Keynsham News autumn

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AUTUMN 2023 - Issue 45 Winter Festival K E Y N S H A M F R I D A Y 2 4 N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 3 S A V E T H E D A T E
Produced for Keynsham Town Council



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These dual-sided decorative fence panels can be equally appreciated from either side. Offering good levels of privacy these highly attractive panels are a popular option for contemporary and traditional gardens.



Welcome to Keynsham Town Council’s Autumn edition of the Keynsham News. We hope you’ve had a lovely Summer. As the weather turns more autumnal, we can look forward to cooler days and some of the most-loved community events, including the Remembrance Parade and Winter Festival in November, as well as a new Pre-loved Fashion Show.

We did want to remind all residents that Keynsham News is entirely recyclable, so we would kindly ask readers to pass along the publication to someone else to read once finished or to put it into your regular weekly recycling.

If your organisation or group is interested in appearing in a future issue, please get in touch with Keynsham Town Council ready for our Winter issue before the 15th of September. We would love to feature your news, photos and upcoming events.

For now, we hope you enjoy what is left of the Summer weather and we will see you in a couple of months.

Follow us on our Facebook page (Keynsham Town Council) and our Instagram (@keynsham_town_ council) for all updates and information related to Keynsham Town Council.


Please call Zoe: 01761 458196

Keynsham News is produced by Ignyte Media Ltd, Bathway Farm, Bathway, Chewton Mendip, Somerset, BA3 4LN Tel 01761 410141. While every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Ignyte or Keynsham Town Council does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher.

The next issue of Keynsham News will be distributed in November. To feature in the next issue, please get in touch by 15th September

intRoduCtion LoCaL histoRY on KtCRFm ButtERFLiEs haVEn anti-BuLLYing PRogRammE KEYnsham FiLm WoRKs KEYnsham in BLoom KEYnsham musiC FEstiVaL KEYnsham mEnCaP CommunitY FRidgE diaL-a-RidE KEYFoRd danCing sChooL WaLKERs aRE WELComE gRants PREsEntation KEYnsham goLdiEs tWinning assoCiation Young CaRERs hERitagE aCtion ZonE YouR toWn CounCiLLoRs 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 15 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 28 35 ADVERTISE
Cover photo: Adrian Wyatt


In May of this year, Elections were held and a new Keynsham Town Council was formed including many new faces across all three Wards. As the newly appointed Chairman of the Council, I look forward to working with all Councillors, both new and established, to deliver exceptional work for the benefit of Keynsham residents. To see the entire list of Councillors, please visit page 35. As we start this four-year journey, I want to say thank you to all the Councillors who put themselves forward for this volunteer position – without your drive and effort, Keynsham residents couldn’t be represented to the standard that they currently are.

One of the Summer highlights for many Keynsham residents is the Keynsham Music Festival where many Councillors volunteer their time and energy. This year was a great success, which was very welcome given the rain that plagued last year’s event. The sun shone, the Bands were incredible and overall, it was a very successful event. This was the first year that Keynsham Town Council Youth Team held a festival within the festival – named the Nova Youth Arts Festival. The Keynsham Town Council Youth Team collaborated with the young people at the TimeOut Centre to create the Nova Youth Arts Festival concept, which came to life during the Music Festival. The Nova Festival was for 13–19-year-olds and included a Battle of the Bands, DJ workshops and a full two-day schedule Creative Workshop programme. It too was a great success and I look forward to seeing how it evolves in the future.

Looking ahead to this Autumn and beyond, we have two community favourites to enjoy including the Keynsham Winter Festival and Spring Show 2024. As always, the Winter Festival will take place on the last Friday in November with this year’s theme being ‘Let it Snow’ – please save the date. The Winter Festival will include a procession to turn on the lights, market stalls, food vendors, children’s entertainment and the introduction of a new Santa’s Grotto which is sure to

be a popular spot to meet with Father Christmas and share all your Christmas wishes. The Spring Show will once again take place in late March so just a reminder to consider planting your bulbs in the next few months in preparation of the Spring Show. The full Spring Show schedule will be available on the Keynsham Town Council website and on social media in the early Autumn. Also, keep an eye out for the bulb giveaway at the September and October Farmer’s Markets by some of the Keynsham Town Council staff and Councillors.

There’s also a new event for the Community Calendar this Autumn with a Fashion Show that will shine a light on sustainable fashion and upcycling of pre-loved items. More details to follow on the Keynsham Town Council Facebook, Instagram and Website.

Councillor Hal MacFie, Chairman of Keynsham Town Council
ADVERTISE IN THE KEYNSHAM NEWS? Please call Zoe: 01761 458196 ProducedforKeynshamTownCouncil AUTUMN 2020 Issue 33 COVID-19CommunitySupportSpecialEdition ProducedforKeynshamTownCouncil SPRING 2020 Issue 32 HaveyoursayonBusTransportinKeynsham -Seepages6&7 Produced for Keynsham Town Council Inside – Town Council Annual Report 2020-2021 and Town Centre update


KTCRfm revisited two important aspects of Keynsham’s local history with daily updates on the Monmouth Rebellion in 1685, ending on 8th July, and the Great Flood of 1968, ending on the 10th July.

There are two hour-long programmes on both of these historic events with their crucial links to Keynsham on KTCR’s Archive at www.ktcrfm. com. They can be accessed and listened to at any time, if you missed, or wish to hear again, the original radio broadcasts. The archive also holds an hour-long documentary on the life of Horace Batchelor, compiled and presented by KTCRfm’s Mike Corrigan.

Over 30 people in the area are involved in making weekly programmes on KTCRfm, and in three and

half years hardly a programme has been missed. That is a pretty amazing record of success, but there is always room for more.

KTCRfm offers excellent opportunities to be involved in radio production and management, broadcasting itself, and developing IT skills and self-confidence.

You don’t have to talk on the radio to be part of the service!

Our current contributors’ age range goes from 16 to 80 and we make no differentiation between the two!

