Impressions GC Edition 2015, Issue 2

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W W W. I T I S W R I T T E N . C O M




10 Evangelism in Gig City



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Mission: Mongolia


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At It Is Written we believe in the impossible. Through Christ we are promised to be able to “do all things,” and by His blessing as an organization we are able to reach people who have no hope and show them that because of His love, even the impossible becomes possible.

aspects 04

Director’s Desk


Partnership Highlight


Planned Giving


Escrito Está


Impact Edmonton


Ron Halvorsen Memorial

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Mission: Mongolia

Evangelism in Gig City

impressions magazine SUMMER 2015 ISSUE 2 GC EDITION EXECUTIVE EDITOR John Bradshaw EDITOR Annalyse Hasty ART DIRECTOR Michael Prewitt GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ariel Warren Copyright © 2015 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written and My Place With Jesus are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc. Escrito Está is a trademark of It Is Written, Inc.

connect with us BUSINESS HOURS M – Th, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EST SUBSCRIPTIONS It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006 423-362-5800 SOCIAL MEDIA



July 2 — 11


IIW exhibit at 60th GC Session in San Antonio, TX

July 23 — 25 John Bradshaw speaks at Central California Conference Camp Meeting in Soquel, CA

July 31 — August 2 John Bradshaw speaks at Michigan Conference Camp Meeting in Cedar Lake, MI

August 6 — 8 John Bradshaw speaks at ASI National Convention in Spokane, WA

September 11 — 13 IIW Partnership weekend event in Gatlinburg, TN for

See page 5 for details. September 18 — 20 IIW Partnership weekend event in Gettysburg, PA See

page 5 for details.

September 25 — 27

IIW Partnership weekend event in Portland, OR

See page 5 for details.

save the date 2015 Partnership Events See page 5 for dates and locations. October 9 — 24

Revelation Today series in Chattanooga, TN

See page 14 for details.



Director’s Desk with my husband, and he’s starting to see the light too!” Alice didn’t surrender to Jesus right away, but the influence of God’s Spirit speaking to her through It Is Written finally culminated in baptism, and in joy in Heaven (Luke 15:7). John Bradshaw Some respond to Jesus slowly, and others Speaker & Director move with more speed. Michael didn’t attend the evangelistic campaign until it uring a recent evangelistic campaign was in its sixth night, but he never missed I had the good fortune to meet Alice. another night and accepted the messages he Alice is 82 years old, and Alice had heard. Before the series ended, Michael—a recently been baptized. professional with a lot of life experience—was She was thrilled to tell me her story. urging others to be baptized. When she was 16 years old she stayed with a During the It Is Written series in faithful Christian, an older lady who taught Edmonton, a young Muslim man became the first member of his family to embrace her about the Bible, including the Christianity. The same was true for Bible Sabbath, and encouraged a Buddhist lady, and for a Sikh her to follow Jesus as her Lord “I knew that man—they stepped forward and and Savior. Alice didn’t practice what she had learned, but my time was now. left behind the religion of their upbringing because they had she kept the truths hidden in I couldn’t wait met Jesus and embraced the her heart. principles of faith in Christ. Some years later she discovany longer.” Does evangelism still reach ered It Is Written on television, people? Alice would say so. And so and she made sure to watch would Michael, and the many others every week. “I loved watching George who are deciding for Jesus every day as the Vandeman, and the messages he shared touched my heart. I felt back then that I gospel is shared. should do something about it—commit—but This is an exciting time for It Is Written. I never did,” Alice told me. Our ministry headquarters is an exciting But Alice kept watching It Is Written, and place to be. There’s a vibrant atmosphere of kept growing in her understanding of the expectation and positivity. Not only because Bible. She watched faithfully for decades, and we’ve recently relocated to Chattanooga, as the program changed through the years, Tennessee. But the creation of our new Bible her love for God continued to grow. Study Guides and new Bible School, the addiSome months ago Alice received an tion of our new ministry manager, and new invitation in the mail to receive Bible studies. initiatives presenting themselves every day—it Feeling she should learn more about God’s all makes it a great day to be in ministry, and word, she mailed the invitation back, and a great day to be involved in evangelism. before long Diana was knocking at her door. Jesus is coming back soon, and there’s no “It wasn’t long before I realized she was more exciting place to be than on the front teaching what I had learned on It Is Written,” lines with Him. Thanks for joining us on the Alice told me. “I knew that my time was now. front lines, and for praying God will use It Is I couldn’t wait any longer. I gave my heart to Written in more powerful ways than He has Jesus, and was baptized. Now I’m sharing this ever done!




Partnership Highlight

You’re invited...

to an unforgettable weekend retreat Partnership weekends are highly spiritual and inspirational. They are a memorable celebration full of fellowship, preaching, and music. We provide five catered vegetarian meals, a comfortable hotel room, and exciting stories about what God is doing through the ministry of It Is Written. A special program is designed for children as well! A Partner is an influential and vital part of the It Is Written mission. Your annual gift of $1,500 (or $125 per month) supports programs like our weekly telecast, online media, worldwide evangelistic ministry, and Christian living and faith-sharing resources.


Partnership Weekends

Gatlinburg, TN

Call 1-800-479-9056


or visit for more information or to register.

Gettysburg, PA

Portland, OR

Palm Springs, CA

Monterey, CA

Orlando, FL

Gatlinburg, TN

“I look forward to seeing you at Partnership!”

September 11–13

November 6–8

December 4–6

September 18–20

November 13–15

September 25–27

November 20–22

—John Bradshaw, It Is Written Speaker/Director



UPDATE: It Is Written Welcomes New Manager In May 2015, Dr. Jesse Johnson accepted the invitation to become It Is Written’s first Manager, joining Speaker/Director John Bradshaw and Treasurer Charles Reel to form the ministry’s administrative team. In the past, a Speaker/Director has led It Is Written with other administrative duties being carried out by a Manager/Treasurer. Now, It Is Written’s organizational structure has upgraded, resulting in increased efficiency and improved operating procedures. Keep up with more updates at



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BY JOHN BRADSHAW, Speaker/Director




n Acts 1:8, Jesus said, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” If you ever go to the uttermost part of the earth, I believe you’ll find that it looks a lot like Mongolia. Mongolia is sandwiched between northern China and Siberia, almost the same size as the combined areas of California, Nevada, and Oregon. More than half of its nearly 3 million inhabitants live in Mongolia’s capital, Ulaanbaatar, a city that has grown exponentially in the last twenty years. Once the dominant nation on planet earth, Mongolia is experiencing dramatic change. Twenty–five years ago, there were four Christians in Mongolia, just four, in that whole, vast country. Today there are 50,000, and while that might sound like impressive growth, the reality is that only 2.5% of Mongolians are Christian of any kind. Or to put it another way, 97.5 % are non-Christian. A large number are Tibetan Buddhist, some are Muslim, but precious few are Christian, and in general Mongolians know very little about Christianity.



