e-Insight - August 2023

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throughout the sales process. We offer superior products that employers love, like payroll-plus-comp, and we make onboarding smooth and easy. When you or your clients call us, a real live person answers the phone. Simply put, you get the attention you deserve. Omaha National Underwriters, LLC is an MGA licensed to do business in the state of California. License No. 078229. “A” (Excellent) rated coverage through Omaha National Insurance Company, Preferred Professional Insurance Company, and/or Palomar Specialty Insurance Company. 844-761-8400 • omahanational.com
INSIGHTAUGUST 2023 Adopting & Thriving in Today’s Challenging P&C Landscape What’s New in Agency Marketing How to Map the Insurance Customer Journey Plus October 10-12 • Peoria, IL REFOCUS • CONNECT • EMPOWER
Comprehensive insurance programs for your fire suppression and alarm installation accounts. SECURA Insurance and Bedford Underwriters work together to provide tailored coverage solutions for these unique industry risks. Insurance you can defend with Interested in learning more? Contact Bedford Underwriters at 800-735-1378 ext. 112 or quotes@BedfordUnderwriters.com
CONTENTS INSIGHT Magazine: 14-Time APEX Winner The Power of Using an Agency Valuation as Business Planning Tool By Luke Hippler Adopting & Thriving in Today’s Challenging Landscape By Dustin Lemick & Conor Redmond What’s New in Insurance Agency Marketing By Daniel Smith CONVO 2023 - Refocus, Connect, Empower Focus on Customers to Drive Growth & Retention By Agent for the Future How to Map the Insurance Customer Journey By Agentero How the Insurance Industry Can Use Technology to Survive a Hardening Market By AgentSync 8 12 14 17 20 25 26 28 The Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois (IIA of IL) has been providing members with a sustainable competitive advantage since 1899. Insight is the official publication of the Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois (IIA of IL). The magazine is published monthly for the members of the IIA of IL, with the office located at 4360 Wabash Avenue, Springfield, Illinois 62711-7009; Consumer Website: www.ChooseIndependent.com. The IIA of IL welcomes letters discussing concerns of the insurance industry, articles, editorials, other matters of interest to the membership. The editor reserves the right to edit and select submissions for publication. Address submissions for review to Rachel Romines at rromines@iiaofil.org. For advertising information, contact Tami Hubbell at thubbell@iiaofil.org. In This Issue President’s Message Brett’s 5 Sense Trusted Choice e-Insight 9 10 18 19 info@iiaofil.org | www.iiaofil.org | (217) 793-6660 Editor & Graphic Design - Rachel Romines | Advertising - Tami Hubbell Associate News Association Update IIA of IL News Classifieds 30 35 37 38 August 2023 2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 2016 • 2017 • 2019 • 2020 • 2021 • 2022 • 2023 12 8 28 26

Board of Directors

Executive Committee

Chairman of the Board | Jay Peterson, AFIS, LUTCF (217) 935-6605 | jay@peterson.insurance

President | Kevin Lesch (630) 830-3232 | klesch@arachasgroup.com

President-Elect | Allyson Padilla (618) 393-2195 | allyson@blanksinsurance.com

Vice President | Patrick Taphorn, CIC, CSRM (309) 347-2177 | ptaphorn@unland.com

Secretary/Treasurer | Cindy Jackman, CIC, CISR (800) 878-9891 x8745 | cjackman@arlingtonroe.com

IIABA National Director | George Daly (708) 845-3311 | george.daly@thehortongroup.com

Regional Directors

Region 1 | James Sager (618) 322-9891 | james@sagerins.com

Region 2 | Ray Roentz (618) 639-2244 | ray.roentz@hwcrins.com

Region 3 | Christopher Leming (217) 321-3185 | cleming@troxellins.com

Region 4 | Bart Hartauer, CIC (815) 223-1795 | hartauer@hartauer.com

Region 5 | Noele Tatlock (309) 642-6855 | ntatlock@unland.com

Region 6 | Thomas Evans, Jr. (779) 220-6564 | tom.evans@assuredpartners.com

Region 7 | David Jenk, Esq. (312) 239-2717 | djenk@nwibrokers.com

Region 8 | Charles Hruska (708) 798-5700 | chas@hruskains.com

Region 9 | Lindsey Polzin (630) 513-6600 | lpolzin@presidiogrp.com

Region 10 | Mohammed Ali CS (847) 847-2126 | mali@aliminsurance.com

At-Large Director | Amiri Curry (847) 797-5700 | acurry@assuranceagency.com

At-Large Director | Jeff McMillan (815) 265-4037 | jeff@mcmillanins.com

At-Large Director | Patrick Muldowney (312) 595-7192 | patrick.muldowney@alliant.com

At-Large Director | Luke Sandrock, CIC (815) 772-2793 | lsandrock@2cornerstone.com

Committee Chairs

Budget & Finance | Cindy Jackman, CIC, CISR (800) 878-9891 x8745 | cjackman@arlingtonroe.com

Education | Lisa Lukens (618) 942-2556 | salibainsurance@gmail.com

Farm Agents Council | Steve Foster (217) 965-4663 | s.foster@ciagonline.com

Government Relations | Dustin Peterson (217) 935-6605 | dustin@peterson.insurance

Planning & Coordination | Nick Gunn, CIC (309) 691-1300 | nickgunn@nixonagency.com

Technology | Brian Ogden (217) 632-2206 | brian@ogdeninsurance.com

Young Agents | Renee Crissie (224) 217-6577 | renee@crissieins.com














Director of Information and Technology Shannon Churchill - (217) 321-3004 - schurchill@iiaofil.org

Director of Education and Agency Resources Brett Gerger, CIC - (217) 321-3006 - bgerger@iiaofil.org

Accounting & Admin Services Tami Hubbell, CIC - (217) 321-3016 - thubbell@iiaofil.org

Director of Human Resources, Board Admin Jennifer Jacobs, SHRM-CP - (217) 321-3013 - jjacobs@iiaofil.org

Sr. Vice President/Chief Financial Officer Mark Kuchar - (217) 321-3015 - mkuchar@iiaofil.org

Chief Executive Officer Phil Lackman, IOM - (217) 321-3005 - plackman@iiaofil.org

Central/Southern Marketing Representative Lori Mahorney, CISR Elite - (217) 415-7550 - lmahorney@iiaofil.org

Director of Government Relations Evan Manning - (217) 321-3002 - emanning@iiaofil.org

Office Administrator Kristi Osmond, CISR - (217) 321-3007 - kosmond@iiaofil.org

Director of Communications Rachel Romines - (217) 321-3024 - rromines@iiaofil.org

Director of Membership Services Tom Ross, CRIS, CPIA - (217) 321-3003 - tross@iiaofil.org

Products & Services Administrator Janet White, CISR - (217) 321-3010 - jwhite.indep12@insuremail.net

Director of Prof. Liability & Ins. Products Carol Wilson, CPIA - (217) 321-3011 - cwilson.indep12@insuremail.net

IIA of Illinois Staff 40 31 24 16 7 36 39 34 13 11 Cover Tip 4 27 32
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Independent, Authorized General Agent for An Independent Licensee of the Blue Shield Association
14-Time Winner AWARD OF EXCELLENCE Magazines, Journals & Tabloids 1-2 Person Produced Rachel Romines Director of Communications Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois INSIGHT

Be Part of the Solution

I am stunned that I have only a month to go as President of your association. The year seems to have flown by. I was once told that as you get older, each year becomes a smaller fraction of your total life; thus, as you get older, the year just feels shorter. I wish I remembered who that was. If you are out there, let me know.

