Certificate In Communication Skills For Internal Auditors

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Certificate In Communication Skills For Internal Auditors Earn Up To 30 CPE Credits

Brand new for 2014

Top 6 Course Benefits 1. Learn the secrets of effective communication 2. Appreciate how to better engage with stakeholders 3. Apply negotiation rather than persuasion techniques

4. Learn how to deliver powerful presentations and get feedback on your presentation techniques 5. Plan, write and edit a report to create short and powerful messages 6. 17 team exercises to provide practical solutions to communication challenges


4 – 8 May 2014 Dusit Thani Hotel, Dubai, UAE

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Course Level • This is an intermediary level course and delegates should ideally have 12 months’ experience in an internal audit role

The George Washington University School of Business, IIR Middle East’s Academic Partner, is dedicated to excellence: in its teaching and research about management, in the public and private sectors, within the United States and internationally. The school has a 75 year history of preparing men and women for leadership in both the public and private sectors. Known internationally for its dedication to academic excellence, the school draws students from all parts of the United States and around the world. Beyond first class teaching and scholarship, the school’s faculty offers practical experience in the issues and challenges confronting business and government. Its research centres link faculty and students with US and international business and government organisations. Recent distance learning initiatives have expanded the school’s global reach.

• Delegates should have a good educational standard (Bachelors degree or above) and/or a professional qualification or be in the process of studying for such a qualification • No advance preparation is required • Delivery method – Group-live (with exercises and case studies to provide practical application of the tools and techniques) • A pre-course questionnaire will be sent out 2 to 3 weeks prior to the course date to obtain some information about the delegate’s role and to provide an opportunity to indicate specific learning requirements

After Completing This Course You Will Be Able To: • Apply the techniques of effective communication • Engage positively with senior management by writing effective communication • Deliver proven communication approaches • Use all your interpersonal skills more efficiently

Course Requirements And Certificates Delegates must meet two criteria to be eligible for an IIRME/GW Certificate of Completion for a course: 1. Satisfactory attendance – delegates must attend all sessions of the course. Delegates who miss more than 2 hours of the course sessions will not be eligible to sit the course exam

• Manage your time more effectively and be able to influence management • Negotiate more successful outcomes • Apply proven listening skills • Apply the techniques of coaching and mentoring

2. Successful completion of the course assessment

CPE Credits

Delegates who do not meet these criteria will receive an IIRME Certificate of Attendance. If delegates have not attended all sessions, the Certificate will clearly state the number of hours attended.

Delegates can earn up to 30 CPE credits (22 in the communications field of study and 8 in the personal development field)

Course Assessment Your understanding of the course content will be assessed by completion of course exercises in the classroom and a short final exam.

Would you like to run this course in-house?

Business Risk Management Ltd. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.learningmarket.org

Who Should Attend • Internal Audit managers

The in-house training division of IIR Middle East Tel: +971 4 407 2624 • Email: CTS@iirme.com www.iirme.com/cts

• Senior Internal Auditors • Senior Quality Auditors or Compliance Officers • Other assurance professionals who want to improve their communication skills

T: +971 4 335 2437 F: +971 4 335 2438 E: register@iirme.com W: www.iirme.com/commaudit

Certificate In Communication Skills For Internal Auditors

4 – 8 May 2014 Dusit Thani Hotel, Dubai, UAE

Course Timings Registration will be at 08:00 on Day One. Course sessions will start promptly at 08:30 and end at 14:30. There will be breaks for refreshments at approximately 10:30 and 12:30 and lunch will be served at the end of each day’s session.

