2 minute read

Christmas in Westfield

Westfield Christmas Lights Switch On Evening

The now traditional switching on of the Christmas lights in Westfield is nearly upon us. This is the 10th year that the event has taken place and it is appreciated by so many people in the parish.

Attendees get to enjoy the mulled wine or soft drink on offer, along with a mince pie of course! The Midsomer Norton and Radstock Silver Band are yet again on hand to serenade us and to accompany the lovely singing of Westfield Voices and the children of Westfield Primary School. Father Christmas will be waiting to see what the children of Westfield are expecting from him for their Christmas presents and will do his best to comply on the big day! Revd Ian Rousell will be sharing some words with us and the lights will be switched on by two children from the Brownie and Rainbow groups of Westfield. The event is always such a joy and the start of that Christmassy feeling. The lights on the lampposts have always been something to cheer travellers as they work their way through the main centre of Westfield and this year they have been extended right to the end of the parish, past the college.

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