This month I want to take the opportunity to talk about your membership and ask you for your support and to be involved. Another wise person (again, who I cannot remember) said if you are not part of the solution, there is only one other option (part of the problem for those of you playing at home).

So become part of the solution. There are many ways to get involved and support the IIA and the advocacy efforts made on behalf of our membership.

Attend CONVO - I hear from multiple carriers that our state’s convention is tops in the country. Every year the IIA staff brings forth a relevant and worthwhile agenda that should not be missed. See page 20 of this issue for details on this year’s event.

Support Advocacy Efforts – Our industry is facing legislation from lawmakers at the state level and federally that can change how we do business and adversely affect the customers we have vowed to protect. There are different ways to support these efforts:


Support for our PACs is a crucial part in helping the IIA of IL reach our legislators and help them understand why they should support our views and our industry.

• Individually, you can contribute to InsurPAC – the national insurance Political Action Committee.

• Individually or through your corporation (agency), contributions can be made to IIAPAC, the Independent Insurance Agents Political Action Committee.


• Attend the Illinois legislative conference in March –participate in advocacy efforts made in Springfield by seeing our local representatives face-to-face and sharing stories and information about our industry.

• Attend the Federal legislative conference in April –participate in advocacy efforts made in Washington DC by going to Capitol Hill and speaking directly to our senators and representatives.

Finally, I ask that we begin to participate again.

• Attend local IIA functions. Interact with other agents and attend functions that help you understand what is happening in our industry and contribute to a common voice.

• Participate in local IIA boards – become part of the solution!

• Send your staff to IIA functions – their livelihood is just as much affected as the agency owners and principals.

I am not asking that you do everything. Take one piece. If you can’t attend the legislative day, send $50 to the PAC. If you can’t attend the CONVO, send an account manager. Remember, be part of the solution.

Book of the month, “The 4 Disciplines of Execution” by Chris McChesney. Would definitely be a good read for all of us.

august 2023 insight 9 president's message | INSIGHT
Kevin Lesch - IIA of IL President - (630) 830-3232 - klesch@arachasgroup.com
Lesch, center, pictured with (l-r), Jon Jackman, Cindy Jackman, Phil Lackman, and Jay Peterson - 2023 Federal Legislative Conference

Consumer Marketing/Retention

I married into a small business owner’s family. My fatherin-law did not advertise at all. No flyers; no advertisements (paper or media); no website; no Facebook, Instagram, or Snap Chat (they had not been invented); no sponsorship except for my wife’s soccer and softball team. I can tell you that when we first started dating, it was nearly impossible to find a space to park at her house when I was visiting. His automotive repair business was in his detached garage in the rear of the property with a driveway that was nearly 100 feet long and always lined fully with cars on both sides the entire length. It did not matter the day. Throughout the day, people were always dropping off and picking up their cars and sometimes even after closing at all times during the evening.

I was eating dinner with them one night and thought, “This guy is a marketing genius. I am going to pick his brain for ideas and find out what the “secret sauce” to his business success is.” As I could see, he wasn’t the cheapest, he didn’t have a nice waiting room with snacks and drinks, and he did not have the newest, flashy equipment or uniforms. He indicated his marketing was simple, he is timely, his work is of high quality and extremely thorough (customers got their issue fixed the first time), and he was honest. Lastly, he didn’t try to sell anything, as his job was to fix problems. He said that as long as he adhered to those things, people would find him and that he did not have to look for any additional customers. He said that he employed the marketing firm of “Word of Mouth” and that they only cost him his hard work and relied on him fixing things the right way the first time. In those rare cases where he couldn’t, he relied on the other marketing firm, “Honesty.” I watched him interact with customers and saw him have numerous tough conversations where the customer wasn’t happy with the answer. They would leave to go to a competitor only to return to him after trying a couple of other solutions to find out that he was right and he had their best interest in mind by fixing it correctly the first time. There were instances where he told customers that the car wasn’t worth repairing and to look for a new vehicle. He knew he didn’t sell cars, and by encouraging them to buy a new one, he would, in turn, lose money. Had he done the fix, which would have been temporary, he knew he could potentially lose them as a customer.

In this hard market our industry faces, do not focus on cost but on coverage and service. Cost will be high for everyone (as referenced in Brett’s 5 sense), and how you set yourself apart is providing appropriate coverage, stellar customer service, and honesty above all else. Be willing to let people walk away, and don’t just settle for what you sell them for the lowest cost (minimum limits). When it comes to claim time, they will blame you for lack of coverage even though they turned down your high limit or better coverage recommendations. If you let them walk, they may later return as they will see that you truly had their best interest in mind when you originally quoted them the first time. Set some parameters that you think are important regarding coverage, and try not to deviate from those minimums. Remember, you are a “Trusted Choice” adviser, not an insurance agent, and having many solutions at your fingertips can provide the greatest opportunity for the best peace of mind. That is what we are all looking for when insuring our property and ourselves.

Recently, my town was rocked by storms/tornado/derecho, which caused a great amount of damage that triggered insurance claims. Whether it be someone’s trampoline hitting multiple houses for blocks; a golf cart going through a neighbor’s wall; hail damage, roof damage, all the way to trees landing on structures, everyone was thinking to themselves, “Thank goodness we have insurance.” The next day when they talked to their insurance agent or adjuster, they truly found out how well they were covered. How good was their peace of mind, truly? My neighbor told me they had full coverage, but the insurer was only paying ACV for their roof. I asked who told them they had full coverage. They indicated that their agent on the phone that they had never met. I looked at their old policy, and it would have been covered fully on their old policy, but they switched due to price, and their old agent refused to play the lowest price game as their concern was to provide them with the best coverage available. My question to them was, “Would you have paid another $200 per year to have the appropriate coverage?” You guessed it; they said yes. Hindsight is always 20/20. Would you want to be their old agent or the agent on the phone indicating that you erroneously had full coverage? While the new agent had the business until the claim, the old agent now has the trust and may have earned a customer for life. Many of my neighbors have asked who my agent is, as my claim has been seamless. Even though I probably pay a little more in premium, they see the benefit of being appropriately insured. Sell yourself, your products, your integrity, your honesty, do not compromise, and you will earn customers for life. In their greatest time of need, you will be there to help your customers pick up the pieces and not be devastated financially. I would always want to be seen as a value add, and by doing things right, that is what you will be.

Word-of-mouth is really underrated as a marketing tool and can take you to the next level. All of the other marketing tools are great, but if you don’t have good word-of-mouth process, those other tools’ success will be short-lived and unsustainable. You are in the best position to build your brand and customer loyalty by being an independent agent due to choices and being able to pivot quickly. If someone leaves you due to price, do not fret, as they may be back after a claim, or they were never meant to be

10 insight august 2023
I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.
“ ”
- Stuart Smalley

your customer. If you are losing most of your customers to price, maybe rethink how you message the framing of price and provide real-world examples of claims that could make them truly have an accurate picture of how their lack of coverage will affect their pocketbook come claim time. If they still want to go, do as my daughter says and “Elsa them.” Let em go, Let em go, Let em go. If you do everything in your power to provide great, honest, and appropriate service, you will find that you will insure generations of families.

Do not worry about the ones that got away due to the fact you are Stuart Smalley. Additionally, realize that not only are they choosing you, you are choosing them, and maybe when someone goes down the proverbial street, it may be for the best of all involved.

