Healthcare Balanced Scorecard

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Healthcare Balanced Scorecard Fairmont Hotel, Dubai, UAE

Certificate In Linking Strategy To Operations 7 – 9 December 2013

3 Main Learning Objectives: 1. 2. 3.

Manage or lead scorecard-based projects and initiatives in a healthcare organisation – confidently and professionally Step-by-step guidance through the process of developing and implementing scorecards in healthcare Optimise the practicality and impact of scorecards in numerous healthcare settings

Certificate In Developing And Implementing KPIs 10 – 12 December 2013

3 Main Learning Objectives: 1. 2. 3.

Official Regional Recruitment Partner:

Understand the critical success factors for using KPIs in healthcare Step-by-step guidance through the process of developing, selecting and using KPIs in a variety of healthcare settings Assure a proper cause-and-effect relationship between your KPIs and the plans or improvements you are delivering

Although these 2 courses are separately bookable, we strongly suggest you attend both courses to take the full benefit. See back page for combination discount. Follow us on:

Delegates should bring in their laptops with Excel installed.

About Your Course Director Benedict Stanberry is a consultant, author, lecturer and executive coach specialising in healthcare management. He has extensive experience of providing education and development programmes for clinicians and managers in the United Kingdom and across the Middle East.

The George Washington University School of Business, IIR Middle East’s Academic Partner, is dedicated to excellence: in its teaching and research about management, in the public and private sectors, within the United States and internationally.

Within the GCC, Ben works with many of the region’s leading healthcare organisations in both the public and private sectors. He also supports the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management in London, a UK-wide organisation that aims to promote the advancement of medical leadership, management and quality improvement at all stages of the medical career for the benefit of patients.

The school has a 75 year history of preparing men and women for leadership in both the public and private sectors. Known internationally for its dedication to academic excellence, the school draws students from all parts of the United States and around the world.

Originally trained as a lawyer, Ben specialised in medical and healthcare law and was named Welsh Lawyer of the Year in recognition of his advocacy, teaching and advisory work with the National Health Service in Wales.

Beyond first class teaching and scholarship, the school’s faculty offers practical experience in the issues and challenges confronting business and government. Its research centres link faculty and students with US and international business and government organisations. Recent distance learning initiatives have expanded the school’s global reach.

Following a move to management consulting in 2001, Ben worked with numerous public and private sector organisations – including the UK Ministry of Defence, Department of Health, LogicaCMG, Capgemini and Sanofi Avensis. During this time he also served as the interim chief executive of a Brusselsbased healthcare NGO that lobbied and worked with the European Commission and Parliament.

Course Requirements And Certificates Delegates must meet two criteria to be eligible for an IIRME/GW Certificate of Completion for a course: 1. Satisfactory attendance – delegates must attend all sessions of the course. Delegates who miss more than 2 hours of the course sessions will not be eligible to sit the course assessment 2. Successful completion of the course assessment Delegates who do not meet these criteria will receive an IIRME Certificate of Attendance. If delegates have not attended all sessions, the Certificate will clearly state the number of hours attended.

Course Assessment The assessment for the course will be based on delegates’ class participation and assessment at the end of the course.

Course Requirement Delegates should bring in their laptops with Excel installed.

In 2006, Ben briefly became a familiar face to millions in the UK when he beat over 10,000 applicants to become one of the stars of the BBC business reality show The Apprentice after having fought a successful three year battle with advanced cancer, from which he was given only a 30 percent chance of survival. Later that year, he was appointed General Counsel and then Commercial and Legal Director of one of the UK’s leading private healthcare providers. In the same year, Ben was elected as a Conservative Party politician in south west London where his responsibilities included overview and scrutiny of the delivery of healthcare services in the capital. In 2008, Ben was awarded an Executive MBA scholarship by Henley Business School, which is consistently ranked among the world’s top business schools by The Financial Times and The Economist magazines. He is presently the chair of Henley’s alumni association in the Middle East. Ben is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine and a Member of the Institute of Directors and the Institute of Healthcare Management. He is a regular speaker on healthcare management issues at both national and international conferences and has published numerous books, book chapters and journal articles on healthcare strategy and management.

