Igniting the Fire Magazine April 2011

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Igniting the Fire

Igniting the global fire for worship‌

Volume 2 - April 2011

It Is Written Ministries Presents

Pregnant With A Purpose: Birthing Your Dreams Conference

BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN… Igniting the Fire Magazine 2

Coming to: Topeka, Kansas June 2011

Igniting the Fire

Editorial Note By Apostle Jacquelyn Hadnot Welcome Igniting the Fire Magazine. Our goal through this magazine is to spread the message of Jesus Christ. This is the second edition of Igniting the Fire Magazine and I pray that this edition is as exciting as the inaugural issue. Birthing this magazine has been a labor of love because it is through ITF that we can bring more of the message of Christ to you. We can share what the Lord has placed on our hearts as well as keep you informed, entertained and educated. Through Glori Radio, ITF Television and now Igniting the Fire Magazine, our mission is to bring awareness of the major issues that concern our world. Even though we are in the midst of the greatest recession since the Great Depression, I believe this year promises to be a year of growth and increase for everyone that trusts in the Lord. Let us not concern ourselves with what it looks like, let us look at what HE looks like. And He [God] looks like victory. Be still and know that He is God‌ Psalm 46:10. We look forward to sharing this awesome move of God with you. So stay tuned to Glori Radio and ITF Magazine for more information. The family of ITF is committed to sharing the Good News with you. On behalf of the entire ITF, we welcome you to Igniting the Fire Magazine.

ITF Contributors Apostle Jacquie Hadnot Minister Gregg Hadnot Pastor Valerie Thornton Igniting the Fire Magazine 3

Ronald Smith Mary K. Stewart

Igniting the Fire MAGAZINE Igniting the Fire Magazine is a nationally distributed, quarterly magazine. We are available by subscription and on-line.

Contents 5


KGLR Demographics

KGLR Play list



4 Steps to God

The Jesus Hustle (Ronald Smith)

10 The Artists Corner Marketing Your Music Tips


(Roderick Carter)

KGLR On Air Personalities



Growing With God

Exciting Book Releases

13 Meet the Pastors &

27 CD Releases

Teachers Of KGLR Radio


17 What Is True Vision?

Living without Credit

31 Welcome to ITF TV

19 His Grace Blesses Us


(Mary Stewart)

Do Good on Good Friday

Igniting the Fire Magazine 4

Did you know that‌ KGLR [KINGDOM GLORI RADIO] * Antigua & Barbuda * Argentina * Australia * Austria * Bahamas * Bangladesh * Barbados * Belgium * Bermuda * Bolivia * Brazil * Brunei Darussalam * Cambodia * Canada * Chile * China * Colombia * Costa Rica * Czech Republic * Denmark * Djibouti * Dominica * Dominican Republic * France * Germany * Ghana * Guam

Igniting the Fire Magazine 5

can be heard in these * Guatemala * Honduras * Hong Kong * Hungary * India * Indonesia * Israel * Italy * Jamaica * Japan * Kazakhstan * Kenya * Korea * Latvia * Malaysia * Mexico * Namibia (Africa) * Netherlands * New Zealand * Nigeria * Norway * Panama * Papua New Guinea * Philippines

Countries * Poland * Portugal * Romania * Russia * Saint Kitts & Nevis * Saudi Arabia * Serbia * Singapore * Slovak Republic * South Africa * Sri Lanka * Spain * Sweden * Switzerland * Taiwan * Trinidad\Tobago * United Arab Emirates * United Kingdom * United States * Uruguay * Venezuela * Virgin Islands (British)

Check out the U.S. cities tuning in to‌ * Abilene TX * Anchorage AL * Albany MA * Albany GA * Atlanta GA * Albuquerque NW * Anchorage AK * Austin TX * Baltimore MD * Baton Rouge LA * Birmingham AL * Biloxi\Gulfport MI * Boston MA * Bowling Green MI * Buffalo NY * Champaign IL * Charlotte NC * Charlottesville VA * Charleston SC * Chattanooga TN * Chicago IL * Chico CA * Cincinnati OH * Cleveland OH * Columbia MO * Columbia, SC * Columbus OH * Dallas TX * Denver CO * Des Moines IA * Detroit MI

KGLR * Eugene OR * Evansville CA * Fort Smith AR * Fort Wayne IN * Fresno CA * Gainesville FL * Grand Rapids MI * Green Bay WI * Greensboro NC * Greenville GA * Harrisburg PA * Houston TX * Huntsville AL * Indianapolis IN * Jackson MI * Jacksonville FL * Johnstown PA * Kansas City KS * Kansas City MO * Knoxville TN * Lake Charles LA * Lansing MI * Las Vegas NV * Lincoln NE * Little Rock AR * Los Angeles CA * Louisville KY * Lynchburg VA * Macon, GA

