Career Development Qatar 2012

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Book Before 19 July 2012 and SAVE US$ 1700! From the organisers of

22-24 October 2012  Renaissance Hotel  Doha  Qatar


Upskilling Employees to Drive Growth and Nurture Qatari Talent

Implement Career Development Initiatives and Strategies That Will:  Drive Business Performance Goals And Objectives  Support Growth And Long Term Development Of Your Organisation  Gain Management Support For Employee Development  Optimise Employee Performance, Engagement And Retention  Develop Empowered Leaders For The Future  Ensure Nationalisation Targets Optimise The Business

Qatar Foundation Khalid Helaly Director, Strategy and Business Planning, Human Resources Directorate

Hear Directly From A Power Packed Speaker Line-Up, featuring:  Qatar Shell

 Unlock Talent In A Multi-Cultural Workforce  Measure Success Of Your HR Initiatives

 Qatargas

 Improve Profitability Of Training And Learning

 Masraf Al Rayan  Mannai Corporation Qatar Shell


In-Depth Talent Management Masterclass

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Dr. Jamal Al-Ammari Head of Qatarization and HR Account Manager

Media Partners

 Qatar Foundation  Sidra Medical and Research Centre

Aligning Talent Management Strategy With Business Strategy: A New Paradigm For Building Sustainability Regional Media Partner

 Aspire

 Doha Bank  Commercial Bank of Qatar  Qatar University Hassad Food

 Q.Media

Tamer Amer Head of Manpower Planning & Recruitment

 Hassad Food

From the organisers of

22-24 October 2012 Renaissance Hotel  Doha  Qatar

Qatar Why attend Career Development Qatar? It is vital to develop the future leaders of organisations positioning Qatar as a prime market in the Middle East, building success in developing high value industries and implementing major national and international investments. Career Development Qatar focuses on the learning and skills development programmes needed to achieve these goals. Career Development Qatar is the showcase event for learning and skills development in Qatar. It will equip you with the tools to enhance your team development plans and deliver genuine business performance gains. You’ll get a comprehensive understanding of the entire spectrum of methods, products and services available for workplace learning and employee development. Career Development Qatar gives you the critical skills and insights to develop strategies and initiatives to build employee engagement and drive business objectives by:  Building a career development strategy aligned with your organisation’s strategy backbone to support business goals  Addressing gaps in skill requirements and competency targets to meet your business objectives  Implement effective succession planning to instill a sense of purpose and motivate employees  Effectively leveraging individual goals, expectations and drivers to build motivation and drive growth  Developing an attractive reward mix: striking an effective balance between monetary and non-monetary benefits And much more...

Learn from your best in class peers – Key Qatari organisations are sending speakers to the event for you to engage with. With over 12 years of success running the Career Development conference in the UAE, and backed by the weight of the HR Summit series, the event will be the prime meeting place for Qatar’s career development specialists. You’ll get critical insight from Qatar’s top talent managers and people developers. You’ll learn the most effective approaches they’ve implemented to facilitate best in class team planning, communication, mutual understanding and commitment to organisational direction. As organisations focus on staff productivity, commitment and motivation to create new opportunities for growth and development, it’s essential that you are equipping your staff with the skills they need to outperform their targets, and shape the leaders of tomorrow’s business. Career Development Qatar will show you how to design and enable career paths and progression for high potential Qatari nationals. It will gather the heads of training, HR and development from the top Qatari organisations. The massive growth and investment plans for Qatar mean it’s increasingly important for organisations to structure their approach to staff development to ensure they have qualified and credible individuals in place.

Esteemed Speaker Faculty

Tracy Al Saidi Director of Learning and Development Jumeirah Group

Who Will You Meet HR, Career Development, Talent Management, Learning & Development, Training, Leadership And Organisational Development:     

Managing Directors Directors Heads Managers Advisors

   

Specialists Analysts Executives Officers

Zeina El Jamil Head – Training and Career Development Doha Bank

Tracy Al-Saidi Director Of Learning & Development, Jumeirah Group

+971 4 335 2437

+971 4 335 2438

Alaa Elebiary Chief HR & Support Officer Mannai Corporation Ali Al Humaidi CEO ALMARAS

A great opportunity to share knowledge and gain insights into other organisations, what works for them, the challenges faced and ways to overcome them.


