Trade Credit Insurance Summit

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23 – 25 September 2013 | The Address Hotel Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE

Developing A Robust Trade Credit Insurance Market To Drive Trade And Protect Against Political Risks In MENA The FIRST And ONLY Trade Credit Insurance Summit In MENA

Expert Speakers Include:

What’s In It For You? BUSINESS GROWTH TACTICS on how to capitalise on the growing trade credit insurance market in the Middle East FACE TO FACE MEETINGS with leading insurance purchasers, ECAs, insurers and financiers through structured networking breaks and interactive sessions INSIGHT FROM END USERS on their trade credit insurance experience and requirements featuring IBM, Goodyear, Dubai Cable Company, Platinum Corporation, Hakan Agro DMCC and more VALUE ADDED STRATEGIES FROM BANKS to improve access to better financing terms THE LATEST INTELLIGENCE on trade, economic patterns and risk perspectives across the region

Dr. Marc Auboin Economic Counsellor - Trade and Finance World Trade Organization Dr. Marc is a member of the WTO Task Force on Finance Crisis and Trade, overseeing relations with the IMF and World Bank under the Coherence Mandate, and is a member of the WTO G-20 Task Force.

THREE Post-Event Workshops Wednesday, 25 September

Assessing The Impact Of Basel III On Trade, Financial Analysis And Risk Underwriting In The MENA Region


All You Need To Know About Trade Credit Insurance: What Is It, How Does It Work And Why Do You Need It?


Supporting SME Development In The Region: The Role Of Trade Credit Insurance In Protecting SMEs Against Non-Payment And Facilitating Access To Trade Finance In Domestic And Export Markets


Jef Vincent Chief Underwriting Officer African Trade Insurance Agency

Owais Diyan Head of the Operations The Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investments and Export Credits (ICIEC) Dilip Hiremath Head – Trade and Supply Chain Mashreq Bank Jerzy Szapiro Duque Controller IBM Middle East and Africa



Sudhakar Tomar Managing Director Hakan Agro DMCC

Arif Choksy CFO Dubai Cable Company

Guest Keynote Address by


Neil Ross Trade Credit Regional Manager AIG

Piers Constable Head of Coverage Middle East & Africa Structured Trade & Export Finance Deutsche Bank AG

CRITICAL INFORMATION on political risk and risk appetite enabling businesses to enter new export markets safely


Massimo Falcioni CEO GCC Countries Euler Hermes


Mohammed Al Jafari Vice Chair & Director General Jordan Loan Guarantee Corporation (JLGC) See inside for more… MEDIA PARTNERS


Why Trade Credit Insurance, And Why Now?

Who Will You Meet?  Insurance Buyers

As a truly global trading hub, over 78% of the UAE GDP was exported to the Middle East, Africa and Asia region in 2012. With increased political turmoil in the region, issues such as extended payment terms, default and insolvency are rife and pose a major threat to the region’s exporting and trading businesses. The development of a sustainable Trade Credit Insurance market is now vital to supporting both trade and economic growth. The first of its kind for the region, IIR Middle East’s inaugural Trade Credit Insurance Summit provides an important platform for the nascent MENA trade credit insurance market to exchange information and strategies on how to best develop the industry to enable sustainable trade growth. The event will discuss how to manage account receivables, aid easier access to finance, provide market intelligence and credit information for local business as well as assist banks in gaining more liquidity.

Why Do You Need To Be There? · Evaluate the impact of macro-economic performance on regional trade and understand governmental initiatives to support businesses · Review the growth potential of trade credit finance and insurance in the region by assessing regional credit trends, outlining the role of trade credit insurance and exploring the changing roles of ECAs · Identify which markets to enter by analysing political risk for major trade hubs · Share strategies for increasing credit insurance volumes by facilitating bank loans, securing geographic business growth and increasing working capital · Overcome current challenges faced by the trade credit insurance sector including the lack of information, transparency in claims and premiums as well as a need for product diversity


 Government


 ECAs & Multilaterals


 Insurance Industry


 Financiers


 Advisors & Consultants 5%

Which Countries Will Attend?






