope for a happy, healthy future. 1 In the U.S., some people have parties or attend church services at midnight. Others go to Times Square in New York City to listen to music, enjoy the crowds and wait for the magical stroke of midnight. In other countries people exchange gifts or open their homes to neighbors or visitors. Many people honor parents or relatives and try to pay all their debts so they will not owe anything at the start of the new year. I’m full of energy and New Year's Day is a time to think back – and ahead! ready for the new year! List 2 things that you will remember about this year!

Let’s Celebrate!

Gai Bennett prepares Shrimp for Open House


Yawn...I’m so worn out!


December 3, 2018

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iabetes is a killer that afflicts multitudes, although many live for years and even decades with the disease. The effects can be lethal, but generally there are symptoms that tip off those with type 2 diabetes that they have the affliction even though they can be mild to the point of going unnoticed. Common symptoms include: • Frequent urination, Chronic thirst, Feeling very hungry despite eating, Fatigue, Blurred vision • Cuts and bruises that are abnormally slow to heal, Noticeable weight loss even though the patient is actually eating more (Type 1). Tingling/pain/numbness in hands and feet (Type 2) According to the American Diabetes Association, the medical community is committed to helping the millions of Americans who already have and are at risk of this illness. Education is a prime treatment. Informing the whole world about diabetes, its causes, effects and treatments is the purpose of the following questions and answers. What does excess weight have to do with diabetes? As is the case with many physical ailments being overweight is a major factor, but there are other aspects to consider. Person’s amount of physical activity, family histories, ethnicity and age must also be taken into account. Too many are under the misconception that weight is the sole cause of type 2 diabetes, but many type 2 sufferers are either only slightly overweight or not overweight at all. Still, dietary habits are significant. Does eating sweets and sugars cause diabetes? Any diet high in calories (including sugar) contributes to weight gain, which is certain to place one at risk for type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is determined mainly by genetics, lifestyle and other, unknown

HEALTH of heart attack. On the plus side diabetes is an illness that can be managed. DIABETES PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT: FROM HELEN DANIELS, MD Two primary things determine the development of anything in life – GENETICS and ENVIRONMENT. While we can do nothing to change our genetic predisposition to diabetes, we can do our best to decrease HELEN DANIELS, MD our risk and/ or delay onset of disease by optimizing our ENVIRONMENT, that is, optimizing the bodies in which we live. LIFESTYLE CHOICES will dictate this and only we can determine this. Here are some goals to aim for in the path to prevention. LOSE excess body FAT, and in particular belly fat. Being overweight or obese are major risk factors for diabetes. By Joycelyne Fadojutimi MAINTAIN CALORIE factors which precipitate the CONTROLS – with a high disease, but not by sugar intake. proportion of lean meats , fish , Do sugary beverages trigger vegetables and fruits in smaller diabetes? portions, while avoiding food Research indicates that high in carbohydrate contents, drinking sugary beverages saturated fats and processed is indeed a cause of type foods. At each meal or snack 2 diabetes. The American there should be a combination Diabetes Association of protein, healthy fat and fiber. recommends avoiding sugarDRINK WATER. Replacement sweetened drinks in order of high calorie sugarto head off type 2 diabetes. sweetened drinks which have Furthermore, sugary drinks no nutritional value with water also boost glucose (also known significantly reduces diabetes as blood sugar) levels by and obesity. containing several hundred ENGAGE in regular calories per serving. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. A single 12-ounce can Current recommendations are of regular soda contains for 150 minutes of moderate approximately 150 calories and exercise, such as walking, 40 grams of carbohydrates--in weekly. other words the same amount DE- STRESS. High levels as in ten teaspoons full of sugar! of stress induce hormones Sugar-sweetened beverages that predispose to the include such drinks as: Regular development of diabetes. soda, Fruit punch, Fruit drinks, Find time to relax daily. Energy drinks, Sports drinks, Get a good night’s SLEEP. Sweet tea and other sugary Chronic sleep deprivation and/ drinks. or poor sleep quality increases As a disease, how serious risk for diabetes. is diabetes? Know the warning sings Every year diabetes kills ( increased thirst, urination , more people that breast cancer hunger, weight loss, itching) and AIDS combined. Being and see your doctor for an diabetic nearly doubles the risk ANNUAL PHYSICAL EXAM

Diabetes: What to look for and what to do

December 3, 2018

which will also include screening labs for common diseases. Diabetes Management Should diabetes develop, all hope is not lost. Your doctor in conjunction with you, will develop an individualized patient centered approach to the treatment of your disease with an array of meds available, Your goal is to KNOW YOUR NUMBERS and to start and maintain the lifestyle changes previously outlined in order to get to those targets. Here are some numbers to know. Glucose Levels: While blood sugar levels are individualized, the ADA recommends the following target for most nonpregnant adults with diabetes Hb A1C <7% or an average glucose reading of 154 mg/dl Fasting blood sugars of 80-130 2-hour Post meal sugars of <180 BP goal of < 140/90 Cholesterol levels. Improve your cholesterol profile. Bad cholesterol ( LDL ) targets no longer apply, however obtaining values of < 100 with improved good cholesterol ( HDL ) levels of > 40 are preferred. The current standard of care recommends use of a lipid lowering agent or statin in all diabetics, regardless of how good the cholesterol profile is, due to a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes. The American diabetic association (ADA) recommends that you be SMART, that is, that you set Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Relevant Time-bound goals. It’s your destiny that hangs in the balance and attaining well planned, timely, worthy goals leads to freedom. And as always be forever in pursuit of YOUR ULTM8 IDL.

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