infinitieplus September 2021
s a x e T , w e i v Long
Longview ISD Superintendent upbeat despite challenges A RACE FOR DIGNITY - 5K FUN RUN
Nonprofit Community Connections
Nonprofit Community Connections
The Magazine for Living Life Beyond, Plus One… Publisher / Editor Joycelyne Fadojutimi, PhD Photography Joycelyne Fadojutimi Graphic Designer Kuneho Designs Contributing Writers Dr. Michael Guido Sydney McBride Mechele Agbayani Mills Debi Johnston
For advertising: contact Joycelyne Fadojutimi at OUR MISSION
To enrich the local-global community with the “just in time knowledge,” to assure future successes
L to R : Lori Osborne, Diane Buckelew, Ryan Perez, David Wolfe, Mike Wigington, K’Dawn O’Rear, Lauren Gipner. Kneeling: Dustin Eberhart & Will Buskell Kim Casey, Linda Whitehead, Mara Laporon, James Velde, Lauren Hanyka, Chloe Dunn
Contd. on Page 14
To become an information oracle of functional and constructive reports that serves the needs of businesses and communities.
Submission Deadline: The first of every month prior to month of issue. infinitieplus magazine is not responsible for any discrepancies or changes since the publishing of this issue. At the time of publication, to the best of our knowledge, all information was accurate though not guaranteed. The entire contents of infinitieplus magazine is copyrighted 2021. Any reproduction or use in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. infinitieplus magazine reserves the right to edit and make appropriate modifications. The opinions published by contributing writers do not necessarily reflect the views of infinitieplus magazine or its advertisers.
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September 2021
September 2021
Table of Contents
ETAA Crystal Lewis
Tracy Beard
Officer Kendrick Montgomery
Bundles Bundles Bundlesof of ofjoy. joy. joy. It’s It’s It’swhat what whatwe we wedeliver. deliver. deliver.
Lamar Jones
Officer Luke Altman
than than than your your your and and and your your your baby’s baby’s baby’s health health health and and and well-being. well-being. well-being. This This This isiswhy why is why we wewe provide provide provide extra extra extra amenities amenities amenities such such such as asprivate as private private rooms, rooms, rooms, spacious spacious spacious birthing birthing birthing suites, suites, suites, childbirth childbirth childbirth classes classes classes and and and breastfeeding breastfeeding breastfeeding support. support. support. And And And ififyou you if you and and and your your your newest newest newest addition addition addition need need need aalittle little a little extra extra extra help, help, help, we wewe offer offer offer perinatal perinatal perinatal services services services that that that include include include maternal-fetal maternal-fetal maternal-fetal medicine medicine medicine specialists specialists specialists and and and aaLevel Level a Level IIIIIINICU. NICU. III NICU. For ForFor more more more information information information about about about our our our labor labor labor and and and delivery delivery delivery services, services, services, visit visit visit
Officer LaDarian Brown
Features 3 Nonprofit Community Connections 7 Inspiration
From From From the thethe day day day you you you find find find out outout to tothe to thethe day day day you you you deliver, deliver, deliver, there’s there’s there’s nothing nothing nothing more more more important important important to toLongview to Longview Longview Regional Regional Regional Medical Medical Medical Center Center Center
Dr. Jennifer Fadal
Cover Story
14 Nonprofit Community Connections 16 Nonprofit Community Connections 18 Nonprofit Community Connections 22
Business and Finance
Dr. James Wilcox retains total faith in the ability of everyone associated with the school district to work their way to success despite lingering uncertainty about the new school year challenges and changing strain of the COVI-19. He sees how Longview's leadership is resolved to be proactive, transparent, and utterly effective through every step of the nine-month journey. He is determined on leading a campaign of efficient collaboration with educators, civic leaders, and health officials to make 2021-2022 the greatest school year ever.
2901 2901 2901 N. N.Fourth N. Fourth Fourth Street Street Street • • Longview, Longview, • Longview, TX TX75605 TX 75605 75605 • • 903-242-3490 903-242-3490 • 903-242-3490 • • •
September 2021
hat is joy? Is it a feeling? An attitude? An emotion? Is it something we “get” or “discover,” perhaps “find” or “inherit” from another or “locate” traveling on the road of life? Is it temporary or permanent? Can it be passed from one person to another? Is it internal or external? Is it possible it could be all of the above? Things were not going well for Moses. He knew that something was missing in the lives of the people following hie leadership and he knew what it was: joy. They had been through difficult days and trying times. They grumbled and groaned and griped. They
were critical of their conditions and angry with God. Why, they wondered, did they leave what they had for something they had been promised but could not find. They were disenchanted and discouraged. So, Moses, the man of God, knew what to do: He went to God in prayer. “Relent, O Lord! How long will it be? Have compassion on Your servants. Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” Moses reminded God that He was a God filled with unfailing love. In earnestness he begged God to “show-up” and prove His compassion by relenting. So, he prayed: “fill our empty hearts
with a renewed awareness of Your unfailing love.” Moses knew that only God could restore the “joy of His salvation” and the blessings that repentance and restoration could. Often, we become like the Israelites – wanting God’s blessings without being faithful to Him. Hearts once filled with joy become empty because of disobedience! Prayer: Lord, if we lose the joy of Your salvation may we understand that it is because of our sins. Forgive and restore us and keep us faithful! In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Scripture for Today: Psalm 90:13: Relent, Lord! How long will it be? Have compassion on your servants.
