5th IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum, New Delhi By Anette Sørum
The biannual IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum
is an important cooperation between IEF and
organised in cooperation with the government
IGU. It was first held eight years ago, and in
of India with support from GAIL (India) Limited,
December 2016, the 5th IEF-IGU Ministerial
IGU Charter member, and the Natural Gas
Gas Forum took place in New Delhi, India. This by-invitation-only event brings govern
x The IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum provides a platform for industry and government figures to discuss the most pressing concerns that affect both industry and society in relation to natural gas.
This 5th IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum was
Society of India, IGU Associate member, on December 6, 2016 in New Delhi. It was not by
ment officials and the gas industry together
coincidence that New Delhi was chosen as a
tto discuss the current issues facing the gas
backdrop. The Indian government is taking
industry. It is one of a few events where gas
several measures that can increase the share of
industry players do not only talk among them
natural gas in the country’s energy mix and
selves but invite and go into dialogue with
move its economy to a gas-based one. The
policymakers and regulators, in addition to
government is planning to expand India’s
other international organisations. As the IGU
natural gas import infrastructure in the years to
Secretary General, Luis Bertrán Rafecas,
come and is also taking measures to increase
expressed during the event, “It is a great
the demand side. As a consequence, gas’s share
opportunity to promote gas as a source for the
in the Indian energy mix is expected to increase
sustainable future energy mix.”
in the medium and longer term.
122 5 t h I E F - I G U M i n i s t e r i a l G a s F o r u m , N e w D e l h i