Balanced Scorecard Forum

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Balanced Scorecard & Strategy Summit

16-21 March 2013 • The Address Hotel, Dubai Marina, Dubai, UAE



Packed full of brand NEW features for 2013! NEW Strategy Summit – an entire day dedicated to strategy


formulation, execution, leadership, business excellence and risk management Jeroen de Flander – with fresh NEW thinking on strategy execution from his upcoming book Leaders Live Panel – hear direct from the region’s pioneering CEOs on sustainable business success in the Middle East Dedicated programme streams for Balanced Scorecard in the private and government administration sectors More audience interaction – brand new discussion sessions to brainstorm solutions to your unique challenges “How To” Clinics – short, sharp and focused practical training sessions Leading regional and international Hall of Fame success stories


Jeroen De Flander

With NEW insights from his upcoming book – Strategy Execution Shortcuts – and the best from his successful session in 2012!

HEAR LEADING EXPERIENCES FROM Abunayyan Holding Company ACWA Power International ADWEA Al Ghurair Group Ashghal Dana Gas Department of Economic Development - Dubai du Dubai Customs Ducab ENOC First Philec Solar Corporation International Medical Center Jumeirah Group Kiwibank Musanada National Bank of Abu Dhabi Qatar Petrochemical Company Seven Sisters Company Tata Chemicals University Health Network and more…

Pre Event Workshops

16 March 2013

“How To” Clinics

21 March 2013

A: Strategy Execution In Government

D: Linking Performance To Reward

B: Strategy Formulation For The Strategy Driven Organisation

E: Key Performance Indicators

C: Enterprise Risk Management

F: Aligning Budget With Strategy

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Agenda At A Glance



Sat, 16 March

Sun, 17 March

Pre Event Workshops A/B/C

Strategy Summit Featuring Guru Afternoon with Jeroen de Flander, The Strategy Execution Ambassador

Mon, 18 March

Tues, 19 March

Wed, 20 March

Thur, 21 March

Balanced Scorecard Forum Kaplan Norton Masterclass

Private Sector Stream

Balanced Scorecard Forum

Government Administration Stream

NEW for 2013! Strategy Summit

“How To” Clinics D/ E/F

Sunday, 17 March 2013

The brand NEW Strategy Summit goes beyond the Balanced Scorecard to take a broader look at the key strategy formulation, strategy execution, business excellence and risk management challenges and themes faced by businesses and organisations in the Middle East today.


08.00 Opening Remarks From The Chairman Constantin Salameh, Group CEO, Al Ghurair Group, UAE 08.30 Leaders LIVE Panel: Delivering Sustainable Success In Challenging Times – Key Lessons From Middle East Business Leaders • Do businesses in the Middle East have a higher appetite for risk than their developed world counterparts? • How are regional companies raising their game in the competitiveness stakes? • Which geographic and industry sectors represent the most attractive investment and expansion prospects for CEOs in today’s business and economic climate? • Which aspects of traditional strategy thinking work best for a region in constant flux? • What are the biggest barriers to implementing structured strategy execution methodologies in the Middle East and what solutions are leaders finding to overcome them? Ahmed Al Arbeed, General Manager, Seven Sisters Company and former CEO, Dana Gas, UAE Khalid Abunayyan, President and CEO, Abunayyan Holding Company, KSA Andrew Shaw, Managing Director, Ducab, UAE Osman Sultan, CEO, du, UAE Michel Ayat, CEO, AW Rostamani, UAE 09.30 Excellence In Strategy Development And Execution – Critical Success Factors For Growing A Successful Business In The Middle East A leader’s insights into the history of strategy and business excellence that underpins more than three decades of sustained growth at Ducab Andrew Shaw, Managing Director, Ducab, UAE



10.10 Networking And Refreshment Break 10.50 Business War Gaming: Stress Testing Your Strategy • Good strategy vs bad strategy: the evaluation criteria for winning strategies • Playing war games: stress test your strategy against your competition and market forces • The feedback loop: constantly honing your strategy towards success Edy Abou Chakra, Partner, ADDIMA Consulting, UK, KSA and Lebanon Rami Itani, Manager, ADDIMA Consulting, UK, KSA and Lebanon 11.30 Developing An Effective Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Framework To Manage Strategic And Operational Risk • Developing an ERM framework in line with IS0 31000 Risk Management • Repairing the disconnect: understanding that managing risk is integral to achieving strategic goals not a separate exercise • Developing a comprehensive risk register through open debate and structured workshops with key stakeholders • Linking risks to your strategic objectives • Assessing the impact of risks on your organisation and adopting appropriate risk responses • Setting risk appetite: developing an open and informed approach to managing risk Akram Shehata, Acting Head of Corporate Excellence, Qatar Petrochemical Company, Qatar 12.10 ISO 31000 And The COSO ERM Integrated Framework: Your Building Blocks For Enterprise Risk Management • A strategic initiative driven by the board: linking the risk management process to the strategy management process • Exploring the role of the risk management committee and leveraging the reach of departmental risk champions • Developing a comprehensive risk register, key risk indicators (KRIs) and risk responses through open, structured debate and facilitated workshops • Working with key external stakeholders (from the offtaker to joint venture partners to lenders) to understand and manage external risks Manish Madhok, Director – Group Internal Audit and Risk Management, ACWA Power International, UAE 12.50 Lunch And Networking Break

