Mastering Emotional Intelligence

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A Must-Attend For Emerging Leaders

Mastering Emotional Intelligence

How To Develop The Emotional Expertise To Engage People, Enhance Productivity, And See The Results In Your Bottom Line Meet The Course Creator And Director

Professor Alan Patching Adjunct Professor Bond University, Australia

Receive E-Copies Of Professor Alan Patching’s Books ‘Imprints For Success’ And ‘The Soul Thing That Matters In Business’ When You Register For This Cutting Edge Course!

26 – 28 November 2013 • Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel, Dubai, UAE

5 Key Benefits Of Attending: 1. Develop the business ability to assess your organisation’s current Emotional Intelligence (EI) status and to determine the emotional competencies required to increase performance 2. Gain insight into your EI strengths and weaknesses, and learn how even minor strengths’ enhancement can leverage bottomline outcomes 3. Take your negotiation abilities to the next level by mastering advanced communication and persuasion skills 4. Develop a takeaway EI toolkit for immediate practical application in your organisation 5. Learn how many major organisations have used emotional competence to achieve outstanding business results improvement Organised by:

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Book and pay NOW and bring your colleague for FREE on this course See back page for details*

Course Overview Continuing development is a required aspect of professionalism in any field – both for personal credibility and career enhancement as well as for your organisations’ profitability. But all too often, professional development tends to be focused solely on technical skills. While this technical focus might seem natural, common sense and a major change in corporate attitude over the past decade or so, suggests we begin to look at how leading organisations are enhancing their ‘soft’ skills as a core means of achieving ‘hard’ and measureable improvements in their productivity and profit performance. The concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI) first broke into mainstream management in the mid 1990s which raises a very important question; can you risk waiting any longer to gain the proven business advantages of EI while there’s a very good chance that your competition might already be ‘upskilling’ their emotional competencies? You don’t need to carry the burden of that risk any longer! IIR ME presents Mastering Emotional Intelligence where you will learn the essential elements of EI and gain a practical understanding of the key emotional competencies for successful leaders including self awareness, self confidence, self regulation, motivation, social awareness and advanced communication skills. Most importantly you will learn how several leading organisations have used these ‘soft’ sounding skills to produce very attractive improvements in hard bottom line results. The purpose of this course is to present the compelling business case for building a corporate culture based on emotional expertise, and to define the steps on the pathway to building peak performance through emotional expertise.

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+971 4 335 2437

+971 4 335 2438

Meet The Course Creator And Director Professor Alan Patching is one of Australia’s most sought after international business presenters. Probably best known for his former roles as CEO and project director for the owning entity of the Sydney Olympic Stadium, he is internationally renowned as an expert on leadership, motivation, and communication in the corporate context, and as one of the world’s most experienced presenters on project management. He is Adjunct Professor at Bond University, on Australia’s Gold Coast. Alan Patching holds multiple certifications and accreditations in the study of human performance improvement and credits his impressive career achievements to his insatiable personal study of human behaviour and psychology as it relates to management and leadership. He has utilised his finely developed emotional expertise in the negotiation of billions of dollars worth of deals in industries as wide ranging as property and construction, retail, hospitality and aviation. A member of several professional institutions and now a retired fellow of the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors and the Australian Institute of Management, Professor Patching has also written business and leadership related books, e-books, articles and audio albums. Professor Patching is co-author, with Dr Gerry Flynn, of Imprints for Success (Skills for Emotional Expertise and Peak Performance).

Who Should Attend? This course has been specifically designed for emerging managers and leaders and for middle managers who are required to lead teams, projects and organisations. Your job title may include general manager, director, president or vice president, head of department, sales manager, business development manager, project manager or senior executive, or you may be preparing to progress to positions like these in the coming years.

Would you like to run this course in-house?

The in-house training division of IIR Middle East Tel: +971 4 407 2624 • Email:

Mastering Emotional Intelligence 26 – 28 November 2013 • Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel, Dubai, UAE Course Timings Registration will be at 07.30 on Day One. Course sessions will commence at 08.00 and finish at 14.30. There will be two breaks for refreshments at appropriate intervals with lunch served at the end of each day’s sessions.

