IGU Magazine April 2019

Page 116


Members’ corner This section of International Gas gives IGU members an opportunity to profile themselves and their relationship with the Union. In this issue we have a Q&A with Suk Hwan Park, the outgoing Secretary General of the Korea Gas Union (KGU), which joined IGU in 1986. International Gas (IG): Could you

to foster the advancement of the gas

IGU events. Aside from IGU events, KGU

introduce KGU to readers in terms

industry. And today, after 34 years, KGU

has hosted natural gas technical

of your membership and activities?

has grown to have more than 60

training programmes for Mozambique,

Suk Hwan Park (SHP)  Korea Gas

members from across the entire gas

and has also invited public officials

Union is a non-profit organisation that

value chain. Membership is composed

from South America to the Inter-

is committed to serving its members

of companies from the E&P sector,

American Development Bank

and seeks the development of the

construction and engineering, marine

workshops which further promoted

Korean gas industry. In 1985,

and shipbuilding, city gas and

understanding of the gas industry and

representatives of Korea’s 13 gas-

organisations such as research

strengthened the relationship between

related companies and organisations

institutes, state-run corporations and

Korea and Latin America.

held a meeting to form a body to


represent the Korean gas industry, and that was the beginning of KGU. The objectives set for KGU were to build strong technical cooperation and

KGU, as one of IGU’s Charter

In addition, KGU provides member­ ship services by holding events such as

Members, has played an active role by

annual member networking events,

participating in IGU Executive and

government energy policy briefings,

Council meetings and by hosting many

technical visits and workshops. KGU also produces several types of publi­ cations including the Journal of the Korea Gas Union. These publications are distributed to members to provide the latest information on global natural gas developments to aid their work. KGU will remain fully committed to providing value to its members and will continue to seek the advancement of the Korean gas industry. IG  Could you give us a brief overview of KGU’s milestones since it was founded in 1985? SHP  Since its foundation, KGU has

KGU has hosted major IGU conferences such as LNG13 in 2001 (ab ove ) and IGRC 2011 (opposite above ).

114  Members’ corner

played an important role in promoting natural gas and by joining IGU in 1986

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