PROJECt 3 Strange Connections
Energy WALLS
Haley Williams ART 221- A | Fall 2015 |Professor JAne Dorn
Haley Williams | ART 221- A | Fall 2015 | Professor Jane Dorn | Project 3 Strange Connections
Research > Brain Dumping Sketches Process final
Let the Brain Dumping Games Begin! I decdied to start off with Brain dumping because the other day in class when Dorn had us brain dump the word smoke, I went crazy, filling up the whole page with the most random things. But thats how these things work. So I started with walls. First, I wrote wallls down then proceeded to draw 3D wall like in a room, So one thing led to another and half the page was filled up and I was at school bus. haha All I could think about is how I rode in a school bus this summer for the first time since high school(4 years ago) and that just makes me feel so old. and I didnt know where to go from there. I still had absoluetly know clue how i was going to connect any of this to energy. I knew then this wasn’t going to be an easy task. I tend to be a logical person at times so think of the what if’s can be a challenge because Iknow that what is never actually going to happen but that is the point. It’s a what if!
So I tried to shove my logoical self aside, and continued brain mapping. when i first think of walls, I think of just plain white walls, I do not know why they are plain white and boring, but they are. then I started think about white walls and recalled that in the movie the blind side, the football player guy wrote something about walls. so I proceed to go google it. It reads
I look and I see white eveywhere. White walls, white floors and a lot of white people. The teachers do not know ,I have no idea of anything they are talking about. I do not want to listen to anyone especially the teachers. They are giving homeworks and expecting me to do the problems on my own. I have never done homework in my life. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror and say “This is not Micheal Oher.”
Also, I think back to last December when I went on a mission trip to Seatlle and we had the chance to go to the Seattle gum wall. it was cool and gross all at the same time. Of course, I had to do my part by adding a piece. but how on earth was any of this going to connect with Energy. I guess thats what I am about to figure out.
Haley Williams | ART 221- A | Fall 2015 | Professor Jane Dorn | Project 3 Strange Connections
Research > Brain Dumping Sketches Process final
BRain Dumping Next up is energy. when I first think of energy, I think of energy you get from something. As a college student, I can relate to this because I do not get much sleep and I can tell a difference in my days that I get a six plus hours compared to three or less. This effects my mood for the day in whether I am irrittable or not and so forth. I also think of a light bulb and science class where we talked about Sir Issac Newton and his laws of motion mainly the third.
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.� I remember talking about the force and velocity of an object on to another. I think about those six metal pindulum thing that if you pul one on the left it bouces another one up on the right same goes if you do two. with this brain dump. However, I kept coming back to a process of something, I dont know what exactly that may entail yet but we will get there soon (hopefully). Some how or another energy lead me to the cookie monster but thats what these brain maps do. They get your creative juices flowing.
However, I kept coming back to a process of something, I dont know what exactly that may entail yet but we will get there soon (hopefully). some how or another energy lead me to the cookie monster but thats what these brain maps do. they get your creative juices flowing. During this brain map sesh, I began getting discouraged because I had no clue how I was going to find some kind of connection between these two words. There was the obvious electrical outlet in a wall but that was to easy and I did not have any ideas of what I could even do with that. Nothing was coming to me. Even the brain dupping was more chanlleging, I noticed I started filtering my brainmapping to what I wanted to do something on, instead of being wide open to anything that comes my way. Maybe if try and few more techniques, something will come to mind. I think because I knew I was going to have to work with whatever I came up, with and that made me slightly uncomfortable.
Haley Williams | ART 221- A | Fall 2015 | Professor Jane Dorn | Project 3 Strange Connections
Research > Brain mapping > Definitions & images sketches Process Final
Haley Williams | ART 221- A | Fall 2015 | Professor Jane Dorn | Project 3 Strange Connections
Research > Brain Dumping > Definitions and images Sketches Process final
After my experiences with the walls, and realizing how easy it is to just think of the obvious. So, I tried to be more open about the different types of energy and how energy is used and provide for a specifc service. There is energy in the form of electricity that provides us light, energy drinks to give you more energy through out the day as well as sleeping a running gives you energy.
Haley Williams | ART 221- A | Fall 2015 | Professor Jane Dorn | Project 3 Strange Connections
Trying to get some ideas on paper Idea #1: Create an app where the “walls in the mind” are personified into real walls that the player meets head on and uses kinetic and potential energy to move past the emotional walls that are holding them back to advance further into the game. The game would be set up like a maze/ puzzle where you can move the walls to figure the best way to get out. Idea #2: I got the word force from energy and barrier from wall, which is a basic application of force seen Star Wars (according to the internet; I have never seen it). These force barriers are used in battles and are capable of engaging in a wide a variety of physical and energy attacks However, depending on the strength of the character the barrier could with stand a few attacks before it collapses.
