IGU Magazine March 2017

Page 108

IGU Global Gas Award 2015-2018 By Lee Gale

Established in 2008, the IGU Global Gas

objectives that a winning project must demon­

Award is a hotly contested competition that

strate. These include a contribution to the

takes place over a three-year period. The winner

progress of the gas industry that promotes

is announced at the World Gas Conference

innovation and sustainability, a furthering of

(WGC). It recognises a groundbreaking project

technical know-how that can be transfered to

that best demonstrates an understanding of

other regions, and the raising of IGU’s profile

the many in-depth challenges facing the natural

on the global stage through media coverage.

gas sector. IGU considers that research must

How natural gas benefits society while over­

work towards a more sustainable energy

coming challenges are key ingredients of a

future, reducing greenhouse gas emissions

successful submission.

and increasing security of supply. In the run up to a WGC, an IGU Judging

The winner for the 2012-2015 triennium was SGN, a UK operator of 74,000km of gas mains

Panel studies entrants’ projects and after

in Scotland and the south of England. Its

much deliberation, finds a submission that

Opening up the Gas Market paper was written

best displays innovation while contributing

by Angus McIntosh, Jamie McAinsh, Richard

to the gas industry on both a regional and

Mason and Caroline Geddes. SGN’s Opening up

global basis. The Judging Panel includes:

the Gas Market project demonstrated that gas

the IGU President, IGU Secretary General,

which meets the European Association for the

IGU Coordination Committee Chair, IGU

Streamlining of Energy Exchange-gas (EASEE

Wise Persons and Regional Coordinators.

Gas) specification, but sits outside the

The Global Gas Award has a number of

characteristics specified within GB Gas Safety (Management) Regulations (GS(M)R) 1996, can

v  Angus McIntosh receiving the IGU Global Gas Award 2015 from Maria van der Hoeven, then Executive Director   of IEA and member of   the Judging Panel.

be distributed and utilised safely and efficiently in Britain. As part of its work, SGN used one of its isolated networks that it operates in remote parts of Scotland, known as the Scottish Independent Undertakings. The main aims of Opening up the Gas Market were to secure a reliable gas source while supporting energy diversity, to be low carbon so as to be consistent with stringent legally binding carbon targets and, crucially, provide customers with an affordable service. Oban on the west coast of Scotland, with its own independent gas distribution network, was an ideal setting for SGN’s trials. Oban is also, statistically, a microcosm of Britain: it was discovered that 1,104 gas-supplied

106  I G U G l o b a l G a s A w a r d 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 8

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Articles inside

Publications available from IGU

page 145

Events and Acknowledgements

pages 146-148

Presenting IGU’s new Members

pages 142-144

News from organisations affiliated to IGU

pages 132-141

Update on the 27th World Gas Conference

pages 128-129

Registration open for IGRC 2017, one of the greatest technical events of the gas sector

pages 130-131

5th IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum, New Delhi

pages 124-127

The Netherlands hosts the 2016 Council meeting

pages 116-119

IGU Global Gas Award 2015-2018

pages 108-111

Reports from the Regional Coordinators

pages 112-115

News from the Presidency and Secretariat

pages 94-103

The role of gas in a carbon-neutral energy mix

pages 90-93

Shale gas in China: some delays for a strong take-off?

pages 62-77

COP 22: as climate change policy gains momentum, the future gets brighter for gas

pages 26-31

Pollutant emissions reduction in industrial gas-fired applications

pages 78-89

Torque of the town: the gas-powered era of road haulage is under way

pages 32-39

An interview with Rodney Cox, IGU’s new Events Director

pages 40-43

IGU Members and Organisation

pages 16-25

Oman’s unique habitat

pages 44-53

Message from the President and the Secretary General

pages 12-15
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