I asked a group of young people I met in Ulaanbataar what they knew about the Bible. They had no idea who David and Goliath were or who Cain and Abel were. Only one girl was able to tell me anything about the Bible. Official numbers state that there are more Christians in Saudi Arabia per capita and also in North Korea than in Mongolia. Currently, Mongolia is very open to the gospel, and gospel workers can minister safety. Although churches don’t have the same freedoms that they do in a country like the United States, churches exist and can experience growth. The need in Mongolia is immense, and opportunities to share Jesus exist, which is why It Is Written has launched Mission: Mongolia. Over the next three years, It Is Written will be working with church leadership in Mongolia. God has unmistakably led us to share Jesus in the land of Genghis Khan, the Mongolian emperor who led the country to control a fifth of the world’s land area and a quarter of the world’s population. Mongolia is a country whose former glories are past, but whose best days certainly lie ahead. Jesus Himself said that He would not return to the Earth until “this gospel of the

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Mongolia. Sitting at 4,300 feet Ulaanbaatar is the capital city of er temperature is –13°F wint age aver the l, leve above sea

attitudes, and the boom in the mining induskingdom will be preached in all the world as try is bringing to some a level of affluence a witness to all the nations” (Matthew 24:14). And “all” includes Mongolia, a land which, 25 that, more often than not, closes people to the gospel. Many fear it will only get more years after communism ended there, is still difficult to share Jesus in Mongolia. full of potential and promise for evangelism Mongolians wrestle with a wide range of and soul-winning. serious health challenges, so medical Much has been done in Mongolia missionary work will be to advance the proclamation a significant component of the three angels’ messages. Mongolia is a of Mission: Mongolia. Churches have been built and country whose Healthcare workers are a solid church organization needed to conduct clinics is in place. Along with former glories are in community service others, It Is Written has past, but whose best centers and people who already begun evangelistic are willing are needed for outreach. days certainly building projects. Bible However, just as the doors lie ahead. workers are needed who will that were opened in Eastern conduct and coordinate Europe after the fall of outreach and train local church memcommunism soon swung back on their bers to effectively share their faith. hinges, evidence suggests the same will take So often the church plays catch-up, place in Mongolia. The country is changing rapidly, and it is imperative God’s people laboring in more difficult circumstances because opportunities to labor in markedly share His Word in Mongolia while there are better circumstances were neglected. We do still favorable circumstances for doing so. not want to neglect the opportunities God Locals report that as Mongolians stream is giving us. This is the time for a concerted into the crowded capital city they are losing mission effort in the uttermost part of the their openness and friendliness, making them harder to approach with the good news. earth. Thank you for your prayerful support Western fashions and pop culture are altering of Mission: Mongolia. GC EDITION 2015


“You are the salt of the earth…” Matthew 5:13 NKJV


ALT’s complete evangelism training program is designed for individuals willing to dedicate one semester to intensive evangelism training. Participants will learn and grow with other committed students as they attend practical, Biblebased classes and practice what they learn through hands-on outreach. SOME TOPICS WILL INCLUDE: • Awakening spiritual interest • The evangelism cycle • Creating and giving Bible studies • Answering objections & gaining decisions • How to start contagious evangelism in your home church & community



STANDARD REGISTRATION: For those taking SALT for credit: regular Southern Adventist University (SAU) tuition rates apply. For non-credit participants: $3,600 (food and housing not included). PRESENTERS INCLUDE: SALT staff, It Is Written staff, SAU religion professors, and more! LOCATION: Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, TN 37315

REGISTER TODAY Visit or call 423-236-2034

Planned Giving

Charitable Gift Annuities This information is not intended as tax, legal, or financial advice. Gift results may vary. Consult your personal financial advisor for information specific to your situation.

Would you like secure fixed payments for life? If you are looking for a way to secure your future, a charitable gift annuity is the answer. Not only will you be reaching people with the gospel, but you will receive the security of fixed payments for your lifetime backed by our promise. Now is the time to lock in a rate based on your age. To find out your payment rate and learn more about establishing a charitable gift annuity, please give us a call. PHONE 800-992-2219 E-MAIL WEBSITE



onnie and George lived in western Nebraska with Connie’s aging parents. From time to time Connie’s dad and George would buy farm land at an auction, then lease the land for grazing or wheat crops. The family loved the Lord and His work. Being in a very small town, they greatly appreciated the spiritual blessing of media ministry. In the course of time Connie’s parents passed to their rest. Soon, Connie too became very ill and realized that she might not recover. George called an attorney to quickly prepare a will for Connie. She knew she wanted to bless the work of God, so she

told the attorney she wanted to give a 150acre parcel to It Is Written should she pass. Unfortunately, she didn’t live very long. George had the pleasure of assisting that attorney in getting that 150-acre farmland into the treasury of God to reach sinners and transform them into saints of God. Rather than growing strong cows for slaughter, Connie and George’s investment is now being blessed by God to grow the family of God for eternity. God moves in the hearts of His children to return to Him some of what He has blessed them with. Connie honored her creator and redeemer with her blessings. Will you do the same?



Mission Report

impossible (adj.) a. not possible; unable to be, exist, happen, etc. b. utterly impracticable.