The more battles each character wins the stronger He/She will become. I could create a Star Wars app that shows the force barrier in action and character could dual together in battle. Since I do not know much about Star Wars I will need to do more research on this if this is the one I go with. Idea #3: As I was trying to find a strange connection between walls and energy, I hit a wall (pun intended) so I did my usual, “I’ll just take a break and eat a snack” this time it was popcorn. As I was standing there in front of the microwave listening to it pop all around. I began to think about how popcorns does its thing. I immediately went back to my computer and began looking up the secret behind popcorn.
Come to find out each kernel that has a tiny bit of water inside, as it heats up the pressure rises and the starch becomes gooey and pops through the shell (wall) and thus we have our fluffy piece of popcorn. Here we see the use of kinetic and potential energy and the reaction of the two that creates a nice treat. I don’t know exactly know where I could go with this yet, but I am going to continue to look in to it.
Haley Williams | ART 221- A | Fall 2015 | Professor Jane Dorn | Project 3 Strange Connections
Trying to be open minded After the popcorn idea came to me, I couldn’ t think of anything else. I felt as if this was my “ah ha moment” and this is where I was going to find my strange connection.I just wasn’t sure how the it was all going to connect, I will have to admit it was kind of a stretch. So I began thinking of different ways popcorn is used, prepared, made up of, as well as did some research on the history of popcorn how it does what it does. Then out of nowhere popcorn ceilings came to me! YES this was it, this was going to be my break through. However, ceilings are not walls and after talking to Professor Dorn, about this I realized I did not need to fully go with this still resarch it more and see if that takes you in another direction. This may mean abadoning the popcorn idea all together or still incorporating this into my idea still. With that being said, I took the benefits and purposes of using/having popcorn ceiling into consideration. I found that popcorn ceilings were frequently instaled because it was cheap and it hides imperfections in the late 1950’s and 1980’s in America.This stood out to me so I jumped on it. After doing tons of research on walls, physical and emotional one. This made me think more on the emotional side of walls and how we tend to put up walls to hide our emotions and insecurties from others. This is when I started thinking about mood rings and how they tell one their mood, and I thought what if I could come up with something that would use walls to tell everyone their mood instead of using the walls to hide insecurites and emotions from others, this allows to use the walls to embrace ourselves.
Haley Williams | ART 221- A | Fall 2015 | Professor Jane Dorn | Project 3 Strange Connections
Sketching the process Here are a few of my sketches for the design of the paint can. Also I plan to explain exactly how it the changes colors through the use of color psychology on the can, so it is easily understandable. I want the designs to be fun,spacstic and energetic show energy and with the paint roller and that make the can look like its duoubling as a wall that you would paint on. I wanted to make the paint can actually reflect different colors when exposed to different lights but unfortuantely chromicolor ink is a specialty ink that, I do not have access to at the moment. As for the paint though, I did some research on how mood rings work and they have thermotropic liquid crystals that can read tempertaures. The Mood Paint is going to have this too. That can read your vibes and energy that you let into the room and reflect that mood color on to the wall. This will allow no one to be able to hide behind the “walls� of their insecutries or moods.
Haley Williams | ART 221- A | Fall 2015 | Professor Jane Dorn | Project 3 Strange Connections
Meet Rudy Moody! Rudy helps to explain how the different moods are associated with the different colors. This makes the color changing process more concise and easier to understand. The moody paint changes colors per your mood, with the help of color Psychology and thermotropic liquid crystals that read your energy vibes you give off in a room. in return, the color of your mood will appear on the walls. Rudy is a spastic girl who lives up to the last name Moody she is always changing her moods. With her help you always know what you are in.
From the makers of Valspar Paint, we are proud to introduce The Moody Paint. This is new inovative market research has created a mood changing paint. thats Right. THE moody paint cHanges colors per your mood, with the help of color Psychology and thermotropic liquid crystals that read your energy vibes you give off in a room. in return, the color of your mood will appear on the walls. Rudy is a spastic girl who lives up to the last name Moody she is always changing her moods. With her help you always know what mood you are in.
For interior USe Only Protect from freezing Made in the USA with global materials
124 fl Oz. (3 7/8 U.s. Qt.)
Haley Williams | ART 221- A | Fall 2015 | Professor Jane Dorn | Project 3 Strange Connections
Here is the finaly product of my strange connections, this project was full of many suprises and uncertaintises just like any other product. However, this one we had a lot more freedom as to what our strange connection could be. I would have never this process would have brought me to The Moody Paint. Overall, I am impressed with myself for trying to think of things unlogically like I tend to do, which can hurt your creative flow. It is so neat to see your idea come from an idea in your head that your not even sure will work to a sketch to an actual product.