Keynsham News Spring 2023

Page 8

SPRING 2023 - Issue 43
Produced for Keynsham Town Council
APPRENTICESHIPS & CAREERS FAIR THURSDAY 9TH MARCH 10AM - 3PM in the Guildhall, Bath REGISTER TODAY SCAN ME FIND THE RIGHT FIT Meet national & local employers offering jobs & apprenticeships If you are a business and would like to exhibit, please get in touch


Chairman’s WelCome

roTarY ClUB oF KeYnsham

YoUTh maKinG ChanGe

heriTaGe aCTion Zone

KeYnsham mUsiC FesTiVal

Hello and welcome to our first issue of the year! The year may have only just begun but it already looks like it is going to be an exciting one in Keynsham! You can find a preview of the upcoming events in this issue, so make a note for your diaries. We hope you have a lovely Easter and we’ll catch up with you again in the Summer.

Keynsham News is produced by Ignyte Media Ltd, Bathway Farm, Bathway, Chewton Mendip, Somerset, BA3 4LN Tel 01761 410141. While every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Ignyte or Keynsham Town Council does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher.

The next issue of Keynsham News will be distributed in May. To feature in the next issue, please get in touch by 17th April.

KeYnsham menCaP Green-FinGereD GroUnDsman in Bloom enTrY Form BUTTerFlies haVen KTCrFm BirThDaY CeleBraTion BeCome a CoUnCillor annUal GranT aWarDs somerseT Farmers’ marKeT Welsh ConVersaTion GroUP BUDGeT & PreCePT KeYnsham in Bloom aVon WilDliFe TrUsT YoUr ToWn CoUnCillors 7 4 5 18 21 15 12 22 9 27 29 30 31 WANT TO ADVERTISE IN THE NEXT EDITION OF KEYNSHAM NEWS? Please call Julia: 01761 458200 Produced for Keynsham Town Council AUTUMN 2020 - Issue 33 COVID-19CommunitySupportSpecialEdition Produced for Keynsham Town Council SPRING 2020 - Issue 32 HaveyoursayonBusTransportinKeynsham - See pages 6 & 7 17 Produced for Keynsham Town Council SUMMER 2021 Issue 36 Inside – Town Council Annual Report 2020-2021 and Town Centre update 26 28 35 25
Cover photo by Paul Tompkins


Let me start by congratulating the Town Council for purchasing two small pieces of land to preserve them for the long-term use by the town. These are the Fox and Hounds Nature Reserve, which is fast becoming a worthy natural addition to our facilities. My thanks go to the Fox and Hounds Lane Action Group (FAHLAG) who are slowly bringing the site back to safety for public use. The second is The Paddock, a small triangular piece of land behind St John’s Church. The future of this plot is currently under discussion; however, the Town Council are keen to put the land to good use and welcome organisations to put their ideas forward for future development of the site. Please contact Dawn Drury at if you would like to put a proposal forward. These two pockets of land, together with Keynsham Cemetery, are the only properties that the Town Council own, though it does lease other pieces of land from B&NES, like most of the Keynsham play areas and Manor Road playing fields.

The first day of March, I consider to be the start of Spring. I know some talk about March 21st, but who wants to have an extra three weeks of Winter? With climate change anyway, you are probably reading this in tee-shirt and shorts!

Spring is such a time of hope, joy and expectation. Tulips, cricket, apple blossom, and my birthday are a few events I look forward to at this time of year. I wonder what you are anticipating? It’s quite hard to be depressed as the days lengthen and the sun gains extra warmth. Still, I’m sure some of us have burdens that weigh us down even now. If that is the case, I hope you have the support you need. The Winter is retreating with, hopefully, no nasty Beast from the East to frustrate us.

So, what can we look forward to as a community?

The changes to Temple Street are now well under way and are expected to be complete by May 2023. Our first Spring Show takes place in the Scout

Headquarters behind the Ashton Way Car Park, on Saturday March 25th, something new for the town which I’m sure will add to our social calendar, together with the Music and Winter Festivals.

The Town Council Grant Award Scheme provides £38,850 to Keynsham community groups and charities, with £15,750 going to projects to support our Council’s commitment to reduce global warming. We do this to support the huge number of voluntary organisations we are lucky enough to have in the town. In the past, most applications have been successful. Keep an eye out for more information regarding dates for applications on the Keynsham Town Council Facebook page and website, or read more about it on page 26.

There is the last Annual Town Meeting of this Council on 20th April in The Space at 7.30pm. It is slightly earlier than usual because we have elections for both B&NES and the Town Council on May 4th (be with you). If that wasn’t enough, we have the Coronation of our King Charles III on Saturday May 6th, the Coronation Picnic in the Park on Sunday 7th May and an extra Bank Holiday on Monday 8th May. I think there is something for everybody to look forward to in this paragraph!

I wish you a great Spring and the Summer to come.


THE RoTARY Club Of kE ynshaM

We are looking forward to the new year, which we fervently hope will bring better news for everyone. During the last three years, we have all been badly affected by both the pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis, which has now been greatly exacerbated by the war in the Ukraine.

Rotary’s aims are specifically directed towards helping to mitigate our own community issues, but also to address international problems arising from humanitarian disasters, whether natural or man-made; as always, there is much to be done on all these fronts.

Our local charities have been hit hard as the economic climate has worsened. We have tried

Silk Road Rugs

to help by raising funds for them, as well as supporting those groups to provide much needed foodbanks as inflation has risen. This has become more difficult recently and we will be working hard in the forthcoming months to continue to give our support where need is greatest, not only through raising funds but also through physical assistance where necessary.

Our membership has declined over the years, and we need support ourselves from new members joining us in our ambition to make a positive contribution to our community.

If you feel that you would like to contribute to our aims, then please get in touch via our website or email:

Handmade Rugs and Kilims Home to a vast collection of authentically handcrafted carpets, rugs and kilims from the Middle and Far East, where these crafts have sustained their peoples for centuries. Westway Farm Bishop Sutton Bristol BS39 5XP 01275 319950 RUGS | KILIMS | FURNISHINGS CLEANING & REPAIRS


Leave the doom and gloom behind and think about joining our team, helping to get people out and about whilst getting out and meeting new people. If you have use of a car and want to stay healthy and boost your wellbeing, consider becoming a volunteer driver with Swan.

