e-Insight - November 2019 - NonMember

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November 2019

Editor & Graphic Design - Rachel Romines


Advertising - Tami Hubbell





12 14

Nine Mistakes That Doom a Company’s Marketing

17 20

Cyber... What? Part V

23 24 34 36

By John Graham

Hire Correctly or Drive Yourself Crazy Holding Producers Accountable

By John Chapin

By Brian McSherry

How Drones Are Accelerating Digital Transformation in the Insurance Industry

By Michael Park

AI in Insurance: Working Smarter

By Sharon Emek

CONVO 2019 Highlights Big “I” Level Up Summit Let’s Make a Deal - Buying, Selling and Perpetuating Insurance Agencies

In This Issue

The Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois (IIA of IL) has been providing members with a sustainable competitive advantage since 1899.

7 9 11 19 30

Trusted Choice Industry Government

e-Insight Associate News

31 32 35 37 38

IIA of IL News Board of Directors Profiles Staff Profile People in the News Classifieds

info@iiaofil.org | www.iiaofil.org | (800) 628-6436 or (217) 793-6660 | Fax: (217) 793-6744

2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 2014 • 2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2019

Insight is the official publication of the Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois (IIA of IL). The magazine is published monthly for the members of the IIA of IL, with the office located at 4360 Wabash Avenue, Springfield, Illinois 62711-7009; Consumer Website: www.ChooseIndependent.com. The IIA of IL welcomes letters discussing concerns of the insurance industry, articles, editorials, other matters of interest to the membership. The editor reserves the right to edit and select submissions for publication. Address submissions for review to Rachel Romines at rromines@iiaofil.org. For advertising information, contact Tami Hubbell at thubbell@iiaofil.org.


Board of Directors Executive Committee

Chairman of the Board | Patrick Muldowney (312) 595-7192 | patrick.muldowney@alliant.com



President | Bill Wirth (618) 939-6368 | billw@wirthagency.com



President-Elect | George Daly (708) 845-3311 | george.daly@thehortongroup.com





Vice President | Jay Peterson, AFIS, LUTCF (217) 935-6605 | jay@peterson.insurance Secretary/Treasurer | Bennie Jones (312) 960-6206 | bjones@rmsoa.com IIABA National Director Gregory A. Sandrock, CIC, AFIS (815) 438-3923 | gregsandrock@2cornerstone.com

Regional Directors Region 1 | Lisa Lukens (618) 942-2556 | salibainsurance@gmail.com Region 2 | Joseph Heneghan (618) 639-2244 | joe.heneghan@hwcrins.com Region 3 | Christopher Leming (217) 321-3185 | cleming@troxellins.com





36 8 37








Region 4 | Bart Hartauer, CIC (815) 223-1795 | hartauer@hartauer.com Region 5 | Nick Gunn, CIC (309) 691-1300 | nickgunn@nixonagency.com Region 6 | Thomas Evans, Jr. (779) 220-6564 | tevans@crumhalsted.com Region 7 | Neidra Crosby, CPIA, CISR (708) 597-8731 | ncrosby@insxchg.com Region 8 | Regional Director Position Open Region 9 | Ed Boltz, JD (630) 443-7300 | eboltz@crumhalsted.com Region 10 | Christopher Bassler, CLCS (847) 480-0800 | cbassler@basslerins.com At-Large Director | William Durkin (312) 629-0725 | durkinb@danielandhenry.com At-Large Director | Michael-Charles Hilson (708) 333-3378 | mhilson@gbgins.com At-Large Director | Ryan Hite (309) 688-7316 | ryan.hite@eaglerockins.com At-Large Director | Patrick Taphorn, CIC, CSRM (309) 347-2177 | ptaphorn@unland.com

Committee Chairs Budget & Finance | Bennie Jones (312) 960-6200 | bjones@rmsoa.com Education | Teresa Fleming, CIC, CISR (815) 849-5219 | tess@leffelmanassoc.com Farm Agents Council | Randy Jacobs (309) 365-3231 | rjacobs@mtco.com Government Relations | Kevin Lesch (630) 830-3232 | klesch@arachasgroup.com IIAPAC | Dustin Peterson (217) 935-6605 | dustin@peterson.insurance Planning & Coordination | Cindy K. Jackman, CIC, CISR (800) 878-9891 x8745 | cjackman@arlingtonroe.com Young Agents | Allyson Padilla (618) 393-2195 | allyson@blanksinsurance.com