“It’s a great event where you get to learn from the best. It’s not only from an academic point of view but also full of real life experience which makes it very valuable.” Mohammed Ebeid, Head of Planning and Logistics, Henkel


Tel: +971 4 335 2437

Fax: +971 4 335 2438

Strategy Execution Shortcuts by

Jeroen De Flander

“Strategy is thinking about a choice and choosing to stick with your thinking” “A strategy, even a great one, doesn’t implement itself” Jeroen de Flander is back with a high energy session combining the best tips from his hugely popular appearance at Balanced Scorecard Forum 2012 with brand new insights from his next book, Strategy Execution Shortcuts (planned launch June 2013). 14.00 The End Of Strategy Tourism: A 2020 Outlook - A No-Nonsense 2020 Perspective On Strategy And Strategy Execution In this session, Jeroen takes you on a journey. He shows the future of strategy and strategy execution, how your company could benefit from these insights and what you need to do today to beat your competitors. • Five things every leader should know about strategy • A 2020 outlook: a peek into the future of strategy and strategy execution • Find out just how the world’s top companies are faring in executing their strategy with reference to the world’s leading strategy execution benchmarking data covering over 21,000 managers, 1400+ companies, 36 countries and 29 industry sectors 15.30 Networking And Refreshment Break

Plus Book Signing with Jeroen de Flander

16.00 4 Hidden Paths To Strategy Execution Success: Practical Tips To Shorten Your Execution Journey In this session, leaders learn strategy execution secrets from the best-in-class. You will discover new insights and receive practical tips to boost strategy execution in your own company. • Remove strategy graffiti: learn to communicate your strategy into the head, heart and hands of your people without losing the core message • Re-measure: the value of KPIs is overrated - learn a different approach to measuring success • Raise micro-commitment: learn about the small execution battles and how to win them • Reduce your complexity footprint: learn why complexity is the silent strategy killer and what you can do about it 17.30 Close Of Strategy Summit Jeroen de Flander is a seasoned international strategy execution expert, top executive coach, seminar leader and highly regarded keynote speaker. Jeroen has helped more than 21,000 managers in 30 countries master the necessary execution skills, including the USA, Brazil, Venezuela, Jordan, Malaysia, Spain, Italy, Russia, Estonia, the Netherlands, France, the UK, Germany, Egypt, China, Croatia, Korea and Belgium. He has shared the stage with strategy gurus like Michael Porter and Costas Markides. His book, Strategy Execution Heroes, reached the Amazon bestseller list in five countries.

What People Said About Jeroen De Flander At The Balanced Scorecard Forum 2012: “the wow of the event” “impressive and inspiring” “amazing” “highly engaging speaker”




Two Days LIVE and IN PERSON With

Kaplan Norton

The Iconic Inventors of Balanced Scorecard


Dr David Norton, Director, Palladium Group, and Co-Founder of The Balanced Scorecard, USA

Dr Robert Kaplan, Professor, Harvard Business School and Co-founder of The Balanced Scorecard, USA

Few people have contributed as significantly to the art, and especially the science, of business strategy as Robert Kaplan.

Dr David Norton is one of the most significant figures transforming business today. For full biographies, go to

Masterclass Day One

Monday, 18 March 2013

Masterclass Day Two

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

07.15 Registration And Morning Coffee

07.30 Morning Coffee

08.00 Opening Remarks From The Chairman Jose Maria Ortis, Vice President, Palladium, EMEA

08.00 Opening Remarks From The Chairman David Jalili, Managing Partner, Ibitkar Management Services (IMS), UAE

08.15 The Strategy Execution System: From A to Z • The six stage strategy execution cycle: overview • Stage 1: develop the strategy • The strategy cycle: incremental and major change • Key components in a strategy Dr David Norton

08.10 Aligning Human Capital To The Strategy (Part 2) • Linking employee competencies and personal development plans to the strategy • Identify your strategic job families • Employee incentive programmes that drive performance Dr David Norton