Our driving team help people who have no transport of their own to take journeys across the county on a regular and ad hoc basis. Swan Transport assists residents in Bath & North East Somerset who are older and disabled people on low income. It enables people to participate in social, recreational and community opportunities and helps people remain independent.

Whether you’re a young driver or more

experienced, we would love to hear from you and whatever time you can give will be valued. Swan has a brilliant team of volunteer drivers who can show you the ropes and take you on a typical journey so that you can see if this is something you would benefit from and enjoy doing. This is volunteering that works around you not the other way around.

We pay mileage expenses based on the Inland Revenue rates with training and support provided. If you are interested or just want to find out more, contact us on 01761 439548 or email and talk to Sarah or Ann, who can explain a bit more and answer your questions about volunteering as a driver with Swan.

KEYNSHAM NEWS 6 My job offers so many opportunities for training and career development Search Proud to Care Bathnes for vacancies near you. Hours that fit around you Training and support provided Wide variety of roles Scan me Offices in: Bradley Stoke | Central Bristol | Clevedon | Henleaze | Keynsham Nailsea | Portishead | Staple Hill | Thornbury | Weston-super-Mare | Worle | Yate Get in touch: 0117 986 3504 16 High Street, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1DJ Need legal advice? We offer expert legal services for you, your family and your business. Solving your legal problems ...locally


KeynshamNow is a group dedicated in getting the voice of Keynsham’s young people heard by the town’s decision makers. Any young person from age 11 to 20 can join. We meet in The Space at 5.30pm on the first Wednesday of each month. It’s free, there’s food and the opportunity to make new friends. The young people decide what they want the group to do and the adult mentors at KeynshamNow support the decisions made by the young people. Currently, their issues are young people’s mental health and how to improve it, climate change, getting better facilities in Keynsham, such as more shelters around the town, and meeting with local community leaders.

In the last few months, KeynshamNow have met with Dan Norris, WECA Mayor, Kevin Guy, B&NES Leader, Stephen Rogers from The Week In and Paul Pearce from the B&NES Parks Department to suggest changes in the park for young people.

Members learn new skills, like public speaking, debating, writing articles for The Week In and making

their case to adults in meetings, meeting experts and learning how to make change for the better. They learn about how our community works and get to meet people who will help them develop in the ways they want to, like working for the Music Festival or performing in it. Mentors will provide the opportunities tailored to the needs of individuals. Our next meetings are on March 1st, April 5th, May 3rd and June 7th. What’s not to like? Come along.


kE ynshaM’s yOuTh CE nTrE

Keynsham’s Youth Service are looking for Community Group leaders/members to run cooking sessions, to teach a small group of young people at the Youth Centre how to cook a nutritious meal. Knowledge and a passion for teaching how to make nutritious meals from a variety of cultural backgrounds, as well as an interest in learning about young people’s favourite foods and interests is essential. In return, Keynsham Town Council will

reward your organisation with payment.


• Wednesday/Thursday evenings, 6:30pm-9:30pm and Fridays, 3:30pm - 6:30pm

• Plan recipes, collect and prepare the ingredients, work within a budget

• Includes three hours preparation time for planning recipes and purchasing/collecting ingredients

• DBS check and training are provided

Some members KN in Guild Hall, Bath

C ouNCIl DaTE s

• Wednesday, 1st March 7.30pm – Grants Committee in Keynsham Town Council office

• Monday, 6th March 7.30pm – Planning & Development Committee at the Baptist Church

• Tuesday, 7th March 6.30pm – Finance & Policy Committee in Keynsham Town Council office

• Wednesday, 8th March 4pm – Events, Arts, Tourism & Heritage Committee in Keynsham Town Council Office

• Tuesday, 14th March 7.30pm – Town Council in The Space

• Monday, 27th March 7.30pm – Planning & Development Committee at the Baptist Church

• Tuesday, 28th March 6pm – Environment & Sustainability Committee in Keynsham Town Council office


• Tuesday, 11th April 6.30pm – Finance & Policy Committee in Keynsham Town Council office

• Monday, 17th April 7.30pm – Planning & Development Committee at the Baptist Church

• Tuesday, 18th April 7.30pm – Town Council in The Space

• Thursday, 20th April 7.30pm – Annual Town Meeting in The Space

• Tuesday, 9th May 7.30pm – Town Council in the Baptist Church

• Thursday, 16th May 6.30pm – Finance & Policy Committee in Keynsham Town Council office

• Monday, 22nd May 7.30pm – Planning & Development Committee at the Baptist Church

• Tuesday, 23rd May 7.30pm – Town Council in The Space (Allotment item on Agenda)

• Wednesday, 24th May 7.30pm – Personnel Committee in Keynsham Town Council office

• Tuesday, 30th May 6pm – Environment & Sustainability Committee in Keynsham Town Council office

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Temple Street Public Space Improvements

Heritage-led works to enhance Temple Street began in January.

The scheme, being delivered by Bath & North East Somerset Council, aims to enhance the Conservation Area and keep Keynsham Town Centre vibrant for residents, businesses and visitors. Works include: natural stone pavements on the historic side of the street, planting, seating, cycle parking and better disabled parking.

Parking has been suspended on both sides of Temple Street from number 30 to number 52 for the duration of the works, except on an ad-hoc basis as works allow. Traffic can pass through in both directions along Temple Street, with one carriageway lane open and temporary traffic lights in place.

The works are expected to complete in May 2023.

For more information and for details of the estimated construction phasing plan visit:

Keynsham Business Directory

Bath & North East Somerset Council, together with Keynsham Town Council, are pleased to launch the new Keynsham Business Directory to promote the area and support local businesses.