IIA of Illinois Staff CRM Manager, CONVO Coordinator Shannon Churchill - (217) 321-3004 - schurchill@iiaofil.org

Vice President, Agents Insurance Services Brian McSherry, CIC - (217) 321-3018 - bmcsherry@iiaofil.org

Director of Education and Agency Resources Brett Gerger - (217) 321-3006 - bgerger@iiaofil.org

Office Administrator Kristi Osmond - (217) 321-3007 - kosmond@iiaofil.org

Accounting & Admin Services, Tradeshow Admin Tami Hubbell - (217) 321-3016 - thubbell@iiaofil.org

Director of Communications Rachel Romines - (217) 321-3024 - rromines@iiaofil.org

Director of Human Resources/Board Admin Jennifer Jacobs - (217) 321-3013 - jjacobs@iiaofil.org

Director of Membership Services Tom Ross, CRIS, CPIA - (217) 321-3003 - tross@iiaofil.og

Sr. Vice President/Chief Financial Officer Mark Kuchar - (217) 321-3015 - mkuchar@iiaofil.org

Digital Communications Coordinator Karissa Sweatman - (217) 321-3023 - ksweatman@iiaofil.org

Chief Executive Officer Phil Lackman - (217) 321-3005 - plackman@iiaofil.org

Products & Services Administrator Janet White, CISR - (217) 321-3010 - jwhite.indep12@insuremail.net

Central/Southern Marketing Representative Lori Mahorney - (217) 415-7550 - lmahorney@iiaofil.org

Sr. Products & Services Administrator Carol Wilson, CPIA - (217) 321-3011 - cwilson.indep12@insuremail.net

Government Relations Manager Evan Manning - (217) 321-3002 - emanning@iiaofil.org

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New Feature: “Recommended Agencies” on TrustedChoice.com Trusted Choice has announced a new feature that will bring agents even closer to online insurance prospects. “Recommended Agencies” are now being featured on the consumer-facing content pages on TrustedChoice.com. How does this get your agency in front of more online insurance prospects? TrustedChoice.com has a team of content producers cranking out pieces of content that are SEO rich keywordfriendly. Seriously, there are thousands and thousands of articles published online with more being created every day.

With this new feature, when a prospect is searching the internet for local insurance and comes across one of those articles, they will see “Recommended Agencies” attached to that content. Trusted Choice is making it much easier for prospects to find local independent insurance agents. For example, a prospect who is shopping for home insurance online may come across one of our home insurance articles. That prospect will now see a local Advantage “Recommended Agency” appear on that page. Login to TrustedChoice.com/Agents for more information.

Our new website features made-for-you materials, content-to-share, training, lead generation, a live chat with the team and so much more!

Visit trustedchoice.com/agents to learn more! november 2019



industry | INSIGHT

Composite Rate for Personal Lines Insurance Rises to Plus 4.5% Homeowners Rates Continue to Increase Across US The composite rate for personal lines continued to increase. Rates increased from plus 3.5 percent in the second quarter 2019 to plus 4.5 percent in the third quarter.

By MarketScout

Average rates for homeowners coverage for large homes over $1,000,000 in coverage A value increased the most at plus 6.5 percent. This is a notable increase and is somewhat driven by large homes in CAT prone areas such as California and Florida. Rates for homes under $1,000,000 also increased from last quarter. Rates for auto and personal articles coverages increased by one full percentage point from the third to the fourth quarter. Richard Kerr, CEO of MarketScout noted, “So far we have not been hit hard with any catastrophic losses in the second half of 2019. Had Hurricane Dorian continued on to mainland Florida as a category 4 or 5 storm, agents and brokers would really be scrambling. Even without a hit from Dorian, CAT exposed homes are suffering significant increases.” The National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research conducted pricing surveys used in MarketScout’s analysis of market conditions. These surveys help to further corroborate MarketScout’s actual findings, mathematically driven by new and renewal placements across the United States. A summary of the third quarter 2019 personal lines rates is set forth below. Personal Lines Homeowners under $1,000,000 value Homeowners over $1,000,000 value Automobile Personal Articles

Up 4% Up 6.5% Up 4.5% Up 3.5%

MarketScout is a national MGA and wholesale broker specializing in assisting agents in placing high net worth personal lines business. For more information, please visit MarketScout.com.