In Luke 18 you can read a story of Jesus talking about things some men thought were impossible. Throughout the chapter He talks with the disciples and other men, teaching them things through parables that were counter-cultural to them. After several examples and back and forth with the men, Jesus finally says, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God” (verse 27). At It Is Written we believe in the impossible. Through Christ we are promised to be able to “do all things” (Philippians 4:13), and by His blessing as an organization we are 10


able to reach people who have no hope, and show them that because of His love, even the impossible becomes possible. There are places in the world where evangelism is considered impossible. It Is Written doesn’t shy away from these places because the Great Commission tells us to go to “all nations” including the difficult places. In the last year It Is Written has held meetings in Geneva, Switzerland; Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia; and Edmonton, Canada. Work has already begun in other places for future meetings like Chattanooga, Tennessee; the Philippines; and Zimbabwe.


here are things in life that people consider to be impossible. Depending on who you are and your perspective on the world, those things can vary. Most people would say that it is impossible for a human to fly without the assistance of a machine, that it is impossible for one man to lift a semi-truck, or for a woman to grow 20 feet tall. Some people believe it is impossible that God created the Earth and mankind, and others believe in the impossible.


It Is Written also has two humanitarian projects, one in India and the other in Mongolia. The Eyes for India project allows blind people suffering from operable cataracts to again have sight and also gain spiritual blessings. In Mongolia, doors have been opened into a once communist country, into a place where nearly 98% of the country’s population doesn’t know the story of Jesus. (Read more on page 6). In all of these places there have been challenges, some more severe than others. For example, Kota Kinabalu is in a Muslim country where there is no separation between church and state. Proselytizing is consequently strictly prohibited. In addition, it is illegal for a Muslim to become a Christian. In order to comply with the laws of the land, the series was called a “Family

Education Seminar” and advertising was primarily done by word of mouth. Despite this huge challenge, on opening night over 500 people were in attendance, something some would say was impossible.

“The things which are impossible with men are possible with God” Luke 18:27. In Geneva one man heard about the meetings on the radio and decided to attend even though he would need to ride the train an hour one-way, a trip some would call utterly impractical. At the end of the series, like many of others present he took his stand for Jesus. Through the work God is doing at It Is Written, individuals who are lost in a darkness of impossible situations are shown a new life. A life that is experienced by many who are responding to the invitation to know Jesus personally. A life full of possibility. GC EDITION 2015


Escrito Está

Cuba: A FUTURE FUTURO CON OF HOPE ESPERANZA Escrito Está Impacts Havana with the Gospel Message To learn more about Escrito Está and watch TV programs and devotionals in Spanish, visit PASTOR ROBERT COSTA is the speaker for Escrito Está, It Is Written’s Spanish program. He also serves as associate ministerial secretary for global evangelism at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Silver Spring, Maryland.

“Where can I get a Bible?” the young man asked. He had been waiting to speak with me after the meeting, and was now looking expectantly with hope in his eyes. He’d never had a Bible, he said, and his greatest wish was to be able to read one. His name was Pablo, and as we talked, he told me about his desire to know more about God, about Bible prophecy, and especially about the Second Coming of Jesus. I promised I would find him a Bible. As he walked away, a woman approached me and asked, “Pastor Costa, can you tell me what you and that man discussed?” When I looked surprised, she added, “He’s my son, and until this week he had no interest in God. Since he’s been attending these meetings, he has changed completely and can’t seem to get enough.” When I told her he’d requested a Bible, she began to cry. This happened recently in Havana, Cuba, where Pastor John Bradshaw and I traveled to present a Bible-based, Jesus-centered evangelistic series focusing on key points of doctrine, something not often seen in Cuba.

The series was titled Futuro con Esperanza (A Future With Hope), which has deep significance for the people of a country who desperately need hope. From March 6 to 14, Pastor Bradshaw preached and I translated his presentations. People were on the edge of their seats— literally—not wanting to miss a single word as they felt God’s Spirit in a most powerful way. Those not sitting were standing—in the aisles, in the balcony, looking in through the windows, and cramming into the church. Every night six buses brought people from different parts of the city to attend the meetings. The presence of the Holy Spirit was palpable as John presented each message. There was power from Heaven in his words, and the people felt it. They came forward every night, making decisions for Jesus. “We have never heard the prophetic Bible message presented like this before,” said Pastor Anoldis Mato. “Many groups come to

The presence of the Holy Spirit was palpable as John presented each message. Cuba. Some bring musical programs, others share Bible studies, but these presentations are powerful, clear, and practical!” One widespread practice in Cuba is Santería, a form of voodoo which is endorsed and encouraged by the government. Pastor Bradshaw’s clear message on what the Bible says about these practices and the state of the dead made a huge impact in the hearts and minds of the people. The needs in Cuba are great. In many ways, it’s a country frozen in time and isolated from the rest of the world, but the people are warm and friendly, eager to learn more about God. Many things that we take for granted in America are scarce in Cuba. When we traveled to Cuba we were asked to bring the simplest

items—like shoe polish, toothbrushes, and even pencils so that people could fill out Bible study cards. Another rare commodity is the Bible. That’s why Pablo was so anxious to get one. Both John and I left most of the contents

Every night, six buses brought people from throughout Havana to hear Pastor Bradshaw preach.

of our suitcases with grateful people. The average monthly salary in Cuba is $18. However, more than the material need is the spiritual need of the people. They’re hungry to learn more about God, and to have hope for a better future. By the close of our meetings, we had come to love the people of Cuba, and we felt their love in return. At the close of the series, 42 precious people gave public acknowledgment of their decision for Jesus through baptism. We left Cuba knowing there is a future of hope for them, because there is always hope when God comes into a life and changes the heart. Please continue to pray for the work of Escrito Está. Right now, Pastor Bradshaw and I just got back from a country-wide caravan series that covered all the major cities of Bolivia, every day preaching in a new location. The church leaders in Bolivia tell us thousands of people are right now studying the Bible in small groups and were impacted by this event. Jesus is coming soon, and we have to tell it to the world! GC EDITION 2015




The first city in the Western Hemisphere to offer one-gigabit-per-second fiber Internet service is headed for a new kind of breakthrough.