09.45 Strategy Maps, Balanced Scorecards And KPIs • Strategy maps in the private sector • Selecting KPIs linked to your differentiating value proposition • Strategy maps for the public sector • Government ministries and state-owned-enterprises • Whole of government strategy maps • Strategic themes: the new organising framework for your strategy map and strategy execution system • Step-by-step roadmap for your initial BSC project: key milestones Dr Robert Kaplan 11.00 Networking And Refreshment Break 11.30 Setting Stretch Targets: Selecting And Funding Strategic Initiatives • The tangible benefits from successful implementation of the BSC: lessons from the Hall of Fame companies • Targets for breakthrough performance in shareholder value, customer satisfaction, citizen performance, quality improvements and employee alignment • Selecting initiatives for achieving breakthrough performance in your strategic themes • Funding initiatives with StratEx • Setting the StratEx budget: role for theme teams Dr David Norton 12.45 Lunch And Networking Break 14.00 Aligning Organisational Units For Corporate Synergies • Aligning related business units to the corporate strategy • Corporate strategy and scorecards for conglomerates • Aligning support units, HR and IT, to business unit value creation • How aligned is your organisation? Developing an alignment score • Crossing organisational boundaries: using strategy maps and scorecards to align with suppliers and customers • Aligning NGOs and the public sector to co-create shared value strategies Dr Robert Kaplan 15.30 Networking And Refreshment Break 16.00 Aligning Human Capital To The Strategy (Part 1) • Communication: “Seven Times Seven Different Ways” • Developing a communications strategy • Establishing a clear line of sight: aligning employees’ personal objectives to strategic priorities Dr David Norton 17.00 Kaplan-Norton Clinic • Extended Q&A session • Discussion of practical implementation details and issues Dr Robert Kaplan Dr David Norton 17.45 Close Of Masterclass Day One

“Most energising course I have attended in the last 10-15 years”

Asad Zain, Head of Planning, Olayan Financing Company

Tel: +971 4 335 2437

Fax: +971 4 335 2438

09.15 Linking Strategy To Operations • Linking your process and quality improvement programmes to your strategy • Deriving operational dashboards to drive continuous improvement in strategic processes • Data integrity Metric owners Scandal in Atlanta Public School System’s BSC Role for internal audit When to invest in an automated software system Dr Robert Kaplan 10.30 Networking And Refreshment Break 11.00 Introducing Risk Management Into Your Strategy Execution System • Risk is a multi-dimensional word Preventable risks Strategy risks External risks • Belief systems, internal controls and internal audit to eliminate preventable risks • Overcoming individual and organisational biases to stimulate interactive discussions about the risks in your strategy • How leading companies implement customised, risk management systems Using your strategy map to identify and mitigate the principal risks in your strategy Funding your risk mitigation program • Identifying the unknown-unknown risks your organisation faces Scenario planning War gaming Dr Robert Kaplan 12.30 Lunch And Networking Break 13.45 Completing The Loop: Monitoring, Adapting, And Sustaining Your Strategy Execution System • Conducting effective operational and strategy review meetings • Testing and adapting your strategy to changing competitive, regulatory and economic conditions • Sustaining your strategy execution system: the Office of Strategy Management Dr David Norton 15.00 Leadership: The Necessary And (Now) Sufficient Condition For Strategy Execution • Leadership: establish the vision, communicate the vision and strategy, motivate employees to join in the strategic journey • The strategic change agenda that explains the need for change • Lessons from John Kotter and Michael Beer on overcoming organisational resistance to change and achieving buy-in up, down, and across the organisation Dr Robert Kaplan 16.00 Networking And Refreshment Break 16.30 Kaplan-Norton Clinic • Extended Q&A session • Discussion of practical implementation details and issues Dr Robert Kaplan Dr David Norton 17.15 Close Of Masterclass




Balanced Scorecard Forum Day One

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

08.00 Registration And Morning Coffee 08.15 Opening Remarks From The Chairman Edy Abou Chakra, Partner, ADDIMA Consulting, UK, KSA and Lebanon 08.30 International Keynote: Combining The Balanced Scorecard Strategy Management System With Sustainability Thinking Hall of • Coordinating cross-functional “theme teams” to ensure total focus on core critical Fame success factors Award Winner • Leveraging the discipline of the Balanced Scorecard to better manage change initiatives • Achieving corporate social responsibility through the application of the strategy 2012 management system Murray Wu, General Manager Corporate Social Responsibility, Kiwibank, New Zealand 09.10 A Four Year Roadmap To Successful Strategy Execution At ENOC • Understanding the critical role of the leadership in driving the BSC change programme • A structured approach to driving awareness and employee engagement across the whole organisation • Creating a culture of challenge to deliver improved performance outcomes across the four perspectives Himanshu Verma, Manager Performance Management, Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC), UAE 09.50 Leveraging IT Systems To Boost Strategic Alignment, Communications, Execution And Reporting • The case for automating strategy management processes and a performance database in your organisation

• Identifying the best software solution for your organisation: in-house, external development or off-the-shelf? • Cascading the strategy into front line operational and individual performance measures using value drivers: how your strategy management system can support this process Karola Lepasaar, Executive Director Strategy and Planning, Department of Economic Development – Dubai, UAE

10.30 Networking And Refreshment Break 11.00 Protecting The Life Of A Shared Vision: How To Create A Mission Guardian In Every Employee • Starting with the leader: leadership essentials for a shared vision • Creating a culture: creating mission advocates that will lead change • Developing individual scorecards that are meaningful to the employee while reflecting strategic objectives Dr Walid Fitaihi, CEO, International Medical Center, KSA 11.40 Bridging The Gap Between Business Planning And Human Resources For Full Alignment Of Individual Performance With The Organisation’s Strategy Hall of • Employee empowerment for a successful cascade: creating an open dialogue to develop Fame scorecards, KPIs and targets Award • Developing individual scorecards that are meaningful to the employee while reflecting Winner strategic objectives 2009 • Linking performance to reward: a key enabler for strategy execution success Ramakrishna Kovvidi, Senior Vice President Organisation Development, Du, UAE 12.30 Lunch And Networking Break

NEW for 2013! Streamed Sessions Streamed sessions for the private (profit focused) and government sector will give each attendee more access to high value, relevant, industry leading case studies than ever before. Learn from your direct peers and apply the key tools and solutions that helped them execute their strategies successfully in your own organisation!