Premium Trends by Personal Lines Third Quarter 2019 6.5%



Homeowners under $1M november 2019


Homeowners over $1M


Personal Articles insight


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online journal at www.iiaofil.org/Resources/Insight


20 19


DIGITA IN THEL TRANSF ORMAT INSUR ION ANCE INDUS How D ro ne T s Are A Digital R Y cc Tr elerat ansfor in

ing the Insu m rance ation Indust ry Artifici in Insu al Intelligenc e Workingrance: Smar te r


In this month’s e-Insight. november 2019









October 2, 2019 24


1 IIA of IL Pre sident, Bill Wirth , with Agent and Agency of the Year Winne r, Keenan Rice, Eclipse Insurance Agency, DuQu oin, IL 2 Young Agent of the Year, Du stin Peterson and family 3 C SR of the Year, Jessica Eyler 4 Charles M. C artwright Merit Award Winner, Ken Samson 5 Regional Directo r of the Year, Tess Fleming N ot pictured Chai rperson of the Year, Lindsey P olzin november 2019

October 1, 2019 november 2019



October 1, 2019 26


november 2019

October 2, 2019 november 2019



October 2, 2019 28


november 2019

Donations Come in Big for IIAPAC Beginning with the IIA of IL Golf Outing and ending with the Big Party, nearly $19,000 was raised for the Independent Insurance Agents Political Action Committee (IIAPAC). Members of IIA of IL local associations and Regional Directors demonstrated their commitment to IIAPAC by donating funds raised through local events and activities. This year’s fundraising efforts also included a silent auction with a wide range of donated items. The auction raised $5,500. The IIA of IL supports legislators and candidates through IIAPAC contributions, as well as active involvement with political campaigns. Funds raised by IIAPAC are used to assist the association’s continuing efforts to educate and support members of the General Assembly on legislation impacting agencies, companies and insurance consumers. To find out more about IIAPAC or make a contribution, please visit: www.iiaofil.org/ Government/Political-Action-Committees/IIAPAC.

1 Brent Timmerman, The Hanover Insurance Group, presented Evan Manning,

Government Relations Manager for the IIA of IL, with a $5,000 contribution.


To see the full collection of pictures visit www.facebook.com/IIAofIL

October 2 & 3, 2019 november 2019



INSIGHT | associate news Thank you to our Associate Members.

Diamond Level Members

Platinum Level Progressive

Gold Level AAA Insurance Arlington/Roe Blue Cross/Blue Shield of IL Surplus Line Association of Illinois

Silver Level Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company Imperial PFS IMT Insurance A. J. Wayne & Associates AFCO Credit Corporation AMERISAFE AmWINS Brokerage of the Midwest, LLC Aon Programs Auto-Owners Insurance Co. Berkshire Hathaway Guard Insurance Companies Burns & Wilcox, Ltd. Chicagoland Carstar Columbia Insurance Group Continental Western Group Donald Gaddis Company, Inc. Donegal Insurance Group Encompass Insurance Encova Insurance Erie Insurance Group Foremost Insurance Group Forreston Mutual Insurance Company Frankenmuth Insurance Grange Insurance Illinois Mine Subsidence Insurance Fund Illinois Public Risk Fund Indiana Farmers Insurance Insurance Program Managers Group J C Restoration J M Wilson Kemper Keystone Insurance Group, Inc. KPA, LLC dba Succeed/KPA 30


Nationwide West Bend Mutual Insurance Co.

