WGC 2018
The gas world meets in Washington DC The global gas industry, policymakers, financiers and NGOs turned out in force for WGC 2018 against a backdrop of strong growth forecasts. By Mark Blacklock Welcoming delegates IGU’s President
accounting for just under one-third
for 2015-2018, David Carroll declared:
of the growth, and the International
number two producer, saw the largest
“The global voice of gas has never
Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts an
increase of 46.3 bcm or 35% of the
been so crucial… and IGU has worked
average annual growth rate of 1.6%
global increase in 2017. China’s
hard to make sure it is heard. Since
to 2023 and beyond. China is the
production grew 11.3 bcm and Iran’s,
WGC 2015 we’ve gone from COP 21,
third largest producer of gas but
the number four producer, 20.7 bcm,
where gas was an afterthought, to a
demand is outstripping domestic
while the top-ranked USA increased
promising future with strong global
production and the country is
production by a modest 5.2 bcm.
growth outlooks.”
expected to surpass Japan and
However, IEA expects the USA to boost
Germany to become the world’s
this significantly and account for
largest importer in 2019.
almost 45% of the growth in global
Global gas demand grew 3% in 2017 to 3,740 bcm, with China
On the supply side Russia, the
production to 2023. To maximise the potential of gas, Carroll said, the industry needs to focus on cost-competiveness, security of supply and sustainability. The industry also has a role to play in alleviating energy poverty with more than 1 billion people in the world lacking access to electricity and 3 billion using wood, charcoal, crop waste or even dried dung for indoor cooking. “Natural gas underpins our energy future. By every objective measure, there is no practical solution to resolving energy poverty that doesn’t include a significant role for natural gas,” said Mike Wirth, Chairman & CEO of Chevron. “Delivering on the future of energy will require massive private David Carroll, IGU’s President for 2015-2018, welcoming delegates.
54 The gas world meets in Washington DC
sector investments in sustaining