September 2021
Cover Story
Cover Story
NEW SCHOOL YEAR: Longview ISD Superintendent upbeat despite challenges B y J OYC E LY N E FA D O J U T I M I / W W W.I P LU S M AG .CO M
The Longview Independent School District's (LISD) recent annual convocation was a highspirited extravaganza. The award-winning Lobo Band, the Viewettes and Lobo cheerleaders gave local educators and civic leaders a lyrical welcome such as none ever before seen for its expertise and enthusiasm. The school district's executives took part in blue collar style. Deputy Superintendent Horace Williams made sure coffee and treats were in abundance for attendees while LISD Foundation Executive Director Kay Ray led a team of her marketers, peddling Lobo Out TShirts.Even more, the city sent some
of its best representatives in a show of support for education. For instance, Cynthia Hellen, Arts Longview executive director Arts Longview, a nonprofit responsible for Longview arts cultural district attended. Moreover, Texas Bank & Trust, Bare Necessities founder Arya Germanwala, and several local businesses manned their booths at the event. Keynoter speaker Anne Grady, a chief resilience officer, touched on vital topics including resiliency. Following this very tough act, Longview police officer/pastor of Parkview Baptist Church concluded the convocation with a benediction and
a prayer for the upcoming school year. But that is not all. Longview Independent School District (LISD) Superintendent Dr. James Wilcox was ready for the end of the hard-to-handle 2020-2021 school year but going into this new one he still has expectations of positive results and great success. "Last year was one of the most complicated and difficult in my entire fifty-year career in education," he says. "In all of my thirty-five years as a superintendent I have never faced such a broad scope of unique challenges from global, federal, state and local perspectives." Still, there were (and are) promising as-
pects. He is inspired and hopeful after noting how the students, faculty and stakeholders have come together in mutual support and guidance in the face of a litany of obstacles. He can see how the situation remains hopeful. Wilcox retains total faith in the ability of everyone associated with the school district to work their way to success despite lingering uncertainty about the new school year challenges and changing strain of the COVI19. He sees how Longview's leadership is resolved to be proactive, transparent, and utterly effective through every step of the ninemonth journey. He is deter-
mined on leading a campaign of efficient collaboration with educators, civic leaders, and health officials to make 2021-2022 the greatest school year ever. Through hard work and sheer persistence, the LISD will achieve its goal of expertly educating its students while keeping the public informed of every part of the process. Best of all, the East Texas Advanced Academies are poised for superior success no matter what Mr. COVID-19 does. Below is an opportunity to meet the educators who are changing students destinies for the better. The reader gets an opportunity to know their whys.
September 2021
A cross section of LISD employees at Convocation
Kay Ray in action
"Last year was one of the most complicated and difficult in my entire fifty-year career in education. In all of my thirty-five years as a superintendent I have never faced such a broad scope of unique challenges from global, federal, state and local perspectives." - Dr. James Wilcox Longview Independent School District (LISD) Superintendent
CEO Dr. Cynthia Wise and her ETAA Team attend recent convocation L-r: Wade McElroy, Crystal Lewis, Crista Allison, Dr. Crystal Locke, Dr. Cynthia Wise, Megan Burns, Mary Hagler and Dr. Arthur Brown
Education: Foundation for Future Leaders By DR CRYSTAL LOCKE
Greetings! I am Dr. Crystal Locke. I am the Culture Conscious Campus Coordinator (CCC) for the East Texas Advanced Academies (ETAA). I chose to become an educator because as a child I never saw
representation of myself as teachers or administrators. It was not until I went to college that I had a professor in which I could culturally relate. It has been my mission to be that representation and to help people real-
ize their potential. I truly believe that education is the foundation for future leaders. Each of our students has the potential to be that future leader. It is up to us educators to help them realize their potential and give
them the skills to achieve their destiny. I am excited about working with all our stakeholders and playing a vital part in molding our future generations. I love that all involved are enthusiastic about becoming
Dr. Crystal Locke
the best version of themselves and are ready to incorporate the CCC model into their daily educational endeavors.