Bronze Level Larry Gordon Agency Liberty Mutual/Safeco Insurance Madison Mutual Insurance Company MarshBerry Maximum Independent Brokerage, LLC Mercury Insurance Group MetLife Auto & Home Midwest Insurance Company miEdge NatGen Premier NHRMA Mutual Workers’ Compensation PEOPLE Previsor Insurance ProAg Management Inc PuroClean RT Specialty - Naperville Selective Insurance Company of America ServiceMaster DSI Society Insurance Specialty Risk of America Transcom General Agency Travelers UIG - The Agent Agency United Fire Group Universal Property & Casualty Utica National Insurance Group W. A. Schickedanz Agency, Inc./Interstate Risk Placement Western National Insurance Westfield november 2019

iia of il news | INSIGHT

Education Classes november

6 6 7 7 8 13 13 19 21 21 21 26

CIC - Commercial Casualty Springfield Pre-Licensing Course Property & Casualty Belleville On Ethics: Data, Dilemmas & Knuckleheads Webinar CISR - Insuring Commercial Property Rolling Meadows Ethics Rolling Meadows CISR-Personal Lines Miscellaneous Springfield E&O: Roadmap to Policy Analysis Webinar E&O: Roadmap to Policy Analysis Webinar Pre-Licensing Course Life & Health Rolling Meadows Ethics and Agent Liability Webinar E&O Risk Management Webinar E&O Risk Management Webinar

New Members


3 3 4 11 11 11 12 17 17 26 30

Ethics & E&O: Synergy Not Rivalry Webinar Pre-Licensing Course Life & Health Belleville CIC - James K. Ruble Graduate Seminar Elk Grove Village E&O: Roadmap to Policy Analysis Webinar Pre-Licensing Course Property & Casualty Rolling Meadows Pre-Licensing Course Property & Casualty Springfield E&O: Roadmap to Policy Analysis Webinar Ethics and the Law Webinar Pre-Licensing Course Life & Health Rolling Meadows E&O Risk Management Webinar E&O Risk Management Webinar

member agency EZ Insurance Group, Inc. Des Plaines, IL

copper associate member Brouwer Brothers Steamatic Alsip, IL Pie Insurance Denver, CO For information regarding IIA of IL membership or company sponsorship, contact Tom Ross, Director of Membership Services, at (217) 321-3003, tross@iiaofil.org.

november 2019

Online Education www.iiaofil.org November & December Featured Online Classes BOP... Planning for the Unexpected | Condos On Ethics; Data, Dilemmas and Knuckleheads Business Income - Beyond the Basics | Ethics Additional Insureds and Certificates of Insurance Workers Compensation | Errors & Omissions The Dirty Dozen | And More!



Board of Director Profi

George Daly President-Elect

The Horton Group, Orland Park, IL President – Personal Insurance Division Number of Years with Agency: 14 Year You Started in Insurance: 1984 Education: BA Marketing, Chicago State University and Master’s Business, University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business Current or Past Civic, Political, or Community Service Activities: Prior to joining the IIA of IL Executive Committee, Daly served as a Regional Director, Government Relations Chair and At-Large Board Member. Community activities include: Tinley Park Fire Department - Firefighter 2001-2009; Challengers Field (Building a baseball field where everyone can play) Fundraising Director 2013- Present; Challengers Program - Coaching kids with special needs 2016-Present; Andrew Athletic Booster Club - Vice President 2013-Present; Franciscan Alliance Foundation Board 2016-Present; St Elizabeth Seton - Athletic Advisory Board 2004-2018; Andrew High School Principal Advisory 2015-Present What do you feel are major challenges facing our Association today? Lack of member engagement and agency perpetuation What suggestions do you have to respond to these challenges? I would like to see everyone more engaged in attending IIA of IL road shows/education opportunities, conventions and contributing toward IIAPAC. I would also love to see agencies focus on developing long term succession plans that will allow them to remain independent.

Lisa Lukens Region 1 Director

Saliba-Yewell Insurance Services, Inc., Herrin, IL Number of Years with Agency: 38 Year You Started in Insurance: 1981 Education: Southern IL University Current or Past Civic, Political, or Community Service Activities: Herrin Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, TLC Therapy Center Board of Directors, and the Herrin Education Foundation Board of Directors