Glori * Madison WI * Memphis TN * Mobile AL * Miami FL * Milwaukee WI * Minneapolis MN * Missoula MT * Monterey CA * Montgomery AL * Mt Vernon IL * Nashville TN * New Orleans LA * New Port News VA * New York NY * Norfolk VA * Oklahoma City OK * Omaha NE * Orlando FL * Paducah KY * Palm Springs CA * Pensacola FL * Peoria IL * Pittsburgh PA * Phoenix AR * Portland OR * Philadelphia PA

www.gloriradio.com or www.kglr.net

Igniting the Fire Magazine 6

Radio * Reno NV * Raleigh-Durham * Richmond VA * Sacramento CA * Santa Barbara CA * San Diego CA * San Francisco CA * Salt Lake City UT * Savannah GA * Seattle WA * Spokane WA * St. Louis MO * Tampa FL * Toledo OH * Topeka KS * Tucson AZ * Tyler TX * Waco TX * Washington DC * West Palm Beach * Wichita KS * Wilkes Barre PA

Igniting the Fire Magazine 7

Check out our new look! GLORI RADIO IS NOW KGLR - GLORI RADIO

Igniting the Fire Magazine 8

4 Steps to God

1. God Loves You! The Bible says, "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." The problem is that . . .

2. All of us have done, said or thought things that are wrong. This is called sin, and our sins have separated us from God. The Bible says “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” God is perfect and holy, and our sins separate us from God forever. The Bible says “The wages of sin is death.” The good news is that, about 2,000 years ago,

3. God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Jesus is the Son of God. He lived a sinless life and then died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. “God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. ”Jesus rose from the dead and now He lives in heaven with God His Father. He offers us the gift of eternal life - of living forever with Him in heaven if we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me."

Igniting the Fire Magazine 9

God reaches out in love to you and wants you to be His child. "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe on His name." You can choose to ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and come in to your life as your Lord and Savior.

4. If you want to accept Christ as Savior and turn from your sins, you can ask Him to be your Savior and Lord by praying a prayer like this: "Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I ask you in to my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior. I want to serve you always." Did you pray this prayer? Congratulations on your decision to accept Christ! We would like to send you information to help you grow as a Christian: It Is Written Ministries 1314 North 38th Street, Suite 102 Kansas City, KS 66102 (913) 281-4463 www.kcitiswritten.org Info@kcitiswritten.org

What Is Marketing? Part 1 Roderick Carter houzeofphatproductions Marketing is all of the activities and processes of planning, communicating and executing a product, with a price, the promotion and the placement of an item to an end user. Your music is the product you are supplying to the end user – the music fan. Between you and the fan is a big gap and you need to find out how to bridge this gap. You may think that if you just get a record deal with some label, your prayers are answered and instantly a bridge is built across that gap. This is for the most part, not how things work today. As an aspiring indie or unsigned singer, songwriter, or a musician in a band you can not do just a few things to promote yourself and expect success in your music career. Offline and online music promotion and marketing exposure is an ongoing process in today’s DIY age. Music companies today are looking for artists that already have fan bases, sold CDs that have proven themselves ready to move up to a higher level. Presented in this report are more than 100 tips and ideas for you to think about and tweak as you need, to get noticed, gain fans, and get heard. You have to find a way to stand above the crowd, because talent alone is not enough.

So Let’s Get Started!

Igniting the Fire Magazine 10

Promo Tip #1 A music artist must start somewhere, that’s usually locally, but it’s better to not just dive in without a plan. But begin you must. Create a plan with some ideas and set goals as to what you need to accomplish weekly, monthly, and yearly. Start small and make it progressive. Reach benchmarks and keep at it. Promo Tip #2 Image is everything. Image is the complete package – artist/band name, look, performance, merchandise, and style, to how that brand is marketed. A stage name can be a descriptive statement of the image you or your band project. Be unique and interesting to look at in some way….build your own unique stage persona. Promo Tip #3 Word of mouth has always been the best promotion – tell people what you do. Get people talking. Create your buzz by just giving enough info to get people interested, but hold some secrets close. Promo Tip #4 Those that promote the most win. Promo Tip #5 You may be a truly great talent, but without getting out there and consistently marketing yourself, networking, meeting the right people, maintaining your image, and being humble, your talent will only get you so far. Promo Tip #6 Be innovative in your promotional efforts! The Internet has made it possible to hear a LOT more music, from a LOT more artists. You are now a very small fish in a very large pond – you will need to find a way to stand out, above and glow in the dark. Think beyond the box on every promo tip.

