Cost Control And Financial Performance For Healthcare Organisations Reducing Costs And Maximising Efficiency To Transform Your Hospital’s Financial Performance
Fully revised and updated for 2014 with the latest International Best Practices Book and pay NOW and bring your colleague for FREE on this course Only valid for February course*
5 Key Benefits: 1. MEASURE and UNDERSTAND your hospital’s or department’s costs across the entire cycle of patient care 2. BENCHMARK PERFORMANCE using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for measuring and understanding your healthcare organisation’s efficiency, productivity and financial health 3. TRANSFORM PERFORMANCE using the tools and techniques that management consultants charge millions of dollars for! 4. REVIEW exciting case studies of how progressive hospitals have dramatically enhanced their financial performance using Lean Thinking and Real Time Demand Capacity Management 5. OPTIMISE cash flow through better workforce planning, discharge planning and revenue cycle management
Organised by:
*2 – 5 February 2014 • Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel, Dubai, UAE 12 – 15 October 2014 • Radisson Royal Hotel, Dubai, UAE Follow us on
Course Overview Accurately measuring costs and outcomes is the single most powerful lever available today for transforming your healthcare organisation’s financial performance. So say Professors Robert Kaplan and Michael Porter of Harvard Business School (Harvard Business Review, 2011) who have developed a new and powerful system that healthcare providers can use to measure and understand their organisation’s costs. With accurate and appropriate cost information, these organisations can then adopt bold and decisive strategies to improve their hospital or clinic’s efficiency, productivity and financial performance while sustaining or improving outcomes. This course from IIR – the only one of its kind in the Middle East – puts Kaplan and Porter’s new system and other highly practical tools and best practices into delegates’ hands: tools which they and their colleagues can take away and put to work immediately to transform their healthcare organisation’s financial performance and maximise the value of the patient care they deliver. The course is easy to follow and split into two essential parts: • Part One – Measuring And Understanding Healthcare Costs – through case studies and practical exercises, delegates will learn cost-finding methods that will enable them to accurately measure and understand healthcare costs at the level of the individual patient with a given medical condition over a full cycle of care. Delegates will also learn Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for measuring and understanding their healthcare organisation’s efficiency, productivity and financial performance. • Part Two – Reducing Healthcare Costs And Transforming Financial Performance – through a detailed review of international best practices, delegates will learn and practice the tools and techniques with which they can dramatically reduce the costs of patient care – by engaging all the necessary stakeholders to improve efficiency, patient flow and resource utilisation; by aligning capacity and demand; by planning and managing workforce requirements; by eliminating bed-blocking, minimising length of stay and optimising the revenue cycle.
Would you like to run this course in-house?
The in-house training division of IIR Middle East Tel: +971 4 407 2624 • Email:
+971 4 335 2437
+971 4 335 2438
Meet Your Expert Course Director Benedict Stanberry Director, IHLM, United Kingdom Benedict Stanberry is a British consultant and academic who writes, teaches, coaches and consults across the world on strategic healthcare management and leadership. Ben has extensive experience of designing and delivering professional education and development programmes for healthcare managers and clinicians in the Middle East and has worked with many of the Gulf’s leading healthcare organisations in both the public and private sectors, including – • King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, KSA • Saudi German Hospital Group, Jeddah, KSA • King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Damman, KSA • King Hussein Cancer Center, Amman, Jordan • Mafraq Hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE • Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai, UAE • Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar • Supreme Council of Health, Doha, Qatar • Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman • New Mowasat Hospital, Kuwait City, Kuwait Ben began his career as a medical lawyer and became a healthcare management consultant in 2001. He has served as the interim chief executive of a Brussels-based healthcare NGO and as an elected politician in south west London, where his responsibilities included overview and scrutiny of the delivery of healthcare services in the capital. His most recent role has been as a director of one of the UK’s leading private healthcare companies. Ben is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, a Member of the Institute of Healthcare Management and Institute of Directors and an Associate Member of the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management. He holds an MBA from the world-ranked Henley Business School.
Who Should Attend? This is an essential course for any healthcare manager or management team that needs to know how to measure, understand and reduce costs, maximise efficiency and transform the financial performance of their healthcare organisation or department, including: • CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CMOs and CNOs • Chiefs of Service, Heads of Departments and other Budget Holders • Clinical, Medical, Nursing and Operations Managers • Financial Controllers, Managers and Accountants • Quality Managers and Consultants • Marketing Managers and Consultants • Process Improvement Managers and Consultants
Cost Control And Financial Performance For Healthcare Organisations 2 – 5 February 2014 • Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel, Dubai, UAE 12 – 15 October 2014 • Radisson Royal Hotel, Dubai, UAE Course Content Measuring Healthcare Costs The Context For Cost Control And Financial Performance In Healthcare
Understanding Healthcare Costs
Reducing Healthcare Costs
Transforming Financial Performance
Mapping And Analysing The Care Delivery Value Chain (CDVC)
Engaging The Stakeholders
Workforce Planning And Management
Lean Thinking For Healthcare
Discharge Planning
Patient Flow And Resource Utilisation In Healthcare
Revenue Cycle Management
Cost-Finding Methods For Healthcare Organisations Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) For Efficiency, Productivity And Financial Performance
Calculating The Complete Costs Of Patient Care
Course Timings: Registration and coffee will be at 07:30 on Day One. The course will commence at 08:00 and conclude at 14:30 with lunch. There will be refreshment breaks at approximately 10:30 and 12:30.