The directory can be accessed on the Hi Keynsham partnership website: https://www.hikeynsham. If your business or organisation is not already featured, we would love to include you. Please complete the Business Directory Enquiry form, which can be found under the Hi Keynsham Frequently Asked Questions page to add a business to the directory or amend your details.

Keynsham MakeSpace

The refurbishment of No. 2 River Terrace, next to Keynsham Leisure Centre, is now complete. MakeSpace has been created as a community arts and local business space, with a show-stopping frontage designed by YOU & ME Architects and painted by Bristol-based signwriter, Tozer.

Initial pilot activities in the space will include a series of creative workshops for young people and families over the Spring and Summer months.

If you are a local business, artist or Community Group and would like to find out how you can use the space, email



Since its launch in February 2022, the Keynsham Local Cultural Programme has brought a wealth of fun, innovative pop-up street events and activities to the Town Centre.

Throughout Autumn and Winter 2022, dozens of local parents worked with artists Isobel Tarr and Sharne Tasney to create a large hexagonal community quilt about parenting past, present and future in Keynsham. The quilt is now on display in Keynsham MakeSpace, with an accompanying sound artwork available to listen to on the Hi Keynsham partnership website.

The closing date for EOIs is midnight on 20 March 2023. For more information on the Local Cultural Programme and Grant Scheme, visit https://www.


Keynsham High Street Heritage Action Zone (HS HAZ) is a heritage-led renewal programme, making Keynsham High Street a place where people want to live, work and play. It has been funded by Historic England, with match funding provided by Keynsham Town Council and Bath & North East Somerset (B&NES) Council.

Small Grants 2023-24

Keynsham’s Local Cultural Programme, the sister project to Keynsham High Street Heritage Action Zone, is now in its final year. For the third and final time, local artists are being invited to submit ‘Expressions of Interest’ (EOI) to deliver cultural activities on Temple Street, in Riverside Square and in the new MakeSpace. Grants of up to £1,000 are available for projects which reflect the vibrant history, traditions, past and present places and people of Keynsham.

Attached to the HS HAZ programme is Keynsham’s Local Cultural Programme, part of Historic England’s national Cultural Programme. It is funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s Heritage High Street Fund, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s Future High Streets Fund; and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Please call Julia: 01761
Image credit: Anna Barclay Image credit: Mike May


As February arrives, Bereavement Support Keynsham reaches its first anniversary.

Founder and leader Alan Hale, told us: “Thanks to a great response for a call for volunteers we were able to launch in February of 2022 with 16 volunteers. To begin with, we held an afternoon session, but then with the support of Keynsham Town Council funding, we were able to add a tea time/early evening session. Our afternoon session has averaged between 10 to 15 attendees, whilst the evening session has averaged three but that means that three people received support who otherwise would not have done so.”

Bereavement Support Keynsham has attracted a partnership with Dorothy House Hospice, who

were keen to have the local group as one of their referred drop-in centres as they start to build a network of such centres within B&NES Council area. The hospice also provided facilitation training to the volunteers.

Sessions are held at the Keynsham Baptist Church Hall, High Street. The evening session is on the first Wednesday of each month between 5.30pm and 7pm and the afternoon session is on the fourth Monday of each month between 2pm and 4pm. The sessions are free, with coffee, tea and biscuits provided. There is no need to book, but any enquiries can be sent to Bereavementkeynsham@ or 07776493221. Any business or charity organisation wishing to offer financial support can also make contact via email.

KEYNSHAM NEWS 11 0800 0388 885 Volunteers Needed! The Carers’ Centre is dedicated to helping those who provide care to a partner, relative or friend in Keynsham. We’re looking for friendly volunteers to help deliver our fantastic wellbeing activities, inspire the local community and more! Inspired to make a difference? Please get in touch today! CC Adverts Jan2023 v1.indd 1 25/01/2023 16:34

KEYNSHAM MuSIC fESTIVA l JunE 26Th – JuLy 2nD 2023

Plans are already well underway for this year’s festival - more details below…

Last year was very difficult from a financial perspective - in fact, we made a loss for the first time in 25 years. Whilst we were able to cover the loss from reserves this time, we are now certainly not in a position to repeat the situation!


We are an independent charity. Keynsham Music Festival now costs over £100,000 to deliver. The money is raised from a Keynsham Town

Clarkson’s Independent Funeral Directors Ltd

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Council Grant, local business sponsorships, trader concessions, a few ticketed events and bucket collections.

The festival is not-for-profit and run completely by a team of volunteers for the benefit of the community. Every single penny raised is put directly back into the festival itself to provide top quality entertainment.

We know times are very tough for a lot of people but, if you can afford to give a donation, I can assure you it will make a big difference. Please, be as generous as you can when you see a bucket.

A welcoming local salon with 5 fully qualified stylists. From a simple trim to a full restyle, we do it all.
in touch to arrange a booking. Call: 0117 986 9867 Opening Times
8pm Fri: 9am
6pm Sat: 9am
Chandag Road, Keynsham, BS31 1PW


We welcome all offers of help – big or small. Please get in touch if:

• you have spare time to help organise the festival, in whatever capacity

• you have a couple of hours to spare on the festival weekend

• you are a community group looking for space at the festival

• you are a business and would like to sponsor in some way

Please email


The heart of the festival will, as always, be music – there will be music events to suit most tastes all around the town and in the Memorial Park. As usual, we’ve had many applications from performers eager to take part this year. It’s already promising to be a great weekend on every one of the stages.

Alongside the music, during the weekend in the Memorial Park there will be:

Family Festival - we launched this at 2019’s festival and, following very positive feedback, we continued with it last year. We are hoping that we can again put on the best in local contemporary performance art - entertainment that the whole family can enjoy together, workshops, walkabout and street entertainers, puppetry, and a community stage. However, we need additional funding to ensure we can do it justice. We’re still working on it, so we have our fingers crossed!

Art Zone - this is a dedicated area where the public can take part in the production of a unique Keynsham art piece. It will also be a chance to see the work of our many talented local artists.