If you are interested in being involved don’t hesitate to contact KTCRfm at

0117 901 2546


Are you, or do you know someone who is finding life hard at the moment?

Struggling to put food on the table because of the rising cost of living?

Or just feeling lonely, depressed or anxious about the future?

Keynsham based charity One Community Trust will be serving 2 course lunches in St John’s Church Hall on Saturday 12th August between 12.00pm and 2.00pm.

Takeaway meals will also be available which may


We’ve got your child’s next birthday party all wrapped up at Keynsham Leisure Centre. With friendly, expert supervision and lots of fun competing against friends and family, we’ll ensure they have a party the whole playground will be talking about.

Discover more by visiting keynsham-birthday-parties

be a preference for the elderly and also people with mobility or mental health issues.

Catering will be limited to 50 people so early booking is essential.

If the event proves popular, the free lunches will continue to be provided every month and into next year.

Book by email:

Or for further information on One Community Trust contact David Sprague (Trustee)

Better is a registered trademark and trading name of GLL (Greenwich Leisure Limited), a charitable social enterprise and registered society under the Co-operative & Community Benefit & Societies Act 2014 registration no. 27793R. Registered office: Middlegate House, The Royal Arsenal, London, SE18 6SX. Inland Revenue Charity no: XR43398


Butterflies-Haven has had another great year, increasing our member numbers and obtaining some committed and wonderful new volunteers.

Our children and young people are really starting to shine and communicate. The older step-up members have enjoyed learning about train travel, catching a train in Keynsham and travelling to Bradford-on-Avon. Our thanks goes to Rob Owen, who is the accessibility mentor with GWR, for arranging this opportunity. The older step-up members also enjoyed bowling and a visit to Freedog in Brislington.

The younger Young Voice members have enjoyed new sensory equipment, thanks to a grant from Tesco in Keynsham. At the end of term, they also had the opportunity to experience role play with Pop Up Village.

We have been fortunate in receiving donations and grants from quite a few organisations this year.

We would like to say a big thank you to Keynsham Town Council, The Masons, Compton Dando Quiz team and The Entertainer to name a few. Without their support we would not be able to provide the services valued by our young members.

We have also been nominated by the Saltford Santa Dash as one of the charities to benefit from this year’s Santa Dash. This will be held on the first weekend in December so, if you like running and want to get involved, please let us know.

We are still hosting our coffee mornings and wellness walks, so please keep an eye on our Facebook page for dates of these events.

If you would like to volunteer with us, we can always do with more hands on the deck as we progress to the next stage of our charity to help us support more families.

Watch this space.


Can yOu HELP LOCa L gIRl guIDES?

Keynsham and Saltford Districts are searching for new leaders to support their Rainbow, Brownie and Guide units.

Help is particularly needed for Thursday night Rainbows and Tuesday and Thursday Brownies. Units meet for an average of 1.5 hours per week and full support and guidance will be provided by local, experienced leaders.

Girlguiding is a welcoming and fun organisation, where you will build lifelong friendships and really make a difference to local girls’ lives. Whether it is baking to bonfires, or archery to arts and crafts, there is something for everyone!

If you would be interested in finding out more,

or to start your volunteer journey, please email

The girls look forward to welcoming you to Girlguiding!

KEYNSHAM NEWS 8 27 Chandag Road, Keynsham, BS31 1PW A welcoming local salon with 5 fully qualified stylists. From a simple trim to a full restyle, we do it all. Get in touch to arrange a booking. Call: 0117 986 9867 Opening Times Tues-Thurs: 9am - 8pm Fri: 9am - 6pm Sat: 9am - 3pm Tel: 01179 870294 Mob: 07767 353527 Beagle Heating, Plumbing, Gas Beagle Heating, Plumbing, Gas Based in Keynsham and covering Bristol & the surrounding area PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL & FRIENDLY HEATING, PLUMBING & GAS SERVICES • Boiler Installation, Servicing & Repair • Full Central Heating Installation • Radiators & Pipes • General Plumbing • Bathrooms, Kitchens & Toilets • Emergency Work

THE d iana aWard a nTi-BuLLying aMBassad Or PrOgraMME aT WEllSWAY SCHool

Earlier this year, Wellsway School and IKB Academy set out on a joint venture to launch a new anti-bullying initiative in both schools by joining the Diana Award Anti-Bullying Programme. Our work began in February with students and staff attending the Anti-Bullying Ambassador Training Day, with students from both schools ending the days as accredited AntiBullying Ambassadors, ready to work alongside staff and run successful Anti-Bullying campaigns that include:

• Helping to educate all students on bullying behaviour

• Leading our schools’ Anti-Bullying campaigns and develop new initiatives

• Promoting a culture that celebrates and tolerates difference

• Helping keep all peers safe both online and offline

Back in school the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have met with Pastoral Leaders from both Wellsway and IKB to decide our next steps. The Diana Award requires schools to introduce new ideas and initiatives, which if successful can result in the school earning various Anti-Bullying badges. The four badges:

• Respect badge

Well-being badge

• Community action badge

• Online safety badge

Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have decided that we will work towards earning our well-being badge by introducing campaigns that encourage positive well-being and spread kindness in our school community, including strengthening peer support systems in our school. Our campaign ideas are:

• Introduce new ways to report bullying at school

• Create a new lunchtime support group

• Tutor work activities that address body confidence

• Complete a whole-school art project to promote well-being

• Complete a whole-school survey to evaluate student well-being and bullying experiences

Our plans above have already been shared with students in year group assemblies, which also created the opportunity to share some of the details from Anti-Bullying Ambassador Training Day, specifically how we can define bullying behaviour, the various roles in bullying incidents, such as the bystander and the up stander, and what to do if somebody is being bullied. We are really proud of the start that our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have made. We look forward to being able to update you with our progress.


Mr. Rhod Evans

Curriculum Director: PE & Performing Arts



Keynsham Film Works opens its new season on 7th September with “Living”, starring national treasure, Bill Nighy.