What do you see at the greatest benefit to IIA of IL membership? The fact that the IIA of IL serves as a tremendous advocate for our industry. As you know, Insurance is regulated at the State level. The Association staff is well respected by our legislators who regulate our industry. The trust and respect that have been built provide every member with a seat at the table for many issues that are brought forward by our legislators. What advice do you have to share with someone considering a volunteer position with the IIA of IL? Please don’t feel that you can’t make a difference. You have a lot to offer the industry. Get involved, as it’s very satisfying knowing that the work you do will impact current and future independent agents. Please consider using your talent and skill to make that difference for all independent agencies in our state. What do you feel are major challenges facing our Association today? One major challenge that the association is facing would be engaging agency participation. The association recently announced some major new initiatives at the most recent convention that will enhance the types of services provided to agents by the association which should result in better membership engagement. What suggestions do you have to respond to these challenges? The association needs to continue to engage a wider number of agencies to participate in the services provided by communicating the value of these services. One area of training that is very beneficial to small, independent companies is in the areas of sales training and electronic marketing in order to stay relevant in understanding the changing consumer shopping behaviors. november 2019


Patrick Taphorn At-Large Board Member James Unland & Co., Inc., Pekin, IL President Number of Years with Agency: 30 Year You Started in Insurance: 1989 Education: University of Wisconsin – Green Bay Current or Past Civic, Political, or Community Service Activities: Past Boards and/or Organizations: Pekin Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Pekin Chamber of Commerce President American Cancer Society Board of Directors United Way Board of Directors Peoria Area Sports Commission Current Boards and/or Organizations: Pekin High School - Assistant Varsity Basketball Coach for 27 years Pekin Economic Development Advisory Board Unity Point Pekin Hospital Foundation Board IIA of IL - At-Large Board Member Hometown Community Bancorp Board of Directors What do you feel are major challenges facing our Association today? Hiring and developing new, young talent to carry on what so many have built over the years. What suggestions do you have to respond to these challenges? Continue to promote and market our business model to those still in school through internship programs and community support to assist with branding our agency name and business segment.

What do you see at the greatest benefit to IIA of IL membership? Networking with high level professionals who can assist each other with best practices to effectively grow our business. This benefit is also derived from the vast array of product and service offerings from the IIA staff to help all agents achieve optimum results. What advice do you have to share with someone considering a volunteer position with the IIA of IL? A volunteer position with the IIA of IL will only enhance many aspects of your professional career. The long-term business and personal relationships you will gain from being involved in the association will give you tremendous balance and provide dividends to you that can’t be measured. What has been the most rewarding, for you personally, about your service on the board? Developing my professional knowledge of how the association can help me and my agency, along with learning from others on the board and staff as to how to best carry out the mission of the independent agency system.

I also think that training around understanding the various communication styles of Millennials would be very beneficial to the current membership. What advice do you have to share with someone considering a volunteer position with the IIA of IL? I highly recommend a volunteer position with the IIA of Illinois. By engaging with professionals in the industry you will learn the daily activities involved in running an insurance office. In addition, you will have the opportunity to serve on committees and learn the work that is involved with legislative issues that affect our industry. The knowledge you will gain and the network of professionals you will meet is well worth the commitment of a volunteer position.

november 2019



As our neighborhoods and cities continue to grow in multiculturalism, it is critical that our independent agency channel proactively embraces such change by collectively weaving diversity and inclusion into the fabric of our business practices. The Big “I� Level Up Agent Summit brings independent agents, association leaders, carriers and other industry representatives together to learn key business strategies to enhance agency growth, innovation and sustainability through diversity and inclusion. Featured topics include sales, agency operations, leadership, marketing, and technology.

Discover new customer markets. Attract the next generation of all-stars. Understand demographic buying power. Create an inclusive workplace. Avoid EPLI landmines. And must more...

Scholarships Available!

Many IIA of IL members are challenged by limited resources in their pursuit of gaining the tools they need to better manage their business. To help members experience the difference the Level Up Agent Summit can make, IIA of IL offer is offering five $500 scholarships to the Summit. Scholarship applications are due by end of business, Friday, November 22. All applicants will be notified of selection via email after November 30. Go to www.iiaofil.org/Level-Up-Agent-Summit to submit your application.