Julian King International HR Consultant, Executive Coach & Former Training & Development Manager at Qatar Foundation

Ali Al Ahmed Section Head,Management & Career Development Department, Talent Manager Saudi Electricity Jamal Al-Ammari Head of Qatarization and HR Account Manager Qatar Shell Emad El Maghraby Regional Training Manager Johnson & Johnson



Conference Day One

Monday 22 October 2012

Career Development – A Strategic Business Initiative


Networking Lunch


Registration and Morning Coffee



Opening Remarks From The Chair Tamer Amer, Head of Manpower Planning & Recruitment, Hassad Food

What Motivates Employees, Managing Expectations And Leveraging Them To Build Retention And Engagement §§ Tools and tactics to uncover employee motivations and expectations §§ Embedding employee motivations into job responsibilities to increase job satisfaction and engagement §§ Aligning career development plans with employee expectations to build long-term retention and engagement §§ Changing employee motivations and expectations as the move through the employee lifecycle Ali Al Humaidi, CEO, ALMARAS



People Are Your Competitive Edge – Leveraging Your Employees To Drive Organisational Performance And Growth §§ Employee commitment – gaining employee buy-in to their own development within the organisation §§ Changing the employee mindset towards learning – providing an opportunity for employees to enjoy learning and growth §§ Challenging your employees to step outside their comfort zone and push to improve their performance §§ Incentivising employees to go the extra mile – does the job they are in allow them to experience and achieve personal goals? Alaa Elebiary, Chief HR & Support Officer, Mannai Corporation Julian King, International HR Consultant, Executive Coach & Former Training & Development Manager at Qatar Foundation Abdulrahman Al-Mannai, Manager (Learning & Development), Rasgas

Integrating Leadership Frameworks Into Talent Management Strategy And Why Is This Important To The Overall Business Strategy §§ Identifying core competencies and critical roles and their importance to the overall business strategy §§ Aligning leadership frameworks and development frameworks with core competencies and critical roles §§ Developing and implementing leadership programmes to high potentials and critical roles to ensure they are empowered to execute and lead business strategy Wasan Miglioranza, HR Development Consultant. Qatar Rail


Networking And Refreshment Break


Successful People Plans – Measuring And Reporting The ROI Of Career Development Initiatives to Encourage Further Investment §§ Identifying KPIs for career development initiatives – employee turnover, business growth, recruitment §§ Establishing accurate and reliable measures of success §§ How do you ensure that career development initiatives are pushing productivity and business KPIs? Abdulla Al Mulla, General Manager - Human Resources & Admin, Masraf Al Rayan





Roundtable discussions §§ What are the retention factors? §§ Salary: a key path to employee loyalty still? §§ Top employee motivators in the ME today §§ Are good working conditions a myth in the ME Alaa Elebiary workplace? Chief HR & Support Officer § § annai Corporation Job Index 2012 quarterly survey: The new results are in… §§ ME employers’ recruitment intention in the coming months §§ Which top industries are recruiting? §§ What skills are required? §§ What talent is most in demand? Suha Mardelli, HR Director, Suhail Masri, VP Sales,


+971 4 335 2437

+971 4 335 2438

Networking And Refreshment Break

Career Development – A Collaborative Effort


People Are The Competitive Edge 11.40

Bridging The Gap Between Job Opportunities Available And Employee Aspirations To Boost Engagement And Motivation §§ Is this a realistic possibility? §§ What do employees want, what are their aspirations and what do they expect from their jobs? §§ Leveraging employee aspirations to create career development initiatives and job opportunities that boost motivation and engagement? Zeina El Jamil, Head – Training and Career Development, Doha Bank


High Potential Employees – The Key To Driving Business Strategy, Growth And Achieving Long Term Goals §§ Identifying high potential employees early on in their career - effectively using potential assessors §§ Developing targeted and flexible career development plans that leverage high potential employees to drive business growth and business goals §§ New strategies to retain and engage high potential employees to avoid losing them to your competitors Tabassum Javed, Head of Recruitment & RM, Commercial Bank of Qatar Addressing Gaps In Skill Requirement And Competency Targets - Ensure Your Organisation Has A Workforce WellEquipped To Meet Business Objectives §§ Identifying key skill requirements and competency targets necessary to meet business objectives §§ Uncovering gaps in the existing skill pool and competency targets and what are the best ways to fill them §§ Tapping into the existing talent pool to bridge the gaps with training, learning and development §§ Targeted recruitment to fill gaps in the skill pool and competency targets Tracy Al Saidi, Director of Learning and Development, Jumeirah Group Close of day one

Gives good insights on current HR practices and benchmarking.