We are your local community cinema, based in The Space above Keynsham Library. We show films on the first Thursday of every month; roughly half are foreign language (with subtitles) and half are in English. We try to create a varied programme of interesting, funny, thoughtful, and, at times, provocative films. Most are contemporary but we usually throw in one classic film.

Doors open at 7:15pm for a 7:45pm start.

We run a small bar. Membership is £30 for the year which covers all 10 films from September to June. Alternatively, you can just turn up on the night and pay £5 per film.

Leaflets are being distributed around Keynsham; if you’ve not got one yet, there should be some at the Keynsham Library and Keynsham Town Council offices (15-17 Temple Street). You can also view our upcoming programme on our website (

Looking forward to meeting you in September. Come along and give us a try!

Open Mon- Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-4pm

Keyford dancing School

01761 452073

Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Modern

Children from 2.5 years & adults

Dance for fun, Fitness and to meet new Friends. It’s never too late.

first 2 classes free, so give it a go

com 6-8 High Street, Keynsham, BS31 1DQ
Award-winning dog grooming salon & independent specialist dog shop
336 0256 www bobthedogshop


Keynsham In Bloom are having a very busy year. South West In Bloom judging took place on the 25th July and our next article will cover the results which, we hope, will be favourable.

It’s hard to believe that this is our 15th Anniversary, and we plan to celebrate with a cake after our lunch on the 25th July.

There is no doubt that our Summers are becoming increasingly hotter and our volunteers are working hard to keep pots, troughs and flowerbeds alive. This is not just to win a Gold Medal from Southwest In Bloom, but to maintain a food source for a myriad of pollinating insects and a bee highway.

Keynsham Station, High Street and Pocket Park containers are using tree bark and coir as mulch to keep the moisture from evaporating from the soil. Hopefully we will not lose as many plants as last year.

Queens Road, Holmoak and Chandag shop containers are planted with alpines and succulents, and these seem to cope very well in hot weather.

Our Crown in the Memorial Park is absolutely beautiful and I do hope you enjoy the photos.

We are a cheerful group and if you would like to join us, please contact Dawn Drury at, or just pop into Keynsham Town Council, 15-17 Temple Street. We would love to see you.

Enjoy this warm weather and keep well.



Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! At the beginning of 2023, we were seriously considering whether we would be able to put on the Festival or, at the very least, need to make some drastic cuts. It’s thanks to the support of so many people, the Town Council, the local businesses, and the many volunteers who give their time so freely that we were able to make the decision to go ahead.

Well, the sun shone and Keynsham, you didn’t disappoint! You came out to enjoy the events and activities we were able to put on. We thank you for your support.

The Festival week was full of variety as usual –from Swing, choir, opera and comedy to string quartets on Riverside Square and more – making sure there was definitely something for everyone!

One of the highlights of the week was again the Futura Academy evening in Temple Court which demonstrated beyond doubt that we are blessed with many up-and-coming talented performers.

Friday afternoon saw the launch of the first ever Memory Café as part of the Festival. Designed specifically for people living with dementia and their carers so they could experience the Festival atmosphere in a safe and welcoming environment. It was quite magical and is something we will definitely do again.

Completely new for this year was the Nova Youth Arts Festival – an area designed by young people for young people led by Keynsham Town Council’s Youth Team. The area provided workshops, a gallery space, a chill-out zone and their own performance stage. It was a particular joy to see Seb Bailey, who was such an integral part of the Festival team before he went on to carve out a very successful career as a radio DJ, take to the stage with several young DJ performers who he had coached in the weeks leading up to the Festival.

We have worked hard to establish the Saturday afternoon as a Family Festival and, wow, this year it was just brilliant to see so many families enjoy


what we had programmed. Wherever you looked there were smiles and laughter and the feedback has been so positive. We are sure this will become a permanent fixture of the Festival. Super Pirates have already been booked for next year! As a result of a couple of suggestions we received, we will try to incorporate a quieter, more sensory area where children who don’t react well to noisy crowds can also enjoy their own quality time.

If that wasn’t enough, we then had the Bath Gilbert & Sullivan Society perform in Keynsham for the first time! The audience were treated to The Mikado, a real treat to experience in a Big Top. The Roving Crows headlined the Folk Festival well into the evening with an energy filled knees-up.

Sunday, with the weather still playing its part, saw four music stages and a dance stage play host to an array of amazing performances. Wherever you went in the park you were presented with outstanding quality, whether it was music of different genres: ballet, flamenco or circus skills.

Another thank you goes to the wonderful, unsung heroes of all our Festivals – The Wombles. Their work throughout the Festival means that the park is returned to the community in better condition than when we started. Yet again, The Wombles

say the amount of litter was far less than in previous years so, thank you to everyone who played their part in making the Festival so smart.

Due to a number of factors, putting on the Festival is a huge financial challenge. This year was no different. It was incredibly challenging but, we will meet our aim and break even. So, the last thank you goes to every visitor who was able to donate at the gate. Your generosity has ensured we will be doing it all again next year!!

See you all in the Park in 2024!

Chair, KMFA Photos: Colin Rayner

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Please get in touch with any heating or gas appliance requirements, no matter how big or small the job, I would love to hear from you.


Keynsham and District Mencap Society is celebrating 45 years this year and demand for our fabulous clubs continues to grow. We need more volunteers to join us and support our amazing members. You don’t need to have any experience, just a willingness to learn and get stuck in! There are lots of ways you can help as Keynsham Mencap run nine clubs over the week and cover activities such as fitness, football, music, and general social clubs that do a variety of activities, crafts and trips out.

We are particularly in need of help at our two children’s clubs which run on a Tuesday and Thursday from 5.45pm – 7.30pm at Somerdale Pavillion and our Super Saturday Club which runs from 10am – 12pm at The Aspire Academy in Bath. These clubs currently have a waiting list for children to join but we are unable to welcome any new members until we recruit more volunteers.