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august 2023 insight 11
5Sense Brett’s (inflation)
BIG NEWS! 10% Off Digital Content 20% Off CPCU Study Materials 35% off CEU's Unlimited Access Program FIND OUT MORE! IIA of IL Members Only www.iiaofil.org/Education

The Power of Using an AGENCY VALUATION as a Business Planning Tool

To know where you are going, you must first know where you are currently. The biggest step in business planning each year is having a clear metric for the agency’s success. We believe the most effective metric and report is to get an independent fair market valuation of your agency.

The valuation report will give you a full comprehensive view of your agency and the true, fair market value of your agency. You will learn about 25+ factors that bring risk to your agency’s success and can ultimately drive the value down.

A valuation can be used as a road map and blueprint for the future success of your agency. Whether you are an owner who is just getting started or a tenured veteran in the industry nearing retirement age, the best time to get a valuation is now so you can start using it as part of your business planning process.

No matter the plans in place, a valuation is a tremendous instrument to utilize in order to maximize your agency’s value now, and most importantly, when it comes time to retire. To prove this point, let’s take a look at three totally different examples of agencies that use the valuation reports as a central business planning document.

Agency 1 conducted two valuations, four years apart. Agency 2 completed three consecutive valuations, and Agency 3 completes a valuation as part of its annual review process. As you can see, these three agencies saw growth over a five-year span, some more significant than others, but growth nonetheless.

These agencies use the valuation report to understand their weaknesses and the risks involved in their agency and focus on what is hurting their value. For example, after their first valuation, Agency 1 learned they needed to clean up their balance sheet, reduce costs, and improve profitability. Over a five-year span, they did just that. They retained earnings to strengthen their balance sheet which led to the opportunity to acquire a book of business without taking on significant debt. Between their growth by acquisition, strong balance sheet, and improved profitability, the agency increased their value by almost 50%!

Agency 2 uses the annual valuation to continue their steady march to profitable growth and increasing value. Agency 3 has consistently grown over the five-year span as a result of being informed of their risks, focusing on improving those risks through diligent business planning, and thereby boosting their agency’s value by millions of dollars.

We are not claiming that doing a valuation report will lead to 50% growth in agency value, however we do believe they will give you an important tool to start your path towards increased growth and value. These examples show the critical role a valuation plays in business planning. We have seen agencies take the knowledge they get from the valuation report and use it to maximize their value and be prepared for anything the future may hold.

For further proof, we have studied the reasons why the 200+ agency owners have completed a valuation with us over the past couple of years. The IA Valuations team discovered that those principals that use an agency valuation for business planning see an average growth of 10.2% over a two-year period.

12 insight august 2023

On the other hand, those using a valuation because they are getting ready to sell are only seeing growth at 5% over two years.

There are many advantages to planning early. This data shows us that while getting a valuation before you sell is critically important, it may be too late to implement the changes and overcome weaknesses that are identified in an agency valuation to significantly improve value.

Preparation and timing play a huge role in maximizing your agency’s value. To discuss how you can use a valuation report as the centerpiece to your business planning efforts, please reach out to Luke Hippler, MBA IA Valuations’ Business Planning and Valuation Analyst. He can be reached at Luke@iavaulations.com.

See the IA Valuations team in Peoria, IL on October 11!

Business Planning to Improve Your Agency Valuation

See page 20 for event details or go to ILConvention.com.

august 2023 insight 13



It has been a difficult past few years for property and casualty (P&C) insurance agents and brokers. New technology centered on direct-to-consumer insurance sales threatened to render agents and brokers obsolete, until it was discovered that many consumers still prefer to work with these professionals. The market shifted again with lockdowns, followed by sharp cost increases across the board. The winds of change are back again with homeowner insurance providers leaving California and Florida, and the potential for other states to follow. Technological disruption also looms again with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

Dramatic changes of this kind have not been seen in the insurance industry in decades, likely not since the Great Depression. But, it’s certainly not the first time the foundation of our industry has been shaken. Insurance business dates back to the 1700s. It has seen a more than fair share of turmoil, and still thrives. It has required that the industry adapts, and that is the challenge we face today - especially for agents and brokers.


As economic turmoil increases and the hard market pushes premiums for home, auto and various other lines higher, 51% of consumers said they are looking for ways to save money on their existing insurance policies. When asked how they are saving money on insurance, 26% are decreasing or plan to decrease coverage or limits on existing policies, 23% have or are considering switching to a new insurance agent, and 20% have already removed a policy from their coverage or plan to in the next six months.

With one out of four consumers considering switching agents, business as usual is no longer sufficient for agents and brokers to stay competitive. There are new business opportunities as well as challenges. Developing an agency strategy to help clients cope with this new reality and adapt your business to the market is now imperative. Consumers and businesses need agents and brokers for their guidance, knowledge and direction more than ever. Navigating the landscape is increasingly becoming difficult without our help. It’s important that your agency adapts and rises to the challenge.


Agents and Brokers need to re-evaluate their strategy for developing new business and retaining existing clients in this new, volatile market. Assumptions that most clients will renew with minimal contact no longer holds. Going forward agents and brokers should consider a paradigm shift that requires a more aggressive approach in the context of an advisory role.

Here are some straightforward strategy guidelines that will help focus efforts on negotiating the changing P&C client landscape. Known as a REACT imperative, the initial letters stand for:

• Responding by reaching out to show you care

• Educating clients every chance you get to help set client expectations

• Accelerating your use of technology to improve efficiency and responsiveness

• Communicating continuously to reinforce your client relationships

• Taking immediate action now to help clients reduce their risks

Responding - A wise customer service leader once remarked that clients don’t care how much you know until they know that you really care. Be proactive with clients via email or phone calls. Let them know you’re aware of what’s happening and provide guidance on how they should react.

14 insight august 2023
With one out of four consumers considering switching agents, business as usual is no longer sufficient for agents and brokers to stay competitive.



Educating - Consumers and businesses are not experts on insurance. As they see events in the market covered in the media, they want and need guidance and help. Agents and brokers can play an important role in explaining these changes, what to do, and what to expect.

Accelerating - Take advantage of all of the ways you can advance your business and operate more efficiently to reduce your costs and maintain your top notch producers. It can involve technology, new processes, and new ways of operating. Constantly adapt to better serve clients.

Communicating - Constant communication with clients builds and maintains trust and relationships. Check in to see how they are feeling, offer your insight, guidance and support, and make practical suggestions for how they can minimize their risks. Be a sounding board.

Taking Action - Clients want to know you can do something for them to cope with rising costs, and changes in coverage. Taking immediate action with specific steps that help client’s implement savings or coverage optimization is your key to success.


Bundling insurance has long been a tentpole path in P&C insurance. While bundling homeowners and auto insurance with one carrier may still be the best way for clients to save money, other factors besides cost, such as the effect of a claim on an HO policy, should be taken into consideration. Unbundling policies can often be a stronger way to save costs for your clients today and should be considered as part of your approach.

For example, moving your clients to specialized insurance for jewelry or other personal belongings can help them save money. Benefits can go beyond cost savings to include improved coverage, reduced or no deductibles, and no reporting of claims to third parties, among other advantages. It is no longer viable to assume that traditional approaches are the best choice. Constantly dig in to find what is best for your clients. Be ready to spend time with them to find the right solutions for their needs and budget.


Technology is a competitive advantage for agents and brokers today and is only more so when the market gets tough. Not only can you serve your clients at a far more rapid pace. Today’s consumers and businesses expect technology to be part of the process. They’ll often move on when innovation isn’t involved. There are also numerous other benefits as well. At my company, for example, we use technology to provide a finalized quote in seconds, with just six basic underwriting questions. Our online platform enables agents and brokers to manage or change policies in a matter of minutes. Technology solutions must be part of every agent and broker’s business. Overlooking innovation is no longer an option.

