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Haydon Batch Update
The summer months have offered a great chance to see Haydon batch in all its flowery glory. Once again, we have recorded two different species of orchid (Green Winged and bee), and the vibrant blue Vipers bugloss, all set against the yellow backdrop of the birds Foot Trefoil, the purple Knapweed and the white Wild Carrot.
Somer Valley Rediscovered have organised various community events over the summer, including a 6-week Tai Chi course and a drumming session to welcome in the summer solstice, both of which were very popular. Cam Valley Wildlife Group have been gathering valuable data during regular butterfly surveys and the Somer Valley Rediscovered naturewatch volunteers enjoyed an informative grassland identification training event in August.
Over the coming months, Somer Valley Rediscovered will be working with Radstock Town Council on plans for some woodland management work in the plantation areas around the edges of the batch and access improvements, including path works, new seating and interpretation. All of these improvements are documented in the Haydon batch masterplan which can be found at www.somervalleyrediscovered.co.uk
The Somer Valley Rediscovered volunteers will also return in the autumn to carry out some more scrub management.
For upcoming events and activities or to find out how to volunteer, keep an eye on the Somer Valley Rediscovered website: www.somervalleyrediscovered.co.uk