IGU Magazine October 2018

Page 28


Vital role for gas infrastructure in reducing GHG emissions Gas infrastructure is key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Europe explains IGU affiliated organisation Gas Infrastructure Europe.  By Barbara Jinks Climate change is happening and,

pursue efforts to limit the increase to

renewable energy. However, further

with­out further global action to

1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. By

measures are needed post 2030.

mitigate it, temperatures will rise

2020, parties to the Paris Agreement

within this cen­tury well beyond 2°C

must communicate their long-term

proposal for the strategy. The strategy

compared to pre-industrial times. This

GHG emission development strategies.

will comprise firstly remaining in the

will have major impacts on our

In March 2018, the European

By April 1, 2019 the EC will adopt a

carbon budget at global and EU levels

economies and societies. In order to

Council (EC) requested the Commission

and secondly contributing towards the

prevent this, at the 2015 UN Climate

to present a proposal for a strategy for

objective of net-zero emissions by 2050

Change Conference in Paris (COP 21),

long-term EU greenhouse gas emis­

and negative emissions after­wards.

178 global partners cooperating under

sions reductions in accordance with

More than simply reducing emissions,

the UN Framework Convention on

the Paris Agreement.

the strategy intends to reflect a long-

Climate Change (UNFCCC) ratified the

The EU is currently putting in place

Paris Agreement that calls upon all

policies to reduce GHG emissions by at

countries to keep global temperature

least 40% in 2030 and achieve high

increase to well below 2°C, and to

levels of energy efficiency and

term vision of a modern European economy working for all Europeans. For this, the EC has embarked upon a series of public consultations as part of its strategy – including a stakeholder event on July 10-11, 2018 in Brussels entitled “The EU’s Vision for a Modern, Clean and Competitive Economy” and a questionnaire, entitled “Strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emis­ sions reductions”.1 Gas infrastructure representation Gas Transmission Europe (GTE) was esta­blished in 2000. Following the

GTE members include Snam Rete Gas whose gas dispatching centre in San Donato Milanese, Italy is pictured.

26  Vital role for gas infrastructure in reducing GHG emissions

1  The closing date for responses is October 9, 2018 and it is accessible at https://ec.europa.eu/clima/ consultations/strategy-long-term-eu-greenhousegas-emissions-reductions_en.

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