1 minute read
Keeping our pavements safe this winter
A huge thank you to our wonderful voluntary Snow Wardens. Not only do they go out in the coldest of weather to grit the pavements, but they repair and maintain the gritting machines so that they are ready to go as the temperature goes down. Thank you. Your voluntary work must be one of the most unseen yet highly valued pieces of community work in the Parish.
The Snow Wardens grit some of the pavements when they can, according to their own time schedules. If this is something which you could give perhaps an hour a week during the cold weather, please do contact the Parish Council and become part of this small friendly group which does so much for the Parish. And now, as the evenings get darker and our own driveways get icy, we have some bags of salt grit which we are offering free to anyone who can take them away. Would you like to use some for your drive, steps, pavement outside your home? Contact us and we can arrange to meet you at the Parish Council’s garage so that you can take them away. Should you be interested in either of these things just give us a call on 01761 410669 or email us at council@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk