Lesson 4

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Flora’’''' s Legacy In 1929, Flora was born into a traditional family in a small town called Ibiá, in the state of Minas Gerais. She was the second of five children, the youngest of whom is Adelaide, the principal of CEI – Flora. Flora enjoyed 5 learning and was enthusiastic about her studies. Soon after she finished a high-school level course, which enabled her to teach, she was _______________ a teaching post at a nursery school in Ibiá. She could never have imagined that those years of primary school teaching 10 would provide her with the experience and knowledge needed to come up with her own methodology, which would in turn drastically change her life. In 1952, her family moved to Franca, in the state of São Paulo. _______________, her teaching credential 15 was not recognized in São Paulo, precluding her from teaching there. Meanwhile, she worked as a secretary. It was around this time that she came across a set of records titled “How to Learn English Without a Teacher”, which she purchased right away, even though it cost all 20 her hard-earned savings. Her father bitterly criticized her for spending her savings on what he regarded as a sheer _______________ of money. Even so, at the age of 29, Flora determinedly started to learn English on her own. Some help came along when she met an 25 American lady who needed to learn Portuguese and was willing to teach English in exchange for Portuguese lessons. In her spare time, Flora tutored students who

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needed assistance to pass the exam required to get into junior high back then. In 1962, her family ______________ into financial 31 hardship, so they moved to Goiânia in search of new opportunities. Her first job here was for the Railway Station, but she gave private lessons on weekends as well. In 1963, she made a life-altering decision to quit her 35 job at the Railway Station and dedicate herself solely to her teaching career, tutoring neighbors and whomever else needed her help. As her _______________ rate of helping students do well in school steadily increased, she began to earn a name for herself and took on more 40 and more students. Sooner than she could have ever dreamed possible, she found herself teaching three groups a week at her house. In 1964, Flora rented a room in a building _________________ called Carlos Chagas. Later that year, she sent a letter to AFS, an exchange 45 student agency, for her family to be considered as a host family, yet she concealed having done so from her parents. When they were selected, her father recognized all her efforts to learn the language and accepted to host Beth, the exchange student, who became close friends with 50 Flora. A couple of years later, Beth arranged for Flora to audit classes at some primary schools in Towanda, Beth’s hometown in the state of Pennsylvania, where she spent three months receiving _______________ from American teachers. She started a diary to gather all the information she could, besides buying books, tapes 56 and records used by American schools at the time. In 1967, she managed to move her small school, which was comprised of a single room and a blackboard, to a bigger place downtown. She then started ________________ to attract new students to her school by handing out 61 flyers to fellow churchgoers after Sunday mass. In 1971, as the number of classes and students kept growing, she took out a mortgage on a house in Setor Sul, which was where her school began in earnest. By 65 then, the school was known as “Curso Infantil de Inglês”. Flora managed to teach classes as well as run the school. In her classes, she would often walk around the block with her students and describe everything to them in English. Once back inside, 70 everyone would tell a short story, Flora would ask questions about what had been _______________, and


then she would assign homework related to the class. She would also teach new vocabulary using pictures that 75 wallpapered the classrooms. In this way, she started developing her own methodology. She would teach the structures and vocabulary and the students were then prompted to understand, repeat, memorize and practice them, which is the same process children 80 follow when learning their native language. This learning pattern became the _______________ for her approach and is key to why her method is successful to this day. In 1985, Flora changed the name of the school to 85 “CEI – Curso Especial de Inglês”. Then, Adelaide, her youngest sister, joined her to help with the administrative duties of the school. That brought much-needed relief to Flora, who was overwhelmed by so much work. She was then able to dedicate herself entirely to her students, which was what she _______________ cared about. In 1995, Flora, Adelaide and Rogério, Adelaide’s late 91 husband, took another big step when they decided to invest their lifetime savings in a new building for the school of their dreams, which was opened in 1997. Flora never married. She devoted her life to her students and to teaching them English. Her greatest ________________ toward the end of her life was to 97 hear from her former students, learn what they had accomplished and how English had played a significant role in their achievements. She lived with Adelaide until she died on August 17, 2010, leaving a void _____________ to be filled.


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ACHIEVE/D/D: to successfully complete something or get a good result by working hard • to achieve good results / a goal / success / fame / an objective / an ambition / one’s (full) potential • achievement – noun a) As Derek is a very diligent student, he has achieved good results this year. b) Sandra always celebrates her children’s achievements. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ AUDIT/ED/ED: to go regularly to a class without being formally involved in it a) Monitors at CEI audit classes in order to learn from more experienced teachers. b)_________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ BEGIN... IN EARNEST / BEGAN / BEGUN: more seriously than before a) Many students in Brazil only begin studying for the entrance exam in earnest when they get to the senior year of high school. b)_________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ BITTERLY (adv): in a way that shows you are extremely upset • bitterly regret / criticize / complain / cry / disappoint a) Sue bitterly complained about her grade on the test, as she believed she deserved a higher one. b) Claire bitterly regrets having dropped out of college. c) ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ COMPRISED OF (adj): to consist of, to be composed of • be comprised of a) Our course is comprised of four stages – PRE I, PRE II, BOOK I and BOOK II. b) The apartment is comprised of two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. c)_________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ CONCEAL / ED / ED: to keep secret; to hide a) Terry tries to conceal her feelings when she’s upset as she doesn’t like it when people keep asking her what’s going on. b) The daughter concealed her pregnancy until her belly started showing. c)______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ DUTY / DUTIES (noun): work that you have to do a) Kate’s only duty besides studying is to do the dishes after the meals. b) Mothers usually only allow their kids to play after they have done all their duties. c)_________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

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ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT STH (adj): very interested in sth • enthusiasm (noun) a) Sarah is very enthusiastic about chess and has won several championships. b) Mark talks about his grandchildren with great enthusiasm. c)___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ FLYER (noun): FORMER (adj): ex a) Barbara got back together with her former boyfriend last week. b) Former CEI students are welcome to apply for a job at the school. c)_________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ HARDSHIP (noun): a condition that is hard to endure; suffering; deprivation • economic / financial hardship • to face / to suffer / to experience hardship a) Blair has suffered financial hardship since her parents died in a car accident. b) Bob faced economic hardship throughout college and could barely afford the tuition. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ LATE (adj): that has passed away • late wife / husband / grandmother / uncle a) Mr. Hamilton’s late wife was always willing to help those in need. b) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ MANAGE/D/D: to be able to do something that is hard a) Bill has recently managed to convince his parents to let him travel abroad only with his friends. b) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ MEANWHILE (adv): at the same time a) Robert was unemployed. Meanwhile, he was studying for a civil service exam. b) __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ MORTGAGE (noun): money borrowed from a financial institution to buy a house and pay back over a period of years • take out / pay off a mortgage a) The couple took out a mortgage so they could purchase a bigger house. b) ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ NURSERY SCHOOL: the same as kindergarten, a school for children from about three to five years old a) Sam is enthusiastic about going to nursery school next year OVERWHELMED (adj): if someone is overwhelmed by an emotion, they feel it so strongly that they cannot think clearly a) The couple was overwhelmed by the number of presents they got for their wedding.


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b) Janet has been overwhelmed by all the work she has to do in her new job. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ PRECLUDE/D/D: to prevent • to preclude sb from doing sth a) Lack of qualification precludes James from getting a good job. b) Jane’s low wage precluded her from renting a bigger place. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ PROMPT/ED/ED: to cause someone to say or do something a) The pictures Laura took on the beach prompted her to go on a diet. b) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ PROVIDE/D/D: to make available, to supply a) Parents are usually the ones who provide their kids with everything they need. b) When countries are at war, other nations usually provide them with weapons. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ PURCHASE/D/D: to buy (used for more expensive things) a) Sally purchased her first apartment at the age of 30. b) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ RATE (noun): the speed at which something happens or changes a) The rate of unemployment has risen lately. b) The crime rate in Goiânia has concerned the population. c) __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ RECORD: ROLE (noun): the way in which someone or something is involved in an activity or situation, and how much influence they have on it • have / play a role in something a) Tom’s father didn’t play an important role in his life up until he was a teenager. b) Friends usually have a more important role in some teenagers’ lives than their siblings. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ SHEER (adj): complete • sheer nonsense / dishonesty / immaturity / inattention / laziness / lack of (interest/attention/money/ respect) / a sheer waste of (time/money) a) Some people think that spending two thousand dollars on a purse is a sheer waste of money. b) Greg kept calling his classmates names, which was sheer immaturity. c) The excuse Millie came up with was sheer nonsense. d) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

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SOLELY (adv): exclusively • solely responsible / to blame / to depend solely on sth/sb a) Getting into university depends solely on one’s dedication to one’s studies. b) ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

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TAPE: TUTOR/ED/ED: to teach sb privately a) Teenagers in the USA often make some money tutoring younger students. b) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ VOID (noun): a feeling of great sadness that you have when someone you love dies or when something is taken from you • to leave / to fill a void a) The death of their beloved child has left a void in the couple’s life. b) Going back to work helped fill the void after Gina’s husband passed away. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ WILLING (adj): not opposed to doing something due to the benefit you’ll get from it • be willing to do sth ≠ be unwilling to do sth • willingness (noun) a) Mark is willing to help his mother with the housework so she lets him go out later. b) Succeeding in life requires willingness to make sacrifices. c) _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________


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1 What do you think Flora’s life would have been like if she had been born at the end of the 20th century? 2 Unlike in the past, do many people now move to small towns after getting married in search for safety? 3 Are people who are not fond of studying unlikely to be professionally successful? 4 Would you give up trying to fulfill your ambition if your parents did not support your career choice? 5 Do you believe any other language will play as vital a role in the world as English does nowadays? 6 Is there a stigma attached to women who choose to remain single or not to have kids to focus on their


7 Despite having asked your parents to let you drop out of the course several times, are you grateful to

them for not having let you do so?

8 If your parents ran a successful business, would you rather work for them than try your luck elsewhere? 9 Do you believe English is going to be as fundamental in your life as it was in Flora’s? 10 How would you like to be remembered after you pass away?

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BOX 1 - RELATIVE CLAUSES There are some different ways of giving more information about a noun in English. We often use adjectives (e.g: a diligent student) and other nouns (e.g: a college student). Relative clauses are another very common way of giving more specific information about a noun referring to a person, thing or group: That racer is Jamaican. He has won many races lately. The racer who has won many races lately is Jamaican. The racer that has won many races lately is Jamaican. That girl is an exchange student. You sat beside her in class this morning. The girl beside whom you sat in class this morning is an exchange student. The house has 20 rooms. A movie star bought it last week. The house which a movie star bought has 20 rooms. The house that a movie star bought has 20 rooms. That lady used to be my teacher. Her daughter goes to college in the U.S. The lady whose daughter goes to college in the U.S. used to be my teacher. As the examples show, relative clauses are usually positioned immediately after the noun that they refer to, and often begin with a relative pronoun such as who, whom, which, that, or whose. Who and whom are used to refer to people, which is used to refer to things, that is used to refer to people or things, and whose shows there’s a relation of possession. We can also use when to refer to time and where to refer to places, such as in: We visited the town where Shakespeare was born. There was a period in history when people would die for their countries. 1. Kinds of relative clauses Look at these sentences and find out what the differences between them are: • The man who/that was elected in 2008 was the first black President of the USA. • Barack Obama, who was elected in 2008, was the first black President of the USA. In the first one, we need the relative clause, “who was elected in 2008”, to know which man we are talking about. This kind of relative clause is called defining, or restrictive. In the second one, the name Barack Obama identifies who we are talking about; the relative clause only gives extra information. This kind of relative clause is called non-defining, or non-restrictive. Notice that there’s no punctuation in the defining relative clause, and we can use either who or that. The non-defining one comes between commas and we must use who. 2. Who x Whom As mentioned before, we use who and whom to talk about people. The difference is that we use who when we refer to the subject of the sentence and whom to refer to the object of the sentence. Look at this:


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• The girl disliked the boy. Let’s add some information about the girl, the subject of the sentence. • The girl who disliked the boy was very popular at school. Now let’s add some information about the boy, the object of the sentence. • The boy whom the girl disliked had been bullying some classmates for quite a while.