Course Outline

The Human Brain, Emotion And Peak Performance


• Basic brain structure – dominant and non-dominant hemispheres, their functions and the implications for leaders

• Understanding the terms

• The Reticular Activation System (RAS) – the human success radar – how


Emotional Intelligence (EI)


Emotional Competence (EC)


it works and how we can use it more effectively in leadership • The “5 Ps approach” of Olympic champions and how we can use it to

Emotional Expertise (EE)

set and achieve organisational vision and personal goals

• The long history of EI

• The Limbic Hypothalamic System – what it is, its importance to


Rapid developments of the past decade


Critical importance of these developments to modern leadership

• Analysis of the type of change a person and an organisation can expect

leadership and communication and how to use it • Using our understanding of the brain structures and processes to attain higher emotional expertise, better performance, more effective

to effectively develop a culture of EI • The outcomes that can be expected from developing an EI based

communication and, ultimately, outstanding leadership capacity • Understanding how thinking patterns drive emotions, and that a change

corporate culture

in thinking must precede a change in emotions – in other words, learn

• Frequently asked questions

how to ‘change your brain for a gain!’

The Business Case For EI/EC/EE – Why No Corporate Leader Can Afford To Ignore EI/EC/EE

Leadership And The Learning Organisation

• Assess the business case for EI/EC/EE based organisational leadership

• How adults learn and what this means for us as individuals and in our

• A look at corporate politics (silo mentality and negative intra-corporate competition) – how they come about, why they destroy your bottom line, and how EI is the means of eradicating them

capacity as organisational leaders • The key differences between learning technical skills and learning EC skills

• Assessment of potential gain from dealing with corporate politics and an EI based approach to eradicating them

• Understanding the Boyatzis Theory of Self Directed Learning and its relevance to EI based leadership

Case Studies

• The leadership ingredients in the recipe for an effective EI/EC/EE based

The application of EI/EC/EE based leadership involving major global organisations and smaller universities

• Things we must absolutely reject and/or avoid in the process • Measuring EI – the various approaches, and cases for and against

Interactive Discussion Case histories of the destructive effect of corporate politics and silo mentality in a range of organisations The Clusters And Competencies Of EI/EC • Gain insight into each EI ‘competency’ • Consider the importance of each competency to both personal and business life • Discuss current barriers to the immediate adoption of the various competencies and address how to overcome those obstacles • EI in a nutshell -

Knowing your own emotions


Handling your own emotions effectively


Knowing other people’s emotions


Responding to and dealing with other people’s emotions effectively

• The EI clusters in detail • The original 25 ECs of the Goleman model and how they were ‘clustered’ • The current 20 ECs and how they evolved from the original 25

+971 4 335 2437


+971 4 335 2438

assessment Emotional Competencies In Detail • Understanding and developing self awareness - Understanding our emotions, and how they affect our relationships and our performance - The importance of reflection and contemplation to stress management and self development - The importance of openness to the opinions, ideas and feedback of others in self development and developing an EI based culture • Understanding and developing self confidence - The leadership art of self-assured personal presentation - The leadership art of knowing what risks to take and how and when to be decisive • Understanding self regulation - Understanding and applying the discipline of self control, particularly in emotion charged business situations - Trustworthiness – what is it and how do we develop it? - Understanding personal flexibility, and how to develop it

Mastering Emotional Intelligence 26 – 28 November 2013 • Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel, Dubai, UAE • Understanding motivation and self motivation in the leadership context -

During The Course You Will Complete Four Insight Providing Surveys:

The art of maintaining the drive to achievement in oneself and those

Questionnaire 1 – Assessing Our Own EI/EC And Understanding The Path To

one leads


The four levels of commitment and how to achieve the higher and more effective levels in self and others

Questionnaire 2 – Enneagram Survey

• Understanding social awareness – Part One -

The art of empathy


The art of developing a fine service orientation – anticipating,

- Understanding the Enneagram – an outstanding tool for understanding

recognising and meeting the needs of both internal and external customers -

maximum potential and personal development - The nine personality ‘types’ of the Enneagram and the type

The art and science of developing others by sensing what they need and building their abilities, through acknowledging their strengths and achievements and by assigning challenging work to grow their skills


human personality differences and leading ourselves and others to their

characteristics - Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each type and how to effectively lead each type - The principles of leading people for maximum personal development

