IGU Magazine October 2018

Page 88

WGC 2018

Major reports launched During WGC 2018, IGU launched the latest Global Gas Report, World LNG Report and Wholesale Gas Price Survey. Brief summaries are given here and the full reports can be downloaded from www.igu.org. Global Gas Report 2018

scenarios). Prominent forecasts also

the industry must focus on three

This joint report prepared by Snam,

project gas to overtake coal as the

core levers:

IGU and the Boston Consulting Group

second leading source of global energy

assesses the unique role that natural

consumption by 2035, behind oil.

gas can play in the global energy mix

Cost competitiveness – Improving the cost of gas relative to other energy

The majority of forecasters expect

sources through a combination of LNG

to drive economic development while

gas to grow from the current 22% to

cost efficiencies, pricing environmental

limiting environmental impacts. Gas

over 24% of the global energy mix by

externalities and promotion of local

consumption is widely projected to

2035. Starting from the context of a

gas production in markets around the

grow in the long run under virtually all

strong increase in 2017 gas demand

world. This is especially important

major scenarios (including the most

(preliminary data suggest that in 2017,

considering that over three-quarters of

aggressive low-carbon transition

global gas consumption experienced

forecast demand growth by 2040

its strongest growth since

Global gas report 2018

supply security through the develop­

on year – more

ment of enhanced networks and

than double the

infrastructure, more flexible commer­

average growth

cial models and new modular access-

rate of the prior

enabling technologies. Rapidly

five years) and

developing gas infrastructure in Asia

increasing market

and Africa will be critical given the lack

liquidity and

of access to gas in those regions today. Sustainability – Promoting the

to the growing

environmental sustainability of gas

LNG market

through measures to reduce urban air

(+48 bcm in 2017

pollution, develop low carbon tech­

an increase of

nologies for gas, integrate renewable

12% vs an annual

gas sources into existing infrastructure

average of 1.6%

and limit methane emissions.

in 2010-2016),

86  Major reports launched

Security of supply – Enabling gas

2010 at 3.7% year

availability thanks


comes from non-OECD regions.

Reducing emissions through the gas

the report high­

supply chain will be critical in OECD

lights that, in

markets in particular as more aggres­

order to continue

sive climate targets are implemented.

strong growth,

This year’s report includes a special

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