“As we embark on our 60th year of ministry, It Is Written continues to find new ways to deliver the Gospel.” Chattanooga’s updated riverfront accurately represents this growing and dynamic city, which will host It Is Written’s global event.




rom October 9 to 24 John Bradshaw, Speaker/ Director of It Is Written, will host Revelation Today— The Mysteries Revealed series, a two-week exploration of the Bible’s book of Revelation. The event will stream worldwide nightly, except Sundays and Thursdays, from Chattanooga, Tennessee. Wait a moment… A Revelation seminar? From Chattanooga? Transmitted to the masses? By It Is Written? That sounds familiar! True enough. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the groundbreaking NET ’95 series, presented by Pastor Mark Finley in Chattanooga. Though the prophetic message and location are the same, the similarities end there. This time, the message will be transmitted in high definition exclusively via the Internet, delivering an excellent signal, free of charge, to any TV network or station who wishes to air

In preparation for the local aspect of this event, It Is Written is aggressively plowing the land and planting gospel seeds in Chattanooga—some of which are starting to bloom! We recently received this report from one of our local Bible workers: “I had less than 30 minutes until my next appointment and didn’t want to waste my time knocking on one more door. Nevertheless, I did, and Alicia invited me in and eagerly took the Bible study guide in her hand. “She said to me, ‘God has been telling me I need to get back into studying His Word. I believe He sent you to help me.’ “We set a regular time to study together, but she missed appointments and didn’t return my calls. Frustrated, I decided to check on her one last time. We connected. She told me she had been watching a channel that carried It Is Written, that she believed the programs had truth, and she had been convicted about the Sabbath. ‘What do you think about the Sabbath?’ she asked. I was speechless but inwardly doing cartwheels. I shared that I was a Sabbath keeper, and her eyes filled with tears. “Now I know God sent you to me!” she exclaimed.

it … anywhere in the world. A channel in India could take the signal, add a several-second delay, provide real-time translation, and overlay local contact information at the bottom of the screen. Even more exciting is the new multifunctional smartphone app that will allow millions of people to watch anytime, anywhere—and connect with local churches, or each other, for further conversations, study, or baptism. “As we embark on our 60th year of ministry, It Is Written continues to find new ways to deliver the gospel,” John Bradshaw said. “The app will obviously allow users to watch the program live, or at a later time, but it will also facilitate interaction with our featured guest experts. For example, I may interview an archaeologist via Skype during the program. A viewer could tweet or text us a question in the middle of the interview, and receive an instant answer,” John explained. It Is Written believes that it is such an important and exciting time for revitalizing the church’s evangelistic efforts. “We hope every congregation, and possibly every member, will utilize these resources to stream the program and offer local hospitality. All you need is an Internet connection and a screen of any size,” John said. Visit to learn more about Revelation Today—The Mysteries Revealed. SCOTT STEWARD is a freelance marketing professional. He is working with It Is Written on the public relations effort leading up to the Revelation Today—The Mysteries Revealed event in October.







Over 370,000 Bible study enrollment cards were distributed. vision program nearly six decades ago. She continued to watch faithfully over the years, but never made a decision for Christ. This year, she returned a Bible study enrollment card and began Bible studies. At the age of 83, the woman gave her life to Jesus and was baptized. Similar stories are being told all over Edmonton as a result of Revelation Today. 16


Right: John Bradshaw spoke to over 2,000 people at the Revelation Today event for Impact 2015.

Because of the work that has been done for Impact 2015, leaders of the project expect evangelism will become a much greater part of church members’ everyday lives. Pastor John Murley—who oversees all the pastors and Bible workers in the greater Edmonton area—said Revelation Today has changed the lives of church members as well as of people in the community. “This series has given us a chance to train the people of our churches to be in a spirit of evangelism—to understand the role they can play and the importance in teaching people about the love of God.” Pastor John Bradshaw, It Is Written’s Speaker/Director, reports that the Edmonton Revelation Today series was especially blessed by God. “We saw people come to faith in Christ from a huge variety of backgrounds, including Muslims, Sikhs and Buddhists. The team of pastors, Bible workers, and church members worked and prayed hard, and God has blessed their efforts in a powerful way. Evangelism is alive and well. The Revelation Today series has made that clear again!”



dmonton is the capital of the Canadian province of Alberta, colloquially known as Oilberta due to the vast oil reserves in the province. In April and May of this year, the oil of the Holy Spirit anointed Edmonton as It Is Written’s Revelation Today evangelistic series brought three years of outreach in that city to a blessed conclusion. “This city is young and affluent compared to the national average. As a result, the vast majority of folks are just not interested in spiritual things,” Keith LaRoy, Outreach Coordinator for Impact 2015 said. “Nothing has ever been done like this before in Edmonton.” The Lord blessed the effort and many people were personally touched by the work in Edmonton. One woman who attended the meetings told of how she began watching the It Is Written tele-

Pastor Ron Halvorsen, Sr. It Is Written Associate Speaker 1938 – 2015 In May of this year, It Is Written lost a friend and a colleague. The world church lost a champion soul winner. It Is Written Associate Speaker Ron Halvorsen was raised in New York City, and after a youth filled with crime and misadventure he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and became a pastor and evangelist. Ron preached around the world, and is remembered for not only his arresting, uncompromising preaching but also for relentlessly lifting up Jesus and encouraging all to accept Him as Lord and Savior. Ron had a thousand stories to tell and he told them so well, always directing people to faith in Christ. His keen sense of humor coupled with his deep appreciation for the Word of God gave Ron a unique way of finding his path to the hearts of those who heard him speak. To hear Ron preach was to be convinced that Ron loved God, and that God loved you. Over the years Ron’s ministry has been obviously blessed by God. His last fulllength evangelistic series was It Is Written’s Revelation Today series in Charlotte, North Carolina in October of 2013. Many decisions were made for Christ during that series, and the experience was such a blessing to Ron that he committed to a full schedule of ministry commitments for 2015. During 2015 he continued to look forward to resuming his ministerial duties. The first person I spoke to after learning Ron had passed away told me, “My sister had been out of the church for 35 years. A few years ago the Holy Spirit spoke to her through Pastor Halvorsen’s preaching, and she came back to the Lord. Now she’s bringing others to Jesus.” “Even so, come Lord Jesus.”

BY JOHN BRADSHAW, Speaker/Director


GUÍAS DE ESTUDIOS BÍBLICOS ESCRITO ESTÁ Easy-to-understand lessons to guide you step by step, into a deeper understanding of the Bible and God’s amazing plan for you.

BOXED SET QUANTITY PRICING 1–9 10–49 50–249 250+

US $9.99 ea. US $6.99 ea. US $6.50 ea. US $5.99 ea.