 North Africa


 East Africa


 Levant


 Europe



An ideal forum to meet and exchange views with leading figures from the industry featuring: Breakfast Briefing, 23 September Open only to senior representatives of insurance purchasers, this closed door platform presents a great occasion to discuss the opportunities trade credit insurance is creating for businesses in the region. Speed-Networking, 23 September This exclusive opportunity will enable you to interact with government officials, bankers, ECAs, insurers and brokers within a short time to grow your business and gain a competitive advantage in the region. This is a quick and effective way to expand your business network and generate key contacts in the industry. Regional Risk Analysis Afternoon: Special Focus On Iran, North Africa And Levant Countries, East Africa And Eurozone Four mini presentations followed by breakout round tables on political risks in Iran, North Africa & Levant Countries, East Africa and Eurozone. These sessions will enable you to gain indepth knowledge of the region and will help you to evaluate the implications of changing risk patterns on on your business.

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Trade Credit Insurance Summit provides excellent opportunities to showcase your experience and services in commercial and political risk management for domestic and international trade. Whether you can help organisations to mitigate the risk associated with trade, increase their liquidity or expand their businesses, the Trade Credit Insurance Summit is an essential platform to reaffirm your position with existing clients and develop brand new sales leads. Multiple opportunities include: ü Chairmanship of plenary sessions ü Workshop delivery ü Presenting market critical expertise to the plenary audience ü Breakfast briefing hosting ü Lunch hosting ü Targeted stage and venue branding ü Showcasing expertise through extensive web and e-marketing campaign and much more Contact Timothy Hawes on +971 (0) 4 407 2442 or for further details on customised branding and sponsorship packages to suit your needs.


Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: | Web:

Summit Day One

Monday | 23 September 2013 12:40

Lunch And Networking Break

08:40 Welcome Note And Opening Remarks Massimo Falcioni, CEO GCC Countries, Euler Hermes, UAE


Adapting To Middle Eastern Markets: Overcoming The Lack Of Reliable Information In The Region To Facilitate Access To Trade Finance And Insurance · Evaluating the impact of the lack of mandatory financial reporting on the availability of relevant information for trade credit and insurance · Stakeholders’ perspectives on access to information: Users, Banks and Insurers · Key criteria and methodologies to consider whilst setting credit limits in opaque financial markets · Facilitating collaboration between all stakeholders in the market to increase access to trade finance and insurance Sudhakar Tomar, Managing Director, Hakan Agro DMCC, UAE Ali Raza Dharamsey, Director - Transaction Services Origination, Middle East & Africa, Royal Bank of Scotland, UAE H.C. Barke, President & C.E.O, Prudence Insurance Brokers, UAE

08:50 Opening Remarks By Summit Chairman Robert Nijhout, Executive Director, ICISA, Netherlands

Assessing The Macro-Environment For Trade In The MENA Region


09:30 Macro Economic Outlook: Unveiling The Impact Of Global Economic Performance On Regional And International Trade · Reviewing global trade volumes and forecasts · Eurozone crisis: What impact will it continue to have on world trade? · How is trade in the Middle East fairing when compared to international markets? · The importance of oil prices and how they affect global trade and economy Dr. Marc Auboin, Economic Counsellor - Trade and Finance, World Trade Organization, Switzerland 10:10 10:40

Speed-Networking: Expand Your Business Network And Gain A Competitive Edge A quick and effective way to expand your business network and generate key contacts in the industry. Morning Refreshments And Networking Break

Identifying And Mitigating Political Risk 14:30



09:00 New Government Initiatives Driving And Supporting Trade In The Middle East · Evaluating the state of trade in the MENA region: Volumes, sectors, markets and prices · To what extent can Dubai retain its importance as a gateway to global trade? · Strategic initiatives being implemented to establish and increase exports in the region · Enhancing trade flows throughout the UAE and the wider MENA region · New measures for increasing regional cooperation Gayane Afrikian, Senior Economic Policy Adviser - Economic Policy and Research, Department of Economic Development (DED), UAE


08:00 Registration And Morning Refreshments


Afternoon Refreshments And Networking Break


Special Focus On Iran, North Africa And Levant Countries, East Africa As Well As The Eurozone Four mini presentations followed by breakout round tables

Evolving Patterns Of Political Risks In Iran And The Impact Of Increased Sanctions · How has regional unrest affected the political and economic position of Iran? · What has been the spillover effect to neighbouring countries? · Seeing the bigger picture: Wider implications for key trading partners as a result of sanctions