Tony Makhoul, Financial Manager National Paper Company

Conference Day Two

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Nationalisation And Multiculturalism Morning Coffee


Opening Remarks From The Chair Tamer Amer, Head of Manpower Planning & Recruitment, Hassad Food



Overcoming The Challenge Of Reconciling Nationalisation Targets With Business Strategy And Goals §§ How to source and attract nationals with the necessary skills and competencies to drive growth §§ Fast-tracking nationals – does it benefit the organisation in the long run and is it sustainable? §§ Exploring other, more profitable and sustainable alternatives for meeting nationalisation targets §§ How to make sure that investment for national development is ideally utilized Dr. Jamal Al-Ammari, Head of Qatarization and HR Account Manager, Qatar Shell Overcoming The Challenges Of Attracting And Retaining National Employees To Achieve Nationalisation Targets §§ Meeting salary and rewards expectations – how to compete with government organisations §§ Has unemployment become a favourable option? Competing with high employment benefits §§ Developing an engaging reward and recognition mix – leveraging career development as a reward to build engagement and retention Khalid Helaly, Director, Strategy and Business Planning, Human Resources Directorate, Qatar Foundation Hend Al Muftah, Assistant Professor and Member of Qatarization Steering Committee , Qatar University

Leadership And Upward Mobility



Moving From A Training Culture Towards A Learning Culture And Empowering Employees To Take Ownership Of Their Own Development §§ Learning vs Training – the pros and cons to the business and holistic employee development §§ Innovative Training Tools – are they more effective than traditional classroom and on-the-job training in maximising transfer of skills? §§ Focus on non-technical training methods – does the introduction of leisure and physical activity boost learning and retention? §§ Creating a work environment that supports continuous learning and development §§ Empowering employees to take ownership and responsibility of their own development and learning Julian King, International HR Consultant, Executive Coach & Former Training & Development Manager at Qatar Foundation Redefining Training – Improve Transfer Of Skills And Raising ROI On Training And Employee Engagement §§ Redefining the design and implementation of training and curriculum that target gaps in core competencies and skills §§ Incorporating a suitable mix of content and practice to maximise skills and knowledge transfer §§ Developing and implementing individual training plans §§ Utilising technology to increase accessibility of training and lowers costs – incorporating video conferencing , online learning and mobile learning Kim Turton, Talent Manager, Q.Media Nicky Rudge, Corporate Learning and Development Manager, Qatargas


Networking refreshments


Networking And Refreshment Break


Leveraging Employee Growth To Drive Business GrowthAvoiding The Glass Ceiling – Preventing Career Stagnancy And Encouraging Employee Development To Better Support Business Development §§ What stage is the business at – growth or stability? How does this influence career progression within the business? §§ Redefining workplace hierarchies – introducing new layers, progression pathways and positions that encourage movement and support the business strategy §§ Ensuring that workplace hierarchies add value to the organisation – not just progress for progress sake Hend Al Muftah, Assistant Professor and Member of Qatarization Steering Committee , Qatar University


E-learning – Is It The Future Of Organisational Learning? §§ The reservations against e-learning including the high cost involved in set up? And why do they exist? §§ The challenges of set up and implementation and effectively overcoming them §§ The long term benefits to the organisation including increased accessibility §§ Quantifying the benefits of e-learning and justifying the high cost of set-up to management Emad El Maghraby, Regional Training Manager, Johnson & Johnson



Networking Lunch

Focus On Learning And Training


Panel Discussion


Effective Succession Planning For Senior Management – Ensuring Business Continuity And Supporting Organisational Growth §§ Is succession planning critical to ensuring engagement and retention of senior management? §§ How is succession planning essential to business continuity and business strategy? §§ Avoiding the glass ceiling for senior managers – creating new positions and redefining hierarchies §§ Horizontal movement – can this be an attractive alternative career path for managers? Ali Al Ahmed, Section Head, Management& Career Development Department, Talent Manager, Saudi Electricity

+971 4 335 2437

+971 4 335 2438


Rewards And Recognition – The Key To Increasing Employee Engagement And Retention §§ Developing an attractive reward mix – leveraging nonmonetary benefits, individual employee goals and expectations and recognition §§ Do hygiene factors matter – can lighting, temperature and other comfort factors influence employee engagement? §§ Are structured training and career development plans attractive reward?


Closing Remarks From The Chair

The event enlightened me on how to creatively achieve strategic goals

Shatha Akbar, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation

Critical Skills Workshop

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Aligning Talent Management Strategy With Business Strategy: A New Paradigm For Building Sustainability Julian King, International HR Consultant, Executive Coach & Former Training & Development Manager at Qatar Foundation


Effective talent management is essential to building business sustainability. Having the right talent and optimising their skills is critical to driving business objectives and long term goals. For this reason talent management strategy should be aligned to business strategy. This workshop will enable you to ensure that your talent management strategy is aligned with business strategy and effectively drives business objectives to build sustainability through targeted recruitment, sucession planning, leadership development and learning and development.

Why You Need to Sponsor Raise Your Company’s Profile In Qatar And Position Yourself As A Leader In Career Devlopment

Learning Objectives

§§ Understanding the business strategy, plans for growth and vision of the future §§ Uncovering the skill set and competencies needed to drive business strategy and long term goals §§ Building a recruitment and talent management strategy that will fulfill requirements and effectively drive business objectives and shape the vision for the future §§ Developing and executing effective training and development to ensure employees are equipped with the skills and competencies to facilitate business strategy §§ Ensuring business sustainability for the future: Leadership development and succession planning

Excellent and far reaching programme. A must attend for all

HR practitioners.