September 2021
Cover Story
Cover Story
Education Picks the Educator
Why I Became an Educator
Education is the family business. Like a farmer who nurtures his crop, my immediate forebears were nurtured by their parents to become educators. In the generation immediately preceding my own, there were at least ten teachers, several of whom went on to become administrators (my own father among them). They grew up in a time when the two most respected people
in the community were the preacher and the teacher, two professions that, in most African American communities, meant they had some autonomy. This gave them a small amount of freedom from the white societal power structure. Segregated churches and schools increased their importance to their communities. However, like most TKs (teachers’ kids), I swore blind
that I was not going to become a teacher. But, in my late twenties, I found myself at Texas Southern University (Go Tigers) still working on a degree I should have finished several years earlier, but constantly changing majors has its consequences. Working as a teaching assistant to one of the university’s computer science professors, I spent a lot of time with many of our incoming freshmen.
I was amazed at their incredible lack of rudimentary skills, a fact that I complained about to my father. After he let me complain a little while, he told me that if I thought I could do a better job of getting kids ready for college I ought to get my teaching certification and fix the problem. So, I took his challenge, the plan being to teach a few years, give a little
Dr. Arthur Brown
back to the community, then go do something else. Thirty-two years later I find that my love of seeing kids get it, my love for watching the dedication of teachers, and my love for the profession, in general, has kept me in the game.
Crista Allison I am Dr. Cynthia Wise' Executive Assistant. You asked me what I like about working for Dr. Wise and ETAA. Well in the short time I have been here I have come to realize how much Dr. Wise loves the kids, takes pride in the job she does and the people she helps. She is a strong,
hardworking, and loving woman that just wants what is best for her community and the kids. These are the kind of people that we need more of in the world. I don't just like working for her, but I love it. These are qualities I as well want to show. I want to help the kids learn more,
help them to be good people, show kindness and that there is goodness in the world. I know for sure I found my place here to do that with Dr. Wise. Dr. Wise cares about the minds and wellbeing of these kids, you can hear it when she talks and the work she does. It's a job that
I never thought I would have the opportunity to get but here I am loving and learning more every day. I have really enjoyed getting to know Dr. Wise and the other ETAA staff. I'm proud to work alongside Dr. Wise and the other ETAA members. I thank Dr. Wise for
I have been an educator for 25 years, and I am very compassionate about education. It was meant to be for me, that I would explore education as a career and a mission. I have always (since being a young man) been a person to instruct others, whenever, I discovered that others did not possess certain knowledge that I possessed. I have always been a person that think about others before myself, and thus I believe that educa-
tion was a calling for me. Education is not for the weary and the selfish person; thus, “Education Picks the Educator”. People who are not very successful in the area of education have picked education as a fallback field; thus, these people have no compassion for the people in which they serve. “Education Picks the Educator” not the other way around. Forest Park Magnet M.S. is a special campus in
my eyes. There is an established culture of students, parents, and community like no other that I have experienced in my educational journey. The community is very special because everyone is an Eagle and a Lobo. There seems to be an heir of unselfishness in this community. The Forest Park community cares about all students, teachers, and staff members. The students of Forest Park are like no other students, any-
where. The student of Forest Park is very brilliant and are truly 21st century and lifelong learners. These students face adversity on a daily basis, and always seem to come out on “top”. Finally, Forest Park Magnet M.S. possesses the best teachers that I have had the privilege to learn from, in regards to caring for and educating students. Teachers of Forest Park Mag-
Dr. Wilbert Andrews
net M.S. are expert educators, and every one of them “go the extra mile” for their students and fellow colleagues. I am awake and realize how fortunate I am to be at Forest Park Magnet M.S. Thus, I say, “Education Picks the Educator”, and not the other way around.
Why I Love Montessori B y J A C Q U E L I N E B U R N E T T , Ed.D.
Crista Allison
the opportunity that she has given me. I couldn't be happier to be part of such an organization like ETAA.
September 2021
I love Montessori, first and foremost, because every classroom provides a prepared environment where children are able to develop independence, concentration, coordination, and order. The hands on and tactile
materials naturally bring about the inquisitive nature of the child and allows them to inquire about new ways to do things. Lessons are introduced individually with selfcorrecting materials, which through observation, allow
the Montessori Guide to reteach as needed. Montessori facilitates a natural love for learning, allows freedom within limits, fosters a love for learning, freedom to explore without negative consequences, and encourages children
to delve deeper, and ask questions; all while learning both social and academic skills. Additionally, I love Montessori because it offers children the opportunity to develop their full potential as they prepare to enter
Jacqueline Burnett, Ed.D.
into the world as engaged, respectful, and responsible citizens who embrace learning as a lifelong journey.