US $0.38 ea. US $0.26 ea. US $0.24 ea. US $0.22 ea.



Boxed Set • SSET25-L

Also Available in English! See page 4.

Lesson #1

Lesson #2

Lesson • SBSG02-L

Lesson #3

Lesson #4

Lesson #5

Lesson • SBSG01-L

Lesson #6

Lesson #7

Lesson #8

Lesson #9

Lesson #10

Lesson #11

Lesson #12

Lesson #13

Lesson #14

Lesson #15

Lesson • SBSG06-L

Lesson • SBSG11-L

Lesson • SBSG07-L

Lesson • SBSG12-L

14 It Is Written Resources

Lesson • SBSG03-L

Lesson • SBSG08-L

Lesson • SBSG13-L

Lesson • SBSG04-L

Lesson • SBSG09-L

Lesson • SBSG14-L

PHONE: (888) 664-5573

Lesson • SBSG05-L

Lesson • SBSG10-L

Lesson • SBSG15-L


If calling from outside the U.S. (423) 362-5786


$0.22 Each! As Low As US on page 14 See pricing lessons. for individual

Lesson #16

Lesson #17

Lesson #18

Lesson #19

Lesson #20

Lesson #21

Lesson #22

Lesson #23

Lesson #24

Lesson #25

Lesson • SBSG16-L

Lesson • SBSG21-L

Lesson • SBSG17-L

Lesson • SBSG22-L

Lesson • SBSG18-L

Lesson • SBSG23-L

Lesson • SBSG19-L

Lesson • SBSG24-L

Lesson • SBSG20-L

Lesson • SBSG25-L




John Bradshaw

Robert Costa

Mark A. Finley

Revelation Today in Spanish. How does the book of Revelation speak to today’s world and meet the needs of the modern heart? This book will help you see the beauty and power of Revelation—today!

A Light of Hope in Spanish. This inspiring book will show you how God can bring you hope in the midst of even the darkest storm.

The Almost Forgotten Day in Spanish. The true, documented story revealed in this book uncovers the facts about the most misunderstood day in the history of the world.

Book • RTSPAN-P • US $1.99 1–49: US $1.99 each 50–99: US $1.49 each 100+: US $0.99 each

Book • LOHSP-P • US $1.99 1–49: US $1.99 each 50–99: US $1.49 each 100+: US $0.99 each

HOURS: Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. EST

Book • AFDSP-P • US $1.99 1–49: US $1.99 each 50–99: US $1.49 each 100+: US $0.99 each

It Is Written Resources 15



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John Bradshaw

John Bradshaw

Ron Halvorsen, Sr.

Even the awesome power of a volcano cannot compare to the mighty power of the Holy Spirit. Join John Bradshaw as he journeys to a volcano in Costa Rica, and discover how the incredible power of the Holy Spirit can transform your life today!

Revelation is possibly the most misunderstood and confusing book of the Bible. Revelation Today lets the Bible speak for itself, and takes you on an exciting journey through the major themes of the Bible.

In meetings worldwide, Ron Halvorsen, Sr. presented passionate insights into prophecy through Bible-based messages of hope. His clear grasp of Scripture and his warm presentation style have been an inspiration to thousands.

SEEING THE VOICE OF GOD What does nature say about God? And how does nature help us appreciate the One who created nature? Join John Bradshaw as he visits a natural paradise—Costa Rica—and learn how you can see the voice of God!

DVD • RT-D • US $75.00 Audio CD • RTB-C • US $69.99

DVD • RTR-D • US $75.00 Audio CD • RT-C • US $69.99

DVD • POGSVG-D • US $14.99

THE SEVENTH DAY With Hal Holbrook

This five-part documentary traces the history of the Sabbath through the ages and around the world. Hosted by award-winning actor Hal Holbrook, The Seventh Day series features beautiful location footage, classic art, illustrative reenactments, interviews with over fifty historians and theologians, and solid biblical and historical documentation. From LLT Productions. DVD • SD-D • US $69.95

HELL AND MR. FUDGE Bridgestone Multimedia Group

MacKenzie Astin stars as Edward Fudge in this warm, thoughtful, and inspiring story of one man’s persistent pursuit of truth. As a Bible-belt preacher in 1970’s Alabama, Fudge faces prejudice and injustice as he challenges long-established traditions and narrow-minded critics. Astin’s performance reflects the wit, humor, and humility of Edward Fudge. Based on a true story. 96 minutes. DVD • HMF-D • US $19.95 SALE US $14.99

12 It Is Written Resources

PHONE: (888) 664-5573





It Is Written has set out to change the way people start their mornings by offering viewers a daily online spiritual boost. This new daily devotional program, called Every Word, is available seven days a week through the It Is Written website, iTunes, and YouTube. This series was created with busy people in mind. During each devotional, It Is Written’s speaker/director, Pastor John Bradshaw, focuses on one passage from the Bible and applies it to daily living. A donation to this project will go toward It Is Written’s streaming media lab and the production of 365 daily devotional programs per year! Order these cards today to use as an effective witnessing tool. Card • EW-O-F • FREE!




Card • EW-O-F


US $19.99 DVD • FVGCDV-D


390 full-color scripture memory cards. NKJV. Memorize key passages with the aid of colorful designs for long-term recall. Carry convenient 3.5×2" cards for review throughout the day. Let God’s words explain faith to your own heart, your relatives, your friends, and your neighbors. Memory Cards • FCSC-C • US $24.95

FOUNTAINVIEW ACADEMY DVD Join us on a musical journey with the Fountainview Academy Orchestra and Singers throughout Europe. Anchored by John Bradshaw, this production points you to Jesus, the One who alone can satisfy the deepest longing of your heart. Run-time approx. 2 hours and 38 minutes. DVD • FVGCDV-D • US $19.99

HOURS: Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. EST

It Is Written Resources 13


: vailable Also A page 2




John Wesley was one of England’s greatest reformers. Journey in his footsteps as John Bradshaw visits the historic sites that were significant in the life of this pioneer of Christian practice. Discover why followers of his teachings are called Methodists. THE MORNING STAR Learn about John Wycliffe, one of the most remarkable men in history. Don’t miss this on-location program about a light that grew to illuminate all of England, and by extension, the entire world.