The art of leadership by instilling a sense of purpose

using the Enneagram

• Understanding social awareness – Part Two -

The art of conflict management, including managing difficult people

Questionnaire 3 – Relationship Awareness Theory And The SDI

and tense situations with diplomacy and tact, encouraging principled -

debate and orchestrating win-win solutions

• Understand Relationship Awareness Theory

The art of networking, building rapport and relationships with co-

• Learn how to use the SDI as a tool for self awareness, social awareness

workers, management, and internal and external customers -

and social skills application

The art of replacing compromise with collaboration with a balanced task – people focus

Understanding the ultimate importance of open and honest feedback in all directions within the organisational hierarchy to replace negative

The Stages Of Leading An EI Culture Development Address the steps involved in introducing EI/EC/EE to your organisation • Assessment – what should we measure and how should we measure it to ensure tangible results

politics and silo mentality by a peak performance culture driven by highly developed EI/EC/EE skills. Questionnaire 4 – Leader’s Emotional Quotient Survey

• Education – and the different approach required for an effective education programme in ECs

Bringing It All Together

• Development of the corporate framework which will provide the best possible basis of EI culture development

• Course summary • Development of a personal and corporate action plan

• Transformation versus change: How to ensure effective development at the personal level – a study of the various aspects of the concept of ‘self’ Communication For The Application Of EI In An Organisational Environment EI is about the effectiveness of interpersonal relationships at all levels of organisational life. This module addresses the advanced communication skills seldom learned but vital to the optimum functioning of those relationships. • Transactional analysis as a communication, negotiation and corporate relationship building art form • Robert Dilt’s Unified Field Theory and its application to advanced communication in the organisational leadership context • Other important advanced communication skills

+971 4 335 2437

+971 4 335 2438

Mastering Emotional Intelligence 26 – 28 November 2013 • Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel, Dubai, UAE FIVE WAYS TO REGISTER IIR Holdings Ltd. P.O Box 9428 Dubai, UAE

+971 4 335 2437 +971 4 335 2438


WEB BC4962

Course Fee Before 10 September 2013

Course Fee Before 1 October 2013

Final Fee

US$ 3,095

US$ 3,395

US$ 3,495

Mastering Emotional Intelligence 26 – 28 November 2013*


Course fees include documentation, luncheon and refreshments. Delegates who attend all sessions will receive a Certificate of Attendance. *Book and pay NOW and bring your colleague for FREE on this course.

DELEGATE DETAILS Name: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Job Title: ......................................................................................................... Email: ..................................................................................... Tel: ..................................................... Fax: .................................................... Mobile: ..................................................................................

All registrations are subject to our terms and conditions which are available at Please read them as they include important information. By submitting your registration you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in full.

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Name: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Job Title: ......................................................................................................... Email: ..................................................................................... Tel: ..................................................... Fax: .................................................... Mobile: ..................................................................................

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A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Please note that full payment must be received prior to the event. Only those delegates whose fees have been paid in full will be admitted to the event. You can pay by company cheques or bankers draft in Dirhams or US$. Please note that all US$ cheques and drafts should be drawn on a New York bank and an extra amount of US$ 6 per payment should be added to cover bank clearing charges. In any event payment must be received not later than 48 hours before the Event. Entry to the Event may be refused if payment in full is not received. Credit card payment If you would like to pay by credit card, please tick here and a member of our team will contact you to take the details

Cancellation If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate will be welcome in your place. Registrations cancelled more than 7 days before the Event are subject to a $200 administration charge. Registration fees for registrations cancelled 7 days or less before the Event must be paid in full. Substitutions are welcome at any time.

Avoid Visa Delays - Book Now Delegates requiring visas should contact the hotel they wish to stay at directly, as soon as possible. Visas for non-GCC nationals may take several weeks to process. All registrations are subject to acceptance by IIR which will be confirmed to you in writing. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the programme may change and IIR reserves the right to alter the venue and/or speakers.

Event Venue: Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 330 0000 Accommodation Details We highly recommend you secure your room reservation at the earliest to avoid last minute inconvenience. You can contact the IIR Hospitality Desk for assistance on: Tel: +971 4 407 2693 Fax: +971 4 407 2517 Email: © Copyright I.I.R. HOLDINGS B.V.

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Soft Skills


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