Private Sector/ “For Profit” Stream


13.30 Opening Remarks From The Chairman Edy Abou Chakra, Partner, ADDIMA Consulting, UK, KSA and Lebanon

13.30 Opening Remarks From The Chairman Alan Fell, Managing Director, Alan Fell Consultancy, UK

13.40 Bringing Strategy To Life Through Successful Execution Of Big Strategic Projects And Small Strategic Initiatives • A flexible approach to the Balanced Scorecard that evolves as the business grows and diversifies • Using the PMO to deliver strategic projects that move the needle on the Balanced Scorecard • Empowering business units to determine the continuous improvement initiatives that will impact the Group’s four key KPIs • Sharpening strategy execution by focusing on the big things and simplifying the scorecard Nitin Thariyan, Director of Projects, Group Strategy Department, Jumeirah Group, UAE

13.40 Driving Value Creation and Total Alignment Through Communication, Education and Engagement at ADWEA • Articulating a corporate strategy for the whole water and electricity sector in Abu Dhabi • Aligning the ADWEA group to drive business results with the Balanced Scorecard • Successfully communicating strategy throughout the entire ADWEA Group • Linking strategy to operations with value chain analysis: reengineering business processes to ensure all activities support ADWEA’s strategic priorities • Bigger than Balanced Scorecard: exploring how ASTRO (ADWEA Strategic Transformation) is using its strategy execution model to propel its own transformation Dr Mohamed Guidoum, Corporate Strategy and Performance Lead, Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority (ADWEA), UAE

14.20 Starting Out On The Journey To Drive Value Creation With A Fit-For-Purpose Balanced Scorecard In A Diversified Conglomerate • A balancing act: developing a sensible and coherent approach to strategy execution at both the holding group and operating company level • Readiness assessment: outlining the key dimensions for assessing how ready your business is for the Balanced Scorecard • Getting away from “consultant speak”: talking to your teams in a language that resonates with them for max imum engagement • Getting off the ground with performance measurement in a data scarce environment • Identifying and understanding the crucial cause and effect relationships for your business: how robust is your scorecard? Sohail Gondal, Head of Strategic Planning, Al Ghurair Group, UAE 15.00 Networking And Refreshment Break 15.30 Empowering, Engaging And Developing Your Employees As A Catalyst For Strategy Execution Success • Making the strategic planning process less painful by enhancing the capability of middle management • An inclusive, workshop-based approach to creating the scorecard and defining strategic objectives across all four perspectives • Building a critical mass of change agents to embed the Balanced Scorecard approach across a large organisation • “Learning and growth” as the foundation for successful strategy execution: key strategies for defining and building the critical human resource competencies to deliver business goals Santosh Simhan, Former Manager Strategy and Business Development, Tata Chemicals, India 16.20 Roundtable Discussions Interactive Session A perfect opportunity to identify practical ways to address your top challenges. Moderators: Edy Abou Chakra, Partner, ADDIMA Consulting, UK, KSA, Lebanon Nitin Thariyan, Director of Projects, Group Strategy Department, Jumeirah Group, UAE 17.00 Closing Remarks From The Chairman 17.10 Close Of Forum Day One 4

Government Administration Stream

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14.20 A Journey Of Culture Change And Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) At Dubai Customs: Driving Tangible Performance Improvements With Th ­ e Right KPIs • Linking the Dubai Customs BSC with the vision of ­the Executive Council of Dubai: a top down and bottom up approach to total government alignment • Creating a strategy focused organisation with effective use of KPIs • Th­e rocky road to a mature approach to KPIs: from first steps to complexity and back again • Driving performance benefits through employee buy-in, a common language and data verification Ahmed Abdul Salam Kazim, Director of Strategy and Corporate Excellence, Dubai Customs, UAE 15.00 Networking And Refreshment Break 15.30 Ashghal’s Strategy, Change And Transformation To Deliver Qatar’s Ambitious Goals • Exploring the role of the Office of Strategy Management (OSM) • Integrating a project management office (PMO) within the OSM to achieve real business transformation • Integrated strategy and risk management • Aligning partners to the strategy and the budget to strategic objectives • Ensuring focus and commitment to the strategic agenda in the face of operational pressures • Strategy reviews at Ashghal: a new approach to reviews, cycles, lead up, reporting formats and mechanisms and meeting dynamics Mark Ranford, Advisor and Acting Head, Corporate Planning Section, Qatar Public Works Authority – Ashghal, Qatar 16.20 Roundtable Discussions Interactive Session A perfect opportunity to identify practical ways to address your top challenges. Moderators: Managing Director UK Advisor and Acting Head, Corporate Planning Section Qatar Public Works Authority – Qatar Managing Partner, UAE CEO, UAE 17.00 Closing Remarks From The Chairman 17.10 Close Of Forum Day One