Staff Profile Karissa Sweatman Digital Communications Coordinator

What do you/will you like most about your job? Filming, editing and producing videos. Tell us about the first job you ever had: I was a waitress at a local restaurant chain in PA. If you could have any career other than this what would it be? Inspirational speaker What is your favorite: Pastime: Trying new restaurants & travelling with my husband Food: Pickles, pizza, nachos, tacos, ice cream Movie: Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder version), John Wick movies, Marvel movies TV Show: The Good Place, The Office, Mindhunter Band: Paramore Tell us about your family: In June, I married the love of my life, Cam. My parents have been married for 37 years and they live in Pennsylvania. I’m the oldest of two sisters and a brother. One sister lives in California with her husband and her daughter/my goddaughter. My brother, other sister and her husband and son live in Pennsylvania. I miss them all dearly! Most of Cam’s side of the lives in the area and we get to see them often. Name one thing on your bucket list: Witness the Northern Lights What is your biggest fear? Not living up to my potential and accomplishing my dreams and goals. Of what are you most proud either personally or professionally? Leaving a stressful career. It meant moving four states away to a city where I knew no one, but it was one of the best decisions of my life. Name something people would be surprised to know about you. I love snakes. I was a child beauty queen.

Let’s Make a


Buying, Selling and Perpetuating Insurance Agencies November 14 11:00 am - 1:30 pm

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IIA of IL Office Springfield $15 - Member $25 - Non-Member Lunch Included


• Legal aspects of buying, selling and mergers & acquisitions - HeplerBroom • Financing an agency purchase or securing a line of credit - BMO Harris • Personal experience of selling an agency - Brian McSherry • IIA of IL Resources: E&O, Cyber and Bonds - Brian McSherry • Personal experience of merging an agency and selling to a private equity firm - Tom Ross • Alliance programs and/or AMS systems - Tom Ross • Critical points to consider after the sale - BDF, LLC

Who Should Attend?

Those that are thinking of buying, selling, merging, or starting an independent insurance agency. AUTO | HOME | BUSINESS



Register at www.iiaofil.org/events november 2019

people in the news | INSIGHT Arlington/Roe Announces Vice-President Promotions

Kent enjoyed hunting, sporting clays, fishing and playing golf. He shared these hobbies with his grandchildren and could always be seen at their sporting events.

Julie Hawkins was named Vice President, Casualty Practice Leader. She began her Arlington/Roe career in 2013 as a senior broker. Her prior experience includes work for insurance companies as a multiline broker, reinsurance broker and commercial underwriter. Hawkins has also worked for large brokerage firms.

Farley is survived by his wife of 56 years, Sandra; sons, Tim (Michele) Farley and Chad (Holly) Farley both of Newton, IL; grandchildren, Lea (Matt) Creadore, Cole Farley, Ross Farley and Luke Farley; great grandchild, Colin Creadore; brother, Gary (Diane) Farley of Newton, IL; sister-inlaw, Glendeth Meese of Avon Park, FL; brothers-in-law, Norman (Pat) Hildebrand and Vernon (Martha) Hildebrand both of Newton, IL.

James A. Roe, President and CEO of Arlington/Roe, has announced the promotions of three employees.

Emily Marker, INS, AINS, was named Vice President, Property Practice Leader. She most recently served as a property broker after joining the Arlington/Roe brokerage team in 2015. Marker has been in the insurance industry since 2001, gathering experience at an insurance company as well as at a large wholesale broker, with a focus on property and inland marine. She holds designations in General Insurance (INS) and Associate in General Insurance (AINS).

Farley was preceded in death by his parents, and his father and mother-in-law Clarence and Hazel Hildebrand. The IIA of IL staff and Board of Directors send their deepest condolences to the family and friends of Kent Farley.

Sonyia Townsend was named Vice President Professional Liability, Practice Leader. She joined Arlington/Roe in 2008. Before moving to Indianapolis, she worked for recreational vehicle manufacturers in warranty and human resource departments. Townsend has a degree from Lipscomb University and is working toward her Registered Professional Liability Underwriter (RPLU) designation.