Whom is rather formal and is only used in written English and formal spoken English. The relative pronoun who is often used instead. However, if the relative pronoun occurs immediately after a preposition, as in these cases, whom must be used. • The girls with whom Janet shared an apartment were neat and tidy. • Sylvia never saw the man to whom she had been married again. • Unfortunately, George found out the young woman in whom he was interested was engaged. • Dr. Brown had two children, both of whom also went to medical school. Check the example in Lesson 4:

She was the second of five children, the youngest of whom is Adelaide, the principal of CEI-Flora. 3. Omitting the relative pronoun When a who, whom, which or that is functioning as the object of the verb in a defining relative clause, the relative pronoun can be left out altogether (this case is called a zero relative pronoun), e.g: • They were a group of college friends who I hadn’t seen for several years. They were a group of college friends I hadn’t seen for several years. • He was a distant cousin whom she had never met. He was a distant cousin she had never met. • The book which the professor mentioned is not published anymore. The book the professor mentioned is not published anymore. • I’m afraid seafood is something that I really dislike. I’m afraid seafood is something I really dislike. Note that other relative pronouns (whose, when, where) can never be omitted. No relative pronoun can be omitted in non-defining relative clauses. 4. “Which” after a clause When which is positioned immediately after the noun, it refers specifically to such noun. However, if it comes after a comma at the end of a clause, it refers to the whole idea. Look at these examples: • Jake gave his girlfriend a box of chocolates which was made in Switzerland. It is among the best in the world. • Jake gave his girlfriend a box of chocolates, which made her very angry. He knew she was trying to lose weight.

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5. “Which” vs. “That” The relative pronoun that is preferred after: • Adjectives in the superlative degree He was the most eloquent speaker that I have ever heard. This is the best that we can do. • After the words all, same, any, none, nothing, only and as All that glitters is not gold. I am the same person that I have always been. • After the interrogative pronouns who and what. What is it that worries you so much? • After two antecedents when one of them denotes a person and the other denotes an animal or thing. The boy and his dog that trespassed on the club premises were whipped. (NOT The boy and his dog which trespassed…) (NOT The boy and his dog who trespassed…) Cases where only that is possible

That should be used after superlative adjectives and other determiners like all, same, any, none, nothing, only, everything little, much and no. • He is the same guy that picked my pocket yesterday. • This is the best book that was ever written about World War II. • None that participated in the contest won the prize. After all, everyone, everybody, no one, nobody and those, both that and who can be used. • Everyone who / that participated in the competition performed well. • All the candidates who / that wrote the exam made it to the rank list. • That should be used after the interrogative pronouns what, which and who. • What is the problem that worries you the most? • Which is the phone that you would like to buy? • Who is the writer that you like the most?


_________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


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Exercise 1. Combine the two sentences using a relative clause. Omit the relative pronoun whenever possible and identify each sentence D (defining) or ND (non-defining). Remember to use the suitable punctuation. a) Champagne is one of the most expensive drinks in the world. It comes from France. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ b) Europe is a very developed continent. Many historical monuments can be found there. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ c) One of my sisters lives in Paris. She is getting married next year. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ d) You talked about a gorgeous lady. She asked me about you. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ e) The girl had a pet. It died yesterday. She wept copiously. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ f) What’s the name of the book? You want me to read it. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ g) Michael Jackson made a video in 1984. It is considered a classic by his fans. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ h) That’s the girl. She spoke to me yesterday. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ i) The businessman is very influential. I saw him last night. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ j) The boy had a pencil case. It was stolen. He talked to the teacher about it. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Read the sentences. Then decide which option, a or b, is correct. 1) My sister, who lives in Los Angeles, is a designer. a.( ) I have one sister. b.( ) I have more than one sister. 2) The athletes who tested positive for doping were suspended. a.( ) All the athletes will be suspended. b.( ) Some athletes will be suspended. 3) Flat screen televisions, which are very expensive, have a better image quality. a.( ) All flat screen televisions are very expensive. b.( ) Some flat screen televisions are cheap.