Day One Effective Communication – The Goal Of All Auditors The Importance Of Effective Communication • Research results from the IIA • Why communication is inherently difficult • Why internal auditors need to spend time planning their approach • The need for regular and consistent communication • Why communication is successful when the intended recipient takes the desired action • How to ensure success • The need for many and varied communication channels • The key aspects - Encoding – giving the ideas and facts as a message - Decoding – evaluating the message - Perception – why the message received may not be the one intended - Filtering – picking out the key issues - Feedback – to achieve mutual understanding Exercise 1 – Chinese whispers The Benefits Of Good Communication • Any improvement in communication will improve the overall effectiveness of internal audit • Stakeholders will better understand the role and responsibilities of internal audit • Audit managers and lead auditors will be able to manage engagements better • Productivity and effectiveness should improve • Auditors will reduce errors and problems in communications and therefore increase credibility • The profile and value of the function will be enhanced Exercise 2 – The bamboo pole The Need To Engage Senior Management • Senior management are extremely busy • Risks and controls may not be top of their agenda • The tone at the top will influence everyone else • The need to demonstrate the positive benefits of managing risk and having effective controls • Present the benefits of better risk management in ways which management can identify • Hold a meeting with the CEO and influential members of the Board (with a clear but short agenda) • Go prepared with a succinct presentation and some practical recommendations • Use the opportunity to argue for the importance of tone from the top • Point out the key risks facing the organisation, and show how a well-designed control structure can help • Don’t expect everything to be achieved with just one meeting • Be prepared to keep going back with the same messages until they are not only accepted, but also acted on Exercise 3 – The senior management meeting (role play) Characteristics Of Effective Communication • Why all communications should be : - Accurate providing facts and evidence


Objective – fair, impartial, and unbiased Clear – using simple language; avoiding jargon and technical terms Concise – avoiding unnecessary information or too much detail Constructive – useful, positive, and well meaning Complete – including all significant and relevant information Timely Organised and structured Logically sequenced

Exercise 4 – The communication dilemma

Day Two Interpersonal Skills Interpersonal Skills For Auditors • Diplomacy • Open-mindedness • Persuasiveness • Negotiation ability • Self-motivation and self-confidence • Decision making ability • Flexibility and ability to co-operate • Time management • Self control • Practicality • Results focus Exercise 5 – The Jigsaw game Influencing • Influencing styles - Directive - Persuasive reasoning - Collaborative - Visionary • Responses to influencing - The customer agrees with your views and commits to promoting them - The customer agrees but only because they value the relationship - The customer agrees verbally but has no real buy-in - The customer opposes your views • Dealing with the responses Exercise 6 – Influencing exercise Time Management • The barriers to effective time management for auditors - Not receiving information in a timely manner - Managers not available to meet you - Trying to cover too much - Being side-tracked by issues identified during the audit - Unrealistic fieldwork schedule - Staff lacking experience • Dealing with the issues – tips and advice Exercise 7 – Time management exercise Negotiation • Why negotiation is much more than persuasion • The need to reach agreement

T: +971 4 335 2437 F: +971 4 335 2438 E: register@iirme.com W: www.iirme.com/commaudit

• Negotiating during each audit phase - Planning - Fieldwork - Reporting - Follow-up • Trying to achieve a win-win situation • The problems with win-lose situations • Negotiation strategies - Dividing the ‘pie’ - Making the ‘pie’ bigger • Determining the objectives - What are the boundaries? - How long do you have? - How will you open and close the negotiation? - What might the other party ask? - Is the other party empowered to make the decision? - What information do you need? Exercise 8 – Practical negotiation

Day Three The Auditor Is Someone Who Listens Listening – The Most Important Audit Skill? • Why listening does not just involve the ears • The elements of listening (The Hurier Model) - Hearing - Understanding - Remembering - Interpreting - Evaluating - Responding • Types of listening - Comprehensive (getting as close as possible to the intended meaning) • Paying close attention to all the information • Words spoken • Tone of the voice • Body language - Critical (forming judgements about what was said) • Distinguishing between facts and opinions • Evaluating the basis of statements • Assessing the logic of arguments - Relationship (to help improve the relationship) Exercise 9 – Listening exercise Working With Stakeholders • The benefits of face to face meetings • How to ensure stakeholders want to meet with you • Internal and external stakeholders • Developing an induction programme for new audit committee members, senior managers and external stakeholders • Earmark sessions during audit committee meetings to provide updates and relevant information • Put together an intranet site that contains useful and relevant information for stakeholders • Prepare and issue an internal audit newsletter or brochure containing information about the service • Prepare short guides relating to the internal audit process, internal audit involvement in projects etc • Schedule periodic meetings with key stakeholders, even when there is no direct engagement activity in their area • Knowing what’s important to stakeholders Exercise 10 – Stakeholder meetings Coaching And Mentoring • The role of coaching and mentoring to develop internal auditors • What is coaching? • Development based on conversations between the coach and learner over a period of time