In Memoriam Kent Farley, age 77, of Newton, IL, passed away on Sunday, October 6, 2019. Farley was born on November 11, 1941, in Olney, IL, the son of Clyde and Lois (Harrison) Farley. He graduated from Newton Community High School in 1959. Kent married Sandra Hildebrand on February 3, 1963, at the Willow Hill United Methodist Church in Willow Hill, IL. Farley started working as an insurance agent at the age of 21. In 1970, he and his wife, Sandra, purchased the Marshall Insurance Agency in Yale. In 1971, they purchased the Johnson- Kellogg Agency in Newton. Over the next 48 years, they purchased several other insurance agencies. The Farley Insurance Agency grew into a true family business, as his brother Gary, sons Tim, Chad and grandson Matt joined the agency. Farley was a faithful member of the First Baptist Church in Newton. He was also a member the Newton Masonic Lodge #216, Ainad Shrine Temple, Jasper County Shrine Club, 50 plus year member of the Olney Elks, Moose Lodge, National Sporting Clay Association and the Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois where he served as a Regional Director. november 2019


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Dan Browne will provide an agency evaluation/appraisal at little cost to you. Please call:

43. Local, independent insurance agency in Normal, Illinois is looking to hire a career minded individual as an Account Manager in our Commercial Lines Department. Job consists of working with the various companies represented in quoting new/renewal business, making changes to policies and to assist customers with their insurance needs. Previous insurance experience and working knowledge of an agency management system is preferred. Property and Casualty license with State of Illinois is mandated. Excellent pay, benefits, 40lK and summer hours Memorial Day- Labor Day. Applicant must be professional in appearance, have a strong work ethic, and have good organizational skills. Contact:


32. Are you a dynamic individual with prior insurance sales experience? This candidate will earn the opportunity to be the agency’s perpetuation plan and eventual owner of the agency. In this process, the producer will earn 50% split on commission and have the ability to earn ownership of their book of business, at no cost to the producer. The agency has an outstanding loss ratio/experience, exceptional relationships with Insurance Carrier’s that are A++ RATED and extremely competitive. We also have expertise in the niche markets. The right candidate should possess a strong sense of independence, motivation, excellent communication skills, leadership qualities, excelling in a fast-paced environment, establishing and meeting deadlines, self-starter, sales driven and most importantly, have integrity. Our agency has been family owned since 1940. Contact:

Bill Preston Preston Insurance Agency, Inc. (309) 265-5774

02. Forest Park/Oak Park agency for over 60 years, will meet your needs by providing space, markets, marketing & sales support, automation, merging with or purchasing your agency. Perpetuation/ Succession Plans, BuySell Agreements also available. We have experienced, educated and dedicated staff for you and your clients. Have access to our numerous companies, office services and many other resources. Retain ownership in your book with contingency. Please look closely at us- we are an agency you want to do business with! We’ve done it before, we know how- we make it easy! Visit our website at forestagency.com/agents.html, or call for a confidential discussion and a list of Agency benefits.

Dan Browne or Cathy Hall Forest Agency (708) 383-9000 www.forestagency.com/contact-us/mergersacquisitions/


13. We are a 100 year old Northbrook agency looking to discuss any mutually beneficial opportunity. Our producers, mergers, clusters and agency purchases receive 50% commissions on new and renewal business without any expenses. We can provide: office space, phones, agency management system, service renewals and changes. The companies we represent are: Badger Mutual, Employers Mutual, General Casualty, Guide One, Hartford, Kemper, Progressive, Rockford Mutual, Safeco, State Auto, Travelers and Met Life. Contact:

Nancy Solomon Martini, Miller & Schloss, Inc. (847) 291-1313 Ron@martini-miller.com


20. Since 2004, Central Illinois Agents Group LLC has been providing independent agents with a variety of markets with contingency opportunities. Agents have availability to several markets that they may not be able to sustain or maintain on their own. We have markets for personal, commercial, agricultural and crop insurance lines. Let us help you get to the next level.

Visit www.ciagonline.com for contact information.



november 2019

© SECURA Insurance

LEXIE • Born into an insurance agency; worked at two of them • Loves the Green Bay Packers, music, her toddlers… in reverse order • A decade of insurance experience

Has walked in your shoes

Meet Lexie, one of our Commercial experts. Agents call her first because she’s worked at an agency and knows what they want. She’s quick to reply, open-minded, and knows her stuff; just like her colleagues. She may even trash talk football or the latest breakout rock band. High standards you can rely on from real people. Plus, they’re backed by our caring claims group who will get your clients back on their feet. SECURA Commercial. It’s how you get ahead. secura.net/commercial

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