High tech can also help retain your employees and create a better work environment for them. Top talent today flock to modern and innovative organizations, and that includes in P&C insurance. Dedicate time to exploring everywhere in your business that can be improved with technology. Take advantage of trial software or low cost packages to test solutions before making choices. Software providers are more than happy to demo their products and show how they can help you.

august 2023 insight 15
In an always on, always connected world, clients have the means to collect and act on information directly. With insurance premiums dramatically increasing, more clients will be comparing coverages, rates and their agents.

In an always on, always connected world, clients have the means to collect and act on information directly. With insurance premiums dramatically increasing, more clients will be comparing coverages, rates and their agents. Match their needs as a modern trusted advisor.


The time for agents and brokers to act on behalf of clients is now. The competition for attention and insurance dollars will only intensify and escalate in the future ahead. Those agents and brokers who embrace innovation with new solutions and leverage new technologies - in partnership with their clients - will be the winners.

Dustin Lemick is a third-generation retail jeweler and founder/CEO of BriteCo, a leading tech-driven provider of jewelry and watch insurance. He has over a decade of jewelry insurance experience combined with an extensive background in the retail jewelry industry.

Conor Redmond, FCAS, is a co-founder and Chief Actuary at BriteCo jewelry insurance. He is a fully credentialed actuary with more than 12 years of insurance experience.

To learn more about the BriteCo Agent Program contact Ben Glipsie, Agent Channel Manager at ben.glipsie@brite.co, or call (224)307-5790.



Every year we see new innovations in industry technology, and the marketing aspect is no different. There seem to be new platforms, programs, consultants, and thought leaders around every corner telling you what you should be doing. Let’s review.

CRMs, Automation, and Referral Platforms Galore

Maybe your agency already has a marketing platform in place – maybe even several – or maybe you’re deciding on one now. But the constant complaint I still hear from agents is utilization. If you’re not getting use out of these platforms, then you’re not getting ROI. You must utilize them and measure performance if you’re going to see what’s really working. Here are a few questions to ask as you assess them:

1. What is the goal? Reviews, leads, customer experience, referrals, or something else?

2. How much time are they taking? Are they saving your team time, or are they taking time away from other tasks?

3. Are you seeing your goal(s) realized? I’d recommend giving any platform or program a solid six months of use, then take a step back and review the results.

If you and/or your team hasn’t been able to commit to six months of consistent use, I’d encourage you to seek outside help from either the providers themselves or a consultant. Otherwise, you may be throwing money away without ever knowing what might have been.

AI Content

I can’t keep track of the number of meetings and conversations I’ve been in with agents this year where someone has mentioned ChatGPT or some context of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Almost everyone is talking about it. The funny thing is, almost no one has used it. Pew Research shows that barely 14% of Americans have tried ChatGPT, and only 10% have used it in a “work” context. We don’t have the data for all the other similar AI programs, but I would venture to guess that they have even lower adoption.

How does this impact marketing? The initial discussions I heard were that “marketers” would be replaced by AI. Insurance agency blog posts, social media content, design, and advertising could all be handled by these newly advanced processes. However, this isn’t SkyNet. This AI can’t operate on its own, and agency marketing must still be orchestrated by humans.

While there likely is a place for AI-generated content, you’re not “missing the boat” if you’re not using it yet. However, we should all keep an eye on the harbor, because that boat’s schedule could change quickly.

Google Analytics 4

On July 1, Google began to sunset its Universal Analytics (UA) platform in favor of Google Analytics 4 (GA4). While data from UA will still be available for some period of time, the collection of new data from your website that relates to Google traffic will need to be handled in GA4. Unfortunately, the conversion is not an “automatic” process. Whomever handles your analytics (e.g., website provider, digital marketing firm, internal data person, etc.) will need to complete the conversion if they haven’t already.

Why bother? If you want to track the impact of your website, digital marketing, social media, etc. on your agency’s traffic – this is a “necessary evil” for Google. They receive 93% of search traffic, with Microsoft’s Bing at less than 3%. Another 93% stat to note – that’s also the number of Americans that use the internet. To boil it down, pretty much every one of your clients and prospects is using the internet, and almost as many are using Google to search. So, it’s very important to track this type of data.

Insurance is definitely still a referral and relationship business. But what constitutes referrals and relationships now includes digital tools like Google Reviews (the modern “referral”) and social media (the modern “relationship”). While the new marketing tools in the industry aren’t likely to replace what you’re doing now, incorporating and utilizing them to your advantage is just a smart investment for your agency’s future.

See Daniel Smith in Peoria, IL on October 11!

See page 20 for event details or go to ILConvention.com.

august 2023 insight 17
Relationships and Referrals in a Digital World
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Prepared For the
august 2023 insight 19 online journal at www.iiaofil.org/Resources/Insight INSIGHTeINSIGHTAUGUST 2023 phone. Simply put, you get the attention Omaha National Underwriters, LLC is an MGA licensed to do business in the state of California. License No. 078229. “A” (Excellent) rated coverage through Omaha National Insurance Company, Preferred Professional Insurance Company, and/or Palomar Specialty Insurance Company. 844-761-8400 • omahanational.com Adopting & Thriving in Today’s Challenging P&C Landscape What’s New in Agency Marketing How to Map the Insurance Customer Journey Plus October 10-12 • Peoria, IL REFOCUS • CONNECT • EMPOWER In this month’s e-Insight. How To Map Out Your Insurance Agency’s Customer Journey

October 10-12

Marriott Pere Marquette & Peoria Civic Center, Peoria, IL

Earn up to 12 hours of Illinois Continuing Education credit with industry-driven educational programming. You’ll hear about the latest topics and news that matter most to you from leading experts and your peers. But don’t take our word for it. Here is what past attendees are saying:

I initially began attending conferences to expand my knowledge of industry trends, make agency owner connections, and to understand available resources. I continue to attend because the presenters and material is new and different from years prior. The connections I’ve made with other agents have been invaluable.

Given the current volatility of the insurance marketplace today, there is no better time to bolster support from our association as well as seek guidance from the carriers. Convention has always given me the opportunity to network with our colleagues, visit face to face with carriers we currently represent, as well as look for those who may offer a need the agency may have. The CE options have always provided the agency with our needs on different subjects.

Education Sessions


CONVO 2023 offers a variety of education sessions! The schedule allows flexibility so you can customize your time to fit your needs. Empower your team, empower yourself!


Concurrent education sessions provide a little something for everyone in the agency. This year’s topics include:

• E&O/Ethics

• Insurance Game of Games

• Brett’s 2 Sense Nonsense

• Business Interruption

• Sales

• Avoiding Legal Conerns Due to Emerging Trends

• Building Relationships and referrals in a Digital World

• Managing a Remote Workforce

• How to Communicate Your Value in a Hard Market

• Business Planning to Improve Your Agency Valuation

• Best Practices in Agency Compensation

• And so much more!

iia of il
insight august

Schedule (Subject to Change)

Tuesday, October 10

10:00 – 4:00 p.m.

1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

5:00 – 6:00 p.m.

6:00 – 8:00 p.m.


Independent Agent Invitational Golf Outing (See next page.)

Concurrent Education Sessions (CE)

Welcome Reception and Meet & Greet

Kick off CONVO at the Welcome Reception. Enjoy a drink and hors d’ oeuvres before heading out to dinner.

