July 2024 Letter

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July 2024

Dear Partner in ministry,

A number of years ago, God led a young man to attend medical school in his home country in Africa. When he moved to the United States and was unable to practice medicine, John studied to become a nurse. He became involved in Christian ministry and started pastoring a group of believers. In time, he became the leader of an online church.

“Now I know why I moved to Alaska. God brought me here just to hear these messages.”

Although John did not understand why, he sensed God was calling him to relocate to Alaska. John followed God’s leading, and, as he did so, he began to wonder if the Bible teachings he believed and taught to others were biblical. It was at that time that a handbill was delivered to his home, advertising Revelation Today: Hope For Humanity, the It Is Written evangelistic series conducted this spring in Anchorage and streamed to churches and groups all around Alaska.

John decided to attend the meetings, and when they were over, John told our team, “Now I know why I moved to Alaska. God brought me here just to hear these messages.” John accepted the Word of God, was baptized, and is now working to lead those he pastored into the light of the three angels’ messages!

Your support of It Is Written this month will be used to sustain evangelistic meetings in 2024. Before the year is over, we will conduct major meetings in Florida; Beirut, Lebanon; Washington; Indiana; Argentina; Puerto Rico; and numerous other places. A team from SALT, It Is Written’s school of evangelism, has just concluded a number of evangelistic meetings in Lautoka, Fiji, while also training college students in evangelism. Their efforts were crowned

God has moved in a powerful way.

with a great baptism celebration. And an It Is Written mission team has just completed a successful mission trip to Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population in the world. Understanding the importance of this opportunity to share Christ, significant preparation was done ahead of time to ensure that many people studied the Bible, developed a relationship with Jesus, and invited Jesus into their lives. I hope you will praise the Lord with me, as many, many people were baptized!

I want to share an exciting update on the Escrito Está evangelism I told you about last month: 5,200 people have now been baptized following our recent meetings in Colombia! God has moved in a powerful way. This is not the final number, as pastors are still reporting ongoing baptisms following this anointed It Is Written series.

As long as It Is Written is on the front lines of ministry, we will continue to let you know how your prayers and financial support have resulted in people all over the world coming to faith in Jesus. There will be many people in heaven who will thank you for making it possible for them to hear the message of salvation through Jesus. In eternity, not a single

A team from the It Is Written evangelism school SALT conducted simultaneous evangelistic meetings as well as evangelism training for college students in Lautoka, Fiji.

Pastor Wes Peppers led our recent mission trip to Indonesia. Planning, pre-work, medical and evangelistic efforts, combined with the moving of the Holy Spirit, have resulted in many people being baptized.

person will wish they had done less for God, done less to share Jesus with others, or given less to support the ministry of the gospel. I’m quite certain that in eternity most of us will wish we had done more, prayed more, given more, and taken more opportunities to share Jesus with others. We believe the most important thing in the world is to share Jesus with others. I encourage you to pray that God will help you recognize the opportunities He gives you to point someone to Jesus.

Your investment in It Is Written this month will fund evangelistic outreach and evangelism training. God is doing great things. I sense the urgency of the moment. I am being told by people everywhere that they feel this is the time to press forward with the message God has given us. The monumental times in which we are living are causing people to look in the direction of heaven. I thank God that as we partner together we will continue to see men and women, boys and girls surrendering their lives to Jesus and going forward to tell the good news to others.

Thank you for supporting evangelism this month.

It’s time to tell people Jesus is soon to return.

While in Alaska, I met with an extraordinarily accomplished man who had been part of a certain church for 43 years. He was attending the It Is Written evangelistic meetings, and what he learned changed his life. He turned to me and said with sincerity, “43 years of that. Now it’s time for the truth.”

I believe you agree. Now it’s time for the truth. It’s time to tell people Jesus is soon to return. It’s time to tell people there is hope for them in the cross of Calvary!

May God bless and keep you.


Pastor John Bradshaw President, It Is Written

P.S. As people all around the world are looking for meaning and hope, we have the message the world so desperately needs. Just as God led John the pastor to become part of His church, just as God led a man who for 43 years had been in another church, God is leading many others to make the same decision for heaven. Your support of It Is Written this month will support evangelistic outreach around the world. As one man told me recently, “Now it’s time for the truth.”

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