September 2021
Cover Story
Cover Story
Chose to be an educator and impact the future
Bramlette ES: Destined for Greatness
Growing up in our household, my brother and I witnessed our father work a full-time job while our mother was the homemaker teaching and caring for us. Even though being a teacher was one of her dreams, she chose us, and we became her students with our father’s full support. My mother was kind-hearted, generous, passion-
ate, intelligent, and loved children. I saw her live out her values of equity, honesty, and fairness during my childhood and that inspired me to want to want to impart the gift of knowledge and an excitement to learn; be a positive role model in the lives of students and influence them by cultivating a passion of discovery and the
magic of an inquisitive mind the way she did. I worked in many fields before I embraced my destiny in which my parents had nurtured and prepared me for all my life. For me, education is a way of life rather than just a way to make a living. What I love the most about the students, teachers and campus is the heart and pride
that is exhibited each day. At Bramlette, we are a family. We are a strong educational community that operates with unity, focus, and a culture of high expectations. Our students, parents, faculty, and staff are unique, resilient, and persistent. Committed, dependable, respectful, passionate, open-minded,
Nikita Mumphrey
and innovative are our core values that define our relentless pursuit of excellence yielding teacher growth and high student achievement. Our future is bright, certain, and foundationally sound. Together, we are Destined for Greatness!
I did not choose education; education chose me. In fact, I feel like I was “born to teach”. Since I was old enough to play with my first desk set (at about age 5) I would get my older brother and sister to play school.
Can you guess who played the role of the teacher? I even tried to escape what I knew God destined for my life by professing to everyone that I was going to be an engineer. Somehow, and it is still a blur, I never made it to the engi-
neering building- I ended up in line for the School of Education and the rest is history. My love for education stems from my love for children. Having the ability to touch, inspire, and even change lives for the
better drives me to continue my path in education. Seeing children, especially ones others James, Head of ‘count out’, thrive, Cassandra School, JL Everhart ES excel, and ultimately succeed gives me the greatness within a personal sense of each of the stufulfillment. Teach- dents whose lives I ing allows me to lift have been fortunate the veil and uncover enough to touch.
September 2021
I chose to be an educator to make a positive impact on the lives of our future generations. I was very fortunate to have teachers who pushed me to accomplish things I never thought possible, and this had a lasting impact on my life. I am passionate about educating our students in new and innovative ways that prepare them to make an impact on the world. Education has the power to change people’s
lives for the better and I am very proud to call myself an educator. Especially in such an innovative charter network as East Texas Advanced Academies. Our students at Ware are nothing short of amazing. We set very high expectations for them, and I have been impressed daily with their unique knowledge of our world and how hard they will work to accomplish their goals. They’re fearless risk
takers, proud communicators, and always inquiring to learn more. At Ware, we know every student has the capacity to grow into a changer and we work every day to bring out what already exists within them. It’s an honor to watch them grow academically, socially, and emotionally each day. Our teachers are an exciting group to work with. They are smart and innovative and most im-
portantly, they are coachable. They want to grow and become better Josh Worsham, M.Ed., educators every day. Principal They have embraced a family mental- is always bright, ity and understand colorful, and very the importance of welcoming. It has collaboration to ac- an old building feel complish our goals. but is also full of They believe in modern technology our students and and amenities. It’s a challenge them to wonderful place for achieve new heights. learning that stuI love my job as dents are excited to Principal of Ware come to each day. East Texas Montes- This is going to be a sori Academy as we big year for us, and have such a beau- we are very excited tiful campus that to get started.
As much as I enjoy working with the professionals on our campus who are passionate about and committed to our students, it's
the students themselves who provide my "why" for this job. There is nothing more energizing or humbling than to connect with a
student. In the principal's role, I have the ability to connect with hundreds of children each day. I relate with the saying "To teach is to
touch the future." It is our duty to make certain that the future we help create for our children is done so with great rever-
Megan Burns
ence for the possibilities inherent in each one of them.
September 2021
Nonprofit Community Connections
Nonprofit Community Connections
nity 5K Fun Run in various capacit
Lobos participate in Race for Dig
The “Race for Dignity” was open to people of all ages from beginners to experienced runners. According to Founder, Arya Germanwala, “Simple Bare Necessities inaugural fun run was a great success. They had many participants including their
sponsors who ran showing their commitment the cause. “I am so appreciative of our Longview community and humbled by the experience, ” said Germanwala. “One hundred percent of the donations from the 5K will go to support our Lobos.”