Career Development Qatar gives you a platform for a targeted marketing approach to promoting your corporate image, products and services as well as creating greater market awareness. Our sponsorship packages are designed to give your brand targeted exposure and increase your client base with networking opportunities. As business conference experts we know how to best use events to promote, develop and generate business for you. We offer a range of tailored packages. If you have any questions, whether general or specific, we would be happy to help you to answer them.

Eze Onwuneme Nigerian National Petroleum

A great opportunity to network with peers from the region. Lea Lonsted Maersk Oil Qatar

Contact Ben Jones on or call +971 4 4072432 for more details  Generate high value sales leads in Qatar’s top organisations  Launch and promote new products to the HR, Training and Learning and Development Directors  Build loyalty with Qatar’s key decision makers  Position your company as leading the HR sector in front of an influential audience  Broker new contracts and business partnerships  Build relations with key local media to increase market awareness


+971 4 335 2437

+971 4 335 2438

An excellent opportunity to network and learn about career development practices employed by other organisations.

Nawaf Hamed Al Qassar, Training Officer Kuwait Oil Company

From the organisers of

22-24 October 2012  Renaissance Hotel  Doha  Qatar


FIVE WAYS TO REGISTER IIR Holdings Ltd. P.O Box 21743 Dubai, UAE

971-4-3352437 971-4-3352438

Register before 23 August 2012

Register before 21 September 2012

Register after 21 September 2012

Conference + 1 Workshop

$3,199 SAVE 1,698

$3,299 SAVE 1,598

$3,399 SAVE 1,498


Conference Only

$2,699 SAVE $300

$2,799 SAVE $200

$2,899 SAVE $100


Workshop Only

$999 SAVE $200

$999 SAVE $200

$1,099 SAVE $100


Pricing Promotions:  Group Booking Discounts for full conference registrations up to 25%.  *No two discounts can be combined


GROUP DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE CALL: +971 4 335 2483 E-MAIL: Conference fees include documentation, luncheon and refreshments. Delegates who attend all sessions will receive a Certificate of Attendance. All registrations are subject to our terms and conditions which are available at Please read them as they include important information. By submitting your registration you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in full.


Name: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Job Title: ......................................................................................................... Email: ..................................................................................... Tel: ..................................................... Fax: .................................................... Mobile: ................................................................................ Name: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Job Title: ......................................................................................................... Email: ..................................................................................... Tel: ..................................................... Fax: .................................................... Mobile: ................................................................................

Name: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Please note that full payment must be received prior to the event. Only those delegates whose fees have been paid in full will be admitted to the event. You can pay by company cheques or bankers draft in Dirhams or US$. Please note that all US$ cheques and drafts should be drawn on a New York bank and an extra amount of US$ 6 per payment should be added to cover bank clearing charges. In any event payment must be received not later than 48 hours before the Event. Entry to the Event may be refused if payment in full is not received. Credit card payment If you would like to pay by credit card, please tick here and a member of our team will contact you to take the details

Job Title: ......................................................................................................... Email: .....................................................................................


Tel: ..................................................... Fax: .................................................... Mobile: ................................................................................

COMPANY DETAILS Company: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Address: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Postcode: ................................................................................. Country: ........................................................................................................... Tel: .............................................................................................. Fax: ................................................................................................................. .No. of employees on your site: 1000+ 500-999 250-499



Nature of your company's business: ..........................................

YES, I would like to receive information about future events & services via e-mail .................................................................

To assist us with future correspondence, please supply the following details:

If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate will be welcome in your place. Registrations cancelled more than 7 days before the Event are subject to a $200 administration charge. Registration fees for registrations cancelled 7 days or less before the Event must be paid in full. Substitutions are welcome at any time. All registrations are subject to acceptance by IIR which will be confirmed to you in writing. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the programme may change and IIR reserves the right to alter the venue and/or speakers or topics.

Avoid Visa Delays - Book Now Delegates requiring visas should contact the hotel they wish to stay at directly, as soon as possible. Visas for non-GCC nationals may take several weeks to process.

Event Venue:

Name of the Department Head: ..................................................................................................................................................................... Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: ....................................................................... Training Manager: ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: ...................................................................... Booking Contact: ................................................................................................................................................................................................ Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: ........................................................................

Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Beach Residence Tel: +971 4 449 8888 Accommodation Details We highly recommend you secure your room reservation at the earliest to avoid last minute inconvenience. You can contact the IIR Hospitality Desk for assistance on: Tel: +971 4 407 2693 Fax: +971 4 407 2517 Email:





Register before 19 July 2012


  


the session/s you wish to attend:



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