IGU Magazine October 2017

Page 42

An update on the IGU Vice Presidency and preparations for the 28th World Gas Conference By Suk-Hwan Park

During the 2014 IGU Council Meeting, Korea

strategic focuses, Korea is now working to

was elected to assume the IGU Presidency for

develop the Triennial Work Programme which

the 2018-2021 triennium and to host the 28th

will ensure that IGU continues to be the most

World Gas Conference in 2021. Next year in

effective voice representing the gas industry.

June, Korea will take over the IGU Presidency at

its first preparation meeting with the incoming

Washington DC and will lead the worldwide

chairs of the IGU committees for the 2018-2021

non-profit organisation for the next three years.

triennium in Barcelona, Spain, on February 7.

As a country that leads the global gas industry,

The discussions started with an overview of the

Korea will play a key role in handling pending

preliminary themes and areas of focus for the

issues affecting the gas sector globally.

triennium and the potential areas of focus for

With less than a year left before Korea takes

x  Korea is represented in IGU by Charter Member the Korea Gas Union and Associate Member Kogas, which brought three new LNG storage tanks at its Samcheok LNG receiving terminal into commercial operation in June.

The incoming Korean Presidency Team held

the close of the 27th World Gas Conference in

the IGU committees for 2018-2021. A second

over the leadership of IGU, preparations to fulfil

IGU Incoming Chairs Meeting was held in

the duties of the IGU Presidency and to stage

Daegu, Korea, from July 3–7.

the 28th World Gas Conference are well under

IGU membership includes 152 associations

way. The theme of the triennium leading up to

and corporations from 90 countries that are

the conference will be “Sustainable Future

active in the gas industry, and collectively

Powered by Gas”, and three strategic focuses

represents more than 97% of the global gas

have been identified for the Korean term:

market. Established in 1931, IGU covers

Environmental Leadership, Market Vitality, and

the entire gas value chain from upstream to

Value Creation. Having prepared the theme and

downstream including exploration and pro­ duction, storage, transmission, distribution, utilisation, sustainability, strategy, gas markets, LNG, marketing and communications, R&D and innovation. In line with the work of IGU, Korea will also host the 28th World Gas Conference, scheduled for June 2021, in Daegu, Korea. Last November, the WGC2021 National Organising Committee (WGC2021 NOC) was launched to prepare all matters associated with the 28th World Gas Conference. The WGC2021 NOC is comprised of more than 60 representatives drawn from government, Daegu Metropolitan City, gas companies and organisations, associations and enterprises in Korea.

40  A n u p d a t e o n t h e I G U V i c e P r e s i d e n c y a n d p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r t h e 2 8 t h W o r l d G a s C o n f e r e n c e

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