Monday 28 October 2013
08.30 Registration and Refreshments 09.00 Opening and Welcoming Remarks from the Chairman Craig Eason, Technical Editor, Lloyd’s List, Sweden Keynote Addresses 09.10 Operating in the Middle East; The Potential Growth And Increasing Role In The International Market H.E. Khamis Buamim, Chairman of Drydocks World & Maritime World, UAE Overview of the Middle East within the International Shipping Industry & the Impact Of Emerging Rules And Regulations On Regional Operators A general report on IMO strict regulations and targets: How can shipowners be supported to reach the targets? Maritime transport and future policies: Perspectives from the Middle East Region How technology can support international standards enforcement in the region? Featured Regional C-Level Response Panel
Hosted and introduced by Wärtsila
10.00 How Has The Middle East Region Evolved To Become An International Shipping Hub And What Needs To Be Done To Keep On Growing? Reporting on maritime exchange growth in the region with a focus on cargo and tanker activity Investigating the latest developments in port construction, extensions and upgrades What needs to be done in terms of infrastructure and regulations to encourage and ensure sustainable growth in the future? Looking into the impact of the Middle East overall economic growth on shipping industry activity Moderator : Tom Leander, Regional Director – Middle East and Asia, Lloyds List Panellists : H.E. Khamis Buamim, Chairman of Drydocks World & Maritime World, UAE Michel Deleuran, Executive Vice-President Maritime, Milaha (Qatar Navigation), Qatar Captain Farhad Patel, General Manager, Sharaf Shipping Agency, UAE Ayyagari Ramamurty, General Manager, Pioneer Ship Management Services LLC, UAE 10.40 Q&A Session and Live Voting Interactive Live Voting: Your voice will be heard! Using interactive live voting, we will debate the key issues affecting the industry to be discussed across the two days. 10.45 Structured Speed Networking Session And Morning Refreshments 15 minute ice-breaker to get in touch with your fellow colleagues from various organisations, discuss challenges and exchange business cards… Of which you’ll need plenty!
11.15 The Growing Role Of Ports In the ME Shipping Industry and Regional Economic Growth Case study, reports and discussions on the major port development projects in the region Impact of port infrastructure and capacity development on long-term economic growth for the Middle East Financing and implementing port automation technology to improve operational efficiency and better face increased ship size and cargo handling Increasing security and environment norms for ports: How can technology help meet new standards Speaker faculty reserved 11.45 Financing Technology: How To Structure Your Investment Plan Depending On The Size Of Your Fleet, The Nature Of The Project And Your Available Resources Is the Middle East experiencing trouble to fund required new regulations compliant technology upgrades such as BWS? Asset valuation and “loan to value”: How to finance non value-adding but required retrofits investment Shipowners equity or mortgage? Role of Export Credit Agencies in the Middle East ship finance industry: Are they playing the game? Funding is not an issue, time is the problem! How can large ME shipowners successfully plan their technology upgrades to meet international regulations deadlines? Samir Sharma, Project Finance Head, United Arab Shipping Company, Kuwait will present a short case study which will then lead to a panel discussion. 12.30 Lunch and Networking Break 13.30 CASE STUDIES: Fuel Efficiency, Alternative Propulsion And Vessel Performance Improvement: Strategic Perspectives For Shipowners And Operators Understanding fuel efficiency solutions as cost savers and competitive advantages for shipowners and operators Integrated systems and data management to optimise vessel and fleet performance Considering alternative propulsions to save on operating costs: Electric, hybrid and energy storage concepts adapted to vessels’ power plants Speakers will present their case studies for 15 mins. Following their presentation, all speakers will join onto the stage for Q and A.
JOINT CASE STUDY: GL and UASC 1. Fridtjof Rohde, Principal Consultant, GL Futureship Mohamed Zaitoun, Fleet Marine Technology Superintendent, UASC 2. Jan-Erik Räsänen, Global Business Manager - Marine Energy Solutions, ABB Marine & Cranes, Finland 3. Melvin Mathews, Director - Regulatory and Environmental Solutions, Eniram, UK PRESENTATION: The creation of a new ISO standard on Reliable and Transparent Hull and Propeller Performance Measurement 4. Svend Søyland, Senior Advisor, Bellona Foundation 14.45 What’s New? What Are The Solutions Currently Looked At By Operators To Monitor, Evaluate And Compare Vessels’ Performance? How Will the KPIs affect you? The desire to improve vessel performance, operations and accountability (to both vendors and other principals) has led to the creation of a number of indexes and KPI systems that are not yet familiar to the industry. This session will look at how these are developing and how they can support the industry towards improved operations.
Shipping KPI Project: An update on the devlopment and potential agreement with tonnage owners
Captain Kuba Szymanski, Secretary General, InterManager, UK
Ranking ships according to their efficiency: Developing indexes to measure vessels’ good design and impact on fuel consumption
Warwick Norman, CEO, RightShip, Australia
An industry practitioner’s experience: Developing operational benchmarks and industry best practices and standards
Rajaish Bajpaee, CEO, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement, Hong Kong
Environmental performance indexes: What has been done so far and which impact on the industry to date?