903.291.0020 1408 Lago Trail Longview Lobos participate in Race for Dignity 5K Fun Run in various capacities.
imple Bare Necessities is a nonprofit organization that Arya Germanwala, a Longview high school student started in 2020 exists to enrich the lives indigent young people in the community. The
goal of Simple Bare Necessities is to provide personal hygiene products to students in need in the Longview Independent School District thereby promote dignity and self-confidence. Since its inception, Simple Bare Necessities has provided more than
Assisted Living and Memory Care Community
2,000 plus personal hygiene kits to students in the district. Hence, the success of “Race of Dignity” 5k run was crucial to the ongoing growth of Simple Bare Necessities’ mission of providing hygiene products to indigent youth.
September 2021
L-r: Dr. Blake Williams, Arya, Drs. Hank and Samir Germanwala with Indra Lanka
September 2021
Nonprofit Community Connections
Nonprofit Community Connections
Flower and Environmental Power: Kim Casey and KLB enhance city B y J OYC E LY N E FA D O J U T I M I / I P L U S M A G .C O M
im Casey is the executive director of Keep Longview Beautiful KLB) Ms. Casey calls Longview a "proud city" whose people are ever working toward keeping their environment spotless and beautiful. By working in tandem with the Texas Department of Transportation, the Longview Beautification Division, and Keep Longview Beautiful, Longview Texas keeps getting spectacular and more artistic. Outdoor art exhibits set up by the ART from the heART program add to the local scenic outlook, and the new Cultural District sponsored by Arts!Longview are additional sources of civic artistic allure. Casey is clear on this initiative's objectives and their rewards. "Longview is pushing to become a premier destination for those desiring the values of rich beauty," she says. "This attractive-
ness must also include a 'Less Littered Longview,' and litter-free streets, neighborhoods and greenspaces are priorities for a progressive town." According to Casey, The AdoptA-Street program oversees eightythree miles of area streets being cleaned and cared for by enthusiastic local volunteers who meticulously police these thoroughfares four times yearly. This improved appearance decreases crime and vandalism and raises property values. Longview businesses have been planting and potting beautiful plants, saplings, and flowers in a "flower fever" aesthetic beauty-boosting campaign. These pleasing storefronts and business facades catch the attention of and draw in new customers whose patronage favors the local econ-
"Longview is pushing to become a premier destination for those desiring the values of rich beauty. This attractiveness must also include a 'Less Littered Longview,' and litter-free streets, neighborhoods and greenspaces are priorities for a progressive town."
Kim Casey,
Executive Director of Keep Longview Beautiful omy. But that is not all. K e e p Longview Beautiful presents Beautification Awards to commercial enterprises who go above and beyond in their efforts for cleanliness and beauty. The city's outdoor attractions are
becoming a great success. "People are enjoying community greenspaces for family time, events and educational purposes like never before," says Casey. "This massive spike of interest in nature has generated pride, which easily translates to a need to improve yards, gardens and all our outdoor spaces."
September 2021
In no particular order KLB executive director Kim Casey and her Board of Directors: Lori Osborne, Diane Buckelew, Ryan Perez, David Wolfe, Mike Wigington, K’Dawn O’Rear, Lauren Gipner, Dustin Eberhart, Will Buskell, Linda Whitehead, Mara Laporon, James Velde, Lauren Hanyka, Chloe Dunn and Donna Pruitt
Furthermore, Longview residents show a great interest in and enthusiasm for outdoor, green activities. The Green, the Arboretum and other local parks see crowds of visitors weekly. They do not come solely for a quiet, restful experience, either. "This morning, while limbing trees and preparing for upcoming projects at the Green, we enjoyed the 'music' of kids screaming and giggling while playing tag until they were completely breathless," says Casey. "Back in the Music Garden the tones from the xylophones competed with the deep beats
on the drums." For all these reasons, on September 18, a new event called Love Longview will kick-off. According to Casey, at least 650 willing volunteers will come together for a day of civic service. These conscientious locals will collect litter from along Highway 80 and our entryways. They will paint fences around cemeteries, pick up litter all over town, reclaim sidewalks, and assist those in need in their homes. To participate in this event please sign up at Make a difference!
September 2021
Nonprofit Community Connections
Nonprofit Community Connections
RALLIES CITY WITH UNITE RALLY Longview, Texas stands against hatred and bigotry. B y J OYC E LY N E FA D O J U T I M I / I P LU S M AG .CO M
hen Longview learned that the there are plans for a hate rally, Mayor Andy Mack and the City Council immediately made their stand clear. "While we recognize the importance of freedom of speech, we also recognize that we have a responsibility to protect our citizens from dangerous conduct. So, we will continue to monitor the situation and respond appropriately within the
bounds of the law," Mack said. "This group does not represent who we are as a community. We as a city council and myself as mayor denounce this attempt to promote hate and bigotry in our town. Now is the time for Longview to show we are a diverse community that loves each other, defends each other and protects each other." One Love Longview and their dedicated volunteers took it further and showcased a jawdropping eventwhat a diverse
ren Land ell, Lorine Pierson and Lau
Ashleigh Blackw
“We thought it best to shift the focus from hate to unity and wanted all colors and cultures of our community to be celebrated.” Democrat Ariane Catala and President of East Texas Young Republican Michelle Gamboa
Police officer Luke Altman demonstrat ed that it may be 91 degrees outside, bu t it is 104 degrees insid e the car. Parents, pl ease do not leave kids in side the vehicle.