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b 81

4) The teachers at this school who arrive late for class will be suspended. a.( ) Only some teachers arrive late for class. b.( ) All the teachers in the school arrive late for class. 5) The company VP who works in Berlin is moving to London. a.( ) There is only one company VP. b.( ) There is more than one company VP. 3. Which of these can be used to fill in the gaps in the sentences below?

who / whom / which / that / whose / when / where / why / Ø a) There’s the student ______________ I was telling you about earlier. b) So that’s the reason ______________ you’ve never told me about it! c) I want to live in a place ______________ the sun always shines and the sky is always blue. d) Let me read you a poem ______________ I have written myself. e) I’d like you to cook something ______________ is typical of your country. f) That was a time ______________ people could walk on the streets at night without fear. g) He’s definitely the man ______________ ideas we want to use! h) A successful presentation is a story ______________ has a beginning, a middle and an end. i) Felix is the person ______________ you should be listening to, not me. j) You’re someone ______________ I could do business with. k) Have you done the homework ______________ was assigned last week? l) Only applicants ______________ have successfully completed the first stage of the recruitment process will be contacted. m) The period ______________ she was most at peace was just before she died. n) She wasn’t just another celebrity ______________ won American Idol without talent – she’s got the voice of an angel. o) It’s the method ______________ works best – no doubt about it. p) The reason ______________ people fail is not lack of talent but lack of effort. q) It’s the model ______________ sells more than any other in its category. r) A successful relationship is one ______________ involves love, respect and admiration, but not necessarily in that order. s) Marion is not a person ______________ wants to be argued with. t) It’s one of those cases ______________ you can say either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and you’ll be wrong. u) Do you know the date ______________ we have to finish this by? v) It’s not really a situation ______________ I’ve encountered before. w) She’s someone ______________ orders need to be obeyed! x) This is the place ______________ I was telling you about. y) Shakespeare is someone ______________ sayings have been quoted for over 400 years. z) That’s about the nicest thing ______________ anyone’s ever said to me. aa) She’s someone ______________ I love to be with. bb) Those few lines are all ______________ remains of his work. cc) There’s something ______________ I need to talk to you about… dd) This is the place ______________ I last saw him.


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Many times, in a sentence, a verb follows another. Let’s see some examples in the text:


She managed to teach classes as well as run the school. Flora enjoyed learning. Flora determinedly started to learn English on her own. She started developing her own methodology. The verb patterns depend on the first verb. There are several different types of patterns. When you learn a new verb, you need to learn the verb pattern. Some verbs have more than one possible pattern! Sometimes, if a verb has two patterns, each one of them can have a different meaning or usage. 1. Verbs followed by an infinitive As shown in our first example, one of the possible patterns is this:

VERB (NOT) + to + VERB Jerry wants to work with Dr. Brown. Tim hopes to become a partner in the law firm where he works soon. Helen decided not to go out with Michael. Alice might agree to change her vacation plans.

can afford








2. Verbs followed by an object / object pronoun and an infinitive Another possible pattern is this:

VERB + OBJECT PRONOUN (or object) (NOT) + to + VERB Matt’s parents would like him to follow in their footsteps. Connor advised his friends not to drink too much at the party, but it was useless. Owen persuaded his parents to change their destination when they last traveled together. Please remind me to call my grandmother tomorrow. It’s her birthday.


ask need

convince order

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encourage tell


force warn



would like


3. Verbs followed by a gerund As shown in our second example, another of the possible patterns is this: VERB + (PREPOSITION) + VERB + ing

Ellen doesn’t mind working on weekends. Tim is considering quitting his job. The politician denied stealing any public money. Mike is thinking of moving abroad.