Operations Manager, Laura Jefferies, said: “All we ask is that our volunteers are enthusiastic, happy to help and encourage the children to join in with the activities. Volunteering is so rewarding, especially seeing the children enjoying themselves, and doing things they didn’t think they can do. Guaranteed smiles, laughter and all the warm fuzzies you can handle. Volunteering with Keynsham Mencap is honestly the best thing you’ll ever do.”

If you would like to know more about Keynsham Mencap or could provide a couple of hours of your time to volunteer and get involved, please email or look at our website for more details.

KEYNSHAM NEWS 16 Would you like to start Would you like to start your own business? your own business? Various FREE in-person and online workshops available How to Write a Business Plan Essential Marketing Masterclass Starting in Business Essential Finance for New Businesses BOOKING ESSENTIAL W: T: 08000 418293 Our Services: • New Memorials • Additional Inscriptions • Refurbish Existing Memorial • Memorial Cleaning • Memorial Maintenance Packages • Vases • Plaques • And Much More Our skilled stonemasons can craft your desired memorial stone for your lost loved one. Unit 16, Brookleaze Trading Estate, Bristol BS31 2AL T: 0117 986 4531 E:


Community fridges are a way in which local communities can organise themselves to reduce food waste by collecting surplus food from local businesses and storing it in a public location where the food can be made available to anyone who needs it. The aim is to reduce the amount of surplus food that would otherwise be sent to landfill. The food is available to anyone who wants it – there is no eligibility criteria. Over 50 such fridges operate nationally and it has been the shared experience of those involved, that the system is fairly self-regulating – those who can make best use of the food benefit most, thereby helping to address food poverty as well as helping communities to reduce surplus food sent to landfill.

In the last quarter of 2022, Keynsham Community Fridge saved 2.7 tonnes (2,700 kg) of food from going to landfill, which is the equivalent of 5.1 tonnes (5,100 kg) of CO2.

Keynsham Community Fridge purchased a 372 litre glass fronted storage refrigerator and separate storage rack thanks to the generosity of Keynsham Rotary Club early in 2020. This has been installed downstairs in Temple Street Canteen, (20 Temple Street, Keynsham, BS31 1EH). Temple Street Canteen is open 8.30 – 3.00pm Monday – Friday, 10.00 – 3.00pm Saturday. Anyone can walk in and take what they need from the fridge and from the shelves.

The effective operation of this system depends upon a pool of reliable and well-trained volunteers who share the workload of collecting food from supermarkets and other possible venues and delivering it to Temple Street Canteen We also accept donations from local allotments and gleaning operations.

We are currently looking for more regular donations. If you are part of an organisation that has access to surplus food, please get in touch

with us via our Facebook page. Due to food hygiene regulations, we can only accept fruit, vegetables, bread and bakery items - also dairy and washed vegetables within their use by dates. We can also accept ambient food (tinned, dried etc.). We cannot accept fresh meat, fish or other perishable items. All items gratefully received!


you can enter for the 2024 Spring Show Potted bulb classes: Single Daffodil - any variety - max 5 bulbs Double Daffodil - any variety - max 5 bulbs Multi-headed Daffodil - any variety - max 5 bulbs Miniature Daffodil - any variety - max 5 bulbs Tulips - any variety - max 3 bulbs Hyacinth - max 1 bulb Hyacinth - max 3 bulbs Amaryllis - 1 blub 23rd March 2024 Spring Show K e y n s h a m Look out for us at the Farmer's Markets for free bulb giveaways!!
planting season is nearly here! Classes

KE ynsHaM & d isTriCT D IA l-A-RIDE

Keynsham & District Dial-a-Ride (KaDDaR) have now been operating a Community Bus Service for residents for 20 years. Although some bus services may stop operating in Keynsham shortly, your own local Community Bus will continue to operate as normal.

All vehicles owned by KaDDaR are accessible and can also carry wheelchair/ scooter users (these must be assessed before being transported).

Transport services operated by KaDDaR are provided for everyone in the Community as well as those who are elderly and/or disabled.

It is a membership scheme and you must book transport at least 24 hours in advance, this service enables members to attend: medical appointments, lunch clubs, social events, go shopping or to visit/meet family or friends.

Areas covered are Keynsham/ Saltford, Monday to Friday, villages on selected days, Corston, Newton St Loe, Marksbury, Farmborough, Timsbury, Publow, Compton Dando, Woollard, Pensford and sections of Whitchurch & Stockwood.

Becoming a member of the Door to Door Service also entitles you to book organised day trips and these include; Dunelm Mill (Brislington), High Littleton Fish n’ Chips, Bath, Wells, Cheddar,

Clarks (Street), Weston, Burnham, Chippenham, Cirencester, Trowbridge, Yeovil, Cwmbran, Abergavenny, numerous Garden Centres; Fonthill, Cheddar, Whitehall, Sanders (Burnham), Newent (Gloucester) – there are also Monthly Sunday Pub Lunch trips.

We also operate a service to the following hospitals: South Bristol (Hengrove), Royal United, St. Martins, Bath, Paulton, Sulis (Peasedown St John), NHS Emersons Green, Spa Medica.

Group Hire Service is also provided, this enables groups/ organisations to hire a vehicle to take their members to various destinations. There are over 60 group members registered with KaDDaR and this includes: Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme (Keynsham), St Kenya Primary School, Homeavon Young Ones, WI Keynsham/ Saltford, Village Agents (WERN), Bristol University Frizbee Group, Keynsham Walking Football, Keynsham Dementia Group, Stroke Group, Keynsham Town Council Youth Project.

We pride ourselves on providing a Caring, Safe, Affordable and Reliable Transport Scheme. Further information available by ringing 01225 395321 or email:

KEYNSHAM NEWS 18 CURTAIN FLAIR LTD Established in 2003 Unit 9 Lays Farm Trading Estate, Charlton Road, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 2SE • 0117 9867277 email

PErFOrManCE s and disPLays By KEYfoRD DANCINg SCHool

The Keyford Dancing School is enjoying its 50th Anniversary in KEYnsham & SaltFORD (that is where the name came from).