Course Outline • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) For Efficiency, Productivity
Day One
And Financial Performance – understand and practice using Module One – Measuring Healthcare Costs
measures and ratios that will tell you how efficiently and
In Module One, you will be thoroughly grounded in cost-finding
productively you are managing your healthcare organisation’s
methods for healthcare organisations and better placed to evaluate
resources and how your financial performance compares with
whether the payment your hospital, clinic or department receives from
international benchmarks
a patient, healthcare insurer, ministry of health or other payer will
Day Two
actually cover the full costs of the care that was delivered. You will also explore the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) through which you can monitor and improve efficiency, productivity and bottom-line financial
Module Two – Understanding Healthcare Costs
In Module Two, you will learn how to systematically map the full set of both clinical and non-clinical activities that your healthcare
• The Context For Cost Control And Financial Performance In
organisation delivers over the complete cycle of care for a given
Healthcare – identify the key factors that have led to rising health
medical condition or Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG). The resulting
care costs, the main approaches to controlling costs and the ethical
map – the Care Delivery Value Chain (CDVC) – will enable you to
issues resulting from cost control activities
accurately measure the total costs of that cycle of care using the costfinding methods you learned during Module One.
• Cost-Finding Methods For Healthcare Organisations – understand and practice how to use the ‘Step-Down’, ‘Cost-to-
• Mapping And Analysing The Care Delivery Value Chain (CDVC)
Charge Ratio (CCR)’, ‘Activity-Based Costing (ABC)’ and ‘Time-
– understand and practice how to map the principle processes and
Driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC) methods for calculating
steps involved in a patient’s care and the key tasks and activities
healthcare costs and identify their benefits and drawbacks
taking place during each step
+971 4 335 2437
+971 4 335 2438
• Calculating The Complete Costs Of Patient Care – understand and practice how to use the TDABC method to calculate the cost of each process and activity in the Care Delivery Value Chain and in
IIR’s Advanced Healthcare Management Programme
doing so calculate the complete costs of patient care IIR Middle East offer a comprehensive programme of advanced courses in healthcare management designed to meet the needs
Day Three
of healthcare managers and professionals in specialist functions, Module Three – Reducing Healthcare Costs
as well as those in middle and senior management roles.
In Module Three, you will confront a painful truth: that your healthcare
Through our multi-disciplinary faculty of international experts
organisation’s total costs of providing care cannot be reduced until
we provide the region’s current and future healthcare leaders
all the necessary stakeholders come together to improve efficiency,
with the transformative insights and practical tools they need to
patient flow and resource utilisation and align capacity and demand.
build innovative, high-performing and competitive healthcare organisations that are ready for tomorrow’s challenges and
• Engaging The Stakeholders – understand and practice how to
engage and communicate with the key stakeholders in patient care to overcome their resistance and get their ‘buy-in’ for cost reduction and performance improvement projects
The courses in the 2014 Advanced Healthcare Management Programme include: • Cost Control And Financial Performance For Healthcare
• Lean Thinking For Healthcare – understand what ‘value’ means from a customer and patient perspective and learn how to improve the end-to-end patient care process by finding and removing unnecessary waste to optimise efficiency and productivity • Patient Flow And Resource Utilisation In Healthcare – learn how to integrate the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s four-step Real Time Demand Capacity (RTDC) model into your organisation’s management processes to improve patient flow and resource utilisation
Organisations This unique course delivers highly practical tools and international best practices directly into participant’s hands: tools which they and their colleagues can take away and put to work immediately to transform their healthcare organisation’s financial performance and maximise the value of the patient care they deliver. • Healthcare Mini MBA The Middle East’s pre-eminent executive education event enables ambitious healthcare managers and clinicians to come together to reflect on their management challenges
Day Four
and transform their strategic decision-making capabilities using the case methods and techniques developed by the
Module Four – Transforming Financial Performance
world’s top business schools.
In Module Four, you will complete your journey by reviewing the main strategies through which healthcare organisations can transform their financial performance by planning and managing workforce requirements, eliminating bed-blocking, minimising length of stay and optimising the revenue cycle.