Day Two

Thursday, 21 March 2013

08.00 Morning Coffee 08.15 Opening Remarks From The Chairman Alan Fell, Managing Director, Alan Fell Consultancy, UK 08.30 Achieving Strategic Alignment To Maximise Performance Synergies With A Combination Of Balanced Scorecard And Business Excellence Models • Implementing a disciplined seven step Strategy Management Process (SMP) to achieve total strategic alignment • Simplifying goals and measures to get the Balanced Scorecard and other multiple Hall of projects off the ground in the early years Fame • Leverage strategic themes and objectives to beat big cost challenges and achieve Award Winner profitable growth 2010 • Combining the Balanced Scorecard, Lean Six Sigma and Statistical Process Control programmes to create a flexible organisation and fast track process improvements • Embedding a target setting culture and linking personal scorecards to compensation to achieve an execution premium Dr Dan C. Lachica, President, First Philec Solar Corporation, Philippines 09.15 Building A Balanced Scorecard And A Straight Talking Culture In A Public Healthcare Provider • Adapting the traditional Balanced Scorecard perspectives to reflect the functioning of a publicly funded healthcare system • Assessing the impact of the Balanced Scorecard in aligning organisational units around shared goals • Identifying key lessons learned and evolving the scorecard in subsequent iterations • Keeping the Balanced Scorecard alive in the organisation after the initial momentum has subsided Adil Khalfan, Regional Director, University Health Network International Programme, Kuwait 10.00 Starting With The End In Mind: Examining A Bank’s Journey To Be The World’s Best Arab Bank: Delivering Excellence With The BSC • Creating clarity of direction and embedding it from the top of the organisation to all the key strategic roles;

• Moving beyond performance measurement outputs to a real focus on tangible business outcomes and alignment to strategic direction; • Developing multi-level targets to build culture of performance to keep the business moving forward: baseline, stretch and outperform • A continued push for excellence: challenges, next steps and ambitions Ramana Kumar, Senior Manager Business Planning and Strategy, National Bank of Abu Dhabi, UAE

10.45 Networking And Refreshment Break 11.15 Best Practices Of Performance Management And Strategy Execution Software Implementation With Corporater • Implementing software to execute strategy in line with the Execution Premium Process™ (XPP) • How to use Corporater to prepare executives for strategy review meetings: the power of strategy workflow to boost the performance culture • Exploring how organisations behave before and after the implementation of software for automating strategy execution process Pedro Pereira, Vice President, Corporater Middle East, UAE 11.45 Growing Up With The Balanced Scorecard: The Journey From Musanada’s Inception Through To Strategic Repositioning And Beyond • Communicating and validating company setup strategy across multiple stakeholders using the Balanced Scorecard • Revisiting strategic direction and creating alignment to new direction using the Balanced Scorecard • Effectively managing strategic initiatives whilst maintaining linkage to strategic objectives and targets • Measuring and evaluating company and individual performance across a cascaded Balanced Scorecard framework • Tailoring performance reporting to management needs: assessing and delivering the different reporting needs of both senior executives and front line staff Mark Limpkin, Senior Strategy Manager, Abu Dhabi General Services Company (Musanada), UAE 12.30 Lunch And Networking Break

“How To” Clinics The clinics will run simultaneously from 13.30 to 17.00 with an appropriate break for prayer and refreshments. For full clinic details and clinic leader biographies, please visit

Clinic D

Linking Performance To Reward

Drive the right behaviours and business outcomes for your organisation by successfully linking compensation with performance!

E OR Clinic

Clinic overview “Linking performance with reward” is a subject that typically generates a range of strongly held (and often opposing) views. Too many schemes that aim to align Balanced Scorecards with compensation fail to achieve the desired behavioral response. This clinic is in two distinct halves. The first part deals with the desirability, or otherwise, of linking performance and compensation. Participants will be encouraged to explore the range of views and experiences and consider what approach will best work within the corporate culture of their organisation. The second part of the clinic makes the assumption that we do want to align performance and compensation. So how best can this be achieved? There is a myriad of potential solutions and the aim of the clinic is to review the key decision points that organisations need to consider and decide upon. Benefits Of Attending You will gain a thorough understanding of the benefits and pitfalls of linking performance and compensation. You will learn how to develop an effective performance based compensation framework that meets the needs of your organisation and promotes the desired behaviours and business outcomes. Key Topics • Linking performance with reward – does it work? • The seven key decision points