Wellbeing Village - following much positive feedback last year, more than 20 local practitioners will again showcase and provide a chance to try out many ways to a healthier life –whether through mindfulness, diet or exercise.

Memory Café - we are working hard to provide

a dedicated area and opportunity for those living with the effects of dementia - together with their families or support carers. It will be outside our normal hours and offer a safe space to relax and meet other people in the same situation. It will be a space where memories of music, colour and smell will play such an important role.

Eco Village – this year we are delighted to be able to host a variety of stalls dedicated to providing help and education to help safeguard our planet.

We are so pleased that Batala Bristol, having performed at the St Paul’s Carnival the previous day, will be opening the Festival on Sunday with their infectious samba drumbeats as they march through the park and then perform on one of the stages later. It’s ten years since we last saw them at the festival!

Thursday will see the return of festival favourites, ‘Opera in a Box’, who will be performing Mozart’s Don Giovanni. There will also be a return of the Night of Comedy – with several local stand-up comedians providing the laughs.

We are also working on something big for the Friday night in the park – watch this space!

Keep an eye out for announcements on Facebook (Keynsham Music Festival) Instagram page (@ keyshamfest) and over the coming months.

So, make sure you keep the 26th June to July 2nd free – you won’t want to miss out!

We can’t wait to see you all again in the summer!



Keynsham & District Mencap is a local charity providing weekly clubs, events, day trips and holidays for local people with learning disabilities and autism. We run a number of weekly clubs, including social clubs, children’s groups, sports, and music.

As we celebrate our 45th year in 2023, we are looking forward to celebrating with the Keynsham community. Plans are afoot for an anniversary concert from our musicians from the Music Man Project and we’re looking forward to hosting a huge family fun day in the Spring.

sessions on a Monday evening, where we make fitness fun! We offer training, on-going support, skill development, CV building opportunities and we welcome Duke of Edinburgh volunteers. Be part of a great team and do something amazing!

If you would like to support us as your Charity of the Year and help us provide more opportunities to people with a learning disability, please get in touch.

Volunteering and general enquiries:

Fundraising: Or call 01179 865 659.


Facebook: Keynsham Mencap

Twitter: @keynsham_Mencap


We’re so grateful for the on-going support from the Keynsham community in all that we do. People support us in a number of ways, through fundraising or volunteering for example. Are you a runner? Or looking for a New Year’s challenge? We have places available for this year’s Bath Half Marathon. Or maybe you want to take on your own challenge and fundraise for us through sponsorship.

We have 85 volunteers that support our work and help at our different clubs. We’re keen to hear from anyone who would be interested in volunteering, either with adults or children. We’re particularly keen to recruit for our Fitness for All

Picnic In The Park

Join Keynsham Town Council to celebrate!

Sunday 7th May 12pm-5pm

Keynsham Memorial Park

Free family afternoon of music, entertainment and more!


GooD C ITIZEN AWARD 2022-2023

Keynsham Town Council is looking for nominations for its Good Citizens Award 2022-2023. Now in its 14th year, the award aims to recognise individuals who devote their time and effort to enhance the Keynsham community.

“It’s important for the Town Council to recognise the good work of the citizens of Keynsham,” said Dawn Drury, Town Clerk for Keynsham Town Council. “The town has many worthy organisations that make Keynsham a better place for all, and within those organisations are some very special people that deserve the recognition of the Good Citizen Award.”

The Town Council asks residents to nominate anyone they feel deserves recognition for the work they do

to improve the Keynsham community. The Good Citizen Award honours those Keynsham residents in the following categories:

• Under 25s

• Over 25s

• Lifetime Achievement Award

Winners receive a framed certificate and £100 to put towards a Keynsham-based community group of their choice.

If you would like to nominate someone, please email for a nomination form. Submission deadline is 7th March 2023.

KEYNSHAM NEWS 16 Do you want to support a child to flourish and thrive? I F S O , T H E N C O N S I D E R B E C O M I N G A F O S T E R C A R E R for more information contact us today Telephone - 0117 955 5039


Keynsham Town Council’s very own Grounds Maintenance Supervisor, Kelvin Bush has become somewhat of a local celebrity amongst the horticulturists!

In the Summer of 2022, Kelvin exhibited his homegrown flower arrangements in seven Summer Shows and one Spring Show across Bristol, Bath, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire, winning a whopping 19 trophies in total!

Kelvin was awarded the Banksian Medal at both Portishead Summer Show and Bathampton Village Show. This is a prestigious medal for the exhibitors who were awarded the most points in the entire show, a very impressive achievement.

Kelvin tends to his immaculate garden and allotment in his free time to produce an abundant array of beautiful flowers, specialising in dahlias and orchids and has over 300 orchids in his own collection. In fact, Kelvin is a qualified British Orchid Council Judge and has judged orchids at larger shows such as The Royal Three County

Show in Malvern and gives talks and presentations on how to cultivate and care for this beautiful house plant.

All these achievements have inspired and encouraged Keynsham Town Council to organise our very own Spring Show on Saturday 25th March. We are extremely proud of Kelvin and have invited him to be a show judge on the day.

The show will be an opportunity for the Keynsham community to show and exhibit your horticultural skills, creativity in handicraft and your delicious culinary skills in the cookery section. There will also be lots of categories for children to enter and get creative!

There are trophies and prize money to be won so make sure your entry form is submitted by 5pm Wednesday 22nd March either by using the form in the Spring Show Schedule or the online version (please see QR code advert on page 29). We will also have a selection of locally produced goods and items for sale and workshops in floral arranging, cookie decorating and pottery!


Celebrate with us!

Keynsham in Bloom is 15 years old

To celebrate the occasion we are encouraging residents to get creative with their gardens.

This year's theme is 'Creativity Unwrapped.' Get creative with your garden, veg plot, hanging baskets and pots design with our 15th Birthday in mind. Be sustainable - use recycled, waste and second-hand items in your design.