Promo Tip #7 Learn web basics to use the Net to your advantage. The Internet thrives on links, quality content, keywords and consistency. Properly use the tools of the Internet to build your online brand. Promo Tip #8 Create a web site. Buy your own artist name or band name URL for your web site, keep it simple, easy to remember, make sure it loads quickly and is easy to navigate. Promo Tip #9 Submit your web link to online music directories, search engines, good music resource sites, in the best possible descriptive category. Use niche sites like tour date sites, lifestyle, regional, music magazine, music ezines, music Blogs and similarly themed sites. Promo Tip #10 Use Myspace, Tagworld, Frappr, Facebook and any of the good social networks and extend your fan base. Update on a regular schedule. Promo Tip #11 Go beyond the social networks and sign up to the best indie and unsigned music artist sites. Add a full profile, good photos, your best music, update the info regularly and DO NOT REDIRECT them with only a little info to find out more at another site. These indie communities are built to attract music biz personnel as well, to browse for the talent needed for various projects. While you have the viewers’ attention and time, have the important info right there, don’t waste their time with a redirect link! Include a link to your main site, if they want to learn more they will go to it.

Igniting the Fire Magazine 11

Promo Tip #12 Hand out your CDs (or demos). Have your web link printed on the CD. Include your band name and contact info as well. Remember, your name on the work is more important than the name of the work. Hand the CD to club owners that feature your type of music. Promo Tip #13 Send press releases and reviews of your shows to local print newspapers, magazines and event papers. When writing press releases, read up on “press release tips” and the like to tweak your presentation.

Contributing Writer: Roderick Carter has been on the music scene since 1987 as a songwriter, arranger, producer, musician and studio engineer. His background in music includes several produced or engineered recording projects from a long line of local talent along with several tracks in today’s most popular TV shows. Roderick also takes the time out with his studio clients to educate them about this business we call music. http://www.houzeofphatproductions.com/

http://www.twitter.com/roderickcarter http://www.niaradionetwork.com/mrniaradio/ http://www.facebook.com/niaradionetwork

The Artists Corner is designed to keep artists, musicians informed and educated.

Growing With God If you've asked your questions, discovered the answers and gone from an intellectual belief in God to a personal relationship with Christ based on heartfelt faith... then now is the time to jump in and see how to grow in your relationship with God!

feel and act. Thankfully HE also gives us HIS Spirit and HIS Word to transform us into the image of Christ. Additionally GOD uses other people and circumstances in our lives to help us grow through trials, temptations, and troubles.

Worship: Worshiping GOD as a Christian is not just about singing, fasting and praying. GOD is not interested in what you do as much as why you do it. HE does not honor hypocrisy -only a heart devoted to HIM. Worship is not something you just do on Sunday‌ it is a lifestyle. We are to love, trust, obey, praise, thank and live only for HIM every day. It is about surrender. It will cost you your selfcenteredness. We are to worship in spirit and in truth. We were made specifically to bring GOD pleasure and glory.

Ministry: Ministry is all about serving and giving. As Christians we are called to a ministry in the body of believers and a mission to the world. Each of us are shaped and gifted by GOD to fulfill our part in HIS great plan. Find the blessing of losing yourself in serving Jesus by serving others. Though we are saved only by HIS grace HE also calls us to good works - not to earn salvation but to encourage and equip the body of believers. Ministry is about serving an audience of ONE!

Fellowship: Fellowship is all about doing life together during the good and bad times. It is about being genuine, transparent and vulnerable in the things you share in confidence with others. It is about loving your neighbor as yourself. It is about encouraging others and sympathizing with their feelings. We are all part of GOD's family and he wants us to grow in our love for others. True love is about forgiveness and reconciliation. Discipleship: Discipleship is about growing and maturing - it is the process of becoming like Jesus Christ. Growing is not easy - it takes work and commitment. It requires us to examine and change the way we think,

Igniting the Fire Magazine 12

Evangelism: Evangelism is about sharing the love of Christ with everyone. We are all commanded to go and make disciples. This is our mission as Christians and it is not an option. In fact, it is a profound responsibility, the greatest privilege, and the most incredible honor in the entire world. This mission is the greatest thing you can do for another person, carries eternal significance, and is the true secret of being blessed! In these sites we will teach you to share the gospel and to develop your own life message.