John Bradshaw

The Battle of Gettysburg provides insights into the great battle of the ages: the battle between sin and righteousness. DVD • GETUB-D • US $9.99

Dr. DeRose shares practical, life-changing health insights drawn from covering the entire Gospel of Mark. This 8-week presentation series is perfect for use at a church, community center, professional waiting room—or right in your own home. DVD • HEALIN-D • US $29.99

DVD • TMSEGR-D • US $14.99




John Bradshaw

Dr. Wes Youngberg

John Bradshaw with Dr. Skip MacCarty

What does the Bible say about diet and lifestyle? Is it a big deal to God?

Discover how you can dramatically decrease your risk for cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and even reverse diabetes. No matter what your age, the concepts presented in these three presentations by Dr. Youngberg have the potential to revolutionize your health.

Two insightful interview programs with Bible scholar and author Dr. Skip MacCarty about the old and new Biblical covenants.

*This program is presented for the purpose of educating people about health issues only and should not be used in place of the advice of your qualified healthcare provider. Please call your physician for any health care-related questions. DVD • HM-D • US $9.99

10 It Is Written Resources

THE TWO COVENANTS Don’t miss this fascinating look at one of the most important subjects in the Bible. DVD • ETNCTC-D • US $14.99

Audio CD • LOLWY-A • US $14.99 PHONE: (888) 664-5573


If calling from outside the U.S. (423) 362-5786




John Bradshaw

John Bradshaw

New York City was the gateway to life in a better land for millions of hope-filled people. Today, God offers us eternal life in a better land. Don’t miss “Land of Promise,” filmed on location in New York City.

Napoleon was on a quest to dominate Europe, but he was fighting against more than rulers and nations! This program will take a look at history and prophecy and examine why Napoleon failed. Filmed on location in France.

BULLS AND BEARS Wall Street is the financial nerve center of the world, and has been the epicenter of some dramatic financial highs and lows. Does God have a plan to offer financial security in an insecure world? Filmed on location in New York City.

THE REVOLUTION AGAINST TYRANNY This program focuses on an experiment with atheism and its tragic consequences. A nation found out too late that it doesn’t pay to banish God! DVD • MFPRAT-D • US $14.99

DVD • BBLOP-D • US $14.99

: vailable Also A page 3






John Bradshaw with Scott Christiansen

John Bradshaw

Read by John Bradshaw

A frank discussion with author Scott Christiansen about the fragile state of our environment and how it relates to Bible prophecy.

In this powerful program you’ll learn how to experience authentic Christianity and the power of the Word of God on a daily basis.

Listen to John Bradshaw read this favorite Christian classic. A perfect gift for someone who is always on the road! Full book on 3 discs.

Audio CD includes 6 DVDs with 12 programs. Approximate running time is 60 minutes per presentation.

Audio CD • STC-C • US $14.95

THE COLLAPSE OF CREATION Alarming environmental trends have developed in our world. Are these issues a wakeup call to our planet, or do they suggest something more ominous? In this eye-opening program, John Bradshaw speaks with author Scott Christiansen about the collapse of creation, and what it means for you. DVD • PIDCOC-D • US $14.99

Audio CD • RP-C • US $44.95 DVD • RP-D • US $49.95

HOURS: Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. EST

It Is Written Resources 11





HIDDEN HEROES: The Story of the



John Bradshaw

John Bradshaw

John Bradshaw

Waldensians and John Calvin

The Rise of Rome

The Story of Martin Luther

HIDDEN HEROES : Peter wasn’t a very religious man early in his life, but when he became a Christian his life took a very dangerous course.

THE ROMAN ROAD : It is said that all roads lead to Rome. History and prophecy reveal that many roads still do.

A MIGHTY FORTRESS: One man stood up against the most powerful church in the world, and altered the course of history.

SHELTER IN THE STORM: John Calvin spent one more night in Geneva —and the world would never be the same.

BY THIS SIGN: Rome had a major influence on the early church, an influence which continues today.

THE COURAGE OF ONE: The story of one man’s courageous stand for the Bible, and his separation from the church of Rome. Filmed in Wittenberg and the Vatican City.

DVD • HHSS-D • US $14.99

DVD • RRBTS-D • US $14.99

DVD • COOMF-D • US $14.99

N E D L E Y H E A LT H P R O G R A M S CANCER: IS THERE HOPE? John Bradshaw with Dr. Neil Nedley


Join Dr. Neil Nedley and Pastor John Bradshaw as they talk about hope in the face of cancer in three inspiring programs. The Big C: Cancer—Dr. Nedley answers the questions: Where does it come from, how do we get it, and why is it the major cause of death in the United States today? Cancer: Is There Hope?—Discover simple and effective ways to reduce your risk of cancer. Cancer: My Enemy, My Friend—Pastor John Bradshaw shares his own personal journey with cancer. DVD • CANNB-D • US $19.99

DEPRESSION: IS THERE A WAY OUT? John Bradshaw with Dr. Neil Nedley

Discover the causes and cure of depression in these informative interviews with Dr. Neil Nedley. Depression and Its Causes: It’s probably safe to say that every American is affected by depression somehow—whether a person suffers from depression, or has a friend or family member who does. But what, exactly, causes depression? Depression and Its Cure: People of faith are not immune to suffering from depression. A committed Christian might battle depression as much as someone who doesn’t believe in God. So is there a way out of depression?


DVD • DEPCC-D • US $14.99

8 It Is Written Resources

PHONE: (888) 664-5573



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John Bradshaw with Ron Halvorsen, Sr.

John Bradshaw

John Bradshaw

Don’t miss this encouraging subject: How you can know you have the gift of salvation!

What’s behind our decaying society, the collapsing economy, and a planet falling apart? Pastor Bradshaw uses the Bible itself to unlock the mysteries of prophecy and find hope for people living in a world where Babylon is rising.

Hear the story of a man whose life began with great promise but started to fall apart. But this “colossal failure” is in Heaven right now! Receive hope through the story of this man’s life!

FROM GANGS TO GOD John Bradshaw with Ron Halvorsen, Sr.