Kimberly Blakely with Urban Creed MC
September 2021
Farmasi and much more. According of Amanda Veasy, Founder of One Love Longview, they made the decision to have the Unite Rally when they learned of the alleged KKK Rally schedule to take place in Longview in September. “We thought it best to shift the focus from hate to unity and wanted all colors and cultures of our community to be celebrated,” she said.
“Our local businesses rallied around One Love Longview like never before for this event. With over 40 independent vendors and several sponsors, our community really pulled together for an incredible event,” said Ms. Veasy. “The Unite Rally more than met our expectations. I think it really showed our people that Longview desires love and peace above all else.”
Amanda Veasy, Founder, One Love Longview community Longview is and will be in the future with religious, ethnic, racial, and business diversity at Teague Park. Despite Texas sizzling temperatures, the crowd came out in droves. Junior League of Longview was also in attendance with their Unity and Diversity t-shirts. With all CDC COVID-19 health regulations in place, various vendors,
citizens, the Fire and Police departments attended the rally. Better yet, Republicans and Democrats worked amicably together in the same tent registering voters. In addition, Urban Creed MC brought out their beautiful bikes for people to enjoy. Make no mistake about this rally, citizens bought items from vendors such as purses, sunglasses food from food trucks, cosmetics from
Members of Junior League show off their
Cheri Scott, LaDonna Heckard and Donna Mi ller of FARMASI beauty pr oducts.
September 2021
Community Connections
Get personal with GE Café Kitchen Appliances Distinct by Design
We are known for Stone, but we do much more!
4523 Judson Rd. Longview, Texas 75605 20 903-663-3344 |
September 2021
Business and Finance
Business and Finance
Tips for Renters “While an advertised rental at a great price might be tempting consumers shouldn’t rush into paying upfront fees for rentals sight-unseen. Instead, take time to verify the details of listings.” Mechele Agbayani Mills,
President and CEO of BBB Serving Central East Texas By MECHELE AGBAYANI MILLS
BB is reminding renters to use caution when looking for rental property. In 2020, 7,593 complaints were filed through BBB against apartment complexes and real estate rentals with the majority of the
issues revolving around their services, billing and repairs. Likewise, as bogus ads for properties are common, it’s more important than ever for renters to make educated decisions before choosing an apartment or other rental property. How do rental scams
work? BBB Scam Tracker reports indicate that many con artists steal online rental listings – including the photos of the house or apartment and the property description – and create their own listings, which look legitimate but contain the scammer’s contact
information instead of the property owner’s or rental agent’s. They may work out a deal with potential buyers or renters over the phone, insisting that because of an emergency or circumstances outside of their control, they are not able to meet in person or show the property.
September 2021
Instead, they'll set up a drive by of the property to view from the outside and then, send a contract by mail or email. The entire transaction is done virtually. Once the contract is signed, they ask for a deposit and first
month’s rent. In return, they promise to mail the keys once the funds have cleared. Sadly, no key arrives. The phone and email address that worked before during the negotiation process are shut down and the cash is gone.
BBB provides the following recommendations before putting down a deposit on a rental property: • *Look out for toogood-to-be-true deals. If someone offers a great rental for an extremely low price, compare the same property in the same neighborhood and ask questions. • *Double check the “business address. If a website has a business address, search the address. If the address pops up on a map as a residential address, a vacant property, empty lot or overseas, chances are it's probably not a legitimate business. • *Confirm the identity of the landlord. A legitimate landlord won’t hesitate to show their ID and allow a photo to be taken. Confirm the real property owner by checking county registers. • *See the property in person. Never sign a lease or make a deposit without seeing the
property in person first. • *Never pay via unconventional methods. Once “deposit” is sent via wire transfer, pre-paid credit card, gift card or other uncommon method of payment, the money is gone with very little chance of getting it back. • *Watch out for red flags. If a property has a “for sale” sign, but the “landlord” wants to rent, use caution. It’s also suspicious to find a broken lockbox. Check local rental and sales listings. See if the property is on there before going to an open house. • *Use the services of a reputable rental agency. Find agents you can trust on To report fraudulent activity or unscrupulous business practices, please call BBB at 903581-5704 or use BBB ScamTracker. Mechele Agbayani Mills, President and CEO of BBB Serving Central East Texas.