Meet the Pastors & Teachers Heard Weekly on KGLR\Glori Radio Dr. Classie Brown-Hill Walking in Faith Ministries

Evangelist Evelyn Taylor Speak the Word of Truth

Apostle Ella Crawford There Is A Need

Monday & Friday 5:00 pm CST

Friday 1:30 pm CST

Wednesday 5:00 pm CST

Apostle Jacquie Hadnot Light for Your Path

Dr. Cynthia Davis Word of Life

Pastor James Robison Special Edition

Monday thru Friday 10:30 am CST

Coming May 2011

Friday 9:00 am CST

www.kglr.net Have your ministry heard in over 50 countries & 80+ cities in the United States Igniting the Fire Magazine 13

Meet the Pastors & Teachers Heard Weekly on KGLR\Glori Radio Apostle Sarah White Life Abundant Ministries

Monday 6:30 pm CST Thursday 9:00 am CST

Pastor Phillip Honeycutt Kingdom Concepts

Monday 8:00 am CST

Pastor Valerie Thornton At His Feet

Friday 1:00 pm CST

Your Ministry Broadcast Here

Pastor Charles Lacey Only Through the Eyes of God

Tuesday 8:30 am CST

Evangelist Jeanette Hardy JH Ministries Chicago, IL

Coming May 2011

If you would like your ministry heard around the world, please contact us at 913-321-4827 or email us at info@ignitingthefire.net. Our rates are affordable and tailored to suit your ministry needs. Igniting the Fire Magazine 14

House of Refuge Family Worship Center 10816 Hillcrest Road Kansas City, MO 64132 (816) 763763-2500

Join Us Where there is no vision the people perish. Proverbs 29:18

8 am - Sunday Morning Glory Prayer 8:50 am - Sunday School w/breakfast 10:00 am - Sunday Morning Worship 12 noon - Wednesday Noon Day Prayer 7:00 pm - Wednesday Bible Class for all ages w/meal 7:00 pm - Friday-One Night Revival


He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. Revelation 2:11

Do you have a story or testimony that you want to submit to us? Write us at: magazine@ignitingthefire.net

Or: Igniting the Fire Media Group 1314 North 38th Street Kansas City, KS 66102 (913) 321-4827

Igniting the Fire Magazine 15

ITF Magazine is a quarterly online publication. Our goal is to spread the message of Jesus Christ while being informative, insightful, entertaining and motivating.

Let’s Ride…

Gregg Hadnot www.myspace.com/gregghadnot Spoken Word of the Year Award Winner Featuring: Let’s Ride: The Mix * Let’s Ride for the Ladies, Where Will You Go When You Die? * Blessed Is the Man * Let’s Ride: The Beginning

Let There Be Light Ministries Elder Charles & Sue Lacey 1013 SW 6th Topeka, Kansas 66606 (785) 230-4659 Serving over one thousand people locally, the Lacey’s mission is really about getting the food and household items from where they’re available to where those in need are. Their tasks are to pick up the supplies, stock shelves, double their bags, pack backpacks and grocery bags, and connect the items with people. Though they hand out food baskets and household supplies only on Mondays – 223 just this week – and supply “Back snacks” to school children on Fridays, the work behind this organization keeps them busy all week.

Igniting the Fire Magazine 16

Building a House for the Next Generation 2 Chronicles 28:1-21 Saturday, April 30, 2011 4:00pm University of Central Missouri Hendricks Hall Warrensburg, Mo. 64093

All are welcome FREE TO PUBLIC If your Youth/Young Adult Ministry would like to be apart of this move of God please contact Rev. Valerie Thornton at 816-352-3190 or Rev. Latonya Jacobs at 816-668-2917 or contact us at holbertchapelcme@hotmail.com by March 12,2011 God is calling this generation to take the shackles off their feet, under gird, stand with, equip, encourage and release the next generation to walk into their destiny.

What is true vision? What is true vision? True vision is not something that you invent with the human mind. True vision is about the desire that God imparts into you. Vision is about your contribution on earth to the Kingdom of God. Vision is a conception that is inspired by God in the heart of a human. The gift of vision is greater than the gift of sight. Sight is a function of the eyes, but vision is a function of the heart. The power of vision is that your future is not just ahead of you--it also lies within you. Dr. Myles Monroe

Igniting the Fire Magazine 17

Check out

“Light for Your Path Magazine� www.jacquiehadnot.com

The magazine that includes the teachings, messages and other information of Apostle Jacquie Hadnot to encourage, inspire and motivate you to live a more abundant life.

Igniting the Fire Magazine 18

His Grace Blesses Us Individually! Mary K. Stewart It was my birthday. Not a card or call from anyone---even my son. I was feeling really down and having quite a what some would call a pity party. However, our Father knows every sorrow and grief we have. I was even crying, I was thinking "nobody cares or even knows I'm alive"! I thought I would go to a fast food restaurant and order something to eat. I went to a hamburger place on State Avenue and waited patiently in line, still crying. When it was finally my turn to order, I did so and paid with a $5 bill. I received my change, and as I was pulling away I looked at the Dollar bill I received and GUESS WHAT? It said HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! This was definitely a God moment. I pulled over and then I was crying tears of JOY! My heavenly Father let me know personally that He did not forget!!! What are the odds of me going at that exact time, to that exact fast food place, getting in line to receive the one and only $1 bill that said Happy Birthday!!! Thank you my Father and God. I have kept that special dollar bill and display it in a prominent place on my refrigerator; and---whenever someone asks me about it, I gladly and eagerly tell the "story" of the goodness of the God I serve. He just blessed me out of the love He has for me---ME! What an awesome God we serve.