We are presenting a Dance Display in Broadlands Academy on 17th-19th November in which all age groups will take part, ranging from three years-old to our Senior ladies’ groups. Tickets for the four performances can be obtained from from 1st September. The show will include some new dances alongside some of our favourite numbers from past performances. Keynsham Town Council have very kindly awarded us a grant towards this production.

Another event planned for the Autumn is a reunion of past pupils on 16th September in Club 22 High Street, Keynsham. All are welcome, please see our Facebook page, or email me at for more details and to give us an idea of numbers. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again.

During the year, a number of new classes have been incorporated into the school, including Senior Jazz and a Contemporary class for teenagers. These classes will continue after the Summer break when

we return on September 2nd. Anyone interested in these or any other classes should contact me on the above email.

Amy Tickle, our new tap teacher, is enjoying working with us and her classes are proving popular.

There will also be spaces in our pre-school classes as many of the children will be moving up to older classes as they start school.

KEYNSHAM NEWS 19 Telephone: (0117) 9864922 / (0117) 9868531 Email: Durley Lane • Keynsham • Bristol • BS31 2AJ  Vehicle Diagnostic specialist  Hybrid & Electric service & repair centre  Service & general repairs  Mots arranged  Air Conditioning service & repairs
Some of our younger ballet pupils, who will all be performing in the forthcoming production. CHRISTMAS JUMPER


With the twice monthly Summer walks coming to an end in early September, we look forward to our Annual Walking Festival. This year it runs from Friday, 29th September until Sunday, 1st October.

As in previous years, on the Friday, we again team up with the Keynsham & Saltford Local History Society, for a short walk around the town centre, detailing its history. The walk starts at St John’s Church at 6.00pm, and takes about 90 minutes. This has always been popular in the past.

The first of the two Saturday walks starts at the Memorial Park gates at 10:00am, and is a longer walk of 5 miles heading towards Bitton, returning along the River Avon.

The second is another short walk (two miles) starting at 1:00pm at the Memorial Park gates. We shall head towards Chewton Keynsham, along the River Chew, heading back to Keynsham on the other side.

The last walk of the Festival on the Sunday, we shall once again team up with the BBC Children in Need Countryfile Ramble. We shall meet, again, at the Memorial Park gates at 10:00am for a 5 mile walk towards Hanham, stopping for a refreshment, heading back by Hanham Court and Woods. Donations for this worthy cause can be made at the start in an envelope please.

All walks are free, and children and dogs under control are welcome.

ADVERTISE IN THE NEXT EDITION OF Please call Zoe: 01761 458196


Our charity, SWAN, provides bespoke door to door community transport for local people. This is a crucial service and ensures access to medical and health appointments, visits to family and friends, clubs and social activities.

If you have:

• A desire to help people in your community

• A car and full driving licence

• A few hours to spare (times to suit) We would love to hear from you!

Our volunteers are the heartbeat of our charity, whom we value enormously. Come and join our friendly team; we offer flexible hours to suit and

mileage reimbursement.

This is a rewarding role, and you would be making a real difference in people’s lives.

“I drive for SWAN because it feels good to help people get around, and it could be me one day that needs support” (SWAN driver).

If you would like to find out more, contact our office on 01761 439548, WhatsApp +44 7447 816479, or visit our website

We would like to thank Keynsham Town Council for their continued support for our charity.



During the summer Community at 67 has been running a range of free activities for local families to give parents somewhere to go each week which is fun and gets all the children out of the house to share in an activity, the programme started with a craft activity run by the Community at 67 Craft Group (see picture).

The Centre is also continuing to run the Public Living Room on Tuesdays 12.30 – 4.00 which provides space where people can pop in for a cuppa, a light lunch, a chat with others, play some games if they wish and to get some light relief from day-to-day life.

Clare Hudson, who helps support the sessions, said: “Times have been tough for people in Keynsham with the pandemic and now the costof-living crisis and I don’t know anyone who hasn’t found it hard. The Public Living Room in Community at 67 is a place where anyone can take a break from their daily worries, have a chat and feel a sense of connection. Sometimes that’s all we need to help us to keep going. The feedback has been remarkable, people have told us that they come away with a feeling of belonging to the community and how much they feel valued and respected in the sessions. We ensure everyone is welcomed, as the hardest thing for some people

is simply stepping through the door, but we hope once they make that step, they will meet a great group of people in our living room.”

The Autumn programme of activities re-starts in September to include the Monday Code Club for children in Years 4 – 6, Friday IT Café for anyone that needs help with IT (from knowing nothing about IT to wanting to know how do a particular task) and the Wednesday morning Coffee and Craft Group. The Centre can also be hired out to local groups who want to use the well equipped centre at reasonable prices. For details, see the website or email

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In late July, Keynsham Town Council had the pleasure of hosting its Annual Grants Evening to celebrate local community groups and deliver their grant funding for 2023-24.

This year, Keynsham Town Council awarded over £37,000 in grant funding to local community

groups as a contribution towards their valued services for the community. This year saw 45 local groups receive funding.

To all the community groups that work tirelessly to enrich the lives of Keynsham residents, we say a very big “thank you.”

Keynsham Orchestra Friends of Manor Road Community Woodland Bristol History & Archaeology - Keynsham Abbey Working Group Keynsham Kings Flag American Football Club 2386 Keynsham Air Cadets Southside Family Project


Goldies Sing&Smile groups take place in 125 locations across England and Wales, including a local Keynsham session. Goldies is NOT a choir, but a fun and friendly sing-along, open to everyone. You don’t have to be able to sing or hold a tune, just love music and good company. Some people like to sing out loud and proud, some tap along and listen, some dance and some just like to chat… but most importantly, there is always lots of FUN.

