IGU Magazine March 2017

Page 124

5th IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum, New Delhi By Anette Sørum

The biannual IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum


is an important cooperation between IEF and

organised in cooperation with the government

IGU. It was first held eight years ago, and in

of India with support from GAIL (India) Limited,

December 2016, the 5th IEF-IGU Ministerial

IGU Charter member, and the Natural Gas

Gas Forum took place in New Delhi, India. This by-invitation-only event brings govern­

x  The IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum provides a platform for industry and government figures to discuss the most pressing concerns that affect both industry and society in relation to natural gas.

This 5th IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum was

Society of India, IGU Associate member, on December 6, 2016 in New Delhi. It was not by

ment officials and the gas industry together

coincidence that New Delhi was chosen as a

tto discuss the current issues facing the gas

backdrop. The Indian government is taking

industry. It is one of a few events where gas

several measures that can increase the share of

industry players do not only talk among them­

natural gas in the country’s energy mix and

selves but invite and go into dialogue with

move its economy to a gas-based one. The

policy­makers and regulators, in addition to

government is planning to expand India’s

other international organisations. As the IGU

natural gas import infrastructure in the years to

Secretary General, Luis Bertrán Rafecas,

come and is also taking measures to increase

expressed during the event, “It is a great

the demand side. As a consequence, gas’s share

opportunity to promote gas as a source for the

in the Indian energy mix is expected to increase

sustainable future energy mix.”

in the medium and longer term.

122  5 t h I E F - I G U M i n i s t e r i a l G a s F o r u m , N e w D e l h i

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Articles inside

Publications available from IGU

page 145

Events and Acknowledgements

pages 146-148

Presenting IGU’s new Members

pages 142-144

News from organisations affiliated to IGU

pages 132-141

Update on the 27th World Gas Conference

pages 128-129

Registration open for IGRC 2017, one of the greatest technical events of the gas sector

pages 130-131

5th IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum, New Delhi

pages 124-127

The Netherlands hosts the 2016 Council meeting

pages 116-119

IGU Global Gas Award 2015-2018

pages 108-111

Reports from the Regional Coordinators

pages 112-115

News from the Presidency and Secretariat

pages 94-103

The role of gas in a carbon-neutral energy mix

pages 90-93

Shale gas in China: some delays for a strong take-off?

pages 62-77

COP 22: as climate change policy gains momentum, the future gets brighter for gas

pages 26-31

Pollutant emissions reduction in industrial gas-fired applications

pages 78-89

Torque of the town: the gas-powered era of road haulage is under way

pages 32-39

An interview with Rodney Cox, IGU’s new Events Director

pages 40-43

IGU Members and Organisation

pages 16-25

Oman’s unique habitat

pages 44-53

Message from the President and the Secretary General

pages 12-15
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