IGU Magazine March 2017

Page 40

An interview with Rodney Cox, IGU’s new Events Director By Lee Gale

In 1992, Australian radio-friendly soft-rockers

Welcome to London, Rodney. As an

Crowded House found chart success in six

Aussie, do you have British ancestry?

coun­tries singing “You always take the weather

I’ve got Scottish in my veins. My mother was a

with you” (from the single “Weather With

McCulloch. In 1984, I took my mother to

You”). That’s certainly the case for fellow

Bannockburn to trace the family tree. I went

countryman Rodney Cox, IGU’s new Events

into a gents and there was a man with a kilt

Director. Looking through the glass doors from

on. I thought, “Ah, my first Scotsman!” I

the London base of the renowned events and

started talking to him and discovered he lived

training producer CWC Group, a rare snow

three miles from me in Sydney. He’d never put

flurry is giving the River Thames a Disney-esque

a kilt on before in his life.

touch of winter. “It was the same in Paris yesterday,” Cox announces. “I’m taking the

Are you constantly travelling?

snow wherever I go.”

I spend 100-120 days a year out of Australia

Since starting his role with IGU in August

x  Rodney Cox (right), showing Jérôme Ferrier, then IGU President (centre), Dave McCurdy, AGA President and CEO (left) and Didier Coulomb, IIR Director (rear) around the LNG 17 exhibition floor in Houston in 2013.

and I do the equivalent of seven or eight round-

2016, Cox has wasted little time in clocking up

the-world trips every year. But I seldom go to

air miles. He’s been liaising with committee

one place. It’s normally a multi-destination trip.

members all over the world ahead of IGU’s

Being based in Sydney, everything is long haul.

busy schedule of conferences, exhibitions and

If I’m going to London and I can do business in

executive get-togethers. Residing in Sydney, Cox

Doha, Shanghai or Tokyo, you’ll turn a problem

doesn’t have a single client in his own time

into an oppor­tunity. In my previous job with

zone but, as he reveals, there is no substitute

ETF [Exhibitions & Trade Fairs], our clients were

for the face-to-face approach.

everywhere in the world. In fact, in 20-odd years, I’ve never had a client in my time zone. You have to be flexible. What are you working on? There’s the 27th World Gas Conference in the US next year. The second biggest event in the IGU portfolio is the International Conference & Exhibition on Liquefied Natural Gas, the LNG series, which was, until Perth in 2016, numbered by chapters. So Perth was LNG 18. But there was confusion in the marketplace that it was different than the date so the name’s been changed. For China, it’ll be LNG 2019 because it happens to be in 2019 and then it’ll be LNG 2022. There’s also the IGRC [International Gas Union Research Conference]

38  A n i n t e r v i e w w i t h R o d n e y C o x , I G U ’ s n e w E v e n t s D i r e c t o r

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Articles inside

Publications available from IGU

page 145

Events and Acknowledgements

pages 146-148

Presenting IGU’s new Members

pages 142-144

News from organisations affiliated to IGU

pages 132-141

Update on the 27th World Gas Conference

pages 128-129

Registration open for IGRC 2017, one of the greatest technical events of the gas sector

pages 130-131

5th IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum, New Delhi

pages 124-127

The Netherlands hosts the 2016 Council meeting

pages 116-119

IGU Global Gas Award 2015-2018

pages 108-111

Reports from the Regional Coordinators

pages 112-115

News from the Presidency and Secretariat

pages 94-103

The role of gas in a carbon-neutral energy mix

pages 90-93

Shale gas in China: some delays for a strong take-off?

pages 62-77

COP 22: as climate change policy gains momentum, the future gets brighter for gas

pages 26-31

Pollutant emissions reduction in industrial gas-fired applications

pages 78-89

Torque of the town: the gas-powered era of road haulage is under way

pages 32-39

An interview with Rodney Cox, IGU’s new Events Director

pages 40-43

IGU Members and Organisation

pages 16-25

Oman’s unique habitat

pages 44-53

Message from the President and the Secretary General

pages 12-15
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