To include your garden in the trail map, please complete and return the slip below to:

Keynsham in Bloom c/o Keynsham Town Council, 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham BS31 1HF

Garden display should be from 2nd July to 25th August 2023



Email or phone number:

Keynsham in Bloom Competitio

Entry Form - 2023

Theme: Creativity Unwrappe


Address Postcode


Email Category

Category 1

Project by young people/organisations

Category 2


marked on floral, environmental areas and cleanliness

Category 3

Floral display by a community group

e.g. street, community hall, elderly person's home

Category 4

Front Garden

Category 5

Containers/Hanging baskets including basements, balconies, window boxes, hanging baskets etc

Judging will take place on 13th & 14 July 2023

School judging will be on 7th July

Entry form to reach us by Friday, 23 June 2023

Please email/send your competed form to: or Dawn Drury, Secretary, Keynsham in Bloom

c/o 15 -17 Temple Street, Keynsham, BS31 1HF

Category 6

Back gardens including vegetable plots

Category 7

Best allotment

Category 8

Business premises

Category 9

Places of Worship

Winners will be notified by post and invited to a prize giving in September.

If you need any further information, please contact Dawn Drury on 0117 9868683

0117 901 2546



Butterflies Haven has been supporting children and young people with Autism and their families since 2007 from our base at St Francis Church, Keynsham.

We continue to grow and offer a personalised service to our members. As Autism is a spectrum, each child has different needs, strengths and abilities. It is important to us that we provide the best possible experience for these children; experiences that support their abilities, encourages their strengths, and help them manage their needs. One way to do this is to provide them with play equipment that they can use for sensory stimulation or to support them to regulate themselves. We have invested in new equipment to help with this, such as a wobble board and stepping stones, that help with body awareness in space, and textured pads they can touch and walk on for those who seek touch stimulation. We also have weighted blankets, body socks and soft star lighting for those that need to feel safe. Whatever they require, we will seek to deliver, whilst providing an all-inclusive social environment where they are totally accepted as they are.

In conjunction with Bristol Autism Support, we continue to hold our carers’ coffee mornings in Keynsham. These are open to anyone, so please feel free to drop in. Check our website or Facebook page to find the next date.

We are also looking to increase our trustee numbers. This is a very interesting and worthwhile role. If you feel you can help us in providing and developing this valuable service, please contact us.

For more information, please visit our webpage, call Alison on 07510 075737 or email

Our team of volunteers continue to offer a very warm welcome to new members.

KEYNSHAM BANDSTAND CONTACT US NOW KEYNSHAM MEMORIAL PARK PERFORMANCE DATES: SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS APRIL TO END OF SEPTEMBER For more details and to check availability please contact Lisa at: www keynsham-tc gov uk


Nearly 300 people attended four events in The Space to celebrate the 3rd birthday of KTCRfm, the local radio station for North East Somerset and South Gloucestershire, based in Keynsham.

The four events on the 19-21st January celebrated the station’s birthday and linked the occasion with important local heritage events relevant to the radio, and the whole community.

Did you know that Horace Batchelor, the man who put the ‘K-E-Y’ in Keynsham would have been 125 years old on the 22nd January this year? And that Keynsham Abbey, celebrating its 850th anniversary this year, was dissolved on 23rd January 1539?

KTCRfm began Broadcasting, by pure chance, on the 23 January 2020.

Horace Batchelor made the name Keynsham part of the national consciousness with his extensive ’infra draw’ adverts on Radio Luxemburg during the 50s and 60s when football pools were the National Lottery of the day. This also fed an infatuation within the Bonzo Dog Do Dah Band, who mentioned Horace Batchelor on their first album in 1967 and gave the town’s name as the title of their fourth album.

Strange bedfellows making up a radio heritage for the town that is only now being acknowledged.

Horace Batchelor appeared in Keynsham on Friday 20th January this year, in the guise of actor Roland Oliver who played Batchelor in the one-man play ‘An Audience With Horace Batchelor’ that toured the West Country in 2013, and seemed genuinely delighted to have the part revived, as did writer, Kevin Cattell. Roland certainly enjoyed his performance, and the Keynsham audience, so much that he returned to The Space on the Saturday for an evening of the music of the Bonzo

Dog Band. Stephen Rogers of The Week In was heavily involved with the original production of this play in 2013, and the station was glad of his help for this production too.

Of course, all true market towns should have an Abbey and the one at Keynsham, perhaps greater than most of us thought, and the burial place of two, not one, significant historical figures, has a heritage that is now in the safe hands of Elaine Cook and Andy Williams of the Keynsham Abbey Working Group, who told stories and explained much to the audience in The Space on Thursday 19th January. The Q and A session following their presentation was perhaps one of the longest and most interesting many had experienced.

Then came meet KTCRfm at The Space on the Saturday morning, including the cutting of the KTCRfm birthday cake, skilfully baked by Dave Hallet. Within a week, two visitors had held further discussions about their possible contributions to KTCRfm’s future – a significant return for the radio station.

To emulate a live performance of a band as unique as the Bonzo Dog Band is some challenge, but with Nick Pallett directing and producing, the concert

Nick and the Keynsham Town Band

on Saturday 21st was not far short of stunning –featuring tracks from the Keynsham album and a selection of the Bonzo’s most well-known pieces, and clearly capturing the unmistakable comedy.

The three events on three consecutive nights have answered many questions that are consistently asked about these aspects of Keynsham’s cultural heritage.

KTCRfm is grateful for the support for these events given by the Keynsham High Street Action Zone, the local authority’s funding consortium, with Historic England, for the regeneration of central Keynsham.

KTCRfm is also grateful for the help and goodwill given by Council staff, and particularly the library staff, in enabling the three days to work as smoothly as possible.


We’ve got your child’s next birthday party all wrapped up at Keynsham Leisure Centre. With friendly, expert supervision and lots of fun competing against friends and family, we’ll ensure they have a party the whole playground will be talking about.

Discover more by visiting keynsham-birthday-parties

Three days that put aspects of the town’s cultural heritage to the fore, and introduced a good few more people to KTCRfm, a radio station that seeks, we hope, to embrace the heritage from which it grew.

