HR Bulletin Volume 80

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H U M A N E - R | V O L U M E 80


Optimising employee well-being in 2022 The new reality of work is one in which companies need to make sure employees are supported, empowered, and heard. This year, well-being must become a pillar of business operations. The pandemic presented companies with the opportunity to genuinely invest in employee well-being and have a framework in place that reacts to their concerns. It’s time for employee-centric policies to become a fundamental component of how businesses operate in the long run. Empathy is no longer a "feel-good" aspect, but a strategic necessity. It is a key driver of employee outcomes such as innovation, engagement, and inclusiveness, particularly during times of crisis. In the last 20 months, the way we work has been evolving - going from a completely remote scenario to now gradually moving to a hybrid format. As we step into 2022, the pandemic continues to be a learning curve for businesses as they navigate new challenges and solutions.


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The impact of this evolving work dynamic has driven a renewed focus towards employee well-being for businesses everywhere. Healthy and happy employees not only have a better quality of life and increased work productivity, they are also more likely to positively contribute to society. Even as lines between work and life continue to blur, the case for prioritising mental, emotional, and physical wellness in the workplace has never been stronger. From a business perspective, it’s not about productivity alone. Organisations that adopt mental wellness initiatives also increase employee loyalty, innovation, and ownership. As we approach a new work reality – one that is finding the right balance between physical and remote working – organisations must look for more in-depth and tangible ways to understand what employees require in order to feel supported, more empowered and heard. Empathetic leadership must take centre-stage The relevance of holistic mental well-being has been widely recognised globally, putting the spotlight on empathetic leadership. Empathy is no longer a "feel-good" aspect, but a strategic necessity. It is a key driver of employee outcomes such as innovation, engagement, and inclusiveness, particularly during times of crisis. Studies suggest that over 76% of employees who reported their managers to be empathetic felt more engaged, innovative and motivated at work. The focus of the 'new work' paradigm should be on purpose, fulfillment, and employee well-being. As leaders, creating a healthy communication channel for employees not only results in increased levels of passion and motivation across teams, but is also a vital component of a thriving work environment. Evolving needs, evolving solutions While mental wellness has always been a critical aspect of human resource functions, the pandemic’s influence on employee wellness requires more agile, and innovative responses from organisations today. Working nimbly, receiving feedback with an open mind, and course-correcting positively can have a far reaching impact in ensuring a lasting employee experience that prioritizes wellbeing. By offering benefits like free online therapy or counselling sessions or training executives on compassionate leadership, businesses can further nurture employee well-being and promote workplace resilience. A large number of empirical studies confirm that positive social connections at work produce highly desirable results. Taking proactive steps towards building a culture of well-being that enables transparent communication, empowers employees to speak up, and creates a culture of holistic well-being can have a far-reaching impact. Learning to work flexibly as a team without bureaucratic or departmental boundaries, as well as breaking down silos will further enhance healthy communication and collaboration at a time when it is needed the most. Putting people and wellness first People management is a skill, leadership is the mastery of many more. As leaders and people managers, one of the prime responsibilities we shoulder is encouraging employees to take enough time off or breaks to recharge and avoid burnout. At BYJU'S, our top priority is to build a culture of holistic well-being. This means going beyond physical health and taking into account other factors— emotional, mental and social well being. Apart from Initiatives like BYJU’S Let’s Talk, an employee wellness programme that provides access to 24x7 one-on-one online counselling, we also have regular check-ins and virtual meetups where employees can connect with each other, fostering a culture of trust, support, and flexibility. While the pandemic has completely upended the way businesses operate, it has given companies the opportunity to genuinely invest in employee well being and have a framework in place that reacts to their concerns. It is imperative that leaders lay the foundations for employee-centric policies to become a fundamental component of how businesses operate in the long run.