Goldies Sing&Smile take place at Keynsham Key Centre on the last Friday of each month from 2.00-3.00pm – next sessions on 25th August, 29th September & 27th October. No need to book, just turn up.

Mobility Stairlifts Ltd

Sing&Smile sessions are an hour-long (plus time for a cuppa). With popular songs from artists, such as our patron, Sir Cliff Richard, alongside Dusty Springfield, Tom Jones, Petula Clark, Elvis and many more. Goldies activities are of a therapeutic nature and have been proven to positively impact mental and physical health and well-being.

A Goldies attendee told us: “It’s totally changed my life, bringing me joy and peace. I struggled to cope with the loss of my husband and found it hard to find happiness, Goldies takes me out of depression.”

For more information about Goldies, visit our website or you can call the office, Monday to Friday 9.00am-2.30pm on 01761 470006.

You can also visit the Goldies Charity Shop on Keynsham High Street, full of excellent quality second hand clothes, toys and household items. The shop is open Monday to Saturday 9.30am4.30pm and is eager to recruit volunteers. If you have some spare time that you can donate to the Goldies Shop, be it a day or a few hours a week, they would love to hear from you – call the shop on 0117 329 3910.

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Over the weekend of the 12th - 14th May 2023, the new President (Laurie) and Vice President (Joanna) of ‘Association de Jumelage Libourne-Keynsham’ visited Keynsham. They attended a meeting with the Chair of the Town Council Hal McFie, the Deputy Town Clerk Katherine Sears, Keynsham Twinning Committee members, and a representative from Keynsham Beavers unit.

The productive meeting looked at ways to revitalise the Twinning Groups and to encourage as many people as possible to participate in the exchanges. Libourne Jumelage (Twinning) have held British-themed tea parties, pub quizzes, English literature book week and even made a skittle alley.

As part of this desire to share experiences, Keynsham Twinning asked local businesses in the High Street to participate in a French Trail event for Bastille Day (14th July) celebrations held on Saturday 15th July. About a dozen shops in the High Street agreed to participate, creating French themed window displays. Within the displays were hidden specific French items for the trail, with the forms available from the Library.

This event was promoted on our new Facebook page ‘ Keynsham-Libourne Twinning’ and the Library supported us by allowing us to create a display in their window.

Happily, we can confirm that there will be a Twinning exchange visit from Libourne (France) to Keynsham in Summer 2024.

We hope to update you with other Twinning events to bring a little bit of France to Keynsham.

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YouNg CARERS HavE THEir vOiCE s HEard in HOusE OF C OMMOns

Local charity, The Carers’ Centre support 15 young carers to have their voice heard by national policy makers.

Independent charity, The Carers’ Centre supported 15 young people, who tirelessly care for their loved ones to engage in social action. The young carers were able to attend the House of Commons with thanks to Wera Hobhouse MP and Bath Philharmonia.

The young carers performed their own song as part of an orchestra with Bath Philharmonia on 10 July 2023, which showcased the incredible impact of music-making on young carers.

Their song, ‘Listen’ was a hit with the Lords, Ladies and MPs in attendance and the group’s message to be heard was loud and clear.

“We will try everything,

“Let’s keep going ‘til we reach our goal, “Nothing’s gonna stop us, we’re on our way, “We’re young carers, we are the greatest!”

Anyone that cares for a relative or friend, due to an illness, disability or addiction can face enormous challenges, especially as a child. Young




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carers are providing more care than ever, with less provisions in place. With the added anxieties due to the cost-of-living crisis, young carers are often left feeling isolated, ignored and misunderstood.

A young carer said: “I didn’t think politicians knew or cared about young carers, but they do now! I didn’t think I’d be confident enough to stand in front of lots of adults and tell them about what we do or what we need, being able to explain through music helped a lot and now I know I’d be able to do it again.

“I think politicians still have a lot to learn about young carers, but doing this today has made a big difference and means we can keep talking to them

KEYNSHAM NEWS 26 AVON CLEAN CARE T: 0800 695 9511 E: W: in • Carpet • Upholstery • Windows • Rugs • Stone • Patio Specialist cleaners of: Call for a FREE QUOTE today! Quality bespoke cleaning service

to get them to listen more.”

The Carers’ Centre support both young and adult carers across the entire Bath and North East Somerset region. The charity provides a lifechanging service dedicated to young carers to support them in the now and help realise their dreams for the future.

Through The Carers’ Centre, they get space to talk, build connections with others, leave with tools to continue to support their wellbeing and access opportunities to engage in social action.

CEO of The Carers’ Centre, Jacqui Orchard, said: “It is vital that our young carers are heard, especially by decision-makers. We have supported children with caring responsibilities who are as young as five years old. Given the amount of time they spend caring for their relative, the time they need for education and their age, they can often feel left out of the conversations that matter most to them.

“We shouldn’t forget that young carers are determined, dedicated and have life skills that are beyond their years. Young carers’ voices matter. As they sang in the House of Commons, nothing will stop them, they are the greatest!

“We are so thankful to our supporters and funders that enable us to empower young carers to use their voice and take part in incredible opportunities like this. Music is a powerful tool for a young carer to express themselves, gain confidence and be heard.”

You can care for a family member or friend at any age, but it can be especially tough if you are a young person. If you or someone you know wants to talk about caring, The Carers’ Centre are here for you.

Please visit to find out more or call 0800 0388 885 (Monday – Friday, 9am – 1pm).

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It has been a busy year for Keynsham’s Local Cultural Programme. April saw the launch of KINGS & COMMONERS IN KEYNSHAM, a new interactive walking tour from Show of Strength Theatre Company. Keep your eyes peeled for more from Show of Strength in the coming year.

In May, six community grants were awarded to community groups and artists running arts and heritage activities over the coming year. The first of these saw Keynsham Music Festival bringing their festivities to Riverside Square for the first time. Bath Strings Academy Quartet performed to a rapt audience, while Bristol String Quartet wowed with a set celebrating the music of G. F. Handel. Meanwhile, B&NES Music Hub offered musical instrument workshops and ArtSpace held a pop-up art gallery.