Better is a registered trademark and trading name of GLL (Greenwich Leisure Limited), a charitable social enterprise and registered society under the Co-operative & Community Benefit & Societies Act 2014 registration no. 27793R. Registered office: Middlegate House, The Royal Arsenal, London, SE18 6SX. Inland Revenue Charity no: XR43398
Nick, Sean and John

JOin yOur GolDIES SING & SMIlE SESSI oN in kE ynshaM

On the LAST FRIDAY of each month from 2:00pm-3:00pm, Sue Crick welcomes you to The Key Centre on Charlton Road, BS31 2JA.

Goldies is a fun social group where we sing-along to the popular hits of the 50s onwards. Open to


everyone, you don’t have to be able to sing, just love good music and good company. £3 suggested donation to attend.

Next dates: March 31st, April 28th, May 26th and June 30th.

BusinE ss anD C OMMuniTy EngagEME nT OffiCEr

Q. What does your job at the Council involve?

I began in my role as the Town Council Business and Community Engagement Officer in November 2022. My role is to be a consistent point of contact between the Keynsham Business and Community Groups and the Town Council. Ultimately, I’m here to work in partnership with the Businesses and Community Groups in Keynsham to enable them to thrive and grow.

Q. What are the most enjoyable aspects of working for the Council?

I really enjoy working directly for the community where I live myself. I like that I can positively impact the people and place where I live and to hopefully make Keynsham an even better place for people to live, work and visit.

Q. Away from work what are your hobbies/ interests?

I have two young daughters, Charlotte (7 years old) and Zoe (3 years old) that take up most of my and my husband James’ ‘spare’ time. I do like to spend time out in my garden, go for walks and spend time with my family and friends. I’m originally from Canada, so we also spend a lot of time going back to Nova Scotia to see my side of the family who all still live there.

Q. What are your favourite aspects of Keynsham?

I love the community spirit in Keynsham –people are keen to get involved in community events and day-to-day there is a real neighbourly feel even though Keynsham is such a fast-growing community.



With elections coming up on May 4th, you may be considering putting yourself forward to be part of the next Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES) Council or Keynsham Town Council. Councillors are an integral part of running the local government and work hard on behalf of the communities and residents they represent.

If you think you would like to run to be a Councillor at any level of government, please find details below to see if you qualify:

How to Become a Councillor

On May 4th, elections will be held to elect Councillors for Keynsham Town Council and B&NES Council. To be able to stand as a candidate you must:

• be at least 18 years old

• be a British citizen, an eligible Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of any member state of the European Union, and

• meet at least one of the following four qualifications:

– You are, and will continue to be, registered as a local government elector for the parish in which you wish to stand from the day of your nomination onwards

– You have occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the parish area during the whole of the 12 months before the day of your nomination and the day of election

– Your main or only place of work during the 12 months prior to the day of your nomination and the day of election has been in the parish area

– You have lived in the parish area or within three miles of it during the whole of the 12 months before the day of your nomination and the day of election

Should you choose to become a nominated candidate for either of the Councils, please email to receive a nomination pack, which will be available from 21st March 2023 until 4th April 2023 at 3pm. A completed set of nomination papers will need to be taken personally to the Guildhall, Bath, BA1 5AW by 3pm on 4th April 2023.

You now need photo ID to vote at a pollingstation 11807453_EC_VoterIDPartnership_Summary_Insert_A5_v1.indd 1 I SUPPORT INDEPENDENT BUSINESSES WHO'S WITH ME?


The Town Council is prepared to consider applications for financial assistance from properly constituted:

(a) Clubs and societies;

(b) Voluntary bodies and associations;

(c) Non-profit making organisations;

(d) Charitable bodies

To qualify for assistance, applications must demonstrate a direct benefit to the Keynsham Town area, or any part of it, or all or some of its residents. In addition, the direct benefit accruing must be commensurate with the expenditure to be incurred. Local groups that are affiliated to regional or national organisations will qualify, provided the local group is required to function substantially as an independent financial unit.

The primary intention of the Town Council’s grant scheme is to support new events/projects/items in the town and the maximum grant payable to any one organisation will be up to £1,100.

£15,750 for Environmental projects

In addition to the £23,100 set aside each year for community grants, the Town Council allocates £15,750 to support environmental projects that will have a direct benefit to the Keynsham Town area.

Funding timetable and key dates

1st April – 30th April 2023: Application packs available.

Friday 12th May 2023: Closing date for applications.

Tuesday 14th June 2023: Applications considered by Grants Committee.

Thursday 16th June 2023: Applicants are notified of the Town Council’s decisions.

Thursday 20th July 2023: Grants Presentation

Evening (7.00 p.m. for 7.15 p.m. start) in The Space (above the Library), Keynsham. It is anticipated that the successful applicants or their representatives will attend.


We will be at Keynsham Farmer’s Market on 11th March handing out free wildflower seeds and “Hedgehog Highways”.

Hedgehogs are an integral part of our ecosystem, they keep down the insect population, which left

unchecked can damage the success of crops. They are an indicator species so having hedgehogs is a sign of a healthy environment. Our Highways provide safe, designated access between gardens and outside spaces for our spikey friends.



Keynsham Farmers’ Market takes place on the 2nd Saturday of the month from February until December each year, 9am-1pm, in Market Walk. It is part of a not-for-profit organisation running for 24 years. Here is our story so far.

We have been organising monthly farmers’ markets since 1999 and so by now (on most days), we know exactly what we are doing and run eight monthly events providing regular sales opportunities for approximately 100 market members.

The ethos of why we need designated ‘Farmers’ Markets’ and the criteria to be allowed to sell with us have stayed true to the original intention.

Somerset Farmers’ Markets provide a protected space for farmers, food and drink producers and crafters who grow, rear, brew, bake or create their products to sell directly to the customer without ‘The Middleman’ taking the lion’s share of the profit. They are from within the locality of the market to keep unnecessary food miles to a minimum.

As SFM Ltd is a not-for-profit organisation, our priority is to keep stall fees as low as possible, this helps enable small businesses to become more financially viable, build a face-to-face customer base and be able to thrive, crucially important in these tricky times.

