IGU Magazine March 2017

Page 94

News from the Presidency and Secretariat Amsterdam Council Meeting –

to Managing the Methane Challenge” was

A celebration of IGU’s 85th anniversary

divided into two parts.

and the final meeting under the

Speakers on the technical and economic

Norwegian Secretariat

issues were Prof. Pieternel Levelt, Head of

The last annual IGU Council meeting under the

KNMI R&D Satellite Observations Department

Norwegian Secretariat took place in Amsterdam

& Professor at Delft Technology University;

in October 2016. Running over four days the

Roy Harstein, Vice President, Strategic

event was hosted by KVGN – the Royal Dutch

Solutions, Southwestern Energy; Paul

Gas Association – with IGU Honorary Member

Balcombe, Faculty of Engineering, Depart-

Robert Doets presiding over an outstanding

ment of Chemical Engineering Research

programme for attendees.

Associate, Imperial College of London; and

The Council week provided the opportunity for discussion, debate, and engagement on important issues facing the industry.

Dr Konstantin Romanov, Head of Division, Gazprom. The second part of the workshop focused on policy and regulatory issues and included

The Dutch Gas Industry Workshop

panelists were Muhunthan Sathiamoorthy,

The IGU Council week in Amsterdam featured

GHG and energy efficiency expert, safety and

three workshops. The first was the traditional

operational risk, BP (CCAC Initiative); Joel

host country gas industry workshop, discus-

Bluestein, Senior Vice President, ICF Inter­

­sing the latest industry developments

national; Tim Gould, Head of Division,

in the Netherlands.

World Energy Outlook at IEA; and Dave

On the panel was Gertjan Lankhorst, CEO of GasTerra, and until recently, President of the Dutch Gas Association and IGU Regional Coordi­

McCurdy, President and CEO of the American Gas Association. Further information on the workshop and

nator for Europe; Thijs Starink, Director Asset

copies of the presentations can be found in

Management at the Dutch company EBN; and

the News section of the IGU website.

Coby van der Linde, Head of Clingendael Inter­ national Energy Programme and IGU Wise Person.

Building for the Future IGU’s Building for the Future initiative is now

The Methane Challenge

entering Phase III which will review and explore

The second workshop focused on a deeper dis­

potential governance related changes including

cussion relating to the issue of methane emis­

the possible establishment of a permanent

sions. With the issue becoming increasingly

secretariat at the conclusion of the Spanish

debated over the last year, methane emissions are

term. IGU Secretary General Luis Bertrán

a critical challenge for the growth of the indus­try

Rafecas provides the latest updates on pages

and IGU is stepping up its work on the topic.

102-103 and a full assessment and recommen­

The workshop entitled “Measure, Document, and Reduce – the Gas Industry´s Commitment

92  N e w s f r o m t h e P r e s i d e n c y a n d S e c r e t a r i a t

dation will be tabled at the Tokyo Council meeting this autumn.

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Articles inside

Publications available from IGU

page 145

Events and Acknowledgements

pages 146-148

Presenting IGU’s new Members

pages 142-144

News from organisations affiliated to IGU

pages 132-141

Update on the 27th World Gas Conference

pages 128-129

Registration open for IGRC 2017, one of the greatest technical events of the gas sector

pages 130-131

5th IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum, New Delhi

pages 124-127

The Netherlands hosts the 2016 Council meeting

pages 116-119

IGU Global Gas Award 2015-2018

pages 108-111

Reports from the Regional Coordinators

pages 112-115

News from the Presidency and Secretariat

pages 94-103

The role of gas in a carbon-neutral energy mix

pages 90-93

Shale gas in China: some delays for a strong take-off?

pages 62-77

COP 22: as climate change policy gains momentum, the future gets brighter for gas

pages 26-31

Pollutant emissions reduction in industrial gas-fired applications

pages 78-89

Torque of the town: the gas-powered era of road haulage is under way

pages 32-39

An interview with Rodney Cox, IGU’s new Events Director

pages 40-43

IGU Members and Organisation

pages 16-25

Oman’s unique habitat

pages 44-53

Message from the President and the Secretary General

pages 12-15
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