Would you like to run this course in-house? The in-house training division of IIR Middle East Tel: +971 4 407 2624 • Email:

T: +971 4 335 2437 F: +971 4 335 2438 E: W:

Healthcare Balanced Scorecard 7 – 9 December 2013 • Fairmont Hotel, Dubai, UAE 10 – 12 December 2013 • Fairmont Hotel, Dubai, UAE

Introduction The Balanced Scorecard is one of the most important management innovations of the last two decades. Since it was first published by Robert Kaplan and David Norton in 1992 it has been extensively adopted by many of the world’s most successful organisations. These two courses from IIRME use interactive exercises and detailed case studies from clinics, hospitals, health ministries and regulatory bodies to show you how to unlock the full potential of the Balanced Scorecard to transform the performance of a healthcare organisation or department, as well as to measure and improve the quality of patient care and clinical outcomes.

Overview These two courses will enable you to integrate strategy maps, Balanced Scorecards and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) into a comprehensive and integrated management system that links a healthcare organisation’s strategic plans to the day-to-day operations by which those plans are executed. They consist of two courses: • Certificate In Linking Strategy To Operations – shows healthcare managers how to get the most from the Balanced Scorecard, guiding them step-by-step through the process of developing, adapting and implementing Scorecards in a variety of healthcare settings • Certificate In Developing And Implementing KPIs – explores the critical role of KPIs in healthcare management systems that use a Scorecard approach, showing how the success of the approach relies on the strength of the KPIs used and equipping you to develop, select and use KPIs confidently and professionally Although these two courses are separately bookable, we strongly suggest you attend both courses to take the full benefit. See back page for combination discounts.

Who Should Attend? Both courses will be of significant benefit to anyone who is managing or leading the delivery of a project in a healthcare organisation that could benefit from use of the Balanced Scorecard. These can include: • Implementing a hospital, clinic or health system’s corporate strategy • Delivering a performance or quality improvement project • Implementing a clinical governance system

• Creating performance criteria for hospitals and clinics • Demonstrating compliance with performance criteria • Benchmarking performance against international best practices • Gaining an external quality award • Achieving or maintaining JCI accreditation or re-accreditation • Measuring and improving clinical and patient outcomes

Methodology And Style The lead trainer, course designer and technical expert is Benedict Stanberry. Ben specialises in providing executive education, coaching and development programmes for healthcare managers and professionals across the Middle East. He works with many of the region’s leading healthcare organisations in both the public and private sectors. His extensive list of regional clients for whom he has provided in-house training includes: • King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, KSA • King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, KSA • Riyadh Care Hospital & National Hospital, Riyadh, KSA • Saudi German Hospital Group, Jeddah, KSA • Tamer Group, Jeddah, KSA • King Hussein Cancer Center, Amman, Jordan • Mafraq Hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE • Al Rahba Hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE • Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai, UAE • Ministry of Health, Dubai, UAE • Supreme Council of Health, Doha, Qatar • Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar • Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman • New Mowasat Hospital, Kuwait All Ben’s courses consist of: • Interactive PowerPoint presentations – hard copies of which will be included in the delegates’ course materials • Short video lessons – in which healthcare managers and leaders describe their experiences of the topic under discussion • Open questions and interactive discussions – to stimulate reflection and the sharing of experiences • Worked examples – of all the concepts taught, enabling delegates to see how they are used in practice • Practical problem-solving exercises – based on real life case studies, undertaken individually and in small groups to build both behavioural and functional competency • Optional further reading – through reference articles and stories from journals and periodicals, copies of which will be provided in the course materials Much of the delegates’ learning will come from working as individuals, in pairs and in teams to tackle real life case studies from which invaluable lessons can be taken.