Many Town Councils, such as Nailsea, Keynsham, Midsomer Norton and Frome, have seen the benefit of getting involved and supporting their monthly markets via grant funding to enable the events to become large and vibrant community events with music, choirs, brass bands, and community organisations getting involved.

We have seen Farmers’ Market events encouraging people back into struggling town centres, increasing the High Street’s footfall and so maximising extra trade to cafés, shops, and pubs on market day!

So far so good, but this year people have less disposable income, as it is being used up on heating homes and filling cars, and we understand and share the challenges. In fact, we have seen some of our members cease trading and others are hanging on by a fingernail, many are resisting price increases and taking the hit themselves to stay competitive and survive.

Consequently in 2023, we need your support more than ever to keep small farms, cheese dairies, bakeries and market gardeners in business. How you choose to spend your money is a genuine ‘superpower’ and a vote against industrial size factory farming, poor animal welfare and nutritionally deficient ultra-processed food.

Thanks to those of you who already shop with us, even if you have less to spend; it’s really appreciated.

For those who haven’t visited one of our regular markets, do pop along, get to know the people who farm and produce food locally, try it out and you may want to make it a monthly habit!

To sign up for a newsletter for your local market, visit


March 11th / April 8th / May 13th

All markets run from 9am - 1pm



AWelsh conversation group is now running in Keynsham.

Suitable for all levels, from beginner to fluent Welsh speakers, the friendly group meets once a month in the centre of Keynsham.

Catherine Dhanjal started the group in autumn 2022, fuelled by a desire to chat with other learners and Welsh speakers. She started to learn Welsh in spring 2022 online with DysguCymraeg Welsh government-sponsored courses, and soon realised that opportunities to speak Welsh in person locally were sparse.

The Keynsham Welsh Conversation Group meets once a month on a Tuesday evening at 7pm in a central Keynsham location.

Catherine also organises a Welsh Conversation Group in Bath, which meets once a month on a Thursday afternoon in central Bath.

The upcoming dates are:

Keynsham group –21 March, 18 April, 16 May Bath group –9 March, 13 April, 11 May

For details of locations or any queries, contact Catherine Dhanjal 0794 166 9925 or Catherine.

“Dewch am goffi yng Keynsham neu yng Nghaerfaddon.”
JT PAVING Check out the amazing reviews on Yell and Google Looking for quality driveways or patios? Then give us a call. • Over 25 years of experience • Customised designs • High-quality workmanship • Friendly and qualified team • Professional and reliable service • Free, no-obligation quotes • Competitive prices W: M: 07770 303 827 E: B&NES registered contractor Drop Kerb specialist
Catherine with group founder member, Simon Bright, a fluent Welsh speaker

buDGET & PRECEPT 2023-2024

The Town Council is budgeting as follows for 2023/2024:

(iii) respond to increased devolution of services from B&NES

(d) the statutory obligation to ensure an adequate level of general reserves are maintained, as part of the accountability and audit risk management requirements. This level is revised annually and is currently set at £524,983

(e) the need to ensure long term financial provision for recurrent annual revenue costs including staffing without relying on general reserves – which once used are no longer available to support future recurrent expenditure.

The shortfall is required to be found from the precept, which is the amount paid by households as part of their Council Tax, and is supplemented by an amount from General Reserves.

**Note: CIL/s106 is restricted income and cannot be used to finance revenue expenditure so is automatically transferred into an Earmarked Reserve and drawn down each year specifically for identified infrastructure projects.

When deciding the amount of precept, the Town Council needs to weigh up several factors as follows:

(a) the need to balance the budget i.e., find £812,643

(b) the desire to keep Council Tax increases low for residents – especially so because of the current energy crisis and help those that are on low family income.

(c) the strategic need to ensure adequate financial resource planning to:

(i) support the Council’s Development Strategy, including addressing climate change and capital project requirements.

(ii) sustain future activities/services as detailed in a 4-year plan (to be reviewed in May 2023, after the Elections)

At the January meeting, the Town Council have approved a precept demand of £697,894. This represents a 3% increase in the proportion of Council Tax paid by residents to B&NES.

Expenditure £1,437,848 To be financed by: Income (less CIL/s106**): £104,298 - £35,933 £68,905 Drawn down from Earmarked reserves £556,300 Shortfall £812,643
Competitive Classes in Horticulture, Art & Crafts, Cookery and Children's Class Face Painting Floral Art Workshops ery Workshops Cookie Decorating Stalls Food & Refreshments Spring Show Keynsham Scout HQ Ashton Way Saturday 25th March 12 - 5pm Keynsh a m ' s I n a ugural 0117 9868683 Scan for full Show schedule Trophies& prizestobewon!


Once again, another gardening year starts and we have a busy time ahead. Keynsham Town Council are introducing a Spring Show to be held at the Scout HQ on Saturday 25th March commencing at 12.00 noon.

If you wish to get involved, please email Dawn Drury at or myself at Keynsham

In Bloom have a stall and there will be a flower show, a cake stall plus many other interesting things to see and enjoy.

At this time of year, our town’s gardens and flower containers are sleeping but our volunteers have been busy at work ready for the warmer weather. The old plants from the High Street have been removed and very soon, the containers will be topped up with fresh compost and replanted with spring flowers. The flowerbeds at Keynsham Station are restocked with donated plants from lovely local people and the containers are planted and looking healthy.

The Pocket Park has also had donated plants added, and when the weather is warmer, this will spring into life. Queens Road containers have been planted with violas, polyanthus, and bulbs;

Holmoak Road containers have had extra alpines added together with crocus and Tête-à-tête bulbs and Chandag Road shop containers are filled with alpines and looking forward to bursting into flower.

Of course, we couldn’t achieve any of these projects without the support of our lovely volunteers and l take this opportunity to thank them and wish you all a very Happy New Year. If you would like to become a volunteer, please contact the email addresses above or pop into the council offices in Temple Street.

Lin, Mary and Anne.

