Reports from the Regional Coordinators In this issue we bring you updates from IGU’s
hubs, boasting huge proven gas reserves and in
Regional Coordinators for the Middle East and
Qatar, Nigeria, Algeria, Iran, Egypt, Oman and
Africa and for Latin America and the Caribbean
Libya some of the largest natural gas producers
following on from our spring focus on Asia and
in the world. Major new gas discoveries will
Asia-Pacific and North America.
also enhance the region’s natural gas trade either through pipelines to neighbouring
Regional overview of the Middle East
countries or regions or through LNG trade.
and Africa
The charts below highlight the regions’
By Khaled AbuBakr
current impact on the natural gas industry, yet
The Middle East and Africa have always played
these rates are projected to increase exponenti
a vital role in the global natural gas industry
ally in the near future. With recent colossal gas
and trade, being in the heart of the world with
discoveries in the East Mediterranean and East
proximity to the major natural gas markets in
Africa, the two regions have truly become “a
Europe and Asia. They have gained their
natural gas paradise” that will have a major
importance as one of the world’s natural gas
impact globally.
Khaled Abubakr.
Natural Gas in the Middle East and Africa 14.4%
3.9% 42.5%
Proven Gas Reserves
Gas Production
Gas Consumption
7.5% 7.3% Middle East 39.4% Africa
Rest of the World
Pipeline Trade
100 R e p o r t s f r o m t h e R e g i o n a l C o o r d i n a t o r s
LNG Trade