The incredible, inspiring conversion story of Ron Halvorsen, Sr. DVD • ASFGG-D • US $14.99

DVD • FF-D • US $9.99

DVD • BR-D • US $14.99





John Bradshaw

John Bradshaw with Ken Ham, Creation Museum

What is the cost of discipleship? What is the role of Christianity in the secular world? Learn the answers through the incredible life story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Many people today believe that overwhelming evidence supports the theory of evolution. They accept that their ancestors looked like apes. Can Bible believers confidently believe in the Creation story?

NEVER AGAIN The horrible events that took place at Auschwitz revealed that history has a habit of repeating. When we look at the Bible, does the Bible suggest that sort of thing could happen again?


DVD • CODNA-D • US $14.99

John Bradshaw with Dr. Mortenson, Creation Museum

What happened in the beginning? Was there really a “Big Bang”? How old is our Earth according to the fossil record? Are science and religion mutually exclusive? Discover some answers as John Bradshaw interviews Dr. Mortenson. DVD • IBCE-D • US $14.99

HOURS: Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. EST

It Is Written Resources 9


.22 Each! As Low As US $0 on page 4 See pricing ons. for individual less

#14: BURIED ALIVE? What does the Bible say about baptism? And why are so many people being “buried alive”?

#15: LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST! God’s plan is for His people to get the most out of life, adding health and blessings to our years.

#16: REBUILDING THE TEMPLE The ancient Jewish temple revea ls powerf u l truths about the plan of salvation.

#17: THE MESSIAH AND THE JUDGMENT A remarkable ancient prophecy offers hope in a time of judgment.

Lesson • BSG14-L

Lesson • BSG15-L

Lesson • BSG16-L

Lesson • BSG17-L

#20: THE UNITED STATES IN BIBLE PROPHECY Fulfilling a unique prophetic role, America’s place in the Bible’s final events is revealed.

#21: IN SEARCH OF THE CHURCH Does God have a church today? And if He does, where can you find it?

#18: THE MYSTERY BEAST OF REVELATION No longer a confused subject, the identity of the prophetic antichrist is plainly revealed. Lesson • BSG18-L

#19: THE MARK OF THE BEAST It’s something you do not want to receive! Learn to avoid this mark and find safety in Jesus during this planet’s final days. Lesson • BSG19-L

Lesson • BSG21-L

Lesson • BSG20-L

#22: THE FALL OF BABYLON Ancient Babylon fell into ruin. History is going to repeat itself.

#23: PROPHETS AND PROPHECY Is the gift of prophecy still important today?

#24: MORE THAN ENOUGH Discover God’s pla n to bless your life with abundance!

Lesson • BSG22-L

Lesson • BSG23-L

Lesson • BSG24-L

#25: THE GIFT OF THE SPIRIT It’s the most precious gift a believer can receive— and God wants you to have it! Lesson • BSG25-L

6 It Is Written Resources

PHONE: (888) 664-5573


If calling from outside the U.S. (423) 362-5786



Young Disciple’s Truth 4 Youth DVD series gives you the tools and resources you need to present a full evangelistic program to the single most important population group we can reach with the gospel message. Evangelism Kit (Includes DVD and Songbook). T4YEN-D • US $129.95

SONGS AND SOUND TRACKS This companion recording to the Truth 4 Youth evangelistic series for children makes the music as easy as presenting the rest of the program. CD includes both a vocal and accompaniment track for each song. Every song in the Truth 4 Youth program was chosen for its spiritual message as well as its engaging melody. Audio CD • T4YCD-A • US $14.95

NATURALLY HEALTHY DVD Share these 13 fun and interactive health & lifestyle topics! Format is similar to the Truth 4 Youth program, with scripts you present combined with on-screen illustrations your audience will see. The 10-minute programs are perfect for children’s evangelistic series, VBS, elementary schools, and story hours. DVD and Powerpoint • NAH-D • US $29.95

YOUR CHURCH CAN HAVE A BIBLE SCHOOL! IT IS WRITTEN BIBLE SCHOOL Your church can now run an It Is Written Bible School. Learn how you can partner with It Is Written to reach your community with the everlasting gospel. Bible School Lesson #1 • IIWBSL-L • See table for pricing

Go online to order at


Share Lesson #1 with your family, friends, and community.


Interest sends card to It Is Written.


It Is Written sends card to the Bible School coordinator at your church. Coordinator assigns interest to church member for follow up. Assigned member personally delivers Lesson #2 and begins studies with contact.

4 5

HOURS: Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. EST


LESSON QUANTITY 100–400 500–900 1,000–2,400 2,500–4,900 5,000+

PRICE PER LESSON US $0.32 US $0.30 US $0.28 US $0.26 US $0.24

Also available in Spanish!

It Is Written Resources 7


Easy-to-understand lessons to guide you step-by-step into a deeper understanding of the Bible and God’s amazing plan for you.


US $9.99

Boxed Set • BSGSET-L


1–9 US $9.99 ea. 10–49 US $6.99 ea. 50–249 US $6.50 ea. 250+ US $5.99 ea.

Also available in Spanish! See page 14.

The new Bible Study Guides from It Is Written are a great way to share the timeless truths of God’s Word with your friends, family and community. These 25 guides are attractive, modern and easy to use.


1–9 US $0.38 ea. 10–49 US $0.26 ea. 50–249 US $0.24 ea. 250+ US $0.22 ea.

• Simple Q&A format, with answer key included • High-quality photos and artwork • Lead-in stories, abundant illustrations, and feature boxes to engage readers • Twenty-five lessons covering all the major Bible doctrines • Each lesson stands on its own

4 It Is Written Resources

PHONE: (888) 664-5573

#1: CAN GOD BE TRUSTED? In a world where trust is in short supply, is there any evidence that God keeps His word? Lesson • BSG01-L



.22 Each! As Low As US $0 on page 4 See pricing ons. for individual less

#2: SEEING THE SIGNS What are the indicators that Jesus is about to return to this world? Can we know when His return is near?

#3: WHY DOES GOD ALLOW SUFFERING? Addressing the commonly-asked question: If God is good, then why is there so much suffering?

Lesson • BSG02-L

Lesson • BSG03-L

#6: PEACE ON EARTH Although turmoil engulfs the lives of many, God offers a true and lasting peace to every person— and every society!