Reviewing The MENA Trade Credit Insurance Landscape

Exploring Contrasting Models Of Export Credit Agencies And Their Role In Increasing Intra-Regional Trade · How do ECAs help in promoting export and investment in the region? · Are there any particular sectors or types of entities that ECAs are promoting? · What role do ECAs have in helping to meet demand for large scale exports? · Understanding the role of ECAs based in perceived ‘risky’ countries · Developing correspondence relationships, bilateral agreements and trade linkages in the MENA region Nasir Issa Al-Ismaily, General Manager, Export Guarantee Agency of Oman SAOC, Oman Mohammed Al Jafari, Vice Chair & Director General, Jordan Loan Guarantee Corporation (JLGC), Jordan El Hadi A. M. Saeed, Deputy General Manager & In Charge Of Export Credit Insurance, National Agency for Insurance & Finance of Export (NAIFE), Sudan Owais Diyan, Head of the Operations, The Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investments and Export Credits (ICIEC), Saudi Arabia Alaa Gouda, General Manager, Export Credit Guarantee Co. of Egypt (ECGE), Egypt INTERNATIONAL ECA PANEL


Outlining The Role Of Trade Credit Insurance In The Larger Global Trade Landscape · Understanding the importance of a risk cover for doing business in today’s market · What volumes are being insured and how is the market set to grow? · What’s happening in international markets and what are the lessons learnt that could be applied to MENA? · Assessing key developing trends in insurance purchasers: Size, sector, geographic location · Has growing global sovereign risk and increasing market fluctuation broadened the appeal of TCI to regional corporates? Massimo Falcioni, CEO GCC Countries, Euler Hermes, UAE





Analysing The Impact Of Increased Political Turmoil And Market Risk On The Trade Credit Insurance Industry · Global Risk Map: An overview of global political and economic risk ratings · Evaluating the future of political risk: Changes in risk sources and regional risk profiles · Understanding the key drivers of political risk and debating to what extent is the recent rise in political risk impacting the TCI industry? · What have been the latest changes in PRI policies and prices and why? Are some countries now off the table for insurers and why? · What is the impact of sanctions to export businesses? Mahan Bolourchi, Head of Risk Management, Information and Claims, Euler Hermes, UAE



East Africa: Prospects Of Growth In A Challenging Environment · What is the potential for political risk to affect receivables? · Ground level assessments of the government, systems and schemes · What are the means to gain access to credit information? · What is the risk appetite for insurers? · Outlining recent success stories and lessons learnt Jef Vincent, Chief Underwriting Officer, African Trade Insurance Agency, Kenya Evaluating The Impact Of Recent Changes To Political Risk In North Africa And Levant Countries · Economic and political review of the region · Where are the potential hotspots in light of recent political change in the MENA region? · What is in store? Political risk forecasts for the next 18 months · Will there be a spillover effect to neighbouring countries? · What is the risk appetite for insurers? Owais Diyan, Head of the Operations, The Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investments and Export Credits (ICIEC), Saudi Arabia

Regional Risk Analysis Roundtables These breakout roundtables will enable you to gain in-depth knowledge of the region and evaluate the implications to your business. Choose ONE: Iran, North Africa and Levant Countries, East Africa or Eurozone Chairman’s Closing Remarks and End of Conference Day One

Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: | Web:

Summit Day Two 08:00 Breakfast Briefing (By Invitation Only) Open only to senior representatives of insurance purchasers, this closed door platform presents a great occasion to discuss the opportunities trade credit insurance is creating for businesses in the region.

Raising Awareness In The Market In today’s uncertain economic times, traders are looking for trade credit insurers, but who are the providers of trade credit and how do they facilitate traders in growing their business? · Discussing the role trade credit insurance plays in facilitating worldwide and domestic trade: Export vs. domestic risks and commercial vs. political risks · Evaluating why trade credit insurance is more than insurance, which companies buy trade credit insurance cover and why as well as which products are insurable and which are not · Assessing the role trade credit insurance plays in giving added security to trade financiers and to a company’s risk management Robert Nijhout, Executive Director, ICISA, Netherlands


09:45 Protecting Exporters: The Role Of Credit Insurance In International Trade · Keeping trade flowing: credit insurance as the stable force in the global economy · Global and regional trends in business volumes, exposures and claims; · Update from Berne Union and Prague Club members · Outlook for the future Fabrice Morel, Deputy Secretary General, Berne Union (International Union of Credit & Investment Insurers), United Kingdom