KEYNSHAM NEWS 30 Telephone: (0117) 9864922 / (0117) 9868531 Email: Durley Lane • Keynsham • Bristol • BS31 2AJ  Vehicle Diagnostic specialist  Hybrid & Electric service & repair centre  Service & general repairs  Mots arranged  Air Conditioning service & repairs AVON CLEAN CARE T: 0800 695 9511 E: W: in • Carpet • Upholstery • Windows • Rugs • Stone • Patio Specialist cleaners of: Call for a FREE QUOTE today! Quality bespoke cleaning service


With hedgehog numbers in decline and hedgehog awareness on the rise, this Spring has never been a better time to get involved in hedgehog conservation.

With hedgehogs coming out of hibernation soon, Avon Wildlife Trust Keynsham Group are asking if you would be willing to co-ordinate a “Hedgehog Street” with your neighbours. We have helped several streets in Keynsham to get together so far and we are looking for more suitable streets to get involved. We can help you with poster/ leaflet design and other ideas to help you interact with your neighbours. Plus, in conjunction with Keynsham Town Council, we are also giving away FREE Hedgehog Highway surrounds to connect gardens for these prickly visitors. A Hedgehog Highway is a 5 inch gap in a fence and is essential in the battle to prevent the extinction of our endangered spiky friends. Hedgehogs can travel up to 3km in one night. This gap allows them better access to forage for food and meet mates. A Highway surround also raises awareness of their plight and encourages others to take part.

Just get in touch with us by e-mail keynshamawt@ for more information about the hedgehog highway surrounds and Hedgehog Street.

Upcoming Talks:

Friday 10th March: ’Climate Solutions under our Feet. Saving our Soil, Peat and Permafrost‘ with science communications consultant and podcast producer, Emma Brisdion.

Friday 14th April: ’Working Together for Food Justice‘ with Director of Feeding Bristol, Ped Askarian.

Our talks are held at Keynsham Baptist Church Hall at 7:30pm. No booking required. £3 for Avon Wildlife Trust members and £4 for non-members.

Check out our website for more events and news this Spring:

Keynsham Town Council would like to say a massive THANK YOU to Keynsham in Bloom Knitting Group and all the wonderful members of the public who have been knitting away to create some lovely blankets!

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Keynsham Town Council wants to know your views Annual Town Meeting Thursday 20th April | 7.30pm | in The Space. A chance for Keynsham residents to have their say about the work of the Town Council and the issues affecting Keynsham. Guest Speakers : To be Announced Agendas will be available as downloadable copies from or write to townclerk@keynsham-tc gov uk All Keynsham residents welcome

MEET THE TEAM: kaThErinE sEars


Q. What does your job at the Council involve?

I’m not so new to the role any more having started in July of 2022. However, as Deputy Town Clerk I support Dawn Drury, Town Clerk in the day-to-day running of the Town Council. I work closely with the Councillors, administer meetings and implement decisions made.

Q. What are the most enjoyable aspects of working for the Council?

I’m a people person at heart and it’s so rewarding to work with a dynamic and committed team whilst enriching the lives of the Keynsham residents.

I also really enjoy organising events for the community, and in particular the Winter Festival this year was one I am especially proud of. Watch out for a great Spring Show to come!

Q. Away from work what are your hobbies/ interests?

I am an avid hockey player and have been since I was seven years old. I currently play for Keynsham Hockey Club, we are having an exciting season in the Ladies 1st XI following promotion last year! Fitness is really important to me, whether it’s a run, walk or the occasional Joe Wicks work out, it always clears my head and makes the day better! I’m lucky to have a fantastic network of friends in Keynsham, so like to spend time with them socialising.

Q. What are your favourite aspects of Keynsham?

I think it’s amazing how many wonderful community groups and organisations there are in Keynsham; no matter what you’re going through or what you need, there’s always someone there to support you. This became apparent when I organised the Keynsham Town Council Grants presentation evening last year –it was so nice to hear about all the wonderful work that they’re doing for our community.


With the recent appointment of Kate Ward to the post of Business and Community Engagement Officer, the Town Council is looking to strengthen its’ business and community group offering and support.

If you are a Keynsham-based business or community group, we would like to hear from you so we can include you in our upcoming events and activities. Please do get in touch directly with Kate via or on the website


Andy Wait

Liberal Democrat East

Tel: 01179 867389

Email: andy.wait

yOur TOWn C ouNCIlloRS

Keynsham Town Councillors are elected to help you.

Charlotte Buxton

Liberal Democrat South

Tel: 07886 739906

Email: chartlotte.buxton

Alex Beaumont

Liberal Democrat North Tel: 07761 906216

Email: Alex.beaumont

Dave Biddleston

Labour South

Tel: 0117 9870081

Email: dave.biddleston

David Brassington

Liberal Democrat North

Tel: 0117 9867876

Email: david.brassington

Caitlin Brennan

Liberal Democrat East

Tel: 01179 863905 07557 223637

Email: caitlin.brennan

Andy McGuinness

Labour North

Tel: 07815 163036

Email: andy.mcguinness

Deb Cooper Independent North

Tel: 01179 864203

07564 155944

Email: deb.cooper

Clive Fricker

Independent East

Tel: 01179 869250

Email: clive.fricker

Alan Greenfield

Liberal Democrat East

Tel: 07757 673492

Email: alan.greenfield

Andy Halliday

Liberal Democrat South

Tel: 01179 865735

Email: andy.halliday

Hal MacFie

Liberal Democrat East Tel: 01179 863590

07786 436656

Email: hal.macfie

Brian Simmons

Independent North Tel: 01179 096596

07855 631844

Email: brian.simmons

Allan Sinclair

Independent South

Tel: 01179 865658

Email: allan.sinclair

Jonathan Wallcroft

Labour South

Tel: 07464 798073

Email: Jonathan.wallcroft

Keynsham Town Council, 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1HF, Tel: 0117 9868683 | Email: |

If you have any problems or want action taken on a local issue which concerns you contact one of your local Councillors below.
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