September 2021
With this Ring
With this Ring
How to host
a casual wedding
eddings tend to be formal affairs, but there are no laws prohibiting happy couples from hosting more casual affairs. In fact, many couples confronted with the rising costs of tying the knot are doing just that. According to The Knot 2016 Real Weddings Study, the average cost of a wedding in 2016 exceeded $35,000, and that price tag does not even include couples’ honeymoons. Some couples may not have the means to finance such lavish affairs, while others may want to save for larger expenses, such as a house, while still being able to celebrate their nuptials with family and friends. Casual weddings can provide that opportunity. However, while casual weddings are less formal, couples will still need to keep some things in mind to make their ceremonies and receptions both fun and memorable.
Let guests know the wedding will be casual. Perhaps the most important thing couples can do when hosting a casual wedding is inform their guests that the ceremony and reception will not be formal affairs. Be as specific as possible regarding the dress code so guests don’t feel embarrassed if they overdress. Don’t abandon tradition entirely. Couples hosting casual weddings may not feel beholden to all the traditions associated with more formal affairs, but that does not mean tradition should be abandoned entirely. For example, fathers-of-thebride may still hope to share a spotlight dance with their daughters, while siblings or friends may still hope to serve as bridesmaids or groomsmen. Just because a wedding is less formal does not mean it has to be completely void of tradition, especially those traditions that can let couples closest loved ones know how much they are loved and appreciated. September 2021
Create your own traditions. Embracing some tradition does not mean couples cannot simultaneously create their own wedding traditions. Guests at casual weddings will likely be expecting something different than they’re used to, so couples should not hesitate to provide that. Couples should strive to keep things tasteful but not shy away from unique ideas that fit into the casual theme. Plan to feed guests. While couples having casual weddings may choose to have their receptions somewhere other than banquet halls, they should still plan to feed their guests. Some guests may be traveling and staying in hotels to attend the wedding, and it’s a nice gesture to show
appreciation for their efforts by providing them with a meal. A meal also offers a great chance for guests to mingle with the married couple and fellow guests. Something simple like a backyard barbecue or a catered meal at home fits nicely with a casual setting. Don’t overlook logistics. Small details, like transportation, parking and lodging will still need to be arranged. If hosting guests at home after the ceremony, make sure guests will have ample places to park their vehicles. In addition, make the same efforts regarding lodging for guests that you would if planning a formal wedding, as out-of-town guests will still need a place to sleep. September 2021
Make proposals special and successful
marriage proposals is a couple’s first official step toward the altar. Tradition dictates that men pop the question, with their surprised and hopefully soon-to-be-fiances’ ultimately deciding if wedding bells will be on the horizon. Proposing marriage can be nerve wracking. However, if the time seems right and love is in the air, popping the question can be exciting. Regardless of who is proposing marriage, the following strategies can help make proposals memorable and successful.
Choose a sentimental location
Couples will remember the proposal for the rest of their lives. So choose a proposal location that has sentimental connections. Think about where the first ÒI love you was uttered or where a first date occurred. These can be prime locations to pop the question.
Note her style
Engagement rings play a big role in many couple’s proposals. One person’s style is not necessarily what his partner will like. Bigger isn’t always better. Rather, choose a ring that reflects your partner’s preferences and personality. Take your partner jewelry shopping and see which types of jewelry he or she is most drawn to. Certain preferences can serve as a jumping off point for ring designs.
Turn the tides
An old Irish tradition known as The Lady’s Privilege was established in the fifth century by a nun named St. Brigid. She decided to create an opportunity for women to propose marriage. This day fell on every leap year, February 29. Centuries later, women can still use this tradition as the impetus to take the marriage reigns into their own hands. But women need not wait for the next leap year to propose. Many women view proposing as an empowering action that is tied to the evolving view of independent women. Couples are negotiating more in the marriage process, and the dissolution of commonly held practices is occurring more often.
Ask for the family’s blessing
Men no longer need to ask their girlfriends’ fathers for permission to wed their daughters. However, asking your partner’s family for their blessing is a sign of respect and can add a romantic and heartfelt touch to the proposal.
Capture the moment
Though we live in an age when every moment of people’s lives is documented with videos and photographs posted to social media, proposals still stand out as extra special moments. Hire a professional photographer to discreetly capture the proposal and your partner’s reaction so it can be cherished for years to come. A wedding proposal is a special moment in couples lives together. It can be made even more special by following some guidelines.
