LNG – the key to unlocking cleaner marine transport? By Mel Ydreos
Urban air pollution has become a top priority
issue, marine transportation is an often over
ments in both developed and developing
looked contributor to negative air quality levels
countries. The World Bank estimates that one
– with one large container ship, powered by 3%
in every ten deaths worldwide is attributable to
sulphur bunker fuel, emitting the same amount
air pollution exposure, with the cost of these
of sulphur oxide gases as 50 million diesel-
premature deaths to the global economy –
burning cars.
through foregone labour income – estimated
x One large container ship at sea (using 3% bunker fuel) emits the same amount of sulphur oxide gases as 50 million diesel-burning cars.
While many factors contribute towards the
for local, national and international govern
Ship emissions have a detrimental impact
at a staggering $225 billion annually.
on both human health and environmental
(Source: The Cost of Air Pollution:
costs. While many may think these pollutants
Strengthening the Economic Case for Action –
are distributed way out at sea, the vast
majority (70%) of these emissions are actually
handle/10986/25013). With these kind of
produced within 400 km of coastal population
findings, it’s clear that reduction of harmful
centres. This means that in the world’s top
emissions must be a priority for governments
100 ports, roughly 230 million people are
across the globe.
directly exposed to harmful emissions. In Hong Kong, for example, ship traffic is responsible for half of the city’s total toxic
One large container ship
pollutants – even more so than those produced by the power generation and transportation sectors. In addition to the issues surrounding health, there is also a significant economic cost involved. The OECD estimates that the external costs of nitrous oxide, sulphur oxide and particulate matter for the world’s 50 largest ports total an incredible €12 billion per year. Table 1, pulled from IGU’s recent report Enabling Clean Marine Transport into the role of LNG in enabling cleaner marine transport, highlights some of the more heavy-hitting costs to specific areas. Highlighted by the examples and case studies in Table 1, the global shipping sector faces a massive challenge – how to significantly
Source: China Daily Asia, Ship Emissions Choking the Region, May 20, 2016
50 million diesel cars
20 L N G – t h e k e y t o u n l o c k i n g c l e a n e r m a r i n e t r a n s p o r t ?
reduce these dangerous levels of harmful emissions in accordance with recent legislation. Annex VI of the International Maritime