adore dislike


can’t help


feel like

keep (on)


can’t stand finish



give up



4. Verbs followed by a base form (infinitive without “to”) Another of the possible patterns is this: VERB + OBJECT PRONOUN (or object) + VERB

Patricia’s parents didn’t let her go to the party. Sean made his daughter apologize to the senior citizen whom she had disrespected. Samantha helped her little brother (to) do his homework. 5. Verbs followed by two patterns and same meaning

Flora determinedly started to learn English on her own. She started developing her own methodology. Suddenly, it began raining heavily. If it hadn’t begun to rain, they could have finished the game. Robert prefers watching movies at home to going to the cinema. He prefers to watch movies by himself rather than go to crowded places. 6. Verbs followed by two patterns and different meanings

I hate to tell you this = I am sorry to tell you this I hate flying = I do not like this activity I regret to tell you this = I am sorry to tell you this I regret leaving London = I left London in the past, and I am sorry that I did that Don’t forget to buy some milk = Don’t forget to do this later I just want to forget making that mistake = I’ve made a mistake and want to forget the experience


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Julie and I stopped to talk for a while = We were walking and stopped walking to talk Julie and I stopped talking for a while = We didn’t talk to each other for a while Remember to send your grandma a message for her birthday! = Remember and send her a message later today Sally still remembers meeting her husband for the first time = She met her husband in the past and still remembers what it was like

Exercise 1. Fill in the following quotes with the correct form of suitable verbs chosen from the box (not all of them will be used, and some will be used more than once):

be / believe / fight / get / imitate / kill / leave / live / look / put / seem

Anthony Newley, 1961

Martin Luther King, 1964

Leah LaBelle Rose Wilder Lane

James Baldwin, writer (1924-1987)

Pacifist slogan, 1936

Sallust, of Cato, 54 B.C.

Rick Sutter

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2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given: a) Nathan speaks German and Italian as foreign languages. He thinks Italian is the most beautiful language. (PREFERS) Nathan can speak German, but he __________________________________ speak Italian. b) I’m sorry to tell you this, but you have failed the final test. (REGRET) I __________________________________ you that you’ve not passed the final test. c) Chloe usually stops working at 5:00, but yesterday she didn’t stop until 7:00. (KEPT) Chloe __________________________________ until 7:00 yesterday d) Lincoln practices basketball for four hours every day. He’s going to try to get into the state team next year. (HOPES) Lincoln __________________________________ play in the state basketball team next year. e) I’m not sure, but I think Becky is in love. (SEEMS) Becky __________________________________ in love. f) The first time I saw the ocean was unforgettable! (REMEMBER) I’ll always __________________________________ the ocean for the first time. g) Zach and Colin haven’t spoken to each other for four years. (STOPPED) Zach and Colin __________________________________ four years ago. h) Lisa wants to be a fashion designer, but her parents think she’s going to be a lawyer like them. (EXPECT) Lisa’s parents __________________________________ a lawyer like them, although she wants to be a fashion designer. i) Today, Mandy thinks she should have waited longer before getting married. (REGRETS) Mandy __________________________________ so early. j) Mark needs help in his office, but he doesn’t have enough money to hire an assistant.(AFFORD) Even though Mark needs help in his office, _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________. 3. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with appropriate verbs in the correct form: a) We tried _______________ the 9 o’clock train, but we arrived too late. b) The doctor told Henry to stop _______________. c) I love this city. I can’t imagine _______________ here. d) Jerry promised _______________ my computer for me. e) Bart was walking along Church Street and really felt like a cigarette so he stopped _________________ for 5 minutes. f) Brody enjoys _______________ on exotic holidays. Last year, he spent two weeks in Indonesia. g) I can’t believe you wanted _______________ and you forgot _______________ a fishing pole to the farm. h) If Vince avoids _______________ money and manages _______________ what he needs for the trip to South Africa, he plans on _______________ in June. i) The number one reason for _______________ visitors _______________ was the large number of crocodiles in the river.