Mary Kathryn Stewart Lamplighter Ministries I began a total personal relationship with our Jesus the Messiah in 1995 and received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues shortly thereafter. Thus began a continuing journey of being “Taught by The Master” (name of a book in process). I was “called” to His ministry by the Holy Spirit calling and anointing me by Luke 4:18, 19 and Luke 4:24. A divine hunger for the Word and His chosen people was placed in me. An intense study of same followed. The journey of experiencing His teaching in a real way began also. God “opened” my spiritual eyes, ears, and even nose to the spirit world. He even chose to endow me with all the spiritual gifts to be used at His will. In 1997 one of my many encounters with our Lord took me on a literal journey to the second heaven culminating with a message from the Master Himself. (As Paul says in 2 Cor. 12:2: “…whether it was in the body or out of the body, I do not know---God knows…”) I continue to grow and seek His Will as I go where He sends me to learn and/or minister.

Igniting the Fire Magazine 19

Pregnant With A Purpose‌ Birthing Your Dreams Conference Coming to a city near you. Experience this life changing gathering that is more than a conference.

Vision is the primary motivator of human action, and therefore, everything we do should be because of the vision God has placed in our hearts. Vision influences the way you conduct your entire, life, such as what you spend your time and money on and what your priorities are. Dr. Myles Monroe

For more information contact: Erica Wiley-Reliford (913) 321-4827 Or visit us of facebook: Pregnant with A Purpose Classes Include: What is Vision? How to recognize you God given calling? Have to write the vision? How do I get provision for my vision?

It Is Written Ministries

1314 North 38th Street Bank of America Building Kansas City, KS 66102 (913) 281-4463 www.kcitiswritten.org

Families In Need Ministry Free Clothing Pantry Food Pantry Senior Citizens Outreach Ministry Tuesday Noon Day Prayer - 12 noon Tuesday Clothing Giveaway - 1 pm Wednesday Clothing Giveaway - 1 pm Thursday Noon Day Prayer - 12 noon Thursday Night Bible Study - 7:00 pm Thursday Food Pantry Distribution 1 pm to 5 pm Minister Gregory & Dr. Jacquie Hadnot

shall Igniting the‌ Fireman Magazine 20

not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. Luke 4:4

KGLR Kingdom Glori Radio Radio Station Play list Gospel 1. William McDowell/I Give Myself Away 2. Vashawn Mitchell/Nobody Greater 3. J. Hadnot & Art Toombs/A Treasure in the Pleasure of Loving God 4. Andrienne Beasley/Give Me Your Eyes 5. Voicebox/Preach Christ 6. Flame/Surrender 7. Marvin Sapp/He Has His Hands on Me 8. Lil Capy/Instrument of Praise 9. Judy Jacobs/Let the Veil Down 10. Williams Murphy/Ignite My Fire 11. Jonathan Nelson/Capacity 12. Third Day/Children of God 13. Chris Tomlin/I Will Follow 14. Casting Crown/Glorious Day 15. Shawn McDonald/Closer

Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ. Colossians 4:2-3

Gospel and Smooth Jazz 1. Najee/Sweet Summer Nights 2. 3 Central/ 22 West 3. Airborne/Sunrise 4. Antonio Allen/Breathe 5. Patrick Yandall/To the Left 6. Ken Navarro/Children Need A World 7. Tim Bowman/This Song’s For You 8. Eric Copeland/Your Steps Are Ordered 9. Ben Tankard/How Great Is Our God 10. Marcus Johnson/Fly Like An Eagle 11. Alan Hewitt/Shaft 12. Gail Jhonson/Pacific Breeze 13. Kim Waters/Love Story 14. Dwayne Kerr/Keep It Right There 15. Kerry Wilkins/The Vibe

www.kglr.net Igniting the Fire Magazine 21

Ignite a fire in your work day by tuning in to KGLR\GLORI RADIO Where God’s Light Orders, Reveals & Illuminates-YOUR LIFE!

www.kglr.net www.gloriradio.com NOW ON ITUNES!!! Hit us up on facebook

ITF Promotions We are a full service promotions company specializing in online and offline exposure for artist, authors, ministries, small, medium and large businesses. ITF Promotions offers quality services at a price you can afford. Our services include: EBLASTS PACKAGING & MARKETING DUPLICATION * Short Run CD Duplication * Short Run DVD Duplication WEB SITE DESIGN RADIO COMMERCIALS Call today for more information: (913) 3214827