15.15 Afternoon Refreshments and Networking Break 15.40 Ballast Water Management: Operational and Safety Concerns – Where do you stand? Implementing a ballast water system is a heavy investment: Which financing strategy do you adapt to remain compliant? Systems adaptability to existing vessels: Is there a technology that fits all? How to make sure that the system you choose will be cost effective and efficient? Examining lifespan, sustainability and maintenance plan of the system: Why providers do not offer multipleyear guarantee? Lloyds List Technical Editor Craig Eason to present a short introduction, leading onto a panel debate: Svend Søyland, Senior Advisor, Bellona Foundation Edward Bucknall, Technical Director, Columbia Ship Management, Cyprus Ibrahim Al Nadhairi, Head of New Ship Building Projects, Oman Shipping Company, Oman 16.30 Closing Remarks from the Chairman Craig Eason, Technical Editor, Lloyd’s List, Sweden
Conference Day 2
Tuesday 29 October 2013
08.30 Registration and Refreshments 09.00 Opening Remarks from the Chairman and Re-cap on day one’s outcomes Questions answered with the Interactive Live Voting Craig Eason, Technical Editor, Lloyd’s List, Sweden ADAPTING TECHNOLOGY AND VESSEL PERFORMANCE 09.10 FEATURED KEYNOTE ADDRESS The Rising Role of India Captain JC Anand, Chairman, Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) 09.40 CASE STUDY State Of The Art Technology Innovations: Retrofitting Challenges of retrofitting and technology adaptation to old vessels To what extent can you integrate technology into newly built ships? The pros and cons Analysing real examples of the challenges and solutions related to technology adaptation to existing vessels Jamil Al-Ali, Manager Fleet Engineering Group, Kuwait Oil Tanker Company, Kuwait 10.00 PANEL DISCUSSION Transforming The Process Of Innovation For Shipbuilding: New Technologies At Stake To Improve Ship Operating Conditions and Lower The Cost Of Repair Balancing cost reduction and technological innovations: How to ensure quality and long lasting shipbuilding? The shipyards’ role in integrating innovative technology into shipbuilding “Product Lifecycle Management” solutions “to build the right product and build the product right” Captain JC Anand, Chairman , Indian Shipping Register Manindera Paul Singh, Executive Director Offshore / Marine Projects, Drydocks World-Dubai, UAE Jacques Moreau, Director of Shipbuilding, Topaz Energy and Marine, UAE 10.40 Morning Refreshments and Networking Opportunities 11.10 PANEL DISCUSSION Marine Hull Coating: Impact On Ship Performance, Environment And ROI What’s new since the TBT ban? Can the industry offer coatings of greater performance? Developing an environment friendly, long lasting, antifouling and low-drag hull coating to answer shipowners’ needs What are the solutions in place to decrease the total cost of hull coating including immobilisation, cost of paint and surface preparation? Subir Bose, Head of Fleet, Blue Lines Shipping, UAE Torben Rasmussen, Group Product Manager, HEMPEL Svend Soeyland, International Adviser, Bellona Foundation 12.00 CASE STUDY Vessel Automation And The Intelligent Ship – A New Level of Integrated System Can new systems allow inter-communication between ships to improve level of safety? “Complete system automation”: To what extent do you rely on “automatic piloting”? Making navigation safer: How ECDIS - Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems can avoid wrecks Senior Representation from Wartsila 12.30 Lunch and Networking Opportunities
13.45 Shipping Examination, Certification And Vetting: Original Equipment On Board, Safety Reliability And Maintenance Costs Is new technology integration likely to improve a ships general condition or is it a maintenance cost pitfall? How to make sure that original equipment on board remains operational with new technology embarked Evolving role of classification societies: marine surveyors or technological experts? Impact of integrated technology on vessels evaluation and insurance premiums calculation: Another cost increase? Captain Gamal Fekry, Managing Director, Red Sea Marine Services, UAE 14.25 HR Corner: Seafarers Training And Adaptation To New Technologies Onboard Do seafarers adapt to technology or technology adapts to seafarers? Investigating training programmes to limit risks of accidents related to misuse of new technologies Impact of technology on a seafarers’ life: Dream or nightmare? The One Million Dollar Question: How can you retain your crew? Two presentations, followed by Q and A Lars Modin, MD, International Tanker Management Ltd and ITMG GmbH Speaker position reserved 15.10 Afternoon Refreshments and Networking Opportunities 15.40 INTERVIEW AND Q & A New Thinking in Vessel Design Lars Modin, MD, International Tanker Management Ltd and ITMG GmbH Oskar Levander, Vice President Innovation, Engineering & Technology, Marine , Rolls Royce 16.00 INTERACTIVE SESSION The Shape of Shipping – What Next? Where do we go from here? 2020 Onwards: Opinions on Operationally Dependable, Financially Efficient And Environmentally-Friendly Ships Investigating the current ship design trends currently at stake in the shipyards globally Solar and wind power technologies: Are they mature and safe enough to be a decent complement/alternative to existing fossil fuels? What are the latest developments on LNG powered shipping? Conversion innovations vs. new builds Nuclear powered shipping: Greener, energy efficient, space optimiser… Can it become the new norm? How can technology ensure that ships in the future are unskinable, profitable and carbon neutral? Senior Panel Representation from Lloyds Register and DNV/GL and regional Shipowners 16.40 Closing Remarks and Close of Conference Craig Eason, Technical Editor, Lloyd’s List, Sweden 16.45 Close of Conference 19.00 Lloyds List Awards Ceremony and Gala Dinner at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Dubai
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