#7: QUALITY TIME There is a proven remedy for stress, gifted by God to the entire human race. Lesson • BSG07-L

Lesson • BSG06-L

#4: HOPE FOR A PLANET IN CRISIS Where can people find hope for life’s challenging spiritual issues?

#5: AS GOOD AS IT GETS Even though life can often appear bleak, the Bible makes it clear that the best is yet to come!

Lesson • BSG04-L

Lesson • BSG05-L

#8: THE DAY THAT DISAPPEARED Traditions are not all bad, but one unbiblical tradition threatens to stand between God and His people!

#9: THE WAR IS OVER Every human being alive is embroiled in the battle of all battles—and God promises victory! Lesson • BSG09-L

Lesson • BSG08-L

#10: THE MYSTERY OF DEATH What really happens when a person dies? Where do the dead go? The Bible provides clear answers.

#11: REVELATION’S 1,000 YEARS The millennium of the book of Revelation is clearly explained and promised with hope and blessing.

Lesson • BSG10-L

Lesson • BSG11-L

#12: HELLFIRE: WOULD GOD REALLY DO THAT? You can have an accurate understanding of hell, and a clear picture of the character of God.

#13: THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS It is history’s most anticipated event… and you don’t want to miss it! Lesson • BSG13-L

Lesson • BSG12-L HOURS: Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. EST

It Is Written Resources 5


: vailable Also A T page 9 E DVD S





John Bradshaw

John Bradshaw

John Bradshaw

John Bradshaw

Babylon Rising demonstrates that Bible prophecy can be clearly understood without speculation. An accurate understanding of God’s Word will lead you to a place of hope and confidence!

People all over the world are trying to make sense of a rapidly changing world, but even in the face of persona l trial and uncertainty, a person can find confidence in chaos.

God’s Promises will encourage you to expect God’s Word to do just what it says it will do, and will help you experience God’s peace and power in your life.

In challenging economic times, how can a person be confident about the f inancia l f ut ure? By following the principles in the Bible, you can be certain that God will provide!

Pocket Book • GP-P • US $0.99

Pocket Book • GWP-P • US $0.99

Tract • BR-T • US $0.05 Book • BR-P • US $1.99

Book • CIC-P • US $1.99

1–99: US $0.99 each 100–249: US $0.69 each 250+: US $0.50 each

1–99: US $0.99 each 100–249: US $0.69 each 250+: US $0.50 each



Sperantza Adriana Pasos

John Bradshaw

Overnight, Sperantza becomes a poker-faced young girl who must run for her life. Her heart-stopping venture will inspire your own journey, enrich your perspective on life, and strengthen your convictions.

John Bradshaw explores the Bible and discovers solid answers to the mystery of death. Inspiring, confident and hopeful— the mystery of death will be a mystery no more!

1–49: US $1.99 each 50–99: US $1.49 each 100+: US $0.99 each

1–49: US $1.99 each 50–99: US $1.49 each 100+: US $0.99 each



John Bradshaw and Dr. David DeRose

John Bradshaw and Dr. David DeRose

Discover that the Great Physician has a divine prescription for stress that will help you successfully negotiate this stress-filled world!

A common-sense look at the subject of fasting and prayer, this book provides helpful Biblical insights that will make the benefits accessible and real.

Pocket Book • DWS-P • US $0.99

Pocket Book • FPR-P • US $0.99

1–99: US $0.99 each 100–249: US $0.69 each 250+: US $0.50 each

1–99: US $0.99 each 100–249: US $0.69 each 250+: US $0.50 each

2 It Is Written Resources

Book • HPD-B • US $15.99

PHONE: (888) 664-5573

Pocket Book • MOD-P • US $0.99 1–99: US $0.99 each 100–249: US $0.69 each 250+: US $0.50 each


If calling from outside the U.S. (423) 362-5786





Ellen White with Foreword by John Bradshaw

John Bradshaw

John Bradshaw

In this increasingly secular world fewer people than ever are making room in their lives for the God of the Bible. Central to this is an attack on God’s law. But God ’s eternal sign directs humanity to the one true God, in preparation for the return of Jesus!

Demands on our time impact a person’s health, family, work, and most importantly, relationship with God. Remember reveals God’s plan to ease the pressures of life to help you flourish spiritually. Remember, and get the most out of life!

Pocket Book • GES-B • US $0.99

Pocket Book • REMMBER-P • US $0.99

This book faithfully traces the development of the greatest war ever fought—the war over your eternal destiny. Relying on the prophecies of the Bible, The Great Controversy speaks to a world looking for hope. Book • GCJB-B • US $6.99 SALE US $2.99*

5–9: US $4.99 SALE US $2.99 each* 10–23: US $2.99 each COUPON CODE 24–95: US $2.49 each GC39 96+: US $1.99 each *Offer available only until August 31, 2015.

1–99: US $0.99 each 100–249: US $0.69 each 250+: US $0.50 each

: vailable Also A DVD SET

CD AUDIO12 page

page 12

1–99: US $0.99 each 100–249: US $0.69 each 250+: US $0.50 each

: vailable Also A page 11 C AUDIO






John Bradshaw

John Bradshaw

Ellen White

John Bradshaw

Discover what God’s Word says about hell, and what Jesus Himself said on the subject. It will not only take the mystery out of the subject of hell, but it will also increase your faith in God!

How does the book of Revelation speak to today’s world and meet the needs of the modern heart? This book will help you see the beauty and power of Revelation—today!

Based solidly on Scripture and filled with the ageless principles of Heaven, this Christian classic has inspired millions in over 160 languages.

In this book, you will learn about the promises of God’s transforming power and how they can change your life today.

Book • STC-P • US $1.99

Pocket Book • UH-P • US $0.99

1–49: US $1.99 each 50–99: US $1.49 each 100+: US $0.99 each

1–99: US $0.99 each 100–249: US $0.69 each 250+: US $0.50 each

1–99: US $0.99 each 100–249: US $0.69 each 250+: US $0.50 each

Book • RTB-P • US $1.99

HOURS: Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. EST

Pocket Book • POP-P • US $0.99

It Is Written Resources 3



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The Great Controversy Book


For Spanish see page 14


It Is Written Bible Study Guides


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God’s Eternal Sign Pocket Book

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