Course Overview For the crew and passengers of the Titanic, an iceberg was a disaster. To others icebergs are a natural wonder to behold! But imagine if you could transport icebergs into the desert – you would have a source for the most precious resource in the world: Water! Whilst we cannot (yet) drop icebergs in the desert, forwardthinking business leaders have been solving similarly complex problems for decades or even centuries. But we are living in very difficult times. Turmoil in the world seems to continue unabated – with increasing public unrest, wildly fluctuating oil prices, natural disasters of a scale thought unimaginable, volatile stock markets and world economic uncertainty.
In this time of global uncertainty how is it possible to create business advantage? The answer is to recognise that the only real link between all these events is risk – and then to try to anticipate, manage and exploit such risks. The key is to recognise that for every dollar, dirham or riyal lost or wasted someone has benefited by an equal amount.
Who Should Attend
During this masterclass, Phil will demonstrate 60 proven ways to enhance business performance by exploiting risk and managing uncertainty.
• Chief Risk Officers
Do not miss this business changing experience. If you only attend one event this winter make it this.
• CEOs • Directors and VPs
• Audit Committee members responsible for risk management • Regulators
If you only attend one event this winter make this the one!
Risk Management
Icebergs In The Desert
60 proven ways to enhance business performance by exploiting risk and managing uncertainty Organised By
O cial Regional Recruitment Partner
The World’s Best Kept Secret? A strategic master class for business leaders led by world-renowned risk management guru: Phil Griffiths 15 December 2011, Kempinski Hotel, Mall Of The Emirates, Dubai, UAE
Course Timings Registration will be at 8.00. The masterclass will start at 8.30 and finish at 15.30. There will short breaks at appropriate times for networking sessions, refreshments and prayers. Lunch will be served at 13.00.
Masterclass Outline
• It is crucial to calculate the value of income required to cover each dollar/ dirham/riyal wasted due to poor risk management – and how to use this multiplier as a business driver • You need to recognise that your employees will only be interested in managing risks if there is a benefit for them in doing so • Use a risk assessment framework to assess your risk maturity • Only one risk matrix should be used for the whole business • Meaningful Key Risk Indicators (KRI’s) are needed to warn you before risks materialise • You should arrange a reputation risk workshop for senior management • Your assurance providers’ roles e.g. Internal Audit, Compliance, Risk Management, Insurance, Security etc should be coordinated to avoid duplication of effort
Session One: Strategic Risks Winning techniques to turn strategic risks into business advantage including why: • The volatility in the world economy has been so dramatic and will continue • Risk needs to focus on getting things right – not dealing with what has gone wrong • ‘Ring fence’ risk exposure – so that no part of the business critically impacts the whole organisation • Corporate risk appetite is invariably poorly defined • Reputation: your biggest asset and biggest risk • Crucial, binding agreements in a corridor or golf course are bad ideas • Strategic objectives are rarely measurable or deliverable and how to make them so • You need to identify as many risks on the horizon as you can before they can impact you • You should develop a corporate opportunity register • Analysing the major surprises and near misses that you have had in the last 12 months will provide a risk roadmap
Session Three: Projects, Partnerships And Contracts Techniques to successfully manage project risk including why: • Most projects fail to achieve their objectives • You need to determine the associated risks at the earliest stage of a project • It is unlikely that projects are delivered on time, on budgets on-specs • You need to decide upfront which of the 3 elements, time, financial budget or functionality you are willing to compromise first • Risk workshops should be held with the shortlisted suppliers or contractors before awarding a contract • Executives need a clear brief regarding the decisions that may or not be made by them before they attend each meeting with partners • Just because a partnership is effective in year one it will necessarily be the same in year two and beyond • It is critical to have a right to audit clause for all outsourced operations and exercise that right
Session Two: The Need For A Dynamic Risk Process Proven techniques to ensure risk management drives business including why: • Every risk needs to be given a monetary value (and how to do so) • You should be careful committing time and money in risk mitigation
Meet Your Course Director Phil Griffiths FCA Phil is one of the most exciting and knowledgeable speakers in the world in the field of strategic risk management A charismatic and engaging orator he has a unique knack of energising an audience.
He has been spreading the message of successful risk management for more than 15 years and has worked all over the world with some of the most prestigious organisations in both the public and private sectors. Over 10000 people have attended his workshops. He has extensive experience of the Middle East market having worked with over 600 organisations in the GCC during the past 12 years
Risk Management
15 December 2011 Kempinski Hotel, Mall Of The Emirates, Dubai, UAE
Icebergs In The Desert
FIVE WAYS TO REGISTER 971-4-3352437 971-4-3352438
IIR Holdings Ltd. P.O Box 21743 Dubai, UAE GCS/IIR Holdings Ltd. P.O Box 13977 Muharraq Kingdom of Bahrain
DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE FOR 2 OR MORE PEOPLE CALL – 971-4-3352483 E-MAIL – Event Risk Management Icebergs In The Desert 15 December 2011
Interested in running this course in-house?
Please call the Customised Training Solutions Team on 971-4-3352439 or
Course Fee Before 6 October 2011
Course Fee Before 3 November 2011
Final Fee
US$ 995
US$ 1,195
US$ 1,495
Course fees include documentation, luncheon and refreshments. Delegates who attend all sessions will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Kempinski Hotel, Mall Of The Emirates, Dubai, UAE Tel: 971-4-3410000
Send a second executive at 50% Discount