Evaluating Trade Finance And Creating A Platform For Collaboration In Trade

Trade Credit Crunch: Assessing Regional Trends In Trade Credit Finance To Identify New Financing Rates · What part is traditional trade financing playing in the region and what other alternatives are widely used in the market? · Evaluating current trends: Are companies witnessing a movement back towards letters of credit as a way of increasing payment certainty? Are they seeing a greater growth in their factoring and discounting businesses? · To what extent will Basel III impact trade finance availability in the region? Will there be sufficient capacity, and how much is sustainable? · How can insurance cover alleviate the pressure on banks and attract new pockets of liquidity? · In the context of financial shortages in the region, how are insurers and banks creating partnerships and what are the implications? Piers Constable, Head of Coverage Middle East & Africa Structured Trade & Export Finance, Deutsche Bank, UAE Dilip Hiremath, Head – Trade and Supply Chain, Mashreq Bank, UAE Ian Rogers, Regional Head of Business Development GTRF MENA, HSBC Bank Middle East Limited, UAE Kersi Patel, Head of Trade and Working Capital Middle East, Barclays, UAE


Morning Refreshments And Networking Break



Understanding End Users' Experiences And Requirements 11:30






· Understanding the importance of trade credit insurance from the perspective of users in the region · Evaluating the decision making process employed by end users when purchasing trade insurance · What are the primary concerns that users face and what would make it easier for them to decide? Arif Choksy, CFO, Dubai Cable Company (Private) Ltd, UAE Jerzy Szapiro Duque, Controller, IBM Middle East and Africa, UAE Suresh Vaidhyanathan, Group CFO, Platinum Corporation FZE, UAE Vineet Gupta, Treasury Manager, OCTAL Petrochemicals LLC FZC, Oman Better Leveraging Trade Credit Insurance For Accessing Trade Finance, Securing Geographic Business Growth And Increasing Working Capital · Gaining easier access to trade finance · Methods for keeping more working capital in hand and providing less collateral · Protecting your cash-flow and balance sheet against the adverse impact of bad debts · Expanding business geographically and through increasing quantities · Insuring trade receivables and effectively turning risk capital into growth capital · Accessing real time credit information facilities for region and market, sector and business George Wilson, Customer Financing Regional Manager MENA & EuroAsia, Halliburton, UAE Lunch And Networking Break

Product Diversity, Pricing And Claims 13:50

Product Diversity: How Can Insurance Providers Diversify Their Offerings To Increase The Uptake Of Trade Credit Insurance? · Understanding how end user requirements and criteria for trade credit insurance differ from the products already on offer · What other models can be looked at to ensure customisation and variation in trade credit insurance offerings? · Ensuring that further development can be made to increase the volume and availability of trade credit insurance Neil Ross, Trade Credit Regional Manager, AIG, United Kingdom INSURERS PERSPECTIVE

09:00 Keynote Address Mark Cooper, Director- Insurance, Reinsurance & Captives, Dubai International Financial Centre Authority (DIFC), UAE



08:50 Opening Remarks from Chairman William Clark, UK Head of Trade Credit Insurance, AIG, United Kingdom


Tuesday | 24 September 2013


Pricing Update: Ensuring Competitiveness By Demonstrating Transparency In Customer Criteria And Pricing Methodology · Recognising the factors that influence insurance providers’ decisions to provide cover: Trading history and historical debt loss; performance of trade sector and customer base; political risk; status of buyer/s · Identifying key factors that influence premium · Understanding the methodology used to issue premium rates Jef Vincent, Chief Underwriting Officer, African Trade Insurance Agency, Kenya Update On Claims In Different Jurisdictions: Understanding The Differences And Implications To Prepare Your Business · Identifying what users need to be aware of: Terminology, factors and documentation · An understanding of how policy operates in the different jurisdictions · The impact of different legislation on key points in contract and claims · How to handle disputes in different jurisdictions · Understanding cross border recourse


Chair’s Closing Remarks


End Of Conference

What Role Does Trade Credit Insurance Play In The Corporate Mindset: A Mandatory Requirement Or A Nice To Have?


Euler Hermes, sponsored in U.A.E. by Alliance Insurance since 2006, is the worldwide leader in credit insurance and one of the leaders in the areas of bonding, guarantees and collections. With 6,000+ employees in over 50 countries, Euler Hermes offers a complete range of services for the management of B-to-B trade receivables and posted a consolidated turnover of € 2.4 billion in 2012. Euler Hermes has developed a credit intelligence network that enables it to analyze the financial stability of 40+ million businesses across the globe. The Group insured worldwide business transactions totaling € 770 billion exposure end of December 2012. Euler Hermes, a subsidiary of Allianz, is listed on NYSE Euronext Paris (ELE.PA) and is rated AA- by Standard & Poor’s. For more information visit or follow us on Twitter @eulerhermes. Alliance Insurance was established in 1975, to accommodate the needs of a growing region and provide the provide the expertise in risk management and financial services. With the gained confidence of our customers, Alliance has prospered to become a leading market force. Today, after more than three decades of experiences and expansion, the company has its rightful place as one of the leading composite Insurance companies in the U.A.E. Alliance provides a complete range of life and general insurance products and services. The same skills and philosophy that built Alliance’s reputation remain in place backed by continuing commitment to excellence, and providing clients with the highest quality of service. Its team of insurance professionals design competent insurance portfolios to meet the specific needs of clients, whether they are individuals, corporations, or government bodies.