• Group coaching • Difference between coaching and training - Coaching is through structured tasks, reflection and discussion - Skills training is by knowledge transfer from the instructor to those learning • The difference between coaching and mentoring - Coaching is usually a trained professional from the same organisation and based on structured tasks - Mentoring usually involves a more experienced colleague or an experienced professional from another organisation and is based on ‘storytelling’ • One to one coaching for internal auditors - Helping competent technical internal auditors improve specific skills such as interviewing - Supporting an internal auditor who is moving into a more senior position • Team coaching - Supporting the internal audit team through a period of change - Improving team performance by revitalising existing teams - Developing specific team skills e.g. working together on engagements and managing differences between team members Exercise 11 – Coaching and mentoring exercise

Day Four Presentation Skills Preparing A Presentation Exercise 12 – Delegates prepare and deliver a 2 minute presentation on a subject of their choosing • Discussion of presentations and impact • Determining the audience and preparing an appropriate approach • The need for impact • Deciding the form of presentation • Use of visual aids • How many notes should you use • Use of humour – is this a good idea? • Education or decision seeking – the different techniques Delivering A Presentation • How to combat nerves • Keeping in control • How to deal with questions • Keeping the flow • The need not to over-prepare • Use of simple language • How to keep the audience’s interest • Use of props • Anticipating the questions • Considering what the audience will expect • Assessing the results • Getting feedback Senior Management Presentations Exercise 13 – Delegates work in pairs and prepare a 5 minute presentation on a current business issue and then present while being video-taped • Evaluation and feedback from the group • Learning points discussed • Development of personal action plans

T: +971 4 335 2437 F: +971 4 335 2438 E: register@iirme.com W: www.iirme.com/commaudit

Day Five Effective Writing Planning The Audit Report • Why writing that is easy to read is hard to write • Why writing that is easy to write is hard to read • Do not over complicate the report • Remember that this is for the management of the function • Do not tell them what they already know • The importance of finding the writing method that suits you best • Things you can do to make a report easier to read • Managing interruptions • The need to break the writing process into manageable chunks • Schedule time for writing and let others know about your schedule • Write without stopping • Work during your best hours Exercise 14 – Report planning Writing The Audit Report • Never use a long word where a short one will do • If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out • Never use the passive when you can use the active • Give a positive tone whenever you can • Avoid jargon if at all possible • Be flexible, don’t get too attached to what you have written first • How to construct clear paragraphs • The need to keep the subject, verb, and object close together • Always verify the quality of audit evidence before beginning to write the report • Keep sentences to 15 or so words • Ensure paragraphs have only 3 or 4 sentences at most • Use bullets points • Watch your ‘pet’ phrases or words Exercise 15 – Interactive report writing Writing The Executive Summary • Who will be the most important readers of the report? • How much do they know about the subject? • How interested are they in the report? • What’s their reaction going to be to the report’s message? • Write this before the main report • The messages you want top management to hear • Ask a non-technical person to read it when you have written it • Deal with issues in order of their importance Exercise 16 – The executive summary Editing Your Own And Others’ Work • Don’t begin to edit your report the moment you finish drafting it • Editing for errors • Editing for readability • Editing for overall message (senior management) • Any changes must be justified on the grounds that they will help the reader • Save proofreading for spelling and punctuation until last • Simplifying sentences • Words and phrases to avoid • Why the spellchecker facility won’t always help Exercise 17– Simplifying reports

Meet Your Expert Course Leader Phil Griffiths is Founder and Managing Director of Business Risk Management Ltd. A Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ experience in risk management, internal audit and fraud prevention as practitioner, professional adviser, facilitator and trainer. His specialisms are: • Assisting senior management to identify, manage and then exploit the risks within their business via facilitated business risk management programmes • Helping internal audit functions to implement world class standards • Developing fraud prevention, detection and investigation programmes • Training both private and public sector organisations in all the above disciplines He has extensive experience of the MENA region having trained professionals from over 600 organisations in this region during the past 15 years. He has developed over 60 training courses on all aspects of internal audit, risk management and fraud and delivered them across the globe. He is an accomplished author. His first book ‘Risk Based Auditing’ is an international best seller and his brand new book ‘Enterprise Risk Management’– the key to business success’ is receiving much acclaim. He is recognised as an accomplished and charismatic facilitator, trainer and lecturer and is in continual demand to speak at the most prestigious events on risk management, internal audit and fraud.