Dutch Dine Arounds/Company Dinners

Head out for dinner with your Company Partners, old friends, or new acquaintances. Don’t have dinner plans? Sign up for the Dutch Dine Arounds with the IIA of IL staff. The IIA of IL has made reservations and travel arrangements. **Hence the name “Dutch,” each attendee is responsible for paying for their own dinner.

6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

8:00 – 11:00 p.m.

Past President’s Dinner (Invite Only)

Game Night

Sit back, relax, and let the good times roll. When you come back from dinner join us for an exciting evening of fun & games.

Wednesday, October 11

7:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast/CONVO Registration Desk Opens

8:00 a.m. – Noon

Keynote General Session (CE) - “Four Ways to Define and Enhance Your Agency Culture”

April Simpkins, SHRM-CP, PHR, CDP, an HR Professional with 30 years of executive-level Human Resources experience will present this energetic and informatin-packed session. View details on the next page. We will also recognize our award recipients including Agent of the Year, Agency of the Year, Young Agent of the Year and more.

11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Lunch and Networking

1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Concurrent Education Sessions (CE)

3:30 – 6:30 p.m. Tradeshow

6:30 – 11:00 p.m. Big Party with Dinner, Dancing, and Drinks

Music, food, drinks, and dancing - this social event is always a good time!

Thursday, October 12

7:00 – 8:30 a.m. Hot Breakfast

8:30 – 11:30 a.m. State of the Association Address

Refocus, Connect, and Empower Your Agency for the Future (CE)

Learn about trends and challenges facing the independent agency system during the State of the Association Address. Association leaders will provide news on legislative and regulatory issues impacting your business and your clients, connect you with tools and resources to navigate the changing market and challenge you to refocus on what matters most to keep your agency ahead of the curve. Chris Cline, Executive Director of Agents Council for Technology, will then challenge attendees to speed up when planning your business strategy for the future. View details on the next page.

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Golf Outing

Tuesday, October 10 - Weaver Ridge Golf Club, Peoria, IL

Join us for a round of golf complete with food and beverages, friendly competition, and a great opportunity to network with agents in advance of CONVO.

Shotgun Start: 10:00 am

$175 Per Golfer

Golf is a separate fee from CONVO registration.

This outing fills up quickly, so secure your spot early!


Networking and Social Events

CONVO 2023 offers several opportunities to grow your circle of knowledgable professionals, make new friends and contacts, and find out what your old friends and peers have been up to.



GAME NIGHT - Tuesday


BIG PARTY - Wednesday

Non-scheduled events offer just as much opportunity to chat: elevator rides, at the buffet tables, at the bar, in the lobby - the chances are endless!


The Midwest’s largest industry tradeshow will be held on Wednesday, October 11 from 3:30 - 6:30 pm.

This is your chance to see what’s new in the industry and meet with your carrier partners. You’ll be able to let the conversations flow during the three-hour tradeshow event. Explore new market opportunities featuring more than 120 top carriers, MGAs, and a variety of other vendors.

22 insight august 2023 iia of il October
10-12, 2023 • Peoria, IL


General Sessions

Four Ways to Define and Enhance Your Agency Culture

According to a recent survey, 46% of job seekers said culture was one of the deciding factors in the application process. In recent years, workplace cultures have undergone a dynamic shift. For many organizations, culture has been redefined by remote work, the talent shortage, increased mental health awareness, and a multi-generational workforce. We have five generations in the workplace, four of which dominate this space. Understanding each generation’s perspective on the changes in culture and leadership can create an engaged team that attracts top talent.

One key element of a healthy culture is ensuring everyone on your team brings their authentic selves to work, feels included in decisions that impact them, and is provided tools and support so they can do their best work. This energetic and information-packed presentation will explain the correlation between leadership, workplace culture, and attracting top talent.

Refocus, Connect, and Empower Your Agency for the

In a world with no shortage of options, risks, and distractions when it comes to technology, it’s important to be nimble but also act with intent. Chris Cline will begin this session by challenging you to slow down to speed up when planning your business strategy for the future. Cline will moderate a panel of experts with various technology backgrounds who will explore industry and tech space trends including artificial intelligence, data, best practices, virtual assistants, and what’s coming next. Finally, we will look at where we go next. You and your agency are leaving a legacy whether you are managing it or not. We’ll close with a powerful discussion on the significance of legacy and taking control of your most personal and valuable asset as Chris Cline shares insights from his new book, The Inertia of Legacy.

Company Opportunities


Your company should be a part of the Midwest’s largest industry tradeshow. Exhibit booths are on sale now. Secure your space right away as this event will sell out quickly!


Studies say it takes seven to 11 times for somebody to see your message and actually remember it. One of the best reasons to sponsor a portion of CONVO is the number of people (over 800!) that will have eyes on your brand. This is an opportunity for your business to solidify your presence in the industry. Plus, sponsoring is yet another way your company can build trust with current and potential agencies.

And to top it off, you’ll be helping keep the costs down for agents to attend the event. Your contracted agencies will continue to attend to increase their knowledge, which in return, could affect your bottom line.


Every person that attends CONVO will receive an event program. This is the guide to the entire event and will be referenced by attendees multiple times throughout the three days, and even after the event is over!

For more details and to register, visit the event website.

Registration fees increase September 1. Register early!

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Sep. 2021

Focus on Customers to Drive Growth and Retention

Insurance will always be a relationship business, but building and maintaining relationships with customers looks different today than it did in the past.

While face-to-face meetings and direct phone calls can be great connection points, they’re difficult to scale. It’s a tall order to meet individually with hundreds of customers, especially more than once a year. And connecting only when it’s time for renewal is no longer enough.

With policy prices increasing and catastrophic weather events bringing about more severe claims, it’s important for agents to proactively communicate with customers to reduce churn. Focusing on customer experience has become more important than ever before for insurance agencies.

Technology can help agents connect with customers more regularly at scale. Automated emails and texts can help agents create regular, personalized touchpoints with customers. Self-service tools can allow customers to easily access their policy information when they need to. Live online chat can help customers quickly and easily get the answers they need.

What’s more, 57% of customers (and 65% of millennial and Gen-Z customers) prefer to do business through digital channels, according to the Salesforce 2022 State of the Connected Customer report.

Robust, consistent and personalized customer experiences across different channels can help insurance agencies better attract new customers and retain current customers.

51% of agents are worried about retaining clients (Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance)

88% of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its products or services (Salesforce)

60% of insurers say their organization lacks a customer experience strategy (IBM Institute of Business Value)

How to improve your insurance agency’s customer experience

Forward-thinking insurance agencies build and iterate on a holistic strategy for customer experience that encompasses the entire customer lifecycle – from the time a prospect first encounters the agency to ongoing relationships that turn customers into advocates and referral partners.

Here are just a few ideas to incorporate into that strategy:

• Take an omnichannel approach. Client relationships don’t have be all in-person or all online. According to Salesforce, 78% of customers have used multiple channels to start and complete a transaction. So, employ multiple channels to reach your clients. For example, perhaps a new customer starts a quote via the quoting tool on your agency’s website, then you follow up via email to get more information, and ask if you can text them updates.

• Use automations to enable frequent communication. Some agency management systems integrate with vendors that allow you to set up automatic emails for recurring events such as client birthdays and anniversaries, or create educational email journeys for certain events (onboarding, buying a home, adding a teen driver, etc.)

• Invest in customer self-service tools. Allowing customers to self-service for simple tasks can help meet customer expectations. It also saves staff time so they can focus on more meaningful activities that deepen customer relationships and drive revenue.