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A letter to the young Indian employees from President Ram Nath Kovind "The new stress on family time should be welcome for male employees, so that they can share some of the responsibilities of their partners,” pens down Indian President Ram Nath Kovind. In a letter to the young Indians, President Ram Nath Kovind said that working from home has put women under a “triple burden”. The letter titled "Arise, The Future Beckons" has been published in the Manorama Yearbook 2022. He wrote that women employees are facing extra burdens while working remotely. He noted, "On top of that, as children attend school from home, their learning has to be supplemented by the parents, and that task usually falls on the mother.” In the letter, Kovind has requested the male employees to share the burden of the family works with their partners for both of them to stay productive. He pointed out that at times, with increased working hours and less work-life balance, productivity starts falling, and responsibility lies with both male and female partners. Addressing the young Indians in their twenties, President Kovind said that this is the age for them to build their career and that question is “bound to be uppermost in your minds”. However, he noted that due to several social imperatives, many young people often equate a career with a job. Though that is understandable, a career may not necessarily mean a job. He noted that in India, the private sector has also contributed to the economic growth immensely and had plenty of opportunities which seek talented workers…

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#PMWPC: Twitterati deliberate on driving workforce productivity Top business, tech, finance, and talent leaders in today’s People Matters Tweetchat highlight the key productivity barriers, discuss the skills that leaders need to overcome the risks and boost productivity, and talk about the role of Augmented Organisation in driving performance. The main challenge confronting business and talent leaders in the new reality is productivity and performance of their employees. Those that are quick to deploy and leverage technology, change their policies, adjust their workplace practices, and respond to their employees' needs, are able to stay afloat. There is ample evidence of this in the way businesses adapted once the pandemic struck. But is this enough? As the pandemic continues to cast its long shadow well into its third year, and employees remain distributed, how can organisations continue to innovate and tackle the productivity crisis? On Friday, chief executives, finance heads, marketing mavens, tech enablers, talent leaders, and workplace experts came together on Twitter to brainstorm on the topic: Building An Augmented Organisation To Drive Productivity & Performance. Here are some interesting, yet relevant insights from delightful conversations that the Twitterati participated in a tweetchat hosted by People Matters today…

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Future-proofing your talent against business disruptions in 2022 In the face of incoming technological disruptions, upskilling the workforce in line with labour market trends will yield success for organisations looking to attract, retain their talent and gain a competitive edge in the industry. The McKinsey Global Survey on future workforce needs reports nearly 9 in 10 executives and managers say their organizations either face skill gaps already or expect gaps to develop within the next five years. These findings suggest that companies lack the talent they will need in the future: 44 % of respondents say their organizations will face skill gaps within the next five years, and another 43 % reported existing skill gaps. That’s a total of 87 % who say they either are experiencing skills gaps now or expect them within a few years. According to PwC, 133 million new jobs will require upskilling by 2022. Hence companies will have to re-skill or upskill their work forces to meet their demands and this is a financially beneficial route as opposed to onboarding new hires. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are no longer mere buzz words, it is integrated with every technology and vertical domains. Workforces should be reskilled or upskilled in a range of power Skills like Hybrid Working, Crisis Handling, Leadership during crisis, Collaboration, Team Management, Communication & Empathy, along with in-demand technology skills. Also, Colleges/Universities should focus on in-demand skills of their students based on the job market trends. Not just soft skills, but also skilling up in significant interview techniques, building aptitude and logical reasoning along with digital skills in line with technology trends…

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Innovating your work culture and EVP: Where does purpose fit into the business strategy? In a series of conversations with top HR leaders, People Matters gained invaluable insights about building a purpose led organisational culture that aligns in building a strong employer brand and reaps benefits for any business transformation strategy. With increasing certainty, one can consider that the year 2022 will rely on a hybrid working model, even Forrester analyst Sharyn Leaver has predicted that 60% of organizations will shift to a hybrid model in 2022, but one-third will fail in their first attempt at anywhere work. One of the reasons for this failure can indeed be attributed to the challenges of sustaining work culture in an increasingly remote world. It is also becoming increasingly evident that workplace culture will have a tremendous impact on the EVP of organisations and following that, talent acquisition and retention. LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends Report for 2022 reveals that 40% of candidates consider company culture a top priority when picking a job. In line with this finding, TEAM LEWIS’s recent research also reports that Gen Z, who will make up a huge portion of the candidate-led talent market, has been found to be increasingly purpose driven. As a result, salaries and benefits on their own can no longer be adequate. Organisations must lay the foundation for and sustain a broader purpose which fuels their workplace culture. In a series of conversations with top HR leaders, People Matters delved deep into the significance of work culture and EVP in any organisation’s business strategy. Moreover, it also gained invaluable insights on what leaders can do better in this arena…

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