Registration open for IGRC, one of the greatest technical events of the gas sector By Cynthia Silveira
The International Gas Union Research
and Jorge Delmonte
Conference (IGRC), regarded as one of the
“Natural Gas: Catalyzing the Future”. For three
most important technical events in the
days, the event will address the strategic role of
natural gas sector worldwide, is being held
technology in the development of the natural
for the first time in Brazil from May 24-26.
gas market.
The city of Rio de Janeiro was chosen to host
The theme of the IGRC’s 2017 edition is
The programme includes plenary sessions,
the 2017 edition of the Congress, which is
presentation of technical papers in poster
promoted every three years by the Internati
sessions and technical visits. There will be eight
onal Gas Union. Here, it is being organised
oral and four plenary sessions altogether, which
by the Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels
will discuss technology and innovation con
Institute (IBP). Registrations are open.
cerning E&P, gas transportation, distribution,
Speaking about the conference Cynthia
use of industrial gas, climate and the environ
Silviera, Chair of the National Organising
ment, among other topics. The lectures will be
Commitee, said, “Brazil has an amazing
given by specialists from all over the world and
opportunity to bring the debates to the
also from the local market. Panel discussions
country, especially in a time when new
will cover “Natural Gas: Renewable Energy
investment opportunities are increasing.
Partnership Enabling an Environment of Lower
We want to integrate debates on Brazilian
Fossil Fuel Use (Impacts of COP 21 on the Gas
industry with the global one, sharing
Sector)” and “Technology Radar – Innovations
experiences and best practices”.
in the Gas Value Chain (E&P, Storage, Midstream, Distribution, Utilisation)”. Representatives from the countries where
About IBP IBP is a private, non-profit organisation focused on promoting the development of the Brazilian oil, gas and biofuels industry in a competitive, sustainable, ethical and socially responsible environment. Founded in 1957 IBP today has 166 associated companies and professionals and is recognised as a leading industry representative both for its technical knowledge and for encouraging discussion and debate of the most important issues facing the industry. Organiser of the main oil and gas shows in Brazil, such as the biennial Rio Oil & Gas conference and exhibition, IBP also develops technical courses and is responsible for standardisation, certification of inspection services and technical publications.
natural gas is important and has an active industry such as France, Iran, Germany and the United States are already confirmed. For the presentations of technical papers, 570 abstracts have been written by authors from 25 countries. Of these 429 have been approved to be presented at the event. The highest number of approved papers is from Iran (197), followed by Brazil (44), Russia (31), and France (30). Gas transmission and distri bution is the topic with the largest number of papers submitted (136). Exploration and production, climate and the environment will also be extensively discussed.
128 R e g i s t r a t i o n o p e n f o r I G R C 2 0 1 7 , o n e o f t h e g r e a t e s t t e c h n i c a l e v e n t s o f t h e g a s s e c t o r