From Key Performance And Risk OR Clinic F Aligning Budget With Strategy Indicators To Predictive Analytics Make better informed business decisions for better performance Clear your biggest obstacle to strategy execution success by aligning your budget with your strategy! outcomes Clinic Overview Data based decision making is at the core of better management practices today. Tools such as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) assist with the provision of critical business data for decision making. This workshop will explore the relationship between metrics, KPIs and KRIs and how they can be deployed in practice. Benefits Of Attending • Understand the difference between metrics, KPIs and KRIs • Learn techniques for their selection and configuration • Review predictive analytics best practice • Analyse typical mistakes in deploying metrics, KPIs and KRIs Key Topics And Tools • Understanding metrics, Key Performance Indicators and Key Risk Indicators • An overview of predictive analytics • Metrics activation: documentation and data gathering • Reporting and communicating results • Value generation: decision making and improvement • Enablers for working with KPIs, KRIs and analytics Who Should Attend? Everyone interested in the correct deployment and usage of KPIs and KRIs, from analysts to CEOs. The exercises and examples analysed will be relevant to members of strategy and other operational teams alike.

Who should attend? The clinic is aimed at: Your Expert Clinic Leader • All those directly involved in the implementation and effective management application of Balanced Scorecards Aurel Brudan, Founder and CEO, The KPI Institute, at all levels within an organisation – in particular those from Australia the “Strategy Office” or equivalent functions. • HR professionals who are focused upon achieving the most effective alignment of compensation and performance for their organisation. Your Expert Clinic Leader Alan Fell, Managing Director, Alan Fell Consultancy, UK

Tel: +971 4 335 2437

Fax: +971 4 335 2438

Clinic Overview An organisation’s budget is supposed to be the tool that turns strategy into action. Unfortunately, up to 60% of organisations do not link corporate strategy to the budget. This clinic addresses the importance of aligning the budgeting process with focus on timing, strategic initiative budgeting, strat-ex and responsibilities. The clinic will provide the tools to link corporate strategy to the budget and provides reasons why it is important to link these two variables. Presentations will be augmented with interactive discussions to ensure learning and group work to embed and practise some of the techniques. Benefits Of Attending This clinic will raise your knowledge in: • The benefits of aligning the budget with the strategy • Tools for aligning strategies and budgets • How strategic initiatives and projects are handled within an aligned budget • Alignment effectiveness with respect to corporate performance Key Topics The clinic will cover the following aspects: • Background and timing of the budget and strategy reviews • Strategic initiatives • Tools, methodologies and steps for alignment • Roles and responsibilities • Benefits of alignment • Who Should Attend? • Board and executive /non executive directors involved in organisation strategy • CEOs, leaders and senior managers • Functional managers and Heads • Practitioners in strategy, corporate and business planning, excellence, finance, sales, operations and HR Your Expert Clinic Leader


David Jalili, Managing Partner, Ibtikar Management Services (IMS), UAE



Expert Led Pre Event Workshops

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Registration will be at 08.00. The workshops will run simultaneously from 08.30 – 14.30 after which time lunch will be served. For full workshop details and workshop leader biographies, please visit

Workshop A:

Key Topics

• Understanding the key challenges in strategy execution in government across the GCC • Learn the latest practices in public sector alignment with national aspirations Examples of successful organisations leveraging alignment with country vision and aspirations Key elements of the alignment with the country vision and aspirations (goals, projects, budget and other resources management) Leadership involvement in government organisations, how to identify and overcome barriers for leadership to drive the process Employee engagement in government organisations: cascading, communication, recognition. What are the best practices in the region to ensure people’s commitment to execution? Stakeholder engagement as a key element to ensure execution of the strategy when aligning an organisation with the national vision Work session using the presented tools and techniques in strategy execution • Discussion of the implementation of relevant tools and techniques and the differences between the private and public sectors • Key success factors in the development of a sustainable process for strategy execution management

Strategy Execution In Government Maximise your organisation’s contribution to the national vision Workshop Overview

The success of any public organisation in the GCC is typically conditioned by its capability to align with national aspirations and to execute the strategy in a public environment, where leadership constraints, people engagement and stakeholder management play a key role in achieving breakthrough results. Some governments as a whole and government entities individually have been successfully developing approaches to better execute the strategy, by customising the standard approach to a challenging environment and characteristics of the public sector in the GCC. This body of knowledge is now grouped in a “whole of government” methodological approach ready to implement across public entities in the region. The half-day workshop provides the concepts and tools for developing an organisation’s strategy execution model in alignment with the country vision and aspirations. The focus will be on using the latest best practices in aligned strategy execution by public entities from across the GCC.

Who Should Attend?

• Leaders and senior managers • Functional managers and heads • Practitioners in strategy, business planning, excellence, finance, operations and human resources

Benefits Of Attending

• Aligning with articulated and agreed national aspirations • Proven tools and methodologies for developing successfully aligned strategies • Techniques for a more effective discussion with national authorities, stakeholders and partners • Use of tools to prioritise resource requirements and limitations (manpower, budget etc.) • Roadmap for successful strategy execution

Your Expert Workshop Leader Aldo Labaki, Consulting Manager, Palladium Middle East, UAE


Workshop B:

Key Topics • • • •

Strategy Formulation For The Strategy Driven Organisation

Strategy elements Analysis of your competition Types of strategies Testing your strategy

Who Should Attend?