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Igniting the Fire Magazine 22

The Jesus

Hustle Hello Kingdom people, I pray all is well with you as you are expanding the Kingdom of God here on earth. I want to talk about a issue I have heard for quite some time. It’s about being in full time ministry. What is full time ministry and what does it look like? According to the definition of ministry by Encyclopedia Britannica, it’s the office held by persons who are set apart by ecclesiastical authority to be ministers in the church or whose call to a special vocational service in a church. The word ministry began to be used in 1916 as name of certain dept in the British government . That was a brief history of the word I would encourage further research on your own. The issue I want to discuss is when I hear artist say they want to leave their secular jobs to do full time ministry. The bible says in 2 Thess 3:10 where Paul is speaking, “if a man is not willing to work than he should not be allowed to eat” Let’s look at the beginning , In Genesis 2:15 after God formed man he gave him a job to dress and keep the garden. God himself in the beginning was found working . He created the heavens and the earth. The point I am making is that if God himself worked than we are required to work as well. I feel a lot of people use that phrase to leave their secular jobs and go into full time ministry to be a scapegoat to the real issue. They are lazy and want to use Jesus as their product or service they are hustling to churches to live off of honorariums. I subtitled the blog Entertainment or Ministry because people confuse the two. For instance, you ask a church can you minister at one of their functions and then turn around and ask how many people are going to be there. Does it really matter if you are just going to minister? That is what entertainers ask before the event , so they can hype themselves up for a good performance.

Igniting the Fire Magazine 23

By Ronald Smith DJ Ronnieron If you charge a fee to come and minister, that is not ministry that is entertainment. You are providing a service to the people as an entertainer which is a legal profession in the world today. It’s your job which we are required to work to support our families which by the way is our first ministry. There is nothing wrong with being a gospel entertainer just be true to yourself and others. Don’t say you want to minister and when you are on stage you are giving the performance of and entertainer. If ministry comes out of it while you are performing then that is the icing on the cake. Praise God for the talent he has blessed you with. I do not feel award shows, concert tours, talent competitions and showcases are ministry. They are entertainment venues. If money is involved up front for you to participate or minister that is entertainment. In my opinion, the difference in ministry is when you ask to perform or minister and bless people without looking for anything in return. Jesus is not for sale. He can’t be your product you are hustling to get honorariums to support your family. Let us go back to the bible once more. Read Numbers chapters 22-24. This is the story of Balaam and his donkey. To paraphrase, the king wanted Balaam who was a prophet to curse God’s people .He was offering money and other fine material things to him for his service. God did not want him to do that because God said you can’t curse what he has blessed. Balaam went anyway and would have been killed if the donkey had not saved his life. The point I am making is money was offered for his gift to use and we can’t hustle Christ and should not hustle are gifts for money. If you read the scriptures concerning the disciples, not one of them were a Clergyman, Priest, Bishop, Pastor etc.. They were workers and had their own businesses. Study the history of the bible. They had jobs. Jesus himself was a carpenter. Paul was a tentmaker. He preached the word

at the same time was making tents to support himself financially. He did not depend on honorariums to make a living because the gospel was not their hustle. They worked to sustain themselves. I am not saying they did not receive any assistance, but that was not their primary source of income. In conclusion, the gospel is not a product to be hustled to others so you can make a living. We are required to work not to be lazy (Read Proverbs 6:11). I would not recommend quitting your job to pursue ministry with the wrong motives. I encourage you to pray about everything as the bible says any way. I believe God has called us to be entrepreneurs so we can have the freedom to do ministry without the constraints of going to a job. Having a job is also a blessing as well. It is God providing us with the job to pay our bills and take care of our family. If you do not want to go to a job per se than find a network marketing company or start a business of your own. Jesus will not allow you to pimp him any way so go and work.

In His Service Ronald Smith(Dj Ronnieron)

About DJ Ronnie Ron Ronald “DJ Ronnie Ron” is the host of the nationally syndicated radio show “Hip Hop Praise.” He has recently joined the family of KGLR Kingdom Glori Radio with “Hip Hop Praise” a show dedicated to bringing you the best in Christian Rap, Gospel and more. “Hip Hop Praise” can be heard nightly from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Sunday through Saturday on KGLR Kingdom Glori Radio. Email Dj Ronnieron at hiphoppraise@gloriradio.com www.kglr.net Hit DJ Ronnie Ron on Facebook

Diversified Tax Services 1314 North 38th Street, KCKS 913 321-5617 Specializing in: Income Tax Preparation Income Tax Planning