6 September 2021 September 2021
Family Matters
4 September 2021
Through God’s grace, all your mistakes now serve a purpose, instead of serving shame. By SHEA VOGEL/CONTRIBUTING WRITER
’ve been on a journey lately. A journey in the physical sense, but more importantly the spiritual and self-healing kind of journey. “Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” and I’ve grown weary of the insanity. A common theme that I keep seeing pop up in my life is fear and shame. But what brings about shame and how does it affect us? Shame comes from the belief that, “I am flawed, inadequate, not worthy, bad.” Shame tells us that we aren’t good enough. It comes from the Greek word aischune, which depicts something as revolting, ugly and grotesque. And how do these horrid self-beliefs manifest in our lives? Through self-destructive behaviors, numbing and avoidance. If we truly think that we aren’t good enough, then we will live this out again and again. We will overspend, drink too much, get into debt, procrastinate, overeat and so on. You can try and run and hide from yourself, but at the end of the day,
you’re still left with YOU and if you’re living in shame, that can be soul crushing. Listen, we’ve ALL made mistakes. I know I have! Acting out, gossiping to take the focus off myself, and too many selfdestructive behaviors to mention. Brene Brown says it best “Shame erodes our courage and fuels disengagement.” However, guilt is just as powerful. It let’s us know that we did something “bad” so that hopefully we learn from it and change the behavior. Shame just says, “We are bad.” If this is a driving force in your life, no matter what you do, you will never feel worthy or “good”. You will look for outside validation, that will never quench the thirst of feeling enough. We teach people how to treat us and if you think that you’re bad or a piece of crap, that is how you’ll allow others to see and treat you. Some say it all starts with you, but I believe that it starts with God. And through God’s grace, all
your mistakes now serve a purpose, instead of serving shame. We are all children of God the mighty king, so what does that make us? More than enough and worthy because of grace, love and forgiveness. And sometimes forgiveness must start with you forgiving yourself. We all do the best we can, with the tools we have at the time. Shifting the focus from self-blame to a learning experience, helps in forgiveness. And I don’t know about you, but some of my greatest mistakes have brought about my greatest victories. So besides giving it to God, how do we let go of shame? Internalizing, processing, and working through it. “You gotta go through, to get to,” my old friend, Cookie used to say, and boy is that true! Growing as humans, means taking time alone, facing yourself, and letting go. Letting go of who you were and who you believe yourself to be. Letting go of negative self-talk and people who help enforce these beliefs. And having courage. Courage to own up to your mistakes and know that they don’t define you. Courage to quit hiding behind the different masks that we wear and to be yourself. Your true, authentic, sometimes flawed self. Courage to let go of the familiarity of shame and be 100 percent you. The good, the bad and the ugly. Letting go of shame, means knowing at the end of the day, that we are all perfectly imperfect. That we are worthy no matter what our past or other’s say. And finally, so very loved and lovable, simply because we are children of God. September 2021
How to find your
wedding florist
Wedding rings are symbolic gestures of
ouples adhere to many traditions on their wedding days, including the exchange of wedding rings. Wedding rings symbolize the union of two people and their pledge to remain faithful to each other. No one is exactly sure just when the tradition of exchanging wedding rings originated, but some say it can be traced back to ancient Egypt, when the oldest recorded exchange of wedding rings was made. Reeds growing along the Nile were twisted and braided into rings and given during betrothal ceremonies. The round ring symbolized eternity, and the hole within
the center meant a gateway to things unknown. Since reeds were not very durable, soon ivory, leather and bone were used to create wedding rings. As new lands were explored and territories expanded, traditions from one culture were adopted and modified by other cultures. The same is true with wedding rings. According to the Diamond Source, wedding rings were adopted by Romans and incorporated into Western wedding ceremonies
eddings join the lives of two loving individuals so they can share their future with one another. Various elements help make weddings both momentous and magical. Floral arrangements are key components of wedding themes, as they help to establish ambiance at both the ceremony and reception. It is essential for couples to spend time vetting potential florists to find one who will produce their desired vision at a price that fits their budget. These guidelines can make the process go more smoothly.
Establish your theme early on. Floral arrangements will complement and enhance other elements of the wedding, including color scheme and the wedding theme. Bring swatches and photographs to consultations. It is easier to explain color palettes to a florist with
examples in hand.
Create a list of desired items. Florists may sell items a la carte or have packages of common floral pieces for wedding celebrations. Go easy on aroma. Tread lightly when selecting blooms that have strong aromas. They may be beautiful, but many people are sensitive to smells. Explain your budget. Research the average cost of floral arrangements and let the florist know what you can afford. This can help the florist narrow down options or make substitutions that fit your theme and your budget.
From precious stones to brilliant new creations, our exquisite jewelry collections are truly stunning. JEWELRY The Village Shopping Center 2002 Judson Road, Suite 101 Longview, Texas 75605 (903) 758 . 4367
2019 September 2021 September 2021
September 2021
How to host a casual wedding
Make proposals special and successful Wedding rings are symbolic gestures of Commitment How to find your Wedding Florist