6 minute read
Members’ corner
by IGU
This section of International Gas gives IGU members an opportunity to profile themselves and their relationship with the Union. In this issue we have a Q&A with Suk Hwan Park, the outgoing Secretary General of the Korea Gas Union (KGU), which joined IGU in 1986.
International Gas (IG): Could you introduce KGU to readers in terms of your membership and activities?
Suk Hwan Park (SHP ) Korea Gas Union is a non-profit organisation that is committed to serving its members and seeks the development of the Korean gas industry. In 1985, representatives of Korea’s 13 gasrelated companies and organisations held a meeting to form a body to represent the Korean gas industry, and that was the beginning of KGU.
The objectives set for KGU were to build strong technical cooperation and to foster the advancement of the gas industry. And today, after 34 years, KGU has grown to have more than 60 members from across the entire gas value chain. Membership is composed of companies from the E&P sector, construction and engineering, marine and shipbuilding, city gas and organisations such as research institutes, state-run corporations and associations.
KGU, as one of IGU’s Charter Members, has played an active role by participating in IGU Executive and Council meetings and by hosting many
KGU has hosted major IGU conferences such as LNG13 in 2001 (above) and IGRC 2011 (opposite above). IGU events. Aside from IGU events, KGU has hosted natural gas technical training programmes for Mozambique, and has also invited public officials from South America to the InterAmerican Development Bank workshops which further promoted understanding of the gas industry and strengthened the relationship between Korea and Latin America.
In addition, KGU provides membership services by holding events such as annual member networking events, government energy policy briefings, technical visits and workshops. KGU also produces several types of publications including the Journal of the Korea Gas Union. These publications are distributed to members to provide the latest information on global natural gas developments to aid their work.
KGU will remain fully committed to providing value to its members and will continue to seek the advancement of the Korean gas industry.
IG Could you give us a brief overview of KGU’s milestones since it was founded in 1985?
SHP Since its foundation, KGU has played an important role in promoting natural gas and by joining IGU in 1986
expanded its international relations. KGU has been one of the most active members of IGU and has been involved in many activities to promote natural gas and to raise the profile of both IGU and the Korean gas industry.
Among the milestones, I would like to mention that KGU successfully hosted many meetings, conferences and exhibitions such as GASEX 1998, the IGU Council meetings in 1999 and 2008, LNG13, ICT 2005, IGRC 2011 and the joint meeting in 2014 of IGU’s E&P, Sustainability and Gas Markets committees. Moreover, in October 2014, at the IGU Council meeting held in Berlin, KGU won the bid for the IGU Presidency 2018-2021 and to host the 28th World Gas Conference in 2021 (WGC 2021). KGU’s experience and know-how are proven, and WGC 2021 is set to be a highly successful event.

As part of its responsibilities while holding the IGU Presidency 2018-2021, Korea will take the lead in furthering the mission of IGU to advocate for gas as an integral part of a sustainable global energy system and to promote the political, technical and economic progress of the gas industry. This is an extremely exciting time for the gas industry, and I firmly believe that

Korea assumed the IGU Presidency at the close of the 27th World Gas Conference in June 2018. IGU President Joo-Myung (Joe) Kang is applauded by Past President David Carroll.

The WGC 2021 National Organising Committee was launched in December 2016.
Korea is taking a very important role in leading IGU, and the contribution will continue. Korea’s leadership is set to build on the work done by the 2015- 2018 USA Presidency on promoting natural gas and the role it plays as an integral part of the future energy mix.
IG K orea’s IGU Presidency will culminate with the hosting of WGC 2021 in Daegu. Could you give readers an overview of your preparations?
SHP After the success of Korea’s bid in 2014, the WGC 2021 National Organising Committee (NOC) was launched to prepare the event. WGC 2021 NOC is composed of more than 60 companies and organisations representing the entire value chain of the gas industry in Korea.
So far, preparations are going smoothly with full support from Central Government, Daegu Metropolitan City, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) and other organisations in Korea. WGC 2021 will be brought to you by the most diverse NOC ever formed for such a global gas event.
To prepare for and meet stakeholders’ needs, the NOC will initiate proactive communication with IGU members, establish stronger relationships with IGU’s strategic partners and ensure innovation under the three strategic areas of “Environmental Leadership”, “Market Vitality” and “Value Creation”, with the theme of realising “A Sustainable Future – Powered by Gas”.
The programme is being developed with support from the members of IGU’s 11 committees and three task forces and will address the latest business-critical issues facing the global gas industry. It will feature 500 speakers and is designed to attract 5,000 conference delegates. Moreover, EXCO, the venue for WGC 2021, is currently undergoing a $250 million expansion and will be ready to showcase this biggest event of the global gas industry.
I would like to encourage everyone from IGU to participate in this important event. WGC 2021 NOC is preparing a number of benefits for IGU members and one of them will be a discount on exhibitor rates.
EXCO in Daegu will be the venue for WGC 2021.
IG Finally, what do you see as the main benefits that IGU offers its members?
SHP KGU became a Charter Member of IGU in 1986, which was when Korea imported its first LNG cargo making it a landmark year for KGU and the Korean gas industry. Since then, Korea has developed a gas industry based on LNG imports and is continuing to promote gas as a clean fuel. Natural gas has been a key factor when it comes to Korea’s economic growth and IGU has also played an important role. Korean companies have been extremely active in terms of nominating delegates to IGU committees and task forces and participating in meetings around the world. By exchanging ideas and information, with KGU acting as a channel, the Korean gas industry has

become more mature and has stepped up its global leadership. Today, Korea is one of the most highly regarded countries in the world when it comes to sustained growth and development, and we will utilise our strength to advance the interests of IGU members and to advocate for gas in the global community.
Another main benefit I would like to mention is that IGU provides valuable networking opportunities through its flagship conferences, committee meetings, workshops and social functions. KGU has been very active in taking advantage of these opportunities not just by means of participation but also by successfully hosting events as I mentioned earlier.
Last June, after the closing of WGC 2018 in Washington DC, Korea began its IGU leadership of the 2018-2021 triennium. More than ever we are dedicated to further advancing the role of natural gas and to promoting IGU by implementing the following steps. First, we will continue to advocate to the global community that natural gas is a key energy source for our sustainable future. Second, and working together with strategic partners and policymakers, we will continue making efforts to remove barriers to achieving a flexible market. Lastly, we will also work on improving the accessibility of natural gas in energy-poor countries and to enhance energy efficiency, as well as finding solutions to collaborate with renewables.