The Netherlands hosts the 2016 Council meeting By Mark Blacklock
Held in the Mövenpick Hotel, Amsterdam
Norwegian Secretariat and to the staff who
the Coordination Committee and Executive
worked there during the nine-year term
Committee, IGU’s 2016 Council meeting
between November 2007 and October 2016.
marked the handover from Norway to Spain as
“Statoil has been the largest single contributor
host of the Secretariat. Other highlights of the
to IGU in the history of the Union,” he declared.
meeting included the accession of two new
x IGU’s Executive Committee pose for a group photograph before commencing their meeting on October 19.
Pål paid tribute to Statoil’s support of the
on October 19 and 20, following sessions of
Diplomas were given to staff and Pål was
members, the presentation of IGU’s draft report
awarded the title Honorary Secretary General.
on fugitive methane emissions and an address
Delegates were also given a special brochure
by Bjørn Håmsø, Programme Manager of the
commemorating Norway’s term as host of
World Bank-led Global Gas Flaring Reduction
the Secretariat.
(GGFR) Partnership. The Council meeting was
Incoming Secretary General, Luis Bertrán
followed by workshops on methane emissions
Rafecas, who formally took over shortly after
and the gas industry in The Netherlands. The
the Council meeting on November 1, thanked
event was rounded off with a Diplomatic
the Norwegian team for working to ensure a
Gas Forum.
smooth handover and introduced his team. Luis
IGU President, David Carroll opened pro
also briefed delegates on the latest phase of
ceedings by welcoming delegates and thanking
the Building for the Future project, which is
the Royal Dutch Gas Association (KVGN) for
looking at the governance and structure of IGU
hosting the meeting. He then asked Pål
including the possibility of a permanent
Rasmussen to address his last IGU meeting
Secretariat. The working group led by Luis will
as Secretary General.
report back to the Council in 2017.
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