Tongji International Design Summer School 2019 (Shanghai, China)

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Group 3 Mentor : HE, Gary Huafan DAI, Xiaohui

Group 3 Members : Bakri Prakarso A Ihsanuddin Karimullah Chengliang Li Ji Xiaosong Zhang Yiyi

Section I. Problems (Larger Site, Xuhui District) -Functional -Traffic -Ecological

There is a lack issue of North and South Division of Xuhui District

Urban Commercial Centre

Economic Development Zone (High Tech)

North Xuhui

South Xuhui

20 floor of housing

6 floor of housing

Lack of Neighborhood engagement between the north and south and within the area

Cultural / Creative / Art

Lack of density and complexity of function in the south

Retail kiosk


Departement store

Lack of Public Facilities in the south (Commercial, School, etc)

Section I

Function Problem Diagram



Severe North and South Seperation in Xuhui District

Line 1

North Xuhui

South Xuhui

Fence under the highway

Fence beside the garden

The connectivity in the Xuhui District is unfriendly to pedestrian

Highway Line 3

Line 15

South Station

The railway isolate the neighborhoods in the south from the north

Section I

Traffic Problem Diagram

Railway that separate the north and south

There is a lack of ecological connection to the south station

Kangjianyuan Park

The south station is unconnected to surrounding green spaces

Botanical Garden

Lack of urban ecology/sense of place

Section I

Ecological Problem Diagram

the underpass near south station

the third floor of the south station

Section II. Design Concept, Vision, Strategy

Opportunities 1. The Xuhui District is the part of the Planning Intention (Shanghai Comprehensive Plan 2035) for future redevelopment – district center Economic Development Zone (High Tech)

Cultural / South Station

Creative /


Hangzhou City

Section II

Design, Concept, Vision, Strategy


2. The South Station will have a new HSR that connected to Hangzhou city trough Jiaxing. The HSR will be the part of G60 High Tech Corridor (Scientific & Creative Industry Corridor). So the Xuhui District can get the development opportunity as the part of the corridor

3. There will be a demographic change from the migration of the new HSR. It will produces new functions to the Xuhui District : a. Residents (Commercial, Educational), b. West Bund (Cultural Center, Museums), c. G60 Corridor (RND and Creative Industry)

South Station

Conventional Railway

High Speed Railway

Social Inclusivity The new green corricor will have many local activities for the citizen to revitalize the social dynamics and embark local embeddedness Green/Sustainability The new green connector is for pedestrian and bicycle. It support local activities and the south station as hub

Urban Vision New Green Urban Connector that stitches together the currently isolated neighborhoods and functions of the Xuhui District, creating a series of pedestrian and vehicular paths that permeate trough a series of blocks, containing different programs and functions, adding activities to bridge across the north-south division. Which emphasizes the following urban design principles:

Section II

Design, Concept, Vision, Strategy

Intensify and mix Functions Human Scale/ Neighborhood Design

The building along the new green connector will be designed with a human scale and have sense of place for every area

The activities in the south will be densified with creative milieu activities and the new green connector connection will strengthen the urban life

Section III. Masterplan

Green Path

Green Interaction

Green Connection

Green boundary

New Green Path To respond the unconnected south station to the surrounding green space. The green path connect the station with the Kangjinyuan Park and the Shanghai Botanical Garden.

Green area

Kangjianyuan Park

Responding to the ecological problems diagram, the masterplan will show the main green area and the new green urban connection. The new green urban connector will have a new green path in the new green area and the green interaction to the surround

Section III

Masterplan – Ecological Diagram

Green Connection To respond the lack of urban ecology/sense of place. There will be a green connection to the surrounding building especially into the hosing.

Botanical Garden

Main road

Rail Road

New Road


Responding to the traffic problems diagram, the masterplan will show the main existing road, the new planning road, and the green path for pedestrian and bicycle.

Section III

Masterplan – Traffic Diagram

New Path

New Road To respond the isolated neighborhoods in the south from the north. The railway and the highway would be go under the ground and there will be construct a new road to cross to the north

New Path To respond the connectivity and unfriendly pedestrian in the Xuhui District. There will be a new path for pedestrian and bicycle that connect the north and south

Responding to the function problems diagram, the masterplan will show the main existing land use and the planning land use in the in the new green connector.

Main Landuse Planning Building Existing Building

Central Area To respond the engagement between south and north, there will be one new center area with mix use activity that connects the north and the south, also the south station.

Transportation Housing Open Space Commercial Industry Community Creative

Mix use

Section III

Masterplan – Function Diagram

Creative Community To respond the lack of density and complexity of function in the south, there will be a new creative community area from the old factory.




Luxury Hotel




Affordable Playground Plaza Hotel


Section III

Masterplan – User Diagram

Sport Area


House wife












Transit Ridership

Co-working Space

Super Mix (Office & Mall) Market



Shopping Mall

MASTERPLAN The masterplan will be focusing on the 3 area of the green connector. There will be different approach of scale design for every area, based on the problem statement

The design of north area will be focusing on the connection in between building. The building will be connected by pathways that started from one green scenerny landscape to the other one (park, garden, etc). The new building, were only the wan ke center project.



Street corner park


Section III

Masterplan – North Area

Pedestrian corridor on the roof



Pedestrian corridor


Mix (Office & Mall)


Section III

Masterplan – North Area

The rainbow-colored paved floor enhances the fun of the street while connecting the sides

Green Corridor between office

Pedestrian bridge connecting two sides of Huming Highway

Section III

Masterplan – Section North Area




Section III

Masterplan – Central Area

The design of central area will be focus on responding the connection of the north-south. The center will become the connector of all function surround. There will be new mix use function in the center. It will become the new face of the south station that harmonize with the surround, especially the south station. So the the center area will be the new iconic.


Luxury Hotel


Shopping Mall

Section III

Masterplan – Central Area

Underground Metro connection to public park east of South Station

Section III

Masterplan – Section Central Area

The design of south area will be focusing on the new functional that intensfiy the south area. There will be a new creative area with various of activities. These activities also will respond to the existing neighborhoods activities (Social inclusivity). So the building mass will be design in neghbourhood scale. Studio (Art, Design,Music, etc)

Sport Area (Jogging track, basketball, etc.)


Section III

Masterplan – South Area


Co working Space

Youth Hotel Capsule Hotel



Section III

Masterplan – South Area

Pedestrian bridge from the central platform to the South Area

Section III

Masterplan – Section South Area

Sketches & Views

Sketch – Green pathway in the central area

Sketch – Bridge under highway on the north area

Bird Eye View – South Area

Bird Eye View – Central Area

Bird Eye View – North Area

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