Business leaders and senior management who are looking to transform their organisation from firefighting mode to a strategy driven mode.

Become a strategy driven organisation to outperform the market and achieve sustainable business success

Your Expert Workshop Leader

Workshop Overview

Edy Abou Chakra, BSMP, CISA, CEC, Partner, ADDIMA, UK, KSA, Lebanon

In this workshop, you will learn what it takes to formulate a winning business strategy that builds on an organisation’s competitive advantages.

Benefits Of Attending • • • •

What makes a good strategy and why you need it What strategy is, what the different types of strategies are and where to use them How to turn your company into a strategy driven organisation How to continually refine your strategy using the Balanced Scorecard


Workshop C: Enterprise Risk Management

Keep your business on track by mitigating key risks with a comprehensive risk management process Workshop Overview

In the dynamic Middle East business environment, risk is a fact of life. Businesses and organisations are now more than ever aware that “things can go wrong” and risk events can impact the profitability, reputation and sustainability of your business. Enterprise risk management (ERM) is an important discipline for identifying, evaluating and managing risk in a holistic, joined-up way across your whole organisation. This workshop will give you the tools you need to establish an effective risk management framework for your organisation. In adopting ERM, you will better mitigate the key risks which might otherwise impact your business’s ability to achieve its strategic goals and sustain a successful business.

Benefits Of Attending • • • •


Establish a well organised and focused risk management process Identify and prioritise the key risks facing your organisation Assess how effectively risks are being managed in your organisations Design and adopt appropriate controls to mitigate the impact of potential risks

Tel: +971 4 335 2437

Fax: +971 4 335 2438

Key Topics And Tools

• What is ERM and why is it important for your organisation? • Establishing and embedding a risk management framework and risk aware culture • The risk roles and responsibilities of the board, the risk management function, senior management and internal audit • Understanding the concept of risk and risk categories • Identifying and prioritising the key strategic and operational risks facing your organisation • Using a heat map to evaluate the probability and impact of risks for your business • Developing and using a risk register and key risk indicators • Establishing ownership and accountability for key risks • Understanding and evaluating risk management and mitigation options • Designing effective controls to manage key business risks

Who Should Attend? • • • •

Senior management Strategy, planning and performance management functions Risk managers and directors Internal auditors

Your Expert Workshop Leader Susan Daniel, Chief Risk and Compliance Officer, State General Reserve Fund, Oman



Sponsorship Opportunities With more coverage of broader strategy, strategy execution, business excellence and risk management topics, the Balanced Scorecard & Strategy Summit offers more opportunities to showcase your expertise to Middle East’s businesses and government organisations. Align your brand with Dr Robert Kaplan and Dr David Norton, the iconic inventors of the Balanced Scorecard, and position your company as a leader of Balanced Scorecard programmes and business strategy in the region. Help the region’s companies and organisations develop and execute strategies that lead to sustainable business success. Whether your expertise is in strategy formulation, business excellence, risk management, company performance management or quality, the Balanced Scorecard & Strategy Summit gives you the best opportunity of the year to make crucial new business leads and achieve your own commercial growth targets.

Contact Charlie Bark-Jones for details on tailored sponsorship packages to meet your needs on +971 (0)4 407 2608 or

Sponsors & Partners Strategic Partner

Associate Sponsors

Palladium Group is the global leader in helping organisations execute their strategies by making better decisions. Our expertise in strategy, risk, corporate performance management and business intelligence helps clients achieve an execution premium. Our services include consulting, conferences, communities, training and technology. Palladium’s Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame for Executing Strategy™ recognises more than 120 organisations worldwide that have achieved outstanding execution premiums.

IYCON is a leading Technology Solutions & Services Company with a focus on providing High Quality Business and Technology Solutions to organisations across EMEA, the Asian Subcontinent, North America & Oceania. IYCON helps companies discover and maintain their competitive advantage, as well as empowering them with the ability to master change. (Sustaining Your Adaptive Advantage™). IYCON’s offerings include QPR Suite 2012. IYCON is the Strategic VAR for QPR Software as well as a QPR Global Implementation Partner for QPR.

Please visit for more information.

Supporting Sponsor ADDIMA Consulting is a specialized consulting firm based in London with solid presence in the Middle East through its offices in Riyadh, Dubai and Beirut. ADDIMA is well positioned to provide a proven turnkey Balanced Scorecard (BSC) development & implementation because of : • Our experienced & certified BSC practitioners and strategy experts • Our solid expertise in various industries in the Middle East, our deep understanding of the local culture, and the command of the Arabic business language in addition to the English and French • Our exclusive partnership in the Middle East with Paul Niven, a noted speaker and writer on the subject of the Balanced Scorecard, and hands-on practitioner

Associate Partner Corporater is a specialised vendor for Balanced Scorecard and Performance Management software solutions that are flexible, ready-to-run, and that can be easily managed and configured by business users. Founded in the year 2000, Corporater has over 1000 customers from all key domains with an international presence in over 29 countries through its offices and strategic partnerships. Corporater recently established its operations in Dubai to support and grow key partnerships in UAE. Corporater EPM Suite is a Palladium Kaplan-Norton Balanced Scorecard Certified Software.

