April 2017 Letter

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From the desk of



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April 2017

Dear It Is Written Friend, Later this year the world will focus on one of the most significant dates in history. It was on October 31, 1517 that a young German priest nailed a strong protest against the Catholic Church to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg, Germany. Martin Luther’s protest profoundly changed the landscape for much of the world and made it possible for you and me to experience religious freedom and biblical faith in God. Without Luther, there would be no proclaiming of the Three Angels’ Messages. That October 31, Luther shook the world. This October, Luther’s influence is still immeasurable as people the world over will be commemorating his bold stand for the Word of God. Germany has devoted an entire decade to its favorite son. Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church sees October 31 this year as a great opportunity for unity. He has said, “Now we have a new opportunity to accept a common path. We have the opportunity to mend a critical moment of our history by moving beyond the controversies and disagreements that have prevented us from understanding one another.” You can see how sobering those words are when you consider the issues involved in the great controversy. The papacy’s agenda for this historic anniversary is to undo what Luther accomplished. Pope Francis’ “common path” is not a path towards the power of God’s Word. “Mend[ing] a critical moment of our history” means officially reversing what God’s Spirit accomplished through Martin Luther and those that followed him. We must do all we can to turn the world towards the beauty and power of the Bible and to the Reformation principle of justification by faith. In January, I asked you for help to produce “500,” It Is Written’s landmark, nine-episode series about the Reformation. Some time after that letter went out, a ministry supporter called me excited about the project. So excited, in fact, that they mailed a check to cover the filming, postproduction, and equipment costs for the series. And it’s going to make a huge impact.

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Now that the filming and production costs are covered, I want to ask you for your help to put “500” on television networks around the world. Air time, distribution, and syndication costs on a wide-reaching network can easily approach $40,000 for one episode. I’m asking for your help to use this historic anniversary to reach people with the truth of the Reformation. Please make a special gift today to help us broadcast these important, eye-opening messages. Wartburg Castle where Luther translated the Bible into German.

As a former Roman Catholic who came to faith in Christ through an understanding of the biblical plan of salvation and the issues in the great controversy, I know first-hand how God is going to use this series to open eyes and hearts for His kingdom. Right now, you have the opportunity to partner with us and advance this vital message—at the very time that the world will be reflecting on the issues of the Reformation. The 500th anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation presents an unprecedented opportunity: for Rome, an opportunity to erase history and officially designate the Reformation as a disagreement and misunderstanding. For God’s people living in Earth’s last days, an opportunity to proclaim the risen Christ who died for the sins of the world and lead people to faithfulness to God’s word. Please consider a special gift this month to put these programs on the air. Thank you for doing all you can to bring the light of God’s truth to a world that is retreating into darkness. Sincerely, Click the button to

DONATE NOW John Bradshaw Speaker/Director, It Is Written P.S. Later this year, people all over the world will be talking about the 500 year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. In fact, the discussion has already begun. It Is Written’s new television series “500” will trace the rise of the Reformation and God’s plan to bring the Bible to people all over the world. The cost of filming and production has already been met. Now we need your support for airtime, distribution, and syndication costs to broadcast the “500” series on networks throughout the country and around the world.

Copyright © 2017, It Is Written, Inc. It Is Written is a registered service mark of It Is Written, Inc.

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