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BOX 3 - COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Nouns are either countable or uncountable. Some examples of uncountable nouns are: advice baggage equipment

evidence furniture homework

information luggage music

surgery trouble work

Uncountable nouns cannot be used in the plural form, nor can ‘a/an’ precede them. Some, any, a lot of, lots of, little, a little and much (mostly in questions and negatives) are used before uncountable nouns. ‘A piece of’ is commonly used with certain nouns as well, such as advice, information and homework. In some cases, the uncountable noun is not preceded by anything.

Examples: a) Sandra is very trustworthy and always gives me great advice. b) Beatrice likes to travel light, so she usually takes little baggage / luggage. Unlike her, her sister often takes two big suitcases when they travel together. c) The professor has asked the students to purchase a lot of equipment for their classes in the lab. d) The criminal was not convicted because little evidence had been found in the crime scene. e) The couple didn’t have to buy much furniture before they moved in together because they both used to live by themselves. f) Derek handed in three pieces of homework last class because he had missed two classes in a row. Note: Use ‘piece of homework’ only when you have to mention the exact amount. g) A lot of the information found on the internet should not be relied on. h) Joshua is really keen on music. He has recently downloaded several songs to his cellphone. i) Jack has undergone heart surgery. He now has to undergo two minor operations to get better. j) Phill often causes trouble at school. His parents are usually called by the assistant principal to talk about these problems. k) Tina has lots of work to do for college. She has two projects to develop besides having to write three papers by the end of the term. Notes: • Some nouns, despite ending in “s”, are followed by the verb in the singular form, like news and politics: This news is very interesting! Politics isn’t something easy to understand.

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• The singular and plural forms of certain nouns is the same, like series and means, so they can be followed either by a singular or plural verb, depending on the context: My favorite series is ___________________________________________. WhatsApp is a means of communication that has changed people’s habit of making phone calls. • “Police” is followed by a verb in the plural form: The police are still looking for the criminal. • Words that are always plural come with a verb in the plural, like scissors, pants, glasses, jeans: Do you know where my glasses are? Are these scissors yours? These pants / jeans don’t fit me anymore!

a piece of clothing


Book II - Lesson 4

1. Fill in the gaps using the right preposition. When no preposition is needed, write an X:


a) Rui Barbosa, a distinguished politician Brazil once had, was born _________ 1849 and passed away _________ March 1, 1923. b) Brenda has just accepted the post she was offered _________ that highly regarded company. c) The school provides the students _________ the opportunity to ask their questions to the teachers every Thursday afternoon. d) Several students drop out of their English course to dedicate themselves _________ passing _________ the entrance exam. e) Cindy and her mother love shopping _________ clothes together, as they have similar tastes and wear the same size. f) The two brothers are always arguing _________ small things, which plain irritates their mother. g) Jenny often borrows books _________ her friends rather than buy them to save money. h) Michael is solely concerned _________ improving his grades this semester. i) As Mark was not aware _________ the change in the schedule, he showed up for the meeting two hours earlier. j) Phoebe enjoys going horseback riding _________ her spare time. k) Jacob is going to marry _________ Gilda as soon as they both graduate _________ university. l) Peter regards trips not as spending money, but as investing _________ memories. m) Sarah wore a gorgeous dress _________ her Sweet Fifteen. 2) Now make great oral sentences of 20 words using new vocabulary and the collocations above. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Book II - Lesson 4


BOX 5 - PHRASAL VERBS 1. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions: a) The answer Bob came up with was very original. b) Dylan came across some old pictures of his grandparents’ wedding while he was looking for his dictionary. c) As the opportunity to propose to his girlfriend came along, Kevin grabbed it. d) Cookies were handed out to the scouts so they could sell them. e) Mark let his teacher down when he handed in his project late yet again. f) The mother asked her son to hand around the sandwiches when his guests arrived. g) Miriam has decided to take out life insurance so as to be able to provide for her kids even after she dies. h) People take on more responsibilities when they get a job. i) The plane took off 30 minutes late. j) Robert passed away two days after the death of his wife. k) George drank so heavily at the party that he passed out. l) It’s hard to conceive of why teenagers would pass up the opportunity of going on an exchange student program. (