• Leaders In Healthcare A unique learning opportunity, this course exposes the Middle East’s future healthcare leaders to a series of expert lectures from an unparalleled faculty of senior experts who will coach and direct participants in the personal and professional
• Workforce Planning And Management – learn how to plan and benchmark the size of your healthcare organisation’s workforce,
leadership development issues they face and expose them to news ways of designing and delivering healthcare services.
understand when to outsource services and learn how to use ‘Pay for Performance (P4P)’ programmes to incentivise individuals and teams
• Transforming The Patient Experience This course is designed for anyone with designated responsibility for improving patient experience. It offers a
• Discharge Planning – learn how progressive healthcare
rich source of research evidence, international best practices,
organisations use proactive discharge planning systems, that begin
stories from patients and staff and many examples of
before patients are even admitted, to eliminate bed-blocking and
innovative ideas and well-tested techniques that participants
minimise length of stay
can immediately put to work in their own healthcare organisations to help them become more patient-focused.
• Revenue Cycle Management – discover how to optimise all the stages in the process of creating, submitting, analysing and
Please feel free to contact one of our team members to
ultimately getting paid for medical bills: from the front of the cycle
find out more about these courses, their dates and request
(patient access, pre-registration, entitlement and eligibility and self-
for your copy of the brochures.
pay), and mid-level (coding and transcription) to the back of the cycle (account collections)
+971 4 335 2437
+971 4 335 2438
Cost Control And Financial Performance For Healthcare Organisations 2 – 5 February 2014 • Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel, Dubai, UAE 12 – 15 October 2014 • Radisson Royal Hotel, Dubai, UAE
FIVE WAYS TO REGISTER IIR Holdings Ltd. P.O Box 9428 Dubai, UAE
+971 4 335 2437 +971 4 335 2438
Course Fee Before 17 November 2013*
Course Fee Before 8 December 2013*
Final Fee*
US$ 3,995
US$ 4,495
US$ 4,795
Cost Control And Financial Performance For Healthcare Organisations 2 – 5 February 2014 (BC5270)
WEB BC5270/BC5271
Course Fee Before 27 July 2014
Course Fee Before 17 August 2013
Final Fee
Cost Control And Financial Performance For Healthcare Organisations 12 – 15 October 2014 (BC5271)
US$ 3,995
US$ 4,495
US$ 4,795
Course fees include documentation, luncheon and refreshments. Delegates who attend all sessions will receive a Certificate of Attendance. *Book and pay NOW and bring your colleague for FREE on this course. Only applicable for February 2014 course.
All registrations are subject to our terms and conditions which are available at Please read them as they include important information. By submitting your registration you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in full.
DELEGATE DETAILS Name: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Job Title: ......................................................................................................... Email: ..................................................................................... Tel: ..................................................... Fax: .................................................... Mobile: ..................................................................................
Name: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Job Title: ......................................................................................................... Email: ..................................................................................... Tel: ..................................................... Fax: .................................................... Mobile: ..................................................................................
Name: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................
A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Please note that full payment must be received prior to the event. Only those delegates whose fees have been paid in full will be admitted to the event. You can pay by company cheques or bankers draft in Dirhams or US$. Please note that all US$ cheques and drafts should be drawn on a New York bank and an extra amount of US$ 6 per payment should be added to cover bank clearing charges. In any event payment must be received not later than 48 hours before the Event. Entry to the Event may be refused if payment in full is not received. Credit card payment If you would like to pay by credit card, please tick here and a member of our team will contact you to take the details
Job Title: ......................................................................................................... Email: .....................................................................................
COMPANY DETAILS Company: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Address: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Postcode: ................................................................................. Country: ...........................................................................................................
If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate will be welcome in your place. Registrations cancelled more than 7 days before the Event are subject to a $200 administration charge. Registration fees for registrations cancelled 7 days or less before the Event must be paid in full. Substitutions are welcome at any time.
Avoid Visa Delays - Book Now
Tel: .............................................................................................. Fax: ..................................................................................................................
Delegates requiring visas should contact the hotel they wish to stay at directly, as soon as possible. Visas for non-GCC nationals may take several weeks to process.
No. of employees on your site: 1000+ 500-999 250-499
All registrations are subject to acceptance by IIR which will be confirmed to you in writing.
Nature of your company's business: ..........................................
YES, I would like to receive information about future events & services via e-mail .................................................................
To assist us with future correspondence, please supply the following details: Name of the Department Head: ..................................................................................................................................................................... Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: ....................................................................... Training Manager: ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: ...................................................................... Booking Contact: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the programme may change and IIR reserves the right to alter the venue and/or speakers.
Event Venue: Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 330 0000 Radisson Royal Hotel, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 308 0000 Accommodation Details We highly recommend you secure your room reservation at the earliest to avoid last minute inconvenience. You can contact the IIR Hospitality Desk for assistance on: Tel: +971 4 407 2693 Fax: +971 4 407 2517 Email:
Department: ........................................................... Mobile: .......................................... Email: ...................................................................... © Copyright I.I.R. HOLDINGS B.V.
Tel: ..................................................... Fax: .................................................... Mobile: ..................................................................................