Igniting the Fire Magazine 24

KGLR Kingdom Glori Radio On Air Personalities Meet the KGLR Kingdom Glori Radio On Air Personalities

Minister G The Hour Of Power Mama J Mama J’s Jazz Break Mama J’s Special Blend The Heart of a Psalmist

A Global Reach For a Global Community! 24/7/365 Just A Click Away

Dr. Margaret Wright

Challenges for Women… Ronald “DJ Ronnieron” Smith Hip Hop Praise

Igniting the Fire Magazine 25

Book Releases Exciting Book Releases Loving God Through His Names 365 Days of the Year Dr. Jacquelyn Hadnot www.jacquiehadnot.com www.amazon.com

Training the Prophets Dr. Margaret Wright www.margaretwright.net

To Make War With the Saints: Satan’s Kingdom Agenda Dr. Jacquelyn Hadnot www.jacquiehadnot.com www.amazon.com

Defeat Depression Dr. Margaret Wright www.margaretwright.net

Cry Aloud, Spare Not! Dr. Jacquelyn Hadnot www.jacquiehadnot.com www.amazon.com Study Guide Also Available

Study Guide Also Available

Study Guide Also Available

A Treasure in the Pleasure of Loving God Dr. Jacquelyn Hadnot www.jacquiehadnot.com www.amazon.com Companion Music CD

Closing the Doors to Satan’s Attacks: Overcoming Fear Dr. Jacquelyn Hadnot www.jacquiehadnot.com Igniting the Fire Magazine 26

Study Guide is included

Advertise Your Book Here! Call us today! (913) 321-4827

CD Releases Jacquie Hadnot www.jacquiehadnot.com

Gregg Hadnot Let’s Ride…

(913) 321-4827


Hear Jacquie on the

Hear Gregg on the Igniting the Fire Compilation CD Let’s Ride… (Track 7)

Spoken Word of Love

Igniting the Fire Compilation CD (Tracks 2 & 11)

Jacquie Hadnot Extravagant Love of God www.jacquiehadnot.com www.ignitingthefire.net

3 Central A Feelin’ Inside www.threecentral.com

Peyton Bailey

Eva Sabiniano

My Refuge

Born to Praise

www.peytonbailey.com Hear Peyton on the Igniting the Fire Compilation CD Purpose & Plan (Track 8)

Samuel Huddleston Don’t Worry www.just1voice.com


Hear Eva on the Igniting the Fire Compilation CD Thank You (Track 15)

Kai Brown Highways and Hedges www.ministerkaibrown.com

Hear Samuel on the Igniting the Fire Compilation CD God Has Smiled On Me (Track 5)

Zenobia Smith An Invitation to Sing www.cdbaby.com Igniting the Fire Magazine 27

Advertise Your Music Here! Call us today!

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True Light Worship Center 228 South Ellis Wichita, Kansas 67211 316-267-1182 David Mitchell, Pastor “Rejoice in the Lord always…

It Is Written Ministries 1314 North 38th Street Kansas City, KS 66102 Minister Greg & Apostle Jacquie Hadnot “Fulfilling the Matthew 25 Initiative One soul at a time.”



The Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:9-13 Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: Our Father which art in heaven - GOD’S FATHERLY LOVE Hallowed be thy name - GOD’S HOLINESS Thy kingdom come - GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven - GOD’S AUTHORITY Give us this day our daily bread - GOD’S PROVIDENCE And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors - GOD’S MERCY And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil - GOD’S PROTECTION Igniting the Fire Magazine 28

10 Ideas for Living a Life Without Credit or Debt Zen Habits Here are some ideas for living a credit-free life, if that appeals to you (if it doesn’t, skip this article and don’t start a debate in the comments!). Save an emergency fund. Many people use their credit cards as a sort of emergency fund — if there’s an unexpected expense, the card comes out to the rescue. Instead, use the money you aren’t paying towards debt to build up a healthy emergency fund, keeping you out of debt when something unexpected comes up. Living without credit can be risky, but having a strong emergency fund (aim for $1,000 initially, then build it up to 3-6 months or more of expenses). Save for goals. Once you’ve got the emergency fund adequately covered, you can start saving for other things. Set savings goals for yourself: do you want to travel, or buy a car, or save for college, or renovate your home, or buy a yacht? Decide on your highestpriority goals, and set a dollar figure. Now save towards those goals. Without debt, it should be fairly easy. Get a debit card. If you need to use a credit card in certain situations, such as buying something online, often you can use a debit or check card instead, if it has the name of a major credit company such as Visa or MasterCard. I went several years without a credit card, but using a MasterCard debit card, and had no problems at all. It actually worked every place you would need a credit card, but I wasn’t buying stuff on credit — it was debited straight from my checking account, meaning I would need to have the money first before purchasing anything.