GOLD SPONSOR AIG is a multiple award winning Trade Credit insurer. We’re one of the world’s largest Trade Credit Excess of Loss insurer and have been underwriting this class of business globally for over 40 years. Our product suite goes well beyond conventional credit insurance and we offer a range of solutions for companies of various sizes. AIG is a leading international insurance company providing a wide range of property casualty insurance, life insurance, retirement products, mortgage insurance and other financial services to customers in more than 130 countries. Our diverse offerings include products and services that help businesses and individuals protect their assets and manage risks. Learn more at NETWORKING SPONSOR QBE is a leading provider of trade credit insurance. We have 40 years of experience of working with companies and helping them protect their businesses from the damaging effects of customer insolvency and payment default. A trade credit insurance policy allows our clients to concentrate on developing their business without the risk to cash flow and working capital. With a flexible, can-do approach, we don’t believe that one size fits all. We’ll tailor cover so it responds to our clients’ diverse needs; our risk team are specialists in trade sectors so they understand the dynamics of the industries and market environment in which our clients and their customers operate. In turn our clients appreciate the A+ financial security and capacity that QBE, as one of the largest global multi-line insurance groups, can offer. For more information, please visit

Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: | Web:

Workshop Day WORKSHOP A

Wednesday | 25 September 2013 08:30 – 12:30


Assessing The Impact Of Basel III On Trade, Financial Analysis And Risk Underwriting

All You Need To Know About Trade Credit Insurance: What Is It, How Does It Work And Why Do You Need It?

Registration begins at 08:00. Lunch will be served afterwards.

Registration begins at 08:00. Lunch will be served afterwards.

This interactive workshop will bring you up to speed with how Basel III will affect trade, finance and the trade credit insurance industry. Can MENA expect to be affected differently than from other regions? What is the likely impact and will there be a lag factor?

​ ith the Eurozone crisis and the recent increased political turmoil in the W region, the issues surrounding trade credit such as extended payment terms, default and insolvency have increased to the top of everyone’s business agenda.

The workshop has been tailored for directors and heads of credit underwriting, trade finance and operations to enable compliance with the new legislation. Workshop Highlights · Understanding how Basel III regulations will affect trade, trade finance and the insurance industry · Evaluating the new regulations that Basel III will introduce as well as what remains of Basel II · Understanding the impact of added element of insolvency regulations embedded in Basel III on finance industry in the region · Assessing the impact on accounting and its influence on lending · What are the key performance measures and potential constraints under Basel III and their implications? · Gauging the relative capital allocation position and impact on capital adequacy ratios · Round table discussions including audience questions Gain 4 CPE Credits 1. Upon completion of this course you may earn maximum 4 CPE credits 2. Prerequisite to attend: Working knowledge of Basel accord and risk based pricing 3. Course level: Intermediate. 4. Instructional method: Group live. 5. Advanced preparation: None required. South Asian Management Technologies Foundation is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaint resolution policy: Any complaints, grievances or suggestion regarding CPE credit may be addressed to email: Workshop Leader Arif Ahmed, Professor and Director, South Asian Management Technologies Foundation With wide experience in both profession and academics, Prof. Ahmed effortlessly blends theory with practice. He has worked in various industry verticals including banking, oil and gas, power and utilities, engineering and infrastructure. He has worked as consultant to the World Bank and been an advisor to banking institutions.