Other forthcoming funded activities include photography projects by Clare Anderson, Snap and Stroll and Keynsham in Bloom; a pop-up museum curated by local heritage groups; and a High Street memories film with Community at 67.


Keynsham Heritage Open Days 2023 – 8-17 September

The National Festival is back this September as part of Keynsham’s High Street Cultural Programme.

Heritage Open Days is England’s largest community-led festival of history and culture. It’s your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – and it’s all free!

Whether you’re an adult, teenager or toddler, there will be something for everyone. Events include:


Keynsham Pop-Up Exhibition

Sharing fascinating stories from Keynsham’s medieval and industrial histories and displaying - for the first time in Keynsham - exquisite decorative stone artefacts from the abbey (Keynsham MakeSpace; 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17 September)

Hidden Histories at Durley Hill Cemetery

Drop in and discover this peaceful Victorian burial ground and learn how it became a major Roman archaeological site in the 1920s (Durley Hill Cemetery; 17 September)

Albert Mill – Open Day

A walk-through history with many pieces of original machinery and displays of photographs, a historical timeline, a family quiz, and refreshments in the beautiful gardens (Albert Mill; 9 and 10 September)

Creativity Snapped! – Our Heritage in Photographs

A photographic display of Keynsham’s High Street heritage, created by Snap & Stroll in collaboration with young people locally (Temple Street Canteen; 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17 September)

Keynsham Abbey Site – Open Day

Wander around the remains of this significant Medieval Abbey, founded in 1166, and experience a guided tour given by local experts (Keynsham Memorial Park; 9 and 16 September)

Fry’s Somerdale – Then and Now

Enjoy a guided tour and walks around Somerdale, originally the home of a factory producing some of Cadbury’s most famous products (Somerdale Shed and Community Garden; 16 September)

Visit for visitor information and the most up-to-date event listings.


Temple Street Public Space Improvements

The latest phase of heritage led improvements to Temple Street has now been completed.

Wider pavements, cycle hoops, new planters and parklets have been installed to improve Keynsham’s conservation area and enhance the views of the street in both directions. There is also better disabled parking and improved lighting and drainage.

The parklets have been co-designed by the community and feature written information and graphics about Keynsham’s ammonites and the Town’s connections to the fabric dye industry. A community planting event took place in June, attended by Keynsham in Bloom, residents from Riverside, and local businesses.


Shopfront Improvements

Developments for Temple Street will continue later this year, with shop front renovations for Temple Street Canteen and Savour along with improvements to the upper levels of 20 – 28 Temple Street.


Keynsham High Street Heritage Action Zone (HS HAZ) is a heritage led renewal programme, making Keynsham High Street a place where people want to live, work and play. It has been funded by Historic England, with match funding provided by Keynsham Town Council and Bath & North East Somerset (B&NES) Council.

Attached to the HS HAZ programme is Keynsham’s Local Cultural Programme, part of Historic

England’s National Cultural Programme. It is funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s Heritage High Street Fund; the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s Future High Streets Fund; and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.



Next month we are pleased to host our annual pond dipping sessions for under 7’s (Saturday, 23rd September) and river dipping sessions for the 7’s and over (Sunday, 24th September) with our Chair, Dave Sage. These, as last season, will need to be booked on Eventbrite. Visit our website for more details: www.

Our Autumn programme of talks starts in October at the Baptist Church Hall in Keynsham and we have a fantastic line-up starting with “Taking Action Today for Curlews Tomorrow” with Ellen Bradley (Communications & Outreach Officer for charity Curlew Action) on Friday, 13th October. Everywhere the story is the same: curlews are disappearing, especially on their breeding grounds. They face innumerable dangers depending on the area, including changing agricultural practices, wetland draining, increased predation, climate change, and so much more. The vision of Curlew Action, set up in 2019 by Mary

Colwell, is a secure place for curlews and the wildlife that lives alongside them in a natural world, rich in biodiversity, where people are informed about, and engaged with, nature. The aim is to give these birds a secure future through supporting conservation efforts, engaging with science and policy, highlighting the cultural importance of curlews, and by promoting natural history education. Speaker Ellen is a Biologist, Wildlife Artist and Environmental Campaigner, passionate about curlews.

Entry: £3.50 for Avon Wildlife Trust members/£4.50 for non-members to include refreshments.

For more information on Avon Wildlife Trust Keynsham Group and details on our talks, visit our website:

Email: or phone Dave 07899 716068


Get excited for a new community event that breaths new life into preloved items and celebrates all the best of sustainable living in Keynsham - fashion, homeware and upcycling of lifestyle items. The event, called Keynsham Pre-loved, is being brought to you through the partnership of Keynsham Eco Festival team, Keynsham Town Council and HiKeynsham. Keynsham Pre-loved will feature a fashion show of pre-loved clothing and feature a market of local retailers that are focused on sustainable products and practices. More details are to come so keep

an eye out on the Keynsham Eco Festival Facebook page as well as Keynsham Town Council’s Facebook and Instagram pages for more details.

HiKeynsham is part of Keynsham’s Local Cultural Programme, a strand of Historic England’s High Streets Heritage Action Zones scheme. It is funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s Heritage High Street Fund; the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s Future High Streets Fund; and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.



Recently, two former Keynsham Town Council Councillors, Brian Simmons and Lisa O’Brien were awarded the title of Honorary Alderman and Alderwoman by the Chair of Bath & North East Somerset Council.

The title of Honorary Alderman or Alderwoman is the highest award that can be given to a Councillor in recognition of exceptional service to the Council and the people it represents.

Keynsham Town Council would like to extend their gratitude to both Councillors for their outstanding service to the Keynsham community.

