ALL THE NEWS THAT’S FIT TO TATTLE May 2014 • Estd. 1892 • Vol. 122 #4 • Published Monthly • Ithaca High School, 1401 N. Cayuga St, Ithaca, NY 14850 • FREE
In This Issue Prom dresses
The truth about college apps 6 Composers of IHS
By TRISTAN ENGST, Staff Writer
image provided by ithaca journal
Teacher Feature: Mr. Nelson 12
As Budget Looms, Changes May Occur
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A meeting in the ICSD board room in October 2014.
n April 21, the IHS Parent– Teacher Association (PTA) decided to support ICSD’s proposed $115 million budget for next year in a unanimous (10–0) vote. IHS principal Jason Trumble told the assembled PTA that he wanted the cuts in the budget “to not impact a child in the course of a school day,” and added that “we will have the same course offerings that we have currently for all our children.” Sports offerings would also be unaffected. Regarding the cuts, the school will lose one clerical position (which is currently unfilled) and fewer hall assistants will be employed. The Principles of Engineering and Driver’s Ed
courses will not be offered over the summer. Additionally, after-school support tutoring will receive reduced funds, but Trumble told the PTA that he “wanted that instruction happening during the school day,” and that funding for AIS services will remain unaffected. Cuts from the current year’s budget—such as reduced preschool classes—will still remain. Even though the IHS PTA has supported the budget, the budget will only go into effect if it receives the support of Tompkins County voters. The final outcome will be decided by a vote held on May 19.