T: +971 4 335 2437 F: +971 4 335 2438 E: W:

Healthcare Balanced Scorecard

Certificate In Linking Strategy To Operations 7 – 9 December 2013 • Fairmont Hotel, Dubai, UAE Course Timings: Registration will be at 07:30 on Day One. Course sessions will start promptly at 08:00 and end at 14:30. There will be two short breaks for refreshments and lunch will be served at the end of each day’s sessions. Since Robert Kaplan and David Norton first published the Balanced Scorecard some two decades ago their scorecard concept has been widely adopted by healthcare organisations. This course shows healthcare managers how to get the most from the Balanced Scorecard. You are guided step-by-step through the process of developing and implementing a scorecard, examining in depth the particular challenges involved in adapting it to the needs of healthcare users. With the help of numerous interactive case studies, the course explores how the Balanced Scorecard can be modified for use across a wide variety of healthcare organisations: from small independent clinics to major health systems and ministries. It shows how scorecards can be modified to optimise their practicality and usefulness in healthcare by including perspectives such as quality of care, outcomes and access. As a result of this course, you will be ready to manage or lead scorecard-based projects and initiatives in your own organisation – confidently and professionally.

Day One

Developing Your Strategy What strategic plans do you and your colleagues want to implement? What quality improvements do you want to make? What clinical outcomes do you want to achieve? On Day One you will look at the context in which your healthcare organisation might choose to use a Balanced Scorecard to link strategy to operations. You will consider how strategic plans are developed in healthcare organisations and practice some of the most useful planning tools through which this can be done. Day One concludes with an interactive case study in which you will use your learning to create a performance improvement agenda for a healthcare organisation. The sessions on Day One cover: • Clarifying Mission, Values And Vision – affirming high-level guidelines about a healthcare organisation or department’s purpose and conduct • Conducting A Strategic Analysis – identifying, through structured analysis, the events, forces and experiences that impact and modify the strategy • Now Can You Say What Your Strategy Is? – define what needs to be achieved and how it can be achieved

Day Two

Strategic Planning Using Strategy Maps And Balanced Scorecards On Day One, you selected a course of action to achieve a specific purpose. But this exercise concluded in something

still too vague to easily be put into action. On Day Two you will learn how to use strategy maps to turn a healthcare organisation’s strategic intentions into specific objectives, measures, targets, initiatives and budgets. Day Two concludes with you resuming your interactive case study by creating a strategy map and Balanced Scorecard to show how the performance improvement agenda you identified on Day One can be translated into a set of linked objectives, with targets and measures associated with each objective. The sessions on Day Two cover: • Creating The Strategy Map – developing a comprehensive integrated model of the healthcare organisation’s strategy that pulls together the many diverse components of the plan • Selecting Measures And Targets – converting strategic direction statements into measures and targets that can be linked to the healthcare organisation’s management system • Choosing And Funding Strategic Initiatives – defining the portfolio of initiatives and projects needed to close each of the identified performance gaps. Identify a source of funding for each of them and establish accountability for carrying them out

Day Three

Aligning the Healthcare Organisation With Its Strategy Most healthcare organisations have multiple functions. Many such organisations operate multiple hospitals and almost all hospitals have numerous clinical departments and wards. On Day Three you will conclude the course by examining how healthcare managers can link the strategies and improvement activities of individual departments, units or locations to that of the organisation as a whole. You will also look at the vital subject of how to motivate staff to get them engaged and committed to executing a healthcare organisation’s strategy. Day Three concludes with you completing your interactive case study by ‘cascading down’ a healthcare organisation’s targets and measures to its departments, wards and support units. The sessions on Day Three cover: • Aligning Business Units – cascading and embedding a healthcare organisation’s plans into multiple departments and locations • Aligning Support Units – ensuring support units (such as pharmacies and laboratories) have goals that enhance the performance of the organisation and support its overall strategy • Aligning Healthcare Staff – making sure everyone understands the strategy and is motivated to help execute it successfully