• Create an agency email newsletter. Use the newsletter to highlight stand-out staff members or clients, share how your agency is giving back in your community, and educate clients about how to proactively reduce common risks.

• Use anonymous surveys and tools to gather customer feedback.

Many marketing automation services offer capabilities to measure your net promoter score (NPS), which can help you benchmark customer satisfaction.

This article originally appeared on the Agent for the Future website at https://www.agentforthefuture.com/topics/ agency-operations/playbook/customer-experience-forinsurance-agencies/. For more information on Agent for the Future, go to www.agentforthefuture.com.

august 2023 insight 25
Importance of Customer

How to Map the Insurance Customer

Now more than ever, the customer is in control.

Technology has given the customers more insurance information and options to choose from. That is why agents need to focus their energy on creating a positive and personalized customer experience. According to SMA research, 85% of insurers surveyed stated that customer experience and engagement is their top strategic initiative, making it their top concern.

While engaging and improving the customer experience has long been a concern for insurance companies, it continues to grow in importance. The rise in customer expectations makes it vital that agents understand and proactively meet the needs of their customers.

The customer journey can help agents do just that. By mapping out each part of your customers’ interactions with you and your agency, you can increase engagement and elevate the customer experience.

Here’s what you need to know about the customer journey and tips on how to map one that is unique to your business and customers.

What is the Insurance Customer Journey?

The insurance customer journey is the series of experiences a customer will go through to find and use your insurance services.

Mapping out the customer journey allows you to view their entire experience. It also enables you to understand your customers’ wants, needs, and pain points as they navigate that journey. By mapping out what potential customers go through to become actual customers and interact with your company, you can anticipate and facilitate their experiences.

While each customer’s journey is unique based on their circumstances and motivations, agents can find patterns to anticipate the customer’s next interaction and prepare a response. Agents can improve systems, enhance training, change processes, and set valuable new strategies with a thorough understanding of the customer journey.

How to Map the Customer Journey

When mapping the customer journey, think through each step that takes the customer to your brand. For each stage, lay out what they are thinking, feeling, and experiencing. Also, think through what opportunities you have to reach the customer during each point in the journey. For example, social media, videos, webinars, and an easyto-navigate website or app can target specific parts of the customer journey.

Some of the common steps include:


People typically seek insurance out of necessity rather than desire. What is driving them to find coverage? For example, the birth of a child or approaching retirement age can make a customer realize that their insurance is inadequate. Understanding their underlying motivations is a critical part of the customer journey. It can give you deeper insights to use for marketing and reaching out to clients.


Where are they getting the information about insurance? You can use the research stage to find ways for customers to find your business.

Most people use the internet to start their insurance research: 71% of B2B researchers and 81% of B2C customers start their research online. It makes sense, then, that most insurance agents should mind their digital presence to make it easier for target customers to find them and the information that they need.


The acquisition portion of the journey is where an engaged prospect becomes an actual customer. A seamless acquisition process will help drive a customer to buy from your agency. For example, prospects are 20% more likely to purchase a life policy if the underwriting and application process is closer to real-time.

Beyond the Purchase

Consider the ways customers contact you after purchasing a policy, such as filing a claim updating personal details, requesting their ID cards, and paying premiums. It used to be that once you had a customer, your company was set. However, it’s no longer inconvenient for a customer to leave for your competition. You need a high level of customer service to maintain your customer base.

How your customers experience your services when they need you is incredibly important. Research shows that your customers are more likely than ever to leave if they have a bad experience. In fact, 65% of consumers have cut ties with a company after just one poor customer experience.

Renewal and Retention

Whether a customer decides to renew with you depends on their entire experience with your company at each point of the journey. If they need to continue or change their plan, how easy is it for them to contact you? Do they have to wait on the phone or navigate a difficult website? Their

26 insight august 2023

Customer Journey

experience will affect how they view your business. Also, consider referrals. Do you ask for them? How easy is it for your customers to make referrals or to send you a referral’s contact information?

Mapping the Customer Journey Creates a Stronger Business

Reviewing and mapping the customer journey is vital to both evaluate your customer experience and get a better understanding of your customer. Take time to review your customer journey regularly. Yearly reviews or during pivotal times, such as during COVID-19, can help you see how best to reach your customers and provide a better experience. Also, give your customer journey to the people that interact with your clients the most (producers, account executives, customer support, etc.) and ask them questions such as:

• Are we missing any personas (decision-makers or influencers)? Click here to download our buyer persona template.

• Are we missing any common situations we haven’t accounted for?

• Is there anything that doesn’t seem right?

This is a discovery process. You may not get everything right the first time around, but you want your Customer Journeys to be an accurate representation of your customers’ buying behavior.

This article originally appeared on the Agentero blog at https://blog.agentero.com/post/how-to-map-the-insurancecustomer-journey. Agentero reinvents the insurance network by giving independent agents market access and technology to modernize their agency. To learn more, visit https://agentero.com/.

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To discuss an agency appointment, give us a call at 888.5.SOCIETY or visit societyinsurance.com


Supply chain disruptions, increased consumer demands, a tight labor market, a global pandemic, a couple natural disasters, and a war. These are just a few of the causes that combined have left us in a worldwide state of high inflation. So high in fact that experts are calling it the worst inflation they’ve seen in over two decades.

While it’s true that such high inflation rates wreak havoc across all industries, we’re going to focus on the one we know best - insurance! We’ll cover the effect current outof-control inflation is having on the insurance industry and how industry leaders can use technology to help neutralize its impact.

The Impact of Inflation on the Insurance Industry

While often referred to as recession-proof, the insurance industry isn’t actually immune to the effects of market changes like inflation. As the cost of everything increases, insurers could see claims costing a whole lot more than expected (part of the larger phenomenon of social inflation). Meaning, during periods of high inflation, insurance companies risk not being able to complete their main responsibility - paying claims.

To avoid insolvency, the insurance industry responds to inflation by hardening the market. Brought on in large part by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and an increase in climate and weather related disasters, the insurance industry is currently experiencing ongoing hard market conditions.

What is a Hard Market in Insurance?

A hard market refers to a period of the insurance market cycle that forms as a result of increased demand for insurance products coupled with reduced supply. Hard markets are characterized by increased premiums, stricter underwriting, and reduced capacity for risk. During a hard insurance market, customers will face higher prices on their renewals and lower coverage options for certain risks.

How Does a Hard Market Affect Key Insurance Players?

The effects of a hard market can be seen throughout the insurance distribution channel. From clients to agents to carriers and underwriters, hard market conditions have real world implications on the way these professionals and organizations approach the business of insurance.

How the Insurance


It all starts with underwriters. The market begins hardening as underwriters stick to stricter standards and tighten up policies to minimize losses. Stricter underwriting results in insurance rates increasing and can make certain lines of coverage unattractive, or even unprofitable for carriers to offer.

With fewer coverage options available, insurance customers rely more heavily on their agents to help them find the coverage they need at a price they like. The decrease in coverage options also allows the carriers who are still offering certain coverages to increase their rates even further, without the fear of losing business to competition.

Three Tech Solutions to Respond to a Hard Market

When the market hardens, policyholders rely more heavily on their agent to help them find the best coverage for their specific risks. The fundamental job of an agent, to bridge the gap between clients and insurance carriers, becomes more crucial. Producers looking to increase their value to both clients and carriers in a hard market can do so by leveraging tech solutions to automate processes, aid in risk prevention, and improve data collection.