Credit insurance can be essential to ensuring a business’ continued success, whether you want to expand your business in domestic or international markets or protect your key financial accounts. This workshop will explore the risks faced with today’s trade in the region and methods to mitigate them. It will look at the role of trade credit insurance, evaluate key principles and highlight the benefits to users though interactive case studies. Workshop Highlights · Assessing the risks faced in trade and trends in credit payment terms in the region · Understanding credit insurance: What it is used for, what are the risks covered, who needs it and why? · Evaluating key principles: What is the average duration of a policy? When can the insurance cover commence? Can the credit due dates of the buyers be extended? · Understanding the claims process: Will all my claims be paid and when will I be receiving payment of my claim? · The impact of political risk: Can I get trade credit insurance protection for any country? · What are the advantages for companies to adopt trade credit insurance? · Interactive case studies with practical scenarios Workshop Leader William Clark, UK Head of Trade Credit Insurance, AIG, United Kingdom William Clark is currently the UK Head of Trade Credit Insurance for AIG in London. His career to-date has been within the Trade Credit Insurance and Corporate Banking Industry working for HSBC, Atradius, Santander, Lloyds Bank as well as AIG. He has worked in a number of Senior Risk and Commercial roles across the globe particularly within Europe and North America. He has an MBA from the University of Chicago and is currently Chairman of the Association of British Insurers (ABI) Trade Credit Committee

13:30 – 17:30

WORKSHOP C Supporting SME Development In The Region: The Role Of Trade Credit Insurance In Protecting SMEs Against Non-Payment And Facilitating Access To Trade Finance In Domestic And Export Markets Registration begins at 13:00 Trade credit insurance not only aids in gaining easy access to trade finance but also acts as a receivables management solution which facilitates trade by covering loss generated by the non-payment of a trade debt. This workshop focuses on trade credit insurance for SMEs in the region. It will provide key information on trade credit insurance particularly designed to aid SMEs with expanding business by gaining better trade finance and reducing bad debt by illustrating examples from the market. Workshop Highlights · Understanding credit insurance: What it is used for, what are the risks covered, who needs it and why? · Which countries are covered under trade credit insurance policy? · In the context of financial shortages, how does trade credit insurance aid easier access to trade finance and better borrowing?


08:30 – 12:30

· Expanding your business geographically and through more quantity: How trade credit insurance improves the current asset ratio on the balance sheet · Evaluating other benefits such as debt collection facilities as well as real time credit information facilities for the region, market, sector and business · How does trade credit insurance benefit different types of industries? · Interactive case studies with practical scenarios · Round table discussions including audience questions Workshop Leader Mahan Bolourchi, Head of Risk Management, Information and Claims, Euler Hermes, UAE Mahan has been at Euler Hermes for the past 13 years. He moved to Dubai late 2007, from Euler Hermes Switzerland operations where he was the Head of Risk Underwriting from 2004 to 2007. Currently, he heads Risk Management, Information and Claims at Euler Hermes GCC operations located in the UAE and is responsible for the GCC and Middle East regions. Euler Hermes has the largest operation of any credit insurer in the region and the worldwide leader in credit insurance. The team in the GCC are actively advising their clients which corporations in the region they should extend credit to and providing credit management advice on how to get paid during times of uncertainty.

Tel: +971 4 335 2437 | Fax: +971 4 335 2438 | Email: | Web:

23 – 25 September 2013

The Address Hotel Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE

Five Easy Ways To Register +971 4 335 2437

+971 4 335 2438

IIR Holdings Ltd. P.O Box 9428, Dubai, UAE


Please þ the session/s you wish to attend: 23-24 September 2013


25 September 2013 Workshop A -AM or Workshop B -AM


Workshop C -PM

Super Early Bird! Book by 30 May

Register Before 5 July

Register Before 22 August

Register After 22 August

Summit & 2 Workshops





Summit & 1 Workshop





Summit Only









Workshop Only

CALL: +971 4 335 2483 E-MAIL:

Conference fees include documentation, luncheon and refreshments. Delegates who attend all sessions will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

All registrations are subject to our terms and conditions which are available at Please read them as they include important information. By submitting your registration you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in full.



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PAYMENTS A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Please note that full payment must be received prior to the event. Only those delegates whose fees have been paid in full will be admitted to the event.


Delegates requiring visas should contact the hotel they wish to stay at directly, as soon as possible. Visas for non-GCC nationals may take several weeks to process.

The Address Hotel, Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 4 438 8888



If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate will be welcome in your place. Registrations cancelled more than 7 days before the Event are subject to a $200 administration charge. Registration fees for registrations cancelled 7 days or less before the Event must be paid in full. Substitutions are welcome at any time.

We highly recommend you secure your room reservation at the earliest to avoid last minute inconvenience. You can contact the IIR Hospitality Desk for assistance on: Tel: +971 4 407 2693 Fax: +971 4 407 2517 Email:

All registrations are subject to acceptance by IIR which will be confirmed to you in writing. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the programme may change and IIR reserves the right to alter the venue and/or speakers or topics.


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