) to obtain an official document or a service - __________________ a loan (money borrowed from a

bank) / a mortgage / (car/life/house) insurance ( ) to give a piece of work to a teacher so that they can correct it - _________________ ( ) to start to exist, happen or be available - _______________________ ( ) to lose consciousness; to faint - _________________________ ( ) (of an aircraft) – to leave the ground - _______________________ ( ) to give something to each person in a group - _________________ (

) to decide not to take advantage of an opportunity - __________________ an opportunity / an offer /

a chance ( ) to meet somebody or find something by chance - ____________________ (

) to agree to be responsible for something; to decide to do something - ______________ job / task /

work / responsibility ( (

) to offer or pass food and/or drink to each person or a group of people in a room - _________________ ) to think of an idea, an answer to a question or a solution to a problem - ____________ an idea / a

suggestion / an explanation / an excuse / an answer ( ) to die - _______________ 2. Fill in the gaps with the right phrasal verbs and then answer the questions with excellent comments: a) Do you get anxious when teachers start to __________________ the tests after having graded them? b) Are you one of those people who start praying when the plane is about to _____________ or land? c) Do you feel uncomfortable when you _________________ a former boyfriend/girlfriend? d) Have you ever ________________ due to the heat?


Book II - Lesson 4

e) Have you ever managed to ____________________ a good excuse for ________________ a piece of homework late and not have it divided by two? f) Do you believe your parents will _______________ a loan to buy you a car if they can’t afford one when you turn 18? g) Would you ________________ the chance of taking a 30-day trip with your friends because of a boyfriend / girlfriend? h) When we have the party at the end of the year, do you offer to __________________ the finger food and the soda? i) Do you dislike doing projects in groups because you end up _______________ more work than the others? j) Is it plain irritating when a younger sibling asks to _______________ when you go out with friends? k) Would you cry if your favorite actor/actress/singer ______________?


_________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Book II - Lesson 4


BOX 6 - VERBS Present



past participle


















be born




care about








































































take on











Book II - Lesson 4

BOX 7 - PATTERNS 1. To advertise sth: in the local paper / on television 2. To arrange: a meeting with someone / an appointment / a surprise party 3. To assign: homework / someone a task 4. To begin doing sth 5. To be born 6. To care about: the environment / one’s performance at school / one’s students / one’s family 7. To conceal: one’s disappointment / evidence / one’s surprise 8. To cost: an arm and a leg / a fortune / more than it was worth 9. To gather: the groom’s family / to go sightseeing 10. To invest: in new equipment / in property / in one’s business 11. To increase (*population / noise and traffic / costs / profits…) *used before the verb 12. To make a living as a … 13. To manage: to work and raise one’s children / attend a language course/to survive the fire 14. To offer one: something to drink / a part-time job 15. To preclude one: from traveling / from going out / practicing sports 16. To purchase: a sports car / shares in a company 17. To prompt: one to buy something / to resign / workers to go out on strike 18. To regard one: as one of the greatest singers / actors / as the smartest student 19. To recognize one’s: bravery / efforts 20. To rent: a car / an apartment / a room 21. To send: one’s kid to a private school / one flowers / a student to the principal’s office 22. To spend: the night at a friend’s house / hours on the phone / time abroad 23. To squander: one’s talent / the family fortune or inheritance / all of one’s money on sth 24. To take on: too much work / the responsibility of feeding one’s pet 25. To tutor teenagers (in a subject) 26. To quit: one’s job / school / smoking

B R E V S E S TEN Book II - Lesson 4


Listening You will hear five young people talking about what makes a good teacher. For questions 1 – 5, choose from the list (A – H) which of the opinions each speaker expresses. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

A A good teacher praises effort. B A good teacher knows the subject well. C A good teacher is strict. D A good teacher is available outside the classroom. E A good teacher is entertaining. F A good teacher has experience.

Speaker 1


Speaker 2


Speaker 3


Speaker 4


Speaker 5


G A good teacher knows the subject well.


Book II - Lesson 4

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