Igniting the Fire Magazine 29

Earn interest instead of paying it. The problem with debt or credit is that you waste money paying interest. It eats away at your finances. Instead, make your money work for you by investing it. With the magic of compound interest, your investments will grow over time, meaning that money you would have been paying toward interest is now earning interest instead and multiplying. That’s good math. Buy a car on cash. For those who have been buying vehicles with auto loans all their lives, it may seem impossible to buy a car on cash. But it’s very possible, and many people do it. My grandparents, for example, always buy their cars with cash (and always have, except for their first car 50 years ago). So instead of making loan payments, and paying double the price of the car or more over the term of the loan, they make savings deposits, and end up with the amount it costs to buy two cars in their bank account over the course of five years. This is something I’m trying to do myself — I’m going to use my current car as long as possible, save the amount that I’m now paying for my loan every month (it’s almost paid off now), and then buy my next car in cash. It’ll be a used car, but it’ll be all mine. Invest for retirement. This is just common sense, no matter what your credit or debt situation, but without debt payments, it makes sense to accelerate your retirement investments (as one of your savings goals). Then you can retire early, thanks to not being in debt. Travel without credit. It’s a common belief that you can’t rent a hotel room or a car without a credit card. This is false. It’s easy to rent a hotel room, for example, with a cash deposit. You just need to call around to find the right hotels. The same goes with car rentals Find a cash-only car rental company.

10 Ideas for Living a Life Without Credit or Debt (Continued) Rent without credit. While no credit checks are done for apartment or house rentals on Guam, where I live, in many places a credit check is standard practice. However, there are options you can use to rent without a credit card or a credit check, including a larger deposit. Buy a home without credit. Now, if buying a car on cash seemed impossible, surely buying a home on cash just cannot be done. But it can, and people have done it. I’m even considering doing it myself. First of all, in many cases, renting a home instead of buying (and investing the savings) is smarter financially. If you can invest the difference and let that grow over time, you can buy a home on cash. And at the same time, you won’t pay triple the value of the home (as most people do over the course of a home mortgage, due to interest). This item actually deserves a full post on its own, as it requires a longer explanation, but I don’t feel qualified to write it. Suffice it to say that it can be done, and has been done. Use Pay Pal online. I’m not a big fan of online shopping — well, actually I love to shop online, but I think it’s bad for your finances, only because it’s so easy to do. You end up buying stuff online that you might have resisted in the real world. But if you must buy something online, and don’t want to get a credit card (or a debit card), in many cases it can be done with Pay Pal — meaning that you have to have the money before you make the purchase. I’ve heard of people who don’t like Pay Pal, but I haven’t had a problem so far.

Igniting the Fire Magazine 30

In the next issue 21 Strategies for Creating an Emergency Fund, and Why It’s Critical

Welcome to the Future of Online Television! ITF TV has a mandate to reach souls with the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ. Our anointed programming is taking the present move of God to over millions of homes each day... bringing the salvation power of Christ to the ends of the earth.

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Why Choose Internet Television? At ITF-TV we believe that just because we're Christians, doesn't mean we have to watch sermons all day. To that end, at ITF-TV you can watch some of your favorite movies, sitcoms, cartoons, news and more! Each year we pride ourselves in providing a great lineup of the best that television has to offer. In the works are more great original programs, games shows, and more. Bookmark our site and make it a part of your everyday plan. Look for informative, insightful and entertaining programming for the entire family. Sermons and Teachings Talk Shows Independent Films Seminars and Conferences Concerts Prayer Centers On Line Bible Study Creative Cooking Shows Comedy & Sitcoms Teen Talk Shows & more Visit us at: www.itftv.com or call (913) 321-4827

Igniting the Fire Magazine 31

Let’s Do Some Good on Good Friday 2011 Good Friday is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. On this day Christians commemorate the passion, or suffering, and death on the cross of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Many Christians spend this day in fasting, prayer, repentance, and meditation on the agony and suffering of Christ on the cross. This year we are opening It Is Written Ministries on Friday, April 22, 2011 to observe Good Friday, but doing some GOOD for our community by distributing Good Friday Food Baskets. Let’s face it, the economy is as such that every household could use some extra food in the cupboard and refrigerator. If you or any family you know of is in need of food, please come by It Is Written Ministries from 1 pm to 5 pm on Friday, April 22, 2011 and receive a Good Friday Food Basket from our Food Ministry.

It Is Written Ministries 1314 North 38th Street Lower Level of Bank of America Kansas City, Kansas 66102 www.kcitiswritten.org Minister Gregory and Apostle Jacquie Hadnot Igniting the Fire Magazine 32

Igniting the Fire Magazine 33

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