T: +971 4 335 2437 F: +971 4 335 2438 E: W:

Healthcare Balanced Scorecard

Certificate In Developing And Implementing KPIs 10 – 12 December 2013 • Fairmont Hotel, Dubai, UAE Course Timings: Registration will be at 07:30 on Day One. Course sessions will start promptly at 08:00 and end at 14:30. There will be two short breaks for refreshments and lunch will be served at the end of each day’s sessions. Frameworks such as the Balanced Scorecard have revolutionised the way hospitals and other healthcare organisations are managed by showing how different Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can be used to monitor the execution of strategic plans and the delivery of performance improvement projects. However, the success of KPIs greatly depends on the strength of their relationship with the plans and projects they are intended to monitor. It is therefore critical that managers who are using KPIs assure there is a proper cause-and-effect relationship between the KPIs and the plans or improvements they are trying to implement. Using interactive case studies from numerous hospitals and health systems, this course shows healthcare managers how to assure success when using KPIs. You are guided through the critical success factors for using KPIs and taken step-by-step through the process of developing, selecting and using them in a variety of healthcare settings.

Day One

Critical Success Factors For Healthcare KPIs On Day One we introduce the benefits and challenges of using KPIs to link strategy to operations and performance improvement in healthcare organisations. You will explore some of the myths surrounding KPIs, discover that using KPIs is not always straight-forward and will observe why using performance measures does not always lead to better performance. Day One sets the foundation for learning in this course, using interactive case studies to guide you through the essential preparation and planning activities that have to be undertaken by a healthcare manager before starting to develop actual KPIs. The sessions on Day One cover: • An Introduction To KPIs In Healthcare – the benefits, challenges and myths behind performance measurement in healthcare • Making Information Work For You – developing good sources of information, organising and looking after it • Getting Staff Engagement And Commitment – communicating with the staff whose ‘buy-in’ and trust will be essential for success

Day Two

Developing KPIs And Minimum Data Sets How should a healthcare manager approach the process of developing KPIs? On Day Two you are taken, step-bystep, through the process of developing and using Key

Performance Indicators. You will consider the difficulties involved in assuring that what is being measured has a close enough cause-and-effect relationship with the outcomes or improvements that a healthcare organisation is trying to deliver and explore how these difficulties can be resolved by the choice of suitable statistical methodologies. Day Two includes a number of interactive exercises based on real-life case studies in which you will be tasked with developing KPIs for a number of common applications: including quality accreditation, performance improvement and the execution of a hospital’s strategic plan. The sessions on Day Two cover: • Defining The Audience – understanding who the KPIs are being collected for and why they are being collected. Which voice, or voices, should you be listening to before you start collecting data? • Selecting KPIs – deciding what to measure and how to measure it in a balanced and appropriate way, using appropriate selection criteria and reliable data sets • Communicating Results And Reviewing KPIs – monitoring and managing results to assure performance is being improved, strategic plans implemented and the KPIs themselves are robust

Day Three

Selected KPI Applications In Healthcare On Day Three you will conclude the course by looking in more depth at some of the typical uses for KPIs in healthcare and at the specific challenges and benefits each use brings. You will learn how KPIs are not only important in executing strategy and improving performance at the level of the individual hospital or clinic, but also at a national level where healthcare policy-makers want to bring about wholesale improvements in the performance of health systems and the health of their nation. As on previous days, Day Three includes a number of interactive exercises based on real-life case studies – showing how KPIs can be applied in various healthcare applications and identifying the practical difficulties that need to be overcome. The sessions on Day Three cover: • KPIs For Hospital Accreditation – creating performance indicators to simplify and streamline the accreditation and re-accreditation process • KPIs For Strategic Or Cultural Change – linking performance measures to strategic and/or cultural change in a healthcare organisation • KPIs For Health System Reform – using performance indicators to raise healthcare standards, improve the quality of public healthcare services and promote better public health