Open Morning and Evenings at Wellsway School

Year 6 - Thursday 21st September - Tours from 6.00pm – 8.00pm

Year 6 - Tuesday 26th September - Tours from 9.15am – 10.45am

We are delighted to confirm our two open morning dates; we are offering tours to students and families who are interested in joining Wellsway School in September 2024. Visitors always comment on the purposeful, caring and happy ethos of the school, so what better way for you to find out about our vision and values than to come and experience them for yourselves? For those parents/carers who are unable to attend, there will be an additional Year 6 Open Evening in September. The morning will provide an opportunity to see the school in action; to visit curriculum areas and discuss the Wellsway School experience with students and staff.  Please be advised that the morning will finish at 10.45am, the last tour will depart at 10.20am. Our staff and students are the biggest advocate for our school and I am sure when you visit, you will see why we believe Wellsway School is a unique community.

Sixth Form Open Evening

Thursday 5th October, between 6.00pm – 8.00pm

We are delighted to invite key stage 4 students to our Sixth form open evening. On the evening students will be able see the enhanced range of subjects and enrichment opportunities on offer at Wellsway school and learn how we work as a collaborative Sixth Form ‘Futura Sixth’ to be a truly comprehensive sixth form. Students will have the opportunity to speak with staff; attend a presentation from school leaders; speak with sixth form students and discover more about our wide range of courses and experiences that support students throughout Post-16 and on to their next step. This will be followed up by our Open Morning for external applicants, on Wednesday 18th October 2023, between 9.05am - 10.45am.


C ouNCIl daTE s

• Monday 4th September, 7.30pm

Planning & Development Committee in the Baptist Church

• Wednesday 6th September, 4pm

Events, Arts, Tourism & Heritage Committee (EATH) in the Town Council Office

• Tuesday 12th September, 6.30pm

Finance & Policy Committee in the Town Council Office

• Tuesday 19th September, 7.30pm

Town Council Meeting in The Space (above the Library)

• Tuesday 26th September, 7pm

Environment & Sustainability Committee in the Town Council Office

• Monday 2nd October, 7.30pm

Planning & Development Committee in the Baptist Church

• Wednesday 4th October, 4pm

Events, Arts, Tourism & Heritage Committee (EATH) in the Town Council Office

• Tuesday 10th October, 6.30pm

Finance & Policy Committee in the Town Council Office

• Tuesday 17th October, 7.30pm

Town Council Meeting in The Space (above the Library)

• Monday 23rd October, 7.30pm

Planning & Development Committee in the Baptist Church


grOunds MainTE nanCE WOrKEr

Q. What does your job involve?

Working with a small team, my role is to maintain community places and green spaces. Undertaking varied duties such as maintaining land and property in the ownership of the Council including parks, open spaces, play areas and the Cemetery.

Q. What are the most enjoyable aspects?

A grounds maintenance worker plays an integral part in the community. Providing a range of public services from waste collections to field marking or maintaining park areas, my job provides job satisfaction. At the end of every day, my role involves contributing to the community.

Any memorable moments?

My most memorable moment was marking out the football pitches at Manor Road. It took me back to when I was a young boy watching my dad play for Keynsham Cricketers Football Club.

Q. Away from work, what are your hobbies/ interests?

When I’m not at work I enjoy a game of golf or supporting my local rugby club – Keynsham.

Q. What are your favourite aspects of Keynsham?

Keynsham Rugby Club is a beacon for embracing opportunities for all ages and level of ability, creating a friendly open environment for an enjoyable rugby experience.


Every 3rd Monday of each month. 11.00am to 12.00 midday, in The Pod, Upstairs Balcony, Keynsham Library, Civic Centre, Market Walk, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1FS.

Bring two or three poems with you, either your own or from another poet, to share. Find out more on our website:



Souzan Alenshasy

Liberal Democrat North

Email: souzan.alenshasy

yOur TOWn C ouNCIlloRS

Keynsham Town Councillors are elected to help you.

Dave Biddleston

Labour Party South

Tel: 01179 870081

Email: dave.biddleston

Liberal Democrat North

Tel: 01225 395981

Email: Alex.beaumont

David Brassington

Liberal Democrat North Tel: 01179 867876

Email: david.brassington

Edmund Cannon

Green PartyNorth

Tel: 0117 9860109

Email: edmund.cannon

Vacant Position Keynsham North

Caitlin Brennan

Liberal Democrat East

Tel: 07557 223637

Email: caitlin.brennan

Martin Burton

Labour Party South

Tel: 01179 839193

Email: martin.burton

Chris Davis

Labour Party South

Email: chris.davis

Alan Greenfield

Liberal Democrat South

Tel: 07757 673492

Email: alan.greenfield

Andy Halliday

Liberal Democrat South

Tel: 01179 865735

Email: andy.halliday

Clive Fricker

Liberal Democrat East

Tel: 01179 869250

Email: clive.fricker

Caroline Leonard

Liberal Democrat East

Email: caroline.leonard

Hal MacFie

Liberal Democrat East

Tel: 07786 436656

Email: hal.macfie

Andy Wait

Liberal Democrat East Tel: 01179 867389

Email: andy.wait

Keynsham Town Council, 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1HF, Tel: 0117 9868683 | Email: |

If you have any problems or want action taken on a local issue which concerns you contact one of your local Councillors below.
Alex Beaumont
Unlock your child’s potential Stagecoach Performing Arts schools are operated under franchise and are independently owned by their Principals. Stagecoach and Creative Courage For Life are registered trademarks of Stagecoach Performing Arts Limited. Stagecoach Bristol Keynsham Singing, dancing and acting classes for 4 - 18 year-olds The Mendip Building, Wellsway School BS31 1PH 07535662445

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YouNg CARERS HavE THEir vOiCE s HEard in HOusE OF C OMMOns

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Mobility Stairlifts Ltd

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PErFOrManCE s and disPLays By KEYfoRD DANCINg SCHool

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Can yOu HELP LOCa L gIRl guIDES?

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