1. Automate Processes

With costs rising across the board due to inflation, insurance agencies and carriers may be looking for ways to control costs and protect their bottom line. By investing in tech solutions that use automation to streamline operations, these businesses will be able to increase efficiencies and simplify producer work flows.

Digital solutions can help agencies and carriers minimize operational costs by removing human hours spent on manual activities like filling out forms and tracking down license renewals. Eliminating these processes drives a more efficient bottom line and more importantly frees agents and support staff up, allowing them to put more time into helping clients and building stronger relationships. Which is exactly what insurance customers need in a hard market.

2. Aid in Risk Prevention

In a hard market, insurance companies’ appetites for risk shrinks which means the industry needs to shift its focus to be heavy on risk prevention. To help their clients prevent risk, insurance companies can use predictive technologies and next level product and service visualization tools to evaluate current and future risk..

28 insight august 2023

Insurance Industry Can


These tech solutions enable insurance professionals to better predict risks for all types of insurance coverage. Better risk prediction means more accurate pricing, which is vital to an insurance carrier trying to survive a hard insurance market. For example, advanced weather prediction software can help agents better understand their clients needs for flood insurance. And digital twins can replicate large machinery to give insurers a 360-degree view of vulnerabilities and maintenance needs before they become a problem.

A producer who can help their client prevent risk in a hard market with limited coverage availability will gain client trust. Plus, with underwriters less willing to write risk, agents with a better understanding of their clients’ risk have an advantage and can use it to strengthen their relationship with underwriters.

3. Improve Data Collection

Hard market conditions make it more important than ever for agents to foster a strong partnership with their carrier partners. In a soft market, agents might find it more beneficial to shop around when it comes to carriers in order to maximize their commissions, but this strategy won’t work anymore when the market hardens.

When there are a limited number of carriers offering the specific coverage a client needs, agent’s will want to have as many trusted carriers on their side as they can. To improve the relationship between producers and carriers, agencies can invest in data collection solutions that make carriers’ jobs a lot less stressful.

Agencies should look for a tech solution that can improve the quality of their data and streamline their data collection. A technology-backed solution can help agents provide carriers with cleaner data at a more efficient pace. This way, carriers and agents are happy with the backoffice end of their working relationship and can focus more on serving their shared clients.

Moving Forward

The insurance market moves in cycles, meaning, eventually market conditions will change. A hard market will eventually soften as inflation rates stabilize and carriers’ appetite for risk increases again. Agencies and producers can view the current hard market as an opportunity to build stronger relationships with their clients and carriers.

The technology investments insurance professionals make in a hard market will keep benefiting them even as the market softens by continuing to improve workflow efficiencies and add value to clients. The great news is that any agency, carrier, or MGA doing well during a hard market will likely see those benefits carry over and produce even better results in a soft market.

This article originally appeared on the AgentSync website at https://agentsync.io/blog/technology/how-technology-canhelp-the-insurance-industry-survive-a-hardening-market.. If you’re looking to control costs by increasing operational efficiency as inflation eats away your profit margin, AgentSync can help. Our solutions can automate and streamline your agency, carrier, or MGA operations to help your business thrive in hard market conditions.

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Producers looking to increase their value to both clients and carriers in a hard market can do so by leveraging tech solutions to automate processes, aid in risk prevention, and improve data collection.

UFG Insurance Recognized for Innovative Marketing Communications and Video

The Insurance Marketing & Communications Association (IMCA) announced UFG Insurance as a winner of six 2023 Showcase Awards during its Ignite annual conference in June.

“For over 60 years, the IMCA Showcase Awards have recognized the most effective and innovative work from the best minds in insurance marketing and communications,” the association explains on its website.

UFG received three silver and three bronze Showcase Awards for 2022 creative. Honored work includes a baseball-themed contest, social media content, digital collateral, a marketing campaign for the state Land Improvement Contractors Association (LICA), an agent holiday card with digital animation and an inspiring video production of UFG’s Go Beyond Award recipient.

“We are grateful to be recognized by the IMCA for the ingenuity of our marketing and communications team,” states Casey Prince, AVP and marketing communications manager at UFG. “These awards serve as a true testament to our ability to push the boundaries of creativity, innovation and excellence in insurance marketing.”

The organization also received four awards from the 44th Annual Telly Awards in June. UFG was awarded gold for a fully animated holiday message. UFG was also honored with three bronze awards for their employee appreciation, Go Beyond Award and community support videos.

“The caliber of the work this season coming from creators truly has reflected the theme of breaking out and standing out,” said Tellys Executive Director Sabrina Dridje.

The Telly Awards is the premier award honoring video and television across all screens. More than 13,000 entries are received from all 50 states and five continents and are judged by more than 200 leading experts.

SECURA Insurance Named a Top 50 Carrier by Ward Group for 10th Consecutive Year

SECURA Insurance has been acknowledged as one of the top 50 property and casualty insurance companies once again by Ward Group, based on its outstanding performance over a five-year duration (2018-2022). This marks the company’s 10th consecutive year of being honored on this prestigious list, which highlights its exceptional financial strength.

“Earning a spot on Ward’s 50 is always an honor,” said Garth Wicinsky, SECURA President & CEO. “Our inclusion on this list for the past 10 years is a reflection of our associates and independent agents working together to serve our policyholders while achieving long-term growth and financial stability.”

Ward Group is a leader in the insurance industry as a provider of benchmarking and best practices services. Annually, they conduct a comprehensive analysis of nearly 3,000 property-casualty insurance companies in the United States to identify the top performers.

Financial benchmarks include:

• Five Year Average Return on Average Equity

• Five Year Average Return on Average Assets

• Five Year Average Return on Total Revenue

• Five Year Growth in Revenue

• Five Year Growth in Surplus

• Five Year Average Combined Ratio

In addition to being named to Ward’s Top 50, SECURA has an A (Excellent) rating from AM Best, which affirms its solid financial results and ability to pay claims. SECURA is also certified as a Great Place to Work based on associate feedback about the company’s workplace culture, and was ranked number 14 on the Fortune Best Workplaces in Financial Services & Insurance for small and medium companies, number 78 on the Fortune Best Medium Workplaces, and number 66 on Fortune Best Workplaces for Millennials for small and medium companies.

West Bend Again Makes Ward’s 50 List of Top Performers

West Bend Mutual Insurance Company has placed in the coveted Ward’s 50 group of top-performing companies for 2023. The recently released list includes the best industry performers of nearly 3,000 U.S.-domiciled property-casualty insurance companies and nearly 700 life-health insurance companies. West Bend is recognized for its outstanding financial results in the areas of safety, consistency, and performance over five years (2018-2022). It is the tenth consecutive year the company has been included.

The Ward Group’s methodology evaluates key safety and consistency measurements and performance tests. Ward’s 50 identifies companies that pass financial stability requirements and measure their ability to grow while maintaining strong capital positions and underwriting results. To be awarded the designation, companies must pass minimum thresholds of performance.

“Our consistent appearance on Ward’s 50 list is a testament to our associates for their outstanding performance and independent agents who represent West Bend,” stated West Bend’s President, Rob Jacques. “We’re honored to again join the ranks of other top property and casualty insurers in the nation.”

30 insight august 2023 INSIGHT | associate news

West Bend Mutual Insurance Company Builds Out Surety Leadership Team

West Bend Mutual Insurance Company announced changes to its leadership team. First, Jason Enders was promoted to Assistant Vice President – Surety. He’s been with West Bend for more than 16 years, most recently serving as Director of Bonds. Joining West Bend is Lance Cross, who will co-lead as Assistant Vice President –Surety. Lance spent 11 years with IAT Insurance Group in Plano, Texas, as the Regional Manager of Dallas Contract.