Why You Should Attend

As internal auditors, you face difficult communication challenges. The aim is to provide assurance to the board and to senior management; and to generate improvements or changes if they are necessary. • You have to be very clear if things in the organisation are not working and provide sufficient support evidence • You have to reach a shared understanding with specialists and general managers of what needs to change and why it matters • You have to find ways to convince experienced and powerful people to do things differently These responsibilities and challenges require a new set of skills, competencies and abilities. Strong communication and presentation skills are essential in this highly challenging environment, whether it is facilitating workshops, negotiating with management or communicating your ideas in the form of reports. This exciting course features a series of case studies and practical exercises covering verbal, listening, written and other communication skills. Using video and peer review, you will have the opportunity to learn from fellow professionals as well as benefiting from the wide experience of your course leader Phil Griffiths. Phil is a renowned expert in the assurance field, having worked with hundreds of such functions across the world. He will ensure that you take back practical and proven techniques to help you increase your personal impact and career prospects.

T: +971 T: +971 4 335 4 335 2437 2437 F: +971 F: +971 4 335 4 335 2438 2438 E: register@iirme.com E: register@iirme.com W:W: www.iirme.com/commaudit www.iirme.com/xxx

Certificate In Communication Skills For Internal Auditors 4 – 8 May 2014 • Dusit Thani Hotel, Dubai, UAE

FIVE WAYS TO REGISTER IIR Holdings Ltd. P.O Box 9428 Dubai, UAE

+971 4 335 2437 +971 4 335 2438 register@iirme.com


DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE FOR 2 OR MORE PEOPLE CALL – +971 4 335 2483 E-MAIL – a.watts@iirme.com Event

Course Fee Before 16 February 2014

Course Fee Before 9 March 2014

Final Fee

US$ 4,395

US$ 4,895

US$ 5,195

Certificate In Communication Skills For Internal Auditors 4 – 8 May 2014

WEB BC5519


Course fees include documentation, luncheon and refreshments. Delegates who attend all sessions and successfully complete the course assessment will receive an IIRME/GW Certificate of Completion. Any complaints, grievances or suggestion regarding CPE credit may be addressed to email: grievance@businessrisk.co.uk


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All registrations are subject to our terms and conditions which are available at www.iirme.com/terms. Please read them as they include important information. By submitting your registration you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in full.

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To assist us with future correspondence, please supply the following details: Name of the Department Head: ..................................................................................................................................................................... Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: ....................................................................... Training Manager: ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: ...................................................................... Booking Contact: .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: ......................................................................

Payments A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Please note that full payment must be received prior to the event. Only those delegates whose fees have been paid in full will be admitted to the event. You can pay by company cheques or bankers draft in Dirhams or US$. Please note that all US$ cheques and drafts should be drawn on a New York bank and an extra amount of US$ 6 per payment should be added to cover bank clearing charges. In any event payment must be received not later than 48 hours before the Event. Entry to the Event may be refused if payment in full is not received. Credit card payment If you would like to pay by credit card, please tick here and a member of our team will contact you to take the details

Cancellation If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate will be welcome in your place. Registrations cancelled more than 7 days before the Event are subject to a $200 administration charge. Registration fees for registrations cancelled 7 days or less before the Event must be paid in full. Substitutions are welcome at any time.

Avoid Visa Delays - Book Now Delegates requiring visas should contact the hotel they wish to stay at directly, as soon as possible. Visas for non-GCC nationals may take several weeks to process. All registrations are subject to acceptance by IIR which will be confirmed to you in writing. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the programme may change and IIR reserves the right to alter the venue and/or speakers.

Event Venue: Dusit Thani Hotel, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 343 3333 Accommodation Details We highly recommend you secure your room reservation at the earliest to avoid last minute inconvenience. You can contact the IIR Hospitality Desk for assistance on: Tel: +971 4 407 2693 Fax: +971 4 407 2517 Email: hospitality@iirme.com © Copyright I.I.R. HOLDINGS B.V.

MR/ST FN08 Audit


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