T: +971 4 335 2437 F: +971 4 335 2438 E: W:

Healthcare Balanced Scorecard Certificate In Linking Strategy To Operations

Certificate In Developing And Implementing KPIs

7 – 9 December 2013 • Fairmont Hotel, Dubai, UAE

10 – 12 December 2013 • Fairmont Hotel, Dubai, UAE

FIVE WAYS TO REGISTER +971 4 335 2437

IIR Holdings Ltd. P.O Box 9428, Dubai, UAE

+971 4 335 2438

DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE FOR 2 OR MORE PEOPLE CALL – +971 4 335 2483 E-MAIL – Event Certificate In Linking Strategy To Operations (BC5011)


Course Fee before 22 September 2013

Course Fee before 12 October 2013

Final Fee

7 – 9 December 2013

US$ 2,995

US$ 3,095

US$ 3,295


Course Fee before 22 September 2013

Course Fee before 12 October 2013

Final Fee

US$ 2,995

US$ 3,095

US$ 3,295

Event Certificate In Developing And Implementing KPIs (BC5012)

10 – 12 December 2013

Combination Discount: Register for both courses and pay US$ 5,795 Course fees include documentation, luncheon and refreshments. Delegates who attend all sessions and successfully complete the course assessment will receive an IIRME/GW Certificate of completion.

BC5011 BC5012

Would you like to run this course in-house? Save training $$ and create learning experiences relevant to your business. To customise this course and increase value and impact, contact Leigh Kendall on +971 4 407 2624 or email the team at All registrations are subject to our terms and conditions which are available at Please read them as they include important information. By submitting your registration you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in full.



Job Title: ......................................................................................................... Email: ........................................................................................

A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Please note that full payment must be received prior to the event. Only those delegates whose fees have been paid in full will be admitted to the event. You can pay by company cheques or bankers draft in Dirhams or US$. Please note that all US$ cheques and drafts should be drawn on a New York bank and an extra amount of US$ 6 per payment should be added to cover bank clearing charges. In any event payment must be received not later than 48 hours before the Event. Entry to the Event may be refused if payment in full is not received.

Tel: ..................................................... Fax: .................................................... Mobile: .....................................................................................

Card Payment

Name: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Job Title: ......................................................................................................... Email: ........................................................................................ Tel: ..................................................... Fax: .................................................... Mobile: .....................................................................................

Name: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Name: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................

If you would like to pay by credit card, please tick here and a member of our team will contact you to take the details


Job Title: ......................................................................................................... Email: ........................................................................................ Tel: ..................................................... Fax: .................................................... Mobile: .....................................................................................

COMPANY DETAILS Company: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................

If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate will be welcome in your place. Registrations cancelled more than 7 days before the Event are subject to a $200 administration charge. Registration fees for registrations cancelled 7 days of less before the Event must be paid in full. Substitutions are welcome at any time.

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Address: ......................................................................................................... Email: .......................................................................................... Postcode: .............................................................................. Country: ............................................................................................................. Tel: .......................................................................................... Fax: ..................................................................................................................... No. of employees on your site: 1000+





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Delegates requiring visas should contact the hotel they wish to stay at directly, as soon as possible. Visas for non-GCC nationals may take several weeks to process. All registration(s) are subject to acceptance by IIR which will be confirmed to you in writing. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the programme may change and IIR reserves the right to alter the venue and/or speakers.

To assist us with future correspondence, please supply the following details: Name of the Department Head: ..................................................................................................................................................................... Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: .......................................................................

Name of the Training Manager: ..................................................................................................................................................................... Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: .......................................................................

Event Venue: Fairmont Hotel, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 332 5555

Accommodation Details We highly recommend you secure your room reservation at the earliest to avoid last minute inconvenience. You can contact the IIR Hospitality Desk for assistance on: Tel: +971 4 407 2693 Fax: +971 4 407 2517 Email:

Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: .......................................................................





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