Fax: +971 4 335 2438 is an online platform for performance management knowledge integration. At its core is an online catalogue of over 6,100 KPI examples from 14 functional departments and 24 industries. The Premium section contains 1,500 KPIs preselected as the most relevant for practice and thoroughly documented in 30 fields. The website also contains prepopulated Strategy Maps, KPI Dashboards and Scorecards, examples of KPIs used at individual level, interviews with practitioners, consultants and academics and references 1000 reports illustrating the use of KPIs and organisational objectives in practice. Operated from Melbourne by eab group, is complemented by three other websites dedicated to performance architecture:, www. and


Please visit for more information. for more information.

Tel: +971 4 335 2437

QPR Suite 2012 is composed of out-of-the box software for process, risk and performance management. It is applicable to all industries and to the needs of the private as well as the public sector. QPR software is used by 1,500 customers around the world in both the private and public sector.

For over a decade, Ibtikar has provided innovative support and solutions to organizations to meet their business goals, from organizational performance to talent management, and from quality to winning excellence awards throughout the Gulf region. We believe in a simple premise: success, continuity and increased economic value is only achieved through providing implementable, practical solutions and full knowledge transfer. Our team of experienced consultants possess specific strengths in implementing management systems covering Business Excellence, Strategy, Corporate Performance Management and Human Resources Consultancy.






Balanced Scorecard & Strategy Summit

16-21 March 2013 • The Address Hotel, Dubai Marina, Dubai, UAE FIVE WAYS TO REGISTER IIR Holdings Ltd., P.O Box 21743 Dubai, UAE

971-4-3352437 971-4-3352438


the days you wish to attend:

16 March 2013

17 March 2013

Workshop (one day) Select one:



18 March 2013

Summit (one day)

19 March 2013

20 March 2013

Masterclass (two days)


21 March 2012

Forum (two days) Including Clinics

or E


or F




Book by 3 January 2013

Book from 4 January – 7 February 2013

Book after 8 February 2013

6 Days

US$ 5,280

US$ 5,680

US$ 5,880

5 Days

US$ 4,995

US$ 5,395

US$ 5,595

4 Days

US$ 4,285

US$ 4,685

US$ 4,885

3 Days

US$ 3,595

US$ 3,995

US$ 4,195

2 Days

US$ 2,595

US$ 2,795

US$ 2,990

1 Day

US$ 1,295

US$ 1,395

US$ 1,495

Fees include documentation, luncheon and refreshments. Delegates who attend all sessions will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

DELEGATE DETAILS Name: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

CALL – 971 -4-3352483 E-MAIL – Conference fees include documentation, luncheon and refreshments. Delegates who attend all sessions will receive a Certificate of Attendance. All registrations are subject to our terms and conditions which are available at Please read them as they include important information. By submitting your registration you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in full.

Payments A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Please note that full payment must be received prior to the event. Only those delegates whose fees have been paid in full will be admitted to the event. You can pay by company cheques or bankers draft in Dirhams or US$. Please note that all US$ cheques and drafts should be drawn on a New York bank and an extra amount of US$ 6 per payment should be added to cover bank clearing charges. In any event payment must be received not later than 48 hours before the Event. Entry to the Event may be refused if payment in full is not received. Credit card payment If you would like to pay by credit card, please tick here and a member of our team will contact you to take the details


Job Title: ......................................................................................................... Email: ..................................................................................... Tel: ..................................................... Fax: .................................................... Mobile: ................................................................................

COMPANY DETAILS Company: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................

If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate will be welcome in your place. Registrations cancelled more than 7 days before the Event are subject to a $200 administration charge. Registration fees for registrations cancelled 7 days or less before the Event must be paid in full. Substitutions are welcome at any time.

Avoid Visa Delays - Book Now

Address: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Postcode: ................................................................................. Country: ........................................................................................................... Tel: .............................................................................................. Fax: ................................................................................................................. .No. of employees on your site: 1000+ 500-999 250-499



Nature of your company's business: ..........................................

YES, I would like to receive information about future events & services via e-mail .................................................................

To assist us with future correspondence, please supply the following details:

Delegates requiring visas should contact the hotel they wish to stay at directly, as soon as possible. Visas for non-GCC nationals may take several weeks to process. All registrations are subject to acceptance by IIR which will be confirmed to you in writing. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the programme may change and IIR reserves the right to alter the venue and/or speakers or topics.

Event Venue:

Name of the Department Head: ..................................................................................................................................................................... Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: ....................................................................... Training Manager: ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: ......................................................................

The Address Hotel, Dubai Marina, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 436 7777 Accommodation Details We highly recommend you secure your room reservation at the earliest to avoid last minute inconvenience. You can contact the IIR Hospitality Desk for assistance on: Tel: +971-4-4072693 Fax: +971-4-4072517 Email:





Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: ........................................................................


Booking Contact: ................................................................................................................................................................................................ © Copyright I.I.R. HOLDINGS B.V.

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