“As West Bend continues to build opportunities within the surety market, we will continue to focus closely on developing these types of specialized underwriting capabilities,” stated Rob Jacques, president of West Bend. “Leveraging talented associates, like Jason and Lance, is key to our success.”

Together Jason and Lance will work to refine the organization’s surety market strategy, including developing business growth through expansion in new states beyond the core footprint. This approach involves identifying and nurturing key relationships with West Bend’s independent agency partners capable of broadening coverage in their markets.

Responsive claims handling


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august 2023 insight 31 associate news | INSIGHT
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Thank you to our Associate Members.

Diamond Level

Platinum Level

Progressive Surplus Line Association of Illinois

Gold Level


Blue Cross/Blue Shield of IL

Keystone Insurance Group, Inc.

Pekin Insurance

Silver Level

Imperial PFS

IMT Insurance

SECURA Insurance

West Bend Mutual Insurance Co.

Bronze Level

A. J. Wayne & Associates

AAA Insurance


AmTrust North America

Auto-Owners Insurance Co.

Badger Mutual Insurance Company

Berkley Management Protection

Berkshire Hathaway Guard Insurance Companies

BluSky Restoration Contractors

BriteCo Jewelry & Watch Insurance

Central Illinois Mutual Insurance Company


Columbia Insurance Group

Continental Western Group

Cornerstone National Insurance Company

Cowbell Cyber

Donald Gaddis Company, Inc.

Donegal Insurance Group

EMC Insurance

Encova Insurance

Erie Insurance Group

Foremost Choice Property & Casualty

Forreston Mutual Insurance Company

Frankenmuth Insurance

Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company

IA Valuations

Illinois Mine Subsidence Ins. Fund

Illinois Public Risk Fund

Indiana Farmers Insurance

Insurance Program Managers Group

J M Wilson

Liberty Mutual/Safeco Insurance

Madison Mutual Insurance Company

Main Street America Insurance

Maximum Independent Brokerage, LLC

Mercury Insurance Group

Method Workers Comp

Midwest Insurance Company


NHRMA Mutual Workers’ Compensation

Previsor Insurance & Missouri Employers Mutual

PuroClean Disaster Services

Rockford Mutual Insurance Company

ServiceMaster DSI

SERVPRO of Gurnee

Society Insurance

SPRISKA - Specialty Risk of America


UFG Insurance

UIG - The Agent Agency

Utica National Insurance Group

W. A. Schickedanz Agency, Inc./Interstate Risk Placement

Western National Insurance


august 2023 insight 33
associate news | INSIGHT


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Association Update

July Wrap-Up

IIA of IL Executive Committee Planning Retreat

IIA of IL Executive Committee members met at the end of June for their annual planning retreat to set goals for the upcoming fiscal year. President-Elect Allyson Padilla led the group in planning discussions on segmenting member communications to maximize effectiveness, young agents’ engagement, IIAPAC fundraising, providing resources related to technology, and working with association committees to advance these initiatives.

Annual DuPage Golf Outing

Several IIA of IL staff members attended the DuPage IIA annual golf outing, held in Wheaton on July 24.

Brett Gerger and Evan Manning addressed the group at the reception after the outing. Brett spoke about current market conditions and Evan encouraged attendees to donate to IIAPAC in order to continue IIA of IL’s legislative efforts.

august 2023 insight 35
Independent, Authorized General Agent for An Independent Licensee of the Blue Shield Association

August 16-17

Virtual Event

16 hours of IL CE credit

CE Available in other States, contact IIA of IL for details

Identify the Property and Liability Coverage provided in the Businessowners Policy and what it does and does not cover. Examine additional coverages, extensions, and endorsements to the BOP. Learn the benefits of writing Bailee coverage. Identify exposures covered by a Builders Risk Policy and the “Soft Costs” endorsement.There are so many more topics in this two-day seminar.


New Members member agency

Mt. Carroll Insurance Agency, Inc.

Mt. Carroll, IL

Sabina Martin & Associates Insurance

Oak Lawn, IL

The Youngblood Insurance Group

Louisville, IL

V Financial, LLC

Rolling Meadows, IL

Zirkelbach Insurance Agency, LLC

Ridgway, IL

copper associate member

Novum Underwriting Partners

Aurora, OH

For information regarding IIA of IL membership or company sponsorship, contact Tom Ross, Director of Membership Services, at (217) 321-3003, tross@iiaofil.org.

Pre-Licensing, CIC, CISR, E&O, Ethics, Flood, Webinars

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10-12 Peoria, IL ILConvention.com Mark Your Calendar Education over 30 classes a month

for the insurance professional by the insurance professional


02. Forest Park/Oak Park agency for over 60 years, will meet your needs by providing space, markets, marketing & sales support, automation, merging with or purchasing your agency. Perpetuation/ Succession Plans, BuySell Agreements also available. We have experienced, educated and dedicated staff for you and your clients. Have access to our numerous companies, office services and many other resources. Retain ownership in your book with contingency. Please look closely at us- we are an agency you want to do business with! We’ve done it before, we know how- we make it easy! Visit our website at forestagency.com/agents.html, or call for a confidential discussion and a list of Agency benefits.

Dan Browne will provide an agency evaluation/appraisal at little cost to you. Please call:

Dan Browne or Cathy Hall

Forest Insurance

(708) 383-9000



17. We are an Independent family-owned agency located in the Chicago area. We are looking to expand through growth and acquisition. If you have a small to medium sized agency and are looking to sell, call or send us a message. We are strictly looking for Personal Lines and Small Commercial accounts with preferred companies.

GALO Insurance Agency, Inc

(847) 832-0888



13. We are a 100 year old Northbrook agency looking to discuss any mutually beneficial opportunity. Our producers, mergers, clusters and agency purchases receive 50% commissions on new and renewal business without any expenses. We can provide: office space, phones, agency management system, service renewals and changes. The companies we represent are: Badger Mutual, Employers Mutual, General Casualty, Guide One, Hartford, Kemper, Progressive, Rockford Mutual, Safeco, State Auto, Travelers and Met Life. Contact:

Nancy Solomon

Martini, Miller & Schloss, Inc.

(847) 291-1313




20. Since 2004, Central Illinois Agents Group LLC has been providing independent agents with a variety of markets with contingency opportunities. Agents have availability to several markets that they may not be able to sustain or maintain on their own. We have markets for personal, commercial, agricultural and crop insurance lines. Let us help you get to the next level.


CareerPlug will provide IIA of IL members access to a free account that can be used to post jobs, manage applicants, and improve the organizations’ employment brand. Association members can also access a “Pro” version of CareerPlug for a special rate to take hiring to the next level. Learn more about

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Make Hiring Easier + CareerPlug’s hiring software helps agents attract more qualified candidates, identify the right candidates with confidence, and improve hiring results.
the brand new IIA of IL
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CareerPlug and check out
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Manufactured Homes Rental Dwellings We seek to increase our presence in the manufactured home (1977 or newer) and rental dwelling insurance markets. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us. • No supporting business requirements • Competitive pricing • Attractive commission and contingency schedules • Fast, friendly claims service 208 S Walnut Ave · P.O. Box 686 · Forreston, IL 61030 (815) 938-2273 · (800) 938-2270 (309) 303-1490 · (815) 938-2273 Fax (815) 938-2785 · Email info@forrestonmutual.com www.fmic.org Contact: Carl Beebe 309-303-1490 Agents For Unique Opportunities!
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